THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1914 EVENING EDITION. READY to Wear iwa when you put them on no breaking in if you select rT7 v i.or"" Jmf & l- i &U& J WrS Www jjitujJSjj CSP" Tho Speed OuWViifocf or, Tan Auiii Calt. KalitcKotanJhttl $5,00 wart, who purchased tho rostaurant -. fixtures, nnd who also sworo out a complaint charging Uollou with strlk-' lug him, will be tho main witness today In another ciibo of assault against Delicti In Justice Pennoek's court. SOCIAL CALKXRAR I'm I Commission Meets The Port C'oninilsslon met this afternoon to pass on the warrants to nn.v tho low water at dredge Seattle lor the work done up io i ue end 01 ueeomuor. .UMAIIV TIDKS i olow is gi"en tile -tight of high and Mirshfleld. Tho tides aro placed It. the order of occurrence, with their times on tlln Itt'nt linn nml,1it n Mm second line i.f each daj ; a compar- w" "niiged himself In a shack a Ison on consecutive heights will ('w ,(ln'8 ,"&" """'"er Wilson lino Is en to Dinled Today, Falling to lo the brother of William Dahl. WBDNKSDAY ! College Women's Club with Mrs. P. S. Dow, Mrs. Songstnek 1 en reading a paper on ."Play I grounds." Daptlst Ladles with Mrs A. I 'A, Downs. TIIPRSPAY I A. X. W. Club with Mrs. i Chas. lilser. I Young Matrons' Club with 1 Mrs. Otis Wilson. Indicate whether It Is high or low water. ior high water on tho bar subBtrnct 2 hours 31 minutes. $&iwMSn vese J xr.y.';'.: Ol'.n l fWgJ y--yy Its not what you pay but what you get. ijih.ut mum i !.niji.iiumi ii in mini i Woolen Mill Store Apparel Specialists for Men and Boys. 7I1ib. . n.i'o lo.i'ii :,. o.o Pi . . l!..i r..7 o.o S Mrs. . 0.7 I.JKI J ,,-( C.22 I Ft. JI.S 2.S 5.8 0.2 !)llrs. . 1.05 r..;!lJ 12.07 7.0!) Ft. . . 1.1 2.8 i!. U.2 o iirs. . i.5:i (i.22 ur.i 7.52 i-t. . . i.:i 2.8 o.:t o.o ' WKATIII-Slt FOHKPAST I tho body burled this afterndon. (Jets Oniric Results. Ilermnn Ccr- itles says that The Times want ads are the greatest ever. lie n typewriter for sale and advertlseil C It and had a score of answers, sell lug the maehluo quickly. 1 PERSONAL NOTES w i . II. SMITH, of Coos ltler, was a visitor In town toda DA1LF.Y, of Coos Uior,. Is a lsltor In .Marsbfleld today. Fcnv Traffic Capt. Afcx Hall. S- V' "ART. of San Pranclsco, Is In of the ferry Transit, reports thatl town visiting tho retail trade, during the month of December, tho I Transit carried between Marsbfleld and Knstsldc, ti.GIll passengers, 110 untos, 07 head of Block, 1!) slnglo rigs and !2 teams. tllr An Is IP. I PriM lo L'oo n Tlmw.l ORKdOX Occasional rnln In west; rain or snow In eaBt. Wind SutithweHt; brisk along coast. local tkmiuiraturk kkcoho Por the 2 1 hours ending nt 4:4 3 n. in., January 7. by DenJ. Ostllnd, special government me teorologist: . Maximum 55 .Minimum 10 At I: III a. m II) Precipitation 1 1 1'ieclpltatloii since Sept. 1 I 111 1.1 27.!lfl Precipitation same period last year 31.17 I Wind: Southwest, cloudy. Meet Tonight. At a meeting of tho College Women's Club to be hold nt the home of Mrs. P. S. Dow to night. Rev. A. P. llassford will speak on the ".luvenlle Court" nnd Mrs. Henry Pengstacken will read n paper on "Playgrounds." l. K. LARSON, of Allegany, Is a .Marsbfleld business visitor toilav. ATTORNKY I. N. was ov er to Coiiulllo yesterday on legal business. JUIK1K .I01IN HALL was among those going to Coiiulllo on tho morning train. L. I Issues Penult. Inspector Trlbbey Issued a permit today for the re nalrlng of the Montgomery building. which was dninaged by flro recent- JUDOK J. D. (iOHS left this morn- D. FKLSIIKIMKR, 6r llaiidon. arrived In the city last night for a brief stay. ly. Under the ordinance there Is nd provision made for tearing down structures partially burned, nud tho permit covers the work of placing what Is left of tho building In hnh Itablo shnpo. lug for ness. Portland on legal bust- WE ARE NOW To Dulses Houses. Oenernl Man ager Miller, of tne dredge Seattle, It. T. PKRK1NS, of Portland, ar rived In tho city yesterday on a business trip. IN MARSHFIELD xi:v imjAxt to hi: startkd in imahkiipiklr adopt middlu op moxtii dy xkw arrivals-iikrk. About the middle of this month Marshllold will have a soap factory, said to be tho flist In the county, In the new structure being eretced by Henry SengstacUen on Xorth' Pront street, south of the McCoy shop. The now firm Is composed of Dieh ard P. Watson, formerly of Now Lou don, Mo., and 13. D. Ollphant, for merly of PlIoiiBburg, Wash., who caino hero n short tlmo ago and de cided Hint this was an ideal location for n soap works. Machinery for tho new plant Ib ex pected to arrive on tho Dreakwater on her next trip and the plant will ho rushed to completion. AMONG TDK SICK. IC. O. Mays, a well known veteran nnd old resident here, continues critically 111 at his homo In XortU Mnrshneld. DLl'i: STUM IAIXIX Pi.oi'D, $i.:m at WANT ADS. MISS PLOItPNCP AIICHXS gave n iMiiy to a numiier or nor friends "At Home" in Our New Store 313 NORTH FRONT STREET 313. where we will be pleased to meet all our old friends and many new ones. You will find a complete assortment of Weil In Cniiiillli' nem-irn i.miir. states thnt the dredge will shut down of (limits Pass ami MIbs Hvelyn on January 10 for about four daya.j ; "' " . ' "'"" ' ' ul"m Duike. of Marsbfleld. wero married which will give those living south! In MorslirioIiItlilH nftornoon In Coiiulllo tho flmt of the week, or, mroii n cnance to rniso tnoir Justice Stanley officiating. Iir"pg. it Is underfltood that the volumo of water will prove greater Sails Touioi-i-mv. Word waB re- Hum 'h expected and some of the celved bv Agent Mctleorgo todny Iioiirpb will bo too low. SHPIUPP (1AOP. returned on tho noon train fiom Coqulllo to con duct n salo to Batlsfy Judgment. Fine Jew( Iry WATCHES RINGS LOCKETS SILVERWARE, SOLID AND PLATED. Everything in Jewelry. Watch repairing a specialty. CLOCKS f. W. BERTRAM JEWELER. 313 North Front street. Marshficld that the Itedoudo would sail from San Pranclsco tor Cooh Day tomor row afternoon nt 0 o'clock. I iiguer Dint. Den Thompson, cm nloyed at Smlth-Powera Camp 7 nt Conlcdo, was brought to Mercy Hob- (!c(h Plrst Mcense. Henry llug gliiR, tho most Indofntlgnhle follower of Isiinc Walton who can bo found ATTORNEY In tlicso "parls," delernilncd hoiiio MR. AND MRS. J. MADDUX, of RoBoburg,' nrrlved In the city to day for a brief visit with friends. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I 0 VOH SAliK Team, wigim mitt har ness. Kmiulre R. D. DnrncB, Day City. ' POR ItKXT l''leMixiin niodciii cot tage on Klrod Avenue. Apply Vv. D. Curtis. time ago that ho would havo tho It first trout fishing license Issued In R. O. ORAVPS. who returned from Coqulllo last ovo l nlng, wont over to nttond court i again today. pltnl yesterday for treatment was found that his big too was mi i. o na .. i. ..m-u. n.,. .,,.,.., ,i .tapu- mwim,'i.m -,.. ....,. ., I.I.. mIi.I1. "- " "" . . .. '' .--........ .. broken as a result of the cable strik ing IiIb foot. the ror mo opening or tho bohboh on March 15. A couplo of days ago I'ncle In Congress. The current ho received his licence from County Adolluo Smith yestordny from Her koley, California, wbero he spout the holidays. contnlnH n'wKS' C'rk Wn,"n nl,U " ,0ok,,,B "l "' COXSTARLK UoTroturned from Uorcuiu. of MlchSni" 1,7 Hb X"b fo"'"1 ' B'" K' - 1- I ConumP, where ho took, Mrs. Who nnd Why" pngo. Is an uncle of Hurt .Marsbfleld. Mr. DoremiiB Doremus, of SHORT DAV I'OR POr.K'K. I CnpplniiB, hold to tho grand Jury, this nftornoon. roRSALi; 1 3-ln. Dnlii wagon In good shnpo $40.00. 111-1 In. spring wngon with top. In good shnpo, $35.00. Address Dox 240, Mnrshflold. I'OR SAM': Lot with new, modem house and furniture, Including plnuo, cheap If taken at onco. Ap ply C. O. Thompson, 10th mid Lockhnrt, Plrsl Addition. WANTED Will Weil. A mnrrlngo license ha? been Issued to Tom Nichols, of Mnrsliflehl. and Mary Dnker Might llimrx In Limit or Work Says Slate Ijilior ('omiiilsslonei' timpki:i:pi:r luhklpy, of coai- odo, Is In town today, having brought n sick man from the enmp to Mercy Hospital. L Coquille River Coal 100 Pounds Clean Coal to the Ton Guaranteed Price, $5.50 COOS COUNTY FUEL CO. GEO. A. BAINES, Mimic IHt-L. Offlie (icn until H:l)0 p. in. ' 18(1 Dioadnny So. Tho following dispatch from Kii- iitiM. Mrs. Ynti.n fnrmnrlv lived K0U0 Will Do of Interest llOlo IIS It at Plshtrnp. but Is now n resident will probably affect the Marsbfleld or Mnrflbflnld. Mr. N'lebnlx In II, n pollco: well-known Marsbfleld commerclnl "J hat Ptigeno policemen will have Bulesninn. to ,U duty only eight hours n' day Is tho announcement of Mayor. Son Is limn. Word hns been re- Yornn. nftor n coiiBiiltatlon with I ...!... I Imr,, ,r tin. 1.1. .tli nf o .mi StntO I.IlllOl' Ol)ll 111 IhhIiUI or llllfr to Mr. nnd Mrs. R. T. Streot, for- Commissioner Hoff said that tills Is APDITOR DROWN, of the C A. ORKP.NR, of Colgato &. Co., Now York, nrrlved In the city yeBterdny from San Pranclsco nnd Ih visiting tho drug trade. WAXTKD A lady to come to tho factory nnd inako mattress tickB. Vovon Who Mattress nnd Redding Co., 513-5-15 South Droadwny. morly of Mnrshflold. but now In " "ccordunce with the now stato Portland. While thoy bnd not for- '. which prohibits tho working, mally chrlstoned the now- arrival, of municipal or state employes long-1 Mr. Street wnnted to nnmo lilm "r thnii eight hours n day. This' Piatt. Mrs. Street's family nnmo. w.ll necesslta-o the hiring of sovoral miuiiiuiiiii iMiiieemeu uere. Airaime Meetings. Tho Norwe-: Smith companies nrrlved hore yea- torday on the Adollne Smith to check up tho local offices of tho company. Inn Ladles' Aid will meet tomorrow nftornoon In the chapel. Mrs. M. Matheson will servo. Tho Young Lndlos' Aid of tho Norweglnn Church will meet at Rev. Thorpo's residence SO.MU OP LIPK'S MISTAKES. N PPRinilT nnd learned Judgo hns announced ns the wisdom JOHN ORKVKS. rnsbler of the First Nntlonnl Dank of North Rend, wnH a business visitor In Coqulllo to n business visitor lo Coqulllo yestordny. WAXTP.D (llrl for '"crnl Iioimo work. Apply 72!) S. 4th st. WAXTHD (Jlrl for general house work. Good wages. Apply A, II. Powers. Phono 207. FOR RENT Orpheum Tonight I)Kl'TY AND THK DP.AST This Is an excellont three-reel pic ture while It Ih n fairy story, still It has groat merit Tho pliotoj ate flno. TIIROWINo THK DPLL With soino nmiiBlng scones In tho bull niiR This Is good. 101 It TIIOlsWD PIIKT OI'PICTL'RPS. ADMISSION I Of. A Thursday. January in. .Miss nor- "'.', '", """ "'i"""" R. u. CORKY and wlfo and dnugh- othy JoluiBon will servo. " 'r n l'?,irh whnt ho ,,0lBlllrH tor nro exnected home tills weok tlio most easily made and not readily ,..r,"1 ? X1 ' ' Lj ,0 ,.'" m,?. Sail u Rcdondo. Misses Marian rectified errors of human thought nnd l,,,t a,r,nnM with Mr Coroy'i Sonmaii. Norn Tower, dances Wll- 1onduct. He designates them as the ro Ives llaniB. Hazel Powers. Dessle Coko "Thlrteon Mlstnkes of Llfo," and thus ' and Mr. Leslie Isaacson, will lonvo eniimerntos: on tho Redondo on Snturday for "To attempt to sot up your own California colloges to rosume tholr frtniitlnnl of right and wrong and ox- studles after spondlng tho Christinas pect everybody to conform to It." and Now Year holidays In Marsh- "To try to moasuro tho onjoymont flold. i of others by your own." "To expect uniformity of opinions Kastslde Mill Plans. According hi this world." to present plans, the remodelling "To full to make nllowanco for In- and Improvements of tho Pnstsldo experience," mill will bo completed so that they "To endeavor to mould nil dltpo- can start operations nbout March iitloiiB allko." 1. Tho high wind last Saturday ...vot to yield In iinlniportniit trl- nlght blew down some of tho frnmo fios." work oroctod for mo now concrete . THOMPSON, who has been em ployed on I ho Sacehl milk dollvory sorvlce, will leave soon for his old homo In Hume, Mo,, whore ho expects to romnln. . T. LACIORSTROM returned on tho Adeline Smith yesterday from Southern California, whoro ho spout tho holidays, Mrs. Lager stroni remained for n longer visit. !He R.oyal TONIGHT )iili XiiiiiI... in., inn "uj I'uhcII in two new Mings. ' and ,oiik, (host, elassy ban- Dl.ll m k " 'ZrtA1 "r "',' n,U'st l,,l,t,,,ls w!,e.ii(i"0 ,!u',l''x, Romance." 'luidiiil line ,1 I,,.,.. ..... "in.."r.,l,l.K,,," ri-eler. i.,l- '" ''lm'! l-'unulcus tries ti. ... .1 " ' iX guainnteeil Ui piiidtutv. "Iniisslllll. In...... el -... .... 1 I lie iii'iir, !,; iiai- m 'HIGH of today's slue ads con tains nniiey- saving CtS you? Remember Rexall When in Pain In theso days of varying weather, all aro more subject to llttlo Ills. Not sick enough to go to n doctor, but feeling depressed from the cold, cough or grrppa or other slight ailment. If you fool that way Just drop hi and try Rexall. It Is tho greatest Hue that has over been put on the maikot and we, with tho leading drug gists throughout tho country, recommend It, 'MBREM.A3 lEPAIRCn . MAKSHFIELD CYCLERY rnuivt 158-R. LockhartParsons Drug Co. Tin: DPSY CORXPR The Rexall Store Phono i Us liOS sniokostncks now being tho dnmago wns slight. built but Many Want Hoisin. J. A. Rob erts, of Shlnglobouso Inlot. advertis ed a horse for sale In The Tlmos "To look for perfection In our own actions." "To worry oursolvos and othora nbout whnt can not bo romedlod." ! "Not to holp evorybody; whorovor, I however nud wbonovor wo can. I "To coiiBldor nnythlng Impossible i KD M'KPOWN, of Smlth-Powors Camp No. 2, at Coaledo, and wlfo, came In yostordny for a short stay while Mr. McKoown Is look ing after some real ostato mat ters, Thoy returned todny. POR ItKXT Puuilslicti rooms, on Union St., neur hnll park, North Rend. Mrs. Pnrlss, POR ItKXT 7-rooni house, 171 V.L rod avo. Apply within or phono 313-L. I'OR ItKXT Piinilslicd rooms, mod. em. :i7:i South Sixth street. Phono 2P5-L. POR ItKXT Large house on SeutU 11th fltroct. Phone 119-L,, or sot A. D Campbell. FOR SALE POR KALI: Pour Sicilian Riittcrcup Cockorels. one 125-ogg Inculmtor. Address Dox 8118, Marsbfleld, or T. P. Miller, Femdale, M!"! ?"8 n Kt.o:.ep...i0,0"..lJ that wo can ,m. 'oi.vSs 'poVfonn " "I ... '"m, ZS "iio'vs" 'b ."T 'o'lovo only what our finite, HARRY DULTMAN. tho member of th Tli en wors thun boforo. ncoa for tho filing the nnlnial. Ho says this Is '''v on ly win in third tlmo thnt ho has tried ""."Jl?.." kuUnwn bo Tlmos want ads recently nnd w io, innh" nllowa ,..!. .!... I.,. -nnoL.n.l n.nrn nna. WeakliegSOS Of OtllOrS." ors thun boforo. "To estlmnto by some outside qual- Ity, whon It Is thnt with In which Itonkftlmll (lame. Dr. Morrow makes the man." yesterday mndo nrrangonients with 5. 0tl wUvlr" lmt negative tho North Dond Indopendonts to 'I heso nro things NOT to do. to bo play hero Prlday night, probably "voiuun as poison, ror earn or wlilcii , as an oponor to tho Marsbfleld- thero doubtless Is tin antidote of euro North Dond High School League mid an nutl-toxln of prevention. gnmo. Tho Mnrshflold toam will A sunsot philosopher would affirm bo slightly changed. Preomnn play- flvo slinplo rules In nntlthosls. They lug center, (JrannlB nnd Hon ennnd- nro tno points or a star of hopo. DPLL IXXJS, bull pups ami fancy plgoons. Dox ICO or C. K. Shnw'ii regldonce, North Ilend, Oregon. POIt SALK Hands ly Illustrate! story of tho Panninti Cnnnl for ten cents. Address euro Times office. I'OR SALK (lend bicycle frmiav Inqulro 10C1 Coinmorclnl nvenutv the Coos liny Outing Club who wont South to enpturo San Prnn rlsco with other Outlpg Club mem bers on tho Rodoudo sovoral weoks ago, will urrlvo In Mnrshflold on the Redondo this week. LOST LOST (,'old bracelet. It mi mil return to TIiiioh offlco. tor L1CKXSKSTO WKD. LOST Hall rug; 1) rt. Ioiik ihiiI 2 1-2 ft. wldo. Sultnblo reward for return to Oolng & Harvey. lor forwards and Morrow phy guards. and Mur- I To mo Journey. A. Rnrnnrd, a laborer hound for Myrtlo Point, n ns arrested yesterday on tho chnrgo of drunkonnoss. Ho stated boforo City Recorder Dutler this morning thnt ho had acquired his al cohol In North Dond. Ho was dis charged on condition that ho ro Riinio his Journey. KnHlly romomhuiod, thuku: Do fair. Do kind. Don't worry. Do your best. And smllo. Take this tablet and koop blundering. from coquilli; XKWS. County Clork Watson Issued tho following marriage licenses during the week: Edwin C. Roborts and Joy Paulino Miller. William K. Pooto nnd "Ploreneo Hsthor Mnnsoll. William h. Oroor and Stolla L. Gnynor. Kmllo Waldo and Mnblo Plsko. (JeorgeLong and Kvolyn Diirke, Thoodoro P. R. Jonos and Goorgle L. Ci ooks. Coqulllo Horald, TAX COLLPCTIOX DIvLAYICD. County Treasurer Dlnimlck, who Is Miss Lotu Mast started Prlday for Kugono, where she will rosiimo bor studios In tho state university. Sho now tnx collector, says that through' , ., ... , ., was accompnnled as. far us Myrtle delays in receipt of the stato tax Is Found (.ullty. Dort Delloit, j0nt ,,y M)BH norotby Watson. lovy, tho oxtenslon of the tax rolls nrrosted on tho charge of assaulting Miss Orotehon Shorwood vlsltod could not bo coiiiiuoiiiod In tlmo to James McCall, owner of tho Spo- frlonds In .Marsbfleld a few days last havo them ready by Jan. 1, when the kano rostaurant. located In tho build- wer- , . , , P'O-nient of tax. In mippoked to poiii- ,.. iBnaa.i uv Hoiim, wna fnimii pull ' ,l8 totaI anit)t of foos collootod mqiico. Consoquoutly, he will not Ing leased by Dollou, was found gull- ,n tho (01nt. b,erk Qffle8 ,n Uw u0 ro,iy to recelva paymtrnts on tnxes ty by Juatlco Ponnonk yeetgrday af- month or Decombar was ?Cy7.76. for 1913 until tho 15th. Coqulllo ternoon and fined fi. Oaorgo Ste- Coqulllg Ilgrnld. Herald. FOR RIIKU.MATISM AXI) IXACTIVK LIVKR USK nntfar ni.-Tn.m,'f:i.j Liver Saline Fur- Sale only at tin: lpiii'(j dri(j stork poit QTi,m (iOods Wludou r-o Our , ' : ' i ' i."