10 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 19 13 EVENING EDITION. TELLS M 0 VV IB Fire Chief Dan B. Keatincj Dan B. Keating Makes Good Suggestions About Xmas Chief Dan Keating of tJ:e Mnrnh flold Klro Dc))artmcnt lnis Issued fio following good suggestions ns a means of preventing fires by exercis IHIIIIIIH HRES III ft ing care In the decoration: I would like to offer a few sug gestions to stores, churches nnd housewives nlong the lines of educa tion In fire prevention during the holiday season, when such buildings are usually crowded. Light and inflammable material make fires easy to start and easy to spread. A match, a gas flnme, an electric globe may do It. First, Do not make any changes In electric wiring without first con sulting the electrical Inspector. Second, do not decorate your Christmas tree with paper, cotton or any other Inflammable material. Ueo metallic tinsel and other non-inflammable decorations only, and set the tree securely so that the children In reaching for things cannot tip It over. Do not use cotton for decorations to represent snow. If you must have snow use asbestos fibre. Cotton or .other Inflammable decorations should JjC dipped In a solution of phosphate 'of nntmonln And water. Do not leave matches In reach of tho children so that they can get them to relight candles. They fre quently set their clothes aflro Instead. Remember the children Imitate their elders. The tree itself will burn when the needles become dry. Electric lights should not be dress ed In paper petticoats, as there Is enough heat In each bulb to set fire to tho paper. Keep water, sand or fire extinguish cr handy. Pir: p sheet of tin mulct the Christmas tree. Abovo nil don't forgot that tho fire department Is ready at nil times to respond to calls n fow minutes af ter the alarm is turned in. Hut that you can do yourselves nnd tho fire department more good by observing a fow rules of prevention, ns the reni value of n good department lies in j the fact that they are giving you most of tho protection required by endeav oring to prevent fires. IS PIONEER I CALIfOM Father of J. L. Koontz, of Marshfield, Passes Away in Sacramento J. L. Koontz returned yesterday from Sacramento, where ho was call ed Inst week by the sad news of the death of his father, lie arrived In time to attend the funeral. Henry Koontz was ouo of the pio neers of California nnd Sacramento, coming to that stato 57 years ago from Ohio, where ho was born. Ho wns 77 years of nge at the tlmo of his death, succumbing to an opera-1 Hon. Tho funeral wns hold In Wood-1 bridge Kov. Wllholt officiating. Mr. Koontz Is survived by five children, .Inhn I-., of .Mnrnhlleld. Ore.; W. II.. of Thornton; Geo. M., of Thornton: .Mrs. L. Thlsby. of Thorn-' ton nnd Mrs. Robert Thlsby of Wal nut Crovo. Purchases made now can be delivered at any date desired This Is Your Christmas Shopping List GIF TS At Christmas Time, hundreds of people men and women boys and girls rake their minds in their endeavor to learn what will be an appropriate and pleasing gift. The follow ing Jist has been arranged for the convenience of our friends, acquaintances and all who have found that some of the joy of the Christmas Holidays is taken away by the vyorry over choosing a gift: Men's Overcoats $10.00 to $35.00 Men's Suits $10.00 to $35.00 Men's and Ladies' Slippers 1.25 to 2.50 Hats and Caps 50 to 5.00 Neckwear 25 to 2.00 Suspenders 25 to 1.50 Gloves .50 to 2.50 Trousers 2.50 to 7.50 Mufflers 25 to 2.50 Collars, per dozen 1.50 Umbrellas. : 1.00 to 6.50 Children's Felt Slippers 75 to 1.00 Shirts UU 50 to 5.00 Sweaters 1.00 to 8.50 MEN'S LADIES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES Combination Sets 50 to 3.00 Suit Cases J $ 2.00 to $12.50 Hand Bags 5.00 to 12.50 Leather Sets 2.50 to 6.50 Scarf Pins 25 to 2.00 Cuff Links 25 to 2.50 Bath Robes 5.00 to 10.00 House Coats 5.00 to .10.00 Half Hose 15 to 1.00 Handkerchiefs 10 to 5.00 Pajamas 1.00 to 1.50 Night Robes 1.50 to 2.50 Boys' Overcoats 3.50 to 8.00 Boys' Suits 3.50 to 12.50 $1.00 to $8.00 LET HIM CHOOSE HIS OWN GIFT IF YOU ARE IN DOUBT WHAT TO GIVE, ONE OF OUR GIFT CERTIFICATES.' GOOD FOR ANYTHING IN THE STORE FROM 25 CENTS TO $50.00 WILL SOLVE THE PROBLEM. THEY ARE GOOD ON PRESENTATION. "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing Shoe Co. BAND0N MARSHFIELD MYRTLE POINT Fine Xmas Jewelry THE GIFT THAT ENDURES We are showing an unusually large and varied as sortment in everything for men and women, boys and girls. WATCHES RINGS BRACELETS CHAINS LA VALUERS LOCKETS STICK PINS FRATERNAL SOCIETY EMBLEMS AND CHARMS RINGS AND PINS GOLD NECKLACES CUFF BUTTONS Red Cross Eedl Cross Jewelry Dept. Drug Store PERSONAL OVERFLOW J. A. SULLIVAN, of Coqullle, Ib In Marshfield, today on business. D. I). 1MKRCK, tho Coqulllo lumber man, came to Marshfleldt odny on business. , . J. C. SAVAGK, formerly editor of tho Coqulllo Hentlnel, Ik in Marsh field today on business. MRS. (J. R. WICKIIAM, of Coqulllo, tamo over today to visit her daughter, Mm. Kd Moehler. WAV I'RK'K Is down from bis sum- KJUvl) LILIKNTJIAL came across Hi., harbor to the elly lodtiy from Mil-llromu. MRS. CIIAH. It. JOROAK, of Hunt- side, Murnifd foduy from CoijulJJo whur shu ha bmiu spending u fvw days HUNK VVAJW, one ( Die knmvp lunula ut flmihlhvnr (i )iio b imnv hi H)'uy U) swmd will bo a big Influx from thnt section tomorrow and ho says nil tho loKKors nro planning on having tho merriest Christmas over. MATT JOHNSON, of tho logging camp across tho bay, enmo over today. MRS. LOUIS WIRTII, of Mllllcoma, waB nmong tho shoppers in Marshfield today. R. MATTHON, of Catching Inlet, was among tho visitors In tho city today. MRS. HUNRV KAINO, of Catching Inlet, came down to tho city on n shopping lour today op tho launch tt'uh'TU'U'nso, I'. O. NORMAN cuino up fm Houih Joint Saturday on business. I hi ruporin tiiut tuu jogging camp Hir bus uluwl for the holidays, fi w! Im h ti)iU tit mouths ym before Ihu HmRJH'wwi) nip tWti niw lMn Iliii u i,n ihu JjoI'IJpk pip) Id in I'uulwUt Hi' inH op Hie W HpjJIJH'tflMj IhlH bcopi NEW AUTO STAGE SERVICE FOR EASTP0RT l. L. Footo Will KxtHliliNli Auto Service to First Addition and Other I'ointN. Resinning today I), L. Footo os tnbllslied an auto sorvleo to Kast port. Tho cars will leave Kastport dally at G:-1G a. ni., and tho next one at 8: -in a m. A ear will leave Marshfield at 12 o'clock noon and returning leave Kastport ut 12:45. Aiiotbe,- car will leave Marshfield at ;45 p. in, A night cur will leave Marshfield nt J p. m. The schedule has been arranged for the convenience of (ho patrons and lo glvo the best possible ser vice. The faro will bo 1ft cunts from Kastport and 10 cents fr""1 Johnson I reel. Mr. Kooio Is also pluniilug lo - lubllsh u clly nulo srvl" '! H iiiilfonu faro of 10 cps, Tile plKlit sei'vlco will enable KaHlioil people l (uldt 111 Hie shows wild Ido Iioiiio Jpipiedlulid Minr vunl The low mil's on fJly r jkicw will ppulle people hi luUu in i lie snows j'Kgu;yjM's tif ipu weuin nr, mr hmlUK Umi H J)ouc uftir mni sliow ami tho ivh iwihK n)ilmtil uU)Ur h nwtur imi nr mvhn . ...in i. fflifto from dopot wiii "..rg will :oi.ec ;vlhalltrf Tills serviso ; i, wan; ui liesa. -j ALWAYS UBW .rl LUery end Trnff W"TJ Uowfl von see i I I M I u J f some line of HOLIDAY WXES? , . ,,in the 0 I )ey cuiiiai" "FOSTER CAW 8S tftrtS llwn to you