THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1913 EVCIMING EDITION. 2 COOS BAY TIMES t. O. MAIiOXHV Kdltor and run. DAN K. MALOXKV Xcwh Kdltor OFFICIA h PAPKH OF TIIK CITY OF MAHSHFIKLP. Official Paper of Coim County. Entered nt the postofflce at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second clasi mull matter. SI'BSCHIPTIOX HATES. DAILY. One year 6.00 Per month 1,0 WEEKLY. Ono year 11.50 When paid strictly In advnnco the ubficrlptlon price of the Coos Bay Times is $G.OO per year or $2.50 for ilx months. t Address nil communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. Marshf leld : : :: : OregQj Dedicated to the service of the people, that no good cause shall lacn a champion, nnd that evil shall w,t hrlve tinonn sed. 1MMKJHAXT.S FHOM EL'HOI'E. A NORWEGIAN consular repre sontntlvo estimates that 200, 000 Europeans will be added to the population-" of Pacific Coast cities in 1015, tho year of Jim Pnnnmn ex position In Sau Francisco. More than 70,000 tickets to var ious points on tho Pacific Coast al ready have been sold In Berlin alone, nnd It is estimated that !I0 per cent of these tickets have been purchased by Gorman fnrniurs. Tho encournglng aspect of the Eur opean movement Is the fnct that a heavy por cent of theso ticket buyers nro thrifty (Sorninn farmers. These Europeans will not remnln In our cities. They will go Into rural sec- duds he Is wearing. I tlons of Bacilli! Count states nn.l other Btntcs of the west where they can -tt-K- ncqulro land. T-hey will become pro- PH1ZE POHTHAIT. dueors of wealth and Hint Is what wo want. ... ,1 like those steel engravings Agnln: with only an nverago of .,, ,i'( ,. know $500 onch brought Into the Pacific r statesmen, don t ou know, Const by the 2,000,000 newcomers. Thnt represent my snvlngs, totnla one billion dollars of addition- And make a splendid show, al money In circulation for 1015. T, look so smig nml ,llfty Pac flo Coast cities shojtld not re- ... , . n 1,1.niu lax- in the efforts they have been M' IrooHt with pleasure thrills making to Interest thrifty, foreigners To see them on my fifty In the rich productive possibilities of Amj hundred dollar bills, unsettled land areas In Western Dorsey Kreltcr. Btntcs, for we do not want our cities ' to become overcrowded. I ,in,. r . I Foolish girls make a specialty of HACIAIi HUH AND FLOW. JACOB I j, SCHUKMAN. recently Minister to Greece, returning nf tor nalkan peace had been con cluded, said that Hie modern Greek soldiers In that strugglo "were as brave and heroic as tliolr ancestors who fought nt Marathon." "While It was generally known that King Constantino had military ca pacity." salil Dr. Schurinnii. "no one suspected tho military genius which I,e dovpo'l. Ho Is, I suppose this one monarch In the world who Is capable of leading tho armies of Ids (-iniiiti'v In 1 1 in it ni- war." Ii Ih con- ceded, moreover, thnt Prime Minister Vonlzelos Is ono of the great states- men of Europe, In the Balkan wars Greece doubled hcr territory and her population, Is I itni iwtuutlilf, Huif uln, mtiv Vnmn back?" Obsorving (lie ebb iuH f(ow of -v- Ulzallcn il 'n lolly assume tnat nny ramiiy oi tno numan race win utterly perlsu. , HKTTKH KAIUHK ItAHHLIXGK I I Moro slaps make better I babies. A balio In the ring Is worth two In the crib. All babies are good, but srino nro bettor. Smile and U' bunch smiles vlth you. Cry and you lose I tno prize. I Good babies often come In I small parcels. I An ounce of disposition Is 1 worth u pound of tralnliii; Like father, like child. Poor ' i hid. Tho bigger I lie babe, the prouder tho dad. I Too many nurses upoil tho I child. I I A good babo Is tho noblest I work of woman. j . DHFIXHD "What, In your estimation, consti tutes n good wile?" "Sho's one who. in conducting her home, kn.nvs how lo keep up appear- mires while keeping down expenses." f.'OOD ALL THE TIME IS HALVES' FLOl'H. $l.t!.-i I'EH SACK. FirtbiE .id r ,il V,' ,vniS' Red Gross Optical Depta Phone 122. II WITH THE TOAST AND THE TEA (ilVE IT NOW IXSTEAl). When I am dead forget me, dear, Tor I shall never know, Though o'er my cold and lifeless hand Your burning tears shall flow. I 11 cancel with my living voice The debt you'll owe the dead. Give me the love you'd show me then Hut give It now Instead! And bring no wreaths to decorate my grave, For I shall never care Though all the Mowers I love the most Shall grow and wither there. I'll sell my chance of all the (lowers You'll lavish when I'm dead For. one small bunch of violets now, So give me that Instead. What saints wo are when we are gone! But what's tho use to mo Of praises written on my tomb For other eyes to see? One little simple word of praise 15 lips we worship said Is worth a hundred epitaphs Dear, say it now instead. And faults thut now are hard to bear, Oblivion then shall win. Our sins nro soon forgotten us When we no more can sin. Out any better thought of me Keep It for me when I'm dead, I shall not know, I shall not cure, Forgive me now Instead. I A Coos Bay woman likes to I brag about a bargain In a suit. f lint n Hons H:iv man always adds 1 I $5 or $10 to the price of tho I breaking hearts; wise gins run re- pair whops. -!!-- HXPEHIEXCH. Let's strive to win success, when We fall, wo need not wholly rue It, For It i3 clear that even then We're finding out how not to do it. --!- If a man has trouble and goes to n woman for sympathy he Is lucky If bo doesu t uciiuire more, -k-.j- Tho more a woman talks the more "iixlous her husband Is to turn off the gas. When a ninn refers to a meat mnr- hot as a morgue he's a vegetarian. i I llo Is a sensible man who doesn't want what ho can't have. -!-- S))t..,k V0U1. ,, lr vou ,UU8li )llt mIlul utw ym 81,c.aC. lie I hope you don't feel at all fcaslck, darling? sh0N. ,,,,,, ,, or-I think i miuuni nuu it) j-mwii. DAILY DIDDLES Questions. 1 A squirrel sits at tho bottom of uu oak tree twenty feet high; ho goes up a foot every day; how long will It take li f in to get to the top? I. A frog sits in a hole In the center of a forty aero Held: ho I goes ilueo feet at every jump; how many jumps will tnko him out? II. What changes the lower reg Ions Into the (lower regions? I. .Make one word of the letters In "new door." 5. Why Is the oyster the wisest of animals? Answers. 1. He goes up afoot (on his feoO 'VI,T ! Ono Jump will tnko him out of "'o h'olo. II. Tho lettor "F." 1. Ono word. 5. Ho keeps Ills mouth shut. Glasses may help your sight, but thoy certainly do not Improve your nppearance. When wo supply glasses, after examining your eyes, we pay attention to your appearance ns well a, your sight. So don't neglect your eyesight for fear of ugly look ing glasses. We'll make you look as well as seo well. All work guaranteed. (State Licensed Optician.) Red Cross Drug Store Free Delivery COOS DISTRICT is m AcnwE Senator I. S. Smith Gives Out Interview in Portland on Conditions Here. The Portland Oregonlau says: "With mills and mines running full handed, railroad construction being pushed, building active and no va cant houses' In any of the towns, State Senator Smith, of Coos nnd Curry Counties, reports that busi ness conditions nro excellent In the Ccos Bay district-. Senator Smith, who Is a business man of Mnrshlleld, is here to attend the meeting of the Oregon synod oi mu nesuj- terlan Church, now In session. He Is the guest of Lawreneo A. McXary, lit 1151 Thurman street. " 'Business is good at Mnrshlleld, 11 1 I. n i 1. . n. n 1 ) 1 North Bend and the other Coos Bay towns," said Senator Smith yester day. Among tho Important Indus tries mentioned by Senator Smith as either in oporntlon or about to. resume operations are the Simpson Lumber comnany nun ni ioriu i Bend, which has been shut down for repnlrs, but which will start up again in a few days; tho C. A. Smith mill nt Marshileld, employing 400 men, now running full capacity, and the C. A. Smith pulp mill at Marshileld, now nearly completed, which will employ about 100 men. A new coal mine has been open ed by Smith & llennessy on Isth mus Inlet, four miles above Marsh ileld. It was producing fifty tons dally, and by January 1 will be turning out 250 tons dally. The Southern Pacific Is opening a new conl mine to take the place of the Beaver Hill mine, which has been worked out, and all other mines of tho district are working nt full capacity. Xot a Cnwlldntc G. W. Kauf man, whoso uamo had been mention ed as a possible candidate for'Coun- cllmnn, stated today thnt he was not a candidate nnd would not be under any consideration. He said that he appreciated the honor thnt I'ud been done him, but ho simply could not take the place. Harry G. Hoy Is one of the latest w' has been suggested as a possible candi date for Mayor for the coming elec tion. After (iVrot1. Tom Jnmcs wont to Ten Mile today to try nnd get a bag nt wild geese, which are re 1 "''d to be numerous there now. , "d 'lo slnotfng Is said to be bo'ter now tl an It has boon 'this 1 1 . COLLEGE IS PltOSPintlXG Directors of Cons Hay Hiih1iics Col lege Hold Meetings Here. '!!... ,ll..,w... .1... - t ' . ' , "V."'. " " . l " ' I the olllco of tlie Cooh Bay Realty Co. with directors Claudo .Vasburg. Chester W. Wolcott. Thus. Itooke and E. B. Jones present. This wns f. e regular monthly meeting of the directors nnd the principal buslners of the evening was tho payment of bills and the consideration for tlie addllionnl bot torinent of the school. Tho treasur er s report showed the College In good financial condition and tho school Is meeting with Increased patronage. Secretary of Navy Says Sov ereign Voters are Abdicating Most Important Duty. IRj AnotUle-t Pr lo Con nar Tlm.) Ni:w HAVEN, Conn., Oct. It!. Ad vocating compulsory voting, Secre tary of tho Navy Josephus Daniels, in nn Intervlow in tho Yale News said today: "Wo have eonio to tho time; In our Natlonnl life when compulsory voting must decldo for Itself. The sovereign voters of this republic nro abdicating the most Important duty of citizenship. Should they be nllow ed to desert In this way. any more than a mnn should bb allowed to de sert from tlie Army in tinio of wnr? If we require citizens to serve on juries, to bear arms, to obey proc esses of court, to work on roads In ninny districts, and to pay taxes, may we not also make It compulsory for them to vote?" II I XT FOK MEXICO "Ves, wnr will be expensive," said tho leader of the land. And yet I moan to go ahead, Though we've no cash on hand. Because, you see, for all our lights I hnvo arranged to get Enough for the moving picture rights 'lo cancel every debt." WOULD COMPEL IN TO VOTE - I - LOCAL OVERFLOW. Inspect Hond C. A. Sniltth, Ver non Smith and Arno Meresn have returned from Myrtle. Point where thev went yesterday to humect tho construction of tho ShilUi-Powors logging rond. Delays Hepnlrs 13! W.. Steele stated today that thoy would not re palr the Gorst & King hydroplane, which was damaged recently at New port, until nuxt spring. Steele Is resuming his old' occupation as a machinist and will! work. In the Nolson shop. Initiate Tin-re. John A.. Blntt of Mnrshlleld, M. .1. Slatky and Walter Angus of Gardiner wore initiated by tho Mnrshlleld Elk's lodge last even ing. There wns not as good n turnout as had been hoped "or, nut rll(ii,iutc9 "got theirs." The a, ko()(, mB wng. ollJovea foi. lowing the Initiation., Hoschcrg nt Dandon. Mr. Smith u v hM JuHt roturIie(, I " from Bandan states that' Gus Hose, belt! or Bunker 1 1111. who suddenly lert two weeks ago without saying anything to any of his friends is . ,.., (,niived on hQ bnn). bul)(nK. t;;ur0f Uo8U. berg was formerly Interested In the Liublc.d store at Bunker Hill. Carried WJiont. A. H. Slutsinnn yestorday 'performed an unusual fent. Ho went to A. T. Haines" store to buy n 125 pound sack of Hour. It was raining and Will SuHlvan, the driver, objected to hauling it np to Stutsman's piece. Stutsman replied thnt It wasn't hard and that ho could carry It up there himself. "If Vou can, you enn lmvc It," retorted Sullivan. "All right." responded Stutstnnn nnd" ho shouldered the 125 pound sack of wheat nnd car ried It ten blocks and up tho steep hill to his place without over set ting It down. Sullivan paid for the wheat. PERSONAL OVERFLOW MIL AND MBS. FRANK HOFF MAN, and daughter, Lorena, ar rived on tic Breakwater tills morning from Portland, and toft on tho morning train for Oouulllo, where thfcy expect to make their future home. It. L. HUM WALT' returned this morning on tho Breakwater from FURNITURE AIDS TO SOLID COMFORT Portland nnd Washington points, where he been visiting for the past six weeks, and wont out on tho train tills morning to his home In Myrtle Point. MH. AND AMIS. CLAUD II. CUItTIS returned today Horn Portland where they have spent a month or so with relatives. Mr. Curtis is employed by the Union Meat Com pany. C. It. PECK went to Couulllu this afternoon to attend court. JOHN 1). GOSS went to Co(ulllo to day to attend court. ! F. E. WESTlOItBEKG and Mr. Mur phy returned today from Myrtlo Point where they have perfected plaiiH for opening a new 5 nnd 10 cent store. JUDGE JOHN F. HALL nnd Tom Hall are Tom Hall nro expected Hall are expected homo tonight or tomorrow from Couulllu, where they have been attending court. P. A. HAINES, engineer In chnrgo or construction of 'the Smith-Powers lino near .Myrtle Point, Is In Mnrsh lleld today on business. J AMONG THE SICK I A. P. Owen, who was taken sud denly 111 the night before last at his summer home on South Coos Hlver, Is much Improved today and wns ablo to bo up and around. He was brought don ii In n special boat. That the at tack was not more serious was a source of gratification to tho well known pioneer. lEe Royal TONIGHT A feature every night-. Punch &. Judy In nddltlon to tho regular performance of plot unit and magic by All Zada. -H-tt- In Photoplay "The Transgress- or," A two-reel feature by tln Broncho Co. "('aiimont Weekly" Showing I the celebration at Oregon City or the opening of the new $1,(1110,(100 bridge ncrs Hie Wllliiiiielle Hlver. "When Scandal Threatened" A good picture by (iiiiitiiout. -K-K- Adinlsslon Lower floor 1 5c. Bal cony 1 0c. Watch for "Quo Vadls." the S- reel hund-eoloritd picture. Life is what your furniture dealer makes it. Your home is comfortable according to the wisdom and good sense of your advisors and suppliers of its furnishings. Carelessness. not comfort, is costly. Hundreds of homes are not furnished to neutralize the discomforts of life. Yet much money may recently have been spent for furnishings.1 At the Going & Harvey Store you will find best furniture, and, if you wish it, such expert advice as comes of years of experience in serving comfortable people. "WE SELL IT FOR LESS." Going & Company COMPLETE HOUSEFURNISHERS. J, We still have a good supply of Catalogues of this line for distribution to the MACHINISTS of Coos County Just send in your name and you will get a copy by return mail.1 We have the Only Stock in Southwestern Oregon and we sell at Factory Prices flTllT11TITITTfl'Wrii I mm Harvey