THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1914 EVENING EDITION. ,, pT . y t yy -yp- FERRIS ENDS GUT WAGE ON SHE E WAY Governor Says Advice of Out siders Main Cause of Pro lonned Trouble Contractors on Eunene and Coos Bay Line Reduce Pay Many Man Change tnr amohmm i'itm to com nar Tim A general orucr enecunR mo HOUGHTON', Mich. .Inn. 9. Oov- l .waSlTn i?"00,.,0. TnM ernor WoodbridBc Korrls finished his cd on tho WlUnmctto Pacific Ral- i i. v .i. ......, .ii. wav between North Bend and La- diBtrlc toda an 1 eft for ha ho no Rno. has been luuod signed by ? J ni- 2t '"""".Twohy Bros, and Grant Smith. Tho at nig Rapids. 'I got what I canio for," ho saltl. new scale Is 20c per hour or $2 per day for ten hours. Tho men --mis siriKo cannot, uo semen in a - i...t fr ,- ,. vnlmi vrcek or n fortnight. I think If It,"-, "' vhich tho contractor wero left to tho miners and employ- -JJ" ts ii loelnsr price era themselves It would bo Bottled, whc tho onIor rcnchcd tho camp Tory quickly. Ills tho advice of the nt Sandpolnt twonty-flvo men re outsiders, and this Is a somowhat fllBC(, to work longer and camo to venturesomo thine to say. that lsi, " i..i nn tr Mm mil. Ilbnlf mnrn M,nn nnvlMn,. oloo l I l. . " .." .- ,.... .w.j ...v.u .... (...J ..ll V1DV, VW .prolong tho strlko.' Tho Governor said tho present was an Inopportuno time for cxocutlvo ac tion, calling attention to tho fact that tho judicial machlno of tho stato Is in full swing. Ho said ho was unwilling no Governor to do or say anything that might be construed by nny in terest as an attempt to Influence the courso of Justice. Wl 10 mm I i side. On tho samo day fifty men applied for tho Job8 mado vacant, and slnco then a constant stream of mon havo been scon working their wav to and from tho camps. Goo. Gardiner, In chargo or tno work for Houser & HoitBor, states lie had no choice In tho matter, and must reduco tho Bcalo as ordered. A largo number of men milt work on tho Myrtlo Point branch of tho Smith road recently becauso they wore forced to work In mud so deep that It took all they could earn to keep them In rubber boots and other necessary waterproof clothing. Tlicso enmo over to get jobs In the sandy soil, but when tho wages wero cut. they went on. North Bond Harbor. T I THANK WAITE DENIES I THAT III? WAS DIIOWXKII I Tho noseburg Nows says: ' Frank B. Wnlto, of Sutherlln, i enmo over this morning. A I story was circulated hero yes I tordny to tho effect that Mr. I Wnlto was drowned nt Mnrsh- field, and suffice to say that he was much surprised when con- I gratulntod by his many friends I hero todny Mr. Wnlto sava ho I ran float and consequently Is not I i subject to meeting' tho fnto of ' a watery grave Bin Steel Head Fights Way to Cook House and is Served for Dinner Swimming from tho sea right up South Inlet and through half a milo of flumo on tho Henry Sengstnckcn ranch, whore C. K. Hnrtz is operating n tlo cutting ramp, a twelve-pound stcolh'oad furnished n flno mcnl at tbo camp, according to C. K. Hnrtz, who was n visitor in tho city yester day. Tho flumo is nbout one nnd one lmlf feet squnro nnd the distance to tldowator Is about half a mile. Tho water runs swiftly to carry tho ties down, but tho big steolhcnd bucked Ills way manfully right up to tho camp, whero tho cook gleefully laud ed him nnd quickly prepared him for tbo next meal, Stoollicad havo been known to do many strange tilings, but for a big follow to fight his wny up to tho . , ... ,.,., .... ., ' cook house Is something now, nnd tho, iOtal CaSUaltlCS 1743, Willie WE HAVE RESOLVED: YEAR'S DEATH TOLL SI SEA FIRST -ADDITION TO MARSHFIELD (1 ) To grade ninny more streets in Pirsfc Addition. (2) To extend the witter system. (3) To ninko First Addition the most attractive residence property on Coos Bay. (4) To get 150 families located in First Addition before 1915. YOUR RESOLUTION? Have you resolved : (1.) Toquit paying rent? (2) To share in the coming era of prosperity? (3) To buy a lot and build a home? (4) To investigate First Addition lots with all this in view nt your first opportunity? PIRST ADDITION TO MARSHPIELD Large lots with city conveniences. l?ight prices. Easy terms. Inducements to builders. Reynolds Development Co. (OWNER) ITS Central Ave. l'honc 160. cook served him up with tho proper nnuro In an offort to do his host to lfonor tho visitor's memory. OH IPCP pninrnT UU WU Number of Vessels Lost Is Only Sixty-nine. WASHINGTON, I). C, Jan. it. Out of n total or 1713 ensunltlos nt sea during the fiscal year ending .1 uno :to Inst, tho highest In tho his- itory of tho life-saving service, only ii!t voskoIh wore lost nnd "It por- Jmdiib drowned, according to tho an- DO YOU use your telephone to advantage? WHY NOT? It is cheaper to talk than to travel, We have toll stations in Coos and Curry Counties and connect with the Bell System at Roseburg, Coos Bay HomeTelephone Co. Main Offlco. Mnrshilold, Oregon. rlBREAD iS'fei mtiiAi) mar and good, pure, wliolosott, lshlng bread makes bori n nnd healthy. Our bread liui tho finest hnrd Winter ft kind thiit rotalns tho nut gluten and phosphates. Cow, ly it Is rich In nutrition, uii soltttoly puro in every pirfs baking nnd hnndllug. Andii, costs but llttlo money. Coos Bay BaU Tbo ilnco for goAl gofthl Mnrht Ave. PhKi'J ,1 I Inunl report of S. I. Klmbnll, gen i I frnl superintendent of tho sonlco. ( which hns Just boon mado public. ' Through tho efforts of the ser- 1RECTOR KENTON ANNOUNCES vice. vobhoIs anil tholr curgoos vnl-l mS''SuNDAY "iSi'Slfv U" ,U :'-S:o' ro "v.d. The! AT .MASONIC OPERA IIOUSi:. ' (r,nVH r tho "orvlco, with tho ns-1 Director It. N. Kenton of tho Coos Hay Concert Hand todny iiuiiouuced jHlstnnco of revenue cutters nnd wrocklng vessels, assisted 1.1GI vos- din fiilinwini' iiniLTiim r,n tim u,i,. els. valued, with tholr cnricoes. nt lnl imifnrt u'lilnli ulll lm t.K'.ni i.O!t l!t.1 fiiul fiiii.i r. t fi O .... 1 Sunday afternoon nt 2:30 nt tho hoiih. Tho crown also warned 182 S!r.rleii",,.80.:.... .ro,vertlV,880,B !,H,t V """ Overture "William Toll" . . KobhIuI lnKrs, practically nil of this work Celebrated Minuet I'aderowskl being douo nt night. It also ex- fur ring Selection from "Tho Firefly." i persons to nnd from ships to slioro Prime "lid caring for Injured officers nnd Now Grand Fnntnslo "Homo, Sweet Homo tho World Over". .I.umpo lly reiiuest. , March "Our Director" Hlgulow.iuoro than two-thirds of all tho Stnr Snangled llnuuer. norsoim Kxnosed tn dnnirnr fmni Mm I son bolng on board this class of uuicunuou .iiiuuei rniiorowsKi iitiuiK none iu uigui. u also ( Unrltono Solo Third Air V.irlo jtendetl aid to 28S vossols by fi "Tho IMmejyxj' .... . orlswold nl8lllllK olllorROI1Py ,, pnrry mon. Of tho total of accldonts, smnll motorboats compilso C8 per cent, THE WIRELESS, TWIN SCREW STEAMER SPEEDWELL SAILS FROM BANDON FOR SAN FRANCISCO, SAN PE DRO, LOS ANGELES, RED0ND0, LONG BEACH AND SAN DIEGO. Tuesday Noon, January 13th See HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Marshfield Acjent. I ICQUII'PKI) WITH WIIHCIiKSS. Steamship Bf6akwat( ALWAYS O.V TI.MU SAILS TltO.M .MAItSlini:!.!): SAT., .IAN. :i, I p. 1,1. SAT., .IAN. 10, 7.:i() u. in. SAT., .IAN. 17, JiJ.iM) p. in. SAT., .IAN. 21, T.ilO a. in. SAT., .IAN. Ill, 1 (.()() ii. in. SAILS Kit (MI POIITMB TL'ICSDAV, JAN. 0,8 th:siav, JAN 13, 8 TL'i:SHAV, JAN. 20, 8 TL'ICSDAV, JAN. U7, Tlcketa on sale to all KaMl-rn M)Iiun jiimI liiforinntloii ns to uiKl r;Mes cheerfully furnished. Phono Main II.I-L. . L. STUIILIXO. 14 iiiKKi:m:.cK in woimcing nouns craft. Tho danger In unskilled handling of small ploasuro craft thus I. ..I.n..... ... !.. ... 1.... A iniiii'B working dny Is olglit '" ", " '" "" u,''"1' linnr m i,...iv ..,-.i.iu .....Uf .rifl rl1" 80 f power boats Instend perfectly 21 hours to keep him fit of ,,,e ' "' ,', I roc .oniineuded by the showing that of 1-tOflG persons endangered. 274S wero) rnspimil In Hut nnu'ni linntn ! NOTICK OK KINAIi Sirn'LK.MKNT. Notlco Is hereby given that tho un dersigned i:ecutor of tho estnto of Itobert llooke, deceased, has fllod His final account in tho mat ter of tho estnto of the said deceased with the Clerk of the IN TUB COUNTY COUHT OK THK County Court of Coos and Stnto of' STATIC OK OltKGON, IN AND KOU ' Or gon. and tho llonornblo Judgo! for eight hours' work. Wonk, soro, lunctlvo Uliluoya cannot do It. They must bo sound and healthily active nil tho time. Koley Kidney Uills will innko them so. You cannot tnko them Into your Bystem without good results following. Owl Proscription Pharmacy. Opposite Chandler Ho tel. Krnnk 1). Cohan. Phono 71. Coquille River Coal 21 00 Pounds Clean Coal to the Ton Guaranteed Price, $5.50 COOS COUNTY FUEL CO. GEO. A. BAINES, Offlco open until HUH) p. in. Phono 181-L. J8 liromhvuy So. S. S. ALLIANC) EQUIPPKl) WITH WIRELESS. SAILS FROM PORTLAND POU COOS BAY MONDAY, JANUARY 12, AT C P. ROUND TRIP, $18.50. Coniicctioii with the North Hank Road nt Portland. North Pacific Steamship Company. Phono 1 1. c. K. M'GIWnG&Jgl THE COUNTY OK COOS. In tho .Mutter of the Application of William George Kingston for Leave to Change Ills Name to William G porno Gamble. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Notlco Is herob) glun thut William thereof has set and annolnted Mon day, tho 2nd day of Kobrunrj. nt tho hour of 10 o'clock a. in., for tho lumr-1 ing thereof, nnd any objections thereto and for tho settlement thereof. Dated nt Marshlleld. Coos County, George Kliigntim has tiled . petition Oregon, this 20th day of Oecombor. urnyiug that his name bo cliaucod, U'lJ from William George Kingston to William George Gamble and that tho hearing of mild nctlttou bo had at tho Court hoiike at Cocjullle City, Coogi J. T. HALL, attorney for County, Oregon, at 10:00 o'clock A.I"B wxoeinor tuereor. ROUERT G. ROOKE, Eecutor of the otnto of Uobort Itooke, decoasod. M. Kebruary 2nd It) I I, to show eausu, If any, why said petition should not bo granted, and all persons hn lug objections to the granting of tnld petition are required to nppoar before this court nt that time. Hated this 30th day of December, 1913. JOHN P. HALL, County Judge. (KIrst publication, Jan. 3, 1914.) (List publication, Jun. 31, 1914.) KIrst publication. December 20. 1913. Last publication. .Kumars M. 191 1. A1TER JANUARY PJ, WE WILL HE AT HOME IN OUR New Quarters at 130 North Broadway ACROSS THE STREET KROM "GOLDEN RULE STORE" THE RETTEK TO SERYE YOU. Coos Bay Tea Coffee and Spice House Phone till I. . i8i .Market Avenue. S. S. REDOND0 SAILS POtt SAN PRANCISCO PROM MARS1 FIELD MONDAY, JANUARY 12, AT 9:30 A. San Francisco office, 805 Fife Hldg., or Lombard St. 1'lerJ '' Inter-Occanlc Trnnsortation Co., O. F. McGeorge, Agt., rlc,l TimesJWant Ads Bring Results SCANDINAVIAN DRUG STORE Solicits a ohniv tf your patronage on tho basis of good goods, reasoiiahlo prices and ntiM'actor) treatniciit. THE SCANDINAVIAN Central Avenue, DRUG STORE. Russell Illdg. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurant! TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT COM HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager M FARM, COAIj, TIMIJER AND PLATTING TiANDS A SPECU1?1 SIARSHFIELD OFFICE, PnONE U-3. uuyuiijLii; uiTY OFFICE PHONE ivu nrwr r t rr r w- n . m j-w . n a .-. ... . . . -- m 4 W xxic itixuuu ruu-XXIUKAl'llINU AlSSTlfAlr UUJU.-"- I HaTo photographic copies of all records Coos Cou v abstracts of titles, present owners, or any other Informant 10 reai eaiaie xurnisnea on snort notice. ., phMi BUSINESS OFFICE: 117 North Front St., Murshfield. I'D W. J. RUST, Manag, rvai