LANDO'S Phone Your Orders Prompt Delivery (joou goods .Men's Women's "ml Children's Wear 248-252 Front St. Phone 161.L 1 Bl.?tB . i C0NTK1BUTI0NS concerning eoclnl happenings, Intended for putjllontlott in the society depart ment oT The Times, must 1)e sub mitted to the editor not later than C o'clock p. m., Friday of each week. (Kxcoptions will ho p'lmvcd on'y In cases whore the events occurred later than the tlmn mentioned.) . care, tell me, IK A IiAI i.ovi: xv n 1ml love and a lass I 'mv tell me, come A what shall a lad do? Bit down with his trouble and dlno off despair, While other lads sit with their sweethearts and woo? No, No! Let mo tell you, that never would do! No, never would do! There's only one thing I can tlilnu of to do Only one thliiK, nnd I'd do It 1 swear! Although, It Is true, 'tis old as 'tis Just 'kiss her and kiss her, how ever she flare. And take ye no care whatever sho swear, Whatever e'.ie avenr, sir, or do. For women ho v.jmeii, and care not a l.alr For the man who don't dare, however ho woo; And they who would win 'em, foul werUhor or fair, Must fly them, not follow, nnd they will pursue; And that Is the way, let me tell The way, sir. to woo! SoloL,t1 . nee upon a tlmu two girls who were clever, bright looking, Jolly young persons, but not at nil pretty, oven In the eyes of their tuns! i evotoil r uiii H. iiecnmo 1111 Cofii.rum Is one of the best known and most prominent of the yammer business men on Cjos Hay. Ills bilii" Is well ktown hero throng.! v sits at the F. M. Parsons home. She had just returned from a year s tour of Kurope, when Mr. Ooodrum met her In New York nnd tl.elr nup tials wore quickly solemnized thero but members of Miss Waller's i'tt ropean party gave them n little sttr- i.liltfn In. I llt'll til tr tlmlt tlnnnrtitm Into 1 real country wedding, with rite, labels and all, as they left Atlantic i;ity, in if mi io mi- w i nn(i lans were mndo.for the vear's PERSONAL notices of visitors In the city, or of Coos Uay people who visit In otl or cities, together with notices of social affairs, aro gladly received In tho social de partment. Telephone 133. No tices of club meetings will bo published nnd secretaries uro kindly requested to furnish same. vas entertained this week by MIps Agnes llutclicson nt her home. It was the first meeting of the season iiintroiiolltaii crowds. Mr. and Ooodrum will reside near Fourteenth innd Central and since their arrival ' have been showered with congrat ulations and rolicltutlous by their I host of Coos Uay friends. 1 - I iioxon mtnm-Tom-: 0 Thursday evening Miss lledwldge I Polrier was most- pleasantly sur prised at the homo of her uncle, A. I K. Oagnon, when a party of her friends gaye her a linen shower. I I he affair was n great success, and 1 the evening wns complete when Misses Lino Daigle, Lora Diibay nnd ! Emiun Hansen served delicious re freshments to the party, who were: ; Miss lledwldge i'olrlor and (',. E. Ilennetscy. Misses I Inn and Lillian 'Jalglo, Minerva .Meeiim, Mable and Corn M. tlilsrni, Either and Myrtle Sullivan. Mnrv 'it.'j.'c':, Lucy and Lilly Thorwald. Vivian nnd Mable iCraig, Eninin Hansen, Hruce Kelley land Lillian Bremer. J f S I : IIOXOK .VEWLV WEDS I Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Van Duyn will entertain a few friends this evening c ompllinontnry to .Mr. and Mrs. Geo. (londruiu. This Is the first or a num bei of little social courtesies that will bo extended to the newly-weds by their Marshlleld friends. I WEI) IN l'()l!TL.VNI work. I'lnns were made for a cake sale to bo hold this afternoon at tho Perry-Nicholson storf, to be lit charge of Mrs. E. O, Perham, Mls3 Evelyn Anderson nnd Miss Florence Aiken. The next meeting will be held next Tuesday with Miss Evelyn Anderson. Those present this week were Mrs. E. (1. Porhnm, Mrs. l'er liam Sr., Mrs. A. Hutcheson, Mrs. II. E. Drowning, Mrs. Henry fc'eng staeken, Mrs. J. A. Luse. Mrs. Otto Schetter. .Mrs. Hugo Qulst. Mrs. .1. M. Fpton and Miss Evelyn Anderson. I .MIXMIXVIS ( Lt'll. Marshficld, Oregon, Sept, 13, 1913, Dear Madam: We take pleasure in informing you that our com plete FALL and WINTER LINE of LADIES' COATS and SUITS will ar rive on the Alliance, Our stock is not the first to arrive wo don't believe in rushing things, so deferred purchasing until the last moment, thereby enabling us to obtain the very latest designs, Has it ever occurred to you that very few people aVe prepared to purchase their FALL and WINTER garments in August? Have you ever given any thought to that particular subject? Now a great many people like to be the first to get this or that article, but the staid, conservative customer who bides her time, is us ually the most satisfied, . , , , , Another point and a good one is the fact that the early arri vals are handled and tried on many times before you have decided to purchase, Our garments escape that early rush; are fresh and clean, and are priced within the reach of all, Watch for our window display; thon come in and let us show you OUR beautiful line of FALL and WINTER CREATIONS, T! e Mlnnle-Wls Club was enter tnlncd by Mrs. M. E. Thompson Thuisdny afternoon. Tho next meet ing will be Md on September 2",. when Mrs. W. Brown will entertain. A r-'jat cnjiiyau.o aftcrnaon was speiu at Mrs. Thompson's by Mrs. E. E. Kelley, Mrs. Myers, Mrs. .1. C. Donne. Mrs. W. E. Iionglnnd. Mrs. W. II. Perkins. Mrs. II. Nerdruin, Mrs. F. H. Dresser, Mrs. E. A. Harris, Mrs. Ohns. La Chnpelle, Mrs. C. W. Davis. Mrs. John Dashney, Mrs. Brown. Misses Ituth Hod den. Bertha Davis. Virginia nnd Hurt rude- Brown. Mrs. Thomnson. assisted by Bertha Davis and Until, read by Mrs lledden. served a dainty luncheon Burkhart g to tiioso present. 4 lug. The work that the young ladles nave been doing at their meetings will bo displayed and up for sale. r I PltKKIlYTEIHAX LADIES. Al'( TIO.V SOCIAL. fell wontedlv confidential and Uillilng tho situation over. One of the girls was distinctly bit ter nt Naturo'B stinginess In their direction. "Sometimes after I've seen n partl milarly pretty girl," she said, "I can't get to sleep at night for en vying her. It Isn't Just tho pleas ure or being admired without any effort, though goodness knows there nro times when I'd gladly exchange any brains 1 have for that, but pret tlnoHs opens so many doors to you, and prejudices people in your favor right from tho start. It's like an at tractive show winder that makes people want to come Inside and see your wares." The second girl was thoughtful. "Jt is a great advantage." she ad mitted, "but you know perfectly well that you aro popular, and that you have succeeded In business without It." "Oh yes." tmld Hie rebellious one, "1 suppose I have done pretty well, and you've done better, but I know wo could both have dune a lot moro U wo had only had prettlueas as woll mi brains." The other girl's eyes hone with a lirlg'.tness. says Ituth Cameron, that brought her very near to the beauty Hhe was udnilttliiK she lac ke:l. Some how I don't fool (hut way," she wild. "Of course sometime 1 v.ln'.i I wer pretty, nnd thon aualn I take the Kroiitest pride In hcoIur how much 1 can do without It. I think It's really the most fusel a at I iir thing In t' o world to win In spite of odds. It's Just like cards. You know It's fun lo have such good hands that you inn't help willing, but It's a lot more tun to win In spite of a poor hand Just because you played It per fectly. I ciin stand having poor hands In cards. The only thing that troubles me greatly hi to feel that I Old not not the most I could out of what I had. Even If I win tin t0 l Announcements have been received The Youn'; Ladles' Aid of the Nor wegian Lutheran Church will halt! an auction at tie church this even- Tho Presbyterian Ladles' Mlsslon- nrv Society mot Wednesday auer noon with Mrs. L. W. Lnngdon. A vorv Interesting paper on "North American Missionary Work was A. L. Blitz. Mrs. .i. k. gave a very insiruciive talk on "Homo Missions." Refresh ments wero served nt tho cIobo of tho afternoon. The next meeting will bo hold on September "I. nt the home of Mrs. C. II. Walters. (Continued on Page Three.) here of the mnrrlogo of Dr. T. .1. Fox.! - 'son of Mi;, nnd Mrs. T. .1. Fox of West Marshlleld, and Miss Alice Mauey, a prominent Portland young woman, which will bo solemnized in Portland September 21. Dr. Fox Is n termor Coos Bay young man who l.ns gained success In his profession In Portland and litis many trends here who vlll extend congra' ilnilo'i his slsier, Mrs. ,1. W. Chapman, will leave next week for Portland to at tend the nuptials. I CHANCEL (iCILH. 4 1 Tho regular monthly meeting of the Chancel (lulld of the Episcopal Church wns held In f o Church ves irilov el 2::i0. Tho business moot ing was presided over by the pres ld' iit. Mrs. (leorge .Wuicii. i rm t-( lug this there wns a devotional a.'-i dress by the U"ctor, who entphu lol ti e thought )f the cultivation of t'f ' I ailll'll llll I lll'ii nu iuiiiiHmI iiir, i of church work. The (mention of a sllgl t change lir the designation or the (lulld was. brought forward by the lloctnr end j adopted by the meet'ng. The ('tM In to be known us the (" am el (! ill I Instead of the Altar (lulld, rs it was felt that this name was more In harininy with the weniv of the Wnrl; ilmm in tVo initmlutra nn.l I also prevented any mlsunderstaiul liu that mlghr lave lingered lit tlv minds of some when the AHar Culul was the onlv wnrklntr irullil In lite I Churi'V rs was the cas,- up ti"UI the old (lulld was revived. The Hector appointed Mrs. (leorge Murdi and Mrs. Ausgnr L.igerstrom as the Chiincel committee for this month. A new couHtltutl.iii uuh promise 1 l 'the Hector and adopted by the meet I lag. Ti e next regular tueellut; will he held In the Church mi Frl jdav. the :ird ilev of October. T n, present were: Mrs. Hubert K. Bnnt'i, is. Funnv Hazard. Mrs. Char'ette 1 Forty. Mrs. C. IC. Perry. Mrs. ;,m, March. MNs Not ile Savage and Mrs. Hubert E. Browning. ,lr. '.' 4 . EPWOHTII LEAtiCE .MEETS. SSZEBBS Zjjl:: ...V. 'l 't Engraved Calling Cards The Latest Designs The Correct Size Made From Your On')) I '1 tiles. Xrir J'litica Kiitnii'cri lo Order. Aimotlhier Supply of && W Ut BUI lis You should prepare now for ilio coining .social season. I PUp mil I?c-t pilers. ion IIHI ( enrtls, ards script from your plate .$2.00 .$1.2.", Stationery Department Red Cross Drug Store The Epworth l.eaguo of tho M. E. Church held a business and so- not content when 1 feel that I didn't I''1"1 uiwMug Wednesday evening. play my cards as well as I possibly could have." 'The only failure Is not to liuvo lone the best you could," says Can non Farrnr. I doubt If this young person would have realized that she was expres sing the same sentiment, but wasn't Hhe 7 Life Is a game. Homo people have good cards and play them for half I heir value, ami others with a medio cre hand win out. We can't all have the high cards, but we can play the ones we have In the best way pos sible. Are you doing that.' oi are you playing a slovenly game be cause the treat dealer did not see fit to give .)u Just the cards yr.ii 1 The business was transacted at the church from whence the members went to the home of Mrs. C. W. Davis and enjoyed a most dellght- , ful musical nvenlng. Musical games were the main diversions while all nresent were pleased by a solo sung by June Cooley. Those out at the I meeting were: Mosdtiines War t'lionipson and C. W. Davit Misses Bertha Davis. Cora Do, Mildred Storey. Luella and Marjorle (Sra hant, Hoxle Hall, Harriet and Evn Hansen. June Cooley, Eiflo Church and Irene Preuss. Messrs. Erie nnd Ed Bolt. Lo Hoy Hiibertsin. Frank I Heath. Lee Byerley. Ho. Cooley and Mione 122. ii nitgyrMy I AS1 Ready for the Ducks ! AVe are prepared. 1 low are vou We are showing iliis season the Largest and Most Complete Line of Loaded Shells Ever Seen on Coss Bay AVe also have Clay Church. would have liked? Whlih? ;, I - EPISCOPAL (U'ILD ' The Marshlleld Episcopal (lulld w i:d in new vouu. One of the surprises hi local so cial circles this week was f. e an nouncement of the murrlatjo of Oeo. Ooodrum. of Marshlleld, ami MIfs Mario Waller, of Boise, Idaho, In Now York City, August 21. Mr. SPfltULLA COHSETS tuny ho obtained in MarshQold from Mrs. Annie Holland, Corset ier. 352 So. Cth St. Phone 200X. Shot Guns intl'le Barrel Double Barrel 'Pump Guns Automatic Kull line of Decoys, Duck Calls, Duck Straps, Hunt ing coats and Shell lings. Come nnd Sec lTs Before You SI art. Just received. Particular people, those who want the best and know the best, continue to discard their old tin pans and enameled kettles, replacing utensils which wear out with utensils which "Wear-Ever." See Windows Lighted at Night Plumbing As It Should be Done the kind of 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 I -1 we do open, every Joint tluht. military, latest style of plumliliK. B -st or lmth-tuhs, latest divlcis in wator ilosets. sinks and overyihlnj; vou can think of In th plunihliti; lino, tall us up on the 'phone, write us or see us, nnd we'll do the trick every time. Willey & Schroeder SMa North Front Street. . IMIOXE 77-.T m ma i Children Beg for B . mil l If they know It enmo ."" - ory. It is as different , fto J s irom uiKiii; " , ' thpm P'e,k ..i.n.i i.noii iv eve tneni f,. t'uiitii i.-ii it a i u i rciinf'ii eat a ;.' oi m enu. .' . if It comes from here. try It? Coos Bay Bak! The placo for godd Market Ave. HILL MILITARY ACADEMY ' ,ecl Non.Seetatisn Bordina and Day School 1 Inf Ram U:tl. r I? B II mm j-. iniuiiijr Lyuupiiac, smiu Glutei; meo 1 eacheri. Ctreful upeiviiion tecurei twulu thai tie not attained eltewheie. Send (or catalog PORTLAND. OREGON All Kinds of Job Printing Done at The Times STADDEN ALL KINDS of Pilaff WORK, nromlde Enlw19 Kodak Finishing,