The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, September 17, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull ln CI
nnd Coos Ilhy Advertiser. nyit w'
isisss (EO0S idHXt
ralifornia White Slavers are
Hnnrlitions of
Society That Permits Such
I 1 1 1 1 1 O .
SN PHANCISCO, Cnh, Sept. 17.
Judge Van Fleet today sentenced
W DIbbb nml Mrow Cnmlnettl,
uhowcro recently convicted of white
slavery for tnklns two Sncrampnto
girls to Kcno.
DlRgfl was given two yours at ban
Qttcntln ami lined $'-'.(('
Camlncttl was islvon eighteen
months nml lined $1'00.
Judge Van Fleet In sentencing
them made no personal remarks, lint
scored conditions of socloty that
would permit such outrages.
He granted a ten days' stay ot ex
ecution to permit appeals.
North Bend Mass Meeting Is
Called for Friday Night to
Get Location for Hotel.
A mass meeting of North Bond
citizens tins licon called to bo hold
it Ecklioff Hall Friday evening for
the purpnso of raising funds to
buy tho Kcklioff corner for n Blto
for the bin hotol to liu erected by
U S. Kearney, of Chlppowa Fulls,
Wisconsin. As wns stated In Tho
Times yesterday, tho committee has
secured an option on tho Eckhoff
corner for $25,000. Tho site la to
be presented to .Mr. Kcarnoy by tho
people of North llond as a bonus
(or erecting a 100-room hotol thord.
I'. J. Simpson, V. E. Wnttcrs, II.
C Dlers and Peter Logglo nro
among tlioso who will nddress tho
meeting, which will bo undor tho
auspices of the North Bond Chnm
ler of Commorco.
Two -Officers and Seventy
Man n Unl!... a -!
" ui iidiiiin hi iriy oiam
in Encounter.
IBj AuotUtej rrcu la coot Vnj Times.
0JIE. Italv. RnM 17 TI,.(U
" w tit HUj'WI IH
w the Foreign Offlco from tho Itnl
a army proccedliiB against- tho
"wis In Northern Africa aro thnt
ir defeated tho Arabs after a
iiTrat6 engaBeillp"t In which two
""an officers and seventy troop
J i wre slain. Tho Arnbs lost
Thes. Kill Watchman and
U6I AlAfQW UIHU ftnnnn
From Safe.
W int pt' 1 7. Robbers
Mother," m Uie ,,arn of Mandol
night vii i f del,artmont store last
opfuV, .the watc,,nan. "lew
oter ooo "d escnned wltn
lnfl the Waterfront, f
csdIvItt:: - -
receatlv A who was ,n "ere
1 ohTt?!! Jlra BH
out or ,1.7 r. V'J'
Second Big Lumber Craft
Completed at North Bend
Yards Good Season.
Tho lmrgt' Lawrence, tho second
ono which Krnso and Banks have
bnllt for tho Tidewater Mill com
pany of Florence, was launched
Monday nftornoon at the shipyards
In North liend. Tho barge Is practi
cally tho Ham u hI.o as tho barge
Frederick which Is now In service.
Tho Lawrcneo was 'named for John
son Porter's youngest son, tho Fred
erick being named for his oldest
son. Thoro Is a conplo of weeks'
work on tho Lnwroneo yut before
she will bo ready for service, steam
wenches having to bo Installed.
Tho completion of tho Lawrence
will practically clean up tho big
work that Kruse and Hanks iinvo
on hand now unless somo new con
tracts aro secured soon. Tho Hluifip
In tho lumber market Is holding
back hoiiiii of their prospective or
ders. Itohurf Hanks Is now In San
Francisco, figuring on somo now
work. This year has been a very
good one, but will not equal last
season, when tho A. M. Simpson,
Speedwell and Davenport were turn
ed out. TIiIh year tho only largo
vessel built was tho ono Tor tho
Chas. A. Nelson Lumber Company
and tho Akutnn, tho latter beliiK a
KUHolIno cannery tender for Alaska
sorvlco, and tho big barges for Por
ter llrothcrs.
Ilnrgo Was Insured.
Tho bargo which tho steamer Har
dy lost last week off Fort Bragg
was Insured pretty well so thnt
Kruso &. Hanks will not loso nny
thhiK by tho mishap. Tho barKo
was 81x:i0 and wns built for Capt.
Homy C. Potorson, of Snn Fran
cisco for llKhtorn(?o service on tho
Hay. Sho was picked up by tho
Union Lumber Company's steamer
and towed to San Francisco. They
aro demanding $1000 salvago on
tho bargo.
Word was received yesterday that
tho Iaqua got through nlcoly with
a second bargo for Capt. Potorson.
Tho Inttor bargo was 75x30 and Is
also for llghtorago service
One Badly Injured and Two
Others Slightly Hurt When
Logging Cable Breaks.
Dill McCaliey, a well-known Coos
Hay logger, was seriously Injured
at McDonnld & Vaughan's camp nt
Danlols Creek today when a cnblb
broko and struck a tlmbor. Two
others wore also Injured.
McCahoy'a Injuries aro intornal
and tho otftont of them will not bo
determined until an examination la
completed nt Mercy Hospital where
tho threo of them wore brought
laro this afternoon.
Mrs. Wilkinson, of Daniels Creek,
who recently underwent an opera
tion at Mercy Hospital, hna recov
ered sufficiently to return to her
IJltton by Dor. Dan S. Orr was
badly bitten by a hound owned by
Mrs. Bentz, of Bay Park this morn
ing. The dog rushed out and grab
bed Orr by the leg, sinking his
fangs deep Into the flesh and mak
ing a serious Injury. Dr. Horsfall
does not anticipate any serious de
velopments, but It Is understood that
tho dog, which is a vicious brute,
will be killed.
BAVK MONEY by' trading at
Franchise Provision There
Would Require S. P. Bridge
Done by Christmas.
j It Is not expected thnt Pres
ident Snroule. of the Southern
Pacific will visit Coos Hay cm
j his present' tour ot Inspection j
j of tho Coos Hay lino this week, j
j Superintendent Miller and tho j
other local olllclals of the j
Southern Pacific have not hnd
my word of the possibility of
bis coming and they nro In- j
elined to think thnt his trip will j
bo merely to tho XotI tunnel.
. 1
Tho North Head City Council at
a meeting last evening Instructed
City Recorder Derbyshire to notify
tho Southern Pacific that tho City
Council, In appreciation of the
work being done by tho railroad
there, stood ready to grant any rea
sonable extension of time that might
i bo necessary to comply with tho
franchise in North Hond. Tho rail
road company has not yet asked
any extension of time, but the Coun
cil wanted them to know thnt' it
would bo readily granted.
Ono reason for tho action was
that tho Southern Pacific represen
tatives wore evidently not nwaro
that tho North Bond city limits ex
tended northerly to tho harbor lino
of Coos Hay, where tho proposed
bridge will cross. Tho franchise
requires thnt tho lines ho completed
Inside tho city limits of North Bond
by Christmas day and In order to
comply with It, part of tho big
bridge would hnvo to be completed.
Tho bridge has not boon started
yot, nor have any definite steps been
taken, . although H Is generally ex
pected that thoro will bo boforo
lOnglnccr llindmnrsh, who Is In
charge of tho work In tho northern
part of North Bond, reports thnt
with threo weeks more of good
wenthor, ho will havo his work
practically completed.
Engineer Wheeler, who has
ehargo of tho work In tho southorn
part of North Bond, Is getting along
pretty well, but will rush It more
as soon ns ho Is definitely Inform
ed that tho Terminal Hallway has
been turned over to tho Southern
Need Workmen.
Superintendent MUlor,' of tho
Mnrshllold and Myrtlo Point lino ex
pects to start tho reballastln'g of his
lino tomorrow or next day. Ho hns
boon dolnyed by Inability to got
gravel and has now boon hnndlcnp
ped by a shortage of laborers. How
over, ho oxpects to havo a gang
horo today or tomorrow. If tho
weather continues good for thirty
days, ho oxpects to havo tho robal
lnstlng In such shnpo that tho heavy
engines enn run over tho onttro
Smitli-I'owei's Line.
A. II. Powers la hopeful that Wll
lott & Burr will got his twenty-two
miles of logging road beyond Myr
tlo Point completed by tho first of
tho year. Tho lino was to havo
been completed1 by about this time.
Thoy havo sixteen miles of It com
pleted, with tho exception of somo
bridges. Tho tunnel near tho end
la pretty well completed but there
Is about six miles between tho tun
nel and Rural on which there Is
lots of work to do. Mr. Powers
has threo largo locomotives of the
101 type ready and about seventy
flvo steel truck logging cars and
la anxious to get his camps started
In that district.
Settlo Cases. O. P. Coshow of
Roseburg was a Marshfiold business
visitor today. He came over to set
tle somo cases on loans made by T.
R. Sheridan for the old National
Bank of Roseburg. Ono was for
about 110,000 to E. G. Flanagan on
Plat A property, in which Mr. Sea
brook was interested, another was to
J, W.. Flanagan and another to tho
North Bend Condensary. He reports
that all of them were adjusted out of
North Bend Council Fears City
Docks Shut Off Score
Telephone Service.
The North Bend City Council last
evening delegated Mayor Simpson,
Attorney Mullen and Engineer Hob
son ns a committee to straighten out
tho tnngle about i".vo strings of lots
In North Bend, which It is clnlmed
aro not properly platted.
The most Importnnt concerns al
leged strings of parts of lots be
tween the city dock nnd the hnr
bor lino. It Is contended thnt thero
Is somo privately-owned property
which will shut off tho public
wharf from tho water. L. J. Simp
son, when ho heard of it, stated
that If tho stretch of property In
question belongs to cither himself
or tho Simpson Lumber Company,
It will bo Immediately ceded to the
city. Tho belief Is thnt If thero
Is such a stretch of property It be
longs to It. J. StuiiiBon nnd wife.
Whether It can bo legally hold by
private parties, If thoy should wish
It, Is ti question, as it is claimed
that the land Is below the low
wntor line and oven If It wns platted
In tho old townslto of Yarrow and1
afterwards vacated, it is illegal.
Tho other string of lots lies near
tho city park and while tho maps'
show them to be platted with tho
blocks they aro in, tho official rec-.
ords are said to show otherwise.
Street Work
Ordinances were passed provid
ing for tho grading of Connecticut
from Montana to Florida, Florida
from Sherman to Sheridan, Dolowaro
from Sitherlln to Stanton, Stnuton
from Dolewnro to Ohio nnd Ohio
from Stanton to Sherman.
Tho council also declared Its In
tention of Improving Fnlon from
Virginia to Washington and Wash
ington from Union to Sherman.
After Telephone Company
Tho city council last evening In
structed City Recorder Dorbyshlro
to notify tho Coos Bay Homo Tele
phono Company that unless thoy af
forded hotter service to patrons In
North Bond, tho city council would
take steps to annul Its franchise
thoro. Tho servlco In North Bend
wns bitterly scored by somo, who
declared It was constantly getting
Change Waterfront.
A lottcr from Major Jay J. Morrow
to Mayor Simpson rolatlvo to tho
proposed straightening of tho har
bor lino In front of North Hond
wns read. Major Morrow stated
that boforo such n chango could bo
ordered, n public hearing would
hnvo to bo hold. Ho stated that
ho could not como horo until tho
bar dredgo P. S. Mlchlo la brought
to Coos Bny, which would probably
bo boforo November l."" Ho said1
that ho would sond ndvanco notices
so that a public hearing could bo
arranged for that time. Ho said
further that If tho situation was as
represented, ho could seo no reason
why tho chango should not bo or
dered. Tho Council adjourned to meet
again noxt Tuesday.
Deliver Short Address at Fair
But Says Nothing About
Coos County.
JBy AuocUted Ttf lo coo Br TlniM.J
ROSEBURG,' Or., Sept. 17. Gov
ernor Oswald West of Oregon de
livered a short address at the open
ing of tho Douglas County Fajr
here today. f'Ho talked principally
on state toplca and defended his
prison system. He said that he had
trunks full of clippings and lottora
commending his policy but that any
oyster can would hold the criticisms.
Ho made no referenco to the recent
I. W. W. troubles and prosecutions
I i i 1 1 4 n.lAnlA
In coos uouniy aim um hui muiv
any possibility of going there personally.
John Chandler Is Located and
Court Orders Him to Return
Boy He Kidnapped.
After carefully keeping his where
abouts secret from former friends and
relatives at Dallas, Oregon, for
about three years in order to retnln
possession of hia young son, John
Chandler's whereabouts havo been
ascertained by his former wife nnd
now on order of tho Court he will
havo to glvo up his child. Chandler
Is employed by L. J. Simpson nt
Shore Acres and ho and his mother
and son been living thero for
somo time. Ho la nbout thirty years
old. Ho could not bo reached todny,
but a dispatch from Dnllas, Oregon,
tells of tho developments In his caso
as follows:
"A caso that hns attracted much
attention In this County nnd ono
that has kept tho Sheriffs olllco nnd
'the District Attorney's olllco of this
and other counties of the state busy
the past eight months, culminated
successfully yesterday when Mrs. W.
Phelps, formerly Mrs. Mary Chandler,
secured possession of her Infant son,
John Curtis Chandler. Her present
husbnnd got possession of tho child
In Coos County on hnbena corpus
"Threo years ago Mrs. Phelps,
then Mra. Chandler, was deserted by
her husband, John V. Chandler.
Chnndlor left his wlfo nlono to care
for their threo children nnd contrib
uted nothing to their support. A
yenr ago Mrs. Chandler begnn suit
for divorce nnd nsked for tho cus
tody of her children. Beforo tho
suit her husband, John Chandler,
went to tho Alrllo home, whoro tho
children were being cured for by
tho father and mothor of Mrs.
Chnndlor, took tho older child, n
boy of seven, and left for parts in
known. Mrs. Chandler soon secured
n decree of divorce and was awarded
tho enro nnd custody of all tho
"Immediately search begnn for
Chandler and tho boy. When Chnnd
lor hnd been dollnltoly located nonr
tho Sllotz nnd stops wore being tnken
to sorvo him with tho necessary
papers to secure possession of tho
child, ho got notlco of what was be
ing dono nnd at onco loft for South
orn Oregon. After a search of two
months ho was focn'ted at Kmplro
City, Coos County."
C. H. McLaughlin, Who Is
Making Furore Over I. w.
W. Matter, So Registered.
C. II. McLaughlin, Androw Stor-
gard, W. J. IUtz and other well
known Marshfiold Socialists appear
ed before City Recorder Butler yoa-
torday and registered as Democrats.
Tho action 'has caused considerable
talk, G. A. Bennett, Dr. Taggart
and some of tho local Democrats
objecting to McLaughlin bolng reg
istered with their party.
So far, only ono Socialist has reg
istered In Marshfleld with City Re
corder Butler and sho Is Miss Flor
ence Farley, a clork In City Record
er Butler's ofllce. Sho registered
this mornlug. She will not be of
.age until election day, but City At
torney Gobs said that sho could reg
ister now and vote when qualified.
During the last few days, City
Recorder Butlor has been kept busy
registering voters. He registers for
the city election and also for the
Central Marshfleld precinct, for the
state election.
Says Regular Election Will be
Held Next Month and He
Will Retire.
Lengthy Statement of Condi
tions Read to Congress
Last Night.
nr AnochtoJ Titm to I'ooi Day Tlinci.J
MEXICO CITY, Sept. 17. Pres
ident lluertu's messago to the Mor
lenn Congress was read last eve
ning and tho tenor of peaco prevail
ed throughout.
Ho promised that regular elec
tions would bo hold throughout
Mexico next month nnd that ho
would turn over tho reins of gov
ernment to hla duly elected suc
cessor nnd thnt when ho did, ho
hoped penco would bo established
throughout tho republic.
John Foster, Curry County
Youth Working at Cam? 4,
Reports Robbery.
John Foster, an lS-yonr-old boy
from Curry County, who haa boon
employed at Smith-Powers Camp 4,
reported to tho pollro last' night
thnt ho had been "doped" nnd rob
bed of all his cash, about $11. Ho
was picked up on tho waterfront and
appeared In n sort of stupor. Ho
said ho met n stranger with a bottlo
and tho latter gavo htm a fow
"swigs" and then Foster said ho
know not whnt happened but ho
was penniless when tho pollco pick
ed him up. Ho did not know tho
stranger's nnmc, but ho said he
would recognize him If ho saw him.
Marshal Carter sent him out this
morning to look for him and hna
not heard of Foster slnco.
(.'c(n Into Fight.-
Isaac Larson nnd John Stono got
Into a fight In the Shamrock sn
loou last night and wero arrosted.
Larson Is blamed for tho troublo
and will havo hla hearing this after
noon. John Delanoy nnd AI Ltudqulst
wero arrested for drunkenness nnd
fined $5 apiece.
Claim Their Holdings Are As
sessed Higher Proportion
ately Than Town Lots.
Tomorrow promises to bring somo
lively scenes at tho meeting of tho
Coos County Board of Equalization
at Coqulllo. Tho tlmbor ownora
will bo honrd nnd It Is understood
that vigorous protests will bo filed.
A. E. Adolspergor, representing
tho Coos County Tax Association,
which Includes most of tho big tlm
bor owners In Its membership, is
said to bo propurlng to demand that
olthor tho timber assessments bo
lowered or the assessments of tho
town lots throughout tho county bo
advanced. Ho holds that tho tlm
bor land la assessed much higher
proportionately than aro tho town
Sunorlntondont W. F. MUlor, of
the Southorn Pacific Interests ourer-
ed a protest with tho board against
rnlslmr tho assessments of tho lots
north and west of tho high sohool
building, which tho Southern Paci
fic owns. He declared that thoy
wero asesBsod as high or higher
proportionately than other city prop
erty and cited instances.
The board is composed of Asses
sor Thrift, Judge Hall and County
Clerk WatBon.
00 0"
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