J THE COOS BAY TIMES, WRSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1914 EVENING EDITION. 5 T " f ? h I VC r I Br In New Year's Greeting: TrjA 1 1 Good People Everywhere : May this New Years find each comfortable in mind, body and estate. May you have work for your days and sleep for your nights; a supply for your needs and the heart 'KFe. with the less fortunate. May you have strength for your duties and courage for your trials. May you enjoy the love of friends, the confidence of neighbors, the companionship of children and the re spect of your own souls. To Customers and Friends : Greeting cordial and hearty is here extended. We ap preciate your growth in numbers in patronage and friendship. We extend sincere thanks for trade that has made the past year our busiest, biggest and best and that inspires our determination to deserve it the more. Moreover in consideration of the stress of modern business life Magnes & Matson here add a word of greeting, ' To All Competitors: May the Now Year bring us more business without bitterness and a fair reward for good work, squarely done. ' Done at Marshficld. Oregon, in the month of January, of the year nineteen fourteen. IN HONOR OF THE NEW YEAR. Magnes & Matson DKCKMHKIt TIDKS. nlow Ib isi-cn ir.o tl.no and Lflclit of hls;h and low wator at Mi.rHhflold. The tides nro platen u tho ordor of ot ciifonco, with tholr times on the first lino mid heights on tho second lino of each day; n compar ison on coiiBccutlvo he'ghts will Indicate whether It Is high or low water, n'nr high wnter on tho bar substrnct 2 hours 3-t minutes. LOCAL TKMPKRATURK RKCOHD For tho 2-1 hours ending nt 1:13 a. in. January 1, by Ucnj. Ostllnd, special govern ment motorologlst: Maximum Til Minimum 37 At 1:43 a. m fit Precipitation 81 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1. 1913 21.30 Precipitation bmiio porlod last year. 30.12 Wind: southwest, cloudy. A OLA!) XKW YEAR. rpheum Tonight L irw-TiDir ro-iANfiR. OF BILL Happy New Vaai fcl- J- )UR FRIENDS AND PATRONS: Lihnr woor hoc rrvmn in n Hnc.fi nilH tills fact I'O- Ic no nf llio mo nw nhlinnllnnc Wft firfl lltldar tO HlG Ih who have been loyal to us during the past and nave remembered us witn a goou bimiu ui patronage, ir constant aim has been to give service of tho -:t mvlm- on4' uio oon oeem-o mil nilRtfUYIfirS OT an Tu 'l UlllU UIIU VYO IjUII tioouiu wwi w(.w.-.. - est effort to give such service during the coming Far os w merit a continuance ot tneir support, In.-li v-ilr.no coom .loi-w fownmliln fnr n VfirV DI'OSDOr- US 10U nnr u,a clnonrolif hnno Vfltl ITiaV E& VOUr I! s-'are of prosperity, joys and health. . Willing you a Happy New Year, Yours very truly, iOdkhart-Parsoitts Drag C A Happy few Year and may nil tho com ing yonrs of your life bo Sweet and Pure a$ Stafford's Candy T AX OLD-KASHIOXKD Masquerade Dance V1 L HK OIVKX VXDKR THIS I AUSPICES OK Till OKPKNDKNT OHDKR OK HKRMKX IN AT KAOLK'S HALL " QX Till: KVKNJN J. pKNKW YKAH'S DAY. Thtift&y, Jan. 1, 1914 'Music -Up KKYSKVH ORCHESTRA. Y'lJ AHK CORDIALLY ,' ' INVITKD A glad Now Year, oil, baby inlno, For you tho stars of pleasure slilnc; For you Hie Bong tho Joy birds sing, For you tho flowers or play-tlmo spring; May winds bo soft, may skies ho clear, A Rind Now Year, a glad Now Year. A Rind Now Year, oh, you who press Ufo's upward path, may fortuuo IiIcbs Tho guerdon crowning days ot toll, Tho conflict won, bo yours the spoil; No and regrets, no foes to fear, A Bind New Year, a glad Now Year. A Rind Now Yenr, oh, nged grown, May calm nnd comfort bo your own. Ufo's dusk as cloudless as its day, And for your foot n thornlcss way. Heaven denror as earth's end drawB near, A glad Now Year, a Blad Now Year. HAPPY XKW YKAU1 HORX. The Spirit of the Seasoim prompts os to esstemdl to you our sincere wishes ffoir a Happy and Prosperous few Year I "THE CENTRAL AVENUE DRUG STORE." OwifS'u RE56RIRTION UHTARMA AV J'-Oa BO. I T il MM iHkiiW JSIL m vmr :J IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR HEALTH FRANK D.COHAN Cttl I GUANNIS To Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Ornnnls nt their homo on South Fifth street, n six pound daiiRhtcr, whom thoy havo nnmed Caroline Kllzaboth, Mother and daughter nro doing flno nnd tho proud fnthor, who Is a inombor of tho Mnrshflold high school faculty, says that ho rccolvcd tho best' of Now Yenr's gifts. HAPPY XKW YKAIt! TODD To Mr. and Mrs. Allan Todd, Thursday, January 1, n son, their first born. Mr. Todd Ih proprietor of tho Todd Ttnllorlng Kstnbllsh men t. Motlior nnd child nro do lug nlcoly. HAPPY XKW YKAIt! (Jooil Xc'hh. Miss Mary Clnrko and hop sister, Mrn. Donnls McCarthy, re ceived a glad Now Year's mPsnKO to day in tho nnuouncomont of tho ar rival of n llttlo nli'co nt tho homo of tholr brother, fleorgo II. Clnrko, In Portland. It Ib tholr first child and Ik tho occasion of much Joy. HAPPY XKW YKAIt! Kxpt'ciH Family. Dr. Wornor A. Lngus Is expecting his family hero Boon from Astoria to join him. Thoy will resldo in tho now house erected by Alee. Andorson on Commercial nenr Twolfth. HAPPY XKW YKAIt! In fiiveu .Toll. Louis J, Simpson, tile well-known lumber magnate, plillnnthroplst and nilxor, nnd In rldontally Mayor of North neud. SOCIAL CALKXHAH I THURSDAY. Mlnnle-Wis with Mrs. 10. Kcl i loy. Grand mnsqucrado ball at j Kaglo's Hall, given by Hodmen. FRIDAY. Forndnlo Sewing Club with i Kdnn .Johnson. Skcnnsn Club with Mrs. Don ald Charlston. I Ladles Art Club with Mrs. I Lydla Inng. Itov. Knott's Sundny school class social with Miss Dormol j Campbell. Prosbytorlnn Christian Kn tlcavor with Mrs. C. II. Walters. HnMnHHHWHHH A Happy New Year has been carrying his loft arm stuf fed Instdo his coat, like Napoleon used to wear it, during tho last few days. Inquiry has elicited tho Infor mation that Louis nttneked an an tomobllo in an effort to got It to start, with tho result that It back fired and put Ills "salary wing" out of commission. Tho blow did not Injure Louis greatly, and ho wns ahlo to colobrato tho arrival of an other year. HAPPY XKW YKAIt! .Mnvo IIiinIiionm. Tho Clnrko Milli nery Is moving Into its now homo In tho UiiBBoll building on Central nve nuo nnd the Mnrshlleld Hnrdwaro will soon movo from its proBont lo cation on Market, occupying tho'qunr trcs Just vacated by tho Clarke Milli nery nnd nlso their own biilldlug Just south of It. Itohflold Urothors moved their storo from Front street into tho ItUBsoll building yesterdny. HAPPY XKW YKAIt! ScIIh Itiiiich. Mrs. Smlthgntl, of ditching lulot, has sold tho Dolan ranch of ono hundred nnd sixty acres Including nbotit fifty ucres of bottom uand to Abe, Joo nnd Allan Roberts of Ten Mllo for J8000. Tho property Joins tho big RobortB rnnch and will glvo tleiu ono of tho best dairy tracts In the Teu Mllo region. Thoy plan to put in n cheese factory. HAPPY XKW YKAIt! Aio Located. J. II. Mllner, in a card to Tho Times, sLiys thoy havo locntcd at 2 HO Stunrt slroot, Hor koloy. Ho says: "Havo lookod over u dozen town from 1000 to lti,000 population nnd find Mnrshflold can hold its own with nny." HAPPY XKW YKAIt! Wm. Judd nnd David Holden north! of the Day. HAPPY XKW YlUIt! J. W. SWEKT and J. It. Sweot lofC yesterdny for Dandon, from whero thoy will tako ono of their blaclc Bnnd gold machines to Ctirry coun ty for operations. HAPPY XKW YKAIt! DON OARDINKR, who hns boon spending tho Inst two weeks lit San FranclBco, wlioro ho wont with the other members of tho Outing Club, arrived on tho lie dondo this morning. HAPPY XKW YKAIt! J. M. NYK, Jr., traveling represen tative of Noustador Drothera of San Francisco, arrlvod on tho Ro dondo this nioriilng. Ho Bald tho trip up was both good and bad. WANT ADS. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY KOIt SALly Medium xl.cd snffr chenp If taken nt onco. Apply Kkblnd & Sons. WAXTKD (llil for gvncrnl house work. Good wngoB. Apply A. II. Powers, Phono 207. KOIt IlKNT Kitriilslicd room. .lUK Hall avenue. WAXTKD Currier Iiojh to deliver Tho Times. Iiiqulro nt Times office KOIt HKXT Kunilhhocl hoiiHokici Ing rooms. G95 1st nnd Dlrch. KOIt HKXT Thrco rcitiin fumlhliccl flat, modern, no children. 048 So, Klovonth street. KOIt HKXT l'lirnl-licMl lniiiHc-kcv-I Ing rooms. 229 South Drondway. KOIt HKXT Two :t-room suites un furnlBliL'd, also storeroom. Phono j 181-R. I'OIt HKXT Furnished rooms, mod oru. :i7.'t South Sixth streot. Phono 20C-L. KOIt HKXT Large houso on South 11th street. Phono 119-L., or so I A. H Cnmpboll. KOIt HALK Trio of AVhlto Orplng l tons, flno big birds, high flcoro nnd egg record. Address 200 Egg Farm, Rosoburg, Oro. Plan to llulld. Nols Kkblnd, KOIt SALK Ilort.e, sound nnd gentlo. owner of (ho houso nt Mlillngtou PHONE "THE BUSY CORNER" The Rexal! Store. US 298 MJfcJBO l, DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY Jjete, line of Motions. o VHHItlT 5IUHC North Bend. CALL A TAXI DAY OH NIGHT PHONE 310 Party and train calls a Specialty MAHSHKIKLD TUIUAU " . fi fijkpe Arago 'ii Coffee tter Than Ever J as Bay Toa, Coffee and Rnior Mnncn WMIUU IUUUUI u uw 394-j; 18j Market nve. "fl M ft voii" Inli nrlntlnir done at S'lmes oftlco. 8 years old. Will rldo. Wolght about 1100 pounds. G0, Hot 24G, MnrslKlold. which wns destroyed by flro tho night before last, Is arranging to erect u new houso tlioro which ho will occupy hlmsolf. Ho had no KOIt HALIv Insurance on tho old houso, which wns worth nbout 1700. ' ii mv vi.'W vi.mim KOIt HALK Xlne-ioom houso 1 , I I I Xow Oliver Xo. it type writer, chenp. Union Cigar Store. I May tho Now Year bring you prosperity -In abund ance and tho good bonso not to siiuandor it by pay ing more for your clothos than you can buy thorn nt tho The Fixup Dependable Clothes. TWO STORKS Mnrshflold North Heiul Phono S33L. UiijAELLAS REPAIRED AND COVERED MARSHFIELD CYCLERY PHONE 158-R. PERSONAL NOTES MISS MAY MAOKIC, of Empire, was n visitor in Marahtield Inst ove i nlng. HAPPY XKW YKAIt! MRS, HOPKINS, of Dandon, was n visitor In tho city with friends J yesterday, I HAPPY XKW YKAIt! II. J. VAUOHAN of tho A. D. Daly company Is homo from a business ! trip to Portland. HAPPY XKW YKAIt! T. C. RUSSELL nnd wlfo nro lioro from neavor Hill to spend New l Year's with frlonds. HAPPY XKW YKAIt! MISS FRANCES MARTIN, of Co- (lullle, Is visiting hot sister. Mlfla Marian II. -Martin. In Maiwhflold. Sho will return to liQr home on ntitl lot -10x110 on Commercial nnd Kith street North. Ronsonnblo. Apply ownor, 1206 Commorclnl. KOIt SALK Handsomely Illustrated story of the Panama Canal for ton cents. Address caro Tlmos office. IX)ST llov of carbon paper. Return to Times office. Famous Since 1842 i I gg i CHOCOLATES ANDj CONFECTIONS WW Monday. ri -HAPPY XKW YKAJU J. C. NOIJL und wlfo have returned to tholr homo -In tho CoqilUp Val ley aftor a visit ax tho homes of l a ....liLkr toftall. rent. KI SKD K )l T TO IIVND HKlt THIS IIK.ST. Libby COATK.,jl :J,fcv T Mmmgm i--i