HEJHATUygTH BY THE SWORD SHALL KoSS, AND HE ffS BS CHECKED Till'! WOMKN, l, road Tlie Times know they can 1 liiil tlw "'Is '"' "it; ,,t,st llH,l'(llll!lt ..II ..U ll,l lllttl'fcl III (till Ill.Wf IIIWI. I Tin: merchants who r.-.'-i'rtbo In TIk Times know y ii : (lit; lift .'..i!o In the illy !u i.isUt tin tlie best news of tlie city. pi,, (if til" ',,.V MFMHKU OP THF. ASSOCI.VTIR) I'ltMSS 1 . VOL XXXVII. ,;;,!rX MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1913 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mull Mn loe and Coos liny Advert Ker. ico limn II ANU Ml SATIRES ON ADMINISTRATION REPUDIATED Admiral Howard Blames Ad vance Stories of Press Agent As Being Mislsading. CARABAOANS HASTEN TO ASSURE PRESIDENT Investigation Ordered bv Na tion's Chief Causes Com motion in Military Circles tf AmiHi'iiol I'rcM In Cnn llT THnw.1 WASHINGTON, I). C. Dec. lfi. Officers of the Order of Cnrubao sent insurance to the administration officers todny Hint they en tertained no spirit or purpose nf hostility to President Wll . ... ii i.... ....ii.... ...ii.... ii..... f0n8 ' , in last wool- and & i cs'S'saHrcs l.n 'inom IX e Cmet and other public of- m.V' . ... i. .. i .1... i :LW ' .7, dlr ; r,: Hated the work of the press agent Ita furnished advance,, h.o, es about the (lliiiit'i-. which doelni oil that what vu k aid and done was desired to chow lack or sympathy or recoil t developments and tondenuJes In tho Philippine movement. President Wilson s order for the Investigation of affairs has created a commotion In army and navy circles, Adjourned Today Until Next. Sonnn Jim Ross Given FEW INDICTED ntf nmim inntf UV I'UIIH Ml II UY ni nnu y i n ui uimuu uuiii 1 Fnlir.MnnthQ' pntpnr .'Imllt there tho same as In Mnrsh- rour-hionins aenieno-. ;n,,,(li bllt may I10, ,,0 m.,,0( ,m,n (Special to The Times.) ! I""'' f "in liox fi,,,017 or c otlcn ,,,,,, ,, , snrv site will be used for them and COQ 'ILLh,. Or., nee. 10. I ho lloU10I. of tboso sites will bo nvnll Rran.l Jury adjourned today for tho ll)lo f(. n y,,n ,. ,noro voti term nud will probnbly not bo con- Handon Line lnter. vened until next spring. Tho amount i p(,11t.n, ia(.R. officials In San of Brand Jury business, or rather tho Kmiielsro recently announced that number of Indletmonts returned, was ,, tioflnlto nhns had been made less than was expected. vet concerning tho extension to Frank VauRhan for horse stealing p.nndon. Last sprliiK. soinu of the lllllls Short for shooting ducks out officials were urslns Its Immediate of a gasollno boat and tho Handon (onstructlon, but President I.ovett Jorgor, Irwin, woro all that woro n, tiu, southern Pacific Hoard of mado public. Directors have, taken tho stand that Tho p-and Jury returned not n truo absolutely notbliiK will bo done on bl'l against Itynn, who was arrested :nmv projects until the financial sit in Marshfleld soma tlnio uko for de- itntlu e:incs up nnd until tho pot generacy. Thoprlvato prosecutor jtlcnl atniosnbero so far as antl namcd .lenson could not bo located. railway leKlslatlon Is concerned. Is allhoiiKh an offort was made for several days to find him. ItdSS S4!tCIUUl. Jim Itoss, the Italian who was con- vleted vestordnv of nRsnnltlnir n mill hand named Olson In tho Coos Hotel laro understood to bo ainomr them, at Marshfleld, was sontonced to four' aro In hopes .that tho Handon months In tho county Jail. Ho was oxtonslon can bo nrrnnk'Oil to bo accused of degeneracy, but was not lnillt Just as soon as tho Coos Ihiy tried o tho latter clmrj;o Grand Jury, Prosecuting Attor ney and Judge Morrow Unite in Clemency Today. (Special to Tho Times) COOPIt.T.T.? r TW,,. 11! Tiulno PlOrrOW. District AHnrlK... 1 IMnnvlnt fiM'i0 C(,0H eo'Jty grand Jury today ""mi in siiowinB clemency to a wont " f the underworld. May Clarko o Ilandon had been Indicted for rOnUHCll.lL' ii nunrl nn.1 I 111 . In,... " " . . ....... .ii v. t j ...... .... Mediately 0 ilernB of tho action -'I'OBOd or nil her property there, fioaed up tho house nnd niado nr- anEPIIlrilllu I,. f-,,... linn. I j iii ntuiu Ullllj tl,lll - n and start llfo nnow In n now com- uniiy wnoro tho pnst could bo for- vii:ii, When 1 1 in irfnml 4 iif u i 1 1 ft u til tl8 and that tho woman had been n.Vru,1? llor fnthor, aged 73. at "ndon nnd also supporting a child "I a El-llfinl l,i r'l.l,.n..n .1.,... n..ll.,lll Wrlci Attorney unl-nvlsi to dls" ! po,Swo,,0i " 81 udgo Morrow jrfI . story, ho fixed lior fin" t ' 50 llll !. i, M niiil liiiinrlKil for. 1 ' m no 'on.; knowi l,L ,UM' 1,1 nuv" ruvi'o ruiiBiin'i' :n,TSSSJS 'S'l'." Si 0' Mil 111 In liiivji uiivi'i -nnh Ii lr 'H'H.nWKin'H 'JO SIKIX liPu I.... .. . ..,1... ""I.n. Ill uw in i nurlr ii Iowa will hold H ' ........" B1D0N WOMAN SHOWN CHARITY PLAN TO BUILD A FINE DEPDT Southern Pacific to Erect Pas senger Station, Docks and Freight Depot Near Elrod Plant) for the. depot facilities In .Marsh field arc now being perfected by the Southern Pacific and while iney nave not uotinitoiy been ur- rnMB0, 11 ' t'"K"t to.itn- 'AZtoZuZ ,,C utcrstond that the plan now Ih to erect the iiussonger denot on ". r"! "W? nf the ni.lroad prop- , ';' VCtl nvonuo horo 'f XT'nvnMb 2 ,, , n , ,.sm.ft"(l that n sr,( ooo ,,,, 'n e..".! tl 'or. Tl.i )t w , (lf , , ,, nltn.vo type JuHt wosl )f jnu mH8Uj.cr ,)o,)()l , ni.0)0Sf,,i t0 ,,,,,, lnPR0 wnr. I()U!) ,, H(,,H, (illl)0t for the southern Pacirie steamers. Plans .for this dock have been under con- fl'l'i"tlon for some tlnio and It Is likely that It will be started this summer. Thu rrelght tlonot will ,ln located sonnratoly, but will nrob ablv be close to the dock and ware house so that the transfer of freight or to car can bo easily inndo as the 'to car can be easily made as tho i rail and boat shipping will be , closely Interlinked, I The depot sites In North Ilend were 'selected some time ago and work -rt,,- td steamship facilities win bo clarified. In eonsciiiience. nothing will be donn on tho Ilandon Hue the coii'lni; year, although somo of tho S. P. officials, and C .1. -MII1IH .ami Sunorlntendent V. K. Miller Kucene lino Is' completed without lining hold bek as part of tho Coast lino which they feel is too Indef inite. I l vt r- - Slums Tho nlmiH ' v-'iop. etc., havo not been decided ' ". When tho Ter minal Jtallwnv r'i-t started iioko t'nt'ii": with tho Southern Pacific It was'announced thit thov woro polni? to Insist on tho following as condi tions of tho transfer: That Coos Day be mado a division point and shoo beadouarters now nnd also. In caso that tho Coos Uny rtugono lino was mado nart of a through Coast lino to San Fran cisco. , , That Coos Hay bo given terminal rates. No binding agreement was mado in nnv nf theill. It bolllll pointed Ollt that for tho present tlmo Coos Hay 1 ...tn-1l.. il.A InKlllltlllD ll'fllllll lining iinu-iu-iwi- mu i'i'; ......... naturally bo a division and shop point and as to tho futuro of tho Coast road it was Impractical to tie no the matter with any conditions that might Interfere with the ruturo. As to the terminal rates. Vice President Calvin took tho stand that tbeso would bo taken caro of when tho time conies. ; It Is expected that wlmii tho shop, nro built tbey win pronamy w iiwi inllioad nronortv near Cynl r con N7). Hank Inlet. itKPoitTK aim; coxfihmi. .Hhi. of KimimIhhU Tll My ll-fiiB I'AHO. Dpc. JC, 200 inoro for- lKiim. Including mxiv " "'' IllllVltd on a ni't'dul truln from Chi- lmul.ua loday. ... Aiiiomk I'!'," WW 11. liHIHiuiiP. iimmmijp m- . i i i ...... i.. i.uuiiiKkii In ft ""'VK' SSJb s Hon In i'xiKdlliiK Hie HimnlHrdi. .. niiwiiiir ilii) AliliK'Icuil 'J .... ... ... ......... ll... ..inilr.' 'I'lllt fil'IKli i ' '' '' "V ...,i.,V,iw whH'IHH . ' 7. ' .r. V""." :r 1....1 i.iiin ii in i loin ii mi in EVIDENCE LEATON CASE Jury Secured for Trial of For mer Eastside Recorder Witnesses for Prosecution (Special to Tho Times.) COQUlU.H, Dec. 10. The secur ing of a jury to try W. .1. Kenton, former recorder of tho city of ICnst slde, on tho Indictment charging him with tho theft of $3080 of tho city's street funds, was completed this morning and the bnlance of tho fore noon was devoted to nrgulng tho form of pleading on which the case was to be tried and especially ns to tho Introduction of tho records, books, etc. The taking of tho actual evidence begins this afternoon nnd Councllmcn Sleckel and Whltty or Unstable will probnbly bo the first wltnessess call ed. Other witnesses for tho prose cution are Marshal .ln,ck Carter, Wal ter Hutler. .loo Siissor. I,ouls Maeh Ino, Kred Nelson, (leorgo Wntklns. W. U. iouglas, Fred llrooks. Wm. War ren. Tj. A. Currey, H. T. Kaufman and It. F. Williams and Miss Ellon Itudnas. Prosecuting Attorney Uljonvlst's evidence against Lenton Is all circum stantial hut it Is thought to be so connected up as to bo very strong. A feature of the evldenco will probably the stories of tho poker games In which l.eaton Is alleged to have lost couslderablo money. l.eaton scorns to feel sure that he will escape conviction on tho chnrgo of the theft. During tho outline of the caso todny It was Indicated that !o was going to try to prove that his reputation on Goos Hny wus good. Who the witnesses for tho defenso will be has not been announced. Cleve Culbertson, Who Killed Three of Dillon Family, Strung Up From Bridge. Illj Annclatrd Trfu lo Cooi Car Tlinfi.f WILLISTON. N. I).. Dec. Clove Culbertson, recently convicted of murdering three mombcrs of the Dillon family at Ray, N. D.. was tak en from tho Williams comity jail by a mob todny and hanged from a brldgo near hero. I PLEDGE L Slou'cih Improvement With Drain and Fill Practically Settled Up Today. Di'iinorlv mvnnt'H nt the mnrsll lnnds or tho Mill Slough basin, east or Ninth street, north of tho pres ent Mill Slough dlko, through n f tUrtu tii'PHOtitnd ft 1)10- posal to tho Port Commission this; morning ror the payment oi ino mi and tho construction or n box drain, which met with tho approval of tho members nnd wns udopted. As tho city could not unuonaKo Mm Imiirnvoninnt within tllO next .,li,t. ,Iiivh nml tlie lilll lfl ill IT of tllu drain would hnvo required sixty days more, mnklng It iivo monins beroro tho fill could bo undertaken by tho dredgo Seattle nnd Increasing i. ,.,.ui iiu. iiroiwiRiit nf tho nron- IIIU v v...., ... ,.. ..,.w..... ... ---- . - . erty owners solved the situation. Tho proposal or tho owners Is to mortgage tneir .miii hiougn nui ihn Port Cominleslou to guiVranteo payment ror tho Improve mi.ni. an that tho latter ran award jrtie contracts ror tho work nt IT ......l.l ....... i. II. i. tnnv OIl'O KIM! UYIJIII Ulliiumiih Tho total estimated cost or con uii.iw.iixr thu Ikiv drain. tho ex cess pumping and tho handlliiB of tho Bhoro plpo Is six contH a yard lor th" ssu.iiiH! yarns or ui;j h i. To provide against any Iosb In the figures, tho properly owner hkix'o li ..ill, .llirlll ,'PIIIH U VUIII fill Ill" .i, ..ii.i it ii ftmiu em. Hie Port I ' nilliv ,,.. ,, ...... ' . .. . i. . .Coiniiilsnloii will orjillliimy muiimii. 1 1 he HUi pliiH rush UinoiiK Die prop erly OWIIItl Hnder I Iiu nnuinfnim in" i'ri" erty ownitm, lu rmiini Un i'i I'or' r-oiiunUxlo) iiiidoilukliig Iho lm iiroviuiii'iil. nuuiuiiii'i'ii Dm hod) IiuuliiW liny Wild pendliiK tin' Ignlinf up nt Hi" HKfWUIIwill ')' ' piopmiy wiom, I'ldn fin Hi' wrk will bi oiifimd i"l Miiiirluy 'In bid will iioi hu uimiijiuiil UiiwMHr. mill1 juilfl. lent iiifi huv nlni'il , iw mf- mnm Him ,'"i ummU UtU ili'i)H ui' JM MURDERER RUNG MO OWNERS WIL PORTLAND MAN NOT SELECTED Howard Elliott Denies Joseph Young is to Take Charge of Railroad Steamship Lines Illy AMorUtcd I'rrm lo Com tor TlniM.I HOSTON. Dec. 1C "There Is ab solutely nothing to It," said Chair man Howard Klllott of the New York, New Haven & Hnrtford Hnllroad to dny rognrdlng the report that Joseph 11. Young, of Portland, Ore., was to become a director of the New Hnvcn's stenmsblp lines. Young recently re signed the presidency of the Spoknnc, Portland & Seattle, and nfflllated Hill railroads. It was said at Port land that he was preparing to take charge of the steamer lines controlled by the New Haven company. IIIHJK ItKAIiTV SAM-:. Xlne Acres In Center of London Sold for Many .Millions. til) AMn.lntetl rrrii to Ohm liny Tlmcn.1 LONDON. Dec. Hi The biggest private real estate deal on record was completed today with the sale of Duke of Hedford's freehold property, covering about nine acres in tho cen ter of Lond.in, to Harry Mallaby Dcvloy. Unionist member of the House of Commons. .Many millions of pounds sterling changed hands in the transaction, but tho figures were withheld. PltKSIDKXT STILL ILL. tllj AMoruifrt I'm lo Coot lm v Tim 1 WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec. Hi. Tho President mot the members r tho cabinet' today, although he is stlU surrerlng slightly rrom tho attack of In grippe. Suffragettes Climb Through Windows of St. Amies and Badly Damage Fine Organ (Mr orllM nut lo Cooa lu; Timet.) hlVFRPOOL,' Dec. 10 Tho suf- rngette arson siiuad did extensive dnmago today at St. Anne's church here. The stalls on the south side of tho church wore destroyed nnd the splendid organ was badly damag ed. Kutrance was gained through n stained glass window which the In cendiaries smashed. G. 0. P. TO Republicans Have Two Propos als to Present on Which They Plan to Unite Party (Ilr Atiorlitrt Vtttt lo Com PT Tlnm.i WASHINCTON. 1). C, Dec. lfi. Two proposals for tho reorganization or the KepuDiicnu pnriy nun io mm n basis upon which the discordant elements can unlto, confronted the Republican Nntlonnl committee todny. Tho first was a proposal for a special national convention to readjust the svstein of delegate representation. Tho other was that no convention bo called but that the national conunlt teo fix a plan of reapportionment for ratification by tho Republican state conventions. A resolution for a special conven tion was prepared by tho committee which nlso framed another resolu tion In accordance with tho compro mise suggestion by Charles H. War ren of .Michigan, proposing that niter tho national committee rixes tho basis or delegute reapportionment tho plan bo ratified by two-thirds or the states which cuHt Republican pluralities for President in 1'JOS. AKKKMHLi: I.V ('IIICWJO. Illlliolk MltfHt.blVIh Ml'H l OllllllH' llll I Hl'ilo ('nmpiili.". fllf Amo. Itl.l TfrM 10 nf Tl"" I CIIK'ACO, J)"c H5. Rcprnsiit. live iiieiiiheiH of nearly r ounty In Illinois gmlnriid hem toduy lo confer on piun wjiii rii i elecllon next 'ur. IMWu ilin iuwi lug Hdjourim H U plunnod to jolwi I luiidlduli for Hi I'liHwJ 8hi. i. tiHt fiU't ittutiH (ur nam i ploiu Hi-koiii In wry uiuMy una dUtilii. i'id'Vluli't''uuUiluWli in Uiu oiid'huiii) ,.l lll.U 1 Jlllflllll. .., .. i,.u , i.iiiiiiiiii A Ijumuio m lliai'i W-rir w-rrr r . - - t- - luken ul imiu I'riH) leo Tb ARSON SQUAD ISCORD IHlUWtr "'ii THIRTY TWO HEN ENTOMBED RY VULCAN MI EXPLOSION MOTOR CAR OFFICIAL TRIP Southern Pacific Passenger Vehicle Takes Guests to North Bend and Back Under tho teiidont W. I-' dlrectlon of Superln - .unier. wiui engineer :. II. Hunnoll nnd Conductor H. W. harden forming tho crow, the Southern Pacific motor car made her oiflclal trip to North Ilend from MnrshrleM this afternoon with the city officials of both towns, Clir.mher of Commerce heads, and the press, accompanied by their wives. The big motor car started at 2 p. in., nnd negotiated the trip to tho neighboring city without Incl dent, and after remaining there ror a few minutes, returned to Marsh- field. All those aboard the car ex- flossed themselves as greatly ideas- ell with It. Mtnuj pieas The following worn tlinno tiinldnir r , tHii. ninklng u the trip Mnrsliflelil Clintiibei' of Coiuuiercc. . Hugh McLnln ami wife, J. W.' Motley and wife. Siiiltli-Piiwer.s Lugging Co. A. H. Powers and son. V.,,,.,, "'h Villi f HUH UIU "u- M C M-ilo. ov i d wife- 1) j,-. Illevcd to havo been killed. An ox V .. , f V .. V,, "fTir". from tho forpo of tho explosion nnd 1 it,.,. Mini Wlio- liwil, Piiv, I I.ik 0 and wiro. Jack iii ton. (oos Hay, ItoM'b.iig X Lasteni K. ' O. L. A. Wliereat and wife. Mrs. W. F. Miller, Dr. 10. Mlngus and wire. Willamette-Paciric It. It. Co. Hradford Wheeler nnd wife. II. V lliudmarsli nnd ..Jr.. i if t .i. Tl ,W,S- ,' M,;Kn,K!.,t t?aa W,f- .Nor I, He.H l.anil.e of nnme.ro. M. I'.. l'.Orett allll Wini, .Ml. .Mf- Will. V.. II. II 14 II Cloud nnd wuo. Maisbllcld Cllv Council. K. K, Straw, Mayor, F. 10. Allen and wife, Sari Albrecbtl nud wire, Carl lOvertsen and wife, R. A. Copplo and wife, I). Fer guson ami wire, II. Winkler and wiro. J. Wright Wilson nnd wRo, J. I). (loss nnd wRo. J. W. Hutler nud wire. Judge Hall and wife. (ir( Ii Ilend. L. J. Simpson and wife, L. F. Fnlkeusteln and wRo, J. (!. Horn and wire. Henry Kern and wRo, Fred llolllstor and wRo, Dr. I. R. Har tlo and wife, (5. D. Mandlgo and wife; Peter l.ogglo and wife, W. II. Curtis and wRo, A. II. Derybslilre and wife. .1. M. (Iriibhs and wire. Terminal Ciiiiipiniy. Arno .Moreen, W. S. Chandler and wire, .Mrs. J. W. llonnett. .1. II. Flanagan and wife. .MAKF.S TKKTI.VC TRIP. Carrying Superintendent Miller, or tho Coos Hay, Rosoburg & F.asteru Railway. Fnglneer Wheeler, or tho Southern Pacific, most of tho office force or the local railway and W. S. Cliaudlcr, tlio motor car mi cur iiiuiiu nun ,.. ...... fll-Ml V.irtli II I II, lu ...,...,.1.... v 1 iw tiwiiii i" '' mm iiiui iimik .lS-ta"V? '",w; ror the official trip this afternoon Conductor F.rle Kardell and Fngl neer Bunnell were In charge of tho "train," which round tho going along Front street very, heavy, because tho rinnges on tho wheels were running on tho cement between tho rails, Tho car rocked to somo extent as It hit lumps or cement which had run too close to allow room ror the flanged and slow speed was necessary. Horses along the street which had not looked up from the ground lu several decades, stared at tho new vehicle In amazement, snorted and protended tbey were frightened. Mime of them even mado a bluff it 1 running away, but remained to see the first .Marshfleld-Nortn Ilend rail-( way car pass on Its history-making trip over tho luter-city line. On reaching the traclis clear of I romcm, over the heavy trestle work I Cor0I)0r Wilson called a J-iry together on the mud flats, the car speeded upj t,,H uwrnnK (0 hold an Investigation and ran quite smoothly, for this sec- Jnt0 1(l0 i;U f It of Victor Murtllla, tho Hon of the line is remarkably well , j.luor who met his death lu. thu built. On Hearing North Rend tlniB0,J(t room (f ,Hy uv & "chiiuffeiii- iut on slow speed where 1a)0r ,.,imny M Kunduy, when ho some levulliig of the trucks is still. W11H adjected lo 220 vol of eloc uoceiisury. Irlclty while bundling an In i-uiides. North Rend luniiul out lu a body ! roJt Klt nt ttl0 u, wu stund wlmn the migine Ml on the ear was j)JK an tim wut iru f00r. hnaid. Theie wUk It limb lo get he f((ir ,(lUr))1( n,i. evldeiut In tlio first view of Hie first cor on Hie firm (,um tiw j,.y ailjiijriil until lo. ralliosd line Mwmm the two HliN. , .,.,, inorwliig while Doi 'ois Mlli m thul iti'HM' wRiiwotUlK the om i nJ1(j j JJ(H purlo-uiwl no aulopy could ill tkwir tfiuiidi'blldrKii wlieu n Wbb 'ho (ifrl'iiii' of u imwiouoHs liuiw io wi Mlioii' of CuruMi U'ifaoii. i dii'yer wbetlier Coo R hu 'Uy bud mi th MBfi(j dliul frow ur oilier oufc" IIUl III l u J'tMlIb mi MHW V U ,uUillul llt' '' li"'k I'U VII bimorlc trip ; .moJ'" tu l'i nou i.nnse on Ttl" UlO'OI IK. llUVllIK U 0llwl' Ulj ,MU n li.lJMOUil uipOlMi'l mumliuk i'iiu' n lttf tui ruu tu y ilttt.u uiMhni Uu U A bunk UUuiU luilUKK m mm ttf ibur my, i'uu4iuiu Am Jl7wiii itunmn h iu w I Itl' ljill ml A Mff. ' ' ll?li. tM) Cause of Disastrous Explos ion in Fuel Company's Prop erty isUnknown. MINE F0REMANAND FIRE BOSS MISSING Only Eight Are Foreigners and Victims Believed to Number Close to Forty. tllr AniUicJ I'itm In CniM llr Tlmr.) (IRANI) JUNCTION. Colo., Dec. IG. An explosion nt the Vulcnn mlno ' nt Newcnstlo. enst of hern, lu rnnnrt- 'ed to hnvo entombed between forty nnu ntty miners. Tlie in no Is owned by tho Rocky .Mountain Fuel com pany. The cause or the explosion la unknown. TIIIHTV-TWO MISSING (ll A"iwltM fmt lo ('no nr Tinim.l The explosion occurred at 10:20 It entombed Mlno Foreman I,, h. Crawford, Fire Ross I,. Walters and nt least thirty miners. Tills esti mate w.is based on a hurried chock "P" , " '""Lm.L' f'ilS,M So,!,0..5 " f'1 '"'"ll0X 7T'i 1, 0 0,1i " r ' " ' 1 ,l . " ' "Tonscd t0 ,,,y'. 0,,1 ",K ,l 1,1 ,no IU,no llro rorelgners. It Is believed that 1 ' ihiiiuiuii in uiu wesi W0,.,.I1K U n )10lnt ,-00 foot from , ,i, i .., ,i... ........ , , ..... IIMU irwiiiii in mi' 1IIU1II lllllllUI, UUk Iwhother It wns enusod by dust or ,gns has not been determined. Ac cording to the mlno officials, sir men nro known to havo been work- I flit III .III. ..It,... .. .. .1 ...... 1... 11,18 C" to tMo ,,0I,U tIlat tl10 .thoro would bo round nllve. ' one tlmo It was reported Hint a nnmlini. ..f l.nlloa Inln,l number or bodies had been located by two hclmotcd rescuers, but Hint no flro Inside bnd been round. I The Vulcnn mine lias been running nt full capacity several weeks not withstanding the strlko In tho Col- " ....... I.- I tho 'vuican ,nl h lllter mmrilcfi of lll0 ,.(,niimiiy, but mmy HtrlUora wnt ImnU . unrif nil,! tliA riclds. Tho strlko nf- strikers wont back to work and tho places or those still striking had been rilled. OEIEGAIESIOE I Sympathetic Strike for Miners Considered Will Ask Re call of Governor. Pf Awoflttr.1 I'ntt In Con. Ilty Tlmra.J DUNVKR, Dec. lfi.- -Hotween 400 mid TiOO ibdegatcs from approximate ly 2"i0 unions tliroughout Colorado met hero today to consider the coming statewide strlko In sympathy with, the United Mine Workers or Ameri ca now on strike In tho Colorado coal fields. It was planned to devote tho first III" l III H "I III" I.IUDDHIU .,.. ... ,.. n. . . ii., ..f i,iiunlitllinu t n't s.f ii It litli tonrn rl-sohilion 'for the recall of oJVeV- nor Amnions and another for tho sub mission of a constitutional amend ment providing for tho state opera tion or coal mines. IS Coroner's Jury Hears Evidence on Death of Martilla, Who Was Killed Sunday. lu iU tmtr. mm 'o ittuoiiiiuj ti'i'i Hi, utitalilitlw 'III KlW ll" ' MEE FATAL IT Y INVESTIGATED H .i .ii.d.liiiooil i' " dnid i)Uii I , I fl H ' HII'I ''' ' ' I'M. llll In Hi 'Kli'J 4 f.rwJ rWW IU it. V '," M" MIIIIOUMCUIIIi'lll (. 1 "" -9 j , w una win t un ' nrr nti