4 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD,' OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1914 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MAIjOXKV IMItor and Put). MN E. MAI.ONKV Nov. Killlnr ON STREETS . !. iiiiiiiwiinniiTMrnnnMMigrirnTrmTrMMBMMiimrM " CRAZED MSN ' mtomsmustes akKSK 48wfflgm zAV52z?-w'frfer.aT3rbN'fF umvssl,' t Jis&sr BjiVLJiVL& arkfsr.atr jf. - SJ iVrTlWTlSW:W5r- SAILED NORTH (Continued from Pago One.) that ho was still clad In his ono ary garment at Mint hour. Vflf 'rllflllirllf llill'ltlflll. It Is feared that the crazed mnn St,,erClear? f0r Prtljjnd niny die from exposure unless ho Is With General Carno and Many Passengers lOFr lyi W& MCI SKSOd IFG I - I a I 1 "S R AS A RESULT OF THE SPLENDID RESPONSE OF THE PEOPLE OF COOS BAY TO OUR GREAT ANNUAL JJanuar y Clearaec caught and cared for. It Is not he-J Ilevcd that he will do tiny harm, as ; Ilia 1in1ltnlntr.. nhimMfH tt tin . U n I Willi n Imnvv Rliltimnnt nf whltn . . '. ' ! ', ' ' . . . , ho Is training for a prize fight, cedar ties and n good-slzed st of of tho workmc the f tvo irassongers. the steamer Alliance 0, n h8 f(l ,u ngt n, ht Bn,(, cleared from tho harbor and passed t, ,lcnrd ,lm flB ho WM noftr over the bar on her way to Portland thcnu lirm a U(J Vm R nt 9 o'clock this morning. The bar ,,rzo fighter." which ho appeared , was smooth and the condition of the to bo muttering In time with his weather Indicated that the steamer swift Jogging. i would have a flno passage north. The unfortunate Individual Is Tho passenger list was as follows: Bald to bo close to six feet In II. C. James. II. K. NIcholIs, D. Ma- height, blonde and rather slender. cowskyi It. Hlocli. A. Katoon, Anna Ho had rather a trim nppearanco, Vachers, II. J. Kimball, Jr., Charles as though of some refinement, his ncrglund, Frank Miller, William skin being white. His tcoth showed Thompson. A. Kcmple, John Koso- very plainly. Ills ago Is estimated at Boiith, K. Tanyeka nnd Tony Smith. 2.'i years. The Alliance also took a big ship- tils first appearance was In front ment of Coos county potatoes to of tho Chandler Hotel and Frank Portland. Coltnn. of tho Owl Pharmacy, saw him pass his place of business, run ning up tho mlddlo of tho street. Ho concluded tho man was training and not until tho man bolted past tho Owt Pharmacy on tho return trip from tho vicinity of Holsnor'B barn did ho rcallzo that tho runner was crazy. Amnios Itov. llt'iiMin. Tho strango Individual hammered A stato agent who Is nflcr local nt tho door of tho residence of Itov. ftiitoinoblllstH to see that thoy get J y, nenson, of tho Lutheran 1911 licenses and numbers for their rillirpll this ninrnini! nt 2-30 o'clock, machines Is causing quite a flurry V "',,"". . " , .1 li--J j10ro lvncn on. iiuiiniiii iun iiiu !"" Justice Pennock snld that tho en- ho saw tho man stnndlng In front forcomont of tho law was up to Pros- 0f his door, evidently In a Btato ' ccutlng Attorr-y Mljenvlsr. but the of nPrvollR excitement. Ho asked' T;t?,UmrK,Sal!,em.th """. the place wa, tho Catholic Church, u 1.,.. i.a.i cmm. 1iv1.lv RondiniiB and lU'v. Ilotimn answered In tho vlth Hovoral nutolHtH. Ono was with negaMvo and Instructed him whero .- Cno. I). Mnndlgo of North Hcnd. Mr. the Catholic Church was. Itho same Individual close to !1 a. m., llco and learned that tho mnn was Mnndlgo had made application n long Mr nOMpon Btated Utln morning lowovor, ho concluded thoro was being Bought. Tho night police, wlvmKOnnSrwlicn Uo bw tlmt hn no,l('0'1 t,ml t,, Htrn,,Kor "'lns wrong with tho mnn, who however, were unahlo to locate the threatened him and told him that ho was lightly rind, having n very llislit 'hcIiI ho hnd an nppolnment with fugitive. couldn't uso tho machine until ho got undorshlrt, overalls ntul shoes only. Father Munro at (5 o'clock In tho VMtH Father Monro tho now number on tho machine. Mr. ,it,g,to tho frosty night, lto thought morning. I Tho lightly nttlrcd stranger Mn,n,?.niit0,lhii!-fniinrlnnpl,o with tl10 orourrouco rather strnngo. butt Tho strangor said ho couldn't knocked at the door of tho Mnrtln- rrci I Powors on Front Htreot concludpd tho mnn was In troublo fnul tho Catholic Church. Itov. son horn In inlstnko for that of Ho also got Karl Snvngo and Mod nnd wanton to rum 1110 pimmr uiironson again uirocieu mm 10 mo miner Munro. Ho finally found tock Dwindled .apidfly Yesterday e Sal LIVELY TIES ON AUTO TAX The people have learned to expect much from these sales and we never disappoint them. The standard quality of our merchandise has been established by nearly a quarter century of business dealings with the people of Coos County and they know that reductions advertised are genuine. That's why we have been kept busy. While the buying has been large, the assortments still offer a wide range for selection, but the earlier you take advantage of This Great Clearance Sale The greater is the opportunity for wise shoppers, and they may secure fust what they want at prices that can not be duplicated on Coos Bay. Don't Over-Look Thus Opporftoirnilty ffoir Money Saving .atson- 1 1 II Ta m to m magnes & M up his mnchlne. Ho told Mr. Savngo tlu Catholic Church. tlint "Al Powers was tiio man lie was (s aioiisci! Again after," However, ho hasn't seen Mr. w(ion hQ wng nroU80(J n(?nln ,,y "VIU v nCDnTC URM ULUHIL VVUlt I BY MARSHFIELD, Plato ho desired to go, and as tho I-athcr Munro's rcsldenro nnd hnm- miin departed, ho called up tho po- mered on tho door with such forco J OPtll Bend Lost in Both Con- j should be limited to a single ten or six year. Tho Mnrshflolil tennis were: .Vep five, Chester Isaacson and CiQ Hoberson: affirmative, llcrbm llrndley and Horace Itnliskopf. Tho North lloml 'enins were: At- tirmatlve. Winifred Woodbury u Ktta Taylor; ncgntlvo, Dorothy K ler nnd Juno Young. Special Furniture j)Hl6 Mint Father JJunro hurried down to find out what wan tho mnttor. H" was somowhnt nma70il to find tho man so lightly clad at such nn hour and In such cool wenther, hut tests Last Night Debat" Bandon Next MASKirril.U.Ii TOXKillT Mnifhriclil mill Norlli llcnd Tfaw To Piny licit'. Tho Coos County bnsketlmll mi- tit 'Mix &r 8 'Ej- Ml '"tm You Save Money Here 1913 was way the biggest year in our history. Big years of big business make lots of odd pieces to close out, and close out prices make big savings for our customers. YOU CAN FURNISH AN ENTIRE HOUSE AT THIS BIG CLEARANCE SAL Special Prices on Beds and Bedding Special prices on library and dining tables. Special prices on dressers and chif foniers. Special prices on rugs. ' Bear in Mind The ferry & Nicholson stock is the best that Marshfield offers; one of the best in the entire state. Your money's worth or your money back, has always been our policy. And from this kind cf a stock, take your i$et. choice of all odd m pieces at greatly re- 'SB riuced prices. w Our Terms Are Most, Liberal In tho Joint dohnto between tho MnrHhfleld and North Hen l ii'ifh believing hint In trouble asked him Scnools Inst night, tho Mnrslifhihl B0 opens tonight with Unnilon plij- to como Inside. tennis won In both places. I"K nt Myrtle Point and North I)l Finding tho mnn shivering and In In North Ilend tho Jtidxui derided '" Marnhfloltl. As n prcllmlnirf, a stito of excitement. Fntlinr Mini- unnnlmously In favor or Marshfield. ,l10 Mnrshflold Independents irffl ro threw hi own lmHiroi.o o.-.p tin I !n Maisliflo d, the Juilgen wuro '''"V '' North Honil ImleocnilmU the visitor's shoul'iers nnd nskod him two to ono In favor or Mnrshflold. llcI'- North Dend will brim; cci to sit down nnd state what was tho There was n good attondniuo out at r ,M0 officials whllo A. h. Irarkfr trn,,','(- . both placos and tho debates wero w'" 1'robnbly nfflclato ns ono, Tho visitor stated Mint he wa pronounced unusunlly good for high Mnrshflold will probably line t from tho steamer C.racn Dollar. Mint sohool contostnntB. with Clnrko ns center. Hunter 1 his roominato aboard tho craft ox- iri.fini.i ni .,. ,i..i.. ..... Curtis as forwards and McDonili ertod a strange Influenco over him ,,01 for ,0 Co()H (,oun, (.linnM)Ion. and Chapman ns guards, Nortk which ho wns endonvorlng to shako Hl)p ,t w,n ,J0 ,,,,, nt ,, Ilond will probably havo llowmii off .innimiv in n...i iii in.,,. ...in i. " coiitor, Jacobson and Watlert "You mny think I'm crazy." do- (.omp08eii of tliroo on,.M Mnr8),. ns forwards and Simpson nml IUH olared the stranger, ''but I nm not. tMA w, havo Ulp ,,;. ;,,, of ns guards. Neither have I been drinking." t0 , q,1Mto1 ,,oImt0(1 m n, , North Dond Makes l.eimthv VWt. Tllo ,., ,lr,vn ,mf ,, ,,.. list 11. Monde. T !.- M .... -. --it At ..1 ti -- ....0 ". i.uii iitfnJ, .-......., ....... mini me visiior Tho vctor8 nt ,.,, w, tl . for tors. i.. i-ago. 11. iiowmnn. r. wn innenied to tnlk rntlonnllv to n tll0 nr.4nr nt x-Ic-t honors. " Rln'on ""' M. Jncobson. has on Its cllglb'i O. Cnrlson, T. Wit- rortnln otont. but ho noticed that Marshfield has a very stronf Tim M nralirlnl.l (nnnt lina .in, l..lA. his clothing wns wet. and that ho- ,lof,noIy 0,PPt0(lt ,,ut vrohnMy wl team this year, having four s.do hnvlnic only n light undo.- ,,0 noborBOIIi Ignn(.80n nI1(l . men. Curtis. Hunter. Ilurroughi f shirt, overalls and shoos on. ho hnd op Chapman, In addition to such pltf- no socks. Ho told his troubles nt .,.,; Jlrt , Marflllflel(1 woro. ors of last year ns Clarke, McDoniH jcroat length while Father Munro MnJ.0r Morr,80,t of CoiHl0i CoiIIIty nnd Seaman. himself nonrly frnxn to doath The visitor declared that bark of his bond contracted Commissioner Coiiulllc. County Doment ami S. I). Uw 1'iilfnrd, of Myrtle Point. Prof. 1).XCK nt Sl'MXKU SVn'HWT nnd 1. n Amlni-flnli T T Qtniilm. n...l -Ni-tir,i t.-ii. 1. 1A... 1. M.rih- jv.I lin mnn nnlitn t.nnl ll.. .!. vi 11.' ..nn ..nii uni-K ill lilt. Iliini rpi. .,hm .. ..,,,..,, ,. . .... ,nu .i. IIVCIIIHU. I 11,11 Xtt" nniniSTi n ii n W I K5?jU S .. LJLf yh?v vr , 1 iiiiiiF- 11 1.. iii '"kyS-S) and If ho found that his roommnto hid not lost his Influonro over him nrtor his visit, ho would lenvo tho ship nt this port. fioc! ltin-k to Shin. Seolug that tho man was surfer lng from hallucinations. Father Munro humored him and wondered when he would decide to no. Ho savs he did not think nf calling the police, ns tho mnn was harmlos and sntd ho Intended going hack to the si. In. He finally got up and made a B move to go. and as soon as he got outsldo tho door ho ran as hard as ho could po In tho direction of the ilonnt. whero the draco Hollar Is finishing lior lumber cargo for California. the Prosldont of tho Fulled Stiles AVIIKAT SI.80 T I FAINTS. E'lm uammmHmnrmmmm KINDLY REMEMBER AND GIVE US A TRIAL i:tuvtiiixo ix tih: ii.vkkiiv i.ixi: MARSHFIELD BAKERY 1:l XCUTM Si:C()XI) ST.. XKAU CKNTIIAh AVHXl'H. PIIOVK 128. SOIK SWFM, PXI.KXDAltS PERRY t:? zssszsam11" g'"' cnn.n Cffi NICHOLSON u Finest mill i,.i..wt j inn Uvcm- Seen mi Pfiow lli. '. V nnr",r,'l l,Bs lust rpnelvod r"l. eo nf ll lnriftat pnli,lii ''"'" In thn TT'lted Fntos lorn'ed '.. ... Yf..'U 0p', a lino "f roln ' f-.. 101 lit tYf lo nioat i.,..ii-tifu i.(i futlsUr pver pen !....., Tiiev ruront or'lnJ ,t,., iM, vUws of nil klii''. ."a nf MtiMOi nulllHnaig, pfi, v.nsinp men will do well to re 'oi thlr orders until thy see tti4 lli pud it )ils nr!r. in i Viit s lar ll"8 nf 1- rint iir goftiU nd alt of kinds l"li i.-.- PQKI H Egagiiixvs'agy or uUvortuin aoTdltlee. oUdum IRVING BLOCK AFTER STOCK TAKING CLEAN-UP SALE! Thirty-three and One-third Per Cent Off. A big assortment of Men's nnd Boys' nil-wool, woll-tallored Overcoats. Twenty-five Per Cent Off. A good assoitmont of Men's and Floys' Pants. Tho very of qualities, Any Man's or Hoy's suit, oxcopt full dress. A big stock of wool shirts. Woll made and the best of Q"31' lt. A fine stock of suit cases and traveling bags for men and women. best iTTftm 1, agfiiiffiti WWM j&m. J vm,j m v up wrxxk?m BKaSa