EVEN A WEAK MAN IS ALWAYS STRONG ENOUGH TO BREAK A PROMISE fflflos Sag twa YOU CAN FIND ,v thing you Tho T,l'H ' ,'( columns. If It Isn't there ml- Jhc results nl Hiirprlso you. DON'T OUT excited If you've lust smiet lilii n three ir four line want artv. In Tho Times will bring It hack. Tin- Times wiint inls net ICMllls. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. 1. 111. ...1 tUTU VOL XXXVII as Tho Coast Mall. Left Eureka Yesterday for Co lumbia River Ports News Comes by Wireless. PASSENGERS RETURN , TO SAN FRANCISCO Twenty First and Second Class Passengers Taken Off by Lumber Carrier Atlas. Mr A.xKlntoJ Press to Coo. Hay Times 1 SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 10. Tlio wooden schooner Merced Ih ashore on the rocks off Point Gordn, nnd her pnfseiigors nr being taken hack to San Francisco on the tiimhor car rier Atlns, which left Astoria yester day. NowH.of the wreck came lit meager wireless messages from the Merced, which left I5urekn In hallast yestor day for foliiiiihla River ports. She had on board ten tlrst-class passen gers niul ten second class. MEETS OIL Vessel Which Assisted Voltur no Rescue Receives Tremen dous Ovation in London: Ily Associated Tress to Coos tin; Times.) LONDON, Eng.. Oct. Hi. Tho oil tank steamer Nnrrngansett, which was ono of tho vessels that went to tho assistance or tho ill-fated Vol turno and did signal service by sent tcrliiK tons of oil on tho raging sens, which nhled greatly In tho rcseuo work, received n great reception on her arrival In the Thames todny. A hand on n tug met tho vessel playing "Tho Compterlng Hero Conies" nnd various National airs. Sirens of nearby vessels screamed nnd crowds cheered In greeting. The Nnrrugan ectt bad It party of survivors aboard. FOR SHIPPING Three Vessels in Umpqua and Three in Siuslaw Unable to Get Out With Cargoes. Kd Moi'ller, lumber Inspector who returned todny from 'a trip to Flor ence, reports that tho mills on tho UniHua and Slusiaw aro closed down. They nrp having trottblo lth their shipping owing to the bad weather. Thrco vessels, loaded, woro lying at Gardiner awaiting nn opportunity o get out and three loaded vessols ero also lying at Floremco awntt JB an opportunity to got out. Tho tars both places havo shoaled from ho recent storms. At Gardiner, extensive improvo ments nro boing nmdo In tho plant whll It la closod down. At Flor ence, Porter Rrothors havo clonod 1helr mill hUt nro oporatlng tho aaniifacturlng plant, cutting up sov ral hundred thousand feet of di "nslon stuff. A. p. navls, formerly of Marsh u ls now located at Florence and r. Mocller saya ho has Just com Pd a home of his own, having uu"t small house near town. . WFR'R IS SEARCHED. Cnimdl,,,, Pcfjc amrged with " "K Austiians to Evade Service. 07 Anno lt.i .i .. ' VIPMK. . ' L0" Times.) tnaV 0ct- 16 Samuel Alt- Rai!; agGnl for the Canadian Pacific his ff, her' was arrested today and office was searched, supposedly U n,?UOn W,th tt chare mad0 af 1 1 ,h,n y the company's agent to .7? rSl of aMltng Austrlans Ine !.mlIltary 8erv'co by emlerat- Ports ?.nada W,thout pr0Der P"' In rLu , e emPlyes of the road Lancia were also arrears. SCHOONER MERGED PASSENGERS SAND STEAMER WEATHER CIU;v SKKD OAT8AT"HAlMB',j MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, ON ROCKS; ESCAPE SAFELY FIERCE ON EAST COAST Fifty Mile Gale Damages Cape Cod Shipping Two Lives Lost Ship in Danger. Illy Associated I'riM to Coos May Tlmca.) HIGHLAND LIGHT, Mans. Oct. The stxirnt which has lnithed the Cape Cod const since Monday In creased In fury yesterday, blowing fifty miles an hour. Two lives wore lost when n barge hroko av.T.y from a tug, and much' damago to ship ping Is reported. A fonr-mnsted schooner Is reported In dlstrets near Pollock Kip. EARLY TODS' Steamer Has Capacity Passen ger List and Unusually Large Freight Cargo. The Breakwater arrived In todny from Portland with a good passenger list nnd about 000 tons of freight. Tho freight cargo was unusually largo nnd was simply miscellaneous freight with a little heavier shipmopts for tho various ones. There was nn auto aboard for Ocorgo Uoodrutn. Tho Breakwater will sail at 1 1 o'clock Saturday morning for Port land. Among those arriving on her woro: Prod Jones, W. W. Tlcknor, Ma bet Dilllngs, Mrs. Chas. Lodlne, Clyde hotline, J. 15. Quick, W. 11. Harrison, C. I.nkdom, Mrs. Lnkdom, 15. It. Hurst, .1. P. Cauldln, Mrs. J. P. Cauldln, O. A. Lovegren, J. C. I.orls, Miss T. (Joodtunn, L. T. Schroetler, 15. T. Wolverton, Mrs 15. T. Wolverton, V. Parvln, Miss Hoffman, Mrs. Hoffman, P. L. West ord, 15. N. 15ldrldge, Mrs. O. Ilarnnrd, D. P. 'Funk, W. Holm, Mrs. Wlllets, P. W. Wright, P. T. Wlllets, Miss Rowland, Ida Oownor, Miss 15. It. Preston, P. P. Norton, L. A. David son, Mrs. L. A. Davidson, Wllmn Davidson, II. Norback, M. Lnbow- Itch, Mrs. Labowltch, Master Lnbow itch, Joe Simmons, W. L. Simmons, P. Doiirglngnon, M. II. McWhlnnoy, J. K. Hess, C. II. Curtis, Mrs. Curtis, Jacob Smith, Mrs. I.odgerwood, J. 15. Ledgerwood, R. 1.. JCumwnlt, Harry Smith, II. Upton, Mrs. Dora Young, O. I. Martin, Mrs. Martin, J. T. Ab bott, C. V. Donlolson, Mrs. Donlelson, Ksthor Donlolson, Alice Donlolson, W. C. Sullivan, Theo. Starr, J. H. Starr, Mrs. Starr, Mrs. Mason, Port Mason, Mrs. C. Wobb, .Mrs. V. Fnlrcloth, Guy Watklns, Harry Strowbrldgo, T. J. Wilson, A. 'Swan son, Elinor Young, Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Clover, Mrs. Itedflold, Miss Sloan, G. S. Holland, II. A. Mudoklng, J. Cnmp bell, C. 15. I.oyondorfer, Mrs. C. E. Loyendorfer, J. 15. Eborhart, P. Clor uns, P. McGottrty, D. Lashas, P. R. Fryo, C. Holcomo, I. liimllnor, A. Lamols, G. Lopeo, G. Larlanlo, L. Goor, M. Scarlan, J. Mostl, G. Hol land, M. Godl, D. Koskl, A. C. Mn son, G. R. Ronn, M. h. Cornud, E. Rahod, C. Palms, P. Deer, Dan Beer, Sam Beer, P. A. Woodsoy, Capt. Ames, W. G. Osbbrn, S. Rnnnlkko, D. Mason. CLAIM SALEM FPU "DRYS." Local Option Election to lie Held in capital on flv. . (Br Associated Press to Coos Bit Times. DfinTt.ivn rw. IR. Knlem. the capital of Oregon, will hold a local option election on November fourth and the anti-saloon forces claim that with the vote of the women the city will go dry. MORGAN'S WILL PROBATED Estate Amounted to $5,HDD,15.- Death Dues toau.uuu. Br Assoclstsd Press to Coos Bsr Tlmss.J LONDON, Oot. 16. The will of the late J. Pierpout Morgan was pro bated here. The estate amounted to 15,890,155.00. The government will receive about $950,000 death due. STORM BREAKWATER WEST FIRES AGAIN FROM MILITIA OFFICE Executive Revokes His Com mission as Lieutenant Com mander of Oregon Naval Militia Today. 1 tnr AMoctstfii rrc to coo. nr TimM.i PORTLAND, Or.. Oct. 1C Gov ernor West revoked tho commission of Lieutenant Commander E. E. Straw of the Oregon Naval Militia, who Is Mayor of Marshlleld, today lie based his action on the alleged activities of Dr. Straw In tho de portntlon of tho Industrial Workers of the World from Coos County during the labor trouble last sum mer. Last week Governor West removed the same officer from the Nnval Hoard. THREE MISSING AFTER BIB FIRE Cottage Hotel and Residence Destroyed Near Walla Walla Hairbreadth Escapes. (Ily Ai lain! I'lifi. In I'imik ty Tlnii'..) WALLA WALLA, Wash., Oct. 1C. Three men nro reported missing, and R. P. Jackson badly Injured as a result of a firo at Prcscott, north of hero todny. Tho Cottage Hotel and n residence were destroyed. Jack son lowered his wife from a third story window with a rope, after wrapping her in n blnnkot. Then ho descended, but swung through a plate glass window nnd his leg was nearly amputated. SALOON KEEPER KILLED BY AUTO Seattle Man Run Down by Nephew of Duke of "Duke's Mixture" Fame. Allocated rrrii to Coos l)r Tlrnr.. SI5ATTL15, Oct. 1C Lawronco Duke, thirty-flvo, a nephew of Jnmcs n. Duke, president of tho American Tobacco company, spent the night In tho county Jail after his auto struck nnd killed Henry Farr, a saloon keop or, and seriously Injured Alfred Hog lund, an expressman, nnd Thomas Simmons, a clerk, on tho county road south of Scnttlo, Tho three victims woro roplnclng a tire on Hoglund's machine when Duke's car rounded tho turn. It Is bolloved Hoglund's skull Is fractured. Simmons' arm and several ribs wero brokon nnd ho sustained Internal In juries. Duko was arrested December 28 last, charged with driving an auto whllo drunk. T FROM THE BAY Hindu Accused of Murder in San Francisco Confesses He Killed Waitress. (Br Associated Press to Coos Br Tlmes.j CALEXICO. Cal Oct. 16. Said A II Vtinn a UlnHll nonilCtA1 ff 1lAV Ing murdered Roea Domingo, whoce! body, loaaea wiin cnains, was ru covered from San Francisco Bay near Stege, was captured here by Sheriff Mobley Meadows, who said tho pris oner confessed. Tho Domingo girl wus a valtrecs. After her body was taken from the bay bits of her clothing woro found In the ashes in tho flroplaco of tho shack from which the Hindu van ished. FOR RENT Furalshed apartment; no children wanted. 413 N. 2nd. St, RECOVER OD 19 13 EVENING EDITION DR. STRAW NEWS TO STRAW (iov. West's Latest Pci.siiiial Attack on Mayor of .Mnrslilleld. Tho above comes as news here, although not unexpected. It is pos sible thnt he hns tho, tppvcr to rc voko Mayor Straw'a commission as Lieutenant Commander of the Naval Militia, but It Is doubted by, many that he had tho authority to oust Straw from the Naval Hoard, the law providing for the latter not. giving tho Governor thnt authority. Mayor Straw accepted the election as Lieutenant Commander or the Naval Militia at the tlmo that Gov. West wns huvlng troubles of his own with tho Nnvnl Militia, nnd Straw's acceptance of the place was largely to aid West. KEEP TAMMANY L Progressives and Republicans to Unite to Keep Aldermen From Machine Control. Ml)' Anwi'lalnl I'rm In Cnui liny Tlnii-K,) NEW YORK, Oct. 1C Leaders of tho Progressive nnd republican par tics in this city have agreed to unite In nn effort to prevent Tammnuy from securing control of tho next board of aldermen. In districts' whero pro gressive candidates aro running against republican nominees for nl dormnn, with tho exception of two or three, tho progressive candidates will bo withdrawn. In consideration of this movo tho republican orgnnl zntlon will withdraw nssombly candi dates in the districts affected and sup port the progressives. portlIdToys Police Believe Three Youths Responsible for Series of Systematic Robberies. PORTLAND, Or., Oct. 1 C Georgo Yank, Harry tfohnsou, Charles Ilur gess, all young men, aro under arrest hero. Tho iollco bellove thorn re sponsible for a systematic series of robberies in fourteen leading hotels In .this and other Northwest cities. SUFFRAGETTE IS Young Woman Must Serve Eighteen Months for Set ting Fire to House. (Br Aiiocl.UJ Press to coos Day Times. CAMBRIDGE, Oct. 1C. Miss Mir iam Prntt, a militant suffragotto, school teacher at Norwich, was sen tenced to eighteen months penal sorvltudo for setting firo to a Itouso. Tho fire damaged tho unlvorslty laboratory. RALPH ROSE DEAD. Famous California Athlete Succumbs to Typhoid Fever. (Br Assoctsteil Press to nos Mr Times.) SAhj FRANCISCO, Oct. 16. Ralph Rose, holder of tho Olympic nnd world's records for shot putting, died today of typhoid fever, following a brlof illness. LAXGFORD TO MEET LESTER. Arrived in California to Prepare for Bout on October 27. (Br Associated Pris to Coos Bar Times. SAN FRANCISC.Cal., Oct. 16. Sam Langford, tho "Boston Tar Baby," I arrived here today from Now York and' left Immediately for Taft, California, where he will meet Jack Lester) of Clo Ellum, Washington, on October 27, In a 20-round bout. M SENTENCED SIX PAGES. A Consolidation and Coos FRANCE RECEIVES A WARSHIP TO EL Details of Construction of New British Ship Kept Secret Immense Armament. til)' Ancl.itn Pith tn Coos liny Tlmcit.l PORTSMOI'TII, Eng., Oct. 10. Another novelty In battleships, tho Queen Elizabeth, which carries an Immense armament, was launched nt the Rojrnl navy dock yards today. The details of construction hnvo been kept secret, but tho armament Is be lieved generally to consist of ten 1T luch guns mounted in pairs, while the secondary armament of four or six Inch guns will nlso be placed behind protected armor. GUILTY TODAY FOUND CJUILTV IIV A VOTE OF nn TO 18. Ill)' Abimh Inlet l'lfM tii I.'iiiiii tin)' Tlmr. ALBANY, N. Y., Oct. 10. Governor Sulzor was found guilty of Article 1, falsifying his cnmpnlgn statements, by n vote of thlrty-nlno to eighteen. (Ilr Associated Press to Coos liar Tltma.) ALBANY, N. Y., Oct. 10. Tho high court of Impeachment, trying Governor William Sulzor, adjourned shortly nftor ono o'clock today to moot at threo this afternoon, nt which tlmo It was announced, a start would bo made on tho final vote to deter inliio tho guilt or Innocence of tho Governor. It was reported tho court voted Informally In secret session to remove tho Governor from office, by a ballot of forty-three to fourtoon A vote to disqualify him from ever holding another office was also re ported to havo been taken, hut was lost. The Judges mid Senators filed Into tho Senate chnmbed six minutes after threo o'clock. Tho gallerios and cor ridors woro thronged. A roll call showed all fifty-seven members of tlie court present. Sulzor was not present, but wns represented by at torneys. At threo fourteen presiding Judge Ctillon directed tho crier to open court. Ho thon directed the clerk to read tho II rat of tho eight articles of Impeachment against tho Governor. CHILD BADLY T BY FALL YOUNG SOX OF MR. AND MRS. E. L. CHURCIf OF CATCIII.VO IN LET ALMOST DISEMBOWELED BY ACCIDENT TODAY. The tltreo or four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Church of Catching Inlet, while playing around tho hoiup today stumbled and foil. Ho olther struck on a knifo with which! ho was playing or on a Bnarp stone. A gash was cut In his stomach, ponetratlng tho abdomen wall and almost dlsombovellng him. Ho was taken to Mercy Hospital this afternoon for a moro minuto ex amination and treatment. FIGURING NEW TARIFF EFFECT. (Ily Aolate! Press to Cooa Hay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 16. Tho actual effect of tho new tariff law on the government's revenue will be disclosed by a detailed compari son now being made for Secretary McAdoo, The estlmato of expenses of all branches of the government Is now almost finished, BATTLESHIP 0 of Times, Coast Mall No. 75 Hay Advertiser. REQUEST TO French Colony Asks Home Government to Send Vessel Result Uncertain. takerefugEIson vessel from t0rre0n Member of Late Madero's Cabinet Flees From Mexico in Disguise. Ill)' As.ih'latiil Purs In I'oim liny Time. PARIS. Oct. Iti. Tho French. Foreign Office todny received a telegram from tlio French lega tion at Mexico City, suggesting that a warship he sent to .Mex ico. Government officials nro con sidering tlio matter and It Is probable, following the usual practice of sending warships, tho French colony requested ono to bo detailed to Mexico. Tho French .Foreign Office has not been advised whether tho diplo matic corps in Mexico City coun selled tho Mexican government to ttso caution in replying to tho American representative. Illy Aii Lilivl I'n k. in i'iiim Hay TIiiiih WASHINGTON. I). C, Oct. 10. The .Mexican situation remnlnol un changed today and the administra tion olllclals aro agreed generally In the view that tho Huerta govern ment would make no answer to Pres ident Wilson's latest note. Tho news of tho latest constitu tionalist victory was received with out comment. Tho situation of tho Washington government Is still a waiting ono, with tho United States In tho attitude of n closo observer. (By Asioclsted Tress to Coos Day Time.) VERA CRUZ, Mox., Oct. 10. Man uel Bonllln, who wns Minister of Communications In tho Into Presi dent Mndoro'a cabinet, sailed front lioro today on tho Hamburg-American liner Kronprlnzzln Ceello in disguise, fenrlng arrest, and fletl from Mex ico. Tho vessel will nail to Cuba. Spain, England and Germany. Ar rangements woro mado for 200 ref ugees from Torreon to bo tnkon on board tho Texas' City at Tamplco. American Consul William Cnnuda nnd Renr Admiral Fletcher super vised tho nrrangoinents. Tho Texas City loft todny. BRITISH GOVERNMENT WAITS Will Take No Action in .Mexican Af fair at Present. (Ily Asaoclsted Press to Cooa liar Times.) LONDON, Oct. 10 Tho British government hns ndopted a waiting at titude In regard to tlio Mexican situa tion. It considers tho matter thus far ns entirely nn interim! affair ot Mexico, anil does not coutomplnto any nctlon. Tho British Foreign Offlco hns received no Information from the legation In Moxlco City In rospect to a report of tho conference of dip lomatic corps. FORMER AMBASSADOR SAYS LOOKS LIKE INTERVENTION (Ily AwmUlnl Pima to ('cms Hay Times,) SPOKANE, Oct. 10. "Tho dovoi- opnionts of tho day look llko inter vention," declared Honry Lano Wil son, former Ambassador to Moxlco, who arrived yesterday. "It cannot bo a question of withdrawing recog nition of tho present Moxlcan admin istration by any government. Onco It hns been necorded, recognition of a government cannot bo withdrawn, according to well-established prece dents. Tho election October 26 will bo Just as free as any other Moxlcan election, but it will bo well to un derstand that no freo election evor hns been hold In Moxlco." Wilson said there wns no sneclnl significance to tho meeting of tho diplomatic corps called by tho Spanish .Minister. CONFERS WITH SENATORS. President Wilson Talks on Currency Legislation Willi Committeemen. (By Asaoclsted Press to Coos Day Tlmes.j WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 16. President Wilson sont today for Sen ators Hitchcock, Reed and O'Gorman, tho Democratic Sennto banking com mitteemen who had been regarded an opposed to the administration pro gram of currency legUlntlon. The President saw thorn separately and conferred at length, r Try The Times Waut Ads. MEXICO