S3 THE 0008 BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WJPNESMY, DECEMBER 3, 1913 EVENING EDITION. SANTA CUIUS" D. C. GREEN IS BOOSTING BUY CRIPPLE IS CUT nit. iiMrr lilt. M i, '"so n"i i" 1 WILL GET MAIL 0' 1'l.o.u!: "V'U ,hldJ , "b IJIOL'k. "J i nr mi-w ii imrn . 5gBg55gHgBSggBgS i - - 001 BY HON Postoffice Department Orders Delivery of Letters and Par 1 eels Sent to Him. Christmas time la nnythliiK but n Joj-oub season for the I'ostofflco de partment and oven now the depart ment 1b IhbuIhr ordct-H and r.dvlce to I'oBtmusters and patrons regarding the mailing and biindllng of Christ mnR narcelB. The order regarding delivery of letters addressed to "Santa Cans" Issued December 18, 1911!, has been modified as follows: "Postmacters are authorized to do liver all letters on which the postage has been fully prepaid arriving at Jtholr respective Fostornees (luring the month of December of each year which aro addressed plainly and un mistakably to "Santa Claim,, wltnout any otnor termB or expressions iden tifying the person for whom such letters are Intended, to responsible charitable Institutions or reputable Individuals In the town or city of ad dress who may desire to use them exclusively for philanthropic purpos es. The order continues that the charl table institutions or persons receiving the letters must pay any postage due before the letters are turned over to them. It also specifies that the per inn or institution wanting the letters must apply for them, and that the Postmaster Is authorized to distri bute the letters as he may think best. In case of no applications for the letters, tho missives from tho trust fill youngsters will find their way to the Division of Dead Letters. This order is algncdi by A. S. Burleson, ostnlnstor General. Send Parrels Early. In a circular letter, Daniel C. Rop er, flmt assistant postmnBter general, urges that Christmas parcels bo mail ed , early so that congestion of the malls may be kept to a minimum. The letter follows: Extraordinary measures should he devised by every Postmaster accord ing to tho special needs and condi tions of his community to prevent any delay In the dispatch and delivery of ninll during tho Christmas season, and tho arrangements necessary to this end should bo perfected well in advance of tho rush season. Mull should not bo permitted to accumulate In PoBtoffices. Tho em ployes should bo encouraged to put forth their very best offorts during tho Holiday season, while It Is not desired to work undue hardship on tho employes of the service, yet It must he kept In mind that the Christ mas season Is an emergency recog nized by the department as justifying the employment of clerks and carriers more than eight hours a day. Special attention should bo given to supervision In order that the force employed may bo utilized to tho best possible advantage. Patrons nro vitally Interested In tho delivery of packages on or before Christmas day, and every effort should bo put forth to make delivery of all Christmas packages before the close of that day. Postmasters will lighten their labor In this respect by nBslduously seeking the ro-opcratlon of their patrons. A supply of plac ards urging early shipment and prop- er wrapping or parcels will bo sent to each Postoffice. These should bo dls played conspicuously In the main of fice and stations, us well as In other public places mid stores. It should bo advortlsed especially that parcels may bear the words "Not to bo opened until Christmas," 'and similar Inscriptions, and that this, togothor with early shipment, In sures tho timeliness of Christina KlftB, whereas the practice of mailing packages lato In the hopo that t'.ioy III reach their destination on Christ inas day, Is likely to defeat Its own object through unavoidable delay duo to the congestion of the malls. Heaped fully, Danlol C. Ilopor, FlrBt Assistant Postmaster General. I AT THE HOTELS. The Chandler Hotel. Georgo King. Portland; Tuna Till Icy, Tampa; V. h. Conloguo, Tam pa; J. K. Smith1, North Hcnd; II. Casaell, Portland; .Miss C. Panics, Portland; V. I). Dutton. Portland: J. McCutcheon, Heaver Hill. P. T. FltzglbboiiB. Sail Kninelmn: C. Von Haulto, Hugcne; Fred Manx. San Francisco; A. 11. Snydor, San hruncisco; .1. k. Paulson. C'oiiulllo; 11. Folsom, Coaullle. C. Kerr. San Francisco: A. K, Duncan. San Fran cisco; V. A. Wood, Portland; .1. h. Lcuson and wife, Coqullle; 10. 1.. Olv ens, Coalcdo; A. hlndborg, San Fran cisco. The Lloyd Hotel. Mrs. U. Shaw, Myrtle Point; 11. Smith, Myrtle Point; Carl Miller. Co MilMe; H. ). Holt, North Yakima; V. F. Wddell. North YaUImn; Geo. F. Hall, C'oiiulllo; Claud Morgan. Norway. Geo. F. Hall, Oonulllo; Green. Remote; Martin Mills, Seattle; Geo. Freeman, t'oaledo. Tho Illanco Hotel, 10. R. Ilodson, Coos River; Charles O. Olson, Camp 1. 11. I). Hutt, Hooker. The Cmw Hotel. M. Kesler. Chicago; I. V. Mathers, Milwaukee, Geo. Cllnkonbeard, Coos River. The Coo Hotel. C. H. draw, Portland; W. M. Gage, iCouulllo; V. F. Sturdivant. Newport. Says it Is One of Most Pros perous Sections of Coun- try Big Work Ahead. A Portland paper says; "In spite of its comparative Isolation and In accessibility to rapid transportation facilities, the Coos Hay country and Its progressive towns, is the most ac tive and promising suction on the Pacific Coast today, for Its size," said I). C. Green, manager of the Oregon Power company at Mnrshlleld, and one of the leading western representa. tlves of II. M. Byllesby & company, f tl.l..n,..i fS ..... e. I.. It tit.. nit tt hlsay ?o'l0vere: ..V.wheS, ho """tenant was leading a company Bloodshed is Feared in Za bern Throucjh Brutality of German Army Officer. W AioclIM Prfii to Coos ny Tlmn.l ZAU13RN, Alsare, Germany, Dec. H. Lieut. Duron Von Forstner, who started trouble between the troops and tho citizens here by referring scornfully to the cltlzeiiB when he ad dressed recruits of his company, aroused further Indlgnntion today by cutting down n lamo Alsatian shoe maker with his Babre. Tho titled Is to take charge of tho Uylleaby pub lic utilities there. "Coos Hay mills are all l mining full blast, and we nro shipping more lum ber to California than all the mills of tho Columbia Rlvor and Puget Sound put together. Everybody down there Is an optimist, and the only trouble we have had down there Is to get labor. This Is duo to the per nicious Influence of the 1. W. W.'s, with whom the Coos Uay towns lmvo been having such serious trouhlo of late. Hut these fellows jvero handled In tho only Bafe nnd Bono way to dis pose of them. After they had greased tho tracks of tho logging roads In one case resulting In the death of four men and had burned a big bridge and engaged In n number of other acts of property destruction, the business men and authorities got togothor and drove them out. "Since then the 1. V. W.'s have spread the news nil up and down the coast that thoro was a big strike on at Coos Day, and this has made It ex tremely hard to get the best class of laboring men to go in there, but tho big industrial plants nro booming along nevertheless. "The Southern Pacific Is pushing Its construction of tho Wlllamette Pnclflc road from Eugene to Coos Uay along with the best speed possi ble, nnd this Is helping to Increase our general prosperous condition. "So wo are not worrying about the tariff, about the high rates of Interest on money, or about the currency re form agitation." Green Is staying at the Portland Hotel and will take charge of the Everett public utilities only until suc'.i time as arrangements for his per manent successor can ho made. SPUS RAPIDLY GROWING WnHlilngtnn Coiitilhiitt'N 50(1 Mem bers in n Single liny. NEW YORK. Dec. 3. The fight against tho useless giving of Christ mas presents not to give less hut to give discriminatingly and Intelli gently Is sprendlng throughout the country with the approach of tho holidays. The Spugs, as tho Society for tho Prevention of Useless Giving has nicknamed Its members, aro supplying copies of membership enrds and by-laws with which to In nugurato urnncli societies in var ious parts of tho country. Kvory Spug must wenr a mem bcrshlp pin nnd pledge himself to nld lu tho fight against tho useless Christmas present. Tho cost of the pin Is covered In tho membership duos, which are ten cents a year. Five hundred persons enrolled In Wnshlngton In ono dny, according to reports received nt tho Spugs' headquarters here. from the barracks to tho drill ground when a group of workmen recognized tho officer and hooted. Tho llonton nnt sent n squad in pursuit. Thoy succeeded In catching only one, a lame shoemaker, who resisted arrest. Von Forstner deliberately Btruck the cripple on the head with the sharp ened edgo of his sabre. The wound Is a dangerous ono. Tho incident tins created such tension that blood shed Is feared unless the 99th regi ment Is transferred. DIVORCE IS GRANTED, i American Girl Charge English Hus band With Cruelty. in Auorlaiad Tea to nni Bar Tlraw.l LONDON, Dec. II. A divorce has been granted to Mrs. Ida French, daughter of Robert .1. Wynne, former Consul General to London and ex Postmaster General, on the grounds of Infidelity and cruelty on tho part of hor husband, Captain Hugh Ron ald French, now of tho Fourth' Unt tallon of Yorkshire Territorial Regi ment and formerly of the Seventh Dragoon Guards. A Canadian chorus girl was named lu the complaint. SALEM SAUMLNK CLOSE. Amendment to Charter Places Capital In Dry Column. ftlr A!0"Uld I'mi to Coo. Uur TlmM.T PORTLAND, Dec. 3 Uy n major! fy of 954 in yesterday's election, Salem, tho capital of Oregon, adopted an amendment to the city charter prohibiting the council from issuing saloon licenses nnd tho saloons of tho city are closed today, all licenses having expired at tho close of tho month" of November. NTH GRADK EXAMS. RIXU'LATION TIRE WIDTHS. Mbby COAL. Th kind YOU bare ALWAYS USER. Phono 7a. Pacific u.iTurjuti iraniier Company. County Court Makes Ol der Regarding Loads on Roads. FUG UN 10, Or.. Dec. It. Tho coun ty court-has made tho following order regarding tho width of tiros on the Improved ronds of tho county: Tako notice that persons desiring to hnul heavy loads of cord wood, Baw logs, lumber, ties, timbers, piling, Btono, rock, grnvel, sand or heavy merchandise, over tho Improved roads of Lane county, shall ho governed by tho following specifications and shall not haul a greater weight on any vohlclo than Is shown In the tnble below with reference to the respective vehicles. Table of maximum gross weights for tiro 1 1-2 to l Inches In width: Width, inches Poundr. 1 1-1 1 1-2 1 .1-1 2 1-1 n -J.o :t i-i 3 1-2 3 3-1 I . . .2fi2ii , . .3002 , . .ur.on , . .39.17 , . .137.1 , . .f,2!i0 . . 5 C S 7 . .012". . .fi.'fi2 . .7000 HAD STREET KILLS HORSK. R. Pomeroy had tho misfortune to havo a vnluablo horse crippled by going through' tho planking on tho waterfront last weok. The condition of Homo of the walks and streets In Handon Is ridiculous In the extreme. - Handon World. NOTICE TO W. O. W. All Neighbors and vlsltinc Nelch. bors aro requested to attend regular mooting Wednesday night at I. O. O. F, Hall. Special entortnlnment program and banquet. COMMITTEE. Havo your Job printing done at Tho Tl nioB office. County Educational Heads .May Fix Time Within Certain Limits. SALEM. Or.. Dec. 3 According to bulletins Issued by State Superinten dent' of of Public Instruction Church ill, with relation to tho eighth grade final examinations the County Super Intendent may select three of tho fol lowing dates for tho examinations: January ir and 1C; May 7 and 8; Juno 1 and r, nnd September 3 and 4. The program for the oxamlnu Hons provides for physiology, rending, geography, history and Civil Govern ment on Thursday and grammar, writing, spelling arithmetic nnd ng rlculturo on Friday. If you have anything to soil, ront, irnde, or want holp. try a Want Ad In Tho Times. Let it rain Maltheid Will protect you, as it has thousands of builders during the past fifteen years. Malthoid is easy to lay anyone can do it it's the cheapest roofing for it lasts for years. C. E. NICHOLSON Coos County lU-nrexeiitntlvc 1020 Front street. Phono 73 Marshlleld, Oregon DROP IX AND SEE THE BIG CANES IN THE HOWLING TOURNAMENT Chatterton's Alleys NORTH FRONT STREET Have That Roof Fixed NOW Bee CORTHELL PHONW M71. Have your job nrlntlng don at The TliueB office. A FLOUNCED FROCK TO DANCE IN Instead of more elaborate dutalla the simpler afternoon frocks depend for effect upon a graceful shoulder, nn at tractive girdle or a bit of drapery. Several such features are brouKht out In 7897. together with an effective nar row panel down front and buck which serves to catch up and hold the drapery in place. One of the new velours, u velveteen, moire or poplin could bo used with this design most appropri ately. Mnhoguny crcpon relieved by a wide girdle of Roman striped ribbon Is shown in the Illustration. To copy this dress In size 30 It re quires 4!i yards of charmeusc and of a yard of Bilk for the girdle. Now that dancing Ih so popular ono needs sovcral of the simpler dancing drwmes. TheBe are mostly fashioned M the sheerer materials, chiffon, nut and luce. Luco Is especially modish this season, being used for Itnunces. bod Iccb und trimming purposes In gen eral. This model shows n three tiered skirt of luce tlounclng over u foundutlon of dellcntc green liberty silk. Each flounce is caught up slightly and held with a tiny bow. This model In size 18 requires 10 yards of ullover luce llounclng und 3 yards of silk for the gulmpe und foun dation skirt. No. 78117 sizes 31 to 44. No. 7886 sizes 14, IP, 17 and 18. Each pattern 16 cents. To obtain either pattern Illustrated till out this coupon and enclose IS cents In r a' stamps or coin. He sure to state number Name of pattern and nlze. measuring over the AAArrm fullest part of tho bust. Address Pattern Anare" Department, cure of th's paper. The Postage Stamp Consider the postage stamp. One of its chief virtues lies in the fact that it sticks until it gets there. Go about starting a bank account systematically and with a fixity of purpose and you can have one. It's simply .a proposition of spending a little less than you make and bring the balance to this bank. We receive deposits of one dollar and up. First National Bank Of Coos Bay FLANAGAN! & BENNETT BANK OLDEST RANK IN COOS COUNTY. Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Fronts, $110, Interest paid on Time Deposits. Officers: J. W. Dennett, President. J. H. Flanagan, Vice-President. H. F. Williams, Cashier. Ceo. F. Winchester, Assistant Cashier. ""NTIST "-.I,...,,, .cv .l Olllci. ..Ii,.,,.. .... . X " i I .'-J, iwits- ''''tiiir n. Cn.urc(nnn1cre,:l0"A0-1H, 1'lli.n. i i:.imiv or,! te,'!l. I'hono lO-M, ,T1lorL """"lien, T M. WIHriiit. Est I. nates r.'rSB I'lana ami BptXcntL.0," 'f desired. C 2" cod. i'hono 124.H JU0 r TOEL OM'l'l.ivii t I'laim Tuner and n.i lib S. Sixth StrtDi Lenvo orders at v n i.T? Co. ",ue SOI DK'"' KH.KY HAlTiT I Itnlst and 1tAm .tdenco-Htmllo, 237 So. 55J I'hone 18.t. '1 . CIIANIHJciT AKCHITKCT. oom. oi and B02, Cok( R,, "ran ieiu, uregos. WM. H. TUItm, ' AltCIIITKCT Mnrshfleld. Oregon 1 1 " l ire Km J. N. Bavliss Any Kind of lrllc wlt at i, that arc rlftlit, AND ALL WOUK (iUAIUVl Call llllljci's :iKnr Store. . Ercncli ItaiiKCs. Holler W C. O. fiOSNEV, Contracttir und ltullder. Drawings and estimates furnliW All work guaranteed. If you nro not satisfied tell nt;t you aro, tell others. I'hono :um. MsmliflflJ, C1TV ALTO AMI TAXI SKIH10 A now taxlcab has been added t my nuto service. Careful drlren Will go anywhere nt any time. SU Illanco Cigar Store Day phone, IU Might phono 139-.W TOM noODAI.K. Proprietor. NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNITURE. su!d on i bo installment pUi. lAHHINOTON, DOYLE 3(12 lnt 8t. Phonfi H40-L MswhlWll a Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEED ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY 8ENG8TACKBN, Manager FARM, COAL, TIMHER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EASTSIDE Ji,1?1!?, OFFICE, PHONE 4-J. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PRONE 101. THE RECORD PHOTOGRAPHING ABSTRACT COMPANY abitrluenfP tmirPrhifQplM U.wrds Cooi County to date, to real aaut l?TiP.rent Ter?' othr other taformrtlim relating iv,J:?fiU?!!tate urnlaned on short notice. BUBINH68 OFFICE, 117 Nortn Front St, M.rshfield. Phone 151J THERM'S ONLY ONE MACHinl THE SINGER ONLY OXU IIKI'IlrlSEXTAiml W. J. R1TZ Phono S80-X. T. J. 8CAIFB A. H. HOD ii i r.u PAINT AND Estimates Furplshed. ilinnn :IUI)-J. Mnrshfleld, South Coos River BofltJ Tioga leaves MarshfleH W head of river at 8 a. -fr turning in nvg. . a Steumor Halnbow WJ head of river at ", tl roturnlns leaves Marsbflen First Class WcafiflT iiiv done st I uarointi a nu$ v--r- un Sherman avenue ATIST H FS VOT COIIIWI " CONTAINS '"".tf. Will not lose Its r wr8 ttH hum . Jd,e u ,S GUAHANTKIW FIVE -. I Coos Bay Wir 153 llroadwny. . Cool W AKents for Port ol W. J. RUST. Manager