THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 19 1913 EVENING EDITION 'Mr N EWS OF NEAR-BY TO WNS The Kitchen Heater Means Kitchen Comfort in Winter The kitchen heater attachment to the gas range easily holds fire over night. In the morn ing the i c: . in warm, there are no fires to build, and L.Oc.icfast is quickly prepared on the gas range. It enables gas range comfort through the winter. Burns garbage, trash or solid fuel and is made to radiate heat. Two places on top for warming or cooking. Avoids the expense and bother of setting up and taking down the solid fuel stove. An order placed now insures early delivery. Oregon Power Co. Telephone 178, Second and Central, BROOKIHGS IS ROGUE RIVER WILL ENLARGE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS OX TIME. SAILS FROM PORTLAXD AT 8 l M., TUESDAY, NOV. 11TII, TUES DAY, NOV. ISTII, TTESDAV, NOV. SMTH. . w SAILS FROM MARSIIFIELR SATURDAY., 7 A. M.; SATURDAY, XOY. inTII, 10 A. M.; FltlDAY, XOV. 2IST, 0 1. M.; SATURDAY, XOY. IMITII, 0:H0 A. M. Tickets on snlo to all Eastern points mill Information as to routes and rales cheerfully furnished. Phono Main il.-.-L. P. L. STERLING, Agent. BUILDING FAST Recent Census Shows Popula tion of 3.00, Largest of Any Town in Curry County. ' (Special to Tlio Times.) O.OLD BEACH, Or., Doei l!. The now town of llrooklngs, In southern Gurry County, Is building tin rap idly. A recent census showed over three hundred population within tlio town limits, which makes it now the largest town in Curry. The eon croto foundation nnd franiowork for the new sawmill of tlio llrooklngs Lumber nud llox Coinpnny Is all completed. This mill when in op eration will cut UiiO.OOO foot of lumber a day, and will be equipped with electric cranes and nil latest Improvements for handling logs nud lumber. A line of boats will run direct from Brookings to Sail Francisco nnd San Diego, nnd when tho canal Is completed, tlio company considers shipping direct to Eastern markets. There Is thirty feet of water at low tide at DrooklngH wharf; and by building out further forty to fifty feet of water can bo reached, which will enable the largest boats to load n full cargo. Over three miles of the railroad to t ho logging cumps has been completed, nud is built In a substantial manner. The townslte was laid out on con tour lines by I,. M, Muybeck, of San Francisco, who Is said to bo one of the best landscape architects In the West. The location for a city Is Ideal, on u second bench over- i looking tlio Pacific, and owing to tho fact of tho indentation of the ocean hero to tho eastward, Ilrook Ings gets no northwest winds in sum mer, which makes other ocean towns somewhat disagreeable where not protected. Tho water mains are being laid and streets graded, ami In a very few years llrooklngs will be one of the prettiest llttlo towns la Oregon, with n population ns largo as all Curry County hud In the 11)10 census. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. SAILS FROM PORTLAND FOR COOS BAY THURSDAY, NOV. 27, AT 6 P. M. SAILING FROM MARSHFIELD FOR EUREKA SUNDAY, NOV. 30, AT 11 A. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50. Connect bin with the Xorth Rank Road tit Portland. North Pacific Steamship Company. Phone II. ('. F. M'OEOROE, Agent. S. S. REDONDO SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, AT 3 P. M. Sail I'niiiclst rricc, HO.-, Fife Rid;:., or Lombard St. Piers Xo. 27. Intcr-Occuiiic Transportation Co., C. F. Mcd'eorgc, Agt., Phone 44. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMRER, LATH, SHIXULES, MOULDINGS. SASH AND DOORS. HOOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT THE FUEL KILL IN TWO RY USING OUIt WOOD. PHONE I0. 188 SOUTH BROADWAY REMOVED Opposite The Blanco Hotel TODD The Tailor LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title TruM Co. AhMnicts, thoroughly dependable. Im mediate service, prompt alien linn to nil interests of our clients, Minimum cost. I. S. ' Kaufman (f& Co. RUBBERS MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S RUBBERS ANY SIZE. AT ELECTRIC SHOE STORE. South Broadway. Send Your Laundry to Us By Parcel Post WE Fl'RXISII A RAO AXD WILL PAY THE POSTAGE OX ITS RETURN. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-J Marshfield SA FETV AT S'I'A K E. Punishment Necessary for Acts of 1. W. W. Agitators. There nro certain statutory crimes for which tlio Iiiwh of our land do not furnish adeitiatu punishment. There nro also certain nets against tlio pence and safety of tlio com monwealth for which our statutes do not mote nut punishment com monsiirnte with tho crime. Among these latter acts are those commit ted by AnnrclilfitH and I. W. W.'s In Inciting riot and advocating tho ov erthrow of government. Whon sov ernl months ugo the peoplo of .Marshfield ran threo I. W. W.'s out of that town and when, within the past week tlio peoplo of the town of Florence rose en mnsso and inn seven members of that organization out of tholr town, they, tho eltl 7.eii8, took practically the only meth od at their coniinnnd to rid thoiu selves of these object lonnble char acters. Tho organizations of the Industrial Workers of tho World, llko that of tho Anarchists' should not bo tolernted over night In any country worthy to bo free. And whon Governor West tnllts of enll ing out tho slate militia to punish tho citizens of theso towns, who hnvo acted solely from a patriotic and business standpoint, he hi pur suing n course that is hard to un derstand and which meets with hut llttlo approbation from tlio people at largo. To statu It In plain Eng lish, It looks ns though Ills Excoll oncy Is making a fool of himself. Port Orford Tribune. FISH SCARCE Fall Run Did Not Come up to Former Years Fish Hatch ery Has Been Repaired. (Special to The Times.) WUDDERIWRN, Or., Dee. 2. Tlio fishing season on Rogue River closed by law on November -0, but very few fish have been caught dur ing th In mouth. The fall run of fish did not come up to expecta tions, nor to that of former years, when tho late H. I). Iliinio operated the cannery here. Tho .Macleay Estate Company put up nearly fiooo cases of canned sal mon, anil 1ST tierces of mlld-ciire;l fish during tlio past season. The law opening Rouuo River to com mercial fishing went Into effect on the tth of June, tills being tho first commercial fishing done In Kogue River sluco It wa.s closed by Inltiu tlvo In I!) 10. Under tho new law, (lie season commences next year on April l. The fish hatchery on Indian (.'reek lias been repaired nud is ready for operation. A hnlf Ion of fish eggs is now on wny hero from Portland, having been shipped by It. E. Clun tou vlu the steamer llreak water. Mill Jones, who built the butchery ituder It. 1). Hume, and ran It un til the river was closed, lias gone to Coos Hay to receive tlio fish eggs and will haul them from Mursh- t'letd to Woddcrhiiru In a spring wngon, provided the Rustler or Randolph are not there to ninko a trip to Rogue River. ORFORD WHAR Ii is m ft Pnn w I llllll 1 COAST HIGHWAY ROOSTED. In a recent Issun of tho Del Norto Argus that pnper makes tho sug gestion tlitit tho counties of Coos, Curry nnd Del Norlo stnnd togothor In a united effort for si Pacific Coast Highway. A more scenic rl 'e, under ns fav orable climatic conditions cannot bo found anywhere us the one along our coast. A trl-county boosting organization should be formed and tho hall started rolling. Port Or ford Tribune. FLORENCE MEN IX JAIL. L. Ossenbcrg and .1. I. Lewis, tho two men from Floremo who nro charged with gambling, having been brought out by n Deputy Sheriff Wednesday night, are In the county jail, being unable to raise t lit $li."iO bail placed upon them by the Justice of the Pence at Florence. Eugene , .... ...i I i iitu ii. I MINI Ill FAMILY DINNERS In our now loentton, wo nre, es pecially prepared to cater to famllj trade. Regular meals or short or dors. Open day nnd night. MERCHANT'S CAFE. Broadway anil Commercial Mfld What Cures Seaema? THE INDEPENDENT AUTO LINE. Watch for Footo ponuant. Head quarters, Mnrshuold, lllnuco Hotol, phono It!; North Rend, Club Cigar Store, phono Mill. Ladles' wait ing room, Marshlleld, Rusy Corner, lllauro Hotel, Wlnklor's Phurmacy. North Rend ut Stur Theater. For cars prlvnto charter, phone M4-J. I VTo hnvo lind po many Inquiries lately refill illni,' Kczemu ami ntlior ekln ills cuhch. that we nm k'uI to inuUu our answer nubile. After careful InvostlK.i- I " Jjavo found that a simple w.iMi ?.t Uh'K'iKrewi, us compmimieil J' r';i.ti..N, can lie lellej pon. o would not malio this mate- , went to imp patreriH. frlomls nm neluli l'or iinlexx we were Mire or It and ilUitnijrh there are many so-called Kc zenm reineUles wold, wo ournelvea in icrl.?io!!b'1'' roco,11"(-'" U. L. ft rro- I Drop Into our utoro loiliiy, Jinit to tnllt wrlptlon. mtlta ' U'la wo,lc:c,''ul "" OJOJS SllJ(l bbojo poji Work on Brookinejs Lumber Company Mill is Reported Nearincj Completion. (SOLD REACH, Or., Dec. Word from llrooklngs, Oregon, Is to the effect that the llrooklngs Lumber Company's plant is rapidly being completed, nud that tho cor poration will have one of tho most modern mills on the Pacific Coast. The mill, which is I ho largest one on tlio coast except the Smith Pow ers mill nt .Marshrield, will be In a few dnys ready for tho Installing of machinery. A standard gauge railroad has been built u distance of threo miles up tho Checto River into the edge of tho company's tim ber. Resides a cook house, hunk nlntioii, store, barns, etc, tho com pany has already built probably fifty cottages, which nre occupied by em ployes nud their families, and the carpenters' crew Is building more nt the rate of about two a week. The largo locomotives, steam shovels, scrnper, etc., that nro at work, together with the number of logging cars, dining enrs, etc.. stand ing on sidetracks, remind the cas ual observer more of a railroad div ision Ihiin a logging camp. Each man Is furnished with n good spring mattress, good enough for n king, nnd plenty of warm, dean blankets, nnd when n man leaves camp the bedding is placed in u house, built for tlio purpose and f'inilgntod for six hours. In connection with tho bunk house there are two bath rooms fitted ill) with hot nnd cold water, for the uso of tho inon. One of tho first, things tho company did wns to bring pure mountain water Into camp by means of a pipo lino n dls tnnco of threo miles, and to lay n surrngo plpo nwny from tho town. Not only has the company safe guarded Kb employers, but has erect ed and equipped a neat llttlo hos pital and provided It with physician and n gradunto nurse, tlio only ones iietweeu llandon nud Eureka. Cal. Towards the maintenance of tho hos pital, tlio employes nro charged $1,00 per month. Annthor thing that speaks woll fop tlio company Is thnt each par ticular lino of work Is bended by an expert in ins lino, which in sures the grentost posslblo safety for the men. This precaution hai prevented any sorbins accidents In camp and tho strict sanitation reg ulations hnvo prevented any sick ness. Among soino of the improvements planned by tho company Is nn amusement hnll nnd n moving plc turo show. Tlio school district, con sisting principally of tho coinpnny's property, has notices of a spednl election already posted calling a meeting to vote u special levy to build a larger school house. ltlvTl'RX FROM METROPOLIS. Julius Koch, who hns beon In San Francisco for tho past several weeks, being treated at tlio dor ninn Hospital, returned to Port Or ford by Monday's stage. Though nenrlng tho four score nnd ton mnrk, Mr. Koch Is still spry and returns Improved In health. Ho says that Son Francisco has chang ed "sonio" slnco ho wns thero near ly hnlf ii century ago. Port Or ford Tribune. If you hnvo nnytlilng to soil, rout, trndo. or want holp, try a Want Ad In The Times, Shipping at Coast Port Grows and Contracts Are Secured for White Cedar Ties. (Special to Tho Times.) POUT OUFOUD, Or., Dec. U. Roderick L. MneLony, president of the Alncleoy Estato Company, of Portland, Oregon, has authorized extensive repairs and enlarging the wharf at this place, and Contractor P. II, Pen rue Is examining the wharf nnd making estimates for re pairing the same. There is u prospect, or a largo amount of business being done hero next senson. E. J. Loney, cushler of the Hank of Port Orford, hns a contract for the llotsford Tie Com pany, of Portland, to got out 75, (100 white collar ties. Tho mining development on Sixes Ulvor by Mr. Inuiaiin nud his associates will also bring much shipping over tho wharf and make business lively In this locality. Tlio (dieeso factory Installed by Chus. Ziimult on Sixes Ulvor this su miner litis succeeded beyond ex pectations and it Is probable nn other will bo put In on Elk Ulvor early In the spring. It Is being demonstrated that Curry County Is a first-class dairy section, and nil who go Into that business hero make good returns. This section has had a very substantial growth the past season; and looks forward to much greater development In I It I I. RAXDOX PAVINtJ ILLEOAL. Supremo Court Holds Xot Stating Material In Xot Ice Invalidates It. SALEM, Or., Dec. II. That u not ice of intention to improve n street Hint did not snecifv the kind of inut- t,. l, I.,. ..,,.,,1 I., tlw. ....n..,.t,.,,1 I... I lllellRli U'lilllllm, I. nil, . i itiin iu I iv, imui, hi nu iu.-iuii mi- i . '"n 'i-il ui nm . rn provenieni is voui unii coiners no """'"". Educational Growth r0 from Gold RiTl.SW Ootei'" Th- Tin,., umnl p .ii ' '' uec. 2.i ...... w , M in, . . -,U Sl'lifuil . ui una, ... ... ... --' i no, i . n.. - .ui ' met in ( i,i i, .'. yumrrw. llltllli, .. I IUM U-S.L ... a - . ' ill -i ,n, , ,U 1 110 L' Ii u,.i.... 10 fa ' hum U'nM. . "'ill i Miiessiir w iiu-. ui in, ;iii novel In n... mi, l lirst higl, Hc-lmni i. "'7. Cow cess and werkin,; " "'S M In tlw. . mij iiiiinh i-i. ii w 1 it i imp large acre lot surmi i avin hcI.ooI bull.i LS W'ng the .Wlk'l ! "M1C PIIftM I it..!.... t. "viii 13 frnrn n . mi.. I I.. .... V "U'HT, PnlAMi. in.i..t.. . - ry County. uu" P C . A ioui rirtoun m.nii. Ill III. Illf.ll ....I. I - vuiui ..1. ..ii... "l II B (11.1,1,.,. ..v. OV.HUU1 ustrM. . "inn smes or uociin ni... Hie Ulvor. ' lCn III nnn ' v'.et to TllO Tln,l COtJUILI,!.' Or., tw o "V... i ... ' ' A I .." mi. j .h.U . Ill V,(l( I1IIIQ W Tkllui. iMivomiior 'it. nt 4 n.ii. IT i i.iiik u. Adams M (i Aiidrlnn Leach nn,i m. ..i. niu, iiuiii (ii uus city. The ' wjis beautifully decorated urysanineinniiis nnd folla (iromoin- limtr xinnn . .. i"" wiiut'r u jurisdiction upon the city to make tlio Improvement wns tho decision of tho Supremo Court In the case of Eiiphciniu Dyer and others against the City of llandon. u wns appeal ed from the Circuit Court of Coos County. Chief Justlco Mcnrldo wrote ti.o opinion. Tho Court holds: "That the ruct tho plaintiffs stood by and allowed the Imifrovoinont to proceed without milking any protest did not stop them from nssertlug its invalidity by a suit to enjoin tho col lection of the tax. "Where th'e sevornl owners of dis tinct parcels of property hnvo a com mon objection to the validity of an assessment, they mny properly unite In n suit' to enjoin Its collection." RR HOI'S OE RAXDOX. .Vows of Clty-Ry-Thc-Sen ns Told by The Siirf. P. K. Mnrtln. an alleged short change artist, was apprehended at .Miirsnrioid Saturday by Constnblo Illackorby and brought back to Itan- don to answer the chnrgo. Ho wns tried In Judgo Wade's court Satur day afternoon and found guilty ns charged. Doing uiinhlo to Ihiuldnte tlio $2.') flno Imposed upon him ho wns remanded to tho custody of tho Sheriff and will servo n sontenco In the county jail. Charloy Rodoll. of San Mateo. Cal.. returned from n hunting trip to uurry county last Friday nnd departed on tho Flfleld, sailing Mon day. Ho succeeded In bagging ono flno bear and a largo amount of small gnmo during his outing and leois amply repaid for his trip. coionoi it. ii. Rosa and wife woro Incoming passengers on the Ellzn beth, which arrived In port Satur day morning. They spent almost n month In Southern California on their trip and woro presont at tho Coob County reunion, which wns hold nt Pnsadona recently and at which about sixty former Coos Coun ty peoplo woro In attendance. The steamer Dispatch encounter ed difficulties on her early morn ing voyago up tho rlvor Saturday morning through having boon blown ashoro on tho Tlmmons mud flats Just abovo Mooro's Mill. Tho llfo savlng crow and tho tug Klyhynm went to hor nBslstnnco and removed tho pasBongors, but It was not until at high water Saturday night that tho boat was gotten off. Tho case of Jas. McGlvnn. charg ed with forcibly entering tho house of W. 'A. Kollnr and extracting thoro- trom ono storo door ovor which a dispute wns in progress, occupied tno nttontion of Judgo Wndo ono day last weak. Through tho Inde fntlgnblo offortB of Thos. Hnggorty, uiuidon's ennrgetltc nnd comnetont young nttornoy, tho caso was dis missed. Tho defendant nlso answer ed to n charge of carrying conceal ed weapons, to which ho pleadod guilty and was fined tho sum of $10. RAXDOX WORLD SOLD. This Is the Inst Issue of the World under tho present ownership nnd mnnnnomont. Tho plnnt and business has been purchased by M. rressoy, or this city, and Louis D. Fol8lieIm, of Nnmpa, Idaho. Mr. Pressoy needs no Introduction to tho peoplo of this city, as ho is well and favorably known as a hustler irom tlio ground up nnd supplied with an abundance of that "booster spirit" two qualifications of unlim ited value to n nowspapor man. Rnndoii World. TELEPHONE CREW 1 1 ETUI I XS Tho tolophono crow, which has been ns far Bouth ns Oold Ileach, repair ing the long distance line, woro In nnvo inu.v.. ,0 town over Saturday night on tholr case." opP01"1 return north, having completed their i- ran . . .. ....,! Phono wiirir i'ritr n.ripi ,i'.iiki,MA iiiiiiii. '.,, . w, v w.wii i,uiiiiu, - ml.. . . . - " hi a iiJiuiy sown or CM .llllll., I ..I ...... A.l ...... . . iiiuu, ii iiniiiL'ii wun snadow n.i.l ,.immI...I 1. , ...... ii uuuuuei or i cnrysantlieniiiiiiB, came In oi in in nt'i Kiuiuiminer woo her away. She wns attended by Nettle Intil in!... ii....... .. . . i i . -...a, i. j p.u.,11 ill him. n . iiuuii i-iuiiu lie ciiine arm m pink enrnntions. The grooa attended by Robert Sligle grooiiismnn. After the ceremony a dalnli mug dinner wns served, present were Mcsdames J. gle, (icorgo Leach. A. A. (i. R. Wlckliam. Eucene Jess llltc, Fred Slagle, Cat and MIhh Ncttlo Dellonl; Menrt ( Cllnirln flnirtrn Tyidrh i I inili l.iiirntin VMVhatrl TiU H Fred Single. Cnl Slagle, Hirrr gle, Everett Single, Robert Rev. Frank II. Adams. Nell ( sou. .lack I.cncli, Master Calrli Weekly. 'I'l,.. 1,1,1,. nml nrnnm hnlh till tuiul nt frlnnili! who wish then Joy. IS STILL 1XIHSP0SF.R Coo. R. Miller, who rehired IIS llOlllo III uum ueoiu from taking medical treatnt Myrtle Point. Is still court . . ll imiispnseu. mi. .'ii'i" treated for tlio results 1" I severe iiiiihk ui Orford Tribune. ROPtJII AT HAXD0.V. iiiifiinr Thursday and FrWf ..... I. ,1,.. cnnlh Mil I1IHL WUUK l"U du". -k :l llioroiiKli uiiM.' --. ',lni, ntlfl V(!Ullt;Bual liflllllKll UG ClllllUA. -.. ' ...i ...uh o 8; tW ira o. comuiuuu n -- j M.?j:i:riiht 1 llllllll. "-----, hi IJUIIU11 Mill, t... lU AMallA I1I1IC3V ' ni.ii iiviii-'.- '. . ... Till toi. is roiii;u ..v. Ic ImMllL' UD SOB""" the const. llandon Su". vii'iill,AM WlM- ,inn,,nr Northland t n,.fnvit in luc at. rori -.ui . . for a shipment u - . ti a.. I.mlni Tie Kon' j Z" out the wlrele-' this Plaro n coupje of j i i.... onii ui. j a UOl'lur, " ...-nttl rowed to her as she W- ... i,,...i,ni- nna on"' , Ulrlli or a Tribune. den. hns been "i':-. th, til In the northern . some Mr" ' .J 10OK1I1K . ..ItflB"'1 v.n.nHnns in that section. ford Tribune. .n If I ..Ulurblng' Kiuney . kdney i are nil evidences of , Mrs. Mary A. friti street. Taunton. Hnvo imssed by thought I wa KIJ medlcino, ouv '-v.necUi' VW ,i.ion 2U1 Oil. JIM PIV HI ?50(i item foom , cc