COMPLAINS BECAUSE HE IS UNABLE TO PIND WORK i !l l.'f ' f Hay MxmtB .'till: .WOHI4N Till: MERCHANTS who nd vertigo in The TIiiich know lii.y icr.c'i Iho bo-t people In the city who insist on the best news of tho city. m4u ii-m' 'T,w 'Times .Jrjnuwt tlivi'.uaii L... mia mis. of Hie liwt -iiierrhtMKH I ..-II ..u iJ.lU'HSiitlf.illL" llCHllilKMt- 'IP lile.-lfifii" ' MEMBER OP TKE ASSOCIATED PllESS , JI, iWUII IKSWUHIMHHU1W7H VQiU AAA VI I. srhcICoHHOMnII MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SAT.UKDAY, JANUARY 3, 1914 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGEa A Consolidation of Times, Coast .Mali !n 111 and Coos Hay Advertiser. u l1 MU HIS XHQUSANDS OF MISS IIOBBS 1 IHE JOB FINL DtR BIOS I QBOSS U. S. BORDER SHIED CAUSE SELF WITH BIS 01 .BELT yey mm SELDOM Htaal v vtKJ JflBl'V, luMklfll SENTMENT IS E S l ifllEES (Slaivctl Women, 'Children unci DeMsttcrs .oikuiuiuu hiumh 'Batik -of lllver ViiwwmJWDED DESERTERS ARE ORDERED 'ARRESTED Heavy Artillery Tiring Con tinues 'Between Federals and Rebel Forces M Artl"l Tin.'" CKlHr TlniPKil rilKSIWO. .Inn. :. Two thous and Mexican refugees. Including liMf-H.rvta women 'UiiH Children :.,i .. i. JTiiilontl deserters rushed airo'rn river to tho'Urtlteil Stnlw ?.... iiitrtni't nn from tho IS JI MYSTERY Corresponderits "Buffaloed" byPresident Wilson and En- 'voy John Lind lllf AimwUIisI I'm l.i ('.mu llajr TIiiim.. PASS CHRISTIAN, .Inn. II Tho IliyBlcry lonvoloillliii f hu .v B t hern of J,.,,,; llt OnmKK. ' ',oh l',n,1 tllu I'rcaWunt'H special on- ... - . wnr mnMernd without voy to '.Mexico, ovor Blnco IiIh pnniinir I . .. . i'... llm .vil N ill ll If fill' WnH IllinOlllll'I'll. illlllllllllill Inllnn oilfli fn ifi . ' tM0 refusal of all luforniatlon iib to -. , iionw nrtntuy MrliiR he- when or w'horo tho President would iumii iOt'0 Federals In tho trenches i 0 .nca niUl General Ortt-Rii's nt- inA yi' n Itl'l lorceH (-uiiiiiiiiuu i-nn H(o ii I in Mm! remained nlioartl tlio scout crulHor CheHtor curly today having Governor's Private Secretary Tackles Situation in Cop perfield, Oregon III)' Amo Inint I'nn In ("on Ilay Tlmo J PORTLAND, .Inn. 3 Miss Fern IldhhH, private secretory to Governor West, wtiB1 expected to reach Copper Ilcld, OroBon, yesterday accompanied hystnto offlcera, whoro she will pro Bent tlio Governor's dcinnnds in tlio "town officials, -in this demnnd, ad dressed to Iho mifrnr and tlm city council, the -Governor cites tho law iiinucr which" he proposes to closo tho saloons and bIvps his reasons for wnntiiiB them closed. I In states that 'If they are not closed hy Saturday nrternoon martini Inw will ho de clared nnd tho mllltla will ho called upon to carry out his orders. 'Following nro tho Governor's do niimtlu: , "FirHt, the rcHlRiintlon of tho mayor nnd suoli niemhers of tlio council as aro proprietors or employed In or iihoitt any cHtnlillsliniout dlspciiBliiB nny intoxicntliiB liquors. .M organ Corporation Severes Its Connection With Several Other Large Firms lllr AmooIIh1 I'rrn la Coon liny TlmM J ttEW YORK, Jnn. .1. J. P. Mor pm .& Co. announced today t lint they had severed connection with emo of tho Breateat corporations in the country with which they had been connected. This stop, tho firm announced, was taiccn voluntarily in rcsponso to "an annnrcnt chance in nubile sentiment on account of sonic prob lems, and criticisms havliiR to do with so-called Interior-king director ates." AmonB tho companies from which they linve retired aro the New York Central and New Haven Railroads. COUPLE DIE ON OF I AXTICIPATK MXJISiaTIoy. ty Am(h Utrl Vrttn (o (kmi lx Tim, NI2W YOUK, .Inn. 3. Tho nn nounccment of tho retirement of J. P. MorCTii and four of his nnrtners - .. . - rii""rf . miiiiiiim i irmii imrrv inrnni iru mu in i i-fTii v bVn rnlltlnulc from tno Tvmencan arrived off Ship Hlanfl, olBht miles "Second, that until tho complota Havon corporations, and Mohan's rof luT'ilcr , . , . he ow hero last nlBht-. Tho rovenuo roorBinilziitlon of tho city Rovorn- orenco to tho chanuo In niibllo seiitl- hi. rlMi oi bo many iiuiiMi uiiii cuuor winona was wiiuiiir to trans-; incut can ho undertaken, nil snlooiiB Inot n roKnrd to tho dlrcctorahlns ragAHi r-l" '"V7.. ?'"",": "T."."1"'""1 "'' WJ o ciook no raovo . no cioseu -forthwith and bo 'Jccpt Mib railed nttontlon to tlio fnet tlnl ...11 n run iiinitii niiiii!M iruiiiui n iinn.i MMiiin I ninu.n I -. . . : lllV ,, .- ". "II .....iivi. I WIUITV.I. nntriAl An many pprsoim nH could Tho renson for tho secrecy of ovory I "Third, to provont nny possibility Celebration of New Year Fol lowed by Death From Gas in Apartments lllr Aollftl I'itm to Coon liny Tlmrp.l SEATTLE, Jan. 3. Henry Loiir- Suicide Found Deadjin Shack Whose Owner Befriended Melancholy Wanderer POST CARDS FROM HOME NEAR HIS BODY Drink and Depression Over Failure Made of Life Cause of Horrible Act Penniless and suffcfliiB from niel nncholla over his frilluro to secure a competence, WUllnin Dahl, a Finland' or, took off Ills belt shortly before 12 o'clock Inst nlBht nnd bruised him self from tho bediiott of tho slooplng qunrtcrB in tno snncK or uus unrica, n flBlicrmnn, n couple of huiidrnd tin, n hotel wnltor, thirty-two years yards north of tho Standard Oil dock old, and Ills wlfo, twenty, wore found dend yesterday In their apart ments. They were asphyxiated by IllumlnatliiR gas, which was Btlll pouring from a Jot of tho Ras hentcr. on tho wntorfront of Mnrshflold. Th'o body was found by Lnrkn and II. Pcdcrson about 12 o'clock InsL nlRht and tho former hurried to tho pollco station, whoro ho nottflod tho police of tho Biilcldo. Sheriff GnRO, All Indications nro tlmt tho dcntliH who hod been talkliiRvlth tlio pollco, woro accidental. The couplo ftvim Qtinlffnin ulv M'dnlfa ntrn thnt i BftV0 n j;ow year's party In nvo iniportnnc recoiuincniiaiiotis oi ....., ,i, ii, r,f t 1t D ! hfefftklt. h t hnn ii if n MA l. mine Thoy their be ln.V vd lop,, wero Mint to walk hllH0 of ijtt'B .vldlt ls nuzzling the of liquor boli.,- sold, that tho stock! , J"nto o rrect Inndvanco of tho" t yJrra itr - ill CW; corjespoiidctrtH. Ion hand bo shipped out of tho city I cMtloi" romilrlni thorn In w nunnt nio tho llttlo .Mlmilou ,, nn,i .Mnt tt lm .iniivnwk,! i. ti.,. mil i mi ""J ' :""",' . . rhurriA nt ITuHltllo wn crowded w .''," .'",5,(J! .?.t. 'lV ,1' ": :. T,'o' Incl.Hlo tho abandonment of lth Moundctl. liiBlructioiiH came from iislilni!toii tdny to hold n -p, cirs ,11 iberterH who ctohr 'he Ivftr 'lcreioioro nm ihu-iiit pn'rol vih dlxaruieil and mint liiu l linwmiB lr i1 flcst'rtei'M. ihLMXXITV INDICATIIS won POLICY to Return Until Mexico Problem Is Settled I (.linn' ii Q'rdciN Aid (ilven Wounded , lriuis ('ni'Hlim II nrl I'it-h In I'imm luy Tlnnv.1 WASHINGTON, I). ('., .inn. :t.- - r Prncirfpnt Dnp?ri't Want I Infl (ioiiLTiil lll'lt-H, .'oniiniindliiK Iho Tix-'ntV,luViu. U0l'?P .. vv'l,u. unu nn border 7nrces, inH lieon luforineil by Secn-tory tt 7Tiir (GwrrJaon to liormlt .Mexican iohiroob to itohSi Into Toxa fro n OJImiBa, If this In iiecesflur; to :iavo tholr lives, rhui liitcst or li-i to IIIIhh reads: "With rrfcreiKe n kltuatloii liicldont U) IMopl K nipt? tend Hii.h aid to wouudod as hunuiiu It t i ihhIiib 1 necesBiiry lllr .u Mini 1.1114 In Cihm IUir Imw PASS CHHISTIAN. .Inn. 3. Presi dent Wilson ncB not wish .lohn Llnd to iturn tt the United States until Ho opre- u..,il.ill... ...Iw. ...Ill ......ll.i.... ... I, ...... ..1 .W.....U ..r....w.. .. nviiiii.iMi niiu n,,i twiiiiiiuu ill i;u, nd permit refuses to ,.,, ,...,...,,.. ., ,.,,isr.,v ,ntnA i of the Mexican mltiiiitlon. Tho Pidhi 0..vv i .in . .. i, return l mo uniiea states i . nofsliiR river, you will liavu tl(J iM((xl(.lln rol,io, Is t.ottlod. oct deinuiilB of Hltiiatlon Ex- ,0,loWl, tMll , ,d ho has a ri rond station for slilnmcnt not later than 4 o clock Saturday afternoon." TOWN UNDER MARTIAL LI West Orders Railroads Not to Send Liquor to Copperfield Lawson in Command to BaVOl JIM'S. "It In not oxiMs'tcd to force poo 1 flonl'H Interview Plo back to the Mexican rfdo ir tboy. tr,!,r 'r 1.'.'m" 7J? t aro llnblo to be shot on their re-!. " '''OHldont t fulb' with tho turn. ( o-oiierato inert IT088," DIbciiuhIiir tho situation at OJIn- MBn, Secretory Gnrrlsnii slid: "With IroRnrd to what will happen If u very liarKO number attempt to croti over with Mud on tho orduy was Lrlef. OOk UillllB two Koiis, . or inn n and Joliu. elKht miles In his nuto to tlio pier niwiiliiR. whoro they boarded the revoiiu cut ter Winona mid went to tho irtilBor Chefitor to hid their fat! er Rood byo. WIJhou antioiincod toduy that his fiscal aRency nRrcomonts such as ox-' Isted botween tho Now Haven and I MorRnn & Co., tho abolition of Inter locking directorates, the abolition of I voting trusts, reforms In the stock exchange and reforms in the cleurliu house. .Morgan's friends Kay ho has not only hcou deeply Impressed by tho change In public soiitlmont during tho last few years, but lmB been deeply grieved over tho criticism of his firm In connection with nffnlrs of tho New York: New Haven and Hartford rail rood. .1. P. .Morgan mndo this statement: "The necessity of attending many hoard mcctliiKB has been so serious a burden nn our tlmo that wo hnvo Ioiir wished to withdraw from tho dl- tnr AM-Ki.tivt rrr io coo, n.r tihim.i rociornios or ninny corporations. uai.i.'m m- i.... i .... .Many oi uioHO .nirecionucH we Wust Iioh' orle','..ii c'nl ' 'i Hxvumi I.. I 1,uvo ",-,ul''c' "" iHuctiuicy and -kest lias oi deed Col. Miwhoii, In only becauso wo folt coiiBtrnliicd to (.ouimnuu oi ino rorces tunt hold Mtoep In tnucli with proportles we had Copperfield under martial law. to I reorRnnlzcd or wIiobo acciirltloH wo send all liquor and bar fixtures' had recommended to tho nubile, both 1 S h. W nn only buv unless orders aro conference with Mud Iws developed Itliniigeil, (which 0f courso thoy mny " ehmigH In the policy of tlio Wilson UIO. IT 111(1 HI I nil I Ion en 8 for li nillllllllBlllllliill umviiiii .'ir.iro, iiuu iiiniice, tiieno men w II bo trentod tni no now niovoor p'an in me suuu- ib 1 hnvo Just stated as rofiiRees. i tlon had been decided upon How Ioiir they will bo permitted to ctny, I nm unable to my." Iti:ili:ii ATTACK TAILS LAIIEDO. Jan. n. Tim Consti tutionalists, who for two divs have lifcsnultcd Nuevo Laredo unsuciess- finiy, have withdrawn and are en- riiiipcd live miles oast today It M reported that thoy have been re inforced ny too cavalry and -100 nr- pmery, aim uint tho assault will ho Itsiimed ale todav. , rot it aim: i:.i:ci'tki JPAHKZ, Jan. :i. Four mon linreed With linvlnc cried "Viva Irozco" were executed In nn nllnv n Juarez today. Tho mon woro first it-Id on nmplclon of bolnB Iluorto jmpamuers. in tho fight pro t'dliiR tlio execution n rebel llou- fiiant was fitnlly shot. Orozco Is '111 Of tlio Knilnrnl ontmrnla nt IJlHUKn, W NOTIti; M'AfiE HEnCCTlOX ii A (. i pre,, t0 (.00, nar TlllHli j M v llWHV, Conn., Jan. 3. 0 K '. IK Si I III tlio f.nralinna of W Yt'. New llnvnii X- llnrt- "I ' ' 'I'l d lltrn iimlrn nffnnilvnt ' ' I'tllli of Inn nnr emit '1 '(( - of unvnrnl liiimliuwl W' 0 1 11,1 1 li ,r iiinnliliilata !' ' ,Mrl ftoam-flttors and enr- there to linker while tho mining town lH In charge of the state sol-dloi-B. Itnllrood officials have boon warnwd by the Governor not to send nny liquor Into Copperfield while the town Is under martial law. Tho Governor today teloRraphod JiiiIro Andorson of linker County, asking whon n henrliiR can bo held looking to tho temporary removal of the Sheriff. Miss Fern Hohhs, the Governor's secretary, will bo special counsel for the statu nt tho bearing. nnd Officers Levi Smith and Gordon Smith hurried to tho shack, but found that tho man was beyond bono ot resuscitation. Coroner Ih Notified. Coroner Wilson wns notified mid tho body was removed to tho niorRiio nftcr an examination of tho circum stances surrounding tho Biilcldo had been made Accordlm: to Lnrka's story. Dnht had hcou Introduced to him four or flvo days ago by Carl Graff, who In serving n sentence of flvo days In nil for oBsnultliiB John Unite 1 on tho Btrect yesterday. Dalit's brothor - 4 ls 8n''l t ''nvo left for ono of I IorrIiir cnmpB a couplo of dnyp i, Hinsley Says He Saved Moyeri!!!1(,B,Ll,r'11 n,lowctl Ual11 10 8' in "mi ii Dnlil Was l)epie"c '. Following tho nrroBt of friend, Graff yesterday, C o f irnior '-appeared to he doprossod nnd ho Joined Lnrkn lust night In helping to GIVEM TO ROW I from Lynching Latter De clares Him 'Ringleader Illy Amih Uiftl l'r Io Com llajr TIiiim.) CHICAGO, Jan. H.Chnrlos .Mover, preBiiieui or tie wostorn ilrlnlt a smnll finuv ,r u-iiiuimv i nr Federation of .Miners, who was shot,! kn stnted that ns thov woro n'bout to beaten and oxpelled rrom Cnlumot. rotlro Dahl commenrcd tnlkliiR quoor ii week ago, plans to return to tho My, stntliiR "lie would nover wnndor Btrlko region tho first of next week.' around nny moro becnuso ho would UoferrliiR to stutemouts yoster-, soon flnlsli It nil " day by Deputy Hlnsloy of Calninet, Lnr)tn i,0camo nfrald thnt Dnlil lu ll a telegram to Governor Forrls inn,in,i ..i ,.ini.i.. Vi.. I V' lllnuli... linil l-nu,.i.n,l Mnnul .' w i.ii.iiiiiiuijihiui.iiu -.v " iv.ii hi ..iiijii liiii'iit nmlrn nn nttnnlr nn lilo linuf . Ill ill I "- " -..."., ., ,,n thnt from n mob bent on SEVEN .ME.MI.EltK OF MINE WOllKEItS IXSTItl'CTKO TO IfHPAUT ItV TAX J'AVEMS .Ml'ST WOltK OK LEAVE. ly AhotUIM l'rf Io Cuo luy Tlmm.l STEAMUOAT SPItlNGS, Colo.,Jan. 3. Soven inombors of tho United Miito Workora of America, charged with rioting nnd assault In connec tion with tho Colorado minors' Btrlko, woro sent out of town today SORE FEET ARE ) 1 ii hero and abroad. Tho nnimront.Moyor said I chaiigo In nubile sentiment In record room at tho to those directorates Deoum now to warrant iib In neoklng to resign from Bonm of theso connect Ions." The list of companies from which tho firm withdraws number more than a score. Uy wltlidrawliiR J. P. Morgan & Co. hnvo cut tho strings that hnvo held together ninny of tho country's most Important corpora-J tions in n community of Interests which hns hcou assailed within and without by Congress. Tho lloiiso of .Morgan feols thnt It hns kept within the lnw in nil Its bent on lynching him. B0 ho hi lliisley was In Mpyer's, ,.nni0 i tlmo of tho attack, Btny w,fo knew who shot him and Bupcriuten-1 nod tno wnoio nrrair. Tho pistol wound In Moyer's bnek Is IiooIIiir rapidly, nnd phys Iclnns says ho will bo on his feet by Monday. A mooting of .Michigan's State Federation of Labor Is to bo hold In LiiiibIiir some tlmo before Jan uary 12, and .Moyor plans to at tond. Tho executive council of tho American Federation of Labor also will bo prosont. Moyor b proposition In wrltlnR to complex operations, and that no lowali,,' 'n ll poln ts ' ,o con-' necessity or threatened poinpllcatlonjtr0vorsy to a board of arbitration with tho authorities nt Washington I (, i, ,,,,i i. irnoi.i..t m.i, 1mvo made It necessary to adopt tno 'fl,,,! Governor Ferris of MlehlRnn. BW-copitiR ehniiRQ In policy oiiiiounced'i Moyor said Is JiiBt ns much In of- IUIIIIJ hurried Into his clothes and town to find sonioboJv to stny with him. Ho found II. Podor- boii, who returned to tho Hluick with him. Thoy found tho door looked, nnd iiiiuhlo to Rot In, nlthoiiRh a light wns burning, thoy feared tho worst nnd secured an nxo from tho ownor of n neighboring flshormiin's slinck. HiiiirIiir I'i-oiii lied. Smashing tlio lock off tho door thoy entered tho bedroom and found Dohl with moat of his clothes: o h'niiRliig from his holt Btrnp, which hnd beon tlud securely to the foot of Rosalie's Band of Marching Suffragettes Said to be Full of Courage ' llljr Auwlitol I'lfM Io Coat liny Tliun.) NEWIIERG. N. Y.i Jan. 3. Some what footsoro but full of courage. Gouoral Hosnllo Jones and hor suf- fragetto hikers loft Jones Point th'H BiriKO. wure ih "'":, ,"."',',, "' morniiiR nt 8 o'clock on route for by tho County 'lax Payois Lc'B'l0.Mo.vl,01.7r u Wns snowlnc when Tho Looruo tbon Issued n procla-ir. :, (,U w"8 Bnow,nS ti,"',",,mc,'t (',tcd With Con-!?1"' wUh tai,v yK r.cMnRas a Justice of tho.lonvo iov,lh i'' ' 'fi I ,r tliDrnnlnsf mm I nut nf - llllfon''.! i m.,,ki... ui. matlon announcing that overy minor must find work or loavo. Frank l.nvnlni' Hlnln nrirnnlyor Of tlio Unit ed Mini) Workers, sent a tolesram' today to l'rosldont Wilson, protosi Iiir agaliiBt tho action of tho Leaguo. The sevon mon woro on trlnl In .Tustlco Court whon n delegation from tho loaguo ontored tho court room and innrehod tho defendants notlco that tney musi thoy started. ITIXEKAItV AIMtANGEl) P'le" ? u house ront from Robert ,,...-, , . ll. '1. 1. -Ln.l 1 . - 1 . . . . 1' till 111 I ' i. ii nil iivinntinn 111 run ..... . ..- Weave i' n . " -..."..ku ... ! inr ,ijihm 11 hln ri,, .'""'. . "? . I"""""" WASHINGTON, I) llaulc " ji- . uit iiii'Miiiii fir 11 n iiiiiti mi. i 1.. niiiiiiiiiiiin nr cobllc ti,ii 1 ' . 1 : Tlio orgiuiiicuwun uuiiiiiuhuu vi ?.iiVc.. V',p'l by Constable Cox at r.OIin,.i I,,,!, msorvo systom 1 r,. J' (l ry?r& days ago. Mrs. !ftav wnsblneton January 17, . w-r n, vister of Fox, testified nrrlvo In Sonttlo January 31. ' ,,, , ' ' "! bflonged to hor and'will romnln until February 1 I... . ,l. ..',, uc'"l mado by Attor- innvo for Portland wliero a h -,.. , . , "' ff)r Men to show that loir on tho rosorve city will bo u' f Inteoet In tlm mnnli. nni..n... o Reserve Coniiiiltlee m m ('(mm lUy TIhim 1 C. Jan. J. tno tvlll and Thoy nnd ear- hold . i:v,l. .......... o nt M , t jT . .- ruuiuiu; - 1 - I'.rv cou Istedof A W (M '- G A' I,r0V? S?"10 " era. At, .Tni,.,(L?.Ul8TtTedri0fA,,,.::' In yostorday from tho Smlth-Pow- M'cr' s i " t' :."" ?"1 ors ranch at Wagner which ho Is Wn M rtln'Bnn :...'?"'"", .""'l conducting now. Ho reports thnt lc'n hra-d at a lao 1 our ,j0"11 DnsUnoy was able to gat out For i.n,7nl .. ,"ou. lonlv a small oortlon of his logs. K: rfi"Xrrss t0 ,,ermU h,n' t0 r f W jVdn' od'anL11 SS " - Mo.iday.-JudRo J. B. Coke For a haSdhin'1 T 1",' T:,?""'1""" I will convene the ndjournod torn, of ""d the date rwiii C ii iVi. ""'" Circuit Court at coquuio .Mommy. unio will be Jxed later. , n,imhfir nr cases aro to come up. Final naturalization papers will be Issued to many next week. The Times want ap are tho keys OPEN TO JOBBING BOUSE W 1 B. R. Keller and F. V. Catter- lin Will Establish Firm in Marshfield II. R. Kellor, formoiiy iiiannRer of tho Orphoum thoator hero, and lalor vopresontntlvo of n number of wholo ttRle housos In this section, nnd F. V. Catterlin, for n long tlmo In business nt Raudoii, hnvo formod u pnrtnor shlp to ongago In the Jobbing business on Coob Uay. Thoy nrrivod on tho Rroakwator yostorday and hnvo ar ranged for quarters at tho Alllanco dock, wliero thoy will hnvo tholr of fices and warehouse. They will handle tho Mason-Ehr-iiian lino, tho Knight Packing com pany, Aldon's Candles and tho Pearson-Pago Produce accounts. Mr. Kel ler has been handling tho Portland trade for a wholesale house there and Mr, Catterlin recently returned to Portland after having made a two Late Service to Start With Motor Car on Completion of Structure A waiting room In North Rend nnd a train sorvlco botween Marshfield and tho neighboring city up to mid night Is tho noxt inovo to bo mnde b tho Wlllnmotta Pacific In tho hand ling of traffic botwoon tho two rltles. according tn n statomont made by Superintendent Miller this morning. Mr. Miller stntod that Instructions had alrondy boon glvon for tho oroc tlon of n comfortnblo walt'ng room nt the Junction of Virginia nvonno and tho railroad tracks In North Rond. Tho dopot will bo equipped with goats and oloctric lights, so that those waiting for the motor car lato nt night will not havo to stand in an exposed placo as at proseiir. A double crow has already boon provided for the sorvlco now in force, so that Engineer Runiioll and Con ductor Kardoll do not have to work overtime The new men are Engineer Fred Wlebens and Conductor A. E. Grogg. It is understood that the lato sor vlco will commence ns soon as t: o waiting station In North Rend Is com pleted. . 1 months' auto tour of California; Iloth say that Coos Hay Is for -ahead of any coast seotlon they havo vldfed. Mrs. Kellor nccompanned MivKel ler back and their son, Elward Cason, will Join them hero lateH H Times Want ads bring result?, tho in Ino ownors of the conner ro-ktho Iron bed. Dnhl's feet and knees woro on mu noor nnd lie was rosttng fnco down, with tho loop formed by drawing tho strap through tho buckle Jammed tightly around bis neck. Tho position of Dnlil Indicated thnt he had dollborotoly grabbed hold of tho foot of tho bod nnd pulled until the strap suffocated, him, Lnrku cut tho strap and found that tho victim mndo no movo. q thon Hmrrled to the pollco station and Sheriff GnRo nnd tho officers accom panied him back to tlio Bh.iclc mid examined tho body, finding llfo ex tinct. Ciii-iIh I'Voin Home. On tho bureau woro cards written to Dahl from his old homo In Finland, nnd tho Indications wero that, ho had beon perusing them in a homesick; frnnio of mind, and tho combination of melancholia and alcohol dornngod him to such nn extent that ho de cided to end tlio failure ho had mndo or nro, Ho was about 2C yoors ot I ago and powerfully built. , Dahl was ono of gevoral Flnland- ei-H who woro out of funds to such an. extent that thoy cooked sonid plain j food, secured for a fow pontiles RUth I orod from the group, on n fire they lit ' against n log on tho wntortront last , Sunday. Since then Larka litis hewn caring for Dnlil by providing lilni n 1 plnco to sloop and giving him his, , , meals, I It la undorstood that Dahl hart , boon promlBod a Job tn ono of tho I lumber camps and was to novo lott , today to commonco work, ", feet now nB when It was writ ton. two hours boforo ho was attacked and benton. Moyor Bnld ho approved tho atti tude of Isphomlng nnd Negnuneo Iron Minors Unions of tho Western Federation In votliiR to strlko unless a Federal Investigation of tho cop per strike was Instituted. "I trust, however," Bald Moyor,, "that any moro strikes may bo avoided. If wo ennnot obtain arbi tration In nny other wny, wo mny attempt to call a gonoral strike In Michigan, hut any moro strikes will come only as n last resort." RECEIVER IN KINNEY CASE HKDOXliO SAILS TODAV Stoamot' for JUDGE II VltltlS DEFERS FINAL ACTION PEXD1XG APPOINT MEXT OF GUARDIAN' F. K. fiETTIXS IS SELECTED. Harris has doferrnd tho per manent appointment of V. E. Wat- tors ns receiver for tho Major Kinney I properties until the nppolntmont of' a guardian. I C. A. Sehlbredo, acting for Mrs. Kinney, bus asked that F. K. Gettlus ho appointed guardian ad litem, thnt is, for the purpose of handling the litigations, and this will be probably bo made. Vice-president Kitchen of tho Belt Lino Railway has agrood to tho Wut- luin juuununmiii. Mpa n mnlnlmrn. M.lna 1im,i It Is bollovod that Major Kinney DavUi Mr nm, MrB j Snydori 'Mnj4 has softening of tho brain and ag soon Bradford Wheolor, Myrtle Woldon, as dotyiilto advtcos nro rocoivod from n. F fioss, Dr j, K Strato An tho San Francisco i physicians. Mrs. toao outlnon, W. P. Schloffole and Kinney will probably ask tho court wfo, oien CiooIcb, O. J. Knox, to appoint her his guardian. ,Claronc0 E. Crone. G, S. Andoruou F. R. Wa' arrived bore yesterday jfnrry Jones, Jas. Jolly, Herman on the Are i water, on matters ojon-'KruL'ar. Mrs. it Mrmmy n a nected with the Kjnn'oy affair andjSniljh. A., it. Johnson, j. ,, Drlco! jiiuurww lUKiiuui unu live steerage. Leuvwi at 'J O'clock flan Francls-o. Aftor. taking on a heavy cargo of lumber nt tho 0. A. Smith mill, the steamer Rodondo. Captain Erltk son.atook on the following pass'n gors boforo cloarliiR for tho lower hnrbor on hor way to San Fran cisco at 2 o'ciocic: other porspi I business. i M i iti K f 1 USt t7-'