YOU PROBABLY SEEM AS CRANKY TO OTHERS AS THEY SEEM TO YOU YOU CAN FIND rox-t si:t .EXCITED If you've loM something a three or four line want adv. In Tho Times will bring It bark. Tim Tlnn'.s want atls net results. . iliing von wimt In The Times "?t .'..lun.'ns. If U Isn't there ml wrilc fi' t os' ,s Hl,in11 ,,l,rt ho results " i lse you. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. ...... 1. 111..., I IM7M ....ill iiMiimirinii ....... VOL XXXVII. H The Const Mnll MARSHFIELD. OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1913 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Malt Mn "JO and Coos liny Advertiser. ,u ggS MUSI SUBMIT TD CON TROL BY GOVERNMENT NOW Time Has Come When Bankers Must Accept Situation Says i Bulkley. AMERICAN BANKERS m ASSAIL CURRENCY Senator Owen Predicts Unqual ified Success for the Bill in Defense. v 1 iSSlli IMPORTANT FI2AT I'l.KSOF (TRREXCV 1111.1, tn, AnwUlM IYim 10 foot tiny Tlinf ) , WASHINGTON. I). C. Oct. 14. Four important details of tlio . nil m I ii 1st nil I (i n currency bill were assailed before the Sonuto banking committee by tho so l called county bankers' delegation aniiolnte.1 by the recent Boston . convention of American Hunkers Association. SAYS RANKS MUST Sl'll.MIT. in Aio,ll.l Trrii lo Cooa n.ty Tlmrit.1 NBW VOUK. Oct. I I. Represen tative llnlkley gave as IiIh opinion that whether the bankers liked It or not, the time had como when tbey must siihinlt to government control. "The report of the American Hank ers' Association currency commis sion," wild llnlkley, "seems to bavo been written In a bail temper." Tlio railroads, he said, had been brought under Roveriiiiient control. although their business Is less of a public one than the banking liuslness. There Is going to be government (ontrol of banks." he, said. "Tlio time has come when t ho bankers must accept the situation." Senator Owen predicted unquali fied sm-ccss for tliu bill, defending the provision making it compulsory that National Hunks Join the reserve association, In statements made nt ilia enonn,t Yiittminl imifiirmifrt fin currency reform held under the aus pices of the Now York Academy of Political Science. New Express Rates Will Not Go Into Effect Until First of Decem'ber. ICr AuooUtM r.,a jo root Hay Tlmea,) W'Asmvcvmv rw u mm, .!,, "press rates recently proscribed by ue interstate Commoreo Coinntls on will become offectlvo on Doe. lt Instead of tomorrow. A request lot an extension by the companies granted todny, but tlio rociuest that tlio new sealo bo rovlsod wna re used. FE STATION SITE Supt. Kimball Rejects Sugges tion That Temporary Quar ters Be Arranged There. That i . ... ,a "o finance or mo emporary removal of the Coos Hay Mthii?iS,nB sttltn or tho possible '"oiisnment of temporary quarters ne.w 8lt0 noaf Charleston la e gist of a letter received by D. C. rk.,u -"""v ui lliu Aluminium tendon i?i irum ouiierui- Si' S'. Mr. Kimball says It la K5u' l?.: 8uih Ion "--"mil in me now loca- heWrhemr; Gr.e?n was apprised that lon to iVuT' 10 me saving sta- .1.,.., sue was lndenniteiy -'CU On rirnnnrt. . i A n 1 '..V III tMVIV Ul 1UUUD, j "le. to ConKressman Hawlev bde.H0r Cllannerlain aaklntr if ii un P , ??nt co,,1(1 not temporarily it thq rtera at the new alte bo M pitJ?fat,0l cse of need. uirriiB mtn. m i. an'i.. vtiii uii ii v ii khhi n. ani Chamberlain with thn ,; result. It nn. 1. .. . n,,. linH that linUiliif rnn lin Ion n.,1ul ,V,e removal of the ata- loa o, 8ecure an approprla- or 50,000 for the new station. HIT ... . ornS "BUn' done at I I EM TIME FOR INCREASE SAVING WILL COMPLETE E MILL Remodelling to be Finished Be fore Mill is Started C. A. Smith Is Optimistic. The bright sunshine and skies of Coos Day seemed to add even to the buoyancy of C. A. Smith today and tlio cheerful optimism which has over marked Ills visits to Coos Hay ap peared even more pronounced than usual, lie is still very busy koIiih ovt'i- thu cliannes and improvements that are beliif; tniulo in the IiIk plant here and said there was little new to rIvo out just now. However lie expects to spend two or three weeks hero. When asked about the stnrtliiK of tile new pulp mill, he said that they hoped to have It j;oIiik very soon. Thu ICastsldo mill, which Is being overhauled ami oukii'Ked, still has considerable work to be done on It and this will be comnleted prob ably before an attempt is made to start It. lie said it would bo cutting' 200,000 or SLTi.OOO when tho im provements aro completed. When asked about tlio Terminal Unllwny, Mr. Smith ea: that Mr. Chandler or Mr. Iennett had better bo seen about that as they were prob ably more familiar with it than he. As to tight of way through the Smith Company's retail yards and the Aillancu warehouse, ho said there was little now. Ho said that thu railroad company had not hud the matter up witli him since last spring. He expressed i;reat satisfaction ov er the prospects of Mill Slough being filled. He said It was an eye-sore which mado a very bad Impression upon now arrivals. He nsicod about tho status of the matter and said that with the paved streuts and fine new buildings reaching nearly to .Mill Slough it was too had that tho open sower was not already closed. Ho said that on his first visit to Coos Hay fourteen years ago, he took a little stroll before breakfast the first morning he .was In Marshlleld and he wondered thou why Mill Slough had been allowed to remain open when It was such an evident ilrawbnck to the town. 1 lo said that ho thought It was well to liavo tho matter settled beyond all question of doubt, hut so far as Federal notion wna concerned, ho thought that the (iovernmeut had given up its right to Mill Slough when It ceiled it to tho state ovor forty years ago. Mr. Smith queried about tlio de velopments In railroad construction and things in general. Ho expressed pieasuro nt bolng back on tho Day and said that ho had hoped to have boon hero before now. E OF ELECTION C. R. Peck Talked of for Mayor Expect Evertsen to Run For Councilman. City politics continue to lie a topic of much discussion and some now names aro being talked of In con nection with tlio vnrloiiB offices to bo filled. It Is expected thnt thero will "bo moro rapid developments from now 'on. Carl Evertsen, who was recently nppolnted to fill tho vacancy on tho Council caused by tho resignation of John C. Merchant, has been tnlked of for Mayor, but U la understood that he will nrobably run for the Council InBtead. . , , C. R. Peck ia one or me laieai io be talked of as a posslblo candidate for Mayor. Ho has taken an active Interest In public affalra and many consider him one of the best candl datea talked of for tho place. J. H. Mllner la, atlll being talked of as a possible candidate for Mayor, but ho has not made any announce ment concerning Ills poeltlon In the matter. John A. Watt continues to bo urg ed by many for the place, but he has also been reticent about his position. G. W. Kaufman alnce his return has not made any statement concern ing hla candidacy for Councilman,, which was launched by hla friends during lila absence. RISE IN COQUILLE. The North Fork of tho Coqullle raised seven feet during the liast heavy rain and a boom of logs broke looBe at Myrtle Point and was caught by Chaa. Aehton. Tho ateamer Dora was caught In the drift-wood and thrown against the Jetty at the mouth of North Fork and damaged to such an extent that she was off the run for 24 hours. Bandon World. MR MORE DETAILS VOLTURNO DISASTER Harrowing Experiences Relat ed by Survivors From the Burned Liner Volturno Derelict Still Afloat and Is Drifting Toward Land. I-IKTY MMIK SUItVIYOUS. I AHIMYi: IX MYKItroOli I Ily Aui imi'ii hiu iii Cuu liny 1'lmi',l LIVERPOOL. Oct. 14. The steamer Devonian arrived hero steamer Douonlan arrived hero l todny bringing fifty Volturno survivors on board, ninny or I them remnants of families craz- ! ed with grief and terror nt the I tragedy through which they had I passed. Krnest Hermann, who I first noticed the lire in the hold, 1 tnyn even then It had mado such progress It waB evidently Inipos- I sihle to subdue, j Among tlio rescued wns n baby which a hysterical mother bad i flung into the sea. Arthur I Znohvood, a Dovculan seaman, I sprang overboard and rescued ! the child. Another figure was a girl of ! four whose Identity and nntlon- I allty are unknown. She stood I with the others bewildered. She ! Ih. unrecognized and unclaimed. Vnltunm Still Afloat. I Illy Amoi Ulnl Prr tn Coot (lay TluiM.l LONDON. Oct. 1 I. The Volturno was si ill afloat Sunday in latitude I7.:!7 north longitude ;V..: West. There Is a possibility of the hulk yet reaching laud. "The Campalgnla wns in tlio vicin ity on October 12," says a wireless to tho Ciinard line. "Tho derelict was then going southwest and (link ing about 1 Vi knots an hour. Tho hull appeared in good condition and likely to float Indefinitely." I'dity-lw ii on La Tout nine. HAVRE, Oct. 11. Tho La Tour alne, tlio second of tho rescue ships In tlio Volturno disaster to reach port, arrived with forty-two surviv ors. On tlio forward deck was a IN P LILZER TRIAL Lengthy Arguments Bagan This Morning May Reach Verdict Tomorrow. Ily An.oolalvil I'rnt to Com nay Time.) . ALMANY, Oct. U. Tho Indica tions vero today mat mo niga Court of Impeachment tryinu Gov ernor Sulzor might not reach' a vor dlct before tomorrow nnd possibly later. . i Lengthy arguments beginning at 11:30 tlilr. morning dealt with tho question or wlethor tho testimony) of lluncan W. Peck, Allen A. Ryan and Henry L. Mergontbaii bo con-' sidercd as parts of nrticlo four of tho Impeachment eNirucs or merely corroborative ovldonco and whether tliis testimony should bo emb'Jdlcd In an amendmont to tho articles. Having disposed of this question' the Court planned to tnko up tho cnusiiiutioiiui oijjuciiuiir. in iuu otuuiBel for the defense to tho var ious articles, T TRREE President and Cabinet Meet for First Time Since June to Discuss Naval Policy. (Ily Aiaoclated rrraa to Cooa Day Timet. WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 14.- President Wilson and his entire cab inet discussed the Mexican situation and the naval policy of tho United States today at the first Cabinet meet ing since last June. While the llrst object of the meet ing had been to take up the three battleship plan to put the United States back In the place It occupied among tho naval powers beforo tho last Congress cut the plans to ono ship, the dispatch of a German' war ahlp to Mexican watera and the poa Blblllty of like action by other Euro peon powers, which may force a crisis for the Huerta government, commanded flrat attention. President Wilson and Secretary Danlela are both said to be In favor of the three-battleship program for this year's naval appropriation bill and a two-ship program thereafter. FLOHKNCE CAFE SOU). A deal In which tho lease, furnish ings and business of the Star Res taurant figured has been completed. W. H. Wilson and J. C. Lewis, of Portland, are the partlea buying the property. P. A. 'Titus and family took over the Star Restaurant three years ago. Mr. Titus expects to stay In Florence, and contemplates build ing In the spring. -Florence Pilot. DECISION WAN BATTLESHIPS group of eight children from three to twelve years old, whose parents either perished or are aboard other rescuing steamers. "Tho forward part of tho Volturno when we saw It first looked like an Incnndescent brazier," said Capt.J Cussln of the La Touralne. j SAILORS TO TAKK VOTK ox yt'iiSTiox ok Kiiippixt; ItlT AoocUtPd Prrn to Cool Hit Tlmci.l LONDON, Oct. I I. The executive council of the National Sailors' and Firemen's Union decided todny to tnko a ballot of the members on tho question whether they were pre pared to refuse after May I, 1 !i 1 I to Hlil)) on ocean-going craft not sup plied with wireless. MA LIC P.SSi:.(ii:itS TKIF.D TO Ul'SII UKSeUK llOATS tnr AMotlatM rrcM to Cool n.r TlmM.J LIVERPOOL, Oct. M. According to Captain Trant of the Dovonlan an attempt' was mado on the part of the initio passengers of tho Volturno to rush the rescuing boats when they reached tho vessel's side, and tho Volturno's captain and olllcers did good work In keeping tlioni un der control. Trant says tho pltahlo screams for help from fiio Volturno made tlio "night hideous" to tho rescuers uuablo to give aid. When thu Devonian wns able to launch boats the women and children were taken llrst. They were swung ovor In coal baskets mid lowered to the boats. Crew Cowardly and Itriitul. My A.sot'latrd l'ri'M to Coo. Il, i'lmra.1 LONDON. Oct. 11. That tlio crow of tho Volturno, most of whom wM'o Dutch, bohaved In a cowardly manner and were brutal to thu pas rengors, Is tlio verdict of most of tho thirty survivors who arrived nt (iravesend on the Minneapolis today. All survivors' wore Russians, llun gaiians nud Poles. Control and Operation to be Left in Hands of Isthmian Canal Commission. (Ily Aworlaleil rrraa lo Coo Da, Time WASHINGTON, Oct. II. I'ntll the commerce of the world actually is llovlug smoothly through tho Pniiaum Canal, no change In cither li e operation of tlio lilt; ditch or in tho government of tho canal zone will be made. This became known fxlny. It developed alm that through this' decluion President' Wilson plan ned to pay n dollcato compliment to tlio men who have ncompllshcd the herculean task of Joining tho oceans by giving them an oppor tunity to enjoy tho fruition of ti.clr labors. Congress provided for r. civil government Xor the zono, but for tho time being Its control Is to be loft to tho Isthmian Canal Com mission nnd army cnglnccm. TRAPPED IN Entrapped in Burning Mine Rescuers Are Working Desperately. Uy AitoslateJ Prut to Coo Pajr Times.) CARDIFF, Wales, Oct. 1L Moro than 400 Welsh coal miners nro be- ; lleved to have perished in the Univer sal Colliery near hero today. A , terrible explosion of gas shattered .the works shortly after 7:40 when I 931 men went down the shafts. Five I hundred people had been rescued by noon when fire broke out and halted the work of rescue, i CARDIFF, Oct. 14. All the men In the east side of the mine reached the Burface by six o'clock, but 418 are atlll In the worklnga on the west side, which Is on fire. Colonel Pearson, the mine Inspec tor, said: "The fire is in the Intake airway and. everything Is bolng done to cope with It." ,000 MILES IN TEN HOURS tBy AmrlatM frtm is cooa Day TlmM.) JOHANN1STHAL, Oct. 14. Victor Steoffler beat all records today for a day's flight in an aeroplane, by flying 1000 miles In ten hours. NO ORANGE IN CANAL ZONE MNE TIE DICTATOR OVER MEXICO REDONDO SALE IS Two Weeks' Option on Vessel Has Expired Consider Changes in Nairn Smith. The option on the Steamship Re dniido, v hlch was held by some San Frnnclsco brokers, has expired and It is not likely that tho snle will bo consummated. Arno Mereeu of thu C. A. Smith company, who arrived hfi'e yesterday said that the com pany was disinclined to sell the ves sel, but ns a very good offer had been made and the people were so t about It, a two weeks option v at given. The Nann Smith Is now being heltl at San Francisco to secure bomo estimates on some changes in the vessel which they have tinder consideration, it Is it little liidetl nile yet ns to tho nature of tho c'langes and Just when they will he mndc. Mr. Moreen snid that they were anxious td furnish better servlco for the liny and hoped to arrange It shortly. Mr. Moreen said that they wore looking ti.lngs over hero and it would probably bo two or tltreo iltiys before thoy would get closely in touch with matters. Tho lumber market shows little ehango with the exception thnt the demand Is some better. Tho prices continue very low. Ho attributes part or tho poor lumber market to poor conditions in California. They are having an unusual drouth there, not getting atiy of the usual September rains r.ud It Is getting serious. This Is Holding back much of the rail trade. Mr. Moreen sold thnt tlio tiro at Ray Point was n most serious one, but (finder tho clrciimstnuces they cunio out or If very ItickUy. Their p'nnt, tho crnucs nnd sulllclent lum ber to meet current orders were twit. Whllu tiwjy carried Insurance, he snid It was the usual case of never having property or that kind Insured ttlllclcutly. .IACOII HECKLER. PROVES REAL SCRAPER AXI) INJURES LEVI SMITH WIIEX lti:SISTIX(i AR REST SUSPECTED OK OTHER OKKKXSES. John W. Heckler wns this after noon bound over to tho grand Jury by Justice C. L. Pennock on tho charge or assaulting and resisting ON flcor Lovl Smith. Ills ball was fixed at $fi00 nnd In default of It lie will bo takon to tho county Jail nt Co qulllo tomorrow morning by Cou stuble Cox. Rockier looked "second best" whilo ho was trying his own enso be foro Justlco Ponnock this afternoon, Ono oyo was black, swollen and otli erwlso marred; ills shirt collar was still bloody and bo was rubbing it gash In Ills head. Olllcor Levi Smith, who appeared agaiiiBt him is still suffering from n badly bwoIIoii and bruised Jaw and is nursing soino other briilseH Inflict ed by Rocklor. Tho fracas occurred In tlio P. K. saloon last ovenlng. Fred McCloes nnd Mr. Rrown, tho bnrtontlors, stat ed that following some ono being ac cused of trying to pick somebody else's pocket, Rocklor started trou ble and wanted to fight. Thoy sent for Olllcor Levi Smith and Heckler refused to go with him. Smith sent for aid and Shoupo nnd Carter re sponded, and Beckler was still fight ing. Thoy finally tied his arms and Btarted to drag him down the atroot. neckler had hurt Shoupe's wrist and ho turned IiIb hold over to Gordon Smith and Just then Rockier wrench ed n round and arising on his shoul der, kicked Smith in the Jaw. When arraigned this afternoon, Reckler demonstrated that he had a pretty good education, soma know ledge of law and evidently bad been In court before. Think llldi Hud One. The police say that Reckler Is ono of tho worst men who has been hero recently. Thoy did not get his right name, or what Is presumed to bo his correct namo, until they found a re ceipt from the Panama Employment agency nt San Francisco Issued Aug ust 6 to John W. Reckler to work for tho Rrooklngs Lumber Company at Chlco. Reckler protested against having to spend so much tlmo In Jail when he was bound over. The police think that Beckler HITS OFFICER; IS BOUND OVER M Suspended Provisional Consti tution and Will Issue De crees From Time to Time TO MAKE "INTEMPERATE" REPLY TO NOTE FROM U.S. Huerta's Proclamation Consid ered by Cabinet, at White House Today. REPORT OK AMERICANS ATTACKED IIV MEXICAXS Illy Auodattil l'riM In Coon Hay Tlmra, ) EL PASO. Oct. 14. F. II. El lis nriived today at .Ittarez from Torreon. lie says that his broth er. Joe Ellis, was killed by rebels while a party of Americans, of which ho was a member, was lenvlng for tho border. Tltreo i of t no party Is missing. Thoy nro: .1. M. Parsons, Wichita; L. M. Willie, Mittte; A. T, Stevens, Sacramento. The party was half way between Torreon anil El Oro when attacked by a body of Mex icans, Ily Aanot'lalFit I'rr.a to Coo Hay Tlmra.) MEXICO CITY, Oct. I I. An ear ly. answer Is to be mado by tho Mex ican government to the communica tion from Washington stating tho United States would look with dis pleasure on any Injury to the Mox Icait deputies under arrest, according to the Mexican Foreign Minister, Qtiorido Mohono. .Mexico's reply probably will bo de livered today to Nelfon O'Shaugh nessy, American Charge d'Affnlrs. Neither O'ShaughnesBy nor Forolgn Minister Mohono would discuss tho terms of tho note, but .Mohono de scribed It as "Intemperate." HUERTA'S DECLARATION RECEIVED AT WASIHX 'Xl Ily An.o.-htrl 1'riF In Co it liar Tims..', WASHINGTON, D. C. Oct. 14. Copies of i'1' ni'oclainatloii by Pro vlsiounl President Huerta announc ing lilmsolf dictator over Mexico woro rocolved today by tho State Depart ment nnd considered at n Cabinet meeting nt tho White House. Iluorta declares ho suspended the provisional constitution which grants Immunity l'roin arrest to members or tho Mox Ican Congress and announces ho will from tlmo to time issue excctttlvo de crees becauso or tho dissolution at Congress. "APPLE DAY Hotel Keepers of State Want to Boost Fruit by Observing Special Day. (Dy Aiaaclaled I'rrta lo Cooa Hay Tluea.l PORTLAND, Oct. 14. To boost tho Oregon applu tlio ho tel keepers or tho state aro urg ing that Novomber 1 1 bo observ ed its "Apple Day." nnd nil aro urged to observe the day, par ticularly In menus. a And Underwood Strikes From His Speech of Yesterday His Reference to Contribution. ny AiioclateJ Prfii to Coo. Hay TlmM.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 14. Democratic Leader Underwood's ref erence in tho debate with Represen tative Hobson yesterday to Thomas Fortune Ryan having contributed $10,000 to Presldont Wilson's cam paign fund, when tho President was running for Governor of New Jersey did not appear today in the odlclal report in tho Congressional Record. The White House Informed Under wood that no such contribution had been received and the Democratic leader struck out the referouco from his speech before tho Record went to press Inst nigut. reportod from tho resorts on North Front street and North Bend and thefts from passengers on tlio cars. Three men have reported thefts of $80, $G0 and smaller amounts and tho polico think that Hecklor had u gang operating with lilm. Reckler is apparently about forty years old, of strong physique and is said that it was about all the three officers could do to take him to Jail. Quite a crowd saw the fracaB. knows something of the numerous robberies and thefts that 'have loe- OREGON WILSON DENIES RYAN'S $10,000