"TW THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUAiV 3, 1914 EVENING EDITION X FEAST TRAILS TELLS ABOUT li ii E H M S m FIRST ADDITION TO fARSHFIELD Getting Ready? Till-: KOl'TIIEItN PACIFIC Is building to Cooa liny with fovorlsh lmBto. TIIK POUT OF coos ll.w Is dredging our hnrbor and appealing to Congress for liolp. TIIH V. A. SMITH CO.MPAXV Is opening InunoiiBo trnets of timber for mnnufarturo nnd lb Increasing Its facilities for a Inrgor and more diversified product. MOTH 'I'll 1-3 C. A. SMITH CO.MPAXV nnd tbo SOUTH MUX PACIFIC arc developing coal mines In preparation for supplying markets afforded by rail connec tion with Interior Oregon. 'Wll'3 CITV OK MAIISIIFIEl.D Is spending lnrgo sums for streot Iniprovements to nu- roininodiito a growing population. Til 1-3 CIIA.MIlElt OK COMMEIU'E, assisted by tlio KOl'TIIEItN PACIFIC, Is conduct ing a campaign of publicity that Is nation-wide. All these are Ileum In n campaign of preparation for tlio greatest years tlint Cooa Hay or tbo United States has ever seen. Are you getting ready? Have you a home on Coos liny? Ilnvo you a suitable lot to build your lioinu? Have you u contract for a .boine-sltc? The Inevitable In crease In 1 mil values makes such a move advisable. Tlio certainty of IncrenBo In rents makes such a move Imperative on nil provident families living on Coos Hay. Look over Kilt ST ADDITION, tlio home district, whore largo lots with city con veniences can bo had on easy terms and nt right prices. Do It now! Do not wait until you must Join a mnd scrnmblo of buyers and bo obliged to pay n higher prlco for an Inferior lot. Reynolds Development Co, (OWNI3I0 178 Central Ave. Phone 1G0. IFESSIONAL DIRECTORY DIj OSTLI.ND. rimio Tuner nnd Itcpiilrcr iS. Sixth Mice I. .Pluino IDiMi. re outers at W. II. Haines .Music Ipany. M. WltKillT, IliilldlUi; ('niitrnrlnr. Miniates furnished on rciiiiesl. ii liiini'st Job giiiiriiiitccd. I'lione IHH-lt. o. cosmiv, Contractor mill llullilur. IinntL'8. drawing and specifica tions furnished on reuuost. Intlafled customer Is butter rof- renro than a tinnK. look nny oiio of my lu up and sou If I am rellnlilo. Ino it in I. .Miirsliflfld, Or, T. TOMI'KIXS, 1). K. T. lll'llilisw llnlliiir. EnotUINL. Hours I) to 12, I to ft. to Itooiu 2, i:i(l, X. Broadway. It. II. M. SHAW Eje, Ear, Xoso nnd Throat. MATTIE It. KHAW hoaxes of women and children. Ico phone 3:10. Hooms 200, 201, 202, Irving Jllock. lt.A.,1. HI3XDIIV DENTIST Marskfiold, Oregon. ams 204-2015, Coko Building. Mdoncu phono 252-X. Ico phono J12-J. 1BREAD IHIEAD .MAKES MIIAWX. nnd good, puro, wholeBomo, nour ishing bread makes boys muscular and healthy. Our bread is mudo from tbo finest hard Winter wheat tbo kind Unit retains tlio nutrients of gluten and phosphates. Consequent ly It Ih rich lu nutrition, and Is ab solutely puro In every particular of baking nnd handling. And n big lonf costs but llttlo money. Coos Bay Bakery The place for goikl goodies. Market Ave. Phono T11-L A DIFFCIIEXCE IX IIOUHH WOUKIXfi "HS. FAIMtlNOEH, 'IVacliep of Piano. Hesldepco Studio, No. 1090, frner Commercial nnd Eloventh St. Phono :ihu.j. KXJA.MIX OSTLIND, I (insulting Engineer nnd Architect. Offices. '2(111 Irvlm ltlnrlr. lone ll):M or 2II7..1. Multifield, Oregon. JERL RILEY" HAIiLINGEH I'lkitlst And Teacher Idenco-Studlo, 237 8o. Broadwm I'none jB-ti. IT" Q. CIIANDLEIt. Aiirifi'iTTm ""-"' VA, kw 301 nd 302, Coke RuIWlMf .'urMiiieia, Oregon. '"M. S. TUItPEN, AHCHITEOT Jtarshflelrt. Ornjton. The Policy OK THI3 FIIIKT NATIONAL IIAXIC, , coxkistextlv followed, is this: hetweex the ijaxk and its valfep cpsto.mehs theih: is complete .mutual1tv ok ix tehekt. axi pitoi'icit co-opeh- ATIOX THAT IS THE HOOT OK WHOLESOME HAXKIXR UELA-TIOXS. The First National Bank Of Coos Bay CTnniiiMno ' ckanlnny Stockings for Hoys nnd Girls "o Best Wearing Stockings on the 1UUIKUI, Sold at l lie Electric Shoe Store. ton no. urantlwnv. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST HAXK IX COOS COUXT1'. Estiibllshed 1880. Capital, Surplus md Undivided Profits, $110,000 Interest paid on Time Deposits. Officers: J. W. llennett, President. J. II. Flmingnii, Vice-President. It. P. Williams, Cashier. Geo. P. Winchester, Assistant Cashier. u 1 A man's working day Is eight hours. Ills body organs must work perfectly 21 hours to keep him fit for eight hours' work'. Weak, sore, Inactive kidneys cannot do It. Thoy must bo sound nnd healthily active all tlio time. Foley Kidney Pills will inako them bo, You cannot tnku thorn Into your system without good results following. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Opposlto Chandler Ho tel. Prank I). Cohan. Phone 74. BUY THE VERY BEST MarshfieJd BUTTER uediiiuy MAD1- uximu KAXITAHV CONDITIONS IX .. CLEAN AXD MODEHX PAC1T ItV. STEIULIKED MILK AXD CHEAM. PURE ICE Free del very, H a. in. uu4 2 p. in. I'lione T.X C. W. VIERS, Painter and Decorator Wall Paper and Paints Hosldonco Phono 40-X Shop Phono 2DG-n !17 X. Front Street STADDEN ALL KINDS of PIIOTOGUAPHIC WOIUC, Ilromldo Enlarging mid Kodak Finishing. liMMn.v ... ecPniil new locnt'on. we are e. u. r pDrePared to cater to family raue. Regular meals or short or- Open day nnd night, MERCHANT'S OAPE. roadway nd Commorclid MM, C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMBER, LATU, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASn AND DOORS, ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT THE FUEL niLL IN TWO I1T USING OUR WOOD. PnONE 100. lfia SOUTH BROADWAY Goodrum'&Garage home of the CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars 317 Central A v. Phono 7a-L Scarcity of Fuel Followed by Plenty When Rush Shipment Arrives From Portland The turkey situation In Coos county nppenrs to ho either n. feast or a famine. Yesterday there was not a turkey to be had for love or money and todny the nmrkets tire well sup plied and lu danger of being flooded. The supply was cleaned out for the Christinas trado and tho orders for the New Year's supply wns not sont out In ttmo to Ret the turkoyti here.for the early part of yesterday. A rush order to Portland resulted In soveral hundred beln's shipped on tho steamer Alliance, but as site vns ?e, but .nvy win held back by heavy winds' and shal low wnter nt tho mouth of tho har bor, the turkeys wcro not lnnded un til 2 o'clock. Hcstnurnnt men nnd hotel stcw Supt. Tiedgen Returns From State Teachers' Meeting Much Business Done Supt. P. A. Tledsen, of tho Marsh field schools has Just returned from attending tho convention of tho Ore gon Teachers nssoclntlon at Salem. Eugene was selected ns tho plnco of holding tlc next annual convention. In discussing tho meeting, Mr, Tied gen snld: J. II. Ackermnn, president of Mon mouth onmtl School, was president of the convention nnd presided nt general sessions, Tho nttendnnce wns small, but representntlvo of Western Oregon. Coos County wns represented by Su perintendents Uakcr, Hopkins nnd TIcdgon. x Dr. Calvin S. White, of tho Stnto ' Uonrd of Health, nddrcssed tho high nrds wore on the whnrf at North Uond '8cl,o1 BCCtion on tho 8UljJcct of "so cial nygiene." his niKiesa was care ful nnd conservative. Dr. Whlto yesterday with automobiles nil ready for n mad dush back to this city, to get tho turkoys lu shnpo nnd cooked characterized most of tho writings so that they would bo ready for tho n tho subject of social hygiene as evening meal. Chicken supplied tho.';'"'-. "' "' to mi Inquiry for a wnnts of the inner ninn nt somo of r. 7 .. JV . . " ..'.". tho restaurants In lieu of turkey yes terday at noon, but turkey had his "day" at night. BASHFUL COMET that tho book did not exist. Krohu's Physiology nnd Hlchlo's Hygiene, both st.ite texts, came lu for n shnro of Dr. White's denunciation of books on hyglone. The subject of standardization of high schools wns discussed In sec tion meeting, resulting In tho ap pointment of n commlttco of three- II U I nil I yonr n1(l ruorl nl "10 noxt ,l00t- III rill II '"K (r ",0 at,H(K,,l,t,on- Supcrlutcn- I U I III U lilnntu Turner nf Or.intH Pass. Illltll- orford of Mc.Mliinvllo, nnd McLaugh lin of Hood River, constitute the comiulttee. A committee of threo wns nppolnt ed to Investlgnto the course of study for the first olght grndes and report Until tho lenrned BkyologlstB get 'next year. Opinion was nonornl nyiro explicit In their data. It will bo tlmt grndo ntudles need n shaking Imposslblo for tho ordinary gnrdon vnrloty of mnnklnd to got n glimpse i '' , , . , , , , . of tho new DeJnvnn comet, which Tho Stnto Superintendent wns nn has cnused n cortnln nniount of nor- nctlvo mombor of tho convention, vous activity In spots, as for example Ho is plnnnlug to push vigorously It hnB nlrondy been vnrlously locntud tho pnront nnd tonchor movomont. Sky Wanderer Can Only be Found by Best Guides With Powerful Glasses Club worlc in inrco (iiiieroni iiinncrH oi mo ncl Ul0 n,iUBtrn, iiitlvuiiH iij- iiiiiuruiu siur Hiuiiinn, uuu ., , . ,, . , no two hnvo ngreed Just whoro to throughout tho Btnto. train tholr blnocnlnrs or other hlgh- An orchestra of grndo children power glnsses In tho mad thirst for from Monmouth Normal School mndo comoticnl knowledge. lUl0 convention "tnko notlco." They It Is nbsurd for iiBtronomors to toll' , tll0 r0Krnm but tho laity to look so-nnd-so mnny do- ' ' , ,.. ,, grees or mlnutos north or west of wo encored Bovornl times. They Zetn Erldnnl. lu tho first plaeo Erl- had boon In training ono yonr. daul Ih n rather Inconsequential con- Tnleut oiitsldo of tho stnto con stellation, low In tho south, nnd con-'niHte,) 0f pr0f. M. V. O'Shen of tho inhiB but one stnr of tho first mngnl- Unvcr8,y of Wisconsin. Ho prov tude, which h never vlulhlo .n this. , . , , ... , . ' Intltudo. hocnuso It never gets above o.l n hoHt. To say that ho took a the horizon. If has five stars of tho tired nudlonco In tho nfternoon nnd second mugnltudo nnd 'otn, t' o gul'l-1 hold them to close attention for lug stnr for tho Dolnvan comot. Is the nonrly an hour nnd thirty minutes I Binnll-Bt of thoflo five i secondary lum- Bllfrp,ollt ovdonco of his ability. Illdliun, lillll I'llll ictlllll III) uuilllini7; j with any one of the others In the sii ino general locntlon. On top of nil this, no stnr or hen' only body of less than the sixth inn; nttude Is visible, to tho linked oyo nnd Dolnvnu's comot Is somowh'ero be- twoeu tho seventh nnd eighth mngul- tudo todny. His nddrcss on Tuesdny was humor ous nnd Inspiring on tho subject of "Hoy Nnturo." The Stnto Dobntlng Lcnguo hold o short session. Tho officers of Inst year woro ro-olected. A resolution wns passed favoring ono question for Tho only oncourngement for thoso tho ontlre stnto. Nino moro siihoolg who nro not studonts of tho honvons nro the loaguo this year thnn took Ih Hint the new sky wnndoror is rnp Idly nppronchlng tlio solnr syMiein nnd mny become vlslblo to tho naked eye; nnd then, ngnln, It mny not, ho cnuso Its rolntlvo innvoment slnco It was first discovered hns been so slight that oven tho shrewdest as tronomers hnvo beon iiunblo to com pute Its orbit. I'SE CLEAlftaivE WATER. If you have auythlng to soil, rent, trade, or waut help, try a Want Ad In Tho Times. Report That Company In l"lgiiilu On New Supply Kor Norlli Rend. Tho North Hond Harbor Baya; Tho Incoming Council will hnvo a proposi tion put up to them to consider what mny monn the building of a modern waterworks system for North Doud. A company has written hero offer ing to build a plpo llu.0 from Clear Lake, furnishing water to the mills and othor consumers on the wnter front nt low prossiiro under tho grav ity systom. Kor all consumers of a higher altitude and for tho city flro hydrants pressure will bo obtained from nn Immense reservoir on Union hill, n pumping station being placed In tho nnrtln part of town to forco tl o wnter to tho rosorvolr. The company has asked tho now Council to tnko the mnttor up nt their first meotlng nnd If they signify n willingness to ijrant n frnnchisonnd outer Into n llbornl'hydrant contract, tho proposal will ho mndo In duo form nnd nctlon commenced nt onco. Just who tho people nro bohlnd tho movo Is unknown, but bo thnt ns it may. North Uond has Information gathered from n survey that tho Clenr Lako project Is nil right and If tho waters of tho lako can bo diverted to tho ilso of North Uond, It will bo a good thing to fostor. NOTICE. Will not bo rosponsiblo for nny bills contracted by my boh, Edward G. Dyor, without n written ordor. Mrs. Edw E. Dver. part InBt yonr. CoiiBldornblo crit icism! of tho subjects chosen for de bate was offorod. Dy n close mnrgln, Eugono wan chosen ovor PorUnud for tho next plnco of mootlpg, Tho Junior High School cnmo'lit for somo discussion. This Is boing tried out nt Tho Dalles, Oregon. Free toxt books for grndo chlldron wns discussed nt considerable length by Superintendent Uoyd of St, Jolme. If you hnvo nnytlilng to sell, rent, trndo, or want help, try n Wnnt Ad In Tho Tlmos. Along in the Indian Summer altlioid REMOVED Opposite The Blanco Hotel TODD The Tailor should be put on your roof just before the winter rams is the best time to protect your roof with a water-and weather-proof roqftnu. Malthoid has made good in such a substantial way, wc are clad to I recommend it. C. E. NICHOLSON Coos County Itcprcsoutntlvo 1020 Front street. Phono 73 Miii'thlicld, Oregon 1 3 wVI 4 . $ A , 1.. .. -C . .. sutKMttkatt 2i