f'i "CSWPIH ii , ." ' v arvr , -J rlpt.,"r'Wp- ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 19141 , EVENING EDITION. M 2 P 1 HAPR GOODR OAD 191 UM'i WAR Wishes one and all COOS BAY TIMES flL 1914 e NE k JB-H1 m WITH THE TOAST AND THE TEA ; v i r F P' I K -K r rr-1 rt '. ft. MAI.OVKY Editor nntl Pub. AN K. MAI.ONKV News Editor A NEW VEAR'K WISH. For tho Monitors of The Times. May all the Joy of Now Yenr'a Ho yours nt Now Year's tlino; Mny ull the bells of Now Year's For you nt Now cur's chime; Mny nil tho mirth of Now Year's, Mny nil tho Now Year's cheer, Mny nil tho hnpiilness of Now Year's Do yours tlirouitfi all the year. HAH'V NEW VEAIt! I A IIAI'I'Y NEW YEAR! MOOS HAY litis promise that tho U year 191 1 that begun today will1 bo one of tho happiest and most prosperous It hns known. Happy nnd most pros perous because of the rapidly long- thonlng bnntls of steel thnt nre soon to link this section with tho outside i m, . . ,. . . worm. IIIIS 111CKIIH llle llOVOIOpmeni of tho grent resources hero thnt nro. awaiting capital, transportation mid tho energy of men to bo converted Into tho sorvlce of all mankind. The dronm of yonrs Is now rapidly ap pronchlng realization. Tho comple tion of tho I'nuamn Canal, tho grent I'nnamn-I'nciric Exposition, tho tldo of lic'ilgrntlon soon to sot In from ruropo, nil great world ractors and Cdns Ilay, with Its great hnrhor right nor.r the t' robbing henrt of these activities must pnrtlclpnto In tho prosporlty thnt attends them. ' All these things mnko tho year 191 I tho psychological one, for Coos Hay b about to enter on Its now day of Industrial expansion. It will be a groat year, will mi . 'Vo hnvo waited long for It nnd nowilt Is here. Thrlco ten thousnnd welcomes to this glnd Now Year! IIAI'I'V new YEAR! Till: TIMES SENDS (JREETINGS. A HAPPY NKW YEAR! Till: Times Is Coos county'H homo newspaper, clenn In Its advertising !(h well as Its nows col umns. Tho Times stands for honesty In nil things, in tho past year Tho Times bus rejeotod hundreds 0f do. Inra of obnoxious advertising, so tlinr tho reador may huvo confidence lu tho truthful and clean annoiiuco nwnta cairled by cullulilo inorcbnnts In these columns. Tho Times will not knowlngl. print nu ml that oven savors of fraud. 'i no nines is nble, alert, and nl- ways nhond mid Coos Hay's great homo nows paper. Tho Times wishes its largo, hnppv nnd prosperous circle of roiiW a Hnppy and Prosperous New Year! HAPPY NKW Y.'.'AH! HAPPY XKW YKAK! Il:l LI'MISKIt (TT. Tho lumber cut of (ims Harbor district fur UM3 will approlmto 7r,7 iiiilllon foot, as aBaiuU 72.1 mil- Hon feet for mis. Included In tho 11)1 a figuies Is lh amount used In ..,......f.. ...... ..... .. iii iiuiiiiiiiiriiiriiiK lain. cor lOI.'l the lath cut ngKiognlos I as million or about 21 million feet or luuibei. TliU ttinouut uddud to the ID 1.1 cut gle a totsl of 77S million, an o row cut for I U I ; over 1!)m of nbout R.-i million fix"!. The cut of tliw Porllaiid ami Columbia Ulver mills for the ymr It) I a will Hugro gato nn evceiw r ouo btlllou foot ns shown by th prollmliiary rigure furnished The Tliiibormnn This Is a foiiMldnr.ililn gain over 1 01 2. Portland Timbei ninn HM'Pl NKW YKAH! UTe R.oyal Entire Change of Program - ioon i:vi:xin(J I A good start Is Important, I ovon In tho longest nice, for It j Is easier to hold a lend than to I j regain It whon once It Is lost. Youth's Companion. j V 4 HAIM'YNEW YEAH! IT LOOKS EASY On Now Year's Day wo gladly turn Our hacks upon tho wnbbly pnst.u,,,,, Now Vonr.H n.( nl ril of twI. And Bay Its records ought to burn This year will differ from the last We'll get n brand now spotless page And figure what wore nice to write 'N' drinks, no drunks. no brcakB of i rago; Sweetness we'll cultivate and light. oniy and solf control; N M,oro Havana smokes for us, N'n liinrn tint linrv Imllu In mil. -".. - "' - " . ' swear words not a stnglo cuss. j ....- r,,... t.w.i... ....u uw...u ,...,. Cut out tho Chandler glad freo , v"" K1(,r'' l,ow'r n"'1 I'laudlts. sweot. I,ni,.i land 'mong these all, Success, they We'll boost sobriety nnd truth; nicut With all the water-wagon buneb, Wo promise nil these things, nnd We'll rldo ns In our gontlo youth. ,lloro' J"Bt "s wo'v promlseil oft bo- i.... From whoro wo stand It looks a cinch, To walk tho straight and nnrrow wn Wo will no't retrograde an Inch. Its easy yes, on Now Year's Day. HAPPY XKW vt:.its I Homo of tho Coos Hay men j who got pipes for Christmas j gifts should hnvo been present- j ed ultli alarm clocks. j happy xi:w vi:.u: X o I How would It bo to put u Jig- j ger of appreciation Into this j Coos liny cocktnll of nutlclpn- j I tlou? I I A innj'.i Is ns old ns ho feels, but you couldn't mnko some j I Coos IFny men bollovo it this I morning. Tho number of people who i swear off continues to be some- I what smaller than tho number of peoplo who swear nt. j HAPPY XKW YKAK! WHY DOXT THK DA.MKS UKSOLVK? Why don't tho ladles Join the men In yearly resolutions? Why don't the.y vow to mako our homes Perfected Institutions? Why don't they swear to doctor up V Our shattered constitutions? Why don't tho dames resolve? Why will they worn- A wealth or lialr Tlmt costs us like the dlckans, When nature's putt k ....ii .,.,,. Ui, " !" And admiration quickens? Whv do Ihey walk And ucrap and talk Like lllniiu llobhs's ehlokons? Why don't the damos nolvo? Why don't they cut the gossip thing - A habit that Is horrid, And cnusoij many family Jars And conerstlon torrid? ' Why don't tho keep tho mark of peace Imprinted on their "forrld?" liv don't tho damos rosolvo? ik hoie's the xiima of politics lu which they are enllstud, I'm in cnnssrntiilntlons Their doods' have most consisted. And In nonregUtiation i Have stoadlly psrslstod. Why don't tho dnnio rnqro? I'd like to see a Now Year's I With tho seos on a iar And finale resolutions , Admitted to the bar. I'd hitch my faith in ProWdtme, My wagon to a vtar. Why don't the df me resolve? I'lHIOIKV XOTICIt. The regular uiouthly WMtlng of the Maraufleld Klro Department 111 be postponed from ThursUay, Janu- j ory l.,to Friday eveulng, January 2. 191 1. Also the regular animal elec tion of officers will take place and a full attendance i desired. HOMKlt MU'SSEY. Pros I1Y 1101J STANLEY Once more wo try to got In lino. Wo cross our hearts with mystic sign, and swear to stnrt our lives anew to cut out drinking mountain dow to douse tho ciiBs-words and tho plpo, nhnndon Ills of ov'ry type. We prom ise wo will no moro wend tho path that has n dowuwnrd trend, nor Book the comimnv of thoso who never know ,, .. ,..,o f.. ,..., .nt f-,,.,. light hit tho liny. Wo'H no more yield to tempter's Buaro, nor be gnmo when tho fellows dure, nor go nhout the old-tlmo friends, whom Now1 Year's promlso oft offends. We're i going now, to save our coin, and I pass up liver for tho loin like Mr. i Vnndcrfellcr cats with nuiBhrooms, onion stows nnd beets, This Now Year's going to bo one that sees somo wondrous labor douo 'by us who've never worked our host, nnr 1.,.n In nnrnnut In ll, o ..of ,.f . y - .,.. ... things, Ambition bldR us seek nmld nnrlh'a trtnln flnlila u'luirn annul rnn 11 iiuu, imu tuts nine wu ru on i.ie. sminre. nnn mean to keep our word for fair. '.'anunry 1, mil Hob Stanley. HAPPY XKW YKAHS PERSONAL OVERFLOW -I - CI1AULKS FKNSLKU. of tho Hub Clothing Store, makes Now Year's a double celebration, his birthday being Dccembor III, He admits thirty-two of them and his frlondi will wish ililm ninny, many more. n.ii-ii .M,M i..is: C. W. MONTCOMKHY. the Standard Oil Mugnnto nnd mainour of tho Coos Hay Outing Club, returned to tho city this morning on tho Hreakwater nfter n plensnnt visit In Snn Francisco during tho boll- ,"'8' HAPPY XKW YKAU! MUP. D. L. FOOTK wns over In Co- MUllle yesterdny to attend (ho mnrrlage or Wllllnm, Footo. broth- thor of D. I.. Foote, to .Miss Flos- sio .Mnnson, tiniiglitor of tho Co qulllo trnnsror man. Tho coro mony wns held at the homo or tho lirldo. HAPPY XKW YKAH! CAPT. IIKH.MAN LAHSON enmo down from tho Sluslnw yesterday ror a short stay. He has about completed the dredging contracts along tho Sluslnw. unless some new ones nre signed up. and may bring tho dredge bncU : ere soon. HAPPY XKW YKAH! Times Want ads bring results. DH FKUKXCK IV iiorits woitKixr; A mini's working day Is eight hours. Ills body oruans must work poirectly 21 hours to keep him fit for eight hours' work. Weak, sore, Inactive kidneys cannot do It. Thoy must be sound nnd healthily nitlvc all tho tlino. Foloy Kidney puis will make them so. You iiinnot take them Into our system without good results following. Owl Presuiptlon Pharmacy Opposite ( Handler Ho tel. Frnuk D. Cohan Phone 74. LET YOUR NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION BE TO ECON OMIZE AND'SAVE MONEY. We can help you, Take advantage of the GREAT SACRIFICE SALE in up-to-date LADIES' SUITS AND COATS. If you need a Rain coat, we have it. Western Outfitting Co. nrssKi.L nriLDiM 01 N'TRAh pMKniiQsavw That Is It, You See Anyono may cam iliclr own risk for a while, and try to mnko It appear they nre .iini somctliliiR, but tho law or nverngo knows no diaiiKo and bo nei 01 Liter tho loss occurs when least ox peited. THAT'S IT YOU SHE. MORAL: Tho best tlmo to tako insinance of any k nd. Is when you can got It. COOS BAY REALTY CO., Inc. MEL G. DUNCAN. Phono I bv addinfl a 1914. Central Avenue 1914 important xtyricn. Tho nnnual tucotlng nnd election of officers of tho Chumher of Com- inorco will bu held In Its office- Frhlny evening, Jnr.unry , mil, beginning ut S o'clock. Reports from tho presi dent, secretory nnd treasurer will bo given nt this meeting. All mem bers mo requested to bo In atttnd nnce. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOl' have ALWAYS I'SKD. Phono 71'. Pnclflc Llvory and Transfer Company. COLDS TO UK TAKKX SKIHOL'SLY hitell uent neonlo renllzi. Hint COinnu)II colds should be treated 'promptly, ,f tloro Hneeiug and chilliness with honrsoness, tickling tiroill nml t.0uglilng, hogln promptly lll0 B0 of K0y Honey nnd Tnr compound. It Is effoctlve. plensant jto take, checks a cold and stops Itlin coiiub. which raimiu loua nf j,.,, , 0Wt,r8 tho Vt.u rcsla'nnie 0w, PrconpUo,, iMiarmncy. Frank n Coim. Opposite Chandler Hotel, phono 71. A HAPPY NEW YEAR nnd may nil tho coming years bo prosperous nnd ns "sweet music to .thine ears." Is tho slncoio wish of the Wiley B.Allen Co. lu L. THOM.VS, .Malinger. Itusscll lllil;; (Yutrut Ae. AVE., UKT. SKCOND & THIRD. 2G4-J. E. D. JONES A Happy New Year and it is sure to be happy all the. year if. you have a FORD. A FORD makes life's way easy and the journey of the years is one of joy, if made in a FORD. Make it A Happy New Year . For All the Family new 1914 FORD to your i LET GEORGE DO IT. G00DR8MS GARAGE Rust-Proof Corsets AVo arc sole agents lor Hip celebralod Warner's Rust-Proof and Redfern; Corsets AVe liavp them csnec- jnlly designed for vovy figure and priecd from $1.00 to .TS.OO per pair. AVo are now showing the most complete stock of corsets in Marshfield. All of the new models designed for the new Spring gowns. "Wo can fit you. The Golden Rule FTKRT NATIONAL 1 H -aaw Lm I block w irff'Aitt r I A I : . il Men's and Boy's Suits and Overcoats 25 Per cent Discount tin Suits and Coats $.':', GO Suits nnd Coats U'ft.00 Suits and Coats SLV.r.O Suits mid Coats $ 0.00 Suits and Coats ST.. 00 Suits mid Coats .yi 1.2.1 .SMI. DO .S1H.75 ,.(1.2.1 Boys' Suits S 1 00 SUITS AND COATS $ f. 00 SUITS AND COATS r.f.00 SUITS AND COATS no SUITS AND COATS 10 SUITS ND COATS ' ',00 S'lTS AND COATS riOi RECOUP I'HOTOGRAI'HI.VG .tnel, f 'Sftienro.? to real .ate furnished on short v nisiNr it possessions for Phone 373-. 1914 xr Jr 5 V' r Aft, ffidSa JANIC BUILDTNQ Women's and Misses' Special Sale. $15.00. Sovoral handhonio lines ot wef 1 Kroadcloth, Sntln-llned. Goo values nt $.10.00. Sale nrlce sifl.oo. Two beautiful lines oijl rrm Your cholco, IS.OO. J and Coats. sii.t: IB $i.ri 9(1.0) S7.il 7.a ABSTRACT COMl'ANV " Z?' ??.? to ate. notleo nuuwon rouuK ' ' Mb I . 1 1 . . v wm i m i i .'.. ' CJ l OFFICE: U7 North Front St., MirshfleW. Phoae II V' Manager v t M ( .J . i.-