The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 06, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    Upppwiwmiiifflpw '-"--4ijniijuni,Tm'Mynii,m i;)ipHiiipHijiWiWfWI'IP;i'l"P"''
Smj WxmtB
l, icml lho Tlim-s know they ran
llml the "'Is "f ,l,u ,,c"1 me,'t'n"ts
s ucll ns.tlie news of tlie best pw
ilc f jlio c"'
who advertise in The TIiiich know
lliey reiieh the best people In the
city who Insist on the best news
of the city.
unl VVYII EMIlllllHllCU 1H,H
VOL AAAVII. us The Const Mall
A Consolidation of Times Coast Mall Mn 1JQ
nml Coos Jtay Advertiser. '"" ,M"U
luotcs Coda Exempting Mili
tia From Charges tor Acts
Done on uuty
ires Sheriff Rand of Baker,
Stating Agreement to
Withdraw Troops
nr AmwIilM to Coo H Tlmm.l
PORTLAND. '.Inn. (i Colonel l.nw-
nn nml n nillllnrv force will nrohnhlv
fonvo Copperflclil todny to take up ,
hclr hendqunriers nt Huntington,,
rcordlng to nn nnnonnroincnt liy
ovcrnor west. The- nceu or eicnr-
iir up tunc town wnB uio reason
ivcn liy mo executive,
it in inilinninil Hint lioforn tlm mill.
nry gyrations censo In linker county
i milliner or its towns win nave re-
crelved n niornlwnahlng. The (lov-
rnor declared lie hnd derided upon
itch a program. Tho (lovernor also
innoiiiiccd ho H tended culling 250
illnopnes at the hearing looking to
temporary rrmoval of Sheriff
land of linker county.
()id"r IHnobeycil
Reports received from Copporfleld
ire tlinf tl'o court order enjoining
llio mllllla from Reining tho liquor
ml fixtures or tnu saloons tlioro had
ccn disregarded. All tho stocks of
lho saloons li'ad been prepared for
llilninfnt to linker. I'lflnnn innrn
lllltlninen passed through Dnkor to-
ny to rolnforco tho present com-
mud at Copporflolil.
w.wi i.,.., kvi.i.
, . . ' I rested by any civil process while on
Art .. on Indlvldunl complaints ,ty, nnd also to another section pro
linrsli'K t at tho saloons of Copper- vlillnir that monibors of tho nillltla
OKI V'-l minting tllO lllW, GOVOr-
nr West lust week ordered tho dlst-
l -II ., ..,.-!,, ... !.
i. iiiiiuiivr nml nuuiiii in iiHNiir
unity to closo all tho bars thoro
Tho district attomoy asked tho
jovernor to present liln ovldonco, but
i'vb tMo oiuy ntiHwor bo uot wns a
inrwistlc lottor recrottlnir his failure
lo enforro tho law. Tho sborlff ro-
Iitspd to oboy the Oovornor h orders
bn tho Rrnunds that tho saloons were
regularly licensed and could bo closed
Duly by nn order of tho court.
.Suspends (invcrninciit.
The (lovernor then sent bis secro
irv. Miss Koni llohlis. mid n limlv nf
mllltlnincii. Biispemlod tho civil isnv-
fcrnmenf of tho town and took mill-
Inry possession, commnndeorliiR tho
leicpnono nnd tolORinpli lines and ro
iiisliifr pornilsslon to tho mayor nnd
roiincllmen, sovoral of whom opornto
iiiiuwiiH, in icavo town or to consult
lilt il I it .".....
!l J ll '.,'. Copporfleld baa
kbout 100 Inhnbltnnts.
ruiCTliAND. Jan
0. Governor
ll'itu t , I I m i -
hV. L lyi V,ro!,..clrc,,u Ju(, A"-'
naaJuu'nnri f.v '","'"' """win nun
apt. Olson Very Modest About
"croio Feat Porno Will
Probably be Saved at
Drake's Bay.
.w.Tnin A(,.ollno s'lth arrived In this
wiling from Snn Francisco after
rather choppy trip up tho const.
o crtw nnd Capt. Olson woro feol
Le?. ovor tho rescuo of twonty-
Olir lives nff lio ti.1
"c'wa5,wroc,ecl n I0W lnys ago.
v.,,,1 ulHon wn8 mnor roticont
"Ollt tllO nffnlp nml nD vnn,i..
Eiodeji t about tho fent, expressing re
ret Hint ho hnd not been nblo to
ni, ,r , ?,lln .n,so' However, bo
an the bB thing wns tho saving
r trio lives of tho twenty mombors
board CI"eW a"(l Ul fUr l)nBsenBors
nSlpt!.,eta',18 .of Ul wreclc nnd tho
'"TO StrilBElo to nnvn lion .,
Irtf u-l1,ncd ,n TJie T,mea last night.
iV, ,i. or ino crw of tho Porno
as a little moro thrilling than tho
ho.,, 'c'"s Bavo it. as tho Inst of
looa l "" "It 111 UIO llIUUUUl
Pom t nilnutes before tho
lia.l "'"-" UUIIO. I 110 11IODOUI
S..""', reached tho Adeline
smith whon the Porno turned over.
in nb0,-it - 'c,ock th0 mor
nnT." ii, captain of tho Porno did
X.1 K've up his ship, but
w. apt olson Pointed out tho
"anger ho complied and wns none too
a,,I I l08t the Porao I" tho night
IiSm -?. next day n,c,e(l P the,r
J .r a hard struggle, and took
"er In tow nonin ..oi,, .1 ...,i
l,, . ol "lioiuu UU,,tl, Ull'
ltor'va8 lm aBan. the latter tlmo
ArtniTn V. tno necessity of tho
'lne Putting on full power to es
,a Possible collision with an-!?i1!Lle8Be'-
However, they kept
ti S11,0 and finally got tho Porno
wn i ? i!lt0 Pake's Day. whero she
tnid 6 shaltered. As she was
lOSSCd tin nn a oo.,.. , 1. , ii.t
m herself. ' r B"v"
A wrecking crew and ship wero
ent up and are setting her off.
Wm. 'Wiegand, Against Whom
Gov. West is Directing Fifllit
Comino to Bay
"in. Wlognnd, 0110 of the council-
""-" l iiuruuru, uregon, against
"' " governor west 'iins nun special
m,,in iiinuuuuu, is quite won Known
"" -" no spoiii roiisKioruuie
mini lieu- 11 inuiiiM iir so ngo anu
wim planning to come here tho latter
Prt of tho month with u view to
, n. lml purchased n half Interest
'". "c U00H ""' Monument liuslness
wmi u. n. Wilson nml Had also
milium I'oiiHiiii'rauiu leai esuuo on
Coos Hay and at Handon.
Mr. Wolgnn Ih a crlpplo. having
ono log off near the kneo. Mr. Wil
son says thnt .Mr. Welgan has a $20,
(100 general merchandise stock ut
Copporlldld and has Interests In busl
iiess In other towns In that section.
.Mr. Wilson says that Mr. Wolgund
took over tho liquor business to se
cure n loan.
"onrr lumu or linker county. culling
ii mm hccuoh or uio couo
providing that no persons belonging
" "iiniary rorco or sinio snan do nr-
nrilnrn.l Inln nnlnnl unnli.ii .,
iiniitn .iiii.. n. ..i,,,in,,ii.. r..- ..
V ". '" ". . '" " ""
dono by tlioiu while on duty.
Anticipation by tho Govomor thnt
Sheriff Hand might nttompt to arrest
Colouol I.nwson for contempt of
court for Ignoring tho Injunction of
(ho linker county court, prompted tho
Oovornor to send tho message.
Tho Governor also sent n messngo
to Sheriff Hand declaring that when
over ho Is willing to co-operate In en
forcing tho criminal laws tho Gover
nor will withhold further military ac
tivities. AVhllo tho Governor would not do
clnro today wliethor ho would put
Huntington under martini law, ho In
timated that bo would uot do so un
less developments warranted.
coij (;oktiiai.s i)i:ci,i.i:s.
ii4u i wujvi iiiuii i u i tWIlim
ell lias received n lettor from Colonel
NKW YOItK. .Inn. (! Mayor Mitch-
Georgo GoothalB, onglneef In chnrgo
i ( IIIU (WlflMIU V II lift I I J IIP i I UUilUllf
'lupHnlnB tho mnyor's offer of tho
of tho rnnnmn CnnnI coiiBtructlon,
iioiico coniiiilBslonerslilii.
Capt. Olson expected thnt they would
flont her yesterday. Tho wrecking
vessol 1b tho Inqun, tho vessol which
wns formorly on this run, but which
wns wreckod on tho California const
not ninny months ago.
Tho Adeline Smith or her crow
will not recolvo nny salvago from tho
Porno, oven though sho is saved,
desplto their forty-eight hours' strug
gle to snvo her, hut the saving of
tho lives Is moro than recomopensa
to them for tho dnngors they under
Steamer Oklahoma Founders
Off Sandy Hook and Only
Eight Are Saved
(1? AiiocUted Pren to Coo IU7 Timet.
NEW YORK, Jan. C Tho steamer
Oklahoma sank off Sandy Hook yes
terday and twenty-two of the crow
perished. Eight were saved.
Owing to an unusual rush of
Into advertising, much telegraph
nnd local nows luis been crowded
out of today's Times.
TOM HUSSEY, of Coaledo, wns a
visitor in tho city today on busi
ness. Tho LADIES of tho METHODIST
CIIU11CH will hold their regular
TAMALE SALE at tho church par
lors tomorrow WEDNESDAY afternoon.
Seven Thousand of Huerta's
Men Are Marching to North
From Jimihez
Rebels Also Await Arrival of
More' Men and Big Battle
is in Prospect
llljr Amnrlalril Trrm to Coon Iljr Tlincn.)
PKKS1DIO, Jnn. 0 With Orte
ga's Constitutionalist forces en
camped twenty miles west on tho
Uio Grnndo and the Federal nnny
Btlll holding OJInnga, both Bides up
penred to bo awaiting reinforce
inentB todny.
Despite Villa's assuranco that bo
would nt once Join tho rebels nnd
load thorn to n renewed nttnek wns
Imlliifx.l I.. ..,1111,.-.. ,.I,. ,. ,i,.. """" .tiuru until iUU woiu iiiuuu
stl kL oui S iotyi.n .,od ! homo'- nnd tho summer cottages of
.!,,! ,"C(1 ,niNow York and Philadelphia btiBlnesB
Icbb tlian three or four days. , 1i1.,i , tu ' ... .m.i
Villa bones to renew the attack
before the Federals nro reinforced
by the arrival of troops under Gen
eral Argumedo, who Is reported on
tho wny from Jlmlnoz with sovoral
thousand men, Otoga sent word to
MInJor McNamee, of tho United
States border patrol, that ho had
fifty wounded whom ho wished to
turn over to tho Hod Cross. Me
Nnmco sent n detachment up tho
river to receive tho wounded men.
llr AmvIiM l'rr lo Coo llr Tlnm.
VEItA CUU55, .Inn. C Advices re
ceived by wlrelcsB by the American
warships hero Indlcnto that tho rebels
nro planning to attack the Federal
troops Immediately.
(11 AmocUIk! Vmt lo Coo lUr Tlmra.
President Wilson will cud his south
ern vacation nnd lenvo Pass Christ-
Executive Recommends
provements, Curtailing of Ex
penses New Police Rules
Mayor Allen's messimo to the Cltv
Council Inst ululit urccd the neces
sity for further streot Improvements
in .Ainrsurioid nnd included a lengthy
sot of rules nnd regulntlous for tho
pollco department. Ho also urged
tho curtailment of oxnondltures so
ns to keep well within tho revenues
of tho city.
Ills messngo In pnrt was us fol
lows: "It Is my duty nt this tlmo, as
well ns a pleasure, lo point out to
you in a brlof wny, boiiio of tho moro
important mnttors which nro now
boforo us, nnd some recommendn
tions for tho your to como.
"First, 1 might any thnt from nil
appearancos, tho year to como will
bo n busy ono, nnd many questions
of Importance respecting tho pros
perity nnd welfare of our city will
come boforo us. However. nB I look
upon tho members, of this Council,
tho assuranco comes to me that you
aro all men of experience and irood
judgmont and that the nffalrs of our
city government will bo handled In
a fair nnd Impnrtlnl manner and thnt
ench of you will do your duty fnlth-
ruily nnd for tho good of nil.
FinniiccN n Problem,
"Flnnnces nro always tho great
problem In building and maintaining
a city, and while we should not be
miserly In our dealings, yet tho
great cry is continually beforo us
of high tnxes. Therofore, In order
to keep within our tax levy for tho
ensuing year, wo must cut down
all needless oxpenso. A few figures
might bo of Interest to you at this
time. At tho beginning of 1913
wo hnd J11.313. CI on hand. On
Jnnunry 1, 1914, wo had $4,458.91,
a difference of $6,854.70.
Expense s Growing.
"This shows that tho expense of
1913 wns greater by $7,000 In round
numbers, than any previous year in
our history. Two items which helped
to make this Increase are tho final
payment on our fire engine of $2,
226.00 and Cedar street warrants
paid Contractor McLaln in the sum
of $2,985.10 tho balance being
made up from the natural growth
and expenso of our city. This does
not Include our street Improvements
which were paid for by property
owners in a separate fund, and
totals in round figures, the sum of
Street Improvements
"From present Indications there
will be many streets to improve
during the year to come, ond It
would seem from our past exper
ience any atreets that wo expect to
Improve during tho year should be
planned and mado ready to ask
bids upon, arly in the year. By
this means wo will bo able to get
better bids on the work, and bavo
them dono nt a time of tho year
that will Insure good work and good
streets. '
"I might call to your attentlonsN,N"'
certain streets which It would be (Continued on Page Two.)
Fine Hotel and Summer Cot
tages Tumble Into Heavy
Atlantic Waves
Mr Aorln(fJ Tri-M to Coon lly Tlmfn.)
NEW YOItK, Jnn. C Seabrlgbt,
Now Jersey, which wns swept by a
storm Chrlstmns night when nn esti
mated loBB of half n million resulted,
again wnB tho center of glgnntlc
waves. Moro than 100 wcro inndo
men tumbled Into tho scji, as did
tho Octagon hotel, one of tho largest
summer resort establishments on tho
Jersey const.
Tho town, with only 112,000 In tho
treasury to relievo tho homeless, will
appeal today for Federal nnd stato
aid In the construction of n sea-wall
to prevent a rccurronca of tho dis
aster. While tho greatest dnmago was
dono nf Scnbrlght, N. J tho coast
from Sandy Hook to Long Hranch was
lashed by tho waves nnd bulkheads,
which for thirty yenrs had protected
tho low benches, were ripped to pieces
nnd tossed nsldo.
Ilenvy losses nro reported from At
lantic City, Longport, Edgowntcr,
Cnpo Mny, Ventnor City nml Mnrgnto
Inn Sunday night, arriving In Wash
ington Tucsdny. McssngcB received
hero stato thnt tho President la in
cxcollout honlth.
tm .well to get busy on In the nenr fu
lfil" turo.
Sonio street lending from West
Mnrshflold thrniit!i tint IWhnni
tract to Ferndulo cither Ninth,
lentil or Kiovontli. us tho City En-
glneer mny determine.
Broadway from Curtis to Hall.
Curtis Avouuo from Broadway to
Second. Paved.
Twelfth Court from Elrad to
Golden, Paved and planked.
Ingorsoll avenue rrom Broadwny
to city limits. Paved nnd plunked.
Kruso nvenuo from Second streot
to Fourth avenuo. Paved.
Seventh street from Commercial
to Donnelly. Planked.
Broadwny from Market to Alder.
Robullt nnd planked.
Thirteenth street from Central to
Highland avenuo. Planked,
Fourteenth streot from Central to
Hlghlnnd nvenue. Planked.
Filling of North Front streot to
city limits.
New Pollco HiiIch
"Rules and Regulations Kovernlui;
tho Pollco Department nro borowlth
Tho Chief of Pollco shall hnvo
general Jurisdiction over all tho men
in this dopnrtment.
"Ho shall give necessary Instruct
ion regarding any duties to bo per
formed, olthor speclnl or general.
Co-opeititloii Suggested
"Ho shall at all times furnish to
each and ovory man in the depart
ment, every Item of information
that ho may havo relative to any per
son or persons wanted by any au
thorities, whether stato, county, or
municipal, and such information
must bo furnished Immediately up
on the receipt of the same by him,
to every man then on duty, and to
nil others so soon as they arrlvo
or report for duty.
"This shall bo dono by furnishing
to each mombcr either the original
Information received or by giving
to each an exact copy of tho same.
Afternoon Trluls.
"Ho shall nrrango with tho Re
corder and tho City Attorney, all
trials before tho Recorder, so that
the men who aro on night duty are
not disturbed earlier than 2:30 In
the afternoon, unless It bo a case of
Inhumanity to tho prisoner or his
ramiiy to so delay the hearing.
"He shall keep In his office a
complete sot of Ordinances passed by
tho City Council or Marshfleld, af
fecting the duties of the pollco In
any manner, and such ordinances
shall bo accessible to each member
at any and all times.
To Handle Prisoners.
"He may make such rules as he
may see fit for the handling and
care of prisoners, by tho members
of the department, except that they
shall not conflict with any of these.
"Any person arrested by any
member, snail bo taken beforo the
Recordor for a hearing before bolng
discharged, and no ball shall be ac-
cepted by tho Chief or any other
Moyer Says Demand Is Made
Out of Sympathy for Miners
in Calumet District
I llr AMivlilril 1'jtm lo Coo I Iir Time- 1
CHICAGO, Jan. C. Charles Moyer,' trlct in Uoutt county In northwestorn
president of tho Western Fedorntlon Colorado wero begun todny by repro
of Miners, wnB credited today with rcntatlves of tho United Mine Work-
saying inaf Hntnuei uompcrs nnd
other officials of tho Amorlcnn Fcdor -
ntlon of Labor would meet In Wash
Ington In a few dnys to consider tho
advisability of calling a.nntlon-wldq
strlko of Inbnr orgnnlzntlons in sym
pathy with tho copper miners of
Plnim In Statu Quo.
"Hnvo you nskod for n nntion-wldo
strlko?" Moyer wnB nsked. "Thoro
hns been considerable pressuro ex
erted that such n demand bo mnde,"
bo answered. "However, It mny bo
snld thnt our plnns nro In statu auo.
T will confer tomorrow with Charles,
E. Mahonoy, vlco president or our tho refusal of the military authorl
fcdcrntlon, Guy A. Mlllor nnd Ynncotlcs to permit "Mother" Mnry Jones
lerzicu, momiicrs or uio execuuvo
nonru, ami wo win (ictcrmino wnni
'further action to take."
TyM)gniplilcnl Union To He AnUciI
To Tiiko Vi Ciikch.
Ill AmocIIis I'itm In Coo llr TlniM.J
CALUMET. Jnn. 0. Tho enses of
tho union printers employed on tho
Finnish Soclnlist pnpor, whoso edi
tors and othor employes woro mimed
In wnrrants recently Issued as a dov-
olopmont of tho strlko of tho copper
miners hero, hnvo been tnkon up by I
tno 10cm typogrnpiiirnl organization.
Tho typesetters wero chnrged with a
conspiracy to publish statements In
citing to riot, as wero tho editors, re
porters and business managor of thu
It was said that tho Intcrnntlounl
"nlon will bo authorized to cnll tho
uuuniion or uio wnsiiingion nuuiori
ties to tho enso. Another sldo of tho
strlko lining Inquired Into is tho
chnrgo thnt foreign workmen brought
Into the mines In Ignornnco of tho
strlko hnvo been forced to remain
at work.
Fifty Armed Deputy Sheriffs
Escort Strike Breakers to
Ruston Works
(llr Aiooi lilfj rrni lo Too nr Tlmr.
TACOM1A. Jan. C. Fifty mrmed
deputy sheriffs went to tho enr lino
today to escort4 100 strikebreakers
to tho Bineltor plant nt Ruston. Tho
strikers, with tholr women nnd child
ren, lined tho wny. crying "senb," nnd
soon a free-for-all fight ensued.
Most of tho laborors quit and would
not go Into tho smelter. Men and
supplies nro being lnndod by stonm
ors nt tho smoltor dock. It waB ex
pected that shots would bo exchanged
Inst night between tho strikers, bar
ricaded In tholr houses, mid tho de
puties, E
Hamilton Brown Company
Locks Out 1500 Employes
Engaged in a War
nr AuorUted I'rtu lo Cooa l)iy Time.
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 6. Tho Hamilton ' Fariss, tho train robber under sen
Brown shoo company locked out of tenco of death for murdering a rail-
its factory nero today 1500 former
employes who are members of the
United Shoo workers' Union. Tho
lockout is tho development of a war
between tho United Shoe Workers'
Union and the Boot and Shoo Work
ers' Union, which Is affiliated with
tho American ederatlon of Labor.
Only members of tho latter union
were given employment when tho
factories opened today,
Federal Commission on Indus
trial Relations Decides to
Undertake Job
Calumet Trouble Will be First
to Undergo Probe and Col
orado is Next
Hit A.nocUtfil I'itm lo Coon IUjt Tlmra.l
DENVEU. Jnn. . Tho prepara
tion of n'ffldavltH In connection with
tho alleged 'deportation of sovornl
utrlkcru from tho Oak Creole coal dls-
lt.rB of Amerlcn.
i Officials nt union
stntOd that tho affidavits would bo
forwarded to Washington to bo uboU
'in urging n congressional Investiga
tion of tho Colorado conl strlko.
Advices received hero stnto thnt
quiet prevailed In the Onk Crcok dis
trict, whero last week several Htrlkora
were ordered to lenvo by tho Tnxpay
ersf Lcnguo, which nlso served notlco
thnt every able-bodied man In tho
county must secure employment or
Union officials woro busy today
considering action In connection with
to stop in Trinidad yesterday.
lllr AikII,1 I'itm to Coo l!r Tlmf, J
LONDON, Jnn. C. Sir Lionel Cnr
den, Ilrltlsb Minister to Mexico, l
to bo transferred shortly to Illo do
Janeiro ns Minister to Hrnzll. ' "
successor to Sir Lionel will prolrib
be Charles Murray Marling, S
Counsellor In tho British D!p'
Service, now accredited to Turkey.
Aliens Can Be Deported for
White Slavery After Living
In U. S. For Years
Illy AMorUted Pitm lo Coo IU)r Tlmr.
Aliens who mny hnvo lived In tho
United Stntes for yenrs nro still sub
ject to deportation under tho Immi
gration law of 1907, should thoy re
visit their old homes and within throe
years after returning to this country
engage In Immoral practices, accord
ing to a doclslon of tho Suprome
Court todny In tho enso of Anna La
tnr ao. iiitj j'rTui to coo nr tiiom.j
SEATTLE, Wash.. Jnn. C Sovon
men engaged In a knifo nnd pistol
bnttlo nt tho homo of Louio Cofalo
hero today and tbreo of them nre
now In tho city hospital. Two are
bellovod to bo mortally wounded.
Rnfaelo Cofalo and four others
caino to Loulo Cefnlo's houso a'nd
began shooting.
Loulo fired Into tho crowd and
wounded two, ono slightly. Then
in an nltercntlon with his wlfo, ho
stabbed her four limes, Inflicting
probably fatal wounds. Ho sur
rendered to tho pollco, Tho cause
of tho quarrel Ih unknown.
I)r Aiocllel PrcM to Coo nr Time.
road agent, was positively ldontlflett
today by Mrs. Georgo Duval as tho
burglar who killed Edward Drlacoll,
oged seventeen, December 20 at San
Drlscoll's slstor beard a noise In
their apartement nnd called her
brother. As ho oponed tho dining
room door ho was shot boforo ho
could lift a finger. Mrs. Duval Iden
tified Fariss as the man who fled
from tho place aftor tho shooting.
UtMiiitk!iLlJJtlS.'PI' ."-
r -"
S&Hjr apiwflpa J .1 'rMMsM