HKisi . .r..- : - Wf'"" 'TWIM 'S JuffUi IK.JlWtulU' iiiiijumm ,-THiyqW UraSBETA t IRWP" I fi ibiimit iTi i r-'.. --'-- ! ""' wmr'wmwmW4ml uw'ifl t t w. f COOS BAY TIMES M. O. .MALONKY Krillnr ami I'uli UAN 1!. MALONKY Now.- Killtor Entered at the postotflce at Mnnn Hold, Oregon for transmission through the malls as second cl;i? mull matter. m ' ' " ' ! in-. ! ' -- mil Official Paper of Coos County. t ' ' Dedicated to the service of the people, that no good cause shall laci a champion, and that evil shall no. thrive unopp sod. Address all communications to COOS RAY DAILY Tl.MKS. Mnrshflolcl :s :: :: : Orego. BURSCRIPTION RATKS. DAILY. Onu year $6.00 Per month fiO WKKKLY. One yenr $1.50 When paid strictly in advance rue subscription price of the Coos Cay Timos Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 lor lz mouths. "PLUTOCRAT" AND A.V K.Y PKKSIUKXT WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT was ejected t the Presidency ns n Prove. Mlve Republican, as n member of f'te official family, close friend and presumable sup porter of a Progroislve Republican President. What happened to that poptilnr assumption Is now history, llowsomcver, the other day Mr. Tnft nridresBcd the Pennsylvania Society nt the Waldorf-Astoria. Ills remarks wcro in tho spirit of tho following oxcorpt, and delighted tho sons of tho great state of Penrose: Tho truth Is wo linvo arrived at .'i tlmo In our hoc I el develop ment and our freedom of thought when wo know every thing, and know It hard, mid among other things wo know is that pcoplo who preceded us In this nnd especially In tho '" yonrs. did not know lire, last nny- eon- are thing. No pent-up (Ttica tracts our powers. We able to stiHpuud the law of gravitation or any of the econ omic laws that linvo been thought heretofore to work with as much certainty as phys ical laws, and by their suspon nlon we are going to mr.:;o everybody happy without In dividual effort. Wo are going to make the rich moderately poor and tho poor moderately rich. Wo nro going to nrrango by legislation that those who don't make any effort are not going to bo condemned by loss of Just reward fdr merely liv ing. Wo aro going to ro-nr-rongo human uaturo In such u wny that men will strain their minds nnd muscles to the point of perspiration to help other poople, and that this Is not go . lug to bo confined to the fow, but It Is to Include everybody. Wo oxpoct to oxeludo tho word "domngoguo" from tho lang unge, to drive out of business politicians, ami to have states men who, with complete pow er over legislation, will niako good tho promises of every elo quent period that Is calculated to win votos. "iov, nt thbj dinner Mr. Taft was ducod by Henry P. Davison, 10 of tho heads of tho houso of .'.'organ. Mr. Davison's remarks woro In the following vein: For Homo years pnBt. this country. In common with other nations 1ms been feeling tho movement of t ho now forcoe, now utterances, Mtiivlnic on tho pnrt of all cltUous for larwor opportunity, for a more netlva Hharo In tho conduct of Govern moot nnd buslnoMs. In aceord tinco with tho expression of this desire, wo nro witnessing dally changus In the aspect of our political pardon hiiiI of our itonunnrclal world. Never In the history of the world Ins there been roeordod a development In manufacture ami In commerce Htieh as has been worried In this 'country In tho last Meliora tion. Whether a man bo rad ical or conservative, whothor he be sympathetic or othorwlso. " ho must unless ho closes his Kyyov completely recognlao tho chini: thnt lwte taken place ' -In ml are taklnn place. And If 'n nuy degree he In to serve his day and Reiteration he must fake cojtnizanco of this uew order; he must try to possess ' " himself 'of the spirit that per meates it: he must try, to tho . extent that his Intelligence per mits, to work for It, uot against it. i "jlr. Ha vis. hi. continuing," re-, lsnd. and will make the spot a scenic inrui the New York Times, "salt! .playgruMiid on which the public may Die man of affairs of the pies-. ream. The fulls will be Improved on sMt day must ue with) awake ami a plan similar to the Huscu gardens vtlis C-ut the movement of the of Pasadena, California. s twenty veaii. is wut the blind, " '" of dlss.tiUQ.. ana un. .. -K Ut muy coutlder It to lw. trsd w wnt ,y a Wnnt Ad -u rpi li not, n mrfci. ai T 'iDhw, THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, peranccs have sometimes Beomcil to Indltato, to tear hvs ness down or to thwart and ruin Industry." No. gentle reader, the Times did no. get mixed on the speakers. The plutocrat" talked almost like a progressive ox-President; the ex l'resldcnt quite as a "plutocrat" might. That is why Mr. Taft Is an ex. "KILLIXO TIMK." Y OUNO man, don't ta'k about "killing time. u have no time to kill or fool away. You haven't time enough to do the work of life as It ought to b done. While you think you arc "killing time" time Is killing you. Mnke the mom ents count for something worth while. Do things for others. Im prove your own mind It needs It. He alive; stay alive; rest when you die. SILKXT LIFK. Till? i best truei silent life Is generally the best life and silent growth the st and surest growth. Wlmt one Is dwells within and tho Inner force fashions the man. The self Is not carved from tho outside like n statue, but grows from within, like nn oak from the acorn. TIlOOl'S KiXOItK I.OXK IIKPt'TY. Liquor uiiil (iiiiubllng Devices Are Shipped From Coppcrltclil. COPPEKFIKLD, Or., Jan. S. While a lono deputy sheriff was en gaged in serving injunctions on mem bers of the state militia to prevent them from shipping confiscated liquor and bar fixtures out of tho town, tho troops, under Colonel 13. K. Lnwson, kept right on loading tho contraband goods on thu train, after which Colo nel Lawson divided his force nnd left with a squad of men, It Is said, to close the saloons In Huntington. The city officials who had boon under nrrest were released by Colonel Lnwson, but tho town Is still under martial law. Not only were liquors nnd bar fix tures shipped to linker, but thero was a wealth of gamb'lng parapher nalia, consisting of cards nnd dice, three roulette wheels, one "monte" layout nnd three monoy slot machines with tho money, $S, still In them. With tho confiscated goods went Colonel II. K. Lnwson. Frank Snori grass, special penitentiary officer. Lieutenant llolmau and ton soldiers, while there stayed In Copperllehl Captain Motcalf. who was left in charge. , William Wloganri, deposed "council- man, nnd IL A. Stewart, rieposeri mnyor, the men who aro plaintiffs against Governor West and othe'rj in the Injunction proceedings, lost no time in taking advnutngo of tho chance to leave Copporflclri, and boarded the train and went to Itakor, where they hope to outliuo n ram pnlgu for redress from wlmt they term the high-handed methods (of the (lovernor. Two members of the council wore placed under actual arrest and were, in Jail for a short time. They nro Mr. Stewart and It. A. Clark, tho rie posod llecorder. When Colonel Law son began packing up ho could not find tho city books. Ho accused Mr. Chirk of taking them ami finally ar row ted the two men. The hooks were found, subsequent ly, tucked behind a slot machine In mi abandoned saloon. Mr. Clark ad mitted having put them there, and I then the two o-offlclals were ro ' lettseri ami the nuittor dropped. griTK a nrx i's wn overworked word, thnt poor lltt'e mouosyllalilt) "run." "I found a run started In my best stocking this morning," said the woniHii, "so I though I'd run down town Mini go Into 's. where jthey nre liming a great run on I hose. They ran an advertisement jln The Times, you know. Woll, I Iran my ey over the bargains on the wny down nnd 1 saw so ninny j things I i hi wind that I ran out of 'money before I got to the hose ! counter. Well, 1M run my logs off by that tlmo. but I don't run n bill at 's. so I was In riospnlr until who should 1 run into but my husband. 1 got more monoy of him he's more generous than tho geuoml run of men but when 1 got to tho counter, they'd run out of my slxo. Wasn't that n terrlblo run of luck?" Ami so site on. ran on ami on and IIKXSOX IH'VS OORDOX FALI.S. Mlllliuialie Tliubei'imiii To Make A Scenic Playground for People. PORTLAND. Jan. S. S. Reason, the I noted Oregon tliubermau and good Irottds advocate, has bought i'l'o acres j tin bracing the famous (lordnu Falls. Ion the Columbia River east of 1'ort- 10 CITE COUPLE M III0RHJ1T Man and Woman Burned in Gow Why Building Fire Ac cused of Serious Charqe Tho loss of their personal effects, or Hume oi uiuiu, aim sei iuu uimm tu themselves are not the only troubles that a man and woman who wont through the recent Qow Why build- .. ... .. mg nro encouniereu, ror now tney are facing an Investigation of al leged Immorality by District Attor ney Llljeqvlst. Jack Lapp, a friend of O. O. Pain ter, said that ho was going to call the attention of Mr. Llljeqvlst to the matter. Mr. Lapp said that tho woman who was burned In the fire, was tho wife of O. O. Painter, for - moriy fireninn nt tho local electric I nlnnt nnil In. or n firm..!... n 1in Smith mill. . Dr. Horsfnll. who attended her for the Injuries received In the fire, roc-' ' J- Simpson ami F. K. Gettlns np oL'iilzod her as Mrs. Pnlnter. whom l'oar before the board today and ex- . ,. . .....,.. .. ... lie nan previously aiiemieii. Mr. Painter left some tlmo ngo for California, where he was going to seek employment. He had been em- ployed at a logging camp at Ileavcr Hill. Not- Man and AYIfe. ' " ...... . Immediately after tho fire, tho man In tho case gave his nnine to n Times reporter ns Tom Urownell and her ' namo as Mis. Hrownlee. As nenr as enn lie ascertained, his nnino Ih Town Hrowning n'nd he for merly worked In the steward's de partment on tho Urenkwatcr. Tho woman was very anxious to avoid any publicity nt t'o time of the Nro accident. Her burns wore of a painful but not serious nature. Dr. Horsfnll a'tonileri her Immediate-. ly after the fire nnd told her to let him know If they moved from the temporary quarters they got so that ho could look nfter her case. How ever, they moved and ri'ri not let him know. Xo'v Kecttln.t Clinilty. Now some misguided Individuals nro said to bo seeking aid and con tributions from lodges and public spirited c'tlzens for the couple under tVe name of Mr. and Mrs. Drown. Willi,, Minan Innbliifr tntfi til,, mictn , my hey n (1ro m t)i(,y fpc, thnt the Immo'llate wants of the children should be supplied nnd ar rangements made for tho future that will take them away from the alleged immorality of their surroundtngb. District Attorney Llljeqvlst win probably attend to the case In a day or so as the presence of the child ren makes It not only a pathetic but n revolting one. CALII'OUXIA STAfJK II FLO I'P. Hlghuiiyineii Adopt Olil-Fiediloiicil Way Xciir Yrekii, YItlCKA, Cal.. Jan. S. An old fashioned stage hold-up incurred on the mountain road between Yroka and Walkor. Two masked men In nigged overalls sprang out from n clump of bushes and In thu approve- manner "covqreri" tho driver and ordered him down from his seat. They rifled ills pockets of $15, tied his bunds to gether nnd placed him Inside the! coach. Thero were no passengers, and the robbers did uot touch the mall sacks. llefore taking to the shrubbery tho highwaymen started tho stagu horses down the mountjiln. Tho driver got his hands free, however, in tlmo to prevent nn nccldont. A posse started out In pursuit of the holdups. GOIU'RFY SLATRI) FOR POST Salem Man to Re Appointed Income Tnv Agcjit nt S7 Dally SALHM. Or.. Jan. S. Announce inont was mado that James Godfroy. of this city, would bo appointed in- come tax agent. Ho Is reported to have tho Indorsement of Internal Revenue Collector Miller ami Will R. King, Democratic National Com mitteeman. The salary Is $7 a day with $ I a day traveling expenses. YRIIICLK FKKS tf.lll.ST.'l. SALKM, Or.. Jan. S. The total number of motor vehicle licenses Is sued In this state In 1U13. nccorrilng to the annual report of Secretary of State Olcott, was 13.D57. ami the number of chauffeurs receiving li censes was 1 172. The fees aggreuat eil I50.S7S. In 1912. 10.16R motor vehicle licenses were Issued, the fees totalling $12,901. The fees received from Multnomah county lu 1913 totaled 27,7."2.:.o. niAMPlOX WOOD CHOPPRR John Hurst Is the champion wood chopper of Port Orford and Curry County. He sawed, split, piled and mU four tiers of stove wood in jifsi ISO minutes ujr the stop watch. Laugloh Leader. THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1914 PLAN HEARIKG" PROGRAM FDR ' ON HMD MID C9KCE T Pniinfv PnmmkQinnpr! npfpP'"Kr,," l'XT.V AXXOUXCKH bOUlUV UOmmiSSIOnerS Ueier, xoiRKKS FOR KXTKRTAIX- Action on Marshfield-to- the-Sea Project 4 t.nHl.... n.. t1,n tH.,ll(lnl.l I.. tllrt. Aihjuiiiikuui..b.,iuiB..ii.....-i..c- Son lloiilevard. whlrh wns scheduled i iiuiiiuhuu, niu i ni-iinmniu to come up before the Coos 11," a"; .!,!,,, the store was j commissioners at today's hearing. ( '" fl00i',,ou: ffor ,)llBlllL.8a. aj,, was deforred until tho February ,MarrM "itichelleu" llolsvertl .- ,.... l I.. ........ i .i '.it ..tlfllll,.... 'I'.ill" IT till lerm. ine rtiiieivBiuiii'rB ib i.u opted a rule mnder tho advice County Hoadmaster Ua'.l-Lowls that county aid shall not bo given to high ways having more than it six per cent grade. The survey for the boulevard has heavier grades than t' Is rnri Dr. Straw and others Interested planned 1 to take it up with the commissioners nun nave mom waive mis ruie. nwu.. Planned to llOVO Dl Straw. W. S. I Chandler, Ivy Condron. Dr. House-( worth, City Engineer Ilucklngliain, , ..Inl. 111.. Hiiml nt n .l,nt.,n !.,, Iii.lfm ' I j, , ...,; ni-wi v, int., ,pi., nut niiiihv I Unit tolnnlinni'il flint lln lipnrlnir tind I been deferred until February, when the report of tho viewers will be uvnllnblo and some changes In the , county survey made. itotiHiirito posTorFin: According to Postmaster Helz custelu the receipts of the locnl Postofflco for tho year 101.1 to talled $1!I,S!IS.00 or $1,150 In ex cess' of tho yenr l!M2. For the past ton years, dating from Jon nary 1, 1001, to January I, 101.1. the Increase was about 110 pur cent. Hoseburg News. llmit is Font nmxKs a day. "Some FellmvH Are llous mill Wunt . .Moie," Sn.v (Villi Kaloonni.'in. OTTOWA. Ohio, Jan. 8. Sulooti l'eepers have finally decided wlmt constitutes a temperate use of liquor, "his was evldont whim they posted polices thnt habitual tipplers here pfter will bo permitted to buy only four drinks n day, one before each meal and one at bcri-tlmo. "Some follows are hogs when It romes to drinking," one rionler said. "We've got to put tho lid on them." The new Htnto liquor law provides tl at saloonkeepers must maintain lenpectnble places. JKKIt.MIT ISOOSKYKLT TO WKD Ihiitugemciit to Hell Willnril An nounced at Itlclimom! RICHMOND. Vn., Jan. S. Per F"mr.l letters r"ceMed liro fr"-;i ' r'ri by friends of Ambassador Wli lard, report the engagement of the Ambassador's daughter, Miss Hello Wlllard, to Kermlt Itoouevelt, sou of Theodore Roosevelt. The wedding. It Is said, will take place In the spring, probably In I Richmond, tho homo of tho Wll- lards. XOTK'i: TO CRFDITORS. In tho matter of tho Assign ment of tho Hardwood Milling Co. (a corporation). To the crod'.tors of the Hardwood Milling Co., n corporation: You nnd each of you nro hereby notified that Thu Hardwood Milling Co., a corporation, has made an as signment for thu benefit' of Its credi tors, anil that tho undersigned Is tho duly selected, qualified and nctlng nsslgueo In the matter of said assign ment, mid you aro further notified to present your claims ns by law pro vided, to mo, tho unriorslKiioil, within three mouths from tho date lioroof. Dated at Marshllold, Orogou, this Sth day of January. A. D. 101 I. OKORGK W. WKLSTHAD. Assignee. First publication, Jan. S, 1911. Last publication, Feb. 19, 1911. IRVING BLOCK After Stock Taking A RIO ASSORTMENT OF .MUX'S WI'LI.-TAILORKI) OYIRUOATX ?& A (JOOI) ASSORT.MFXT OF MFX'S AXI) ROYS' FRY Rl'ST OF QI'ALITIFS. YOUR (MIOIUK ANY MAX'S OR ROY'S YOl R ('HOICK AT . . SUIT RIO STOCK OF WOOL SHIRTS. WKLL RFST OF QUALITY. YOUR ( HOICK . . . A 1'IXK STOCK OF SUIT CASI I'OR MKX AXI) WOMKX. IK rpzrr7rwviuyw'n!W EVENING EDITION. .MKXT SUXRAY AKTHIIAOOA III' .ll.lflll.Ml IM'I'ilWI lli Director It. N. Fonton of the Coos ' . .. .. . f ,Jay contort Hand louuy niw ouuce.i i Hie follow nt: urogram for tho spe- inu iiiiiuniuo inuhixiu ..... ,-v - ;uiuiuuu m v ,'"i , . fil n f uoiournicu .Miuiiei ruucn-nonii Jt . a. .. n . ' M..t..., t I.. Y...l nariione woio i inru ah- .u.u 'The Phoenix" unsworn C. S. Kaiser. Selection from 'The Firefly.' . Frlmo Now (irnnil Fantaslo "Home. Homo the World Over Uy request. ,. il.-. tit......,,... SWtet . . Lampe .Ulgolow ''"'r ."" n.j ii1u,r SPCCIAIj iii:ld tkxdi: SKItVU'KS AT MAItSII. ( liritCIIKS WIXL AT- II TWO MOItl! XICIITS OF PltOORA.M. Tho special services being con ducted In the Marshrield churches lit observance of prayer week aro being woll nttonueil. They will closo tomorrow night, Hie last two being us follows: Thursday, Jan. S, at the Christ-, Ion Church. Rev. Kuotts, presiding, j I'Tiuay, .inn. '.mi, in mo uiipiiHi 1 church, Rev. Hurkhnrt presiding. i ne meetings win oegui in i 30 o'clock. A cordial Invitation Is ex tended to everyone to attend these services. FI.IIW WITIIIX ni'lLDIXO. Iteacliey Performs Xew Stunt W'tli Aeroplane. SAN FRANCISCO. Jim. S. 111 to Hist flight over attempted under neath n roof, Lincoln Ileachey circled (.iiccessfully thu Interior of the Pnuu-ma-Paclfle exposition Palace of Mue'.i luery, but marie a poor landing and smashed his biplane. Ileachey was uninjured. Hnvo you. Job The Tlmo" nff(p printing dio a- I DQAVCQ IMCCK 'I I Ifi I I li Br I i 11 D UDDluVCU THE WIRELESS, TWIN SCREW STEAMER SPEEDWELL SAILS FROM BAND0N FOR SAN FRANCISCO, SAN PE DRO, LOS ANGELES, RED0ND0 LONG BEACH AND SAN DIEGO. Tuesday Noon, January 13th See HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Marshfleld Agent. . AITFR .lA.M'ARY III, Wll WILL III-: AT IIO.MK IX Ollt New Quarters at 130 North Broadway ACROSS T1IK STRFKT FROM "f.'OLDMX lU'l.K STORK" THE RFTTKR TO StiltVK YOU. Coos Bay Tea Coffee and Spice House Phono UI. , 181 Market Avenue. a4Uta4& CLEAN-UP SALE! AXI ROYS' ALL-WOOL, . YOUR CHOIt'F 33 PAXTS. '.""': 25 KXCKPT FULL RRKSS. 25 MARK AX "' n 25 ?..? ...: 25 rorrkrv at roitTriAxn Snfo Robbers (Set Awny W, .. nl oinr i' i, ,iii muri rlinii. PORTLAND, Or., Jan. Crap lug over tne roonops of North u.VI lodging houses -to roach thcr Jj joctivo point, tnreo yeggmen tt,.J . .I...I- 1.M 1. ,1. ..... iiiuir mi) iiiiuiiKii mo HKyllgM J 'the lJowmnn llros.' clothlnc , '.urn aim uunisme streets, k, ', tho office safe, and with more ik' .. , . -it' '"ore tk,i ,r,00 i n money and cheek., ii.. mado their escape by the wnv iiJI entered the store, The robbery nri.oln,HBi,e, betweon closlnc il .' ..... 'b " . ,. , nlirlit ,uwl Saturday night and early M6ndii Quality in Home Furnishings "Why Pay More?" JOHNSON-GULOVSEN COMPANY Quacermass Studio Opens About Jan. 15 IX FORM Kit RICOS STlllia OPPOSITE ROYAL Til HAIKU, i l WATCH FOR THF IIIO S.II.K RKOIXXIXfJ SATl'RIMY. It will bo to your Interest nnd wo invito n comparlbon ot goods nnd prices. TAKK ADYAXTAOi: Western Outfitting Company. Russell llulhllii'i tViitral Ate. RetwiH'iL Seeoiul anil Third St. Per Cent Off Per Cent, Off Per Cent Off Per Cent Off Per Cent Off h li m... s- x& msm aSki3