!TOT THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 10, 1913-EVEWIMG EDITION. t I LEAVE TODAY PERSONAL NOTES ON ALLIANCE Steamer Sails This Morning for Eureka Has Fair Cargo Out-going. Tho Alliance sailed tills mornliiK lor Eureka. She had a pretty good through list and through cargo and took on considerable freight hero. Among those sailing on her were: J, Knapp, O. K. White, Chas. Ker shaw, Frank Oouthlor, Mrs. Gou thler, Mnbcl Sandhury, II. F. Grant, .Too Plant, Adolph Canionts, H. A. Curry. Carl F. Davis, A. K. Adelsper ger, Lewis McMullcn, Ego Carlos, Job. Ilarrctt and C. I'askrom. Tho season now Is with us when Tho football jokes appear again, And If a game Is poor, alack! .lust ask them for a "quarterback." . . itl t Many IMM. ,.,",". ' "T v f m, a The suggestion or me rHiniininv.ii. i. vauuh.i i ik - of John A Hlatt for Mayor has met Daly company Is In Handon on with much favor, many having iwarrn-. business. piiBSCUKurn 10 niisi-uiuh i Ing on the stage. MRS. EDWARD MOELLER and baby have returned from a Visit with relatives In Coqullle. C. W. MONTGOMERY left this afternoon for CoquiUc Valley points on business. C. U. PUCK went to Gardiner to il a v to attend a meeting of the Umpuua Port Commission. F. J. OIIIM ICS, of Portland, who ar rived on tho Breakwater yesterday, Is n guest at the A. .1. Savnge home. JACK CAMPBELL and wife and Hen ry Campbell were In town yester day from lVandon, remaining over iiit'iit nt tho necK. IHUioi , W(jre ,n ,mvn ,0(my fr()11 Tcin,e. ml tighter across the ton TI0V ,.nIn0 0I1 the Messenger tins morning. .... vi Mits in!.' U'lf .l J ninl lii'n1 , ;.Miv. iMJ .nun. nun ...... ..... ,f you are a chronic fault flmlorj Jo .tfyXffitt, it's a sign thnt your acquaintance . " 7. - n, ... arc tired of having you around. km. AN!) M IIS. W. J. LA PALME, nnii rniiiiiv will lonvo tomorrow on . .. . I ..... 1 i.... tlw.t.. ....... Irl.itl.M Yon ll not co t int old men who. iiiu nruuniuui i i mn ; i i ion n . i n ie.i iiiiim. II. L. COLEMAN is exported hero on the Breakwater Thursday to join lilu wlfo who has been on the Hay A ..ifnrunr i.lnlniu tllllf POI'HntH ilnvltiir tlln RllMltllftr. have lllled more graves than whin- M A. 'V'!'...?!. .S ViV.V1 vstiwi A. A. WOODS was In town today from Daniels Creek. MISS NETTIE SAVAGE Is spending the day nt the hatchery. MItS. J. It. DODGE of Coos Hlver wns shopping In town todny. ALVIE DONEDRAKE was in town over night from Hoss Inlet. JOS. It. BUTLER and sons came down from Gardiner last night. J. W. WILSON expects to leave In a few days for California points. MltS. J. M. OULLEY is In town today from Catching Inlet on a shopping trip. MItS. CHAS. L1NDQUIST came down from Camp 1 this morning on the Express. EVAN HODSON came down from Coos Itlver this morning on the Express. i). u.V.i ' " J "un- name. .Mr. matt nas mauc no an nounrcment yet. 1 LUKE McLUKK SAYS: ; If a mnn had n pool table at home he would have to go down town for a few hours every night to find sonic one to play with him. You might just as well ho frank and admit that you are Inclined to bo more or less gossipy. A girl's Idea of Economy Is to cut n dress lower at the bottom an hips nnd savo goods nro poor nnd young women who are wealthy never marry. key. Well, they both make tr.olr victims tight1. Reformers have been doilinnd' in.r llin ii'ilroil truth for ruiltliries ...w - - I IIIUI IIIIIK "111 .'"II milium. Anil now thnt it Is almost here thoy jms. A. .J. SAVAGE, Mrs. H. L. Chns. Stauffs ranch at the Sand Hills to arrange tor putting in uimwi firiiitlifirrlprt there. ERIC JOHNSON, who has been vis-1 Itlng at the Matt Matson homo near Suiniier. returned to town this morning on the Mnrshtloin. -wnnt tho fashions chnngod. Just think it over, sou, and then You'll find out that I'm right: A wise man will stay sober when Ho knows that money's tight. If you knew what wo know about Vinegar tho harsh, dangerous acids that are foisted on the public as Vinegar nowa days you would be mighty careful of tho kind you bought, We recommend Heinz Vinegar it's real Vine gar. Has not only sour ness, but flavor, aroma. Best for table use best for pickling and preserv ing. Tho Pure Food Laws attest its purity. We sell it bottled and in bulk by the quart or gallon, Ollivant & Weaver PURE FOOD GROCERS. GOOD PLACE TO TRADE. Phone 275-J. Cor, Central and Third st. Coleman and son Jack spent the afternoon In North Mend as tho 1 guests of .Mrs. M. K. worm. MR. AND MRS. L. W. LANG DON will leave tomorrow for Myrtle Point, whero they will visit Mrs. Lnngdon's brother. W. L. Karr. ARCHIE JOHNSTON hac returned I'm tn n trl.i In fJolil llcarh and Port Orford and Is deoply grieved! over the ucieat oi me uianis. RAY WALWORTH and family of ; Eastsldo are moving to South i inlet, whero Mr. Walworth will Iki miiiiiiivoil lii ihn excelsior mill. EM I L ANDERSON hns returned to, the Day nncr an cxienueii siny mi the Sluslaw whore ho has recently been employed In railroad work. LYLE SAVAGE left yesterday for Myrtlo Point. Ho Is Intorosted in tho building of the new home for tim r, in ninl ir. cent store there. MRS. ALFRED LONSTROM and Miss Gertrude Jennings wore passengers on i no .Messenger mis iihmiiihk ' from Haines Inlet. They came In mi ii uliomilni tilt). E. C. ARCHER and wife, who havo been spending tho summer nere, expect to leave soon for Raymond, Washington, where they will again tnlcn mi llioh- vpslilonco. 'J. ('. OIILSON, who arrived here re- contly from Twin km is. uiaiio. is , negotiating tor tno purciiaso oi a I .'-aero ranch on Isthmus Inlet, ' where ho will mako his home. MItS. C. A. METLIN and her mother. Mru M ir.- Mulv nlolil. n n. i.vnoctoil luitii.. Umiilnv mi llin llmliiiiiln from San Francisco and Oakland, whero tnoy ir.ivo iioeii visiting ior sovonu M'PftlCl! U A lll'P'IM.'U ninl I.Vimt.' rllll'lllliil'. I tho Mormon missionaries who linvo I boon in Mnrslilloid lor some tune, w'll lonvo on the lireakwator to morrow for Portland to attend a convention there next Thursday, .mux I). r:nss roitirnod vestordav from a bus uoss tiln at Handon and reports everything booming ' there. Thoy nro opening up I tho now street through town, tho now Panic liulltllug is linuerway nnd a largo number of now houses nro being built. 11. E. MASLI.V of the Trojan Pow der company left today via Myrtlo Point' for his homo at San Francisco. Ho says that tho rounding of tho whistles to day touched a rosponslvo chord in him because his firm furnished most of tho explosives used In tho canal excavations. Look Good in the Window Look Better on You! EVERY suit and overcoat in our window is a STYLEPLUS. They look good because they have style in their LINES, in the MAKING and in the FABRICS. But they are called Styleplus t 7 Clothes pl "The same price the world over" because they have something more than style. They have style plus all-wool fabrics, plus expert workmanship, plus fit, plus guaranteed service. Once you slip on a coat you will say "here are real clothes' They set right, they feel right and they look right. This special suit makes you well dressed and stylishly dressed and the FACTS BEHIND are HUB that TTonry Sonncbom & Co., Italiimorp, the leading inanufaedirei'.s oi' men's clothing of medium price, have concentrated the power of their whole organiza tion upon making STYMSLMjUS a heller suit than the world has ever .seen Tor $17. that the fabrics are all wool especially selected, that the eoat is hand-tailored where hand-tailoring is required. that the canvas and haircloth are water-shrunk so as to hold shape. that the linings and trimmings not only look right but (rear. that every suit and overcoat is guaranteed to give ab solute satisfaction or you can have a new one. See the Saturday Evening Post this week. Xeir lltiiifs do Iitiiijit'ii, 77.' old world makes imujirss. Tli .v .v a ncir dad in clothes. A re you foiny to accept it and benefit by it THIS season? You will, if you arc williny to tool: with unclouded eye. Conic :Y. On Display at These Three Stores Now CLOTHING AND SHOE CO. BANDON "MONEY TALKS" MARSHFIELD The Store of Clothing Economv The STYLEPLUS Store. MYRTLE POWT Hoy iiresontecl a lilll for $S0 from Ino Wllny 11. Allon MuhIc company, llrltt anniiKud to tuho tills up with tho company. Hrltt, who lout an arm luul u leg In an accident hero, later lost- all his tnonoy, practically, In the destruction of an artlilclal limb tuctory In which ho was Interested. I LOCAL OVERFLOW. Cass On .Motion. Tho Oregon Supremo Court has rofuscd to dis miss tho appeal In tho McOooiko typewriter case, tho decision bolus on a motion holng made on tho allocation that McOeorKn had failed to Hie his answer in time. It. O. 0 raves received word to this offect today. lias llliMHl Poison. Geo. C. Ker ran, ono of tho proprietors of tho broomhandlo factory at tho old i btnve mill, Is suffering from a severe ' attack of blood poisoning In his hand. While tearing down an old rhed, a rusty nail cut his band and It becamo Infected. It Is badly swollen and may necessitate an op eration. Settles ('uses. Yesterday Con stablo Cox attached thu personal effects of Howard llrltt. who had Just returned from Portland, for 120 for a Portland taxlcab bill.' Brltt settled thla and then H. 0. AMONG THE SICK The young child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Herman, of Kaststdo, has been quite sick, Tho young child of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Stecklo of ISastsldo, has boon unlto ill. Martin Mcl.aggan, of Eastsldo, has been confined to his homo a few days by illness, Clifford McKay, of Eastsldo, Is re ported 111. CltKKIl UP! "Marrlago Is n failure," growled tho Grouch. "So is remaining single," 'added Russ Tower. I've often been without a bean, And know It to be true, That when you are mlnuB the long green You're certain to feel 'blue. I AT THU HOTELS. The CliaiHlliT. ft. W. Wright, Portland; (ieo. P. Alexander, Portland; H. G. Cumber, Seattlo; 13. II, Haguowood, Portland; Mr. anil Mrs. H. Drett, Portland; P. .1. Grimes, Portland, L. 11. Gar diner, Portland; Mt.i. J, Kapfor, Portland, H. A. Curry, San Francis co; C. M. Kberhart, Portland; Miss h. Sporry, Coqullle; II. G. Darklago, Portland; D. K. nardln, San Fran cisco; Low'ls McMullon, Myrtlo Point; F. C. Hanson, Portland; Eurl D. Doran, Portland; S. G. Macklln, Portland; I. C. Fuller, San Fran cisco; F. F. Don Ivan, Portland; .1. W. Dawklns, Spokane; A. AV. Butter worth, St. Paul; D. Mar Ru tosh, nandon; W. Thatcher, Denver; Luis Pello, Denver; II. B. Donaliy, Portland; A. Camoron, Salem; C. L. Wilson, Portland. 'Pile Lloyd. Gus Johanoon, San Francisco; Alfred Ansamaa, San Francisco; J. 0. OhlBOn. Twin Falls, Ida; Allx .TackBon, Portland; May and Flosslo Korn, Portland; J. D. Scott, Med ford, Ore.; F. 0. Lehman, Portland: J. A. Pryor, Portland; A. C. Ack crman and wife. Rosoburg; Frank Gardiner, Coaledo; petor Magudor, Ray Point: Olio .Tnhnnon Alnwi.' The IUca. 'H. R. Palmer, Spokane; Jas. Hc- Glynn, Handon; Guy Walker, Henry vlllo, Thos. Edgar. Portland; Chas. D. Gunn, Portland; C. W. Nolson, Myrtlo Point; T. E. Hall, Rosfcburg; B. B. Smith, Coalodo; J. Raymond, Eureka; John Sundqulst, Myrtle Point; J. B. Larson, Portland; Frank Nylander, Gardiner. The Cook. T. L. WaUoman, Camp 1; A. F. Edwards, Eugeno; W. W. Gage, Co qtUlle; S. Hakola, Astoria; Tom " . .. T tf.i Haydon. San r0's jed Coqullle: K. K. -o.nr.lml nnd Wlti "... r. Campbell, Bandon; f!nns RlVCr: t. u. i' ( Jos. r. ner.aK Ai Smith. Cooi DraKO, -r gAn, Salem, LaddjndJ. HOT TAMALB8 ' TOMOUROWi We Are Busy KenovdM and Remodeling u UNION MEAT MARK? when ttTe ...in . 1 . 1-1 mnrlfRt. . , i ,nfflC no Will IIIUKO Utt I1IUUCI IIIUUUIII ftaA WUD I, Wo are now serving the people of Marsnn e a q u best meats ever sola hero. Prime steer eei country. Meat 'Ford Itckejr1 Proprietor.