THE MAN WHO WORKSBY THE CLOCK WILL NEVER BE THE OWNER OF THE CLOCK OI00B Sau tm?s TIIK WOMEN who iciul Tlio Times know they can find tlie m'1 "f ,l,c ltcst l,,IhhIs s u-ll "H M0 l,c,VH r hc ,,eHt ,,0" lC of tl '"' THE MERCHANTS ulio advertise in The Times know they reiit'li tlio best people In the city Mho Insist on the liest news of the city. MKMHEH OP THE ASSOCIATED I'ltESS .. vWWII Established 1878 VOL AAAVll. as Tho Coast Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1914 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGE& A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall NO. 147 mid Coos Hay Advertiser. TO T IT OF EH ENTIRE DEFENSE FORGES T K OPERATORS IN CALUMET STRIKE LMBH00MMMaNHHMMHHP- i if AFIIICA iS IBILIZIi I S DM i I I Uprising of Thousands of Na tive Laborers in Mines Feared by Whites LABOR LEADERS ARE ARRESTED EARLY TODAY Seven Natives Killed and Thirty-Six Wounded in Fiflht With Overseer IIKVOIA'TIOX THREATENS Ur Ao !(' '" ,0 Co0' nty Tlm"' I'UKTOItlA, Jan. 10. Tho conviction Is growing horo thnt llio government of tlio Union of South Africa Ib fnccil with n sit uation moro In tho nnturo of n revolution tlinn on ordinary strike, whllo tlio four that tlio trouble may Hproari to natives In tlio (llnmonil country Ih caus ing a imnlc nmoiiB tho women In outlying districts. Secretnry Haln of tho Trades Federation this morning Inform ed tlio workorH t Johannesburg Hint tomorrow's mnBH meeting will ho of greater Blgnlflenneo in tho world than tho Fourth of July Ward, nnothor official of tlio Trades Federation, thront- i cned retaliation ror tno govorn , ment'B arrest of tho moil's lend i ers. , . I Tlio hody of citizens I ecctns to bo wholly on tho slilo I of tlio govoriimont. Tho eltl i Tens' defeiiso forco Ib being mobilized with marvelous rap idity, men swarming Into this city and Jobnuncslturg to Join their respective regiments. All strategic polntH nlong tho rail roads linvo been occupied liy de tachments of troops and ovory possible iireenutloii has been taken by the (minorities. 0r AmwUHxI I'itm o 'o Ki Tlm.1 CAPE TOWN, Jan. 10. Tho cntlro dcfciiBlvo forces of South Africa, In cluding tlio regulars and tho citi zens' reserve, nro being mobilized for the protection of property which tno government bolloves to bo threatened uy tno rat way siriKe. imiru iui of nn uprising of thousands of tho nntlvo laborers In tho mines. Some further arrests of labor load- or wero made today. Among thorn wcro President Connorlln nnd Socro- tory Dawson of tho Hallway Mon'fl execiitlvo commltteo and Buckley nnd R Icy, members of tlio cxccutlvo com- mlttcc. si:vi:v xativi killki). WouiuuTH, DNputo Over Hilling or Worker t Ao.i.ti ii. i. c... iu) Timw.i Thli tnr JAGKHSFONTHIN, Jnn. 10. Sev en nntlvo tnlinrni-H In tlm illmnond mines were killed nnd thirty-six woro! wounded In the course of nn nttnclt today a few whites also suffered Injuries, The trouble hnd no con ncctlor with the railway strlko, but arose over a dlsputo over tho death of a Ha8iito which was snld to havo resulted from a kick of tho whlto oveneer (HMiiio (l,u:i out. Pniflniiiatlim CnlN Cltle"M To l)e- fend I'olors at Pretoria. ISj Ai'o nit inl to cooi ny Vlmn.l PUKTOUIA. Jnn, 10. A proclama tion calling tho 00.000 mon of tho Citizen's DofeiiKO Forco to tho colors v.'as issued today. , HOIIHKIt IS CAUGHT. JurRcns Who Held Up Draln-Coos ."")', Ktgo Is Captuml. I OSKlil'iKj. or., Jnn. 10. Pros- f5" "JB Mtorncy Urowu Is informed th Jurt'' ns- wh escaped from too Oregon pinltentlnry, wns captured "' " "ii"nv irom snioin. Jurgons s picked up near Urooks, n fow miles n rtb n Salem. Jurgons wns nn Vi Rr? ,rr yPi,r t0"n ff lioldlng ffnv t m"'1 '8 I1Uy Stl,K0- l" c01"- o v S ? r ' '' J',OBtor. nnd robbing Lm.IUrr ,"(1 VVl- Hwrclmrd, two "fmberioi'-.. Brand Jury. ''H.r. 11WKUI PTC V PKT1TIO.V. U1I.. Tail m Tlin .Tnamin. son ,v U(i-.eburg, hag Hied a " n In bttnkruptoy in ' "t- The admitted In y " -'57, wiyi Mst of TO'nn tip )r dt Tit. ,i h cap, ii T, , K ip 1 ' Dr. Reynolds, who 1 'i' re from Medford, in the Coke build- I!been arranKed from MaraltfleM. 'S&uSfiS -mui yetteruay. . Ldil feu. i coin , 'Hi 2J i ?m t rc-n selected to fill A)ll6 vCUy, C?Uac"' 1 taat he had con-i "! meniiari nt dial ' members of the able ' 'H HlOtln -nt n ml). "naiJate to fill the vacancy. Inlet, arrWJ'. Catching u,De for a brief bualness visit. NO PENSIONS ARE ALLOWED County Allowance to Bandon Woman Cut Off Other Applications (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Or., Jan. 10. Judno John F. Ilnll in Count v r?nnrf ti.iu week did not Increaso tlio 'niinilmr of mothers' pensions In Coos County In fact, ho lessened tlmm i.v me pension or l) per month nl- ijiwoii ny .Airs, unl Morse, of Han don Was (HscOlltlllllnil nivlnr. t Mrs. Morso having been nllowed n govoriimont position. The npkpllentlon or Mrs. WeokB of Coqullle, for n pension was de nied. Tho application of Mrs. Corn Oil key, of Lnmpn, wits continued. Sho asks for $22.50 por month. 'An application for a pension for Mrs. West, of North Ilend wub re ferred for lnestlgntlon. Man Who Stabbed Lame Shoe maker Wins Appeal on His Word Alone (IIT AmotIXM I'itm In Coo Mar '. Imva. STRAS8IIURG, Germany, .Inn. 10. Colonol Von Routor and Lieutenant ScllIU, of tlQ 99th ifnntry. wcro nc- ,,nted today by tho court ninrtlal wheh trk,,, tll01 on t.mrKea arising 0,u. of tho ,.ccont v0ollt nc(lentB ,olweoi, tll0 military and cltlzena at jnborn jjou'tohnnt -Ilajron Von Foratncr W0I1 ,,8 ,,, bcforo tho Becon(, court ,,.. ii ncnlnst tl o sontonen of forty-threo dnys Imposed on him Do- cuiubor iy for sabering a Initio shoo lltlllrnH ta nil Ilk H Itafnl.. I I. A ...lllijih.a I iiiiinui. in nn mil iiiiiih mo in iiiiuij-. icoM'nXffi , MvMh witnosses totil""on of l" Llvllll witnosses. Typewriter Salesman Not In dicted on Biqamy Charge Alleges False Charges P. I). Chamborlaln, tho h. C. Smith typowrltor ngont, who wna nrrested sovornl weoks ngo In Portland on tho chnrgo of bigamy, being licensed of marrying a waitress from tho Chand lor Hntol when ho had n wife In Port land, Mo., has boon freed by tho Port hind grand Jury. Chamborlaln's nrrost camo as a groat surprise) hero ua ho is woll BRUTAL OFFICER IS ACQUITTED chamberlain; is released known throiiKhout this section. whero;TnBSninn whlch wont 8,loro near ?llT";.y!!:ni !!!?.ft WZ Thursday island but was afterward ....... ... ..... n. " ""' " "" vi iiiu uiiurHva UKiiiimi mill wuiu wuiiiii od up by n business competitor. Ho snys ho will suo tho partlos responsi ble Tho Portland Tolegrnm says: "A not truo bill waa also returned In tlio enso of Phil Chamborlaln, a travollng mnn, who was oxnmlned on tho chnrgo of bigamy." IIAXCKS. mu .,..( ,i r M. .o..l.a !... the Coos'llay Coiioert Hand will be) "lu iw.m iiiito 111 inn v , Kivou amuraHy uveuiUH. jHiiajr 11, at the Eagles Hall. Thin evenlnK a number of Marsh- flalil ami North RkiuI ueonle will attend a dame given at the Sumner itnviuB thlvenlu, in the Finnish Hall. ,,,., Vtmalmil jud-e John F. Hall CoquiHe this week closed up the to the three tru.te'es named by Mr. Ve r ,, h. wl1 They tre w Bf L".f '""'" .".':' .;..i.. I L. Ferry estate, turning it over Curtis. IS. A. Anderson and Mrs. Cur tls. The ostate was appraised at over ?SO,000 and Is equally divided among the three children, Mrs. Jac obs of Spokane and Georgo and James Ferry of Marshfleld. Subpoenas Being Served on Coos Bay for Witnesses at Special Session In preparation for tho special ses sion of the grand Jury, which will convene at Cooulllo on Mondnv. Hon. stable Cox Is servlnc Bubnocnna In Marshflold and North Ilend today on thoso who will bo called as wit nesses in mo Boverni cases to bo con sidered. SubpoenaB arc being served today on Messrs. Rotnor, Mntson, Mcndol ami Dlllnrd as witnesses In the Charles Spencer forgory case; W. G. Horreo, In tho caso of .Miller, hold as being Implicated In tho Myrtle Point bank robbery: Mrs. Painter, In tho en bo ncnlnst Tom Brownlco. and Frank Rogers, Elmer Parkin son and Merle Holdcu, In tho en so tf ,MrH' Iotl, Capplous, charged with Ishootlng nt Parkinson with Intont to kill With tho exception of Urownlec, nil tho rest of thoso charged nro In detention. Iirownlco was Inst scon enrly yestordny morning, but after the wnrrant was sworn out for hid nrrcst on tho ehargo of lewd cohab itation, he hns sluco disappeared and efforts to find him havo been unavailing. BIG HARDWARE I llf AxlIM I'itm to Corn llr Tlmn.) NORWICH, Now York, Jan. 10. i-iuicu, miner k i'iuilu, u ti,uuii,uuu hardware mauufacturliig corporation, was plnccd In the hands of a Feder al receiver today. TEN ENTOMBED BY EXPLOSION Foreman and Nihe Men Buried in Coal Mine at Bir mingham, Alabama l!r Auorltl! I'itm In Coo njr Tlm.; IHK.MINGHAM, Jnn. 10. An ex plosion In the seventeenth right on- frv ,if llwt llnnlr Pnutln mlfioa nt tUn .. " . 'T' ,,ClmI'ng !! W. . Qunrles, tho mine foreman. It o 8 ,0llOved nil are dead. , a i)aVB creok Coul company this mom CRITICALLY ILL Mme. Lillian Nordica Stricken With Pneumonia on Thurs day Island, Queensland Jlly Amu, Prtii to Coot Ily Tlmw.J NKW YORK, Jnn. 10. Mmo. Lil lian No nil en, tho famous sliigor, Is In a critical condition with pneumonia on Thursday Island, Queensland, ac cording to a cablegram recolvod to day by her husband. Frlonds hero nttrlbuto her Illness In a measure to tho strain sho underwent recently In t li r?rmimlltw if lln Tlltilt atnnninn llonted I PERSONAL OVERFLOW iioss visitor In tho city today, JOHN HAYDI3N, of Catching Inlot, Catching Inlet this morning on tho Wnt-Tn-Waso. WILL IKKWOUTH wns nmong tho visitors from ncross the bay to rt RJ'. MRS. IHLIH7RN cmo across tho bay today on n short purchasing trip. " .Mii luiiio i i. mo 1110 umr inrtav nil n liiialiiaiiu vlall tn i"8yh ,,!. " FKKD MES8KRLM. or Catching In let, was & business visitor in Marshfleld today. MP8. L. WIRTII rame across from the Creamery this morning on a brief sbonnlner tour. MRS. HARRY RI'SSBLL was down fronj Catching Inlet this rooming on a shopping tour. MR. AND MR8. HARVEY RUB PELL, of Catching Inlet, were visitors In the cltr today. HERBERT COOLBY arrived in Marshfleld this morning for a brief visit from Catching Islet. MR. AND W. N. MOHLEY ware among tbe shoppers in tho city today from across the harbor. J. A. WARD was among tho visi tors in Marshfleld today from tho Creamery on tho other sido of 1 ASSIGNS FI Has Over One-Third More Coos County Subscribers Than Any Other Paper Tho Coob May Times was yester day selected as tho official county paper for the ensuing year by the Coos County Commissioners, having vy uir mo largest numuor or sub scribers In tho county. Tho Times had In excess of 1700 subscribers In Coob County alone, whllo tho next nearest was a little over 1300 sub scribers. 0;i tho county notices, tho Com missioners awarded tho contract to ti Marshflold paper at two and one- nair cents por lino, which Is oho half tho regular rate. These no tlcs wore offered tho Times nt tills rate, but wero refused hv Tim TlmeB. Tho Commissioners also continu ed tho question raised about pub lishing the dollnquent tnx list. Itoad District Contests. Judgo John Hall returned today from Coqulllo, where ho adjourned tho anuunl session of County Com missioners until next Monday. During tho past weok tho Commis sioners established now votlnir nro. ducts, increasing tho number in tho county from thirty-nlno to flfty-slx. mo judges and clerks of election will bo nnnolntcd next week for Mm ensuing two years. Itoad supervisors will also bo se lected next week. F. P. Norton will probably bo rc-nppolntcd In Mnrsh flold nnd Perkins nt North Hond, as thoro nro no contests. There Is n lively contest nt Uandon. Oeo. Cox seeking tho plnco held by A. J. Counts nnd residents of McKlnlcv are making n vigorous fight on Snm jstotit. the present supervisor, J. D. Cllnkonbcnrd of Sunnier, re. fuacB re-nppolnttmont nnd Walter Spado will probably bo nmncd. PLAN TICKET Idaho Bull Moosers Going Af ter Every Office Available in That State lly AuoiMlrd I'rm to Coo Hoy TIiiim. IlOISU. Jnn.- 10. Tho Idnho Pro gressive stnto central commltteo to- dny passed a resolution to nut full stnto nnd congresslonnl tickets In tho Hold and mnko nominations for ovory office from United States Senator to constable SYLVJA GAINS Suffragette Freed When She Collapses From Hunger Strike in Jail Jlly Auocltled Prf to Coot Dy Tlmn, LONDON, Kngland, Janunry 10. Slyvla Pankhurst in a stnto of col lapso iIb tho rosult of a week's hun ger strike, was released from Hollo way Jnll today. Sho has been a prls onor slnco Junuary 3, when sho was arrested in tho east end of London. PKRSO.Y.Uj OVKItFLOW. ARTHUR HOLMES was among tho passongora arriving in tho eltv this morning on tho Wnh-tn- Waso. the bay. W. J. KING nnd his mothor, Mrs. King, woro visitors today In Marshflold from tho vicinity of uie urouniory. ALFRED AND JULIUS GUNNELL woro among tho passengers arriv ing lioro this morning on the big Inuneh Wnh-Ta-Waso. JOHN FANSOM was among the passengers arriving in the city for the day on the launch Wnh- Ta-Waso. One Drunk Fined. Dan McCor- nilck, arretted for being drunk andi disorderly on the streets, was brought before City Recorder Bn )er this morning and assessed IB1 for the privilege. T I DR. OEORQE E. DIX has reserved a passage on the Redondo on Mon day and will leave for San Fran cisco In an effort to regain Ms health. He has been up for several days, but- Is still feeling considera bly under the weather. L. D. SMITH returned yesterday from a trip to Coqullle Valley points. He-recently had a letter from Oeo. Baals, a former well known Coos River rancher, who now lives at Grldloy, Calif., stating that his family had boon under quarantine for Bomo time, PROGRESSIVES E PROFITS SAID TO BE LARGE Investigation Shows Average Wage in Calumet District Is Very Low Wjr A"ocltTil firm la Cocrt Dr Tlmrn.t WASHINGTON, 1). C, .Inn. 10. Tho profits of tho Calumot &, Hecla company, which employes moro tlinn Michigan copper district ' wo char- nntnrlznd nn i.vronm1v 1iri?n In (hn report on tho copper strike submitted ,X" "r ?'," ."Tf , ' tt .no today to Secretary of Labor Wilson ????? f.0"" '. ,?Ltho offlcor8 b by Walter II. Palmer, Investigator of ,n ,,lJl,1r ',y 8U".tr8;, , ., tho Department of Labor. , ,,,,,H ' V" ' ,!,,,,c' Palmer reported that the general1, ,inn .Tr,f tJ1, 1,1nv"W,t" average of dny wages paid by all, " "' ,nl g " .0l'ny ' """ t,'IW0'Lk companies throiiRhout tho year was f, '"r "" l?ln ' f Jo n; 12.59. Somo of the smaller com., panics, ho declared, were operating at a loss. Up to tho present strlko tho general work day wns ton to eleven aours, and some of tho miners wcro pnid as low as $2.35 a shift. Somo other clnsscB of labor wero paid as low aB $2.00. E DECLARED OFE (ny AuckUIM rrrtt to Coot nr Tlmn. SliJATTLK, Jan. 10 Tho strike of tho coal minors nt the Itonton mine of tho Pugot Sound 'Traction, Light & Power company, for tccognttlon of tho union, was declared off today, tho men being completely dofented after a strugglo lasting eighteen months. Or the 300 men who struck 100 remain In Ronton. Thcso will bo taken buck by tho company. (Or AMOdulM rrr.f lo root tlar TlrnM. TtnRTnV. Mnna Inn 10 1'hn state Biiiu-oina court today upheld tho constitutionality of tho statute which compols employers ndvortlslng for nolp during labor troubles to stuto In their advertisement that a strlko exists. AT (Special to Tho Times.) RIVERTON, Or., Jnn. 10. -J. 'A. Ilnlleutyno, a miner In McGeo's coal nilno, was ser iously Injured In a nilno acci dent horo this nftornoon. Ho I wns cnught between tho top of I n enr and roof at u low plnco I In tho shaft nnd body badly I crushed, injuring his buck and I log nnd broaklng somo ribs. Tho I full extent of his Injurloti cnu I not ho nscortnluod nt this time. N MUST EXPLAIN STRIKE EXISTS I 0 II. K. I1ULTMAN, who wont to San ,!' morning nnij Judge Hull return Francisco with othor mombers of e.l homo to Muyshfleld until tho be tho Coos Hay Outing Club on the IkIhuIiir of tho week. He stated that Redondo about three wwka ago. I considerable routine business i,f tho returned on the steamer today from I 0"Mtv llttu ue bandied nnd ibnt the-California metropolis. He r-.!"Jourmneut would be taken for ports that the New Year eolebrat1oH , ,m,orm out Tues-lay at noon In the Bay City was a "corker." I , r,ie wof" "' '' taken up on Mon ndlll. J. KIMBALL left yesterday for , f " i peiwnoii or as Portland, where he will spend a J " rk" of the eountv -it, i t- week or so with his oartner. Thos.i8tate. election, choosing of roa.l ,.i II. Bradshaw. to determine what they S? -!.'? i u lrJ R,",,,I' u' ' k will do about marketing the new1?! nmiIL,"'I.!J,e b.1?K" an'' u" " '"' gasoline engine which they havo pateuted. T'e tnglnn has been un der test .it Portland for several months and promises to iqake them millionaires. RBV. R. E. BROWNING returned from Gardiner yesterday, where he as been conducting services In St. Mary's Episcopal church. While at Gardiner Rev. Browning visited the S. P. tunnel camp at 6 mile iako and found good progress In tho wok there undor Englnoer nidolfo. Ho will hold sorvlcos horo Sunday at tho regular hours. Serious Charges Are Made Against Mine Owners by Government Officials STRIKERS SHOT ON LITTLE PROVOCATION lr-!..J n i i ij rinu ouiku DieaKurs imuuiiuu and Taken to Mines at Pistol's Point llr AnoflKtrit I'itm to Coon !IT Tltnr. WASHINGTON. D. C, Jan. 10. Tho report of tho Dopnrtmant of Labor's Invcatlgatlon of tho Michigan copper Btrlko declares thnt strike breakers wero Imported Into tlio cop per region by misrepresentations, that somo .wero taken to tho mines troSuo'd' WS'l .WerO WOlllldOll by flrennilS In tllO , . . '.. ,' , ' ,' .,..,."'""," of Labor, and John A. Moffltt. snoclnl ngont, who later wero sent iib medi ators. Secretnry Wilson today declined to say what the next step In tho de partment's participation In tho situ ation would be, hut Intlmntcd that tho report of tho Investigators might become tho basis of n proposed Con gressional Investigation. Conciliation Attempted. In connection with tho efforts ot tho Department nt mediation, tho re ports of Moffltt nnd Densmore. who acted ns commissioners of concilia tion nt different times, n'.iow that suggestions woro mndo thnt tho ni""o gors of tho companies meet tho repre sentatives of tho miners with' n vlnw to effecting n mutunl s)ttlemont, that 1 no wuoio nucstion in uisputo siiouiu bo submitted to nrbltriJtlon, that no mombor of tho Wostorn Federation of Minors bo selected on tho arbitration board, thnt tho companies ngroo to reinstate nil of tho workmon without discrimination rolatlvo to their be ing moiiibors or non momherH of tho union and to post notices to that of fect. Companies To Hlaiiic. Tho roporf says: "Hach of thoso propositions as mado was nrcopted by tho representatives of tho minora ns 11 basis of settloment, but1 rejected by tho representatives of tho companion on tho ground thnt thov would not dcnl with tho Western Federation of Miners or hnvo nny of Its mombora In their employ." AIlltKKTS ARK .MADU. Jllno OnnerN l)etctlv(N Mnko Cluirs en Against Two Men. f II w Auni lalM,1 Praa i iaa ti. i.. i ' ' ""' .M!IV UI(K, Jail. 10. TWO ar- r?Hts wore mado today on Information j fil8lifl by detectives omployod by t,u' cll'' mine owners to Invostl- p""' '"""" '"'"" uiihhivhh onminou horo from so-cnllcd thugs nnd bItoiik arm men, who snld they woro en gaged by tho nilno ownors to work ot tho Bcono of tho nilno strlko In Michi gan. Two of thoso who nppoarod aB having mado affldnvlts havo sworn that tholr signatures on theso docu ments wero forged. coontTcIiit to meet again Adjournment Taken Until Monday When Selection of Officials Is Made ' Tho session of tho County Court, which has boon convening tills week adjourned Friday afternoon Ml Mnn. of tho Sheriff's office. L. F. FALKENSTEIN and ( . S Win or, ttie North Bend cs itnins of Industry and' finance, ha i i io t their big Coqullle Valle; r.i , u i spend a couple of days ool iir, n over and planning - more tensive Improve:. .. tho prop erty. They plan to maku it th,. finest ranch In Southern Oregon and are bending all their onorglea In that dlrootlon, oven pnsslng up the big ball In North Bond tonight to look after it.