PPpisgis mtfSi, im-' HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE SS ALL HEALTH, WEALTH AND HAPPINESS fflxnts $mj Stows I TIIH WOMEN ival Tit" Times know tl3' f"" ,, mli of the bet merchants THE MERCHANTS ulio jidvertlio in The Times know tiicy rt'mh tlio host people In tlic city Mho insist on the best nows of tho city. clt " the l,eMH of t,u' ,K",t ,,co" jl of the 'Hi' member op the associated piucss . vVVtll KstnMIMuMi 1H7H I VOl- XaAVII. as Tlu, cmHt jrtn 'MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1914 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. A Consol Idatlon of Times, Const Mull fin 139 und Conn Jlny AdvcrtKcn. "Vm ,w piwilWPPipn, III! BADLY BURNED TODAY I K GOW I 0 KG DOYLE TALIS .ABOUT GOOLEY DrJtcdtive Who Made Arrest Ir Uurry County Murder Case 'Makes Charges .. .,,,t lttAl.' ItfXl'l.OSIOX Of tl.l.MH.IAH ni.n OIL TANK CAI'Hl- HHivrti i'..i iNci miixK womax paixful n iaitxi:i) i-'iiih ykak aoo T01U1. Flro broke out In the second story of the uow M'ny "" w" from Tho Times office today, but It was extinguished oofore It had galnU much headway. Tho main blinding Jwas pot nffected, except In the southeast corner, where tho flro broko through tho partition. Tho iflro Isitupposcd to hnvo neon caused. hv tho explosion of one or tno ninny IIOSEHUHO, Or., .inn. 1. Tlmt ranrtllni! stoves which the tcnntits of woitllhv'llniheriiioii of Rnnkniin. Hitlil tbo second story of tho building ii.o. (o ,(U crnilnntC1 wh n A C(0, a furns can uo icanicu mo umu, litarted from fie explosion of n Bns- " " " niniw oi iiiomnn I o!ln lank In the rear of tho room- Vnn Pelt In Curry county fifteen I log i.Mrteni above tho Jones & Clour- years ago, aro iTyliiR to prevent lev 'itat market. Tlio names wore corilcy's being brought to trial. Is the lon from tho Lloyd Motel and Mr. intimation of Dotectlvo Stephen A. fivllhtn turned In the alarm. Doyle, who arrived hero with Cooley, .fr Tom Hrownell anil lion wliom ho arrested In San Frnurlm-n. Hrnvnlce narrowly escaped from be- noylo snys It wna neceHsary for him I iob bunuM to death, also a Mrs. to ,jrt codloy away from San Fron- Thoniawon. The miter h two run- ,,BCOt attornoyH nnd prlvnto do- idrciu-Aboifri up and plnyhiR, yell- l0(,tjV0H woro trylnR to Kecuro his rc- edllru nnd nrousiM them. vim. Doylo Hays ho has a HtruiiK Miming the children Ilrownlee nod ,, IlKI1IIBt Cooloy. Mrs nrowtitll mado n irnniii ..My ,nW).orH ,,,, 10 t)l lo l)ki wore and In dftliiR so woro overcome ,8 (1J nlHW01. CooI(iy K,vt!R ,0 ,,,. bj t. nimeunnd both were wl'Rhtly I0gtlo tIint ,H ... , ,,,, ,H itairncd. Mr. llrownetl was Uurnci , w , C((, fr()1) (.1rry ...... it... t .. n, it nMs nmi umiin nf .... jBu.u. .i.r ..iv ".. . . ,.0,yi H ,,(,inlly sllont, licr lutlr wag unriicu on. smic n, .... ,)ovIo ....... .,,, nih-,P,IRi, til r'lmb down the stairs, hut t,o()()y )mH y1J.y uo mmm nn, hc1 l!ron'", as uiiconHclous from Ibo mii'ik-1 and was carried down sUUrs by W'trehsh Operator William no Intervlows with n.ttornevH before tlioy nppcarcd In his bobnlf, there nrn ' now numerous attorneys wnrhliiR for .... fl. I .. tlk liiiMHliiil in son anu ucil i.uij. ii .......;.. . ,,, ,,.,,., .,, Bnv.- ..rk.iil,, ,1... Uic xwrne on hearing the woman's twUvm aro wn.,,ng 0vory mnvc 'M' 'inont of Doylo. IlOhlnd n)l this Dol MyMimKiniioiiiuiuoniiw..- nyH ho Bppg n HrrtlI, nrllonto iwm nnd hair but not serlousLy. H ;porHOIIll who aro mlxl01IH ltlt Cool not believed hny of tho poroons . nQt 0 ,,rollKllt , tHnl j,wnH rued nro badly hurt. . ,)nt ft )nu) ,v1B , SpoIn,u, B . Ml t-o occupanls of tlio rooms I)U(,nt0(, ,n t0 pr10 )ut ,, f0. iuvu iiiu mum niHiKi'i i 'a i. niii; ( A New Year's Resolution I VE liea'd about the new Year, And how the thing is done; uuui IIIU ICOUIUUUMJ) UIUNOII Loifg befors they're half begun, I'm making one myself this year, 'It may be old and out o' date, But I guess 'twill come in handy Ere I've many days to wait, You will sny that it's old fashioned, But you can't say it's not true, For it's "Do ye unto others As ye would they'd do to you," i Some fellow's always preaching That no man is honest now; That each one makes it easy, Scorning sweat upon his brow, I'm sure I don't believe it. And I'm thankful that I can Still meet the world a-smiling And still trust my fellowman, The good and bad must mingle, And the false will always oo; But I'll try to do to others As I would they'd do to me, Selected, NEW IS A OS TO BE GUILTY WO fused to Rive his niuno. i Siijs (' Im StrniiR. I "Wo lmVn Htronir evidence Mini a Mieath the flro nn sIlRht. except , ,,,,. ,. nKa,lHt C()oIoyi Hn,, , Iiir they liml oxtoit what they os- ped a. The iIiiiiuiko to tho stores inuruhnndlsu, ousldernbly by ow 'It , mtc- The ' i luhu Is (slfmntod at bo SDOii ami niMili. wlili -about $1000 nsurnnn on Oow Why's morolmn- !he. Moi if 'lie t'UiunV had moved f ut t( ( InilK or H-r.lv' Roods. Tho prlnilr ' dJm.Kv a (II hv from smoku A veil ,ito tr-tny. (low Why's idoiish i ,i Sout. loth street was urned rt. d the Woiro Uotol sllfiht k; xhtiir, fl, ( nw "Why io ift China now. Ilo leutlvo Doylo. "Cooloy told me (lint ho spout six yenrs In Alaska and was thoro at tho tlmo of the crime, but wo hnvo ovldonco that ho wi In Curry county at tho time, lie had returned from a trip, presiiiunb'y to Alaska. A short tlmo before the nuirilor f Vnn 1'olt Coolov sent his wlfo to Crescent City, Cul., and n short time later 1 e 1'ift tho country Wo hnve evidence that for seieral days precedliiR tho murdor of Van Polt, Cooloy wis seen hi tho valloy masked and accompanied by his iJor, Cooley's doR camo to tho spot where - 1..- nH -. ffeh& TlklA Jlikil c4r1 1if tho bunaiiiR Iwniroil. ' w miinmnT m n . ..... ........ I Itolt, or tho Hod Cross ,)ruK ami reinainou lor nuuio u...u. -...,, nllmH ..11. .tttlilntlftfk ' After 'tho murdor of Al CoolldRe, Van Polt nnd several of his relatives CHURCH HALL LINES STILL OW .MAIISIII'IEI.D .M E T II O I) I ST S WIXTEUX TXIOX M.VIJ IliriWEEX lai'xcn l'ltojEcr aiteh ci:i,i:iii(.tix(2 wiimx(.' orr ok DEItT. COOS IIAV AXD ItOSEItl'ltO IS STII.I, Ol'T I'llOXE I.IXE ALSO DOWX. Coos Hay Is still Isolated from tho rest of tho world so fur as wire sor vlco is concerned and tho only out- (Sqi ( rbt loiiRht tho flro with a nm v inilcnl. but his choinlcal wa t rriclent to extliiRulsli It. TImi l,o.t'i. 1 'i 'rcianls Cafo, rostnunuit, 1u i S i.ouiley's I'aluce Moat Mar- pt i ibe Mnrrhil&M WlriiiR & V'l il ron.pnny all inovod their si lb urn the bullilIiiR nnd will sui In ore or km loss. In addition auiu:i on iba buridlnR. a r Jomph of tbo Pnlaeo Mnr i J la Rt'tclv and flxtnros In thi t d wi!le wa'tliiR to movo h td O (i raves a utoak. t riJwTiell'i, lnibband 1b said " Call' -nla. -UM'I'YMJW VEAIt! .4 I lot t sir 'bac i .-io i - v in vr itivmnox. were anx-sted for tho crlmo. It was whllo they woro out on 1ul! awalMiiR n honrlnR that Thomas Vnn Polt was klllod. 3uhn h. Chllds. now out of Cooloy's uttornoys, represented tho Van PoltB"at tho tlmo they -won un der nrrost 'In 1K08. HAIM'V NEW YEAltJ OltEATEST OK CHOP YEAP.S. ,Slv .Million American Kurms Piixlme Hi,Oill,0(IO,OOII. WASIII.NT.TO.V, D. C, Jan. 1 Ten billion dollars worth of products, five billion dollars of cash Income n biimpor year In spite of drought nnd other setbacks Is tho 1913 rec ord ut six million American fnrmors. The most succesbful yosrs of hus bandry 'In tho United Staten brotiRht forth ?M 00,000,000 worth of nop, of which $2890,000,000 wer repro nented by cereals nlono and $3,000, 000,000 wurth of animals sold and BlHiiRhtered and nnlmal pioducts. The valuo of tho 1913 crop is twice as great ns that xif 1899; moro than a billion dollars ovor 1909 nd sub' slantlajly groattr than 1912. Of all tho 'crops, however, it Is 'estimated thit 52 por cent will (remain n amenn uid Hazel Harrison I1) united in wedlock tin I)ecmbor 2-1. at the homo it I r tindo'g ivirnnls Mr ml Mrn ,---, , I'arrlson, rf Hlverton. Nov. . ' CoquIHe officiated. They e-e di'O.ded by Claudo E. Atherton 0' Ith- Ora Jameson The bride, i k o'j. of Hlvcrton'B most chnnn irt joiiiir ladles, was beconiltiRly KtAro.l in white aad carried a bean till buqiji'i of rosos. She Is wdll 1mmi ,n MHrBbfin,,!, jmvlnB nttonded ' 'lol ibt re a number of years nRO. Tbriom lson of RIverton's popu- farms' where they wore produtedand irtr ,. r.1. t. nt thoson of Mr. and that 20 per cent of tho animal pro "lr ik Jameson Aftor tho imp- ductlon will remain. On that basis 18 SUltllOns WPtlrlllK ilil.ilAr Uln nnali lllpnilli. fa fHl nillt(d Ivv Mia . . " l " ' ARriciilture at tP e,i, b Hhlo bolnR elaborate- Department of i 1 .Muted u the led and Rreon of i $5,817,000,000. nil ma. Tho young couplo woro r Ipletits of raany beautiful pres wtt, Tiiev have a host of friends M dotted c M endfnff felicitations, At tho Wntch NIrIU mcetliiR ser vices at tho Marshflold M. E. Church last night, n project for liuridlni! n social hall. .'lOxf.O. In- tho " " ' ' !.. . . roar of tho church, was launched "" "' is wnat operator Wllllam by K. L. Sumner. son at tho local wireless station has Tho plan was suRgestel Immedla .toly after tho auuouncemcut. that nil tho church debt hud been pro vided for and met with enthusiastic approval. Speeches wero mado by Unv. ICuotts, T L. Sumuor, iiiul V. E. Allen. Thoro was n InrRo audience pres ent and a flno proRrnm enjoyed. HAVI'V XEW YEAU5 GLAD WELCOME HERE 'WIIIKTI,i:H ItOAIt, 1IOUXH 1 IONIC. TIN 1IOHXS TOOT, DAXCEItH DANCE AND UINEKH DINE AS NEW YEAU IS UHIIEHED IN ON COOS HAY. Tho Inauguration of tho Now Year In Mnrshilcld nnd North Uend was celebrated with, considerable vim in I somo sections Inst night, nnd whllo n i m i o ii I thoro was no Rreat nubuuii over too Reported Charles Spencer HaS ovent, the arrlvnl of 191 wns marked Information WhlCh May I according to tho extent of tho popu- Lead to Further Arrests . 'nn on coob Dny. Further developments In the1 The C. A. Smith lumber company's atari. s.,nnrnr forcorv case nro deep, throaty whistle roared out a expected shortly by thoso most close- Prolonged blast tho first Bccond aftor ly in touch with tho prlsonor, 'nnd 12 'c,oclt at midnight nnd whistles Blnco Spencer wns bound ovor to " Hinnllor plnnts, Btenmors launches, tho grand Jury there nppearB to bo nutomobllos and tin horns in fue a prospect that ho mny glvo ovldcnco.""'"'" of a few helped to welcome to the stato which may Impllcnto the newborn year, which Is generally othorn In tho forgeries nnd show . expected to mean bo much to tho that ho was tho tool and not tho In-' dovelopmont of tho Pacific coast in splrntlon of tho crooked work. 1 1" nctunl ubo of tho Panama Cnunl Just beforo being tnkon to tho by tho steamers of tho world. county Jail, Sponsor broko down and I There wero about fifteen resorva- whllo practically admitting his guilt, tlons tnkon at tho Chandler Hotel for stntod that ho had drifted Into bad tho New Year dinner nt midnight, and' company and showed a, disposition W)ilIo tho dlnors might not hnvo act to muko 11 clean brenst of tho whole ed bo orfuslvely In welcoming tho business. . new year, they shook hands with Tho Impression Is Rro.wliiR miiour J c,ncn ni)iiir nm, tre,i t0 f!ol BOioinn somo of tho victims of tho forRorlcs over. ti,0 ,loath Btn,Kges of tho old nnd those Intlmnto with tho sltun- yenr, Hon thnt somo leniency should bo i)nncjB wnH , fn 1)IllBt hoih nt shown tho prisoner provided that ho Xorth ,,,, 1(I Mrshlleld. In tho makes a full confession. That ho f( Eok,loff ,,. ....... ,., was tho willing "Ront" of othors, ',.,. of v..v. Von ,,,. ,., ,, who, It Is believed.. ciiRliieored . Ul0 fromBn wUh (ho noinbp the whole frame-up of forgeries on I ,)l0 Mnr8rlo,,, rlro ,,0)nrt,llc.,. , Christmas Eve, Is the ImpresH ion n, , m ()cc drawn from somo steitoments dropped W(J wo) ro,rc.8ent0)1 aft, Vopopt 15 7 -m: ? JTST1 'I "K ?. RU,m::t'arUn Sin"onl0. .7" ,7! ?T " t",, " Innl path, Spomers reply wns, "Oh, val f mWnlBht. that's all rlRht, Judge Wo'U bIiow' At the Eagles Hall another 'big 'em yet." This and Information ee- Now Year's danco was hold nnd tho cured Indicates that Spencer will floor was thronged with dancers who" "como through," nnd In order to In-' remained for tho passing or 1913. ,!..... ll... t .in mi (linrn Is n trrow- In llinnv homes of Mm nltv ilmrn I1.1.U17 ...... -w i.. ... ....... - .- .. --, ... .... w.. b.aw.v I ..ll.... II.,. I lm Ol.lf.linp.nna" 111 Woro rnlntlVim mill rllnan frlotwla niu.ni IIIK (UUlll.K lii.il i.i" ,..r.. v.. -..,, .uw .w...w M.u.i tho case should bo reached through pleasant hours awaiting tho birth or BREAKWATER IS WA I oe HAPPY XEW YEAIll If you have anything to trade, or want help, try a In Tte TJroes. fll, rent, fant Ad Rough Columbia Bar Prevents vessel ueuinn uui alli ance Due In. Tho nreakwater Is bar-bound nt tho Columbia Klvor nnd It U doubtful 11 sho will got out today, according to a wireless message from her re ceived by Operator Williamson this forenoou. Tho report from Astoria said that tho Columbia bar was rough and the bea outside rough. It was raining' with a 28-mlle south wind prevailing. Tlio tomporaturo was C2 with tho ijaromoter reading 29.57. Tho Alliance waB outside this fore noon and Captain LofBted hoped to cross in aoout 1 o'clock,. Capo Blanco reported rain with a 20 mllo 8outli6ast wind, a tompora turo of G3 and the barometer read ing 29.45, Tho sea was quite rough. HAPPY NEW YKAK! (JKAl'T AT DAXDOX. There Is a funny story about n District Attorney, a typewriter and a woman of tho underworld which fairly reeks with graft and- which has beon promised tho Surf for pub lication. Bo patient! It's coming up all right when we con get the straight tory. Baiidon Surf. been able to pick up. Just when tho Western Union will get Its lino up botweon hero and Hoseburg H uncertain, but Operator Sohottor hoped to do bo by this af ternoon, Tho long dlstnnco phono lino bo tweeif hero and Hoseburg Is still down but they hopo to restore sorvlco this afternoon, HAPPY NKW YKAK! I W W STUNG UP MEXICANS Rev. Robert McLean, Mission ary, bays Organization is Causina Revolt POltTLAND, Or., Jan. 1. Speak ing at tho Third Presbyterian Chinch, tho llev. Robert McLean, district superintendent of Presby terian missions In Northorn Mexico, declared that tho greatest danger from the present rebellion in that country lay from tho Industrial Workers of the World, who wero arousing the ignorant Mexicans on both Bides of the lino to a Btate of continual uiirest. Ho furthor asserted that the re bellion was fraught with more dan ger to this country thnn many sup posed, and that the propaganda of the I. v, "w, among the Ignorant Mexicans was a menace to American institutions. "The Industrial Work ers of the World," he Bald, "aro spreading, their propaganda among the Ignorant classjps pf Mexico and raising up a dangerous element both in our own territory adjoining Mex ico and in Mexico that, may threaten this country. This in my Judgment Is one of the great "jers and men- nccs to this ooi HAFIY N YEAH! The Times wanVada get -what they go after, , ho mo leniency to tho prisoner, If it Is possible to do so. HAPPY XEW YKAK!- T S ANDERSON Outcome of This Afternoon's Bout With Cross Crucial to' His Career PORTLAND, Or., Jan. 1. January 1, 1911, will always mean a lot to "Dud" Anderson, Vancouver light weight; for that mattor it will al ways bo remembered by Leach Cross, for when thoso 135 poundors battlo at Vernon this nftornoon It will bo the remnant emporium for ono of them. Anderson suffered a trip to dream land after 12 rounds of mauling at tho hands of this same Leach last July 4, and if Cross bumps him again for tho rumble of ten, "Buds" nsplrntlons to tho lightweight title, safe to say, will novor bo gratified, On tho other hand, If "Bud" wins, ho will get a Bhot at Rivers oro an othor six weeks, and thon, If suc cessful, ho will bo In a position to talk to Champion Ritchie. So far as Cross Is concerned, ho novor has beon anything moro thnn a 1911, when hands woro Joined nnd songs and toasts fitted to tho oc casion woro given. On tho stroolB thoro was not much Uif n celebration except tho "honking" ot automobllo horns. Two pooplo woro booii wnndorliiR around with tin horns, tooting the Now .Year in, nnd In scattered Instances thoro .was. a yolp of gratification over tho passing or another milestone In the present contury. Taking It nil around, tho coloura tion was marked by qulotnesu and coolness compared to tho celobratlon in BnniQ previous years. HAPPY XEW YEAR! RE00ND0 E F ffl SOU URINCJS HEAVY CARGO AXD A OOOD LIST OK PASSEXOERS FROM CALIFORNIA WILL RE- TURN SATURDAY. MeotliiR head winds for a short tllstanco hp tho coast aftor leaving San Fpqnulsco. and driven along bo foro a following gale aftor passing Cafco Mendocino, tho Redondo ar rived In tho harbor this morning tough trlal-horso; but ho has been shortly after daylight with a heavy whipped quite regularly or late, and (cargo or gendial freight, Including unless he annihilates Andorson he ninny drums ot oil for the Standard will lose all his billboard affections., Oil Company's depot. Leach has been fighting for olght The steamer will sail fan the ro- yeara. ' HAPPY NEW YKAK! ODDS ARE GS "OUNROAT" turn trip at 2 o'clock Saturday after noon. Her passenger list toming north was as follows: fl. W. Afrnlintniv T W r!o KIr Purs Finish Training for New dlnor Mrs. J w Gain0P. W. H. qaxt rpiwLt! 1 n Kennedy, F. II. McGregor, Nelson SAN ANC SCO Jan l.-Gun.'MoBno K t M h , boa Smith and Arthur Pelkey are h Qq ' ; ready for their 20-round bout hero ,,. Tno ,' ' ,',,'" ' t. , ' .,, ., don, Jos, fcilwyn, C. Holmes, Mrs. this afternoon. Betting on he wlett Joh Bar match Is sluggish, with the odds Chn8 Cftvanaush H 'w ftU y favoring tho Ounner nt 10 to 8. wf,,m k fi ,. . t a Qmi.. ,.,i i ., -,. , Wetherlll, A. Johnson, D. Suoy. O. ..w ..... ... i..u ,,.ibu ... L1n w Georgo. J. PauloM. Lewis, experience and Is generally conceded sv n ,,, T ,A ' , .' ' ,, , . w......j, a. umi auu ten to carry a heavier punch. Pelkey I has everything else weight, height, reach and strength. Pelkey expects to enter the ring weighing about 205 and Smith 180. steerage HAITY NEW YEAKt, If you have anything to sell, rent, trade, or want hjlp, try a Want Ad In The Tlmefl. ' " Ij fc J. , I art K ssL jsasmOLM ,?? i ISSZX aLtfXa memmmimmZiL