MI - VT" THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 19 13 EVENIMG EDITION. IRVING BLOCK V I -. ! who will Do PERSON Uj notices of visitors In the t-lt.v, or of Coos Day people who vls't H othor cities, together with notlT- of social affairs, are gladly r 'colved In the social de partment. Telephone 133. No tices or club meetings will be pnbllshf I nnd secretaries are kindly ruiiuested to furnish same. SHU'S A woxper. She's a wc nm snail and cheery. Tolling long, vtv scHom weary. If a man 'n Judge liy what he thinks he sees; She Is neat an I quite the lady, Still unwed, hut not o!il inald.v She's a wondor and n marvel, If you please. dred or more couples !n iitteiidnnce. Delightfully blending the quaint mysticism of tradition with the modernism of the fashionable func tion, thu ball will wuiid iU bilthe soto and bonny ternluli-horean way through the night of eerie enchant ment on Hallowe'en. In keeping with this season of high carnival when witches, fairies and will o" the wlst.'S wander abroad in uninnny revels, will bo the display rf hym !.ol3 of witchcraft arrayed about the walla in creepy enecnibl.'. Jack o' lanterns will leer from unexpected places wlrh romantic slgnlilcaiue. COXTRIRUTIOXS concerning social happenings, Intended for publication In the society depart ment of The Times, must bo sub mitted tn the editor not later than fi o'clock p. m.. Friday of each week. (Exceptions will bo nllowul only In cases whore the l events occurred later than the I ''me mentioned.) L. M. Xoblo. .Mrs. J. S. Coke, Miss Kvelvn Anderson, Mrs. (let). Mitrc.li, Mrs.' 13. P. Lewis, Mrs. Otto Scliet ter, Mrs. A. l.agerstrom, Mrs. 1j. V. Traver. Mrs. V. H. Curtis and Mrs. Wm. A. Toye. The (lulld will meet with Mrs. Win. A. Toye Tuesday afternoon. VOl'XU .MATRONS' CM'R I Mrs. Otis Wilson was hostesM to tlie Young Matron's Club Thursday afternoon. Mrs. II. H. Coleman, Mrs. I), E. Maloney, Mrs. K. I,. (Irannls, Mrs. R. W. Morrow, Miss Nettle Sav age, Mrs. .1. (. .Iarvl nnd Mrs. Ouy Km dull wore ei rt-lned by Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Kenilitll will be the hostess next week. I I MRS. E. C. PERHAM HOSTESS I 4 In honor of her mother, Mrs.' A. Hutcheson. who Is 7S years of age today, and her sister, Mrs. .1. S. Mc- vinhnu nmi:hv mil' Mice Uvler. ,,,"nl'. ol Alaska. P's. E. (,. l'or Mcnois, uoi3n an i .iui- I'jui, ...,., !..? tutu nfim-nnmi. ami . ' " ," " . liUiieueou was fcrveu ai i:.m o.v .urn. Vivian St'lver, Ora Katheiine Rerry. Cousins She Is crisp of spech and forceful I am suro that's she's resourceful; To depend upon herself she likes, 1 think. She enn face a crisis surely: Full of courage, yet demurely She can meet en-h moment's need as quick as wink. I bcllovo sho falters never When she makes a great endeavor Hut at lo'ist he never fnlls, you can bo sure. She has tact to match her power. Which she uses every hour. And her patience through the ages would endure. No, sho Is no queen whose glory Is a grand historic story, And site Is no faded heroine, you'll find. U Is not so hard to reach her She In Just a young school teacher, And the wonder Is she makes our Thomas mind. Selected. fT'S NOT true that there aro no perfect wives," gallantly declared mi elderly man who lives In this town. "I know, because I've got one." When told how her husband re garded her, the wife remarked: "Well, he's a perfect husband." And there you have the answer. It's not so dllllcult to be n per fect wife If the husband is some where nenr perfect. How can a woman be perfect when a grouchy h shaml refuses to recog nize her virtues, to speak the word of praise or admiration or the ten der little nothings that are so dear to every woman? A wlfo soon stops striving to reach high Ideals when she lluds her best efforts no moro appreciat ed than the most slipshod methods. When she discovers that a sweet temper accomplishes nothing, she no longer seeks to control the sharp tongue. When she llnds that kicks Instead of caresses are her rownnl, slie kicks back. And so the loving ness and sweetness of her bride hood degeneiate into sourness and seltlshnesH unless she Is of that sclf sacrlllclug kind that Immolates Itself upon the altar of wifehood and motiierhood, wearing Itself out as a matter of course as the merely nec essary Instrument to keep matters moving. Just because In her soul Is u salutlliiess that can't lie killed, i Such a woiii:mi passed not long ngo. She was old and careworn. Invalid nnd glad to die. In the Inst hour her husband sat clasping her hand, kiroHo'l with toil and rheumatism. "Mary. Mary," he sobbed, "You mustn't leave me. I'll miss you so." "If you'd only said that to mc Hiioner, .John." she whispered, "I think I'd have lived longer." He'd been a hard man. demand ing everything, giving nothing. Ills children were estranged. Yet he thought himself kind and Just be cause he had always paid what he owed mid bad never cheated any man. Rut he had cheated his wife of love and kindness ami his children looked upon him as a tyrant. This man lavished Unworn upon the grave or bis wife and reared a white niarnle shaft to her memory. He sincerely mourned hr death, Mut. Just H those Hiwers 111 the shape m' Urn loesses and cousld- emtio"- t I- i -'list life, and a little c ' 'io iii.ni. y Hint went Into the marble f'-'if wh'ch siw might hnvo used I'vipUm: I maitillTI'TI, AI'l-MIR. t .Mr. and .Mrs. A. T. Haines were host ind hostess Wednesday even ing at cue of the most brilliant social functions of the season on Coos Ray when they oiitertnlned about two hundred guests it a mus Icale and dancing party at the Eag les' Hall. The hall was artistically recorated for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Haines received at the door, Mrs, Haines being most beconilng v gowned In blue. Messrs. Frank Heath. 0. W. Kaurinan. Horsey Krcltzcr and Dr. W. A. Toye were the ushers. The evening opened with the miislcnlo. the program being one ef the best that has ever been given by Coos Ray talent. Miss Mabel Harrlgan. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .1. T. Harrlgan, made her Initial appearance before Coos Ray people ns a violinist nnd scored n decided success. The others embraced the flower of Coos IS.iy talent and never did they appear to better effect or with more artistic success. The pro grain was: Violin Solo. Ilaesche. Souvenir do Wloninwskl, Mabel Harrlgan. Soprano Solo, Gounod. C-ivatlno from "Queen of Sliebn." Mayme St.inley (J Id ley. Reading. "The Night of the Over land," Esther Silverman. Flute ..olo, Popp, Concertstucic Op. IDS, Wolfram Schineddlng. Soprano Solo, Von Weber, Aria 1'rrui! "Oberon," Evelyno Conway. Violin Solo, Massenet. Meditation from "Thais," hew fCovzer. Accompaniments played by Mrs. William Horsfall, ,.Ir. There were twelve numbers and four extiMs on the dance program. Programs were distributed by Misses .Marlon Horsfall and Louise (Rdley. Many new mid beautiful gowns added to the attractiveness of the gut boring, which was such a suc cess from social, artistic mid en joyable standpoints, I unch was served during the evening. 6 MRS. SWAXSOX ENTERTAINS ! C. The Social Sewing Club was eu-erti-.lned by Mrs. .1. C. Swanson T 'iirsday afternoon. The usual af tcru ion cf pleasant sewing and con vnrsatlon was enjoyed by Mrs. I. ('. Swlnford. Mrs. I). Rees. Mrs. I). Rhodes. Mrs. .1. W. ('liiipmon and Mrs. (leo. Ayre. The club will meet. Mi November t! with Mrs. .1. W. Chap man. a. x. w. ci.ru. ' Mrs. I. Lando wns hostess to the A. X. W. Club Thursday afternoon. No business of Importance was tn. un acted. The club next wool; will meet with Mrs. M. R. Smith. .Mrs. Lau do's guests Thursday were: .Miss II. R. Corning, Miss W. Watson. Mrs. E. Me.Miillen, Mrs. E. Terrell and .Mrs. Riiffnor. The mouthers were: MosdaiiioB F. E. Allen, (i. A. Ren net t. Olivia Ednian, Frances Haz ard. (Sen. F. Mui-cli, W. P. Murphy.. .iary .McKiilglit. c. F. McKnlglit, L. M. Noble. .10. O'Connell. II. E. Qnlst. ("is. Stauff. II. Reed and Mnrv Smith. 1 .MIXXIIMVIS CI. I'll. I HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY The Home Missioning Society ol the Methodist Church met with Mrs. M. R. Smith at her home on llroau Pet-ham, assisted by Miss Agnes Hutcheson. The old-time friends of both Mrs. Hutcheson and Mrs. Mc Donald were present to renew old memories or days gone by. T'-o af ternoon was truly one long to be re membered. Tlie Invited guests wore: . 1.1 A ., .1 niviiii Mt'U ltit wav Wednesdav afternoon. The work I'. 'V ' ' lone bv the missions In Mexlca cud '-K'llght. Mrs. C. . Tower. M s. Japan was discussed at length. The "rten Tower. , to. Nol le O wen. week of Prayer will occupy the day Mr. A. 0. Alk n. Mrs. .1. L. l eiie. m mil I ii i . i .m is. .Manna remain. . . set for the next regular T' ose meeting at Mrs. Smith's were: Mrs. F. E. Allen. Mrs. E. II. Cof fin. Mrs. 0. X. Rolt. Mrs. O. Wllsen, Mrs. M. R. Rrowu, Mrs. Mears. Mrs. E. A. Harris. Mrs. J. E. O'ooley. Mrs. .). It. Rnhskopr nnd Mrs. Howard Savage. I 31. E. HnOTJIERIIOOR. 1 The Methodist Rrotherb'jnd held a verv successful meeting at tlu home of E. II. Jobenk. Interesting talks were given by several of the mem bers, which followed n selection by a quartette composed of Ed Rich ardson, Leroy Robinson, Frank Howe and W. Williamson. E. II, Campbell spoke on tithing. F. L. Sumner on church nffalrs In general; E. II. Johenk on the question of how far rellulon should enter Into inlltlcal affairs. Mr. Rurk gave a discourse on the charity work done by the police department In Xew York City. The gathering was a very Instructive one. Those present were: F. L. Sunnier, Frank Rlrch, August Isaac son, 0. H. Myer, Ed Richardson. Mr. Williamson, Leroy Robinson, Frank Howe, 1m L. Howe, Geo. Get ting. Mr. Rurk. Lee Ryerlv. E. II. .Tohcnk. E. II. Campbell, Rev. Jos eph Knotts and David Nelson. 4. I NORTH REXI) LAMES' All) The Presbyterian Ladles' Aid met at the homo of 31 is. C. T. Farlss on I'nlon nveniie. In North Rend. The followng committee wns appoint ed to plan for their social meeting, which will be held on November IS; Mesdames L. F. Falkensteln. C. T. Farlss, Geo. Hortinan, M. E. Guern sey, R. C. Holmes mid Geo. I Inzer. .Mesdaines Elmer Russell, II. O'Mara. R. C. Holmes. V. E. Wattors, Rog ers, Win. Vnnghan. C. A. Smith. Hln rey, Geo. I Inzer. W-inn. Geo. I). Mnn iilu". Itobt. McCnnn and .Miss i:in:-Russell. Curtis. .Mrs. J. S. McDonald, 3lrs. A. iriitc.heson, 3Irs. H. Reed, 3Irs. .1). L. Rood. Mrs. E. O'Connell. Mrs. Eniinn Nasbui-g. 31 i s. T. I Toward, Mrs. Win. Doubner, .Mrs. 3Inry Coko. .Mrs. Annie Short and .Mrs. Esther Lockhart. ! I KITCHEN- SHOWER. ! ; Misses Ressle and Eliza Ayre hon ored .Miss Edith 1 Hillenbrand with n k'tchen shower Tuesday evening.1 at their home on South Ninth street. 1 The parlor was prettily decorated with greens of ihucklebOrry and nas-1 tiirttuniB, the color In the dining room being green and white, in which a delicious luncheon was serv ed. The evening was a most de lightful one mid passed too quickly. The guests were .Miss Edith I Hillen brand. .Miss Alpha .Maiizey. Miss Ruth .Matthews, 3Irs. .1. Kinney and Mrs. A. S. Rlaucharil. : I NARCISSI'S ( Ll'R I .Miss Hilda West was hostess to the Xarelssus Club Wednesday af ternoon, aided by .Mrs. Carl West. TlU! afternoon was a pleasant ouo or sowing. The club will bo enter tained by .Miss Nellie Olson on .No vember ii. Tl'o members present were: 31lsses Hnttlo .McKay, Stolla Peterson. Tnleon Wilde, Rlanche Tel- lersen. Thorla Lund, .Maggie Robert son, Hilda West nnd Xellle Olson. .IOIXY DOZEN. SILVER TEA to her own judgment, would have helped her to,, Mrs, stay with him longer; for a happy Man woman wants to live, i)(.rH" Do you put on rose-colored gins- with ses when you regard your wife? I Are you always good tempered, no' matter bow business cares and rani-' lly responsibilities press upon you'.'l. Have you been kind and patient! when she was tired and nerve-, worn? Have you been honest with her In every way? Have you asked , Iter to p'ay with you as well as work f 'r you. ami have you given her "better" as well as "worse" to share with you? Have you shown her that she Is precious to you? If you haven't done anv of the1-'' things you can't expect to have u perfect wife. I And If you love your wife, don't! think it beneath you to show It. Don't hide the fact In some back cor-ter oi your soul. Even a wlfo needs to be shown once in a while. Mrs. Wm. E. lloaglanil. aided bv lor daughters. Ruth and Wllnia, (' iirixMigly eiiterlnlned the Mlnnle WIs Cluli at her homo Thursday. Miss E. Silverman was a truest, Mrs. w. II. Perkins. .Mrs. C. Divis. Mrs. Win. Dashney. Mrs. F. H. Dresser. E E. Kelley. Mrs. A. 'A. Downs, Chits. La Chappelle and .Mrs. E. Thompson being the nieiii present. The club will meet Mrs. E, A. Harris In two weeks. I The Women's .Missionary Society or t'-e Presbyterian Church will hold a Silver Ten Wednesday afternoon. 'I he place of meeting has not boon definitely decided iinoii. but will be announced inter. The Vostes.es will be Mesdaines I. S. Smith. C 11. Walters. A. R. Snow. II. E. Folsom end C. II. Lowry. .MARRIED MONDAY. .Miss Lydla Halm and Lester Mc. Donald were quietly mart led Mon day evening at the oHIces of Judge J. F. Hall, .Indue Hull performing the ceremony, with 31 r. and .Mrs. .lack Davis as witnesses. .Mrs. .McDon ald Is the daiinhter of .Mr. nnd .Mrs. John Holm. Tlie young couple will live In the family home recently va cated bv .Mrs. McDonald's parents. .Mr. .McDonald Is a chniirfeur he tween North Rend and Marshllelil. They have many friends who will wlslt them well along lire's highway. TO ENTERTAIN AT DINNER I 31 r. and .Mrs. F. L. Grnunls will entertain at dlnnor Tuesday evening. This is the second or a series the first or which wns given bv .Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Darker. A . RIRTHDAY PARTY, 4 l - Miss Ruth Ressey celebrated her tenth birthday anniversary on Sat urday last, by Inviting n number or l'or friends In fir a Jolly good time, Tlie party gathered at the E. L. Res sey route on South Coos River. 3Ilss Ruth's guests were: 31Isses Ernia and Irene Hudson, Catherlno Rarry. Gladys Ferrey. of Marshtleld; Dor othy Diingan, Susie Worth, Luov Res sey. .Marie Rogers. Jessio and Flor ence Smith: 3laster Wllford Worth and Frank Ressey. episcopal en rum (in mi. .Mrs, Hugo Qnlst was hostess to the Episcopal Church Guild Tuesday afternoon. Tho afternoon proved n pleasant one for .Mrs. Frances llnz ard. 31rs. 3Iary .McKnlglit. 31rs. R. E. Browning Mrs. II Bi-nlile'il Miss Laura Kruse, (if North Rend, was hostess at n delightful little sew ing party Tuesday afternoon at tho home of her parents, 31 r. nnd Mrs. K. V. Kruse. Rofresluhoiils were served at tho conclusion of tho nf ternoon. Among tlnso Invited wero 31 is. Fred Kruse, 3llss Esther 1m holf, 3Irs. D. Vnnghan nnd mother, 3Irs. Ii. F. Falkensteln, 3Irs. Ras mtissen, 3I1sb Thea Kruso, Mis. R. K. Booth mid Mrs. G. A. Dennett. . I 11AITIST SILVER TEA. ' Tho Ladles' Aid or tho Rnntlst Chinch gave a very dollgV.trul Silver Tea Wednesday afternoon, A slnrt program wns given before the soclul nl'ierii'ion begun. The mooting was opened by a prayer by .Mrs. A. F. Rnssford and threo well-delivered (Continued on Page Three.) I HALLOWE'EN BALL -4 t rue nan to n0 given next Friday evening at the Eagles Hall by Judge arifl Mrs. John S. Coke and 3lrs, .1. Albert Matson promises to be one of tho Unost functions of the fall season on Coos Ray. Coos Bay so ciety will bo at Its best in the It tut- BIRTH HAY CELEBRATION Miss Eva Van .Ho. of North Rend, celebrated her twelfth birthday an niversary on Saturday last at the home of her father. A. Van Zlle. The nfteriioon was a Jolly one, of which ntt auto ride to 3IarsliUold was 'a feature. 3Irs. A. Cousltis served the guests delicious rofreshmonts nfter their return. Miss Eva's guests wore; Misses Helon and Doris Fal kensteln, Isabelle 3Iacgenn, Gladvs Mantles and Fireplaces are pieces of Immovable rurnlturo that aro most useful and con spicuous In nny home. Their appearance makes or mars any room in which they are. Therefore poor workmanship or faulty con struction will destroy their effectiveness or chnrm. Anyone having nny dltlicultles of this kind may consult tho undersigned ns to Its correctness. I nm also ready to build now ones. I will, be pleased to conrer nnd consult with anyone In rereronce to building nnd can Install thorn in dwellings now in ubo without any unnecessary inconvenience or waste. U you wish any additional information In reference to my work and ability, leave word at The Times olllco. Respectfully submitted, J. N. BAYLISS Tho Jolly Dozen Club was oiiter tnlned Wednesday afternoon by .Mrs. R. F. Hush. The afternoon was a most enjoyable one, ns the euter tnltiment, furnished by .Mrs. George Rourke, was very Interesting. Those present- nt the home of .Mrs. Rns'i were: Mrs. G. Jolitini. .Mrs. II. Ol son. Mrs. II. M. Albee, 3lis. A. B. Snow, .Mrs. X. L. Sanilon, Mrs. Win. (Jalo and 3Irs. Geo. Rourke. .Mrs. W. F. Squire will entertain the club on .November 12 nnd will nlso furnish tlie afternoon's entertainment. ! SISTERHOOD MEETS. The Slstorhood of tho Christian, Church mot Tuesday nl'lernoon at K-o homo of .Mrs. A. E. Stovnll on Goldon avonuo. The nrtornoan win a successful ono enjoyed by 3lrs. .1. IAV. .Motley. Mrs. S. J. Inniiel. .Mrs. Chns. A. Powers, 3lrs. W. A. Reld, 31 rs. W. R. Cox. 31 rs. E. II. Drew. Mrs. .McKnlglit. .Mrs. .Mattle Hindi. Mrs. Win. McCarty. .Mrs. J. .1. Mor row, 3Irs. E. L. Hopson, .Mrs. J. G, Kinney, .Mrs. Paul Sterling. .Misses Carrie Ross and Derma Campbell. l ! I SEWIXG PARTY. ' SINGLE PANTS CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS Men and Boys' Hals and Caps Quality fit and price all giiarantenri tn i,A with our customers. c 'siactory We have several beautiful, well taiinmri worth much more. uren s suits Moe now $15.00 hi out muuk we are snowing a stylish FULL Pnv semi-peg; pants of beautiul materials, browr hi,,0' gray mixed. A splendid suit for business ! Ae All wool. Price now MtjO These garments are of an English tvnp" ' . are cut to fit in just a little in the backs and t !oas jusf a trifle smaller in the-legs. The mist in the market. Beautiful colors. Silver Gmv SU,S Dark Blue Dark Steel Grav Invisible Check V?!' at!.!,,i..$25.00, $27.50 8nfi II Why Pay More Than We Ask? Ii is m-intention to sell liiorHmnclisent the km HHl'P JiOSSIDICjH IS tlllS tllllt llMS "lVCll US Hist lLl( in 'oos County. We Shall Continue to Undersell Because 1st. Wo c:i! Mini do underbuy. 2nd. Our expenses are lower, volume of business considered. ' :ird. We Mi'" not paying ono cent ol' interest to anyone. . -I th. We do not pay a commission to anyone to k lor us or to guarantee our bills. ")ili. Wo never offer one article below cost' iindliolJ yon up ou -mother. This is always the work of the faker. A .,:a!'c rule: Never buy until you visit The Golden Rule Ten Employes, but always busy. There is a ream WE HAVE .ITST RECEIVED A SIIIP.MKXTOT Pure Sap Maple Syrup IX 1-1! CM,. CAN'S. TlllS IS THE VERY RKST SVIUT THtt MONEY CAN Hl'Y. COME IX A NO SAMPMI IT AXI M VIXCHR. Coos Bay Tea Coffee and Spice House 181 Markt. Phone :tlM-,l. 1 I r " 1 V P f.nnwflV LO.. bI in .mi.h." ...innlH Ut II.. - Vjd hor Why Pay Rent? ....Inrv rail at 1 IrvliiB lllwk' 1.10 Front Street' Children Bee fori rtbll If they know It came ory. It s a3d e lMl cllnnry W,vrm 'fl s rroni ties i children hea I') f1 , , of hrcad. Tpeyll ' p, t R romes from be try It? Coos Bay . SPIIiELLA CORSETS max be obtained la MarshfUld from Mrs. Annie Holland, Corsetier. 152 So. Gtb St. Plum 200X. eklM!3 I. servii .... I be I1 MsrJtetAT CITY AITO AM . ... lit! A new taxicau my n"0 my nuiu - ...bti,- i WUIgo a're pi Blanco Cigar Store. Nlght phone .13 XOM Ii"1""