THE OOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1913 EVENING EDITION. TEALSZE AND MERCHANDISE ON CENTR 2 AL AVE. CEM Kammeiresr Says: Xnms N near nml it's (lino' to think of your noaf ones. A OIM5AT SKLHrTIOX of MUX'S UI'-TO-DATK HAHKIt DASIIKHV just rccelveil.!i Itches Xcckwoar Smoking Jackets Arrow Shirts (jlovi's Hts and Caps Handkerchiefs Hus and Suit Cases Yours anxious to please, The Toggery . PLAN TO TAKE SUNDAY DINNER AT THE Chandler Hotel a Good Menu The Hub of Central Avenue OlMIX AX ACCOUNT WITH THU First National Bank Off Coos Bay AVAIIj YOUKSIUiK OF ITS SUI'KItlOIt FACILITIES. Safe dopuHlt boxes In burglar-proof vaults for rent at low rut ea. Central Avenue. p ENTRAL AVENUE will be full of the holiday cheer every day and evening from now until Christmas, There will be everything that contributes to the spirit of the season, You will find the crowds on Central Avenue too and there's a wel come there for you, Better get the habit of going to Central Avenue, Centralize, economize and merchandise and make merry this Christmas sea son on Central Avenue, XMAS GIFTS Out of the ordinary and PRICED RIGHT. We will appreciate having vou look over our nu merous lines. "THE CENTRAL AVENUE DRUG STORE." "The Owl" IMIKMCIIII'TIOX PIIAUMACV. Frank I). Cohan. Opposite Chi.ndlor Hotel. Phone 74 Coats, Suits and Evening Gowns, One-Third Offff AT LADIES' EMPORIUM. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. The Ladies9 Emporium Mrs. Nellie Owen. Central Avanue. WE WILL HAVE THE FINEST LINES OF Imported Candy Bosses, and Baskets for The Holiday season EVER SHOWN ON COOS BAY. ' WATCH FOR THEM. STAFFORD'S CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOH KVHHV MF.MItHIl OF THE FAMILY. PltHTS to SITU YOUIt FOCKKTIIOOIC OXE PltlCE, YESTEHHAY. TO HAY Oil TOMOIHtow. WINKLER'S Pharmacy ' ' Deutsche Apotlieke. ' ' 58 Central Avenue. Phone 215. Our full Line of Holiday Goods IS NOW ON DISPLAY. OUR PRICES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES COMPARE WITH OTHERS. Norton & Hansemi WHOLF.SALF. A XI I HKTAIL. TWO STORKS. CRXTIIAL AVH.NTH. FRONT STREET. COOS BAY TIMES H r. MAI.ONKV Kditor and Puh. DAN E. MALOXHV NetvH Editor OFFICIAL PAPIiil OF THE CITY OF MAItSHFIKLD. VISIT AT HOSKItriKi. Mrs. Unyinontl llowltt and Mrs. C. 53. Short arrive).!' (lime from Gold licuch for a visit with relatives and friends. Mr. Hewitt Is teuelilni; at Gold Ileaeh and Itev. Short Is pastor or tho Hnptlst elinreU there. Hose burg Hovlow. NOTI TCXXKL WOHK. Twohy Brothers, contractors on the Not! tunnel, laid olT forty men at the tunnel. Tills only leaves a small crow of about in men remaining at tho tunnel, and these men will lie used to surfneo and construe! ditches on the approach cut of tlio west end and will he retained until Twohy "brothors have completed their con tract In full. Huneno Resistor. Hill IMi ICS IS ILL. Recent reports from W. O. llrldnes, of Oakland, are to the effect that ho is critically III at. his home there. Mr. HrldKes has many friends hero who aro pained to hoar of his Illness, tie Is n brother of Mrs. I.aurn Apple Kate and Mrs. .1. Miller of this place.- H rain Nonpareil. ! AT THE HOTELS. The Chandler Hotel. Hay Morrill and wife. Seattle; A. W. Reardon, San Francisco; A, U McKeo, Spokane; R. tirnff, Port land; .1. K. Norton, Portland; K. Ful ton, Seattle; K. T, Williams. Seattle; A. II. Noyes. San Francisco; A. S. lllgKB, San Francisco; F. W. Stehr, Snn Francisco; 1 V. llonshaw, New York; O. H Osthoff. Ohlcano; 0. S, Hampton, Portland; V. M. Nelson, Portland; Ralph Moody, Portland: S. M. Noslor, Coqullle; Geo. II. Pop ping. Hrndon; K. C. Peachey, Co qullle; Thomas I). Guerin. Portland; P. H. I.arsen, Allegany; John Preuss, San Francisco. The Khinco Hotel. II. MeOonnld, San Francisco; T. R. Schrooder, Arngo; Horp Rob erts, Tompleton, A. H. Williams. Se attle; Hen Levy, Portland. The C(io Hotel, .1. C Ryan. Portland; T. M. Wood. Eugene; II. .1. Kane, Portland; Steve llelmer. Henryvllle; K. Vanhtirger, Lakesldoj Mr. and Mrs. P. Gillespie, Portland, Frank Howron, Lakeside. The Lloyd Hotel. II. McDonald. San Francisco; P. C. .Johnson. Portland: S. 10. England, Seattle; C. Brown, Los Angeles; E. II. Genseroskl, Sprlngwater; Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson, Coqullle. IIO.Mi: uuide BltKAB SALK at SWIIIUSH Ll'THKII X Clll'ltCH TO XK.'HT. All come. EWS OF NORTH BEND At the annual meeting of the North Mend Commercial Club most of the old officers were reelected. The club Is In good financial condition and Secretary J. G. Mullen reported fifty five members in good standing. The officers elected are: President, Hen ry Kern: Vice-president, A. II. Derby shire; Treasurer, E. F. Russell; Sec retary, .1. G. Mullen; Steward, Alex Olson, K. J. Arms and bride are making their home in North Itenil, instead of Coqullle. as was first reported. .las. Parker, who recently under went an operation nt Mercy Hospital, Is getting along nicely and will soon he able to return to his homo In Ash, Oregon. Emll Kardlual has returned from a delightful visit with his brothers In Los Angeles. Prof. .1. F. Grubbs has started a small employment agency for tho benefit of the high school girls and boys who want to earn money outside of school hours. Ho Is receiving or ders from all who want boys or girls to help them and then delegating some of the students who wish work to tho various Jobs that come In. W. II. Kibbler left today for his homo at Point Terrace after a short visit here. Mr. and Mrs. T. Veldo nre rojolclng over tho birth of a daughter at their 'mine on North Inlet. Miss Loin Ten F.yek, who has been employed at Smith's store, has re turned to hor homo In Portland. Harry Penco. of Portland, a cigar maker, has arrived hero and taken a position In Otto Groke's fnetory. Mrs. Pert Marcollls of Cooston. who underwent nn operation for a tumor at Morcy Hospital, is reported to be getting nlong nicely. C. II. Pillion and family will leave In a fow days for Portland to make their homo. There Is talk of two more snloons bolng opened In North Bend and among thoso who aro said to ho fig uring on opening them are Jay Wil cox. Win. Murphy and Olaf Olson. Tho Incroase In population Is said to warrant the Increase, the snloons being limited by ordinance to ono for every five hundred people, Clarence Klbler lias resigned ns deputy Postmaster In North Bend to accept a position In the First National Bank of North Bend, offcctlvo Doc- srrr casks IIA.M) BAGS HATS AND CAPS IRVING BLOCK .MUX'S AXI BOYS' SPITS AND COATS. A XKW AXI) COMPLETE STOCK OF A AAXtl V slU JLVAAUl All WU lldlCl llVJll service and style lor every dollar you pay for Clothing In THE PARISIAN, and yon pay no more dol iir foe THE PAIHSIAX made garments than you would pay for apparel of Inferior make. Why not enmliio these jK-rfect prod ictlous of the .Master Tailors of Xew York? They express their purpose of nml; lug only (he best and ours of supplying only the best to you. PltlCK .MUX'S SPITS AXI) COATS 9t!itl I'lUCE ItOVS' SPITS AXB COATS 8;ti 1)0 TO 310.00 00 TO 815.00 ember li". Lloyd Haab, son of Supt. A. G. Haab, will succeed him in the Postorrico. R. E. Andrews, formerly nn engi neer for tlie Blaokwell Lumber com pany at -Fern wood, Idaho, has been olected city engineer of North Bend to succeed Mr. Hobson and will take up his duties at once. Mr. Andrews and wife have been living on South Sixth street-, near tho Catholic church, In Marshllold. X. C. McLeod, Fred Ilolllster, I). A. McLeod, V. K. Winters and A. S. Hammond have been named as n committee to appear before the Port of Coos Bay at Its meeting In Mnrsh fleld next Monday and protest against tho erection of a warehouse in front of Ferndalo by the Port. They claim that the Port should not ex pend the money that way. The North Bend M. W. A. this week elected W. II. Cliappell and L. O. Stromuien managers and the following officers; Consul, C. F. Chase; Adviser, It. 11. Fry; Banker, S. Rogstad; Clerk, Jno. 11. Greves; ICscort, B. II, Sanfnrd; Watchman, S. S. Johnson; Sentry, A. T. Andrew. Many New Goods Arrive THE LAST BREAKWATER BROUGHT US LARGE QUANTITIES OF NEW GOODS TO REPLENISH BROKEN LOTS AND ADD NEW ASSORTMENTS. YOU WILL FIND THESE NEW GOODS ALL OVER THE STORE AND THE PRICES ARE, AS USUAL, ALWAYS PLEASING AND MODERATE AND PERHAPS MORE SO THAN EVER. Come in and See These: I LOb bleached towel- Ub LATEST FURS UNDERPRICED. Our beautiful assortment of Fur Sets in all the most wanted styles and kinds, have been marked down for tho next few days, It will mean a great saving to you, by making your selections now, Come in and be convinced, We will be pleased to show you, Metal or Bisque Doll Heads, Upwards of 200 yards, remnants ing, Specially priced per yard New line of Ladies' Silk Kimonas, floral designs, Blue, Rose and Lav- C7 Kfl ender, Only, each, $5.00, piiuu Christmas Handkerchiefs for Ladies, Men and Children, Initialed, Bordered or plain, Single or in Christmas boxes, We have them at all prices, Better make your selections early, Waiters' and Cooks' Aprons, OKn Good quality uu Heavy Quality Unbleached Mus- 71 n lin, 10c kind. Per yard I2 Celluloid Dolls, 10c to 50c Undressed Dolls 25c to $3.00 Dressed Dolls 15c to $5.00 Ladies' pretty Flannelette Kimonas, latest Empire effects, trimmed in eoin nnrl rnntm.qtinp: I1ia- iterials, Specially, CO Rfl priced, $1,95 and P'JU 'l !nl Mnn'e nnH fillil- lciuico mt.ii o miiw - wr,e k n ! 1 1 Neck Scarfs, Variety of colors, Values to 50c, Ogg Now Jb Unbreakable Cloth Dolls, in Esquimeaux, Peary and Cook, 35c and 50c Oft iKIIIUbi liuw int of I nrlifis' beau- MUV iui -"".,7 . . A . . .. wui ;:uMncn shades, pretty emuroiaeieu uc- signs, Especially priced, $1.9o Infants' and Children's Knitted Sweater Suits, with Sweater, Pants and Cap, .in red or white, Only, per suit JO oj $2.95, $2.50 and Heavy Cotton Flannels, 12 1-2c 01 J kind, Only, per yard Men's fine Soiesette Ovorshlrts. m stripes, White or Cream, Reduced to HI THE FAIR IRVING BLOCK Next to Chandler Hotel. CENTRAL AVENUt SATISFACTION ALWAYS OR MONEY REFUNDED. J