2 ' iT'Tn I THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY;, SERTEMBEffi 17,. T9ffl3r-EVENING EDITION. fffQ DAV TlrVfFTQ this manner It would bo ha.'d to caM-' your acquaintance three days ago; KAJyJD Dt I 1 UVIEjO ,nte alui jU3t how many lawyers what would you say to It?" Editor aud l'ub..lave m!l(le criminals of themselves "Well, I should say never put it. C. MALONEY BAN E. MALONEY News Editor ' U the same time Is ib:o difficult to guess, but at least they number too Official Paper of Coos County. nnn,. SoVQ rome(,v sll0nl(, be . OFFICIAL PAPEK OP THE CITY sought. The law already makes such j OF MA Its I IF! KM). a., attorney guilty of subornation Entered at the postofflce at Manb.lof penury . Perhaps a little more ffflld, Oregon, for transmission aw enforcement Is what vu want, utraugn me mans as second ciasi m.rhiius fiw stricter Inwo. Maybe i the remedy lies In a little more ciu- FllO.VT STREET PAVIXO. s v.. nil matter. Address ail communications to COOS HAY DA'IIjY TIMES. Marshfleld :: :: :: : Oregon MAIHHCI) AM) HAPPY phaids by the court when Instructing the Jury regarding the acceptance of the testimony. Maybe It lies In edu cating the public In the "frame up" game. The recent conviction of a peaking of good roads, the WISE GUY has turned his muse loose on. the way they have been "fixing" Front street with elec trie railways, water mains, etc. Here is what he says: "They took a little gravel, and took a little- tar, with various in gredients Imported from afar; they hammered It and rolled It, and when McCann went away, he said we had IIS. HAVELOCK ELLIS, wife band how They she and her bus solved the problem of THE LOW-PIHCEH AUTOMOBILE. happy though married. m m M of the distinguished scientist, , ,10"ef"1 slsn ,WB says that have to bo have lived apart for twenty- two years, and find that their love grows with age. Kather looks like a solution of the problem of how to be happy, though divorced. Portland lawyer for the offense Is a a pavement that would last for many May there bo more, a day. . "They catue with picks and' smote i t to lay a water main, and then ftnltn.T' t1i 1 H'ntl,lnnii f is ftttt- It j lilt: LAIIL'U HI VI H Ul lIIJVU X'14L lb ractlcallv coincident with the dec- back again. To lay our new elec laratlon of n S10.000.000 . trie railway they took It up once i i i... I ninrp. niul then THE DUTY OF A XEWSPAPEK It la not the province of a news paper to preach or to split hairs as to tho coi!3&quences of publishing the ordfnnry news of the day, but It Is lncumboiir'iipon a real newspaper shop at the other end of the scale stock dividend by the pany making the least ex pensive automobile In the market comes the announcement that the concern manufacturing the highest priced car will abandon the business. It does not pay. The de mand for automobiles Is growing and the field Is bright, but the pub lic wants a low-priced car, and tho Com- "'ore, "mi ineii uibj put u until again Just where It was before. to conserve society and co-operate with those agencies which make for higher citizenship. SEEMS A SHAME. (From the Medford Sun.) It seems a shame, and a measly has been forced to quit. Just why a manufacturer can build locomotives at a profit and cannot build automobiles Is not made clear. In this case, remoteness of plant, charges on raw material and delay In delivery are given as the causes, but these are not nil. The $1,000 ono at that, that when a lawyer . machines have taken away the busl hclps to deport a gang of agitating ness from the $fi,000 machine, and I. W. W.'s ho must face disbarment t before long the competition of the proceedings In the supreme court. low-priced nutomobllos Is likely to It will lio recalled that Coos Bay . IJo 'e't sun "inner in wie iraue, citizens last June, becoming weary of being pestered, rounded up nil tho I. W. W.'s In sight, made them kiss tho flag, sing "America" and leave town boforo sundown. It Is nlniu that the future of automobile manufacturing lies along the lino of developing a substantial and serviceable machine that can be mnde and sold nt a minimum price. There will always be a demand for THE "FICAME-UP" LAWYER, oxponslvo motors, but the great f.t hns grown iiulto popular In these volume of the business will be hand latter days to crltlclso lawyers led by tho companies which make and courts. The shyster, tho am- popular-priced cars. Lulnnco chaser, tho qtilbbler and var- j , Ions other unethical aud Justice blocking barristers have received consideration "They took, it up for sewers, they won't let It alone; and then they put it hack again ns lined ns any stone. They tore It up for wires to feed tho cluster light, and then they put It back again which was no more than- right. "Oh, the pavement's full of fur rows, there are patches everywhere; you'd like to ride upon It but It's seldom that you dare; It's a very handsome pavement, a credit to the town; they're nlwuys dlggln' of It up or puttln''of it down." Our Immortality awaits the genius who Invents wireless politics, -tt-tt- Even an empty head may contain a lot of useless information. -- On the other hand, the rolling mill gathers moss in quantities. -8-tt- 4 ! THE QUIET OltSEKVEIl SAYS I E.VJOY THE PKESEXT. But what of tho "frame-up" lawyer, ho that, know ing his client to lie wrongful In his intentions or guilty as charged, de liberately sots about to manufacture n en so that will defeat tho ends of justice? Is ho not ono of the most lungorous members of tho profession and n dangerous member of society jib well'. t Tho practice' of "framing up" a WITH THE TOAST rase Is by no means as uncommon AND THE m owinu jiutsui ilium. ii la iiiuu Iirovnlont wherever the legal pro- j fusion hns Its desclples. There are any number of attorneys in tho eoun- Don't grouch because they giggle when they are young. They won't have anything to giggle about after they marry." Full Line of Fall and Winter Garments Has Arrived A. Few in- Our Window More in the Store Prompt Delivery 248252 Front. St.. LAN DO'S flOOBtflOODS. Men's, Women' and t'lilldir nV-MYwir. ;Ptom Year Orderc Phone 16LL PERSONAL OVERFLOW W. J. BUST "went to Coqulllu todbiy on business. MRS. G. P. STEWAItl), of Gardtner, Is n Marshileid1 visitor today. II. W. SANFORI), of Sumner, uns will bo here several days, attend- lug to i builtives. MBS. JOSEPH POPE returned to her home at Smith-Powers. Camp 7 on Isthmus Inlet yesterday; uftur a visit In Portland audi other northern aud eastern points. a Marshfleld diky; . business visitor' u- G A. I10NEBRAKE.' of CUtchlns,' In let, Is. a Marshfleld business sis-Itor- today; 'MBS. IJ.. .1: rJIMPSON, C; Ml Dyler and I Mrs. Keating,, of North Bend, cum down todAyt to- af tend n. taetlng of tha Bridge Club wltlfi Mrs. .1. Albert Mill-sou.. In the fair name of charity, six Oregon maidens sold 20,000 kiss es for $1 apiece. Times havo changed and are changing. Fifty years mgo the girls would have de-. dined to sell. Fifty years hence tho men will decline to buy. Enjoy, then, this golden age. TEA Satan will supply free shoes, but those who wenr them can only- trav el dawn hill. off till tomorrow that which you should have done the day before yesterday." Life. JOHN SMITH went to Coaledo tub) morning. He returned' recently from the Roundup nt Pendleton. HIS PE.VAXt'E.. He THE. BUCK Hl'XTEHS tide-swept the ,.. .. .. ... .... Irir wlin iilltltlflt. (Ilia lilnni.a nf I n. V II II 1)11 nilllll nlng a fee aud a reputation for sue- J m-rshes? cess. Oregon has her share of them j Ca" " feo1 fog-lllle.l nlr? nnd thoro Is a strong suspicion thnt!Al,1 t rough-wove bunch of drift a few mombors of tho Coos county ' J'0" tn" n blind. bar are quite accomplished In these With a bunch of good decoys "frame-up" methods. the tulo borderol slouuh. And1 tho praeticu Is by no means ; tonJluod to tlioiio lawyers who are And In wi'Jtlim Spaniel just notorious for off-color methods. It Is used more or less by many lawyers who enjoy high ranking In iholr pro fession, and they seem to bo re Kpected none tho less or It. Perhaps tlioy nro Impelled by n desire to be come known as winning lawyers or maybe victory hi crowned with higher fees. Or, doubtless, they fool that they nro employed to win and are expected to do their utmost, for i;otf ul perhaps, that their utmost is niipposed to square with tho lnw which they profess to champion. At nny rate they "frame up" the case una u kiioir consciences are over an eager behind. It is there that wo aro going witlt our guns niul boots and slickers, To a far off busy feeding ground we know. To a Ktormtlgbt llttlo cabin and a cnm'ilo lKht that dickers. For the ducks aro coming In and wo must go. 1. P.. TOWER. Gus Adelsporger, who visited Myr . tie Point last week, says: "Somo of the exhibits at tho fair were fair, am others wore slit skirts." i .Mirny a vuimi who in rns w i i a troubled, the Tact Is not to bo de- doslre to drink nt the fount of Wvtod In their outward demeanor ( knowledge ends up at Stafford's when tho jury brlugB In n verdict In soda fountnln. their favor. -jj.jj-. Tho oxtentito which lawyers so In I can stand for tho man with the manufacturing evidence varies with! personal hobby, tho decree of shrewdness or boldnesj ' And live through tho ravings of jiossessed by tho "framer." Some-1 those who havo fads; times It Is governed by this degree ""t my temper Is short and Inclined if honesty. Tho method of procedure Is simple und natural. A man Is accused of stealing a horse. The district attor-j ney has some damaglni; evidence ' ngalnst htm. Ills gonernl character Is bad. In fact bo Is guilty as charged. Ills attorney knows tiilu or at least! fuiopccts It strongly. Ho cannot dis-j over any real evidence to disprove. It. But his client has many friends nil of his own Ilk to whom a lie Is! u friend In need an.l who Know that false testimony is not perjury until proved false. Th y arc easily nlllo.l to the defense of their fellow in dis tress. They aro carefully rehearsed In u very plausible, story end one lifter another repeat It on fie wltnea Htnnd. Then If tho defense has not proved an alibi or s'miwh that the le fondant bought tho horse, traded for It or Is a thoroughly uprig' t and honest citizen, It has at least r.o con fused the jurymen that they aro Iiopolessly dlvldod If they . don't ticqult. Just bow liiauy crlr.ilnala have fct'cn turned loose on the public in to be kuobby Wlth tho porson who says that ho never reads ads. --::- Down lu California the other day they arrested a monkey for getting drunk nud trying to act like a man. But here on Coos Buy they don't pay much attontlon to the mnu who makes a monkey of himself. The bill collector who Is told to "call again" doesn't have a very high opinion of the recall. A woman's bravery crops out when she has a mouse trapped and at other times. --- loved to dive and he loved "to swim, Aud he loved In the tide to play; Then what tu the world- was the mntter with him That he sat on the sandn all day? Ho sat by a girl whose bathing suit, Whose enp and whose shoes were dry; Aud she would have thought lilni n perfect brute If he hadn't so that was why!: E. W. SCHIEFFELE of Kentueft In let was In Mnrshliold yesterday making arrangements'- for- final proof on his homestead. MRS. .IAS.. COWAN, Jr.. of Lake side,. Is., a Marshileid'; visitor, to-. day, S.frt reports business boom ing out there, the Bowrou hotel having twenty-eight guests fflri; JA3: supper,' iiiit night.. Hilt. nn. apartment lit the Bhrt ..DU UI. ouuui t urn street dm. Hall. w flfiir.. SHOTWISKL. junior member o! the large poultry and vnim firm of Slillnmerlioru, Shotvell A Company, of Dos Moines, l0i, , expected- hero overland tonight t vlslf nt tllu hoimr o Ms fult,. iii-iuw,. u, inlg:ird'. MAYOR L. .1. SIMPSO.V of Nortk Bend whb a Marslllield YWtorci business yesterday. He nm that the prospects are umisuill; bright Tor the Bay nnd lie cxpectt to aiiit Boinu- big; diings started ten In tho near future. m, i. uiw.Mii, wno receiiny un derwent an operation at Mercy j Hospital for nppciidii!ltla. Vs able' to bi up and' around' now: .IOHX MINN IG and faintly; of East side, will leave om th'o Alliauco tomorrow for Los Augt-U where they' will make their fnriro home. MRS. A. T. HALVES; Its aow nble to be up and around the house nn crutches, following- her recont operation, and Is mpiilly recup-i crating. ! MISS LUJ.U REED) t, Kuuip.p,Mf;. Kans.,. arrived here yesterday for a vlslti with her untie and aunt, Mr; nod Mrs. C. A Metllu of tlio CooPjUoiel. She will remain hero sevemt weeks. E. II. REDDEN', who has been look ing alter the ci-wretu wnnJCi for Wright & Bent ley, went to Bnudon thU: morning, w;u'je t hoy ara en-,gKi-d In erectlr.if.tho xuwr. First' National Bank building. WATT' hi, .., finnl a, TiL. Pennock announces ttut he tu romihed Sprlaglleld a!ter a Wf over tho rouru of th Coat Bir. IILVJI..,. II ....I ..1 4- ..... jiiiu .inn to reun vliv CrescenL1 Kit v. in.it-ln plUtu loop, lUour October 1. "One beer makes me think I'm a goat," complains a Chicago imiti who tried to butt down a lamp piwt. If the stuff goes to his head' t'lko that he ought to switch to g-ipo juice for a while. MRS. J. W. CARTICIL p.xpects to leavn about Octoter rst for the Ca mas Vulley, where silo will remain during the wlriUir.rith her brother,. W. R; Muriajv (L. V. TERWILLEdER niul' family tiassod throug't Florence Tuesday jii their way f.o Marshllwld to nt ilile. Mr. Tevwllleger la a burlKnr and has been working :.t Maplutan for several, niontliFr Floreace-Pilot.' (Sm. W. WIWCHL'STBR left on lit itustler for Port Orford and GoM Beach wlicrn hu will a ink or so rurrleatliig. CaihlerE.1. Loney of tile Bank- of Tort Orld who wiif; returnrng from Portlul num sniui' on (lie uiiBiicr, Tho terms of a woman's win aro usually less binding than those of her won't. --::- The mnu with a presldfiuml bee generally gots stungv but' there are easier methods. Many n man gets aho.ii! by Induc ing other men to put their shoulders to the wheel. , I WITHIN TIIK LAW. I To steal n kiss. To shoot' tho rapids. To slash a skirt. To beat a carpet. To cut an acquaintance. To kill time. To murder a tune. il. v. BRUCE, vmIo .Mine In yestej-J day from Portland, expects to re turn there on Lite-next Breakwater-, not having' fmmd omploynxut whlcih suits ):un. A. II. FLYNN:. vice-president ci5' tlio Nntlonnl Pliarmacy Corjipuuy, camo over mun Coqulllo yeer.dttr after vlslcilig the trade m the other valley towns. Mr. Flynn m. AND M.IS; W. HI. NOrtlIGN, Chas. Boo.n). II. W.. Snnforli ajjd Kon, (ilnib.s Homer Uurford uad Miss Hlldtir Solnndr cam down on tho M Oleoma frjni Suninwr this morning; on shopping and ijjusJncsa trips. V. S. CHANDLER and w'fo.W' Mrs. Ining Ctondler came doni yesterday from their Biimraer.hoc! on South Coo Hirer to mectlA W. u. Clir.nuwr v.lio retarawm ovenLi' frim an extended W with her mother. Sirs. Bacoa i Mot-fin.. Oregon. MRS. LaVG of MWhigun it hero for nn extended stay at tta homo of her daughter, Mrs. A, Bnrker.l Mr. :ntl Mrs. Barker are oeeuyyH C. A. ETiMWt, now with llwOrJ Home Builders Accoclatlcn, tt fl.. Dr.- In f.i I II to I-., da fit til cyinipnuy ilnd also vlsltinj S J. A. Smith, an old time frWr- l?ltmtp. wnu fiirmnrll' wltj)' tH Spolcesnian-Rovlow and laMM Private Sccrotnry to Oavertf Gooding of Idaho and uiihU"' ,! IISflM year ago who lunun-i v--. . .. . . f.i.k mil irrigation projects in iuiu" . ...1.1. Sum Rl. STOU V FOIC TODAY. A gentleman who had been In town only three dnys but who had been paying attention to a promi nent hollo, wanted to propose, but was afraid ho would bo thought too hasty. Ho delicately broached the subject, as follows; "If I wore to speak to you of marriage, after having only made Ho is a foolish married man who falls to remember that his burden brings compensations. --- Even If n girl Is color blind sho can almost invariably see an Ice cnsim sign clenr around the corner. --- We feel sorry for tho mere man whose suffragette wife refuses to take him to see a baseball game once lu a while. -::-- I.VKE M'lil'KE SAYS There are all sorts of men. One kind imagines the country would go straight to blazes If they didn't wear campaign buttons. Never follow a man who turns and walks away when you Insult htm. A woman's Idea of a Great Trial Is- to have to select a middle name for the baby. What has become of the big fam ily Bible that used to roposo dustily on the marble-topped center table? "Clawss" Is when she Is so par ticular that she wants the baby rib bon In her corset covor to harmonize with the silk bow ou Fldo's collar. If a Store Can't "Make Good" Its Advertising Will Not Pay vvmx?JSW;DVli:RTTSTNC5 SERVES TO MAKE IT J1' l'YJ WHOLE COMMUNITY. IF u nn? J MUENDS AS RAPIDLY AS IT QUAINTAXOES, ITS ADVERTISING WILL MniMumnL S ?0T STAND UP UNDER THE PU13 uS1 nln Bt2 ' 1TS AOTERTISING-ON ANY CONSIDER ffi tA-)VOUIjD WRECK IT-WOULD WRECK IT p?mttt?S I r?LE MILIAR WITH ITS DEFECTS QTmrRV??,?1 THAT IS NOT SURE OF ITSELF l vr9?T?LV0H ADVERTISINCr. AND, BY THE VFRTTp' TT???? THAT WA'F UNDER; TH AT KlSoOD MIGHT ST01iE-THE STORE