THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1913-EVENINQ EDITION. Ht, J. ido I, irHAV HliOCK NOW FOR r ki. investment vu., fc ' n rices under the mar- s EHU"0 177 It'i Brlc .uilfling. - . ffnnr. Ejlt3MUW fS,b5 Boon,- w,.h Hot .no ill WW". wlH ft A. Mrtin. rmi.. 5? ?. . .1.. mill HIHUii ltW4 A.ifn l.inp . n tnlnlltOB ffOID WW"""' .Vfrnm 7 D. ID. Ikve y'.n f. Fare IB I, o'clock every i B tto. ? ! i ridea $2.00. bautauoo tintu . Marsh- (irWb Bend NewS Co., In i Bnd ft KING. Props. fiw) TAXICAB SERVICE .... ..tohiiahml lii MnrBhflold. In for trains or parties made at hour. Careful driving, ueasou L ntM. Stand ut Palace Hes- Ent Phne 6J' h R HANKV, Proprietor. 1 Urje shipment of Electric Cat S ud see our stock of glass- nf. hivA nnm of the Mt designs In Bhower fixtures, . . iirht to (Ivo. Everything Hiectrlcal supplies. ird & Langworthy ?er Sewing Machines i bits them tor rent or for sale. Machines Repaired. Applies and Needles for Bale. w. a. WTZ. Park Are. Mfirshfleld. Pbobp Snn-x. ROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY mmw lagus, m. i. I'hynlclun unil surgeon duite from thu Imperial Alex- uder University In Finland. Coke llulldlnjc, Hoom 304. Til. 4.14. JLNJAMI.V OSTLIND, Consulting Engineer ana Architect. 108-L MarslifleH, Ore. M. WRIGHT. mvTnarrrnn ivn RITir.llHR Ibtlmatei furnished on request Mat and specifications furnished I stalred. An honest Job guaran- rnone iZ4-lt. I0EL OSTLIKI), Plaao Tuner and Renalrer. Ki 8. Sixth Street. Phone 101-L m orders at W. R. Haines Music RILEY UALUNGER lce-Btudlo, 237 So. Broadwai fnone 18-Ij. r fc 10. CHANDLER, Architect. Ml ud 302, Coke BaildJas "wwiieiu, uregon. w. borrow, i Deatlrt. lST orer Graal . Offlce Phone MO. f". fl. TURPEN, ARCHITECT Marshfleld, Oregon. A. J, HENDRY'S Modern Dental Parlnra. - equipped to do high class l, "0" notice -at the tery "animation free. ;t .;,ni Colte on lo ce ul rttos FAIRLY DINNERS ur new locution, we are es- varea to cater to family regular meals or short or- OlUn Ji ... ... W aad Commercial Bifid. What's the Use of annoying yourself with inferior cooking utensils, with rusty tin pans or with enamelled kettles with the glass enamel chipped off, whon for a little more money you can get the best aluminum ware? THE EVERLASTING .KIND WEAR-EVER ALUMINUM TRADEMARK EXPLAIN W P mber to Bring Us w tost Coupon ihecks f. UP; YOU WANT TO GE. ntKMlU.MH. las rft.. an. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FOR COOS BAY FROM PORTLAND FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, AT 11 A. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 OONNCOTING WITH THE NORTH BANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phone 44 F McGEOHGE, Ageat. S. S. NANN SMITH Sails From Smith Mill Dock for San Francisco Monday, September 8, at 3:00 P. M. San Francisco office, 805 Flfo Rldg., or Lombard St. Pier No. 27 .IaterOceanlc Transportation Co., C. F. MeGcorBc, A?t. Phono 44. STEAMER IAQ.UA Sails from North Beid for San Francisco Saturday, Sept. 6, at 4 PM. Will Sail from San Francisco for Coos Bay Wednesday, Sept. 10. FAST BOAT; GOOD PASSENGER ACCOMMODATIONS AND GOOD SERVICE. A. E. DIMENT, Agent, Ocean Dock, Marsliflcld. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. HAILING FROM MARSHFIELD SE1TEMRER 0, 12:30 P. M.; SEPT. 14, 10:30 A. M.; SEIT. 10, 11:30 P. M.; SKIT. 27, 8:00 A. M. SAILING FROM PORTLAND SEPTEMBER 7, 12, 17, 23 AND 30, AT 8 A. M. Tickets on sale to all Eastern iolntH und Information ns to routes and rates cheerfully furnished. Phone Mala 85-L. STERLING, Agent. NEW AUTO LINE TO PORTLAND. Morsbfield-Drain Auto Stage Line VIA ALLEGANY AND SCOTTSURG From MorthfifM to Portland jn 16 Hours LEAVES MARSHFIELD EVERY MORNING. AT 5 A. M. ON 'STEAMER RAINBOW. FAIR TO DRAIN, til. Tlckct8 on 6n, nt N"8 Corncr Phone 208. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLEJGUARANTEE;ABSTRACTCO.,llnc. HENRY SENG8TACKEN, Manager FARM COAL. TIMBER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. FARM, COAI GBRAIl AGENTS EASTSIDE MARSHFIELD OFFICE, PHONE 14-J. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PHONE 101. THE RECORD PHOTOGRAPHING ABSTRACT COMPANY Haw Dtwaphlc copies of all records Coos County to date, MJffi$wt" or Dy other lnform8t,on re,at,ng SJ&SaSSSSiS Nortn fS St., Marshfield. Phone 151 RATES FILED ()ltK(.). UAILltOAD CO.M.MIKSIOX DOES Xy' AI'PUOVE OR INVES TIGATE CIIAItGEK UNLESS FILED IN A FORMAL MAN NER. SALEM, Or., Sopt. 5. If n ninn in a 1 us u complaint to certain pub lic iitllltluH nKuinst their rates or practices, the aiiflwor is that they liave to chargu such rates and fol low such practices heennse the state railroad commission ordered them to. Iloports along tills line have been made to the commission on a num ber of occasions, until now the rail road eommlHHloneis are on the war path. Thoy announce that nil such offenses reported In future will be Investigated und full publicity given. Commissioner Aitchisou pointed out that tho commission has noth ing to do with fixing a company's a ten nnd practices unless a public hearing Is bold nnd n formal order nmdo. In other cases tho companies simply fix their own charges and egulatlons and file their tariff:) with the commission, after which they become olllclnl and rt would bo illegal for tho companies not to follow them. These tariff sheets aro not approved by the commission. One corporation went so far ns to Issuo n circular saying that its utes had been fixed and approvod by tho railroad commission, when as n matter of fact tho commission had merely required it to filo a schedule showing tho rates It had In effect on tho date fixed by the public utility act, January 1, 1911. rho circular was quickly withdrawn whon tho commission called atten tion to it, but collectors and other employes of somo of the utilities continue to glvo cutsomers the wrong idea about tho commission's work. NORTH BEND NOTES. - I - Clnrenco Klblor has returned from bis outing on tho Sluslnw und re' Hiinied bis position in the I'ostof (Ice. H. M. .Tones, of tho Forest Bur lmr Slum, ban licoii aulto ill the Hast week. Senator I. S. Smith, of Marsh- flold, Is expected to address a meet ing of tho North Bond Chnmbor of Commerce tonight. Mrs. It. A. Wernlch continues to recuperato rapidly from the illness she suffered following being over como while surf bathing at Sunset Bay. .Miss Norn Hage, of Woodburn, is tho guest of MIbs Ruth (lllbortson. Tho little daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. II. M. Davenport, who bus been very 111 at Mercy Hospital, Is In n critical condition and but little hope Is held out for her recovery. Cant. Edgnr Simpson, who went north on tho last Breakwater, Is ex pected to meet Tod Klssnm in Port land and go fiom there with him to Pondloton to take in tho Roundup. Wni, James has returned from a trip to Kansas City. Mrs. W. II. Shepherd has return ed from a visit with her daughter nt Missoula, Montana. J. A. Jacobson has returned from Sim Francisco whoro Mrs. .Tncobson ontored Lano Hospital for treat ment. It is reported that an ondoavor will bo made to have tho North Bond City Council raise tho limit on tho number of saloons bore bo tbnt additional places may bo open ed. Tho city ordinance limits tho number of snloons to six until the population reaches 3500, and then normltn ono additional snloon for each lncrenso of GOO In population. E LIST OF TEXT MARSHFIELD PUBLIC BOOKS SCHOOLS The following Is tho nrlco 'list of books to bn iirmiI in tlm MnrnhnnM public, school nnd the nllowonco made on the return of hooka In coml condition: (initio Tit. Itimku. 1 list Grade Exnlinncn. Wheeler's Grndod Primer Wheeler's Graded First Reader Second Grade Wheeler's Graded Second Render Third Grade Wheeler'H Graded Third Reader Numbers Step by Step. Rlgler .2 1 Hick's Champion Speller 12 Palmer Method of Business Writing 20 1'ourth Grade Wheeler's Graded Fourth Reader 20 Numbers Step by Stop. Rlgler 21 Kluibnll's Elementary English. Book I IS Hick's Champion Speller 12 Palmer Method of Business Writing 20 Fifth Grade- Wheeler's Graded Fifth Reader Watson and White's Complete Arithmetic Kimball's Elementary English. Book I. Hick's Champion Speller World Geography. Tarr & McMurry Introductory Amerlcnn History. Bourne & Benton.. Primer or Sanitation. Rltchlo 21! Palmer Motliod of Business Writing 20 Sixth Grade Wheeler's Graded Fifth Reader Watson & White's Complete Arithmetic Kluibnll's Elementary English. Book 1. Hick's Champion Speller World Geography. Tarr & McMurry Introductory American History. Bourne & Benton. Graded Lessons In Physiology. Krohu Palmer Method of Business Writing 20 Soventh Grade Elson's Grammar School Reader. Book III Watson & White's Complete Arithmetic 30 Kimball's Elementary English. Book II 23 Hick's Champion Speller 1- World Geography. Tarr & McMurry CO School History of tho United States. Mace 50 Agriculture for Beginners. Burkett, Stevens. Hill Palmer Method of Business Writing -0 Eighth Grade Watson & White's Complete Arithmetic 30 Kimball's Elementary English. Book II 23 Hick's Chnmplon Speller 1- School History of tho United States. Mace 60 Agriculture for Beginners. Burkett, Stevens Complete Civil Government. Rolnscb 33 Palmer Method of Business Writing 20 Other Necessary SiipnllcH In the Grudi'H. urnnir'c. Wninr Polor Paints No. 3-A. nro used In all grades. Spelling blanks will bo used In. all grades from third to .30 .IS .12 .00 .30 .25 ..25 .IS .12 .00 .30 .30 Retail. ?.25 .25 .35 .45 .35 .23 .25 .45 .35 .31! .23 .25 .55 .5S .30 .23 1.00 .CO .45 .25 ,55 .55 .30 .23 1.00 .00 .50 .25 .GO .58 .45 .23 1.00 .90 .70 .25 .58 .45 .23 .90 .70 .05 .25 seventh ln papcr about cluslvo. Any kind may bo used which contains n goon inn impor nnom threo Inches wido with each page ruled for twenty to twonty-fivo words. A good dictionary. Every pupil beginning with tho fourth grado should own bis own dictionary. Webster's Common School Dictionary, coBtlnK about seventy-flvo cents, is suggested. High School List. Stn.te Text Books With Price Lsed In Local Exchange New High School Algebra. Wells & Hart I .CO Practical Botany. Bergen & Caldwell 78 Elcm. Study of Chemistry. McPhcrson & Henderson... English Composition. Book I. Brooks 34 English Composition. Book II. Brooks 45 EngllBh Literature. Long 81 Amerlcnn Literature. Abernntby 50 Klmbnll's English Grammar ; . , -'3 Wentwortb's Plane and Solid Geometry History of tho Ancient World. Botsford 90 Mediaeval and Modem History (Revised). Meyers 90 Amerlcnn History. James & Sanford .70 EsBontlnlB of Latin. Penrson 41 Bennett's Latin Grammar 48 Caesar's Gallic War. Gunnison & Hnrloy Clcoro's Orations. Gunnison & Hnrley 75 Virgil's Aoncld. Fnlrclough & Brown 70 Elements of Physical Geography. Hopkins . . .... ..... .OS A First Courso in Physics. Mllliknn & Gale. 1913 Ed.. .75 Other Texts . , i.'.,.,ilu. lllHtorv. L'Ollinn Ac ivcnuiui. THE NEW NEWSPAPER School. Retail. $1.20 1.30 1.25 .08 .90 1.3G 1.00 .45 1.30 1.50 1.50 1.40 .81 .80 1.25 1.25 1.40 1.35 1.25 THE person who Imagines that the modern nowspnper Ib a brlBK, strenuous, up-to-dnto nffalr nhould read what tho llvo Blicots of tho future will bo according to Edi tor Donald of tho London Chronicle. A brief excerpt from IiIb recent speech on tho subject of tho nowBpnpor or tho future suggests that our present news sorvlco is a clumsy, Inadequate conception of what really constitutes newB. Futuro generations w II clnss u with tho stngo cmcb and tho pony express nnd other such pioneer con trlvMiccs Of courso. there may bo persons to contend that the London editor is only Indulging his JournnllBtlo im agination, which was Probably un duly cultlvnted during his cub-reporting days. But there nro othors who will not question his wisdom. Says Editor McDonald: "Tho newspaper of tno futuro win use airships and aeroplanes to de liver Its product to tho moro dlBtnnt centers of circulation. Electric trains nnd nutoplnnos running on fpeclnl tracks will bo pressed Into tho samo Borvlco. Morning nnd evening newspapers will bo merged und tho editions will como out almost ovory hour day and night. News will bo collected by wirolesB telephones d reporters 'IH carry telephones with theim to communicate to tho nowspnpora wireless messages which will bo delivered toUio editors print ed In column form." Buy Your Meats at the UNION MEAT MARKET 'Phone 58 And You Will Always Have Pure Wholesome Meats. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOORS, ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT THE FUEL BILL IN TWO BY USING OUR WOOD. PHONE 1M. M B0UTH BROADWAY RAILWAY WORK NEAR EU6ENE Twohy Brothem Turn Off Largo Force nt Noll Tunnel. Tho Eugeno Guard says: "Twohy Brothers yesterday turned off tho last of their tennis on their railroad contract between Eugeno nnd Notl on the WUlumotto-Paclflc. Tho en tjro contract stands completed ex cept for tho Notl tunnel, which will require another month to finish. Threo hundred mon nro still work ing, but nil aro In tho tunnel. This forco Is what remains of n crow of nearly 1000 men. "B. K. Jenkins returned Monday night from n trip to Russoll's camp near Richardson's on the lino of the Wlllnmotte-Pnclflc, where ho spent n day with his son, Paul, who is with a surveying crow. Mr. Jon kins snys that tho railroad Is being pushod as rapidly as posaiblo, and that the contractors aro hiring all tho men they can get. The now county road that Is being built by the grado will bo fully as good as the old road, bo thinks. It 1b wido enough for toams to paBS at any point, and Is being thoroughly cor duroyed." AGED MINISTER ATTENDS. Rev. R. A. Moses Meets With Meth odists nt Coqulllo Conference. COQUILE, Or., Sopt. 5 Rev. P. A. Moses, of Corvallls, tho oldest living mombor of Columbia confer ence of tho Methodist Church, at tended tho conference of that church which closed hero this week. Although 85 years of ago ho came here from Rosoburg, a distance of about 70 miles, by stage. Ho has beon in the conference since 1874, nnd in the ministry slnco 1854. Rev. Moses Is a poultry fan cier, nnd Inst year took a course in poultry raising at tho State Agrl cultural College. W. J. RUST, Managf