THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1913 EVENING EDITION 3 n M ,V M 'item IS Be Faultlessly Dressed La roguo Snifs mid flouts aro stylish. They aro fitted on living models; thus insuring a snug, graceful fit. They cost no more than ordinary garments, since they arc sold by the GOLDEN RU.LID STOKE. Suits $12.50 to $40 Coats $11.50 to $35 DJtKSSm A LL Pit O VS. AVe have the largest; and best select ed stock of .DRY (100DS in ("loos County. Exceptionally new and desir able Dress floods in all new materials. lit mm r."'' wm Wf The Golden Rule Always Uusy. MM, iy a.nuj.1.; jo u .injilouil. ters depot cl t 1 not suffer. Thnso v" o in, do up tho Scout party wore: Donald Allen, Horsliel Clausen, How ard Kolley, Wnyno llnrrls, Guy Clausen, Loren Davis, Toddy Dow, Harold Hnines, Ilownrd Lewis, How ard McLaughlin, Edgar Mauzoy, Koliert 10. Ilrownln, Jr. The party was In charge of tho Scout ComnilBslonor for this district. r FIFTY-SECOND ANNUAL Oregon State Fair Salem, Sept. 29-Oct. 4,. 1913 WHOLE WEEK OF PLEASURE AXI) JjililMl"" OITKltED IS PKK31IU3IS PROFIT ox .(iitici'in'i:Ai;, livestock, poulthv, textile and other exhibits. Horse Hates Shooting Tournament Fireworks Hand Concerts- Eugenics Exposition Children's Playground and other Free Attractloun, Including Iloyd & Oi;lo' Onu Hint; Clieua Froo Camp Grounds Vou aro Invltod. J-Yml for l'iciiilmii List itnil Entry Illanlis. Reduced Bates on all Railroads, For purt iriilars address FRANK .MEREDITH, Socrotary, Salom, Oregon. W.EFUIXER&CO'S COVERS Those who met at .Mrs. Lnngdnn's were: Mcsdmnes J. 10, Hurkhart, I. S. Smith, 0. O. Sutherland, A. L. nntz, Chas. Lowry, W. W. Mutton, Chas, La Chapelle, Snow ' and J. Wright Wilson. .j. 4. ! 31. K. LADIES' All). I The .Methodist LpcIIcs' Aid hold their quarterly Bllvcr tea at tho home of .Mrs. U. . dmvi. Welii" day. Officers were elected for tho ensuing year with tic following re sults: President, Mrs. 10. A. Harris; vice-president, .Mrs. (i. X. Holt; sec retary, Mrs. C. A. Lnngworthy; treasurer, Mrs. W. II. Perldns. .Mrs. Davis had her home prettily decor ated with astors and greens, nud was assisted In serving by Mesdanies O. Wilson, Myers, .Mary Thompson, I). Nelson. Hobs end Xason. Those there during tV nft"nion were: MoHilamcB W. M. Perkins, F. 10. Allen. O. X. Holt, C A. L-mg-worthy. .M. It. Ill-own. I). II. Sav age, M. It. Si' lt!i, H. A. Harris, K. Kolley, F. 11. Story. Holms. Mary Thompson, A. 10. GIossop, F. II. Dresser, W. A. Xason, J. M. ilulchens, A, Abbott. H. Xordruni, A. H. Woodworth. A. 11. Oldley. Old ley, Sr., I). Xelson. 10. II. Collin, C. 10. I hcuiuco, it.iv. ure, uanug, .1. fj. unu I Ing. (!. II. Myers, Carl Thompson, r. I.. uninms. :i. 11., urn ham. 10. II. Joehnk. Irving. J. C. Kendall. Doison. O. Wilson, Wright, J. J. .Morrow and Miss Fox. ? eastsidi: sewing club. 1 fhurslnv afternoon Mrs. Percy Poet entertained tin' lOrstslde Sew ing Club. Mrs. Amos Simpson as sisted Mrs. Poet In serving n delic ious luncheon. Tho Club members present were: Mrs. U. Klteon, Mrs. A. L. Foster, Mrs. It. Whltty, Mrs. C. Wallace. Mrs. S. Steeklos. Mrs. W. Robertson. Mrs. McKay. Mrs. Frank Prey. Mrs. Hyerley. Mrs. J. Swnnson and 3iru. II. Hrlnkley. Ti'o visitors were Mrs. A. Simpson. Mis. 11. Holmberir. Mrs. .1. lark and I Mrs. Rooke. The next meeting of the Club will bo witn .Mrs. a. i.. Foster on September H I. I A. X. W. CIA'II. I The A. X. W. C!ub met at the homo of Mrs. Chas. Staufr on Mar ket nvenue Thursday. The afternoon pasfced pleasantly, at tho close of which the hostess-, aslsted by Mrs. .1. T. I lull . served dainty refresh ments. Mrs. Stauff eutertnlnod Mrs. II. Ostllnd as her guest and the Club inenber.i. Mfsdumos F. 10. Allen. G. A. Ilennett. Olivia lOdman; J. T. Hill, Frances Hazard. M. C. .Malonev. ,'. ' u1'113;; nrr' McnW.l' 'S I out-door SOCIAL. I Heed and W. F. Squire. Next Thurs- day the Club meets again, but as1 Mrs. 0. M. Johnson entortalnea .vet the place of meeting has not the Norwegian Ladies' Aid. Thurs noon deciued upon. . iny, out of doors. She had tho v v '' I grove fixed very comfortably and ic was an mcai place to sew, con- LODG10 A X X I V E It S A R V . I i verso and make plans for their ba- 7T. i 7. I ; ZTT i znn' which they will hold tho first On Saturday, September 20, West-1 0f December. Tho refreshments ern Star Hebekab Lodge Xo. 27 served by the hostess and .Miss Dona will celebrate tho sixty-second mini- Harris wore enjoyed to tho utmost, vcrsary of the order. Tho name' out under tho trees. Tho lndica was conferred upon tho lodge by enjoying tho afternoon wore: Mcs-Vlce-Presldent Schuyler Colfax In , dames S. S. Holm, Fred Holm, M. 1851. tho Installation taking place Anderson, C. G. Magnus. T. 10. In lM.y. Mrs. Uradlleld, tho Noble, lOrlckson. .Tolin Tellefson. K. Filck- Grnnd, will have charge. v 4 IIKIIX.'IO CLL'lt. son, D. Mathlson. J. Pitman. It. O. Thorpe. IOIsIo Lnrson, .Misses lOlslo Larson, lOniina lOrlekson. Cora nnd AHco Mathlson, Hannah Sunne. Dona ; HJllle, Then Larson, Dorothy John- Wlth tho adjournment for tho son nnd Vera Harris. Mr. A. Y. summer over, the Hiidgc Club will Movers, thoutrh not a member, crnmo have their first meeting of tho sea- n just In time for refreshments I son Wednesday, Sept. 17, when Mrs. and tho ladles are considering his J. Albert Mntson will ho hostess. name for a new member. ' 1 4. 4. 4, i A s ver on Wednesdov. The Norwegian Lutheran Young 1 (. will bo given by tho Presbyterian Li.-Hoh Aid met Wednesday evc- Auxlllnry at tho home of .Mrs. J. ninK at tho homo of Miss IOIsIo Lar- II. Cox on South Fifth street. The fl011i ln pomdalo. A very plensant hostesses on the Seventeenth will ove-iing was enjoyed, followed by bo Mesdames J. II. Cox, Chas. Low- refreshments served bv tho hostess, ry nnd F. 31. Flyc. itbslsted by Miss Jonnlo Johnson. ' Those at .Miss Larson's wero: Allssoa lOdnn and Jennie Johnson, Hannah I LA HI US' AHT CLCH. Sunne, Thea Larson, Lilly Hrem- mor, Mnble and Corn 3Inthlson, Tho Ladles' Art Club will hold Georgia Johnson, 31esdames IOtslo their first meeting after tho sum- 'f'??" ';" 'ln""' ,., , Mellein, Hrnnnor, O. Mrkreit, P. iner vacation with Mrs. D. Vaughnn No)son( 0. lOdmunda nnd II. Lar- Frldoy, October .'!. son. A largo line or this guaranteed paint Is alw.tys In stock at C. W. VI nits. l'alnt nnd Wall l'nper Store. !J7(I Xoi tlt l'nmt St. Plione iitMl-lt The cost of wiring a house already built is not great, Once installed, the electric equipment will nevdr have to be replaced, It will outlast the building, The modern electrician works in a clean and orderly way, neither tearing up your household, nor disturbing decorations, furniture or rims in tho slightest, Most people now refuse to move into houses not equipped for electricity, Our representative will be glad to plan your installation, make careful cost estimates and put you in touch with reliable contractors, Telephone 178, COURTESY FIRST GOOD SERVICE ALWAYS. Oregon Power Co. Second and Central. AbstrArtc Doil IT ctio Fire and Marine Insurance "TIE GUARANTEED ABSTRACT 0., Inc. ARM HEniV 8ENQSTACKEX, Manager COAL, TIMBER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY, GENERAL AGENTS EASTSIDE BAA RATI 11 Uf .TV nnntMn wnhm m w 7iArir urr iuiv, t'nuiri BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfield BUTTER Creamery 3IAI)I I'XDi'.i: SAXITAItV CONDITIONS IX A CMOAX AXI) 3IODKUX IMCTOIIV. sti:i:ilizi:d 31 ILK AXI) CIU0A3I. PURE ICE Free del very, 8 u. in. and S p. m. Phono 73 Goodrum'sGarage borne of the CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars 347 Central Av. Phone 373-L Walk one block ana save one dol lar on each pair of men's and boys' shoes. We do first class shoe re pairing at the lowest prices In the city. Yours for a square deal. Aug. Olson. 215 Boath Broadway. If you have anything to sell, rent, trade, or want help, try a Want Ad in Th6 Times, , 1 1 K IOH THC PUBLIC HEALTH J Hi KmtES3CS3EmW TRAOC MARK Our Guarantee Is Your Protection Wo linvo liecn looking tor sonic time for n preptirntlon for Tiles (or IlenunorhoIdH), one t':nt wo could positively Kimruntee for tlil nnnoyliiK and painful eoniplnlnt. Wo now have the exclnslvo nsency for PILE REMEDY a combination treatment used Internally and externally Xotli Iiik like It on the market. Wo noil It on a posltlvo giiarnntcc. OWL" I'l't'sci'lptloii I'liainincy. 1'ranl; I). Colinn. I Til K SALVATION Alt.MV . v . , I'nro Kospol nieellnK will lie held In the I'resbybtorian Chnreli Sun day, September I I, at S p. in., con ducted by Mclntyre and ICIiner. Music nnd hIukIiik. Woleotne. I SIIOWKK I ; . A miscellaneous' shower wns bIvou I rlday afternoon In honor of Mbs Violet .lolnifion by Mrs. ClooriTe Hck lle at North Head. The bouse was very prettily dec orated for the occasion with ferns and flowers. Tho afternoon was very pleasantly spent with music nnd social chat, after which dainty refreshments wero served. Among those Invited wero: 3Irs. 11. C. Ubrny. .Mrs. Andrew llolte, 31rs. A. Surbeck. .Mrs. Win. Parsons, Mrs. Warren .Murphy. Mrs. Win. Xellsan, 3Irs. O. IIckMu. 31ih. A. .Tobuson nud Mrs. C. (,. .MnKiius of .Marshfield; Mrs. T. K. HrlcUson and Miss Kmnin Krlckson of .Marsh flold; 3Ilss Xora Sell, Hlsle .lncobon, Violet Johnson and Kva Van Zile. HONOR 3IISS TI'MjV, .Mrs. C. I- 3U:Collum of North llcnd had a family Katborlni; nl hor home last Saturday when Miss Mny Tally and her mother. Mrs. SlrO'ens, wero on tho liny visiting. Thoso present were: 3lonImes 10. O't'on nell, Itlchardson, K. K. .lonen, V. K. Ilasue, T. Harry i Klnuunnn and .Mlsse M. Mullen, .Mnd Har ry and IOvelyn Klannt;nu. I - ti:x 3i IMC orrixc. DINNICU PAUTV 3IIS8 (Irnce Ktilton, teacher of Domestic Art at tho North Ilond lllgli School, Is entertaining Miss Dayton, of O" !o, at her homestead, near Ten Ml'c. .Miss Dayton Is tho lustr.ictor r KiikIIsIi this yenr. Wednesday mornlm; 3Ilss Kultou In vited a niunbor of the high school girls out to meet .Miss Dayton, A delightful day was spent in tho woods.' . .j. I 0 appkovi:i: Tho closest and tnoat critical scru tiny of our finished work cannot but result in expressions of approval, for our system of laundorlng leaves nothing to bo desired. Wo got up dress shirts immaculately white, with olthor a dull or glazod finish as desired. Wo aro Just as quick with deliveries as really good work will pormir, yet our charges are no higher than others ask. Coos Bay Steam Laundry VIIONK MAIN 57-J. 'AN'T AFFORD TO HAVE KIDNE TROUBLE. No man with a family to support can afford to have kidney trouble, nor need ho fear it with such a romedy at hand at Foloy Kidney Pills, An honest medicine, safe and reliable, costing little, but doing much good. Foley Kidney Pills eliminate backache and rheumatism, tone up the system and restore nor mal action of kidneys and bladder. Owl Prescription Pharmacy, Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phone 74. 3Ilss Dermal Campbell was hos tess at a delightful little dinner and theater party Wednesday evening at tho home of hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. J. Morrow. In South Marsh field. Tho decorations wore In green and white. Following tho dinner, all enjoyed tho show. Her guests Included Misses Hessle Douglas and Xollle Warwick and Stanley Myers, Duncan Doug'as and Albert Haines. FAItKWKMi PAKTV. BOV SCOUTS' OUTING. I This week n number of tho Hay Scouts of 3Inrsbllold enjoyed a cross country hike, with packs on their bncks, continuing all tho ncc essarles for remaining over night, nud pitched camp near Umpire. All tho features of Hoy Scout camp llfo wero quickly brought Into play nud n general good tlmo wns enjoyed by all presont. Tho boys watched over tho camp flro by relays to ward off any lurking toes, nut rortunncoiy tho day broke with no disturbance from tho enomy. A pleasant foaturo of tho gathering around the camp flro In tho ovenlng wns a genuine old-fashioned candy-pull, presided over by Mrs. It. K. Drowning, who camo from .Marshlleld to meet tho Scouts and seo that tho nunrtornins- 3Irs. K. K, JCelloy ontortnlnod Inst Monday evening In honor of Miss Helvn Flanagan. A most on Joyablo ovenlng wns spent and delicious refreshments wero sorvod. Those enjoying tho evening nt Mrs. Kolley'H woro: Mrs. 3Iary 10. Thompson, 3llsses Helvn Flanagan, Frances Franso, 3IarJorlo Cowan, AHco Curtis, Holon McLaughlin, Alpha Mnu.ey and Evu Drcsaor. IIILT.MOIti: BOVS I . This evening the Dlltmoru boys will hold their nniiunl "Sangorfost" rt the (leo. F. Murcb suminor homo on South Coos ltlver. lOlnborato plans have been niado for It and It Is oxpocted that tho l!)i:i ovont will Burpuss tho provIoiiB ones. 4 FA3IILV HKUNIOX Mr. and Mrs. 10. A. lOlckworth and children enjoyed n fnmlly reunion (Continued on Page Eight.) (Pure Refined Paraffine) For Sealing Jellies and Preserves Just melt and pour over the cooled pre serves or dip tops of jars in the melted PAROWAX. It's the easiest method. PAROWAX seals absolutely air tight. Guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drugs Act. , Dealers Everywhere. Standard Oil Company (CALIFORNIA) SAN FRANCISCO