J 1.-- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1913 EVENING EDITION. ERCHANDISE ON CENTRAL AVE. CENTRALIZE AND M j thh owir Tin-: owl thi: owi, thi: owl the owl s'Ji'J or n window. Wo arc displaying nationally advertised goods. We give yon what yon ask for. We never substitute! "The Central Avenue Driuj Store." "THE OWL" PHESCMPTIOX PHARMACY. FRAXK I). COHAN. Opposite Cliandler Hotel. Phonei-L TIIK OWL THE OWL THE OWL THE OWL THE OWTi Kammerer Says: Nirty hats for nifty fellows Just arrived. Mnny of them and to suit the most particular. Note the cut. See the big window display, then como In and got yours. Yours anxious to please, The Toggery chool Supplies A FULL LINK Ol-' EVERYTHING AT OUR TWO STORKS. SCHOOL HOOKS TAHLKTS PENCILS PUNS INK inc. everything needed at rtoBn & Hansen's tationery C Central Avenue Front Street C ENTRAL AVENUE continues to take on a more metropolitan appearance every day. The handsome new stores will soon be oc cupied and then Central Avenue will be more generally recognized as the retail business street of Coos Bay. Drop around tomorrow and see the workmen put the finishing touches on the beautiful new blocks. You will find the other stores ready to receive you and help you to merchandise and economize on Central avenue. PLAN TO TAKE SUNDAY DINNER AT THE Chandler Hotel Good Music and a Good Menu The Hub of Central Avenue OPEN AX ACCOUNT WITH THK First National Bank Of Coos Bay AVAIL YOURSELF OF ITS SUPERIOR FACILITIES. Safo deposit boxes In burglar-proof vaults for rent nt low rates. Central Avenue. Fancy Fresli Regular GO cents a pound. e . I aacuraay, r jaa and Sunday OJiy itW a Pound AT STAFFORD'S SEPTEMBER SNAPS. New house and lot In Sengstncken Addition for $lf00, New, up-to-date, modern residence on Commercial and Four teenth, nnd lot (50x100, $3500. New und modern home on Sherman avenue, with lot 100x100, J10.000, easy terms. Lots In Eastsldo from 75 up, easy terms. Lots In Sengstncken Addition from $325 up on easy terms to home builders'. TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Por anv old cough Winkler's Balm Gilead and 51 if not Price 25c and 50c per bottle. Your inonev back satisfied. For sale at WINKLER'S . Pfoaraiacy " Deutsche Apotheke." 58 Central Avenue Phone 215. COOS BAY TIMES H, C. MALONKV Editor mid Pull. AN K. MAI.OXKY Now Editor Official PniM-r of Con County. t'FICIAL PAPI-.R OF THH CITY ''' s- C" ''' tllt-,,l to shoot tho And really It deserves to bo. For It Is "crooked." don't you see? Because tiiDie was a delay In the delivery of a tolegrnm, a Coluin- OF MAItSIIPIP.LD. Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMF.S. Mtoraliflolil :: :: :: : Orego. manager of the telegraph office In that city. If that should set to bo it habit on Coos Hay Otto Schettei would have to build a bomb-proof office. SUHSOR1PTION RATES. -H-H- Onc vcar . . . .Vf.'I'.V ?C00 '"''"ore goes a man who always For month HO follown the doctorp," remarked John WEEKLY, floss, us Fred Wilson went by. Odd year ?1.50 -yes," Kald R:rsoy Kroltzer, "and When paid strictly In advance the tm,n, ,.,, 01l0 wll0 onn aUvayH KOt ubscrlptlon price of tho Coos Bay fnoti,l.i in lniHlnens " Corn Times Is $5.00 por year or 2.G0 for ", ""' huslniss, as unr, PERSONAL OVERFLOW 1x months. Entered at tho postoftlce nt Marsh Hold, Oregon, for transmission through the mails ns second class "nil matter. Dedicated to tho service of tho people, that uo good causo shnll lack champion, nnd that evil shall m: 1irlvo unonp'ised. the chiropodist, passed by. septemhek mokx. It Is extremely fortunate for koiiio Coos Day people that j their habit of believing every- j thing they hear will not land them in the Insane asylum. j A .Marshlleld man always says he would rather have n clear conscience than a million dollars, because ho hasn't the million. (ieorge Ooodruin writes: "fllrls WALTER SPADE was In town to day from Sumner Mil. AND MIIS. DAVIS of lloss In let were In town today on business. MRS. LENA MATSON of Catching Inlet is in town today on a shopping trip. CIIAS. DUNCAN came down from South Coos lltver today on busi ness. CAI'T. COIINWAI.L, of Gardiner. - n i, .(3 visitor In Mnrsh- fleld today. MRS. WM. KARDI3LL Is spending n few days In Myrtlo Point taking in tho Fair. M.. i.M) .ii.u-I. II. PUCK, of Rnn- don. have l "tited for tt short time hi North lleud. MISS DEI.LA PIIATT has returned from a few weeks' visit with friends at Gardiner. MISS. .1. D. CI.INKKNRHARI) nnd Miss Cllnkenboard. of Daniels Creol;, nre Marshlleld visitors to day. Mil. AND MIIS. W. II. SMITH and daughter were down from Coos Itlver today on the Express. Dll. C. W. TOW 1311 and (ieo. W. verslty. F. D. COHAN nnd W. O. Chandler nre planning to leave soon to at tend tho Installation of n "Delt" Chapter at Oregon University at Kugene. MHS. .1. A. CLINKKNRKARD nnd daughter came down this morning on tho Express from South Coos Itlver. l'he latter will probably teach In Ceiiullle during tho coin ing term. Mil. AND MIIS. FRANK WOOD nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Elmer Wood of Ilan gor nre among tho Coos Ilnyltes In nttendnnco nt the Myrtle Point Fair. Mil. AND .MRS. S AT13 It expect to go. out via the Marshlleld-Ilosoburg j muo iiiio tomorrow morning, lie I LANDO'S () (HOOD (i(N)DS.) p Q ' Another large shipment of Fall and Win-SjK X(1' Coats due on the Alliance. Watch for-C LANDO'S 10 (d'OOl) (i(M)DS.) tfl HIS-'-'.VJ Fionl street. V PHOXK Kll-L. PROMPT DFLIV FRY PHOXK YOl'R ORKHHS. ....... ...,u ...,,,, n, iiiuiiiiiik. iiui I0SI31II IvftPm u-lin linu 1111 nn has been u ball player nt North . 1 ' vll lmH 1111 0,1 Rend. I "on on tho Crawford Point traci MR. II. II. DONI3IIY, representing i no iJiuinauor-Frank Drug Com pany, wns In town yesterdny and to day, and left this morning for Cardlner and way points. W. 11. DINDIXOI3R leaves toinor- row overlnnd for San Francisco on a biislnoss and vacation visit, lie expects to purchnse the new stock for tho Hunker IIUI store, which Is being rapidly pushed to completion. A copy of the famous, soino say Infamous, painting, "A September Morn," Is on exhibition at one of nnd uutoinoblles get better looking thu Marshlleld stores. A Wlso "very year." Oily, nrt critic of this department, was detailed to see it and prepare j j a criticism nnd turned In the fol- I LOCAL OVERFLOW. lowing: "I hnd Intended giving space In Will (Jive Recital. Mrs. Kvn C. this valuable faintly paper this eve- Wheeler returned from Coiullle, nlng to "Miss September Morn." ""i'1'" "'J" avo tul , oyenlng, mid will give one In Fastslde tills evening. the same being a liver-colored young lady, about frying size, standing on one foot in an nbslnl he-colored Ruys Harp. Low Keyzer who left wet Hpot about three Inches deep yesterday to piny for a bowery dance nnd hugging herself because she U ,,ho ,M','t'i,10!"t Fn,r 8ays llp 1,1,8 la cold, or on second though she ( ;,l,,rl,,, " ,,,,r' r,,r 01Y,U,B- mny be hugging herself because wo ! ' nln't present. j Sisters IHcil. Mrs. .1. W. Mitchell "She can't bo bugging horself received a telegram yesterday brlng- liocnuso she Is cold, because Bu, ' Iti the sad news of the death of her can't be cold If she was cold she ?l8U,r' MrH' 'UxttW n,l,lu'- nt tan i no (oiu. it sue was ioui s no ( , S( )0H MH80Hr, rrom a would have goose pimples and she complication of diseases. nln't got a pimple, If she had we ' could see It. She Is looking off Relative Dead., Chas. Mahaffy, toward the Coos Ray l.aundv (this l,llV wt,,n limnv f')()! K,vo" rancher. will cost Lines ten cents a llno ' J'lit,',li' ffcelved word of tho death win cost .l ints in cents a lino) ,,. hmtUw Kollor, T Mnlmir. nt nnd wondering why her wnsh don't Ma mm ln st Loul8 of imralysls. come homo. She Is dressed in n The deceased visited here three years wad of bourbon-colored hair and g nnd won many friends who will Carleton are spending a fewIRD RANDI3ROI1. who has returned days at the Tower summer home on South Coos River. MRS, ROIVI3RT McCANN. of North Rend returned today from Myrtle Point. She was attending the W. C. T. V. Convention. I MRS. 13RIP JOHNSON, who has been! visiting nt the Matt Matlson home at Sumner, returned home today on i lie .Miiucoma irom n visit to his old homo in Wisconsin, niso stopped in Min neapolis to visit u brother thoro und says tho heat was something U riille and mndo him glad to got back to the cooling breezes of Coos Ray. Ho also visited at Calgary, and say8 that city Is one of tho most prosperous and progressive mm no visneii URIC HOLT left this afternoon on ' MRS. MARY C. IIOAfll.AND nnd his bicycle for Salem. He nlans to ride from Sumner to Rosebnrg nnd thenco through, and will re suiiie his course at Willamette I'nl- BE PRETTY! TURN GRAY HAIR DARK (laugnier were nrrlvnls yesterday on the Speedwoll. and expect to locate In North Rend. Their for mor homo wns Dunrte, Calif. D. M. GRAY wont over to Myrtlo Point today to the fair, and from there will go to Rnndon. Ho Is a Redwood City, Cal., real estato salesiuun. tract near Cooston, was In Rosebnrg this week cnrouto to Chicago, af ter spoinllng u few weeks on tho Ray. MRS. L. W. LA NO DON was among tho Coos Rny visitors nt tho Myr tle Point fair yesterday. Sho re reports good attendance and somo very t'ood exhibits. The weather was vory hot, tho thermometer registering ninety-one, A. II. L13ACII nnd family passed through hero today en route to Portland to mnko their home, Mr. Leach having retired ns manager of the Macleay properties on Roguo River. PROF, and MRS. A. L. nARK 13R re turned via tho Mursblleld-Dialn stago lino last night. Thoy hnvo boon visiting relatives In Ann Ar bor and Rattle Creek, Michigan, for some time, C. A. M13TLIN, proprietor of tho Coos Hotel, together with his small daughter, Mary. Is enjoying n few days recreation nt tho Myr tlo Point fair. Tho lattor went ovor yestorday with the Lnns Lo novo party In their auto, and Mr. Metlin went Wednesday on tit train. MRS. CIIAS. M. TI3IIUY, Mls Ruth McClellan, A. 11. Long and Jin. a II. Smith were among the ?a gers who left this morning tU tt Murshfleld-Roseburg stage. WANTED:- 2,000,000 calla lily bulU nnd 2,000,000 berry plant to bo grown on contracts eactt year for tho Coos Day Exper iment Station. Wo pay caij on dollvory. Will also teach freo of chnrgo how to gro Bame. Wo guarantco you to clear $1000 per year, by lei ting us pick out the soil for you nnd to follow our in struction In growing same. lor full particulars, call on A. Mitting 171 N. Uroadway, Marshlleld, Oregon. Look Young.' Xobody Can Tell You l'.e (ii-niKlniotliei-'s Sim ple Recipe of Sage Ten und Sulphur, if that's all at present." iLAI TO OFT HACK. regret to hear of his death. .id years old. He was Xorth Itend Meeting. There will llil n mnuu iiiimtltin 11 tli.. fllv Hull 1- U13 returning vncatlonlsts nro !i, North ilend this evening. nt"whlcli I -so giau to get norao" mat .senator 1. S, Smith will speak to tho thoso who haven't beon away Chamber of Conunerce on "Civic ullnost feel Rko congratulating Affairs." Tho public Is requested to themselves. 1,0 ,rMont 1,1 s 'dlH,,- "Thoro's no place llko Coos Ray." limiting Trip. Coo, U. Rotnor. Walter Hill and son Dudley Hill left llko somo today for a hunting and vacation I trip In the vicinity of the Sncchl ranch near Handon. Thoy oxpect to You'll notice that the letter V bo KOm' a weok r to" iin's 1,1,11 tl,Pri ton u uotico mat ue loiter S . wJ, 1)VOUlllll). bo ,oft , t Jb found quite often In "distress.". m.tI(m whoil thoy ,lllV0 reUmmU Why Is tho letter "S" people on Cons Hay? Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur properly compound- . , iirmgs uai-K tue natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray; also ends dand ruff, Itching scalp and stops falling hair. Years ago the only wnv to gor this mixture wns to make It at home, which Is mussv nnd trou blesome. Nowadays, bv asking at any drug store for "Wyoth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy." von will get a large bottle of this 'fa mous old recipe for about 50 cents. Don't stay gray! Try It! No one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as It does If so natur ally and evenly. You dampen a spongo or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand nt a time; by morning tho gray hair dlsauno.-irri and after another nmillimMm, .... ...-. your hair becomes beautlfuliv dm-k-' m. thick and glossy. . The Sight and Fragrance of These Good Things Are Appetizing K A.l'.,il!TA ''KACHK8. PF.Il IIOX HO C13XTS. SLsUrapes ('HOICK SIMM Fit SQUASH Itl'TAHAOAS HFLL PKPPFRS SWF.F.T POTATOi:S (IIFFX COHX PIX13APPLFS HAXAXAS OP.AX(3FS CUAXHFItltlFS Flti:SH GHFFX VF(iFTARLFS OXIOXS (JIIFFX PHAS STItlX(i RI3AXS CAHHAfSI-: Cl'CUMHFRS iiiarKitKiiniff JUICY LF.MONS IKtkidikwxs caxtalovi TUHXIPS CAimOTS IJl.-n HKI-'TS ciusp 1U3AI) nrrricB PHOXK YOUR ORDi:itS FAItLY TO GET CHOICE SELECTION. NASBUR.CS GROCERY e 'mK fiool HOUSEKEKPIXG STORE. Corner Second anil Commercial Street. rhone 213-J-