WM 7tjm$mmm"inmt9m fa'KifQMm'?''"''' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 19U-EVEHING EDITION. nr ED GHAS. I. SMITH i IS STRICKEN i i IS 5 D EDISON'S LATb A slorane battery (la, over cIiiii-kIiik Mill no.? DOES NOT COmtOto CONTAINS XO Ari Will not lose llH c,Jt standlnjj j,j' IS OUAltANTKKi) vfi Coos Bay Wiring J 53 ltrnnihriiy. f AuentN for Pmi ., nl 5 c y B HUGE IVES WILL BE FREED ) Judflc Childs Tells Historv cf Pjonr Rancher of Ke tuck Cooliclcje-Van Pelt Feud in i Inlet Succumbs to Paralysis i'.nrrv Rnnntv ' Daughter Here PORTLAND, Or.. Jan. 5. "No Chin. T. Smith, a resident of Ken- tuck Ink't, and one of the host Stacje From Umpqua Meets Heavy Seas Sheriff Gage i Loses Hat in Heavy Gale Passengers mining In bv w.i- "f nrnln anil Gardiner Fr'dnv ie- i)l me uuni . ...... .1 i.. i t h jury hi Curry County will ever find own j-lonoo,. rnn.-l.er. of the Coos! .'" ,7wn. o no n .."' ' Riley Cooley Ku)lty of the murder Hay tllmrlc-t. died Saturday i.Ir it J , "" Ir, "' . rVerlen. ...i. j I or Tiio.n-s van I'eit. "' ,,,D "" "" ".'.v r ., Pcvernl times tliti s't.Ke wn mm- John L. Child. JudBP of the Su- nc" r imrnlynlii. Ills Ion h was ,Ie(I ,r, p.nke ft ,,,,;, ,, f0 ,,. jiorlor Court of lie! Norte County. " unexpected, an ho had been ,,, , k r the l(l,n(., , nvoll, iK- California, who In to be chler rotin-;"" " """- sol for the man who has been "ad ueen helple. brought bnrk to Clold Dear, charged l. Smith e;tleJ on hl ranch lit with a crlm committed sixteen 1! and developed the property yearn ago. stated hi belief In Cool- Into "e of the beat In that section. oy b innocenre in these words at e w "e m me urn w iiuruuure the linperlal Hotel. Ins swamped by the huge milu.-s breaking at high tide. S'.ierlff Gagt, who was rettiniir, fi'uni 5n1i.ni nflne fnklilff .1. U l.i l- ttm to tho penitentiary to sen.- Ii. b sentence for cmueMliiig the riii.K the power boat on Coo Buy. having i... .ti.in i. i,i ..n.w.,...i P I am quite familiar with the ""-tired one ..f the earliest powor ,b,nc,k mMu tho KUgt 0f nd .ind'B whole case." reminisced the Judge. on'" put out. It wa not a great "r 1,-iia nit tim i.rin. i..n. in I. in. success, but soon afterward Or. Mr nstmicli ni for several years 1 taught Corm.ie got a more Improved one school at Cold Ueich. I arted as "ml " ;n only a few years until jgJpll (lum counsel for the van Pelt at tiie "ie hhboihib buiiuui lopinreu me time of the original shooting, wtilch row-boats In this section, nearly started the famous Coolldgo-Van, every rancher having a power boat M eoiidi not be located, lie ic-p rs i B that the waves were running hljiiinfe up ou the beach than he hax vi , r Poll feud. 'of bis own. "t.u. u-iinin nffnif ni-fo.. ni n r.i. Jr. Miiitii was sevoiii.v-nvo years suit of a dlmgreeiiient between Al 'l " w" "rn In Mnland. In Coolldge. on one hand, and the Van Ills onrly yearh he followol the son Tell family, on the other, over somo nd Inter engaged In mining In Cal- proporty rights In which thev were Ifornla. and cnnie to Coos Hay first Jointly Interested. A sawmill wns I" 18(17. In ISO!) lie took up n tho direct ennse of the dispute. (Tie homestead on Kentuck Inlet. Van I'olts plekliiR tho machinery up October 10. US I. ho and Miss bodily one night and moving It to Mary Anderson were married In San n'pleco of woods ncrosa Iho Callfor- Francisco and cnnie to Coos Hay 3,a uno lo mako their home. Thoy are Mill AflcnvnnN Found survived by four children. "Irs. Coolldgo afterward found It. but Jns. K. Parker, of Loon l.nke; Sl.er- Jt was never moved and wns finally man and Klfrlda Smith, who reside sold for Junk for nbout $10. This at home, and .Miss Annie Smith, who Incident culminated In tho shooting Is employed In the offices of V. U. of both Al Coolldge. generally cnll- DoiikIkh In Marshflold. mi nnrlnv. niul Thnmns Van l'elt. .Mr. Smith was most hlcbly re- Klley Coolldge, as a friend of the snectod by nil who knew bin. nnd t Cooley fsinliy, is now accused oi . ueniii win ue Krenuj- rcKmuuu, murdering Van 1'olt." 't'ho funeral will bo held at 2 Tho Coolldge-Van Pelt feud was o'clock Tuesday afternoon from the TI'Kitfeantl of salmon are rep "' ed being driven ashore in the gnle of Friday and the people ar rlvl.u on the stage state tli.it one vso which went high on the slum' left eve. a hundred big sain i.i m niggling high and dry after il breaker receded. Sheriff (luge arrived In the city hntloss last night, and the stores being closed, he was presented win a Steson sombrero by Or. K. I'. Straw In romembrnnie of his lively trip down the const. Sheriff Ongo left on the morning train for Co-qiilllo. I" FINISH OF ANDF.ItSOX .Mo i-o lie one of tho most sonsntlfinitl ever Mnrshfleld staged In Orogon. It had nil tno inurcii nlcti.resoiieness of an ltallnn veu- dottn, enncted In n lonely nnd thinly populated section of Oregon some sixteen yenrs ago when the means of communlcntinn were fnr more crude than they nro today, even though at prosont It Ih necessary to pack 10 miles mulebiick Into Gold llemh. In n lainl of sinily hills and tlmbcr near the California line and In n day when men were quicker to in t on Impulse then thev are todny, tho forthcoming Cooley trial re vives nil the Interest In the original trouble. Coolldi Fh-ht Shot. Al Coolldge, nccoinpanled by au- Mier man, wiih driving a team to wnrd the hamlet of Harbor, five miles north of the California line, when both men were shot from nm busb, Curley Coolldgo fell dead In tho wngon, tho tenm galloping Into town with his dead body, while tho Swedish Lutheran Ml DONE NEAR MAPI Flffll DclnlN of Fight Show Wan Tricked by Crosi. A Los Angeles dispatch g'.-es the following particulars of the Xow Year's bout of Hud Anderson and I.enrli Cross, which ondod In t lie seventh round Instead of the seventeenth round, the Western Vil lon evidently having balled up the messages about the fight coining here: "That Hud Anderson Is through as a lightweight Is the unanimous opinion, of fans who saw hi in fall heforo I.each Cross In the seventh round of their scheduled 20-round Imt'le Xew Yeir's. The lad tins loHt none of his popularity, but his friends think he Is foolish to try to reuinln among tho little fellows. "For hours Anderson lny In stonm- Inir hot blankets undergoing the "drylng-out" process, but even then Last Camp Closed Near Acme! was mmbie to mnkc the weight. When he ontored the ring he was Bad Weather StOPS Work Hodden, pasty-faced nnd pnlufully slow. Ills future plans arc Indoflu- on Railroad Tunnels lie. Jan. Cross leavus for n mountain trip, - 1i.1 lemming uuru in iiiuv tu nieei either Jack Hrittou KI.OIIUXCH, Or.. 1 ITNI HIIVM . Krnriinin iimu ...i... i ...on February .'v...,.w... .....r.,, ,.,,,, ll.l.u ( 1,111- I ,,.. .,,...l..l.... t .. .!...... , ,1. ., iiitui niiiiiiim iiuiit'i nun n iui.'iii .loo Ulvors or no other man, pnlnrully wounileil, roil i unci ror grading on Hie railroad near' ,,"". ," "'"'?,; ;," i. .V. from tho vehldo nnd crawled Point Terrnco hnvo flnhihed thoir "'" for l o roi ids Cross le the thrniiRl. tho brush to scok aid. work and paid off their men. ??,iforAJn,L.:S vull ... 1 Tho Van Pelt family wore lmmo- This Is the last of the camps to'f" !' . , ,0, '"' "'" .J."1'" '. t.;,,e dlntely nccused of tl.o killing and close down botwoon Acino noil Miiplo-.K'rrn. wnrrnnts Issuod for their arrost' ton. '"? c,OB8...fol.Kl.,el t-inKPl"""- An- jsovon of thou.. They escaped to 'the hills, however, nnd there seomeit to be "0 chance of getting them, ;nlthoiiRh ovory avnllablo citizen was mnde n Ooputy Sheriff. Judge Childs, who Is now lo defend Cooley, wns held up by tho nngry towns people and prevented from comninii lentlng with tho Van Pelts. Ho finally inmlo his way to them, how ever, and porsundod tlioni to come In from the hills and vivo them selves up, Idersnn wnlkod Into the trap, piling- With Mi., ovcniitlnn nt n IIMln fin. "lursoil wumetl mill Hie imp, IMII1IK- Inir a for l.o l.H III 1 , ,, It .hmln nftor Cl08R wlth 1,,a K,"ml w,,, MS xhliasrth p'ec-eH1 sx 2j, snrZoueTi max, "imuko," iti:w.itni:i. One piece Is at Mnplutnu mid tl.o .i... ni,t i..'.. A.,.i....un. ..,.. ..... fllllm lu ill Hnllif rliiirn.n tu... . S..xieiiil Tunnel Woik. Work nt Tunnel Xo. II on the rnll rond between South Slough and Map le Crook was suspended Wednesday evening. Wo have not I our nod when operations will start again. Camp I at the north end of the tunnel wns Seven In number, they cnnie luto f rionotl a week or two ago. hut work wu nnd surrendered. 'Iho call.-, WHI1 ,.,0, nfCmnp 0 till the end tow booso of thoso prlmluto dnys wus i of Oucombor. fftf l.'!!:,"!!1,"!!. ," 'rrn.,""!:!1 W of the supplies worn taken to lly audi they wero lodged lu the local hotel. Somo were given em ployment splitting wood and ono was even permitted to carry the United Stntes mull. Van Pelt Killed Xexl. Flnnlly, through the kludnoss of tho lornl Judge, they were allowed to return to their homos on their own recognisance. Shortly thereaf- Camp I mid left lu i-hnrgo of a watchman The lost weie 'taken to Gardiner by tennis yesterday and will he used by the crews u that vicinity. On account of bad roads tho con tractors hnvo found It utmost liu pnstiihlo to get timbers to tho tunnel us fast as they are needed. The mound at the entrance has moved . i'iw,.,.nu v.iii ini una kiiiu.1 some and this mnde It necessary to while working near his own home, "so more timber than was expected Tho others were never brought to i al first. trial. With tho heads of the two warring houses both dend. the biuk XOTICI-: TO COXTIIACTOIts of tlm feint wns broken. The fain- I. Ids will be received for repair- Hies hae lived on during iliU per- inu plnsterod walls and retlntlng all J lod side by side with apparent good rooms ou two upper noois or ions feeling mid an Intention to ell It Pul'ding Cnll at once on Geo. II. quits." lltotiior nt Woob n Mill St re. W Here's a Noteworthy Fact About khe Live Store and its Service wirm: rF.vrriuxt; xot t.xi.v ntvi.k ix a mi'i.tiTiof OF PI,:.SI.(J PATl'KHXS, lll'T COOl) TAII.OItlXti IXSIDK A.M. Ol'T. VOC'1,1, FIND A Fl'1,1. MKASl'lli: OF SATISFACTION' IX (It'll O LOT I IKS. Kuppenheimer Suits $18.00 to $30.00 Other Suits $8.50 to $18.00 ONLY ONK PltlCi: LT. TIIK TI.MK. TIIK SAMK LAST YKAII, TIIF SAMi: THIS M:ll. Till; SAMK YKSTKIIDAY, TOOAY AND Ni:T WKKU. l.KT IS FIX Xn I P I.N IIXl'P SllT. Tugboat Ciiptnlii lllscl.iu-ged, Tlcn Ite-e.igiigeil WIUi l(i.lc In Pay. XKWPOHT. Or.. Jan. 3. To be discharged and ro-hlred nt nu In rretise of $23 n month lu one dny wns the experience of Captnln A. Krlcksoii, muster of tho tugboat L. Koscoo. owned by Portor Hrothers, Portland contractors, following a uuiubor of mishaps lu which the Kos coo figured heroically. Captnln Johnnsen, master of the bark Sausallto, now at Florence, nr rlved In Xowport to rollovo Captnln Krlcksoi. of the command of tho Itos roo. The ontlro crow of tho Koscoo quit In sympathy with Krlckson. who hud saved the bargo Frederick re-, cently. nftor It drifted on n Jolty In I a wild sea. Captnln Johnnseu visited the llfesavlug station and heard nbout tho bar conditions mid then talked to various Xew port citlxens and decided that he had not the nervo to tnko command of the Kococ. Krlckson then recolved a tologramJ ordering mm to resume command or the Koscoe. This ho refused to do without an increaso In salary, which was granted. Hit. W. A. TOYK lias nimcil Ills ! denial ofi'lce I'liim the KLDOKADO IU'1 1,1)1 G lo ItOOMS 'JO I and U0.1 jlltVI.NC HUILOIXG, llioailway, Ceil- tin I. XOHCK TO PFULIC. I will bo absent from Coos Itnv 1 until nbout Junuury 20. hut will then j be prepared to rush nuy kind of roofing. J L. MUCK. Marsh field. FIXUP North Bend. TWO STORES Representing the House of Kuppenheimer Phone 233-L. THKUK'S OXLV ONK MACIUXK THE SINGER.' OXLY OXK KKPKKSKXTATIVK W. J. RITZ Phone UH0-X. Send Your Laundry to Us By Parcel Post UK FLUXISH A 1JAO AXD V1LL PAY TIIK POSTAGK OX ITS KKTl'HX. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-J Marshfield It pays to trade where "Money Talks" Notice the difference between cash and credit Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. Marshfield Barulon Myrtle Point MnzsasxHascsaHiiEKaszEJi WILLAMKTTK-PACIFir MOTOK KVICK. Cnr lenves Central iiveiuie, .Mnrshfleld, every thirty minutes, be ginning at 11:30 n. m., to 0:30 p. in. Leaves Xorth Head ovory thirty minutes beginning C: lu a. in. to 9:15 p. in. Fares: Ono way, 15c: Kound trip, 25c. EANDON BY THE SEA THE CITY OF 1 HE FUTURE A 1-"KW TUX ACUK TIIACTS FOL'K MILKS SOFTH O.N COUX.TY KOAI. $:W PKIt ACItKi 9100 CASH, IIALANCK TWO VKA1IS. XO IXTKItlCST, XO TAX US, FIXK SAXDV LOAM, LKVUL IIUXCI1 LAND. Buy One It Will Make You Money Donald MacKiinitosh ItUAL USTATU ml IXHUItAXOK. FREIGHT S. S. HARDY Ciiii-.VIi.k freight only. Itctmvu Coos May mid San Fimiclxcn. Sails froiii Coos Itay, .Inn. li. 10, ill), Fchriiury lit nnd 27. Sails from Sun Fi-uticl-co .Inn. I), 1M, Feb. O and U(l. F. S. DOW, Agent. Ocean Dock. KQl'IPPKD WITH WIIUCLKSS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS OX TI.MK SAILS FltOM MAItSHFIKLD: SAT., .IAN. :t, I p. in. SAT., .IAN. to, 7.:io a, in. SAT., ,IAX. 17, I'-'.ilO p. in. SAT., .IAX. a I, 7.itO u. I... SAT., .IAX. ill, 10.00 n. in. SAILS FKOM POItTLAXI): TL'KSDAY, .IAX. 0, p. ut. Tt'KSDAV, .IAX lit, 8 Tl'KSDAY, .IAX. till, 8 p. in. TCKSD.VY, .IAX. U7, 8 p. ill. Tickets ou sale to all KiinUtii points and Inforinntloii as lo routes mid ivies cliecrfiilly fiiiuUlicil. Phono Main i!5-L. P. L. STKHLINO. Agent. S S. ALLIANCE KL'IPPKD WITH WlltKLKSS. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR EUREKA THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, AT 12 NOON. ROUND TRIP, $18.50. Connection with the Xoitli llaiik Itoail at Portland. Xorth Pacific Steamship Company. Phone II. C. F. M'OKOIKJK, Agent. S. S. REDONDO SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO FROM MARSHFIELD SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, AT 2 P. M. San Francisco office, 80.1 Flfo llldg., or Lombard St. Piers Xo. 27. luter-Oceaulc Transportation Co., C. V. McOeorge, AgL, Phono 1 1. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT C0., Inc. HEXUY SEXGSTACKEX, Miinaper FAItM, COAL, TIM.I1UI; AXD PLATTIXO LAXDS A SPECIAIIY. (JKNKKAL AOKXTS KASTSIDK MAItSHFIKLD OFFICK, PIIOXK M-J. COQUILLK CITY OFFICE PIIOXE 101. . w. V 1L I jYOU AUTO CALL : FOR FnnTPo l.'o.i.' Kood ciii-m will. vajJ Imii- day service. ,10J '"" I'mi; llhiuco Hill l'M- nlBlit service. ihJ i D IT. .1. SCAIFK J,."it I Marshfield SJ I DECOIUlf . i ......I . . . i i I.1IIIMIIUM llliniMlF Phone illMKI. Mai-lint(, .Mmpliy's Dnuiiii" .r,i lli-gliiiiKers' 1..4 ch,i, Tuesday ovcuIiik untl' notlco. Private 1imom polntmeiit. Plioup iCnrl t phy, Instructor, j !) r.-L, j. 373 Sixth street South. Commutatioj Tickets $2.0i .MAIISIIFIKLD-XOItTII I1D LINK. Cars every ten minutes fnJ to iu::io p. in., GORST & KING, TIIADK AT S. S. JENM1 XOUTII lll'.XI), I AXD SAVK MO.MlP HAVE THAT ROOFf NOW See CORTHEU Phone 3171. Ir-- Pidures&Fra Walker Stud (CITY AUTO AXD TAXH A now taxlrnb has ti my auto service. Carefi ' Will ko anywhoro nt onyt I Hlnnco ClKnr Store Dij; , Night phone 130-X. 1 TOM COODM.K. I'wi IIAVI3 Barnard & Laopj FIOl'IIK OX j YOL'lt KLi:cTmc.'1ii DHOP IX AXD SKf BIG GAM! IX TIIK HOWLING TOO I Chatterton'sjfl NORTH FRONT Jjjl I J. N. BayH ' Chimneys I I Any kind of brick w that are rlgbt- AND ALL WOHK C,m Call lllllyer'H Clptr No. in-J-French ItaiiKC.s. V THE ItKCOHI) PIIOl'OOHAPIIINO AUSTHACT COMPANY Hate photographic copies of all records Coos County to date, abstracts of tltleB, present owners, or any other Information relating to real estate furnished on short notice. UUS1NKSS OFFICE; 117 North Front St., Mnrshfleld. Phono 151J W. J. RUST, Manager FA.MTLY nrNNERS In our new location, we are es pecially prepared to cater to family trade. Regular meals or short or ders. Open day and night. MERCHANT'S CAFE. Broadway sod Commercial Mfld STOCKINGS, Pickaninny Stockings for Hoys nnd Girls Tho Best Wearing Stockings on the Market. Sold al The Electric Shoe Store: 180 So; Eroaihvayi South Coos River Bo n.i ..n XprliM liogu leaven '", head of river at turning In oveuiue. steamer uuium- oiuaiuor "" I head of river nt i ., roturnlng leaves N"' p, ni 12 p, ni. ItOGER MMMMpM,M ItOGERS & & LET US 0 YOUR ABSTIU ...... .t n. D CO. XlllO V llli" j.kkl j.icdlnto service, VT tion to all I'""": cllcutsj- .Minnu" r,- 1 I. S. Kaufman