ISN'T IT STRANGE HOW SELDOM YOU FIND UNSELFISHNESS IN ANYONE ELSE? YOU CAN FIND . y tiling 3" Wl,nt Tho Times want columns. ,f 11 ,sl,t t,,er " J,ie ,.csults " III surprise you. ' DON'T (JET EXCITED If you've lost something a three or four line want nilv. In Tho Times will bring It buck. The Times mint ads get results. me.mheh of the associated phess. V Wll KSIIHIIIHIICII VOL AAA V IK H Tho Const .Mull. . . lit 1 1 . MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1913 EVENING EDITION -SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mail and Coos Day Advert Iser. No. 116 mm i& JIM ill tit w1 it. 5 CAUCUS Sends Check for $100 1 and on Effective Work. Lays debate will Ot dllVlrl-l M ninuu .. n n l Measure Ha a r FJsewnere, nu oavo, uc.uic Comini) Beioic ouicue. Dr AworUlril rrr.n i fon Ttnr TIiiiih.1 WASHINGTON, I). C Dee. I Charges by Seimtor CiuiidiIuh that tho m-mocrats Imd approached "dangcr- lotisly near 11 cnnsplrney nullum tlioi rights (if nil tin' people" In taking caucus action on the currency hill, I Iinirkeil the opening of today's session c tho Seiiiite. Tills hill has been considered eisu- Lkpreaiiil passed elsewhere," ho said. There will 110 1'0"1 dehato In this Lbanibcr. It will simply bo a fnreo. I hesitate to partlelpatc In It, for 1 do tot want to give It. hoforo the coiin ry, the color of an actual delibera te). 1 cannot belluve that the Am- Irlcaa people Will for long .tolerate his legislation by caucus" AI.VAUADO'S CHEW SAFE. Hiving Schooner Was Almiidoiictl lor Unknown Hcnsons. Iff Amo-Lim rra to fon r.r Time 1 SAX lMtANClSCO, .Dec. I. Tho Ithooner Alvarado, -which cleared for kntofaRastii from the Coluinbla RIv- t April 1 and has lieert missing for pntb, was nbtmdoned .luno 1 15 In tmlttide 31 south, latitude 121 west; m the crew of eleven inado tlielr lay safely to Easter Island, nccord- Ic to a wireless Ttiesnge sent from le steamer Moann today. Tlie mes- kedld not say why the vessel was It'Smloneil. KIDDKH IK RELEASED. i of Sedition Aualnst OH Man Not Pimm. tt AnvlilM rrri. to Cooi ntf TIrim.) MEXICO CITY. Dec. 1. H. S. Kld- rr. sales neon t for tho "Waters-PIerco I! company, was rolensed on a bond 13500 nr San Luis Potosl today lr trial hy the fodornl authorities i the clinrL'o of sedition. Annar- the only evidence against Kld- lr was that while on n train ho pd with tho trainmen regarding Nltlons and looked through field fssesat the landscape. Italy a vnguo Impression of tho "tents of President Wilson's nies ! was published In the newspapers 'V. Tho general conclusion wbb it President "Wilson Intended keop- 1 his hands off ami leavlnir Iluertn I the mercy of .his enemies. This fre is satisfactory to the ndmln- "lon, The fnct thnt no recognl- accoided the robols In tho pwge Bcemcil In be a creat rollef lthe lollowers of Iluortn. Fires in Mine Will Be lowed to Die for Search "i Workings Tomorrow. taoclm lTti to om TUJ TlmM.) WHAM, Utah, Dec. 4. The a8,n of tho Utah Anex mine. '"eh Ralph Lopez, the slayer of took refuge n week ago, conVln twliy with the likelihood that 'Ml tomorrow would the fires "10ed to die ilown. Thn liBttef ' that the desperado had escaped QOt SIIMllllll,n,l in .tin nnl. '"Mses that have been generated thirty miles of subterranean ,,a" since Mondav. PH hex,, ,IA8 iiivii . Iiv ,x muhk runt ,n North Bend school cen- L """deration was completed V "id Superintendent Raab r''l them am inn ....i. epam ,e f school age, a gain of AVa 1 4 ... -v. just, year. Of this 5r Kfio J i KID CVIVtlCU J BLARES HEARING SPERADO MAY It ESCAPED ACTION IS CONSPIRACY STAGE IS. PANKHURST HELD BY POLICE Militant Suffrage Leader's Ar rest Not Marked by Any Disturbance as Expected. (Iljr Ao ntr.t I'riM to Coo liar TlniPH.1 PLYMOUTH. Eng.. Dee. I. Con- trnry to expectations t.iero was no dls. turbnnco when Mrs. Emmullne I'ank- I'.urst. tho suffragette luitder. was at rested on hoard the steamer Majestic on her arrival from New York to day. .Mrs. Pankhiirst was transferred to a tug which had been chartered by thu police and was' taken to tho Davenport dock yards. Weather Aids Police. Mir Aimmh I n 1 .t I'lif. In Crum liny 'llini'ti.l PLYMOUTH. Dee. 1. Wind ind sea today helped the po nce 10 evauo me posse, oi suitra ..iti..L. ...lif. ..I I. .1 .1 ...I ... . in. in. hi t tSUIlun III! Ililil JIIMll.ii;. iti riu.nii the re-arrest or Mrs. Pankhiirst dor thu provisions of the "Cat nnd mouse act." A henvy sea was hunnlng I in the harbor when the steamer Maj estic anchored shortly before noon. Whllo the waves did not affect the powerful police tug, they were too much for thu little motor boat which the militant suffrngettes had engag ed. Its occupants, who Included iin m iiiMiiun, 1111 1.1. immh "Ceneral" Mrs. Flora Drunimond and . . .. iiiiii'i ii'iiiini n. hliu ill iiiii.iiv.ii Kr iiiu i .lw... LimIuhu iKiifii ili-dlwillml f f till I skin The Majestic, under police orders, had anchored outside the breakwater. Mrs, Pankhiirst protested against her arrest. Six police and one wardress arrest, six ponco ami one wuiuiubm, , , ,. ...,..,( ii,. bonrded the steamer to preent Intel- fcrenco with the officers delegated to " ' ' " , ";, . .. . i , 'foot r ght of way through tho prop mnko the actual arrest. . .' . ...,.; .,,, In the nieantlino nn ordinary ten- 'der. on which were many suffrag ettes armed with clubs, was kept standing orf and the armed body guard was rendered helpless. Hodies or suffrngettes were on guard outside the prisons In southwest England to which It wns thought Mrs. Pnnk hurst might be taken. ltl'.POHT IS COXFIHMED. inj Aiinrlnted TrcM lo Coo TlmM t PLYMOUTH, Dec. 1. Tho chief constnhlo horo confirmed the report thnt Mrs. Pankhiirst Is to ho arrested Ho spout tho dny preparing nn ade quate forco to denl with any attempt nt rescue by tho militant sufrragettes. No unauthorized person will ho al lowed to board tho tender which meets the Majestic. Tho militants have boon In constnnt wireless com munication with Mrs. Pankhiirst. The suffrngettes anticipate that their lcador will bo transferred to n special pollco tug and taken to another- pert. They havo chartered a vessel to un dertake chase with a specially formed troop to effect her rescue. Heavy Downpour in Flooded Djslrticts Causes Water to Spread Over Large Area. Br AMOclttod rrf to Coot Bar Tlmot-J DALLAS, Texas, Dec. 4. Tho rain fall continued today in the flood dis tricts of central Texas, adding to the menace of the waters which already havo cost thirteen lives and about i nnn.noo nronerty damage. Tho most important new point nffected to day was San Antonio. The floods cover portions of nearly every county trnm Run Antonio northward and eastward to Include all the important cities of north and central Texas. jihiiw Hurnetl. Harry, Jones, a worker on the towboat Powers, was scalded In an accident touay. nr niv declared he was not nurneu ,orth mentioning. Joe ' taken RAIN IN TEXAS ADOS TO MENACE SOUTHERN PACIFIC LAND TO DEED FILED AT COQl'ILLE TO DAV CEDING "FlltE PIT ACHE" AND ADDITIONAL LAND EM BRACING IIEAVEH HILL .MINE HCXKERS. (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE. Or., Dec. 5. A deed involving sonic of the most valuable property in Marslifleld was filed In County Clerk Watson's office today and caused quite a bit of comment as It also Indicated that It was the first step in the transfer of the steam franchise of the Tcrmliinf Railway to the Southern Pacific. The deed was from the Southern Pacific and tho Coos Hay, Rosoburg & Eastern Hallway, by E. E. Cal vin, general mnnager of the South ern Pacific and president of tho Coos Day line, to the Marslifleld ltealty and Trading Compnny, n sub sidiary corporation of the C. A. Smith Company, which holds tho Mnrshfield real estate of tho latter. It cedes nil of tho railroad com pany's Interest In a tract oxleiidlng from Broadway to the harbor line from Mill Slough ')()(! feet south ward. This includes all of the old Eire Pit Acre," according to the . iu . ... ....... ... un-jCnthcart survey, property which Iiiih 'long been In litigation, nnd part of It embraces a portion of the "Hnllroad Reserve," in which tho C. A. Smith Company had begun suit to establish Its claim to a thirty-second Interest. The land Includes tho present Den ver Hill mine coal bunkers. It Is generally understood that i i1'10 transfer is part of tho matters .Mint lt r A Qntttlt Pntnnnni' In. mil lUU tjitiani viwhiiiuiij at slsted on settling boforo the trnns- ifcr ot tlle Terminal Railway was made It was also stated hero by parties In close touch with the situation ,.,.. . . that the C. A. Smith Compnny is to -.. n..ii i.v. t'llj JIIDt aim tiinu uuuuhii tho retail yards of the C. A. Smith company, leaving nbout 100 feet be tween the right of way and Ilroad way north of Mill Slough. This gives the C. A. Smith Com POLICE FORCE CIIAHUES HY SOCIALIST I.OCAIj THAT HHUTAMTY WAS EXER CISED NOT SUSTAINED AT IX QI'IHV LAST XK.'HT. Following nn exhnustlvo Investiga tion Into the charges brought by the Socialist Locnl that George Doyle was brutally and Inhumanly treated bv Marshllold polleenion last Saturday night, when he was arrested ror drunkenness, the City Council, on motion of Coiiiicllmnn Ferguson, sec onded by Councilman Allen, exoner ated Gordon Smith and tho orflcers. On motion or Councilman Copplo, who miRKcsted that only tho facts In the case bo brought out, City Attorn ey Goss conducted the questioning or the witnesses, who were Bworn by Recorder Butler. Nearly a dozen tes tified, after the letter of tho Social ist Local, signed by tho secretary, Art Storgard, had been read. Tho charges were that Doyle, while under the Influenco of liquor, una been beaten hy police officers, and thnt after ho hnd been placed In a cell tho hose had been turned on him, nnd Dr. E. Mlngus had been called in to nttend the man. (ieorgo Doyle TeKtlflet. nnvlo was called to the stand and sworn. He was questioned by Attorney Goss, who asked: "What were you 'doing on Satur day?" "I was moving In rrom the stew art ranch back of North Bend." "What Is your occupation?" "I am a teamster." "Where did you get the liquor?" "Here and In North Bend." "Did you buy It all by the glass?" "I got some In glasses and somo in linttles." "Were you conscious of the fact that you were Intoxicated? I do not know of buying any li quor In Marshfleld. The last I re member getting was in North Bend." CEDES C. A. SMITH CO. pany all of the land abutting on the n:outn of Mill Slough. It Is possible, it was understood here, that the Southern Pacific right of way may be swung west ward south of Mill Slough so as to r.ermlt ample room for the building of the big docks and slips near wnere the Heaver Hill hunkers now stand when Mr. Smith decides to carry out his project for them. He bad planned for these docks, ware houses and slips to ho built where the retail yards are now. Nothing could bo learned hero as to the date for making the for mal transfer of the steam franchises from the Terminal Compnny to the Southern Pacific except that a meet lis would probably be held In Marsli fleld on the nrrlval of Ralph I). Moody and V. S. Chandler today. OFFICIALS ARRIVE MKETIXO IS HELD "W. S. Chandler and Ralph Moody arrived today from 1) San Francisco coming via Drain nnd Cinrdlnor. Immediately nf ter tlielr arrival, a meeting or the Terminal Compnny wns call ed and Ih being held this after noon. Nothing wns given out ns to the status of the deal al though It was expected that the negotiations might be conclude:! tliis afternoon. Mrs. Chandler returned with Mr. Chandler, having met him nt Drain. I I I STRIKE jVKARLV E.VDCD. Conditions In Indianapolis Arc Almost Normal. tnr AtioclilM fro. to Coo. fill run.l INDIANAPOLIS. Dec. Huslness conditions were resumed on an nlmost normnl basis today, the fourth day of the strike of the teamsters and chauffeurs union. Practically all of the team owners hnd at least a part of their forces In operation. It was announced by tho union today that only 1 2Ti owners, employing nbout 900 men, had signed the tcntntlvu agreement submitted yesterday by tho union officials. Tho list did not In clude any or tho large employers IS EXONERATED "Do you romeber whnt you did horo?" "I remember driving to Helsnor's barn, and then started for home. Some boys followed mo on the street nnd tripped me. I got Into trouble with them." "How did your coat como to bo off?" "I don't know. I remember some body started to pick mo up and I tried to fight him. I did not know )) I m . but I think he wns an officer." When Doyle Awoke. "When did you wnko up?" "It was late Saturday night. I wns all soaking wot, but I didn't know how I got thnt way. Somebody cnmo'nnd got mo out nnd I went home." "Were you dry then? Wore your clothes wet?" "Yes, I was wot. The bedding wns wet In the cell." "How did you como to be bruised?" "I don't remember." "Did you suffor any 111 ofrects from your experience?" "Yes, I had a chill Monday night and couldn't appear before the Coun cil." "Can't you remember any more to tell the Council?" " "No, all the rest Is whnt my friends told mo." Doylo stated that Levi Helsner's driver had told him, that when ho brought him over from North Ilend he had no scar on his head. At this point Gordon Smith stated to the Council that Doyle had receiv ed the scar In his cell, when ho fell from his bed. Winkler Probes Charges. Councilman Winkler asked Doylo when he left the Stewart ranch. Doyle stated that It must lavo been between 2 nnd 3 o'clock on Satur day. He couldn't remember exactly. "Did you get the bottle In North (Continued ob Page Three.) 110 ITS OWN CIVIL GOVERNMENT LIBRARY GIFT Y C. A. C. A. S nlth h: ' sent a letter to tho Marshllo.d Public Library Com mittee enclosing n check for $ioo to uld in the completion of the new 1 1 1 SMITH rary. The check Is In compliance , property by the rebels may continue, with n promise made some time ago, the days of fighting In northern Mox by Mr. Smith that he would assist lea are numbered, as far ns tho pres theiu when they got the new library out revolution Is concerned, nccordlnt; building started. Jn his letter Mr. I to opinions expressed hy robot leail- Snilth wnrinly congratulates the coin- nilttee on the effective work they havo done in sccuiing a library build ing for Marshllold and tile ndvnutngcs the community will enjoy rrom It. A number of Mnrshfield men have promised to assist the library. The committee will need considerable funds to install fixtures and equip ment and also to add new honks when tho new building is completed, anil parties wishing to make a Christ inns gilt for the greatest good for tho greatest number will probnhly find tho library tho best place to con tribute. E HOUSE RUMOR REPORT THAT (i'RAXD .11' HV .MAY .MAKE INVESTIGATION OF COX DFCT OF I.OIK.'IXU PLACES IX THE COl'XTV. According to rumors afloat here, tho clean-up crusade which County Attorney Liljcqvlst has launched, will bo extended to the rooming nnd lodging houses In the various towns and It Is expected that some Indict-1 incuts may bo returned by tho grand ' Jury, which Is now In session. ! Rumors or offenses by somo of tho lodging houses on the Hay havo been rlfo Tor some tlmo nnd accord- (i t r ntin tiiitt tlwi tiiitrwilnl ili(iw. I HIS 1 1' UIIU I UIWI l HI. J V.I lit! llllli.l - Uvea which County Attorney Liljc qvlst had gathering evidence ugalnst tho houses or 111 fame also Investi gated the rooming houses. Local Cases. Cp. Joslo Hoyt, mistress or the North Front street resort which was raided by Constnhlo Cox nnd Orricer Rlch nrdson tho other night, lort this morning with tho two Inmates that were arrested with her to nppoar bo foro tho grand Jury today. Tamp Osborne, A. K. (leor, Hill Shoupo nnd Gordon Smith wont over In connection with tho grand Jury Investigation of tho alleged gambling by Osborn, Goer and others, which cost Geer a three-moiitliB' sentence In the county Jail. Tho grand Jury also was to tako up thu caso or the Italian Ross charged with stabbing a Smith mill hnnd named Olson rrom Hunker Hill at tho Coos Hotel. Ross was nlso charged with being n moral pervert. ZELAYA MUST GO. Former Nlciiragua President Helens ed on Tills Condition, tnr amocihkj rr to coo nr tii.i NEW YORK, Dec. L Former PresldenfZelaya or Nicaragua was re leased this artornoon on the condition that ho would' leavetho country Im mediately ror Barcelona, Spain. TO CONSIDER STRIKE. Colorado Vnlon lender Calls Meeting to Decide on Action. I nr Aoclt4 Vint to toot tlr Tlmn. ' ........ 4 4 rnimfl1 ...ill lJr..VKH lUI.. I. i luiui.i for a convention of representatives of every labor un on n Colorado, meet hero on December in, wns is sued by John McLennnn. president of tho state federation of labor. Tho con vention will consider the question or declaring n state-wide- sympathetic strike In support or the striking mine workers. FLOUIL FLOUK, One, six or dozen nt ut Ha In en.' ROOMING PREPARES Systematize Customs and Postal Laws to Be Enforced Along the Border. UNIFORM CURRENCY WILL BE ADOPTED Constitutionalist Leader to Rule Half of Mexico as De tached Part of Country. H AMoeUtel I'mn to rtoo pat Tlmr.) .1 PA It EX, Dee. I. While loollnic hy Isolated bands or confiscation of ers today. What most Immediately concoriiH the Constitutionalist party Is tho el aboration or Its civil government. This embraces more systematized cub tonis to be enforced along tho border There remains also to be tint In forco n uniform currency system, Tor tho now rebel and federal currency aro in conflict, one kind being acceptnblo In one place, the other kind lit an other. Rebel postal stamps are al ready In use. For all practical purposes-, wftltfn u short time, the lenders say, tho government will he In operation lo, the northern hair or the country, which will bo entirely detached rrom that of .Mexico City. Tho boinelesu number thousands today, but as thoy are divided In small groups through an Immense terltory, no serious ro ller problems aro presented. WEALTHY MEXICAN SHOT. Illj AMOi'ltlMl rrr.i to Coo. lUf TIm.r HERMOS'LLO. Dee. L Antonio Caballero, a wealthy Mexican resi dent or Slnulon, was shot to death today by n thing sqiuul or rebels. Ho was convicted or plotting against the Constitutionalist government. nft FEDERAL OFFICP.H ESCAPES. Shot Through Chest by Filing Squad, He (Sets Away. (ny AmocLI.iJ I'm. to Coot liar ntnm.J MEXICO CITY, Dee. 4. Colonel Exlqulo Harhossa, n federnl orricer. who was Ion ror dead with it bullet through his chest after facing a fir lug sqund of rebels at Torreon, ar rived In the capital today. Ho rolatcn that ho was captured hy Genoral . Francisco Villa when tlm fedora! troops commanded by Gen. Fellpo Alvarez wero wiped out Just bororo the evacuation or Torreon. Col. HarhohSit Is the only onn to raptured by Villa on that occasion. Ho says thnt ho, with tho rest, wan shot down. Two hours later ho re covered consciousness nnd whllu tho executioners wore roasting ho crawl ed nway ami niniinged to got to n ranch where ho was given help. E TO TAKE Af HAND German Ruler to Use Power to Put End to Civil and Mil itary Row at Alsace. Hr AiiocUtea Prm lo Coo !)r TlmN.J BERLIN. Dee. 4. Emporor Wil liam decided today that the tlmo bud come for him to interfere perbotiuily with' tho full wolght of his authority in order to put an end to the differ ences between the civil and mnitury authorities of Alsace He has sum moned tho governor gonuml of Alsace-Lorraine, Count Chuios Von Wedel, and the cotuiiianilln'; general. Herthold Von Dolmluig. to report to him Immediately at Karlsruhe. I .... ...... ,,r r It I tr mitiitcd '"SlTZZllto 'warn to." ... v - , of u resolution expiessing coufld-nco in tho government, but ban ir.ado possible a serious bitch lit tho bud get program. It is not unlikely that parliament will refuse to proceed with the dlH ciiBslon of the budget until It ro rnlvcB satisfactory guurautoea tbcro rill bo no ropotltlon of aucb lucldeutti I as those which occurred nt 5'iberu. to Mercy Hospital,