ffATCH LEST THE COST Of SPEED EXCEED THE GAIN ATTAINED BY CELERITY ffioos Sag Stmra YOU CAN FIND ,iV (IllnW .V" w,mt T,,e T'nies unlit columns. If it Isn't there ml- vcHIm" f" ,1, 'r,, cos' ,s 8111,1,1 """I the results will surprise you. hox't f.'irr excited If you've lost something " llireo or four Hue want ml v. in The Times will bring It back. The Times wnnt nils get results. member of Tin: associate press. VOL AAA VII. N T,,w C(mst MalL MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 19 13 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. LATE DEVELOPMENTS SHOW 1 LET US TALK IT OVER A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull n ml Coos liny Advertiser. No. 82 GRAVITY OF MEXICAN SITUATION Sir Lionel Carden Thinks Eng- land Has Right to Policy of Own in Mexico. HUERTA SAYsThE IS NOT A CANDIDATE "Rebels Have Murdered Entire Population of Village After Fierce Fighting. tly Amo- Ticm In Com Hay Tlmr,J WASHINGTON, I). C Out. 24. ..Developments within u few hours In the relations between the United States and .Mexico emphasized the gravity of affairs aa moro ominous .than nt any tlmo since the Wilson administration began. Absoluto gllcnco was the oYtlcr nl official quar ters. Tlio release of the steamer Mnrrn Castle after peremptory demands by tlie I'nlteil States terniinnted Hie delicate situation. Orders were in preparation t the American MFF T TON GH T u T Chamber of Commerce to 'Hold Session C. A. Smith Invited to Speak. The Marsh field CJininber of Com merce will hold a mooting tills evo lng at their new hall In the Sneehl "building to tale up various matters. Among t hum will probably be u discussion of the Jetty and bar Icv- pmvomenlH and I lush ..Mel.nln, who has' Just returned from Washington will probably report tui them. JJio 31111 ;Hloitgh closing matter ami .a moans of expediting It will o thu conimuiiilorfi of i also probably bo brought up. warships off Vera Cruz ( . a. Smith has been liiv died to to Insist mi thu vessel's lmnicillato.hu present and address the meeting. release. I). C. (Ireen will probably bring A statement Is in course of prep- up, th question of getting thu life arutlmi by beeretnry Bryan iiml saving station moved to the new Counsellor John liassett, which liryt.u location, a ntnttcr that he has been brought to the White House for the working on for some time. President's approval. No Intimation I of its cements was revealed but .lean situation is generally uouliiiud there Is every reason to believe that - to questkwiK of tilt; genuineness of More many hours pass notice 1-tho j the aliened Interview given by sir United States that It will not brook any Kuropenn Interference In Mexico Lionel Carflen, HrltlRh Minister to Mexico, In which ho Is said to htevo re- by the warships dispatched to Mcxl-, ninrkwl' that, "tho Washington gov fan waters by tho vnrlous foreign eminent does not understand tho Hit- Bovoriiineiits will lo proclaimed. It Js understood also that the govcrn jneut will reiterate tho American policy that only governments found el on const Itutlounl law nnd order will be recognized In tho western hemisphere. Nino battleships or tho Atlantic fleet will sail tomorrow for Mcdlt teranean cruise. They will bo In tonslaiit communication with tho poweriui wireless station hero at east until next Tuesday. Thnt the tnnen .states may bo required to taek up these mensurcs Is bolng tnk en Into consideration by tho admin istration officials, nnd whllo no com ment Is made, the administration is prepared for any ovontunllty. nation In Mexico." Most of tho news papers here urgo a speedy disclaimer of the Interview, declnrlng that the Americans, being near Die spot, are better able than Croat llritnln to Judge the situation. president vn.sox reivses TO DISCUSS FOHEIGX AFFAlltS IlKVOM'-noxiMTS MURDER ITT V'S MNTI 1 1 E POPU LATIOX (Ilr Avnlnlisl PrM t Cnon pT Tlmm.J WASHINGTON, 1). C, Oet. 24. I At the BOinl-wookly conforonco of the nowspapor correspondentH tho Presi dent for the first tlmo declined to dis cuss foreign relations. Ho asked to bo excused from speaking on tho nt- tltudo of Croat Ilritaln or other phases of tho Mexican situation. The departure from the custom of speak ing frankly on International affairs is regnrdod as deeply significant regard ing England's attitude. Wr AuoililM TrrM lo Coos nr Times.) MKXICO CITY, Oct. 24. Tho rev olutionists have murdered tho cntiro population, numbering about fifty, of 'he vllage of Choran Atzleiirln, In tne State of .Mltlhoacan, yesterday while thow woro defending the village from tlio looters. Tho villagers "sht until their 111111111111111011 wan exhausted and then used machetes, "ones and clube to bent off tholr assullnnts. but were ovorcomo and 'W and tho village burned to tho bromui. The rebels are reported to hvo tortured Lieutenant joso Dra camoiues anil two soldiers .belonging 0 a 8nii'11 Federal garrison stationed "ar Cameroim, south of Nuovo Laro- ' .Muir klllng tho reinHlnilor of federal troops tho rebels are to lmu skinned tho soles .ft 'tho !I Icet f threo prlsonors, walked wem soveral miles and then behead iThwl hecamso thoy refused to about KCiuranza. UteWM.JNT WULRON CON- SIHHHS CAtDIDACV OF DIAZ Wii'"1 rT'M ,0 Con' B Time..) "oiUKUTON, . C, Oct. 24.- O KVEIIAL Iesucs nnd several candidates will loom prominently in tho municipal cnmpalgn in Mnrshflcld. Hut in tho Judgment of The Times, the paramount live Iesuo is the Intorrtnent of polltlenl and personal factionalism here beyond resurrection. This is a civic scourV iniu u wore tony to eontinuo any longer. The everlasting feuds nnd factional wrnnglings over ancient differences are as millstones nround th neck of civic progress. This pnlpnhle evil In tho body politic can't be cured by equivocating and dallying with It. It should bo ended quickly and for all time by all elements formerly In disagreement uniting with common purposes and '11 common activities. This Involves no surrender of principle' or of self respect on the part of any particular cause or taction in tlie past. On the contrary the past may bo and should bo blotted out as far as its differences nro concerned. Nothing good that hns been achieved should be undone. There should bo n clean slate upon which to write In the future. And thlrf history should bo written in hnr- mony with tho promotion and welfare of tho whole city uppermost In tho mind of each and every citizen. Whether he wills It or not, every citizen exerts an lnfluenco for the lioncllt or detriment of his community. If he Is unwilling to acknowledge any obligation to his community, and tnkes 110 active part In promoting Its Interests, his influence Is added to the burden loyal cltizons must benr '11 working for commercial betterment. If the citizen criticises his fellow citizens nnd his communltly's facilities without trying to Improve local conditions or to work In harmony with his follows, ho Is a "knocker," tho worst enemy a community can have. All community advancement Is wrought by the efforts of thos'o public spirited citizens who through sunshine and rniu, good report and III repute, giving their fellows nnd their community the bcnellt of the doubt, go right ahead earnestly working for harmony and progress. Tho upbuilding of a community helps every worthy person and Institution In it, rcMiruing a hundred-fold the efforts and expense contributed by each. The citizen Is making a good Invest ment when lie expends tlmo and money for the general wo! fa re and in 110 way can he render better sorvlce than by helping to promote harmony 111 the civic life of Marshlleld. 2 WIVES NEW ELECTION LAW IS ffl EXPENSIVE HUNDREDS OF MBS KILLED IN DISASTER IN NEW MEXICO SEATTLE HAS PLAGUE SCARE Waterfront Being Torn Down to Eliminate Danger of Plague Epidemics. (My AMcH'lalcd Pmt to Coon liny TIiiim.1 SKATTLH, Wash., Oct. 24. Dr. J. G. Chrlchton, health oiricer, Bald tho bubonic plague rat situation was serious, but that tho Department hoped to suppress the disease. "Not for six years has thero been a case of bubonic plague among hu mans In Seattle." .he said, "and In that time we havo found twonty-four plaguo Infected int." Tho Infected district Is being torn down In nn ef fort to mnko the waterfront' rnt- proof. I'KOICKAh Al TIIOItlTII-S WIKh HUM IX FK.'IITIXfJ lMiACUK P. D. Chamberlain Cari't Sup-. Must Register Before Novem port Two Families on $300 Per Bound Over. The following from tlio Portland Oregonlnn tells the latost develop ments in the marital troubles of I ber 3 if You Wish to Vote- Other Changes. The now election laws will bo ap plied In tho Marslifleld city election this year and will probably causo TICItltlFIC STOHM HKPOHTKU IX SOl'TIIWICSTKUX LOUIHIAXA (Pr AunrUlix) Pre. lo cnoi nr Tlmfj.l NHW OKLKANS, Oct. 24. A ter rifle storm was reported yestorday In tho Southwestern part of Loulslnn, which killed nine porsons nnd Injur od fifty. Wires nro down in the stricken district, and news from n large portion of tho state nro not obtainable. FOHTV DKOWXKD WIIK.V SHIP STHIKKS OX FINNISH COAST "ti0)menli) attonfting tne attempt8 " Central Felix Dlat-to start a catn for thte Mexican presidency, and. " Went turn la the .situation be nJ1 the United State and Great ""tain over tlio latter' attitude, en of attention or Prerident WH fltt,,a"d Secretary Bryan today. The tw f Huert ,ed to th6 be,,ef "iA0Uier nnnoncement frta the ... er 6an government may be eipect- Pointing to the Inability of Hwr ,J foment to conduct a fwe m fair ejection, , . , Polish waxVTrden's INTERVIEW DISCLAIMED nil N' 0ct 2- In the absence . iUiarmiU0Q from British (Hr AMorllel I'm lo root p7 TIibm.1 1I13LSINOFOHS. Finland, Oct. 2 Forty sailors nnd passongors on tho Finnish steamor Westkuston woro drowned whon tho vessol struck on p roof near Vnsa, In tho Gulf of Bot- sonln. Nino wero rescued; C1TV OF MOXTKUHV I1KIXG ATTACKKI) FKOJI Ahh SIDHS JDy AuocUUi rreti to Coo D7 TlmM.l MEXICO CITV, Oct. 24. The press criticisms of the recent utter ances f Sir Lionel Carden regarding Washington's lack of understand ing of conditions In Mexico do not appear to havo much affected the British Minister to Mexico. He ap pears to regard the matter as an un warranted controversy with which he declines to have anything to do. Sir Lionel explained his views to day, but firmly declined to be quot ed again. He drew a distinction between the views held by him aa an Individual and thoso he held as an official of his government, but tlnce the public, he said, could not or would not distinguish between them, he believed It wise to withhold any further opinion. It was easy to observe that Sir Lionel Is not fully In accord with D. Chamberlain, -tho legless type- nioro or Jess of a stir. writor salesman who is accused of For Instance, if you hnvo not rcg inaklng a Marslifleld waitress his istored by tho night of November :i second wife before he t'ot rid of tho J'0" will not bo entitled to voto at first -wife: tho election. With wlfo No. 2. formerly Miss Nominating petitions must bo f 11- IJva Selmor, or Mnnfhlk'ld, pleading ed with tho City Recorder on or be for his release. Municipal Judge Sto- foro November 7. Hnch petition must vonson yesterday bound over P. D. "o signed by nt least 27. Chamberlain, a typowrltor salesman, 1 No olector can sign the nomlnat- to tho grand Jury nnd released him iR petition of moro than on can on ?2f,0 ensh ball. Tho ball money didnto for each oKlce, that Is, you placed for him was the same which cannot sign for moro than ono enn- ho had gathered Monday to seeuro dWIato for .Mayor, but can sign for tho release of Miss Selmor, who had three Councllmen, becauso threo boon held In flint amount as a mater- Councllmen nro to ho elected, lal witness. I c"' Attorney Gobs and City Itc- Pliiniiv .in niinmborlnln's nilinls- corder Butler Issued a statement to Ur AioclMr1 itim lo root Hr Tlmrt.j WASHINGTON, I). C, Oct. 21. C-rricliil reports to the Public Health Hendqunrters say that seven rats In fected with bubonic plague I nvo been found In tho waterfront district of Senttlo this month. Surgeon Gen eral Blue considers the situation re quires nctlvo measures. Surgeon Simpson hns been ordered from San Francisco to assist Surgeon Lloyd nt Seattle, where fumigation of ships has been directed. COUNSEL MAY slon that he had a wife and n 12-year-old child In Portland, Me., Pros-1 editor Stndter asked that tho caso bo given to the grand jury for disposal. Chamberlain admitted that he earned about ?:!00 a month. "Keeping two wives takes all the money I hnvo, Judge," broko In Chamberlain, bo- foro Fitzgerald could interpnso ills objections, nnd Miss Selmor, or Mrs. Chamberlain, ndded: "With mo nnd his other wife, Mr. j this effect today. RAO JAW IS GIVEN BLAME Chamberlain has had a pretty hard , u . - o U tlmo making both ends meet." Sho.tCl Handiel, OT Lamp O HaS hesitates about prosecuting him. Mllf.iml Cvnlonoiinn fnn His Trouble. Ed Hnndtel, now employed at tho J. LONEV, tho Port Orford Smlth-Powors camn No. S. and Geo banker nnd boostor, Is in Marsh- Matthows raised such a disturbance Held today on business. I in tho Rogers rooming houso last 'night that both landed In tho city S. BARTON is here todny from Jal, Thov ,voro Llmrc0ll w.t In- LOSE PAY Attorneys for William Sulzer, Impeached Governor, Will Wot Get Pay From Him. Mr AMorlatrtl Vmt In Coo nT Tlmra.) ALBANY, N. Y., Oct. 24. Unless n special bill In Introduced In the Loglslnturo for the payment of tho fees of William Sulzor's counsel, they probably will not receive a cent for tholr work In his recent Impeach ment trim. Judge I). Cady Herrick said they would not ask tho state to pay them, nor did they expect nny pay from Sulzer hlmseir. Ho hns so far paid them nothing, and thoy would not ask him for a cent. Rescuers Exert Superhuman Efforts to Save Those Who May Be Alive. SUPERINTENDENT OF MINE AMONG MISSING Poisonous Gases Render Res cue Work Dangerous . and Difficult. (Pr Amoi-UM Trrn lo Coon liny Tlmrn.J DAWSON. N. M., Oct. 24. What Is tlm futo of the men remaining In the workings or Shnrt Two of tho Stag Canyon mine Is tho question on tho lips of hundreds of mothers, wives and children ns they praised the efforts of the mine giitudR nt work nround the mouth of the mine. This wns the Incentive that spur red hundreds of volunteer rescuers, to nlniost superhuman efforts to pene trate tho workings tilled with poison ous gases. So absorbed were the officials In the work of tho rescue that no check had been nindo of tho number of men In tho mlno nt the hour of tho disaster at It o'clock yesterday afternoon. Dur'ng tho morning scores of experienced miners from thu Colorado Holds reached camp. Fresh squndB wero sont Into tho workings ns their predeces sors emerged exhausted. Tho finding of twonty-Ilvo bodies was announced nt 11 o'clock, but several hours must elapse bo'ore they enn be brought to tho surface. Of the six brought up two wero Aiuorlcnns, Arthur IlayUs.li ,uid Wal ter Johnson. STILL AFTER W PERSONAL OVERFLOW Coqulllo today on business. toxlcatlon and causing a disturbance. Handtel had an awful looking Jaw and said that he came to town to have It treated. He said that last night he could not sleep and took A. J. M. ROBERTSON and wife and 8ome "W" to soothe him and the J. E. PAULSON, tho Coqullle lum berman, is a Marslifleld business visitor. I daughter of Coqullle, are Marsh' field visitors today. MRS. FRED HOLM and Miss Ellen Holm expect to leave next '.veek for Berkeley, Calif., whero they will visit Miss Slgna Holm. G. W. TEWILLIGER and family ex pect to leave next week for San Francisco, Mr. Tewllllger having disposed of 'his business here. 92.50 REWARD. for the names of the two fellows riding Excelslon motorcycle who hit me on my wheel In front of Post office Friday p. m., Oct. 24. H. E. Leppert, at ThomaB Music House, FOR RENT Modern house, no chil dren wanted. Apply Davis and Bwanton, or Phone 47-L. trouble followed. Each was fin ed 5. Ed. O'Brien, who was sentenced once to fifteen days In the county jail for stealing a suitcase at the Blanco, showed up again last night and was arrested for "mooching." He was fined $10 and told to get out of town, Jim Hayes was the only other of fender and was charged with Intox ication and drew the usual penalty. FISHING TROUBLE. John Johnson and Erich Aho have filed charges with Justice Pen nock against Frank Hamilton of the launch Signal claiming he ran through their nets and destroyed ten fathoms of seine. Then want 1118 damages. WANTS TO BE Newspaper Man in Japan, Pre fers to Naturalize There Than Face Court Here (Or AMoclate4 Treit to Cool Time..) TOKIO, Oct. 24. John Ellis, busi ness manager of tho Japanese Ad vertlsor, who was arrested here on October 13 on a requisition for al leged perjury, Issued an appeal today from prison asking Japan not to de liver him to the United States nnd stating that ho desired to become a Japanese citizen. Ellis Is wanted in Boston for 'alleged abduction of his daughter and for contempt of court. BUYS SHOP. William Travers Jerome Has a New Weapon With Which to Capture Fugitive. Ur AiiocUlcl I'rrti lo Coo. Ily Timet. NEW YORK, N. Y., Oct. 24. A blanket Indlctent, chnrglng Harry K. Thaw and four others with conspir acy in connection with tlio formor's esenpo for .Mutteawnn asylum for the criminal Insane In August, wns re turned by a grand Jury hero and will bo used ns n weapon by William Travers Jeromo In his offort to ox tradlte Thaw from tho state of Now Hampshire. ALLIANCE IN AND OUT TODAY Ed Busby has purchased O. K. Hulln's Interest In the Antiseptic barber shop on Front street and will bo solo proprietor. Mr. Hulln will be connected with Harry Brad- field's new shop In the Hutchison building near the Postofflce. WANTED A Iomu of 2.0 or 5U0, for two or three years. Interest ten per cent on good real estate security, Address P. O, Box 561, Marshlleld. Steamer Arrives From Eureka and Sails For Portland With Large List. Tho Alllanco arrived In lust ovon- Ing from Eurokn and sailed this morning for Portland. Among the freight takon on hero weo 1200 cases of salmon, which weigh about sixty-eight pounds eacli! and forty four tierces of salmon from tho Tal lnnt cannery. Among tho Incoming pasengers on the Alliance; J. Johnson, S. Johnson, M. L. Tow er, J. Gilbert, John Barry, L. Clark, F. W. Carter, Geo. Rast, H. O. Hes son, C. C. Clark, und J. If. Barry. Among thoso sailing from Coos Bay for Portland on the' Alliance were: L. Paplr, B. B. Calune, W. Martin, Geo. Trlnkls, John Tiropolls, K. Cremedes, S. Montor, R. D. Crowe, Joe Smith, Jack Hall, A. Ollirer, Ed Blrkluud, H, Manwlll, J. Smith, A. L. Hodson, A. Hllborn, Mrs. Gotchy, Mrs. Bert Lyons, M. L. Carter, AV. G. Osborne, M. Jones, A, S. Ingwerson, J. Wetteson, Ben Mat son, Evelyn Hughes, Pearl Hughes, Mrs. May Perkins, H. Hughes, Hazel Barnott, B. M. Stone and wlfo, B. Klnser, 0. Hughes, W. McCarty, H. A, Punce, Alex Pares, Geo. Miller, J, Pappas, and J. C. Coaaolljc. ,