mmr THI 0001 IAY TIMES, MAR&HFIELD, OREQON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 19ia-EVENIN0 EDITION. 3 r A. Smith Lumber & Mfg Co RETAIL DEPARTMENT V LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, BASH AND DOORS. jfllBEH. ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT TUB pgONf FUEL BILL IN TWO BY USING OUR WOOD. 189 SOUTH BROADWAY L. nemiiD I'HOTOGRAPHING ABSTRACT COMPANY ti.- nhotoeraphlc copies of all records Coos County to date, . nf titles. I'fu.ient ownere, or any other Information relating ,bl,r,S Vtato f.irwislie.1 on short noUce. 'tlvaa OFFICIO: 117 North Front St, Marshfield. Phone 151A mm W. J. RUST, Manager NEW AUTO LINE TO PORTLAND, Marshfield -Drain Auto Stage Line via AM'WWXV AND SCOTTSBUHG PASSING GOLD AND SILVER FALLS FROM MARSHFIELD TO PORTLAND. LEAVES MARSHFIELD EVERY MORNING. AT A. M. ON STEAMER RAINBOW. F4IB TO PHAl.V, 11. nf1 n 1,1,1,3 1,1 ,,MS -,,r,,cp PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY MRS. PAHUINGER, Tcttclior of Piano. Residence Studio, No. 109C, Corner Commercial and Eleventh Sts. Phone atm-3. I Protect your homes before the Ore ! h P.i n 1 a mil li InunKlni IhAM Ih m good, . reliable Fire Insurance Com pany. Oregon Flro Relief Associa tion's policies are the strongest, cheapest and best. See Wm. J. Leaton, agent, room 1G, Eldorado bldg., or phono 243-L. Wl'RNKK LAG US, M. D. l'lij'Mclan mikI surgeon Onduato from the Imperial, Alex ander University in Finland. Olllce Coke bldg. 307. Tel 414. PMldence 4C1 2nd fit. No. Tel. 123-X B ENJAMW OSTLIND, CoURUMing jsngmixr anu Architect. pbone 103-L MHrslifleM, Ore. J M. WRIGHT, CONTRACTOR AND iimr.iiuu Eitlmates furnished" on request. Plana and ipecltlcatlons furnished i( desired. An honest Job guaran tnd. Phone 124-K. J OKL OSTLIND, PUno Tuner and Rcoalrer. 41b 8. Sixth Street. Phone 101-L Uire orders at W. R. Hulues Music Co. PEBIi RILEY UALLINGER PhtaJit aad Teacher Rialdence-Studlo, 23? So. Broadway Phone 18-L. Q. CHANDLER, Room Ml and 802, Coke Baildlaa. Manhfteld, Oregoa. DR. W. MORROW, Deatltt. 171 Grime Ball ding, over Gra4 Theater. Office Phoae 890. W M. 8. TURPEN, ARCHITECT Marshfield, Oregon. TR. A. Jf. HENDRY'S Modem Dental Parlors. Wt are equipped to do high class work oo short notice at the Tery Iswest prices. Examination free Lady attendant. Coke Bldg., Obi. Chandler Hotel, shone 11 2-J. You Auto Call Foote PHONE 144-J NIGHT AND DAY. SUnd front of Blanco Billiard .Parlor. THREE NEW CARS 11 P. M. Phone 255 Residence Phone 28-J. Careful Drivers Voo Anywhere AUTO TAXICAB SERVICE ku been established In Marshfield. C1U for tralna or parties made at T hour. Caroful driving. Reason lt rates, stand at Palace Res tturant. Phono 5-J. J & HANEY, Proprietor. City Auto Service Good Cart, Careful Drivers and reasonable charges. Our motto 'Will go anywhere at any time.' Stand Blanco Cigar Store. Day phone, 78. Night phone 139-X. TOM GOODALE. Proprietor. SCHOOL SHOES See tho new school shoes nt the Electric Shoe Store the best In town 180 SOUTH BROADWAY. Have That Roof Fixed NOW Bte GOUT BELL PHONE 1171. IUST RECEIVED A largo shipment of Electric Cot Glass Shades. Call and see our stock of glass ware. We also have some of the latest designs in shower fixtures from two light to five. Everything In electrical supplies. Barnard & Langworthy WANTED watches that won't keep time. Dirty and raacld oil aro the ruination of your watch. Let me handle It and preserve it perfectly for years to come. E. C. BARKER. 22 0 Front st. Marshil 'd. Or. T. 3. BOAIFE. W. 8. BROWN $ A. H. HODGINS Marshfield PAINT AND mdlMllltlU PRORATING C0. Estimates Famished. Phone 1H7-L MamMleld. Ore. FAMILY DINNERS In our new location, we are es u.a y PrePared to cater to family Regular meals or short or- P J7 nd night. MERCHANT'S CAFE. mj nd Commercial Mfld SEPTEMBER IS HERE. How about u little BOWLING now? The alleys liavo been l'"t in fine shape. CHATT ERTON'S BOWLING ALLEYS. North Front street. Watch Our Space for Announcement our Be , Price list which will be OUt In a few (lava. Bay Tea, Coffee Spice House PlafJtln Ori v "MERCHANT BLOCK NOW FOR SALE." We are offering fine, level lots in this long desired tract, right near the business centor, unques tionable investment value, easy terniB, and prices under the mar ket. Exclusive agents. I. 8. KAUFMAN & CO., 177 Front Street. First ClassWeaving Promptly done at Gardiner's Rag Carpet Factory Ob Sherman avenue between Califor nia and Connecticut. Phone 174. North Bend. Or Low Rates for Handling Trunks We haul trunks between any points In Marshfield for the follow ing rates, delivery to be made In the first stories of buildings: One trunk t 25 Three trunks 50 Twelve trunks 1.80 Star Tranfer aid Storage Co. Levi Helsaer, Prop. Phones, 120-J: 49-L: 98-R. Have your Job printing done at The Times office, FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST BANK IX COOS COUNTY. Established 1881). Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $110,000 Interest mll on Time Deposits. Officers: .1. V. Bennett, President. .1. II. Flanagan, Vice-President. It. F. Wllllnnw, Cashier. Geo. F, Winchester, Assistant. Cashier. Watch Your Money Grow We aro now crediting the semi-annual payment of in terest on all savings accounts. Bring in your book and have it credited. ' There is nothing better to encourage thirft in your child than to have a savings account. Three per cent paid on six months deposits. First National Bank EANDON BY THE SEA THE .CITY OF THE FUTURE A FEW TEN ACRE TRACTS FOUR MILES SOUTH ON COUNTY ROAI) $35 PER ACRE; $100 CASH, BALANCE TWO YEARS, NO INTEREST, NO TAXES, FINE SANDY LOAM, LEVEL BENCH LAND. Buy One It Will Make You Money Donald MacKintosh REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE. EVERY ONE A MONEY-MAKER. $22,000 Income property, closo in. One of the best buys In Marshfield. $10,000 Good business prop erty. . Right locntlon to In cretiBo In value. 2C00 Seiul-niodcrn six-room on Commercial avenue. $1500 Modern homo with two lots. Ideal locntlon. A good buy. ?27ii0 Good seven-room houso with Hvo lots. Splendid lo cation. $2300 Smnll 4-ronm housoon n good lot, fiOxOG feet. VACANT LOTS. FARM LANDS BUSINESS CHANCES. COOS BAY REALTY CO., Inc. REAL ESTATE Phono o.J. INSURANCE. Low In price, high In quality. Electric Irons We have a few second-hand Irons In good working condition at 91.75. New irons, $3.00 np. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 2 3 7-J 15S N. Broadway Gray Auto Service Claudo Tucker, rroprieior. Phone orders to Blanco Hotel, 46 After 12, 2C0L, Right Cafe. Marshfield. Oregon. Singer Sewing Machines We nave mem tor rem or iur Machines Repaired. Supplies and Needles for Sale. W. J. RITZ. 131 Park Ave. Marshfield Phone 280-X. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYERS. CLEANERS PRESSERH aad HAT RKNOVATORf Agent for wmvard fl. Strauss Co.. Fine Tailoring. Let us make your next suit. SM CENTRAL. Phone 250-X Walk one block and save ono dol lar on each- pair of men's and boys' shoes. We do first class shoe re pairing at the lowest prices in the city. Yours for a square deal. Aug. Olson. 815 South Broadway. BUY THE VERY BEST Creamery tJ"J"L- MADl! 4 UNDKIl SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. STERILIZED MILK AND CREAM. PURE ICE Frco del very, 8 a. m. and S p. in. Phono 73 Goodrum'&Garage home of the CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars .147 Central Av. Phono 373-L For Ten Mile and North Inlet Launch UNION will leave Marsh field, Commercial nvonuo dock, ov ory morning at service of tldo, con necting with nuto for Lakeside. Re turn same day, arriving at Marsh field In evening. NORTH STAR will leave Marsh Held as usual In afternoon and re turn In morning. NED GALLOWAY DOUGLAS WILL HAVE CANDIDATE B. V. JONES WILL ENTER RACE FOR CONGRESSMAN Hon. H. K. .Tones, of UoRoburg, Oregon, formerly niul for ninny years a resident of this county, is spend ing his vacation here. .Mr. .Tones was clerk of this county for tlireo successive terms and was Joint rep resentative of Lincoln and Polk "otintlcs for a number of terms. Ho recently admitted to his friends In this county that ho will lio n cnndldnto before tho next primaries for the nomination for congress man in the first district. Yanuina .Vows Reporter. WILL START A MUSICAL BUREAU RESOLUTION IS PASSED Text of Coos County Itur Assort. iKIon'M Action On (inivcs. Tho following iB tho text or the resolution adopted by the Coos Conn ty Bar Association at Coquille, a copy of which has just been Isuetl by President McKnlght and Secretary Stanley: "Whereas, citation has by the Su premo Court of the State of Oregon, been made to you, Robert O. Graves, to show cause why you should not bo disbarred from the practice of law by reason of tho alleged commis sion of thoso acts which are of more than personal magnitude, and which tend to the discredit of the Coos County Bar Association. Now therefore, bo It resolved that tho Coos County Bar Association does hereby express Its conlldenco In you, Robert O. Graves, and commend you ns an attorney at law worthy of the confidence of this Asoctatlon nnd of the public, nnd, Does horoby tender, ns an expres sion of such confidence, all the assist ance which tho circumstances war rant by wny of counsel and legal asslstanco from any nnd all mem bers of this Association so far ns de sired by you. Hereby nsiirlng you of united nnd hearty support. Ho It further resolved, that a copy of this resolution bo spread upon the minutes of this Aooclatlon, nnd thnt tho origlnnl hereof be dollvored to Robert O. Graves. CURRY SHEEP DRIVE Will White, the local stoekmnn, delivered li'OO bond of chcop to Oak land, Or., buyers Inst week. The lat ter parties came In with the drivers and went nB far south as Roguo RIvor collecting tho drive. Port Orford Tribune. Rev. J. Richard Olson Will Try New Plan In Portland. Tho following from n Portland paper will be of Interest hero ns Rev. J. Richard Olson was pnstor of tho Mnrshllold nnd North Bend Swedish Lutheran Churches until about eighteen months ago: "Popular concerts will bo a now fenturo tried out hero this weok by tho recently organized Musical bu reau, of which Rev. J. Richard Olson Is President nnd Mrs. C. O. Youhjs Sccrotnry. Tho purpose, tho Prcsl dent states, Is to provldo nienns to glvo tho public nn opportunity to hear tho boit music at a nominal cost. "The concerts will bo given on tho ground floor of the Goodnough building, Fifth nnd Ynmhlll streots, nnd If tho project meets with public approval, new nrtlsts will bo pre sented each week, although tho pro gram will vnry with each day. "This Is a step towards popular izing art," said President Olson, in explaining the purpose, "for It will glvo tho masses opportunity at a nominal cost to enjoy and becomo familiar with tho best In tho varloun Hues of art, an opportunity hereto fore not presontcd in this country." JIM HILL IS 75. Velciiiii Railway Magnate Celebrated Birthday at Glacier Park. GLACIER PARK, Mont., Sept. 18. James J. Hill, founder of tho Groat Northern Railway, was 75 years old and celebrated his birthday hero. More than 300 membors of tho Voternns' Association of tho Great Northern reached Glacier Park In a special train of thirteen cars this morning. W. P. Kennoy, vlco-pres-ldcnr, conducted tho party to tho park. Tho members of tho associa tion, headed by William J. McMil lan, first vice-president, presented tho empire roses. Tho first annual session of tho organization was held today. Many voternns have been with tho road since tho days of its Infancy, when It was called tho St. Paul & Pacific. Twenty-five years of servlco are required for member ship. In tho party of tho veterans here today are three brothers, J. J., Frank nnd William T. Mahor, whoso combined service with tho Groat Northern totals 91 yonrs. Try Tho Times Want Ads. Llbby COAL. The kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 72. Pacific Livery and Transfer Company. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITn WIRELESS SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR PORTLAND SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, AT 1 P.M. Passengers will go" aboard Sunday evening. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH BANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC fUCEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phono 44 O. F. McGEORGD, Ageat. S. S. NANN SMITH Sails from San Francisco for Coos Bay Tuesday, September 23, at 3 P. M. San Francisco office, 803 Fife Bldg., or Lombard St. Pier No. 97 Inlcr-Ocettiilc Transportation Co., C. F. McGcorge, Agt. Phone 44. STEAMER IAQ.UA Sails from Coos Bay for San Francisco Saturday, Sept. 20 Will Sail from San Francisco for Coos Bay Wednesday, Sept. 17. FAST BOAT; GOOD PASSENGER ACCOMMODATIONS AND GOOD SERVICE. A. E. DIMENT, Agent, Ocean Dock, Marshfield. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILING FROM PORTLAND TUESDAY, SEP!'. 0. 8 A. M.; SOWttV SEIT. H. 8 A. M.j FRIDAY, SEPT. 1, 8 A. M.; WEDNESDAY, SUIT. -L 8 A. M.s TUESDAY, SEIT. !IO, 8 P. M., A.VD EVERY TUESDAY THEREAFTER AT (1:00 P. M. SAILING FROM MARSHFIELD THURSDAY, SEIT. 11, 1 P. M. TUESDAY. SEIT. HI, 10 A. M.S SUNDAY, SEIT. 21,11 A. M.; SAT. PR DAY, SEIT U7. 8 A. M.. AND EVERY SATURDAY THEREAF TER AT SERVICE OF TIDE. .... . Tickets on sale to all Eastern K)IiiIh and Information as to routes ami rules cheerfully furnished. Phono Main J15-L. P. L. STERLING. Ageat.