SOME POLITICIANS GET SO BUSY AFTER VOTES THAT THEY FORGET PRINCIPLES - " ' I . ' 1 YOU CAN FIND ny thing yu w,,nt ,n T,, Times ttniit columiiH. ' 11 ,sn't there nd TPrtlo for It. Tho cost In Hiuall nnd the results will surprise yon. VOL XXXVII, Kstnbl foiled 1H7H iin Tho Const Mull. ALLEN LEADS ALBRECHT 309, WILSON LEADS M'KEOWN IIS Landslide in Marshfield City j Election Tesieiuuy iii&ujcui of Close Race. MAJORITIES LARGER THANANTICIPATED Total Vote Cast Was 1002 Many Sworn in Many Women Voted. I'or Mayor. Ceu. Ho. Albrocht ! SO 27:! 1S2 No. Ttl. !) :i:i8 in:! Allen's majority For Cotiiiclliiiiui. Three-year term. Two (o elected. Ceu. Copple -7(i Ftrgnsoii . HIMeiiliraiid ..107 liitlln l!0 So. 1X2 I 5!l ni to No. Ttl. ir2 oio 180 08 20 81 :;; Savage !'7 :! Wright -12 22 I'or ('oiini'iltiuin. One year. One to bo elected. COM. HO. iSO. Til. Farley . McKeown . :i" i :i2 sr. ,.177 (i!) i:t7 :is:t ,.212 HiS 110 Wilson Wilson's majority over McKeown Is 113. I'or Recorder. Ceu. So. No. Ttl. Duller :I85 2 11! 251 S 7 1) F. T2. Allen was elected Mayor over Carl Albrocht by a innjorlty of 30!) in yesterday's annual city election in Murtfliflold. J. Wright Wilson defeated Ar thur McKeown for tho one-year term on tho City Council by n ma jority or a 1:1. n. A. Copple and Duncan Korgu 10a were elected for tho throe-year terms on the City Council by a vote of more than two to one over their competitors. Was (irent Victory. Interest In the election centered hrsely In tho content ovor tho one year term on tho Council, many thinking that tho only contest would te over that place, owing to tho fict that .1. Wright Wilson wns not o well known throughout the city M his opponent. Many thought that the Mayoralty contest would bo closo, but those In touch with the situation regard ed Alien as a cortnln winner. However, tho most Hiuigulno did not nntlclpato that either Allen or Wilson would win by such largo majorities. Vote Was Kiilr.' The totnl vote In tho city wns 1002. Tho vote by precincts wns: North Marshfield 20C Central Mnrshfleld -112 South Mnrshfleld 201 In South Mnrshfleld thero wns "ot a Blnglo spoiled ballot. Thoro e fifty votes sworn In In that Precinct. In Central Mnrshfleld 122 votes ere sworn In. In Xortli Mnrshflold. tho officials ,Ea'ed ur, the rotums boforo tho tiimler of women voters or sworn In votes wag given. Many Women Voted, hi South Mnrshflold. nlnoty-flve omen voted nnd In Central Marsh eld i3c women voted. In North M'rshflehi It Is bolloved that ovor '00 women voted, (although tho inmber wns not kept by tho offl " of tho election. Socialist Vote. The Socialist Vnia urna llrrYit "f ta "We Wright leading with an even "ae hundred votes. Jack Farley, "e other Socialist candidate, had Jl$t 85 votes. Led From 8tart. Allen flml Wltonn 1J l ,nt,t L ..null IQl) HI tiiO UUIIIIb "o the start, in South Marshfield ( "son took such an overwhelming , that his election was conceded . "y In tho evening. In Central Jjwhfleid Wilson led from tho hut once McKeown was wlth 10 'our votes of him I ID KftrHi 1krH.t.jl.ij r -rr hait n ""mullein nicneown jortt . onl' Iead' but the BmaU mn" tn u Kot there was a surprise "'' supporters, who had counted 8 a Wb vote for him. 'Tribute to CoBBcllmen. The f. -i:iion or uouncumen )uu.u.a and cPPle hy such large ro-electlon of Councllmen 100 : OI0OB MARSHFIELD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER T , i u u viiy council snouKi see that a new charter providing for the rom- kav F&am mission form of government nnd n city manager is provided. It is the lH V flCtlOlfS ,,1(,,cr" moilol form of city government. It provides for an economical management or city affairs under capable- and competent men and removes t entirely from the greed and graft of politics and the domination and self ishness of personnl interest. pMpMpjBMpM - "e nmcs unpen anil conriilcntly believes that the men elected yestor- lOnilSii 'day will prove faithful to their trust and loyal to the best Interests of their KI&KWnfiylSvMT 1 y' ' 'ley Rll0ld feel proud of tho honor that was bestowed upon tlieni MIKwiSS" JSWiiJtratCW ,nml l"'ovo their grntltudo by honest service and Vlevotlon to the duties I PETMW J50iR?'"h I devolving upon them as custodians of the welfare of tho city. Messrs. Allen, mm&fwm SnrFutV l Jrr "erguson, Copple and llutler have previously served the clrv and their ' HM 'Wfi&xm&ii i " ' "early endorsement Is cause for congratulation. Mr. wiIsdh h' vlctorv was W'Xff)Wtr .iii '""'"'"y rught and honestly won. Notwithstanding, n cunipalgn or nils- WMiWt $W&$JPi& ri'pre.ientntlon tlmt nt times amounted almost to villirication Mr. Wilson W' WIJW W0" liy n llumlKolno "laJnrlty. lto deserves and will receive hearty con- 001 IvMHinilH -!io uSHS&HI 2:: i Aiii,i:x Xeu ly-Hlei led Mayor of the City ni' .Marsh Held lt. A COPPIiK. Ite-IIIei'ted Ciiiiiiclluiau for u Per iod Tlirci" Years. l. KIOIKJL'SOX. Ho-Klei'tod CiMinclhiiaii fur a Per- ind of Tluve Years. to their services on tho Council in tlio past. It was generally con ceded that they would be elected, but no one anticipated such largo majorities. Hauled Voted In. Tho voting generally was pretty good natural, but thero were a Tow clashes at somo of tho polling places owing to somo of tho ardent tones forgetting tho law and Insisting on campaigning In and near tho polling places and showing voters how to mark their ballots. 'There was talk of Invoking tho corrtint nractlce law 'and put a stop to hauling voters to tho polls. It Is likely that steps will be taken before another election to guard this more closely nnd onforce this law, especially in view of the fact that the first efforts to vote the re cent Influx of foreigners wero re ported yesterday. Mayor Kxtcnds Thanks. To my many friends who gave mo their votes and assistance In olectlng me to tho office of Mayor I desire to extend my thanks nnd appreciation and shall endeavor to merit your confidence. I keenTy fool tho high responsibilities that It Is my duty to meet and dlschnrgo and to tho accomplishment of this purpose I promise my best efforts and will endeavor to )thf "' e; (Continued on Page Six.) mm OK Tllli LET US TALK IT OVER CON O It AT ULAT I ONS nnd compliments for the people of Marshfield. They won nnothcr decided victory for themselves In yesterday's municipal ... .i ,." !. rho rel"r"8 l,rove that they can do their own thinking with out tho dictation of either politicians, press or preachers. Tliev voted for tllC IIICU Wlln Stlltl'rl ffir llpr'lillnv mwl irnnA ....v.,,-., ., I.. ..I... . .. " declaration that the people cannot he either fooled or befuddled if tho Issues are presented to them honestly ami fairly. " units nopes miu mis election will lie the last that will bo held un ; I tlcr.,tllL' 'T0811' 8'tum' Tho citizens of city and the present members EXPECT ARRESTS STIM)X(J Clil'KS KOr.M) AND OXK oit aioici-: srsi'KCTS may iu: TAKKX INTO CfSTODV lilt; i;i:v.i:is oi-i i:iti:n. (Special to Tho Times.) COQUIM.K, Or., ec. I!. It be canu! known here this afternoon that rrrests nro expected within a few hours In the Myrtle Point bunk rob bery case. Kour or five clues, one of which Is especially strong, nro being followed, anil as soon ns tho suspecteir parties are located, ar rests will follow. Tho caBO is being bandied by two detectives who were on tho ground Immediately after tho rob- bory. Tho two detectives were, brought In, It In said, to aid County Attorney LllJcuvlst In getting evl donee In tho crusade ho hns launch ed to clean up Coos County. Im mediately on hearing of tho bank robbery, Mr. Llljeuvlst Is said to have put the two detectives on that enso and It Is expected that tho ! matter will bo probed by tho present I grand Jury iC. A. SMITH IS HERE FOR WEEK! Arrives With Arno Mereen oni Adeline Today Terminal Deal Not Closed. C. A. Smith and Arno Moreen, of tho C. A. Smith Company, arrived hero today on tho Adollno Smith. They had a rather rough trip up tho coast. ' . Mr. Smith wns rather reticent whon nsked about the Terminal Railway negotiations nnd snld that ho had nothing to say beyond that tho deal had not been closed yet. Ho stated that others wero prob ably in a better position than ho to glvo out tho developments In tho matter. Mr. Smith snld that thero wns nothing new In tho lumber mnrkot or In tho plans of tho local plants. Ho expects to spend a weok or ton days on the Day nnd came up es pecially to Bee tho now pulp mill. Ho snld that tho first pulp wouiu have to bo made over again, owing to tho lack of room. However, ho snld it was not expected to make anything tho first month and that the second month would show about two-thirds outnut. He said that Manager Nerdrum was pleased with the prospects of turning out a fine quality of pulp. He wanted to have Mrs. hmiin come up this trip, but owing to it holne so near Christmas time, sne decided to postpone her visit. On her last trip to the Ray about six years ago, they wero seventy-two hours coming up and she hasn't a very pleasnnt recollection of that hard voyage. f- smith sa hi that they wero going ahead with the Improvements on the Nann Smith. iii).VKKK CANDY SALK TO MORROW. .Toffy 15c; Peanut, 20c. MYRTLE P01N LKW1H'. ASSOCIATED PRKSS. 3, 1913 EVENING EDITION - SOON I OKKUIt HIC Itl'AVAItl). ISunk of Myrtle I'olnt Directors Will Safeguard Institution. (Speclnl to The Times.) MYUTLH POINT, Or.. Dec. At a nieotlng of the directors of the Dank of Myrtle Point yesterday ' afternoon u reward of $1000 was offered for the arrest and convlc- tlon of tho robbers who looted the Institution. It was also voted to given an nddltlonnl reward of twciity- ty per cent of nil tho money rccov- ered when the bandits nro arrested ... The directors voted to order n now Mnngnneso burglar-proof snfo at once and also to have the bank vault rebuilt with a steel lining and made ns nearly fireproof and bur glar proof as It ran be made. Strong Clue l'oimil. A strong clue hs to tho Identity of one of the robbers wns found yesterday and It was stated that I It wns hoped to land tho gnng soon. I 1 1 t l.,ul.t one arresi was cxiiuuieu biiuhd. 25 KILLED IN BOSTON EIRE llr Auorlateil !'r to Coo nr Times.) 110STON. Dec. :!. Twentv-fivo men wero killed In a rlro which swept tho uppor floors of thu Ar cadin Hotel, n lodging house In tho south end. early today. Scores were taken to tho hospitals. Many are missing. Nearly nil the bodies wero terribly burned, making identifica tion impossible. The victims wero men in poor clr cumstnnces. They wero caught In the crowded bunks on tho top floors of a five story brick building. They were helpless. When they were aroused tho stairs wero iu names, Many wero rescued by tho firemen nnd pollco. Somo escaped by walk ing u narrow plank stretched across to nn adjoining building or by Jump ing ncross a flvo foot alloy. Tho proporty loss Is $25,000, ac cording to the night clerk thoro wero 178 lodgers in tho building when a passing newsboy turned In tho alarm. The top floor was one large room filled with bunks. On tho fourth floor, whore the loss of life was tho heaviest thero wero thirty tiny rooms with two cots in each. The mon In the rear rooms opening on the fire escapes had locked their doors and those In front wero unablo to reach tho fire escapes. A number Jumped. Judge Morrow Here. Judgo Mor row, who Is to hold a torm of circuit court at Coquillo, arrived today from Gardiner, where he was detained by, Illness. Ho Is far from well but on arriving went to bis room at tho Chandler and will try to go to Co Qiiille tomorrow to convene court. Ho was welcomed here by a numbor of attorneys toduy. Ho is considered one of the best circuit Judges In the state and will be a candidate for the supreme court next fall. DANK ROBBERY SIX PAGES. A Consolidation ami Coos THINK HUERTA IN NORTHERN MEXICO NOW POLICE TO NAB English Officials Prepare to Arrest Militant Leader on Return From America. MRS. PANKHURST! HU AuoclalrJ frcn to Com llav TIiiim.I 1 Ullted Clllllliallllll City with tile troops PLYMOUTH, Knglaiid, Dec. 3. Intend to seek refuge In the United Preparations nro said to have been States nnd thus be beyond diuigor of niiulo for the arrest of Mrs. Kinniellne being tnken prisoners by the robots, Pankhurst, the militant suffragette, ' C.euernl Villa sent more Constltutlon 011 her arlvel from the United States allsts today to Intercept them. The. on board tho .Majestic tonight. A 1 generals, headed by Salvador Mor force of surrragettes under "Oeneral" cado, whoso desertion of Chlhuuhua Mrs. Flora nruininond will bo on the and whose statement that ho had no spot ready to fight for their lender's money to pay tho troops, is regardod , 1 .... I ...-. . freedom. IS Woinhhpin Pifu'c PlorHnn 'tj""""i "J - ,wu""" Bringing Out New Candi- ates and Withdrawals. ,,.,,., ,. ... ..,.... t,wi i.. Mw, ,m.,.n,ini.... i.. n it?, NORTR BEND SHOWING GINGER niuuu in lwu iiiiiiiutkit-n ill i in: i ii election in North Hond to bo hold ltnbngo, military governor, who ws on December U. with some with-; forced to abandon Cludnd Victoria, drawing and new ones running i.,... ,, , m,,.i, i on the Independent ticket. J. F.'m K 10 ,to, nniplro under ordora Orubbs, whoso term as Councilman fronl Ulo federal government to es expires In January, has withdrawn tubllsh his governorship. Tho wnr as n candidate for re-election, as ' iiUipartniont annonnceil that (lonoral Ao&JS. S1'""-: Ar.H.nei.,1. and other officers who flftd J. V.. Mullen, who was beaten at10"1 cl,"lml Vlclorln to Corrltos, In . ..... . ulltilt ..I On.. I .. In llnn..l 1... 1110 caucus as a cauiiiuuto lor uuy i ami i uiun, nmu Itecorder. has filed ,i petition ns n been ordered to reorganize th'olr forc candldato on tho Independent tic c . nm, lna,.ch IlK(,1Ht victoria. On ket. nnd Mullen's nctldn derided nccount of tll0 nntliro ot tho organiza- Shunter in. withdraw In hnlii elnl'lfvl .. .. a political situation which lie con- slilers Is becoming somewhat or n. ,.i,n i miiitilln While (he Socialist ticket bus not filed Its list of camllilntes, It li .........I .....I .,,.11. .,..11.. !,! Ilw.i-j mtlll'll IJU fMUll tltllllWI tj lit, Ik IMVtU will be eight on the ballot for tho tlit'im nfl'li-eu tit f minelliiinii to be tlltm! Hi li. n for t 111) offlll" of He colder, nnd two candidates for tho office of Treasurer. Criililn w tliilrew III favor IV'ni.! xmtliiL' that iir Iohl' it k the HmiMii' miction of North I ton il was represented suitably, no was wining to w t in rnw in rnvor or uio now candidates. A. K. Sinister KxplaitiH. To tlm Kditor of Tho Times: Con trary to custom and precedent, Mr. Tfilm (! Mullen has decided tlia't he will not abide by tho result of tho cniicus lioiil jsovomnor -i, in wiriu llnml l.ii t will linvn IiIh nllllio lllnced on tho bnllot as a candidnto for Ite corder bv potltlon. I Ills win mini' illit tlw. nolltlciil situation somewTint nn,i ulll m ii lie tliu result of tll4 election ns to that particular offlcs a bit problematical. It Is mv desire to do tho llttlo I can to 'clarify this niuddlo, and thus promoto tho best Interests of tho community. Ann, wnuo i Keen- lv niiiiiceliite the lovnl Slllilinrt of so many of tlio goon peopio oi North Rend, both borore, at tne time of. and since the caucus, I hnvti ffiniiiiiimi t int. an tliinuK consider ed, It Is my duty to withdraw from tlio race ror ucenruer, ny mi unm I bollovo that tho good peopio of 111 Im benefitted, and tlint tho contest will bo much simplified. Inasmuch as Mr. .Maynco reiunuu mntijk vntfta 111 tli ffiiimiH than nny IMUIU wwti ( ...u - - - ..tiw... miiwiiilntn for Recorder. It 1H fitting that I, Instend of ho, with draw, and, accordingly, i " BU his favor . In thus withdrawing rrom inn contest, I desire to tliatiK mosi heartily those frlondB who, both by word and deed, liayo expressed n do tormlnntlon to support mo through thick and thin for Recorder. Rofore closing, lot mo say a word in a somewhat difforont strain. A . ..,.l,ll, xm-unnu imiieiir to llllVn beon much amused, nmnzod! dazed bv mv candidacy inoy imvu loium ontortaliimont In misspelling my .,.,, nn.i iii nrnflxlnc a strnngo given name and initials. They seem to have r.uu conHinruiu v ml. whlio It would ap- pear that I am finite unknown to them, yot i am giuu umi i ' tnr known to tlio respectable peopio of tho comiii nlty. Very respecwmiy, A. K. SHUSTKR. Unless you have. . some grocery man that you want to give it to, savo a auurter by getting your flour of Haines. no.VT ;r.T kxcithr If you've lot something " three or lour line want mlv. hi Tho Times will bring It back. Tin; Times want mN get result. of Times, Const Mall Hay Advertiser. No. 115 Evacuation of Chihuahua Re garded as Admission of In ability toControL GENERAL AND MEN START TOWARD BORDER Inability to Pay Troops and Cost of Campaign Given as Cause of Evacuation. Mir An, Intel to Com llr Tlmrt J .ll'AHHX, Dec. y. -Confident that the seven federal generals who evne- n a Yiiiiuii nieai.iiiiwu oi me iiueria dlctntorslilp in North .Mexico, nro headed for OJInnga, on tho border. With the generals nro many subor dinate orricers, about 2000 rodoral troops and more than loot) the wealthier class. Villa had little hope of overtaking tho federals who left Chihuahua several days boforo their flight became gnown. if Oltll COMPANIES ACT. tnr AmocUIiM 1'rtM In Cont Hit Tlmri,) MICXICO CITY. Dec. I!. Tho son- port city of Tnmplco wns officially do clnred the temporary capital of tho Htnto of Tnuinlna h. Cionornl Antontn Uo n,"l ciiulpmonf, as well as the long instances nnu mu nroKen topo- . ... . . . grnpny oi mo couuiry, mo leucrai government will find It difficult to 0 hiiudlo tho mllltury expeditions with- . out trains, now that tho railroads luive been virtually deprived of fuol by the oil producing companies. (Special to Tlio Times,) COQUII.I.l), Or., Dec. a. At the meeting of tho Coos County Good Roads Association hero Inst night, a resolution was adopted favoring tho calling of n special election to vote $1 10,000 bonds ror permanent road building, providing It would bo ap portioned ns follows: $70,000 for u road from North Rend via Coostou ami adjoining sec tions to Ten .Mile. $70,000 for improving tho road from Coos Ray via Coquillo and Myr tlo Point to Rrldgo nnd vicinity, $100,000 for Improving tlio rond from Rnudnn to tho Curry county line. The action was taken after rather n spirited discussion and a commit too wns Instructed to confer with tho Coos county commissioners today nbout tho calling of tho special elec tion. Thoro wos a good attendance at tho meeting. The good roads meeting wns one of tho most largely attended ever hold In tho county and tho session was most animated, tho dobato being very spirited hot ween representatives of tho different parts of the coun ty. Tho North Rend and Ton Mile delegation wanted $150,000 for that road and finally tho compromise wns mado to recommend $70,000 for It. It was agreed that aftor allowing Ten Milo $70,000 and Rnndon $100,- 000 that tho bnlanco should bo used between Marshflold and Rrldgo, the work to bo started simultaneously at MarBhflold, Coquillo, Myrtlo Point and Rrldge. BROKEN WOULD 0IVIOE COUNTY BONDS i 11 I 'V'IUCR WBH a IllnJiiim. IK,i - M W V. U ... U V t W L. , W