fl THE OOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. npP.nM SATURDAY. JANUARY 3, 1914-EVEW1HG EDITION LANDO Us : - Iu"J " I" f. ' Though we try our best to accommodate customers; the present condition almost pro hibits the satisfactory filling of orders. (GOOD GOODS) Beg to announce that they are now located in O'Connell build ing in the store formerly occupied by the Hub and Golden Rule A large force is hard at work preparing for one or the GREATEST OF SALES Our tremendous stock did not suffer the loss at first estimated. All goods damaged by water and handling will be sacn iced at RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES LANDO'5 "Wait and watch for Sale Announcement which will appear about January 10th, . ys ' : (coon coons) 2 WMgr:r-rr'l,"1 itiinim. with n Christmas tr- ii.rS fefifi , J5,. v"W . -n '""..'' ,r.. slS' iirawp j&l mggz&z mm . .91 ........ I tin cluli ami Mrs. Miller mm .- --mWt$&S iTB Is M i'KGlWmV7x! inn liif-MiMi' lui iii- -"-n i . - k uhaj ftid..r--hT "-'-- -- j- i im pwi r jmii i i uih. i i ni n iv ,!.. m tKiAr' ZMi-"i4.wdrrv -r" i i im u im oauitT.H'. t l , M in i i i p-Tff "nViT .. ritlHmHI BrtT (PR,iJaK V oirtii.i. .7iin -v,. ..,- -,, 3 ...... ..i i w...(iii . UP I I i it- i iiiniiiiii iiiiii iiimii iini i m I I burst a iroBt cf UiC ixpen-os Sh" buys the food, pnvs for liolp. gets almost every IiIiik In the way of furnishings for l ho,ue- ""," the clothing for herself and chil dren. It Ib on her wlw distribution i of the Inromo that her husband de 'ponds. If sho knows Just whnt that published nml secretaries are- income In. Hhoulil take pntlo in ne- !...., i ... fnmlali nntnn. III..,, ,inml iitiitnnr. Illlll Hhoulil KUOW ' ' .i...... nuirlntr tii.i. litiHlinml. Wlietll- PBRPON'AL notices of vlsltoro In the '!'. or of Cooh Uay pcoplo who vtit In otucr cities, together ', net'ees uf social affairs, aro Klml.v received In tho social do jttr'iiiont. Telephono 133. No ti,u. of null meetings will no COXTltl Ul'TIOXS concerning social happenings, Intemlml for pulillcatlon In the socloty depart ment of The Times, must he sub mitted to the editor not later than C o'clock p. in.. Friday of each week. (Inceptions will bo allowed only In cases whoro tlio events occurred later than tlio time mentioned.) (Willi PAUTV Hlldonbrnnd Wedm i day afternoon was nosies I formal card party at their hone l South Marshfleld. Tho home n r.? i., ,:, nitire. the iliworntloiif In or or not slio s oniiueo ai u - ii) t. ...... p. v-....,- ------ tain nrtlc e f dross that she craves. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hartmau of l'ort Manv a moil woman who Is laud, who have been vlsll iir on the ........ i.i.V... i r,.r ..virnvauance has no lay. Tlie rooms were pruiuu u. our Ki niiH" witipi b imi ...-- Tin: siiKNDKK .ai.iiu:x bore tho critic's maid np toll what en's attlro Ko less than today fire. And when tho slenderest poared Rtimn nieshler lady would hIiu feaied: "I don't earo how fair her face Is: I'm vory much afraid that hIio lacea! At thir prOBOnt time when a sylph Ilku form And a winsome' race brings pralsoa warm, , . Some stouter dlssentei Is certain to say, In exactly tlio tono of our Krand mother's day; .... "Hor faco may bo bountiful, but I note That shn hasn't the slsn of a petticoat!" N INTHHKSTINd statement raiiRht my eye not Ioiik nKo in n dally iinpeft It was 10 tlio offect that tho succofsful mod ern marrhiKi) does not rest ho much on- the mental capacity of the hus tfund as on tlio common sense or tlio wlfo, and tho yomiK man with brains Is demand Iuk a reil help meet, on (I "tho fool is catching the doll " All this would bo much more In teresting lo us. sftvs Dolly Wayne. If wo only knew whether this state ,..,..,.. ia iinrmi nut liv the facts. Human naturo Is much t'-e same In ine miieratlmi after another. The doll," as my authority terms ,ee el of Klrl -and the name .onvevs to our minds whit he means has caught u wood many brainy m-'i l hr dnv. and will. I sup iKjf. Ucfp on dolun so to the end of tmie. and. on the other hand, oiaii i so-called "fool" has luckily niaii'i h sensible kIi'I. The "noH" lrl as Wile. When the "diill" Is not In slxht nmrlv .Merv level-headed unmarried man wll auree that she Is m wife fir u nvui who needs a helpnut In hU home, and that ho for his jiart It. tends to steer clear of hor and marry, when the proper time comes. Klrl who will spend the Income ... .mi not fritter It all away for tlotlies and amusement, l'osslbly be mav lie able to stick In his son hlble t"ui..-lnslon. but when the mod Wfi temptress appears, sho may iliui him none tho Iobb a wllllnis vlc- 'noi nil pretty. stylUh. up to dato, altrsetu- KlrU are "dolls" no, not lv any i.ieans, many of thorn have Just us .mull commonsenso as tlion plainer .-ister. and all otlior thlnua lMiinr cuunl. who would blame a man for prefurrliiK a protty wlfo to a pia n one? ,iifn,. Ti.cre U. howover. a reat dlffoi once hi plainness. Some Klrls who nmuri ' hopelessly plain Imfnro Ainaai'- lwverwl that they wore rb'irmjiuf companions, have bocoine remarkably flnf looking women after iiMntaw. Over and over ! i.mii U remarUed, "llw niuch Mrs. or v.. hat. impwned In 00' mid .nnversely. t.o. "How Mrs. .. (C or P has fullen off!" Whiw anil l'lii'-e String, Tli..t common sene Is appreciated irur 'inn beauty by mauy men Is h' nit- nt.monstr.ited more and mote, for 'e oiteu say that "men are mar rynm more sumluly than they vised t0No"irlv nil a man's livom passes tbrouKh' his vklfes hands. ry little of It. after all. to ll '" lilnuaif. and ihougU a man usual y pavs the rent. fuel. wt- Uht and UiBiirame and attejidH ' tf" ' -jhfm juiount. It H his v "Ik. ' - Idea of how her husband's financial affairs stanil. sue minor c.mt . an outburst the first of everv month when the bills come In. and natur ally dreads the date. After It Is over, peace rolRiis till the first dav of the next month coiuos around, when thlncs nuy be, oven worse. A heart-to-hoart talk would be much better thnn these periodic fits of aiiKor, followln u mimv cases, by renentance shown In the form of a plft or some unex pected treat. . . ' Any woman who loves her hus band wishes to bo u help to him. hut In many cibos sho does not know how to aid, or whero to ho tin. Wo train our children for al most ovurvtlilns; but marrliiKe and nrenthood. They enter both, nine Hires out of ten. It seems to me. quite unprepared for their respon sibilities. It Is a sad state of affairs, and it many weddings I have felt de nroHsed. rather than happy. nB 1 knew the truth was IioIuk concoaled under the outward show that cus fini apponrs to demand nt such times. We women have a (treat many unntlmnllllll IlllWII'leS fOIU'Or lllllK marrl'iKo which we may nave im unrted to our dauKhters. or they have aciiulied ns we did. and we are loth to remove nuy of the Klanmr bv sukkosHhk that life after tlio wimIiIIiik will not be n contlnua- 1 1 Ion of the pro-nuptial round of ou- Iterttilnmeuth. ' We do wit even like to suK08t that there may be many really un happy hours before the new life bctoiiies settled and the wlfo ad lusW henwlf to It. Sho will often ,be lonely. If she Ins been usd to a .lame famllv at homo. Tho re'iirn of her husband to the business life I that he has forsaken temporarily 'will throw her buck on herself and she must learn. If i" one has tautcht her. bow to accoinmouaie herself to her new life. - I i:Xfi.KMKNT. ' . ..l. ...iaft . -....u inn niu niiii'ii i . Iiolnir vcrv never. i''" wer served. The prizes were woe by Mrs. J. . Klnny and Mrs. I., l Donnli.K. Those Invited w-re Mrs Mrs. .1. W. Mitchell. Mrs. C. C. l.o l"K. Mr. .Norl .lu.ij.on Mr J A. IU.IIVD ... ..,.. . "--- Lit.. .I.li.ll MTU I. . IIJiD'll and music enjoyed. Those ireseni " l',,"'".: Mrl). j. (j. Kinney were Mr. and Mrs. .Norman .lomuion ., - s,.liroucUT. ate'd, eniblemntlc of Christmas time. Uefreshiuents were served ami eiinn i...i'ri. iH'.imiliriinil.'Mr. and Mrs. A. s'. Hlanchnrd nuJ Mr. and Mrs. Ocoru Ayre. . . I WATCH r.UtTV. I Mr. and Mrs. K. W. ICammerer on- tortnlned a few Mars'. Hold ami Xorth Mend friends at a delightful little watch party Wednesday ovouIiik at tholr home on North Second street. It war. rather Impromptu, helnc nr- laiiKOd after- the Minimum Club dancing party for that eveiilitB had been called off. .;. . " XKW'VKAU r.MtTV. HI'lll 17a:,,,,s' Mrs. Sylves- -a at 11 ..im irH ter Jones. Mrs. ii. . .""" :: C. fl. Wells. Mrs. It. .. ','' ""'" K F. I.eMloux, .Mrs. n. r .'. and Mrs. Harry Ilradfle'd. .;. . Dr. and Mrs. A. I.. uous..o i. ve.e the reclplontB of a most It- ..r..r..l aiii-nrlun enrtV lit tliell eat irul holne In South Mnnihnj;l Thursday evenliiK. Cuds and dam- i... iver. fllowet bv refr.s'--"n; Tirtise present were Mr. and Mr. It. I'eck. Mr. and J rs b. S. Par uelt. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. .Ncff. Mr 'air Mrs. C. K. MoKnMit. Mr. an.' Mrs. F. M. rarsons. Mr and Mrs A. T. Haines. Mr. and Mrs. . A ...I.. i mi. nml Mrs. P. K. (let- IH'HI .IIHI .' " .,...... ..I.wl.. n ill. ..lliltP flf .Mi IV I em n "ihlll 'i ii"."""- - -, K. (laKiion's frlouds enjoyed an elnli-- onite dinner served at hl residence In Hunker Hill at K o'clock. 'lh",4 ovouIiik was Joyfully spent by playlnt; cards and witn music. , vwui i bv Mrs. Levi DnlKlo. a vocal uuei uy m'is. Levi Halule and l.aura Duhay. several piano solos ly Miss l.lliy Uremer and a piano duet uy .'uw'" Minn and Lillian DalKle. wero much enjoyed. Those prosent wore A. h. CliiKiion. Mr. and Mrs. C.eotKe lien .....,.. m.. ..mi ir. u. Dalxle. Mr. IH'pnv, . ..... ...... -- - ------ - i and Mrs. Levi Dalnle. Mr. and Mrs. t $. (5eoro C.roBK, Mr. and Mrs. Louis , iiniinv. Misses Minn DalKle. MlUun a llremmer. Laura Duhay. Lillian. Dal-, Tho kIo and Messrs. Walfrld Bilcltson. i,ij Alfred Joran. .loe Hennessey, uart lett Kox and Abrahani Dubey. ! ! ci.ni Mi:irrixi Mrs. J. (1. Kinney was hostess at .in Informal Kathorlim yesterday nf ternoou. her Kiiests neniK ; w club which meets each Thursday, the nicotine holnif postponed this ,i. ,.n ,,. ,i.mii or N'ew Years. Nexi week they will meet with Mrs. Syl vester Jones at her new homo m Xorth lirondway nnd nirch. FRB Present the attached coupon to flon.-cr ilnnlwnro Co. for 1 2Gc Instruction Book 2 lOc Bottles Johnaorfs Wood DyoA 1 lOc Con Johnson's Prepared Wax Johnson's Wood Dye is uncounted for its penetrnttair quality and for Ujc rii-ii nnd pennnnent color which it dyca nil wood. It dries in )liaU nn hour nnd will not sircan, hihuuuu oi uuwi. . . . II. aa M.j Tt. If. So.ltt. IMfOah JVO. JIJ. ZAIfK uuk . its. ;i(imiii M, .'. Ila. t'arly l.nyluh 'a. Il. Ilfa J . 1'o.JJl. LWt Alakopmu W.7. lUtra Darti Mi- .' ' ??. ii. Iii, tint lolArtJ A'o.W. tiMmOok Johnson's Prepared Wax a perfect furniture polish ntul finlilh for all vrooilworlc. floora and furnj. tuwllncludlutf pianos-can Im auccwitully ruxd over n I ilnlshM. Impart t"tf i velvety, protcctlutf finish of lastlnR beauty. Fill out this coupon and present to u. for hook and lflo p.clcage of Johnson's Wood Djo and Prepared Wax 1'KKK. " rRI'.SUNT THIS COUPON AT OUR STORK We will furnish the beanur, free of all expose,- with 1 25c Instruction Book 2 10c Battles, Johnson' Wood.Dye 1 10c Cn.ru Jbhnon!s PreparcdiWwR Pioneer Hardware Co. ' --"- mrrmrmnfmmfm & I n. m. r nt I). M. 0. Chili will meet Jan 14 with Mrs. Iloiiorr. Simpson Xorth IMnd. IIOXUU VISIl'OItS. M ISSIt)X. V .M KKTI X(J At a delightful llttlo party of In timate friends at the homo of Dr. nnd Mrs. K. MIukus In West Marshfleld last Mondav nrternoon. the ennaKe ment of Miss Mary Kllan Mnhonoy to Mr. Malr Pauo was announced hy the sister of the hrlde-to-he. Mrs. Kllza lieth Adams. The announcement tamo r.s unite a surprise Miss Ma-luin-y Is one of MarsliHehl's most nttompllshed and talented youiiK women and has spout the uroator portion of her llfo on the Hay. lor several yetira she has hoou cashier or tlie Coos Hay Water company. Mr. Dann Is employed in the Flanajsan & lieunett hank and Is a hlhl respeet etl youiiK ninn. The date of tholr .i..i.. i.o.. ....I 1u.au niiiimiiireil. Mrs. MIiibus' nuests were MUs Ma-; He to Mr. and Mrs. Gwrflwlri Simpson eu'rertaliied at .New Year's dinner Mrs. (leorse Suyiler and cMldron of Coos lllver. Mrs. A. J. Snyder, of Murshllold. Mrs. .1. M. Jenkins of UellliiKlinui. William aim iiiss iu Jenkins. Mrs. K. i. llayon. Mrs. Carl Audrey Sl..ipon. Xi:V VKAIl'S r.MtTV 1 , Joel Ostllud and tlosti N'orhaek were hosts to ahout twonty-flie ol their friends on Xew Year's eve at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. HwnJ It Ostllud. The house was prottll decorated In red nnd Ki'oon. and a lieMitirully decorated ChrUtmus tree added Kroatly to the effett of the rooms. , , l A novel featuro of tho ovonlnt; was an old fashioned dame around tho Christmas tree. Kacli uuost !u,w iimMMiitetl wit l a lioni or wins The IJaptlst Missionary Smletj will he entertained next W'ednesda' by Mrs. A. .. Downs at her home on South Broadway. Mrs. A. P. 11-ish ford will ho the loader and the suh ject will he Japan. w SCANDINAVIAN DRUG STORi; SollcilK i hliare of your patroiuu;o tin the liasls of nood K . i.i... ....t.... .....I .liLt'iiiiiniii lui.il tttittit 1 ' rt'itM'ilUUlU HH.l" Illlll I4Hi""li wj II vuwm Tin: scaxdixavian iinun stohk. ('initial Avenue. Hllt-scll W lminci: ci.rii. The Marshfleld Ilrldso Club was tie llshtfully entortnlncd Wednesday nf teriioon by Mr.a fl. W. Kaufman nt her home In Wost Marshllold. It was (Continued on Paso Three.) honey. Miss Mrs. U. K Maloney. 1 cumivlnvtt Senustat'ken. Year. linoth and Mrs. M. C. most delirious sen (Ml. .j I '' -r- OXOK VIS1TOII. I I PLAN KOUM5 MAI.. COI.DS TO Hi: TAKi:X SKIHOCSI.Y i utelllRont peoplo voallzo that 'common colds should ho treated promptly. If thoro Is snoezluK nnd chilliness with hoarsonoss, tlcKlmg throat and coughing, beisln promptly the me of Foloy's Honey and Tar were Compound. It Is offoctlve. pleasant to takf. chocks a cold and sto-ia the tough, which causes loss of " shp mid lowers the vital reslstane . nu-i i'i.crlntlon Pharmacy. Pra'k Kevlval ineetlnas will begin at the n eohan. Opposite Chandler Hot.l ...ii.i.i i ...l.n.Tlt Oliiiri.li r.n Sillll- . 1. aid In At tho welcoming: tho Xew eloio of tho evenlna. refreshments I V" MUh c.enevleve senifsiacKen enter- tevivai hibwhim -... . w. v t-.Uui talned a few friends Wednesday after- Marshfleld MethoiTut Church on Sun- hoiw . ntwn lompllmentary to Mrs. Harry 0. day. Pebruary lst; t Hutler of Myrtle Point. w;fto lias neeu ' ' ' .. ODIPCI I A nnR5PT? sueiidlnu I'e holidays here. Thei-, r.:- 7 , ! bPIKtLLA UUKbtlb ,.,..i. m..i-.. nil uirl friends of Mrs. Hutler. . . Our New Year's Resolution IS TO SHOW Ol'K appi:i:ciatiox OK tin: patuoxaou AXH CO.VI'IDKXCK op tiii: PCHMO nv CAttUVlXU tiii: Largest, Stock of Hardware In Coos County in 1914 wi: aim: vow taicixo out ixvoick axi amhxo a com PLIITi: ASSOUT.MKXT TO Al.lt HIIOHT 1.IXIS, SO Til VT Wi: CAN" OPPIJIt XOV A Ii.lt(iK STOCK POlt SI- i.Kcriox. vk i:xpi:ct iom to ire a nin VKAIt AND VK AUK OinTlXt! tKAUY POU IT. 1 HOXOU VISITOUS. ; Misees HtvMe an.l Ifillsnbetu Ayre .oe I .hi esse .it a delljjhtful affair "pYKXlXtJ PAHTV ... Hi-hrnndor autl -MI'S, t'.- v." f.eMleux were hostesses at a ue ll..lllfiil uvuiiluir imrtv iluUllaV Ht .1,. lining nf Mr. nml Airs. 1C. I imi ..-.v " ..... .-. ..,, l.e.floux.. Tho bouse was prouii.. i. f rated, cedar ntul ciirintmns no may be obtained in Marshfleld from Mrs. Annie Holland, Corsetier 352 So, 5th St.. Plione 200-X 1 4Gr i iJt&mffl ' i ,p