PfflPLE SELDOM RESORT TO PRAYER UNTII THEY HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING ELSE (000 Sag tm?0 VOL' ( AN l '" ,1,1m: V'ii nii( In Tlio Times Z Jforlt. '"""" DON'T GKT KXCITKD If you've loM something three or four line want adv. In Tho Times will bring It bark. The Times want atls net result. MEMBER OF TIIK ASSOCIATKD press. ivi.l.lUlwil 1H7K lOL XXXVII. ns Tho Const Mall. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1913 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGEsT A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall mill Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 65 LET US TALK IT OVER L MURDER OF LITTLE CHILD DISCLOSED III N. I T ot . n,, L roVloillilf,ref rrC(1 to tl,c Importance of the coming city elect on and tho necessity of caro in selection of candidates and ills culminating Judgment In their election. Never before I n t lie e Uy s s enlLhZnn'!K,renlr f ,n,clllKt exercise of the franchi e by nn ol,e( ,ma. ? 1 n.e c. tWo yers PromlBo to be big ones for jf ARRESTS MADE FOR SENSATIONAL BftNDON CASE OA I Uln " Fd RSK laKCIl llliu uuoiuuy Here snu oamui uuwcio m rcsted in Bandon. THREE YOUNG GIRLS innuu connI unRirr MIoollVU mum numt. Men Chained With Trying to Lure MaidCNS iu mcvciuci Causes Bit) Stir There. r.l lllsk, chauffeur for Arthur mach of Hamlon, was arrested Here today by Marshal Curler and Deputy Sheriff Clyde (inge on tho ehargo f( being nn accessory to a plQt ,' three Iliuidon young Klrls war from homo. "Joiih woo Posers, a llandoii barber. Is under rrcst there ntul tho three girls, who left yestenlny, had not heen iaIc! at noon. The oldest of tho drli Is "illy l'"1 firtecn. Tho tins art' i i""1" i. Shields Klrl. nil iiiemliora of well known Hamlon laiuiiios. FIRS I EFFECT OF NEW TARIFF New York Custom House In creased hy Fifteen Men for Busy Day. Illy Attn. Iium rum lo Coot liny Tlnira.l WASHINGTON, Oet. I. Underwood today said that sev eral nionlliH would olapso bororo tho stores etit prices as a result of tho lower tariff. i'--i"iiiii:i 01 uie cny numinisirauon. We need not only a S.?,0iii8li"m,B mnn for Mnyor' "t o should not be handicapped by weak and vnclllntlng support on tho Council. 1 rnnii.i. fn . , V H con't for nliandonliiK the policy of potty partisanship and foolish factionalism. Marshlleld needs a general recognition of a common "iit,t?!'.(;!,,B nml 11 ,n,Uy of ondonvor to nehleve them. The word HARMON should be writ In letters of gold over the gates of every en trance to the city. The force of fighting should be utilized In Keiiulne con struct lvo effort. Illy AiicKlainl IVrm lo Coon Hay Timet.) NEW YORK. Oct. I. Tho FI.hI effect of tlii iii'vi- Turin' 1 nil nu naiiiitv H 10 ' III V. miU UHKU HHlll : hfwni (Ml fir tfwltif icw... .1 t that he lMd I"'"" Informed that horco or tho Custom Mouse was n-n'.i- iv .is tn have taken flio three ' criMiumi i... nn,,,. i.. ...i..i.. wan - - - ,,,, um-uii mi;i III Ullli:illU- plrls out yesterday by auto and the tlon of one of the busiest dnv.i In were to he taken to .Nevada, Soiuo thu history of tho Port. In forty now, their plnns went nnilss and, eight bonded warehouses $70,000. ftlle the Klrls left, lllsk came 10,000 north of merchandise mvalti? Mirshflclil Inst night. nisk. who Is only nineteen years eld denies Having nan any pari 111 1 1 1 1. .1 1 ml. niiiiiiiuniii. iiio iinpuriers aro Impntlent to get t!:o goods on the market, nml If lu the alleged crime, no sain no uiu nttemnt to withdraw mnm )... . . . .1.1 . ........... . . . . ,..-.. ....,.-.... --- 1 uiuii Kiut Hioro at once. HH gussip lit: nun iiuiiiii ut 111111- COD. Chdo (hiKO declared that, tho .-.I n 11,1. ill, ii. ..t,ll,ll.l,l r. ZUlUUIUIva 111 llilimwil 1 ilillllt.ll I,' hive a "chiclr case against lllsk , . 1. tn..,. nn iinwfrH. .111. viiiui limit iiinu tifK Willi 1111:1 tins aiieniuou, mihk Illy AurnilHIril I'rrm Id c,,i liny TIiiim.) WASHINGTON, I). C.. Oct. I. A brief summary of the new Uirlff law. passed bv the Seiintn vesionlnv afternoon ami sinned bv Prnniiinnt riving the Coach car In whleli ho. " i?"" "lHl "'K".1- IH. na follows: 1.... 1 iiu iiuw i:iriir inuv niiuami r,nn years after President Tuft kIuhkiI . . .it . . it 1110 OYlHMllir I'flVnii.A lilflnlif nu ra 1.11111T 111 lint' 111 iiiti nn jh ii 11 11 - 1.4 in he Marshal at llnndon discovered l"! rL'H"'1 ,r. "lor" tllll '" nionths Ka ll tn tnl.-., II... ..l.-lu n ,.,. til li 111 VOIIKI 0HS, MearllUS WelO . . .. ......" siarien iniitiiuu, c 1,., o,,. 11,,.,..., nn irpn, n riiisn v.'iiii'M. , iininninv ...... ... ... iiiiurv . . ' . .. . . 1 wnvs nml Ainntiu r,.i,,,iiii(r. i..,i.. . ' . .. . . 1 man iinnnrwooii nimiiiinni n,,. 1,. iv nn Kirn iiiiiiii'ii nil, fririH n I iiiit 7 . . w.. - , lllll AlkCll V liiiiii,i,llnlnl ..fl,.H iiuhl Wilson linn i-nn vmuui u,n nmi ,The affair lins caused great ex-' 1.T,.. 'iiiW 1". . """1, M"y .. . .: I AVerilirn iinrrnnlmrn nt tiiflff i-iifnu ' " ,,,t,ii ., 1 1 lit.. ....t..n e ..It I... .. . " v i nor imii? ihu nw " . mt mm T T . '"ih" ( Viilllo nf 11 II 11 li') I li.innrlu n.l.l.wl in . ... .......... .. n - " I in fnwi t. J1I7 uoo nno nn inn tA,itiifi iiiai.ii i.,,ti.i .i.n t- ... 11 v" l:ut lllinliiil riii'im nnu ri,.i. nil l,.. The c ty's Mayor should be a man of .character and conscience, a big broad-minded mnn or commercial capacity and achievement. lie should bo a man whoso Interests In tho city are more than mere montblngs and whoso Intelligence Is great enough to recognize that the Interests of the whole peo ple are paramount to tho Interests or any single Individual. Tho Times suggests the unim of W. S. Chandler as such a man. He hns done more In constructive effort to make Marshlleld the budding metropolis that It Is today than any other single Individual, with tho one exception of t. A. Smith, and tho work of these two men has been along different lines in the making of Marshlleld. ('. A. Smith has niinln H Imlnsti'lnllv the work of W. S. Chandler has been a complement to that of Mr. Smith n building a city worthy of the meat Industry unon which It lias lii'im rnmui. ed. While Mr. Smith has been busy developing the great and rich resources of this section, Mr. Chandler has been busy building a city to meet the ile- iii.iuiis cieiueii uy imiiiBiry. i no wont or iiotn men nns ueen co-operative nnd constructive. Mr. Chandler Is a man of character and capacity, lie Is big enough to no removed irom any pony incKorings or rnctionailsm. ills interests are large enough to make the city's growth and prosperity his chief concern. He would give the city a buslucss-llko administration that would redound to the credit of every citizen within Its borders. Tho candidates inr the Council should be chosen with euunl euro nnd discrimination. The different sections of tho city should be represented by nion who aro thoroughly representative or tho progressive spirit oT the pres ent day. They should bo men who aro capable or handling the city alTalrs in a successrul nnd business-like maimer. They should be men Tree rrom partisan bias and factional roollshness men, In short, who can servo their city honestly and faithfully with a mind ever alert to the Interests of the whole people and not bounded by the narrow confines of prejudice and pas sion. The good citizens of Marshlleld, men and women, should Interest them selves In this election. They should boo that proper candidates aro chosen and then elect them. They should not, through Inaction and Indifference to the welfare of this community, neglect this splendid opportunity to servo Invnllv ami well their city nnd themselves Notorious Italian Gunman Hits Fair-haired Girl When She Asks for Water. UNDERTAKER BEING HELD PENDING INVESTIGATION Was Forced at Point of Gun to Go to Gunman's Home and Remove Body. iny AaioclatM rrtmi lo Coo IIy Tlm.J NICW YORK, Oct. I The bnt tered body of a falr-halred little, girl, killed by a blow on tho bond, my In tho Harlem morguo today whllo the police sought for Joseph Depunia, a notorious Italian gun man, ns her slnyer. Tho child's body was brought to the morguo In a mncnrnnl lmv in of or rog. Tho wireless operator sent "P1 " , Kn'l'" ''nmiun, an undor out frantic distress calls which were 't,,kor' w" 'hl n tale of having picked up by ships and stations all , ouceu ni n pistoi s point to go STEAMER GOES ASHORE III FOG Wireless Operator Sends Out Frantic Calls for Help, Causing Alarm. Ily ,Mn, Inlo.l IYim to Coon Hay Tlmn.J SHATTLH. Oct. -I. Tho big pnss enger steamer Spokane, from Alaska ports for Sonttle, went ashore on the east shore or Vancouver Island, llfteen miles north of Capo Lazo at iiinu o ciock insr nignt in too snow along the Paclile const, cnuslng grent ninrin. tiio nrst vessel to re spond to tho Spoknne's calls was tho rrclghter l.ntouche, which wns toon standing by. Seventy-nlno pnssengers woro transferred to tho uitouclic In tho stnnll boats. Forty outers reniBCd to leave the com fortable qunrters on tho Spokane. Tho Spokane got off and Is proceed ing to Senttlo with all passengers. mi me Minnnpiiiii iiiiiin, !.. h.iii M).iihi:sts virr. Hstlmnted revenues from all Im port rates: old law, $.!0.",OuO,000; new law, $2l!i,ono,(ll)0. ICstlmnted rovenues from corpor ation and Income taxes: old law $37,0110,000: now law, $12,000.000. Altogether, consumers In tho Unit- ROQSVELT TO GO EXPLORING Left This Morning for South America for Six Months' Trip Into Interior. JPy Aiio.Utrd TrfM lo Coo rmr TIiiim.1 N'KW YOltlC. Oct. 1. Hxnlorer Theodoro litioscvelt and pnity sailed containing $200,000 from Senttl mmm im CT DAI I MIlIM l' "'" TL n "INE FOR WEEK iW ULI Ul UUIM1LUI $200,000 in Strong Box in the Ruins Movement of Trains Continues. (Dy A(Hitt'l I'lcm to Cool IX, Tlni".) ST. PAUL. Oct, I. A strong box ww norKiiiK un i ww In Dowoisu Marsha Cnrtor niuuu nt nnm. tn- Stntoa probnlily will recolvo from ..i(iiwiih mi tltlVniD llflll w tut iiinu ten ninriA ii iim i a wia e r t ,.x ... a . . huu ill L11U ITlinu 111 .1 IKH A I . II II II . II 1 1 II . 1 1 II 1 1 Wlll'lll 111 llllM'fMlIllllllHH mine liowccso. who wns vestnr-l,l lllln,r tlm mivl t.,,.,1, l)ii.,l,i,y lllt ir ronnrln.l ... I . .. .1 " n -i .....v. in iiuvt lll'I'll IlHIIlIlifill I . - . . .. . i, . 'iiiii, (ifiiriMfir rT r ..,. i,ti,iniiu" unu I inn Im.,,.. I. . , I .....,,i...v I . ,j ,,..i,w. .u . ..a UUIITH hnprnl) lln...l . llllll II lllllll A A A II .11 II II .11 II II . 11IIII WIlllll - , , hi 111 iiiiii n , v mill i ....... T ,. w ... .. ... , -- ... v. """"'K un a c:iuw hi ,,, , , T i i n iiiii, niicur, nun uru llllll I'liuiip uuu, mid other Important Items, tho total to tho United States Treasury, Is In the ruins of tho St. Paul Union Stntlon, which wns destroyed by fir last night. Tho still smoldering ruins today barred, access to tho and safe. .Movement of trniiiB today was not delayed, as tho train sheds i w UU LTlllIIIIllUI I M U tflll II 1 1 F not caro to irlvn nnf niivtiiinnlH expected to IncronKo notably. Un usi si nrcicAtii i nor run nm ini mni'ii tniin r.:i nni CALL FOR ID h',7. 1 Mn P'rou,uuu oona rcuuons uauses Further Delay. (SPednl In llln rp , ... vuun nn riiitittn.l I i. a ;. .vuiliiV U'ltlimifr . Mt ' - -wvi II llllll IIDIIIti l.n n I aIk.H -- .. huiuuk LI1U.L II MIin v,iiuil in nn a,1 i.. on n 4,-.nT . " f?y5?f m ... . t .", uuu uunii lHHiin in wu roans pi... r . in,... iiu iuniirv i:nnpr "'u y I'rnenm,,!.. . .. Wton r I "e? il beIleVO that VWUQ Call lift tnlnt. nut., n ti iiij i miu rnn . J L.UIirt no I. ' vicaKiiroii . " w Ihon- lt" i'""r to tlio convonlnir . " vLiiinPn in.... m. : " r mtten inv itii. ... ' w"n nrrt n.i.i . . r. 0orTU; ,i" .uo" w, be take MMJ woum i,-. , . r.b ,k L'irn.l.f.WIlley & Schroe- ibt.H r:". ,,ss"lved. All nersonn v ,uem at onco "-u i rr itTZ K thZ P.!?0" Allegany la.t c today. no 0UtBlng auto dor tho old law more than 5:1 per cent of all goods brought to the United States from all parts of the world paid no lit riff, and that tiro portion will hu Increased by tho now law. Tho rreo wool provision of tho new law takes olrect Decomber l, 1013; tho freo sugar provision .May 1. 101(1. In tho opinion of Its makers, tho Democratic Loaders of Congress, tho most Important features of tho now tariff aro: A reduction of nearly one-half In tho avorago tariff on foodstuffs nnd farm nroducts. Tho plnclng of raw wool cm tho freo list, and a reduction of nearly two-thlrdB tn tho tariff on woolon clothings, especially of tho cheaper grades. A reduction of one-third (avorago) on cotton clothing. Reduction of tho sugar tariff nnd its ultimata abolishment In 1916. A reduction of ono-th rd (averago) In tho tariff on earthonwaro and glassware. Abol Bhment of all tariff on meats, fish, dalrv products, flour, potatoes, coal. Iron ore. lumbor and ninny classes of farm nnd office machinery. General tariff reduction on all im portant articles In general use. Throughout the long llgni over the bill, tho Republican attack on tho measures has been directed against those rates which tho repub licans declared! were bo low as to threaten destruction to American in dustries, through the competition of lorolgn manufacturers. The Demo cratic supporters of tho now law have Insisted that except In those cases where public welfare demand ed radical changes, tho tariff has been reduced only to a point where It will "Btlmulate competition," with out turning American markets over to foreigners. A great amount of work will fall upon tho Treasury Department. It Is expected, In working out the details of the new Income tax and the meth ods of collecting the direct taxes from Individual cltlrens of the Unit ed States, Th0 tax upon corpora- for Brazil on the steamship Van Dyke early this afternoon. Part of tho six mouths which Roosevelt will bpend In South Amorlca will bo de voted to addresses on American De mocracy, iieroru universities nthiM liftillpM. a nil. t. Pntnunnln to visit nn woro saved. Temporary ticket out or tho way hiIbbIoh, and tvomces wero established In passenge: I t , 1... .I......I In On,, ' I'OIH'lll'fl. ciunmugH ill uiu iwiiiuiuni, iu oiin- tlago, Chill, and back to Uuenos Ayres, will bo other features of his Journoy. Those who embarked with Roose velt wero Mrsp Roosevelt nnd Miss Margaret Roosovelt, who will make tho round trip on tho Van Dyke, Anthony FInlla, Polar explorer,, who has charge of tho expedition equipment, O. K. Cholry and Leo L. Mlllor, naturalists or tho Ameri can Museum of Natural History, Frank Harper, Rooso volt's Secre tary and Row Father John August Ino Zahn, Provincial Order of tho Holy Cross, former field companion of Roosovelt Tho naturalist will work Into tho Intorlor shortly after their arrival In Rrazll, to bo joined by Roosovelt nrtor ho has complotcd his lectures, which will bo lu Docomher. Tho party probably will return to clvlll ;;iitlon lu April. SUFFRAGETTES AGAIN BORN COQlllJii: LIMIT I ON SCHOOL PAUTIKS I I COQUILLE, Ore., Oct. 1. Superintendent C. A. Howard and Principal A. J. L Robort- I son hnvo Issued a lettor to tho I patrons or tho High School in which thoy stato that parties, I balls, picture shows and othor entertainment that tako pupils I out at nights aro detrimental I to their school work, and re questing parents to permit par ticipation In these and similar amusements only on Friday and Saturday nights. TUCKKIl NOMINATED Admit Setting Fire and Hope They Made a Good Job Just Out of Prison. . Dy AiocliteJ 1'rnt to Cooi Day TlinM.) LONDON, Oct. I. Two militant suffragettes this morning set flro to a largo unoccupied Rivorsldo houso at Hanipton-on-Thnws, a few miles abovo London. Tho women woro arrested, and Identified ns Miss May Richardson and Miss Rachol Peace Miss Richardson, who was released recently from prison, whore alio was serving a term of tlirco months admitted alio had set flro to tho houso and hoped sho had made a fcood Job of it. Tho womon woro remunded with hall. CROWD IN n Appointed District Judge for N6me, Alaxka uy I'roNiuent. (Dy AMOclated IVcn to Coot Day Timet. WASHINGTON, Oct. 4. The President today nominated John Randolph Tucker, Junior, District Judgo for the Nome District of Hons, now fixed at one per cent of their Income, rematns the same, and becomes part of the general Income tax Jaw. A staff of special deputies, collectors and agents will be em ployed to organize and conduct tho work of Income tax collection. If you hare anything to sell, rent, Olaf Henriksen, of Boston, Right on Cobb's Heels for American Honors. 1 (Dy AMOclaUi Prcit to Coot Day Timet. CHICAGO, Oct. 4. Joe Jackson dropped to third place among the American League batters this week. Cobb still leads, but Olaf Henriksen of Boston crowded into second place closo on Cobbs heels. waiter Johnson tops the pitchers in games lost and won. In the National League Ylngllng of Brooklyn leads In batting and Vaughn of Chicago leads the pitchers. If you have anything to sell, rent, trade, or want help, try a Want Ad trade, or want help, try a Want Ad in The Times. in m6 Times. o Pennsylvania Coal Miner Res cued This Morning From Abandoned Chamber. Illy Anioi'lalr,! ?rrit to Ccna tuy Timet. CHNTRALIA, Pa., Oct. 1. Toshe ky, a prisoner slnco Frldny f last wcok In an abandoned chamber or tho Continental mine or tho Lchl Collier Coal Co. walked Into th open air, a rreo and comparatively well man shortly bororo olght o'clock this morning. Rescuors had boon at work over slnco his Im prlsonmont began. Toshoky climbed tuo patn to tlio rim or tno pit ni most unaKieii. to the gunman's Hat and removo mo notiy. The man was weeping with his face In tho blood when tho detect ives reached the Mat. Later sho was gone, nnd witil hor the gunman had disappeared. Tho theory advanced was that the llttlo girl had been kidnapped and was being held for ransom. Thero Is no police record, however of a child of that description being missing. Tho undertaker was hold pending ti further investigation or tho mutter. Ho says the gun mnn told hint ho lilt the child because she begged for wnter nt night. FOR THE CORBY ILL I E IS DISCHARGED Girl Confesses There Was no Base for Her Charge Against Young Oelrichs. 1 ny AuoclateJ Treti to Coot Day Timet, NKW YORK, Oct. -I. Herninn Oelrichs, the millionaire law student at Columbia University wns dis charged In Pollco Court today when nrralgned on tho chargo of stabbing Luclllo Slnglotou, tho daughter of a Texas inlno owner. Tho caso against young Oolrlchs was dismissed at tho request of issl8tnnt Attornoy O Mally, to whom Miss Slnglotou confessed yesterday, thoro wns no basis ror hor nrovlotis declaration that Oolrlchs had stab bed her. THREE FAIL TO GET PENSIONS Coos County Court Rejects Ap plications Two Granted and One Continued. (Special to The Times.) COQUILLE, Ore., Oct. 4. Tho Coos County Court this week mado it plain that mothers' pensions wero not to be granted for tho asking. Three applications from women whoso husbands are living were re jected. They wero thoso of Mrs. Stlllwell of Bandon, Mrs. Myers of Marshlleld and Mrs. Wadh'am of Bridge. MrB. Hollenbeak of Eden Valley was alowed $40 per month and Mrs. Canterbury of Bandon $10 per month. Mrs. Sarah Wilson of South Broadway, Marshfleld, was an ap plicant for a mother's pension, but her application was taken under ad Isement. , President Wilson Receives Many Pongratulatory Mes sages About Tariff. tlly Atioclateil Tritt to Coot nr Timet, WASHINGTON. Oct. 1. Presi dent WIIboh went to tho golf llnku early today, acording to his Sat urday custom, ntul when Ho roturncd to tho White Houso shortly bororo noon ho round many tolograma congratulating him on tho slgnliif; or tho now Tariff bill. With tho congratulations camo In many cases, tho sentiment, "Now for currency legislation.'' In his report the President took up the tnsk of acompllshlng tho second big niensuro or his admin istration. At the White Houso and Executive quarters generally thoro Is conridouco that tho currency bill, nlrendy pnssed by thw Houso, will bo pnssed by tho Senate nml signed by tho Prosldcnt bororo many weeks. Tho opinion prevails that If the work Is not completed bororo tho iJocemnor session of Congress be gins It surely will bo by tho January ono. URGE COXSIDKHATIOX TODAY. .Supporters of .Mciimiio Try to Get Action in somite Committee. ny Atioclateil l'ri. to Coat lit) Timet.) WASHINGTON. D. C. Oct. I. In an Ineffectual attonint to onon consideration or tho administration currency bill by supportors or tho moasuro, Shnffroth arguod vainly for nn ngreoinont to closo tho hearings on tho bill next Snturdny, but tho Republicans on tho commlteo nro- tested vigorously. Rood nnd Hitchcock, who liavo op posed hurrying tho bill, woro absent. Momnors of tlio commlttoo express ed tho opinion that It would bo iiob- slblo to reach an ngreoment to closo the hearings on October 1G. How long tlio committee would consider the bill aftor that dnto cannot bo conjectured but nn effort will bo mado to report It to tho Sonato early In November. I Along the Waterfront. Tlio Washington sailed yesterday with a cargo or lumbor, empty oil drums, etc., ror San Francisco. BUY PIANO. Tho Union Sunday school or East- side litis purchased a Mason and Ham lin organ for their hall, of tlio L. J.,. Thomas music store. This is one of tho latest of their Improvements and will bo greatly enjoyed by all. Hats Cause Fire. Fireman Gord on Smith today extinguished1 a blazo In a woodshed at the S, J, Immel homo at Second and Anderson. Soma ruts had started a nest and carried somo matches thero. A few buckets or water extinguished it without any particular damage. DANOK HAT. NIGHT, EAGLE'S HALT.. KEYHKItfV ORCHESTRA.