The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 29, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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nn.v tlili'H 'H" ",mt 1,1 T'io Times
want columns. If It Isn't there nil
vrrll' for it. Tlio cost is .small nut
(ho results will stirprlso you.
Portion of City in Darkness
for Several Hours and Rest
of Lights Dim.
Marshficid Shut Off From Out
side World Breakwater
Parts Stern Line.
w 1 1 : i :s iia.mi
The Times suffered more or
less from t ho Htorm, tlio elec
tric power not being available'
J to operate Its ninehlnery tlur
I the major portion of tlio fore
noon. Ill r.insoiiiloneu, consid
erable matter hnd to lio omlt
tcil from today's, paper.
Lack of telegraph service nl
cn kIiiiI off the regular Asso-
clateil I'ress report.
I For the 21 hours ending at
I i-.r.i a. in., November 29, by
IlenJ. Ostlind, special govorn-
inciit nielorologlst:
Mnxlmum 5 1
itfiilumni i::
At I: :s a. m 15
i Precipitation It)
Precipitation since Sept. I,
I '.it;! 15.75
last year 2 1. 111! 1
Wind: Southwest, cloudy. I
Taking a final slap at CooH Coitn-
ti- lipfnrc cleii III-' mi. (lie vnnlli
east Ktorm last night causeil con-'
fusion In the lighting system ol'
Marshficid, put tile Western Pnloii
wires out of commission, prevented,
the wireless station from hold ng
rommiinicatlon with outside points
and shut off tho rest or the world
(mm Coos Hnv fur m'nr lunUn
A few minutes before tdght o'clock
last night tiie Oregon Power Coni
pany's wires were parted during u
brief but howling galo which struck
thft eltv Tin. U'll'nu trrfiiifwlml mi
iiroa.iway near Hiro.i. and on Fourth
i r in I II n TP I rnn I hli 1 1 n I '
F WtnANU icLtwr WIHth
a A ft ftV I I III A. ma.... . I -
omer points, but no damngo was unurcn esumes rrogram
Old IMimt Is Usetl. I Carrying out the full program, dur-
In order to help light tlio dark-' lug which Senator Ira Smith spoke,
eneil city, tlio powur was not turned despite tho flickering of the lights
off and men wore set to wntch tho and the storm, at tho Swedish Lut'liur
croiinded wires to warn nedestrlans. I an C-hurch, ltuv. Mr. Uonson annount:-
The "Id power plant nt North Uontl
was connected up with Mnrshfloltl,
mi me joi or providing Julco for
tne two titles resulted In tho dim
ami flickering llghtn during tho
nlRht and this morning. Gangs of
men were set to work splicing tho
power wires curly this morning nnd
the. service will roach Its normal
ttfiKe again tonight.
During the heavy gust of wind
during the nlghtr tho Htorn lino of
the Ilrcnkwator. which was berthod
at ho coal hunker tnklng on fuel,
parted and tlio stonmor'H stern
wung nut Into the Btream. Cap
win .Mncgenn whistled for tho lantl
JDB men. hut stnted that none could
e aroused and ho left tho boat In
tno fairway until the title swung
her stern back to tho Bide of tho
real hunkers.
. , Xo Wireless Tcs.
Owing t0 tlio power holng off tlio
weless plant was out of conunls
oii dining th0 night nnd enrly part
tho morning, so that any word ns
o damngo sustained by coasting
WselR ,onhi nt bo Bocurod.
iho Western Union wires wont
town In the storm nt7:. TO o'clock
w n gin and u to u Into hour
Pletetl romlrH ,,nd not l)eo" com-
Telephone wires Down,
ino long distance tolophono wires
e alfio put out of commission by
J'e storm last night, nnd dp to a
we hour this nftornoon the only
fUtSIiln iml..t ...i.i-i. i
"on foui i bo secured by 'phono wn8
ar.l Hnv ri'l.r. I.. -r 1.
i . . " lutiu wiicts in iuiirnii
nnd orth liond also oxporlenc-
v"oi ifianio trouble.
w... t'.,,',t's Hl' wn Far
.irl 1 1 s,10l. ttt South KIghMi
irect, reports that a Jorge limb
tL. 0 wns ulwn ncn-ss Eighth
mn!, ,noar nla ,,0UB0- The limb
S "ll"0 roio from a long rlif
Mr. Shook says that another " near Ills houso
just as if a real cyclone had struck
h,.C.i.n8ll5oraule damage' was caused
iLi10 orm ,n tne vicinity of AI
.A8??' ' 'o wind breaking windows
na blownR logs Into the creek, and
harves'Vl"ff mUk Ca"B frm the
n Storm Delays Mail,
roari. aotlnt of the condition of the
ner ,botweon Roaeburg and Sum
hon'J i BtaKe wafl 'n excess of bIx
roBMni. ,n arriving at Sumner,
srrMTlontiy th0 ma WRs late
rivlnfe' at the Postofflce today.
"mnr nieetlneo nf thn trtbo nre
aM tl J11 Finnish- Hall the first
at S-ftft 1 Mon(1ayB of each montfi
n.,;"!' n. Your presence Is ro
uted. Something doing.
C. L. PEKNOCK. C. of W.
leN'lK) sails SUNDAY at
ttv ci...M" fron Coos Bay FOIl
Wind Storm Puts Out Lights
and Rocks Structure, Caus
ing Women to Scream.
Through the coolness of .Miss
tiara .Myren, who was playing an
organ solo In the Swedish l.uther
Inn Church during the bazaar pro
igrnm last night ahout !i o'clock, a
jp'itilc was averted and a number
were saved from Injury In u rush
lor tne t nor. when t ie l- itu
Overbead electric wires nenr the
church grounded when a J'lorce
southeast squall struck .Marshflehl,
the flashes lighting up the dark
ness In the chinch In uncannv fash
ion. The velocity of tiie wind was
such that to a number present It
seemed as though the church walls
were about to cave In.
Although the eery situation mint!
when Miss- Myren was only half
through her solo, she never wavered
niul played through to th. end.
women who had commenced to
scream in I error became iiulcted t n
"earing the sicady continuance oi
l,1R' music, 'intl after it was found
Mint the lights remained hlai'k, the
'urge audience filed out of Hi
i church In good order.
Despite Storm and Flickering
Lights , Swedish Lutheran
cd tho following as winners In the
bazar comiiotltlou, which comes to u
close with tho program tonight:
For best wheat bread Mrs. 11. G.
Fulton, first; Mrs. Victor Ogren, sec
ond. Graham bread Mrs. Peter John
sou. Rolls Mrs. Adolph Snndtiulst.
Tho enko and coffee cako contest
will ho decided tonight.
Tonight a flno musical' program
has been arranged and tomorrow the
pastor will conduct the usual ser
vices In the church, with Sunday
school nt 9 :!."), morning services nt
11 and evening services nt 7:30 p. m.
State Treasurer Kay and Gov.
West Clash Over C. R.
Peck's Appointment.
SALEM. Or.. Xov. 20. Stato
Treasurer Kay objected to tho stuto
board employing Attorney C. It. Peek
of Mnrshllold to assist tho attorney
general in connection with tlio Lin
coln county tide lands caso. now
ponding on appeal boforo the United
States Supremo Court, when tho mat
ter wns brought boforo the board.
Govornor West recommonded tho
nmtiinvmant nf Peck because ho said
ho Is th ono who pointed out the
federal question Involved In tho case,
and mode It possible to perfect an np-.wl
peal to tne I i
Court. Tho Governor 8aiu i'ecj is
familiar with tide land mntters anu
has taken nn Interest in tins case,
w-nv Raid that Attorney General
Crawford told him that Peck did not
point out the federal question In
volved nt an, aB no iiiiu&uu uiduuk-i-ed
it. Kay said if anybody was em
ployed to nslst Crawford he wanted
to get a Portland lawyer, with a
bigger reputation than Is accredited
to Peck.
Attorney Peck lias niado a proposal
to take, tho caso for a feo of 1800
and actual expenses If tho state loses
and $4000 and expenses If the state
The case Involves all the tide lands
of Lincoln county, which tho stato
supreme court held belonged to the
Corvallls & Eastern railroad under
the authority of a grant from the
legislature The state board has had
thn .nun annealed, on the ground that
the legislature had no authority toj
Mark Betwesn the Number and the Name of Each Candi-
date Voted For. 1
For Mayor. (Vote for One.)
13 X F, E, ALLEN Independent
For Councilman for Three Years. (Vote for Two )
H X R, A, .COPPLE hideoendeiit
For Councilman for One Year. (Vote for One.)
For Recorder. (Vote for One.)
EVERY loyal citizen of .Marshlluld should vote next Tuesday to wive this
ril " :,!l,'ofl.! ; i;Berv,.llve n.,,1 business n.l.nlnlstrntl, .nf," , !
,.f.?V.. I1"'.. 11,0 TlinoH Ih satisfied that the above men are ..ualltle to
v. J ..' ; ""'Vu"- rapamo service r.s guardians of the eltv's weiruro
weir. I heir records are written Into the records of the cltv and thev have
rendered a excellent acount of their stewardship. Thev shoi.ld I e reflected
to continue the Rood work they have thus far performed.
i.i "
.. miikiii wiiHon, uie candidate
sluntlnl Investments. Ho Is n broad-minded, liberal citizen. d who
la well qualified by education, experience and Judgment to serve on the
fly council, lie Is tax payer and vitally Interested In Its prop-ess and wel
fare. Arthur Mcheown Is too closely connected with the Coos Hnv Water
com cn. to be elected to a place on the council thaf will hnvo Important
questions concerning the water franchise and water rates to settle at nnv
iiinc. As .1. W. liennett's son-in-law he should realize that personal anil
pub. Ic interests would bo In eonstnnt and continual conflict. Vote for Mr
Wilson and avoid such a trouble.
jwyasDNotCl ExceS Seef.K0.0'011 of Ron ,nstitl-
LinVit ir Mmohll ? 1 tions Becomes Latest Mat"
Limit in Automobile. , ter of Pressing nteresti
"Not guilty" was the declarntlon
or eight automobile drivers who op-
erato machines on tho different
lines running between here and
North llend when arraigned yester-
day morning on the charge of ex-
t ceding tho speed limit. The charges
wero mudo by 1), I.. llucklnghaiu
and C. A. Pettlt ns private prose-
t utors.
Those appearing heforo Itecorder
llutler and unest onetl by At-
toiney Kendall were: F. Holtlon.
l.vnn I.tunbotli. I). Ii. Footo, Percy
Phillips, . Frank Sago nnd Claude
.Tucker. Attorney Kendall nsked
tlitit lwiiwli U'nirniitu I ii (uanrwl In
produce F. Mnloioy unci .lorry Kin-
ney, nlso charged .with speeding.
It was stated by tho others that
unney was ill in ne.i, ami i i n
.Miuonoy iiatt not neon seen sinco ino
prevlouB morning. Hoth men were
ordored to npponr n court or glvo
ample proof that they were unnblo
0 'n!e Cnorreders' hearings were
set for the afternoon nt 2:30 o'clock
but a Jury was not secured until
I P. ni. . .
Tlio roUo'wB'jury'"!' securetl
by Chief Carter to try tho first
enso, t lint of Claude Tucker: W.
C. Ilradley, foreman: George Cook,
II. A. Kimball. W. S. Nicholson,
Lloyd Rose and J. II. Rnhskolf.
Attorney R. O. Graves represent
ed tlio defendant nnd nctlng City
Attorney Kendall led tho forces
for the municipality. On this side
wero Engineer D. L. Hucklnghnm
nnd C. A. Pettlt. who testified that
Tucker had exceeded tho speed limit
on North Front street. Their evi
dence was to tho effect that they
had measured off n portion of tho,
streot and had timed tho machine
....1 1... M... rn, !. un.i..t
ill nun ny i i nil ii.iiii mi- -.v......
it passed thorn until It turned nt
nn nngio in tno t-oatiway.
Tucker, on being sworn, tleclnred
that ho had not exceeded tho speed Dr Aociat.i rrm to root nr tiiom.i
limit. D. L. Footo being called on home, ITALY, Xov. 20. A brll
ns .a witness for the defonso. do- jnilt COremony attended the opening
clared that n special effort had been r t, inrllnmoiit by King
made by tho drivers on the day of ' "
tho arrests to keop wlthlp the speed Victor Emmanuel yesterday. Tho
limit. Ho declared that the Conn- King, accompanied by Queen Helen
ell's decision to prosocuto spoedoiB
had been learped by them anti nai
Hie uinciiiiies wero iiuijiwdvi .in. v..
alow to avoid arrest..
When tho first case finally got
Into the hands of the Jury, the Int-
tor. after considerable discussion,
finally turned in n verdict of not
T.iai wtinn tho rest, of the cases
b(J trje(l ia(J 0t been decided
tills morning,
gYant awayVthe " tide" lands," "which
should have been held for the bene-
Kay said he thought Peek's feo too The King's speech was greeted
large, and the Governor asked him for tho first time by represontntlvea
to decldo whnt he thought tho board 0f all claBsea of mo nation, made
ought to pay and ho would bo respon- ,,0B()lb)e by tno introduction In Italy
Bible for the balance. The Governor . ' , sllff..a0
said that C. S. Jackson of the Jour- t uimcrsnl sum ago.
nal had offered to furnish' the money
to see thnt tho case Is properly pre- Mlt. XEW COMER
sented in the highest court If the Have you $1500 you want to invest
board did not feel Inclined to do Jt. In a good, well established paying
Secretary of State Olcott snld he business here In Marshflold?. Thorn
thought the state ought to be nblo as D. James, at the Chandler'Hotel,
to employ necessary attorneys. He has If for ale. Soo him at once,
suggested that the matter be left open , ..... - Ball8 " KI,VIIA v llt
until members or tno supremo couri, - . c n FOR
which has employed Peck to represent iVv FRANCISCO
It in matters in Coos County, could be r RArtCIHM).
inten'lewed rogardlng his ability. EAST8IDE KERVICE.
In the meantime, the Governor ask- Vesper services wjll be conduct
ed the state treasurer to decide how ed at the Eastsldo Hall from fiMfi
much he thought the state fcoard to 6:fj Sunday afternoon by nev
should allow for a fee In the case, Cooley.
. lM- -! mm, nn novon
tor the one-year term, bus proven
' ' " T"""-
WASHING ION, U. C. Nov. 2!).
1 1,0 locations of the regional reserve
banks to bo established by tho nmv
currency hill became n matter of pres-
. ,,' , ' ..
h1"k "l'o-tance when tho Democratic
conference resumed work today,
Tiio lnslstcnco of Senator Hoke Smith
,, So,mt()I. nni.0 f Georgia tliat
.,., , .i .
,ho 'OTltory tributary to Atlanta
would not do business with n regional
bank at Now Orleans mav force tho
......r,,,.,.,,,.,, .....h,,,, . i.,ur i,,f,....
nl,J' trlctB and locations for banks,
Willie tho ndinlnlBtrntlon 'proposes
eight regional bnnks, the conference
....... .,.. ,11(...eafi,. .... to t01.
'! "I "at l'assetl tho Ho use
provided for ten. T ho decision or tho
. conference, when It has given its final
"W""1 t( " f 11
accepted aB binding by nil but ono
or two democrats and the measure
will bo taken up ngnln In tho Senate
Mo,1(,a- under circumstances expecte.l
to bring nbout its early passage.
Ceremony Attends
(-,, -..
Convening Of
Under Universal Suffrage.
aij tho Royal Princess, drove
tlu.0UKll thl.011Kt,(, Bt.eotH la tl0
Senate House, where, surrounded by
mombors of the Cnblnot. proceeded
wth tho reading of his speech from
,,,., , ' . ,. c,.
clnlists. Professor Enrico FerrI, In-
dependent Socialist and Carlo Doll Rermbllcan. hitherto had al-
way atayed away from the openings
Qf Parllnmonti
A Consolidation of Times. Coast Mull
m:u tons
Frank Lingren and Wife at
Einlith orl n ilwDw..j
U.IVJIUM aim uumiuiiy nuuijuu
Thanksgiving Night.
Unknown vandals broke Into the
Iiome of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lin -
gren. living near Flghth and Don
liellV. Wlllll. til., Ilir.wl
attea.llng the special Thnnksglvlng ' . ' r" ,ul roiiortPil fl-w
services, and stole about ?io ,t0 the his nlglit with
casli. a nugget gold ring and other A.,, "L, ,vlvi ' w ' ''h. rnuVJ
vnluables. The house was prettvl,,u' "nV ,0 "ink.1' slow "'""Iwaj for
well Hi.!ir..ii..,i )... it .,,0 :
fully nnd was not discovert.,! nntu
late yestenlay by Mr. Mngren.
i . ' . . . . .
in ndtiiuon to the money taken.
there were a number of checks.
deeds, notes and other valuable pa
pers, nut tneso were lort atter hav
ing been examined. Untrance to
the house was gained by a skele
ton key. Mr. I.lngren siys this Is ' ' j (rnTn, ". r
the first time In a long while that! . ."'1. wn"J 8 Ll,(,I.,"r
both have been away a. the wmoK'Sft, wireless '.Tnt oK
lie valued the gold ring especial- IS'rom "'th rVhZ
ly as a memento of his minim; dava .T, A,"l,,w .. .
having ha.l It made about fifty yean
a.:o In San Francisco from pure nug-
gets that ho ha.l secured himself
It was he-ivv uold with n eltiver -
onr 5i..n
Redondo Cracks Cylinder Head
and Will be 24 Hours Late
Leaving Marsh field.
Delayed by n cracked cyllndor
head, tho steamer Hcdoudo, Captain
F.rlcltBon, was unablo to leave for
snn Francisco this morning ami she
Is scheduled to sail tomorow niorn -
ing at 10:30 o'clock, twenty-four
hours lute.
T'o moulding of n new c.vllntler
bond at tho North llend Iron Works
Ifl boI)B r8i,ed with all the speed
h machinery
, '.VOrke.l nil dav and will
utlllzo every minute posslblo to ex-
petlitn tho repairs,
Those booked for tho pnssago to
San Francisco aro as follows:
II. A. Enstnian, Fred A. Straub,
II. Sengstacken, Milton Qunkeubush,
W. Quakonbnsh. Mrs. W. Quaken
bush, A. W. Piitmnn. .lainfs Fahlln,
Richard Wnxinuth. Win. Waxinuth,
Mrs. F. N. Wnxinuth. F. N. Wnxinuth,
Myrtlo Wonthorby, Mrs. E. E. Straw,
Mrs. Cnrrie Harrington, Ruth Slm-
nions, N. W. Sliuinons. Mr. and Mrs,
Antono Peterson, A. Marterosoff, U,
AUtono i-eierson, a. .uarierom,.,, . .
MartoroBoff. L. Setrnkoff. Jacob
Smith, Ed Johnson, G. I.ochl, Ha ion
Cruz. IF. It. Montnguo and Ilormnn
Interstate Body's Report
Shows 140 More Killed
This Year on Railroads.
tny Ano'liM Tri'H lo foo ntr Tlmn.1
WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 20.
The Interstate Commurco Commis
sion's accident bullotln Issued today
for tho quarter ending Juno 30, 1913,
shows thnt thero wns a total Increnso
of 110 In tho number of persons killed
anu oi injury ""
cldents of all kinds in tho United
and of 8223 Injured lu railroad ac-
HtIUCS ns compareu wiiii rviuriin
or ine correspuiiuniK huiuiki- m
1 ii 1 2 . was an Increase of 124
train accidents. Defective road
way and dofettlvo equipment
caused moro than 38 por cent I
or tho derailments, and It was
reported thar lfi.1 por cent being
caused by broken rails. Tho total
nmnlmM fif fll B 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 flU ft U u kinds
nf nr i.l.ipntH Incidental to rallroadlnc 'nation of tho ratichcis horo, has post
of nceldents Intl.tontni to raiiioa iing. j(oned thj eoUll(f wlll(,h wa8 ,.,,
tuning ino iiuiniur nun .uoii mi
nnd 10.011 injured. Tho total num
ber or collisions nnd derailments wns
3590, or which 148 collisions and 202
derailments affected passongor trains.
Tho financial damage caused by tlio
accidents was $3,234,280, a material
Increase over the second quarter
If you've lost Miinethlng a three or
four lino wnut ntlv. In The Times
will tiring It hack. Tin. Times want
nils (jet results.
No. 112
nay .tivertlsei.
Big Schooner, Rumored Lost,
Has No Trouble and Is
Near Golden Gate.
Able Craft Fifty Miles South
of Mendocino at Noon Ac
cording to Wireless.
ti..i . .
'. '"' repor.-s recei-.e,- at noju
uuiay iiom .Mcndenlcno by tho n.
I1.!'1' ,1?!n,l'h'1, n,"'"rt, ""ye m t
1 1 ' bU 1 Hf st.-rm last night, was
- ! I ' " , 10 ''"Do an J
' ."uniiior of limns.
Tho iv'nd
' ,,:I,0.M.P( ',,H. "ilng. however. jmJ
Annimu iu im hut w n..
... . ... .... v, ,,,,,, mm ui &ifi
lost time on hfr passage to Kntt
Frinclsco. (
The rumor of the Aililnm Rmiii.
having foundered ' stnrtn.l no o'io
knows where, 'but lntiilres kept
pouring into the Times ufflco nnd
at tin. c. A. 8m t i mt nil in ta.
( "' ,. ..... " '
..' V' ... l, . l0. .5" ' k'. vwl.B
"ft ' ", ' , " ' ' J,1 , K"
! lth . l,":,l,,l at Cipo lllan.'J,
.repoillng al, woM on tho lumber
Speaking of the supposed found
ering of tlm steam schooner, Cnp
taln Mncgenn. of the Ilfcnkwntor.
declares that It would be Impossible
for the vessel to sink, owing to hor
construction, and the news that
she weathered last night's gale
without ilimeiiuy Hears this out.
steamer Clears From Marsh-
i .. . ou,i..i- utuu n
List of Passengers.
With thirty-five first cabin pus-
Bengers and ton steerage, the stcain-
or Ilreakwater. Captain Mm'konn.
cleared from Marshflold this morn
lug nt ::!) o'clock for Portland.
She took a considerable cargo of
Tho list of first cabin passengers
.1. L. FoHter, 11. Snnfonl. .1. A.
Conro, Hoy Montley, Mrs. A. Ilng
tiulst, .1. 11. Del lardy. C. Dell.irdy,
Mrs. W. Jacobs, V. M. Nessen. R.
L. Martin, Edna Thorp, Howard
Jensen, J. F. Johnson. C. II. Ilnn
ley, G. T. Nalllcnr, Geo. Marshnll,
Lena Geo, Mrs. E. McDonald, John
Olson. J. RasmusHou, M. Chrlstof-
, An,,urH0l Al,01.80n, Mr.
Q , C(), , M Q w Col), w G
, "v ,, Sliy,h)r Al(,0 rown A
, Me ,!, cl(.. Waller, Ham Sayro,
Nick Pnnhovltch, G. Morch, A. J.
Ford ney.
liar Is In Mud Shape.
After running tho Ilreakwater
out to tho edge of the rollers
breaking on the liar this morning,
Captain Macgenn passed up tho at
tempt to take tho ship wifely through
the huge seas and returned to tho
MurshNfht dock to await a moro
fnvornhlo occasion to get clear from
the hay.
Captain Macgenn reports tlcsplto
tho unusually high tide, tho wavon
were breaking wliero thero was fif
ty foot of water, which. Indlcnten
that tho swells havo assumed enor
mous size. Tills mudo tho urea of
breaking waves two or three times
Its usual size lu heavy weuthor.
Miitlsli Craft Takes Witter After
Relay by ltlxti Troubles.
tnjr AnnorUtt-il I'riii. lo l'oo llr TlmM.J
HARROW. In Furnoss, Englnnd,
Nov. 29. Tho battleship Emperor
-iot Indan a8t 0f the four vessels of
... ,,..'. .,,.,,, ...., ,.I1Btri.c-
naval construc
tion program, war. launched hero
yesterday. I lei construction ban
been considerably delayed owing to
labor troubles nt the shipyard.
PoMihh.c .Meeting. J. M. Cully.
who Is heading the nioiromont for tho
organization of a co-operative organ
fQr oxt Wcei: until uecomijor is.
Ho had word from Organizer Frank
Murkholder of C'oqulllo of the Farm
ers' Union that he cannot come until
December 12 and lonsoquently tho
lclny. The meotlng wll bo hold on
Friday, December 12.
a.m from Coos' Hay KOlt