THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, .JANUARY 1, 914 EVENING EDITION. f) ' 4 fafl " -oe- H SYSTEM OF IE COLLECTION WATER T E County Treasurer Instead of Special Committee Sets $556.- Sheriff Has Charge New Regulations 25 as Robert Marsden's Interest in City Park. BOURNE PLANS NEW MEASURE Ex-Senator Would Remedy Evils in Circulation of Ref erendum Petitions iwrrrrTr Hub Dry Gds C A New Year's Tlhoogte . To tlio Editor of Tlic Times- It lina boon quite generally agreed tlnu The sheriff's office lias been be- Tho special committee appointed nlnnnrl fnx Mir. ungf fnvv ti'nnliit liv liv Mm Hltv fVilinHI til Hot n fltrlirn uii nw . v..v .v ..... ; ...r -j v - --r. , Inquiries regarding tlio now system on tlio vnhio of Robert Marsden's under tlio system of pnld clrculntlon f tax collection ns contained In the water right In tho city park property of Initiative and referendum pctl 3913 law, especially regarding tho met Inst night In tho city hall ami tlons two evils exist: the submission difference between this and tho old fixed a valuntlon of ?rfG.25 on alllof many measures for which there system. Under the now nrrnngement Marsden's claim. This sum will Is no popular demand, nnd tho forg llio treasurer nnd hot Hie sheriff will bo recommended as n fnlr initiation Ing of signatures. To removo theso collect the taxes. Orogon Is next to to tlio City Council at Its meeting ovllu I shall proposo an Initiative Hiu Inst stato In tho union to make next .Monday night. measure prohibiting payment for this change T'10 consideration of the "water circulation, of petitions but placing Tho most vital difference to tho rlEnt followed an application mndo'no restriction upon the right of tho taxpayer Is that taxes must be paid to tho cliy Council last Monday .people to circulate petitions for any by April 1, or rh6 tnxpayer becomes n,Bt by James M. Upton, attorney (nieasuro In which they feel on In- Annther vnrv linnortnnt Ior '""rmien, who iiskuu unti buiiio .icrcsi. uiun ul- mnuii uuu j ui uiiuuiui 0ne of tllo fiimininontni purposes by tho city. A special commlttco 'of tll0 oreKon system Is to Increase , ttcllnauent change that there Is no longer any discount for prompt payment. Un der tho old system If a porson paid tfila nv twtfnrt Atirll Mfat tin wna - .. . .. .!.,. .ni,nin i i.n.i called, and It wns finally settled to en a rhrco per cent robato, and had . ' . ' had been appointed to Investigate tho project, but no meeting had been until October to pay without becom ing delinquent. Tho following- are tho provisions of tho now law relating to tho tlmo when taxes are payablo: Taxes legally levied and charged In any year shall bo paid boforo tho ilrst day of April following. If tho faxes against any pnrtlculnr parcel of real proporty, or the taxes on -jiorsonal property charged against tnko plnco tost night. Tho figures wero arrived at by soma of the members fixing tho valuntlon por lot. nnd by others on a porcontngo of tho valuation of tho city's Interest In tho property. An avorngo was reached, giving tho fig ures b abovo. The members of tho special com mlttco nt the mooting wero Hugh MeLnln, Gcorgo Haines, .7. Wright Wilson, Attorney Jhiiich Uptoii nnd nny maiviiuini. nrm or corporation, Councllinnn Wlnklor, City Attorney aro not paid before said 1st day of aoB8 doping In touch with tho pro- April, penalties siinll bo charged on teodlngs by tolephono. such tnxes nnd added to nnd collect ed with the gnino as follows: 1 A penalty of ouo por cent on jtll tnxes pnld on or after snld 1st day of April and boforo the 1st day of May following. 2 A ponnlty of two per cent on nil tnxes paid on or after the 1st day of May and beforo tho first day of Jimo following. 3 A penalty of thrco por cont on all taxes pnld on or nftor tho 1st dny pvHminifinn nt limn ninl linfnrn tin. first ilnv of UAclllllNctllUII July following. 1 , 4 A ponnlty of four por cont on a taxes pnld on or nftor the 1st dnv of .luly nnd boforo tlio 1st day of August following1. t fi A penalty of flvo per cont on nil taxes paid on or nftor tho 1st dny of AiiKiist and boforo tho 1st day of September following. Provided, that oiio-liulf of tho tnxes ngnlnst nny pnrtlculnr parcel of real proporty, or of tho tnxes on vcrtfoiinl proporty charged ngnlnst nny Individual, firm, etc., may bo void boforo tho snld first dny of Ap ril, in which event tho ponnltlcH spec ified In this section shnll apply to nnd bo collected with tho remaining oue-linlf of such taxes, to lm paid prior to tho 1st dny of Soptoinbor following. All tnxes remaining un paid on the first day of Soptoinbor shnll becomo dollnqtiont. Upon nil tnxes so delinquent tlioie shnll bo charged nnd collected n ponnlty of i 10 per cont nnd Intorost nt tho rate of 12 per rent por annum on such tnxes from tho dny on which they liccamo delinquent until tholr pay ment. All housohold furiiltiiro, domestic flxturos, household goods nnd ef fects actually In uho ns suoh in homos nnd dwollliiKS; also nil wearing np parol, watches, jowolry and similar porsounl effects actunlly In use aro uxompt from tnxntlon, HAPPY NKW YKAKJ- SNEDDON CASE ! IS ADJOURNED I as to Sanity of Aged Charles Sneddon Con tinued Tomorrow Kxnnilnntlon of Charles Sneddon, Hi'., by Doetois Straw and Tnggnrt before .litdgo .lohn Hall yestorday was ailjoiirnod until tomorrow morn Ing, whon tho testimony of Dr. K. Mlngiis, tho rnnilly physician, will bo taken as to the aged man's snulty, follow lug nn outbronk mado at his homo .Monday night, when ho was ar rested nnd taken to tho city Jnll nnd Inter released, Tho chnrgo wns inndo by John Sneddon that his father had been ci eating such a disturbance Hint tlio nrrost was nccossnry nnd tho examin ation of the old man Is for the pur pose of deciding whothor ho will bo returned to thu nsyluni nt Saloiu or not. IliiKh Sneddon stated yostor day tliat his parent was doing nbused by his brother, Jack. Sneddon, senior, on being examined declared that ho was kicked about tho shins mid wns taken nwny from his wife, JiiBt ns thoy wore retiring. John Sneddon, Mis. Iledford, Mrs. Iteeso. Chnrllo Sneddon, Hugh Sned don and two of tho old man's grand children testified nt the hearing jes tordny morning mid nftornoon. happy ni:w yi:au: tho power of men and decrease tho power of money. I nm surprised, therefore to find that there nro somo slnccro ndvocntes of better govonimont who oppose tho plan of prohibiting paid clrculntlon of po tions. Mbst of those who oppose my bill acknowledge thnt It Is right In principle, but say It will not work out satisfactorily In practice. I contond thnt If It Is right In prin ciple It will ultimately bo adopted nnd will work In prnctlco. An Inltlntlvo pctltloti Is supposed to represent tho dcslro of 8 por cent of tho voters. It does no such thing. It represents merely the expenditure of a certain sum of ntonoy. Possibly clrculntlon of petitions servos to notify nhout ton por cont of tho voters that tho mensuro Is bolng proposed, but, If thnt Is tho end to bo gained, It certnlnly could bo dono moro effectively by expend ing the money In tho printing nnd clrculntlon of copies of tho bill which voters could read, rather than In securing signatures of votors to II petition Which fOW tltki. Mm lltnn to road, Tho adoption of my suggested bill would make the petition represent public opinion, for the ininibor of volunteer circulators would bo In proportion to the oxtout of public doslio for tho measure. I iidnilt that so long as tho cus tom of pnylng elrculntoiB continues, practically every measure must bo Initiated In that manner, but I am confident tho tlmo will como when tho duties of cltUonshlp in procur ing and protecting desired laws mi dor the Inltlntlvo nnd referendum will bo performed without special compensation. Tho hiring of paid cli dilators for measures or candidates Is no less unrepresentative than tho hiring of To build a business that will never know completion but that will advance r tinually io meet advancing conditions. ' , , To develop stocks and service to a notable degree. To create a personality that will be known for its Strength and Friendliness, To arrange and co-ordinate activities to the end of winning confidence by mer? mng n. To slrivc'always to secure the satisfaction of every custorner. . That is the Aim of The Htlb thqt is being impr.essqd more, and. more indelibly an the days, go by upon the Character of the Business itself. Thdt is beinn em pressed more and more effectively as the .store grows greater p. strength and un.J derslanding, ' ' , J "The Satisfaction of EveryiCustornqr" :tho slogan tlat expresses the ideal of me store. A HAPPY AND PR0SEPER0US NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL Hub Dry. -GobUs C .? "SMART WEAR FOR WOMEN:" Broadway and Central Avefiue. - n .i , it J, .III. i H IRVING m nwi -wwn 1 workers or vohlcles on election day, which both have been prohibited by tho corrupt practices net. JONATHAN BOUKNE. JU. HAPPY NKW YKAIt! HUYS KINK PIANO. The Orplietini Tlicntor has purchas ed n flno now plnno for the popular show lioiioo from h. I.. Thomas. HAPPY NKW YIIAK! If you hnvo anything to sell, ront, trado, or want help, try a Wont Ad HEARTY GREETINGS FOR A BRIGHT AND . appy BW H N FOR THE SUCCESSES OF THE YEAR 1913 WE HAVE OUR FRIENDS TO SINCERELY THANK. TO ALL THOSE FfllENDS WE ! EXTEND OUR HfeARTY WISHES FOR A Happy aodl Prosperous few Year Y air FROM JOHNSON-GULOYSEN COMPANY Quality Home Furnishhgs ffiSi When you buymffl SpDuy the Mt f A nimsT.MAs at ki,ohi:n'i: Siintu Tlicic ('lulls Ship I tenches Social Days l.nto FI.OHKNCK, Or., Jan. I. Cluist mns stock for nearly every store In town arrived fiom Portland on the schooner Patsy, two weeks late. Tho llatsy was hold nt Astoria for ten Do you begin to cought nt ulifht, just when you hope to sleep? Do you have a tickling throat that keeps you nwako? Juki tnko Foloy's Honoy -nnd Tar Compound. It will check tho cough nnd btop tho tickling ''" because of tho rough weather sonsntlon at onco. Does not upnot Captain Dnhlbusch icports twenty tho stomaih, Is best for children foot of wator over the Sluslaw bar, nnd grown persons. Owl Prescrlp- tho grentost depth reported since tho Hon Pharmacy Frank D. Cohan. Jotty work stnrted. Opposlto Chandler Hotel. Phone 71. -HAPPY NKW YKAIH "The Fireside" In the home, is the very cmtei of soo.d cheer, comfort and the hostess, most able atf sistant in hospitality, and makes her visitors mora, easily entertained, Tonight it is where the family, with its friends, watch its cheeiful slow, recalling its past pleasant memories, and wishing in !ts cracking blaze, as we do, A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL. "The Fireside" 137 North Second Street. l' To the People of Coos Baj Wo nro pleased to extend tho grootlugs of tho season nu 1 ass u io you of our appreciation of your patronngo and your approval which has been to gouorous tho pnst year. Wo sincerely wish you all A HAPPY AND MOST PHosPHitors xrcw Coos Bay Bakery MAHSIIFIin.I) xoivni hi sf i?a The Red Cross Drug Store Wishes One and All A Very Happy New Year We are appreciative of the loyal support extended in the past and will endeavor to merit the same confl uence and patronage continually. Red ikoss Drug Store Phone 122. f- WE DESIRE TOSSURE THE PEOPLE OF COCS COUNTY OF OUR SINCERE APPRECIA- TION OF YOUR PATRONAGE THE ' ' PAST YEAR AND EXTEND OUR VERY BEST WISHES FOR , i A Happy New Yea ALSO TWELVE MONTHS AND MORE OF UNI -TERRUPTED HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY Peoples 5-1 0-1 5c. Stores BANDON. MARSHFIELD. MYRTLE POINT, - TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS IN TICULAR AND EVERYONE IN ' GENERAL. PAR- KINDLY ACCEPT OUR HEARTIEST WISHES FOR A Happy and " Prosperous New Year MAY IT BRING WITH IT ALL THE GOOD THINGS YOU. HAVE LONG DESIRED AND ITS END FIND YOU HEALTHIER, WEALTHIER AND HAPPIER THAN YOU ARE' TODAY Going & Harvey Co. 4. . v. gjl T . . Wllf.v- w, tv . Ti k.d CV-MiEiiXJ v t