THE COOS BAY tTmES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1913-EVENING EDITION ... t St; FAMILY DINNERS In our new locntton, we are es pecially prepared to cater to family trade, Regular meals or snort or ders. Open day and night. MERCHANT'S CAFE. Broadway and Commercial Mfld. JUST RECfiIVKI A large shipment of Electric Cut Glass Shades. Call and boo our stock of glass- ""ware. We also bavo some of the latest designs In Bhower fixtures, from two light to five. Everything In electrical supplies. Barnard & Langworthy Have That Roof Fixed NOW Bee GOUT 11 I'LL PIIONS :M71. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, ORIH.'ON. AT THE CLOSE OF HUSINFS8 AUGUST 1), 1IH.1. Resources. Loans nnd Discounts $1)21,082.10 Hanking House 50,000.00 Cash and Sight Exchango S11.GUU.70 Total $SS2, 781.SC Liabilities. Capital Stock Paid In r.0,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits G2.7SS.31 DopoBltB 7G9.993.GG Total $SS2,7S1.8G B KNJAM1N OSTLIND, Consulting Engineer and Architect. Phono 103-Ij Marsbfleld, Ore. JM. WRIGHT, CONTRACTOR AND UUILDKR Estimates furnished on request Plans and specifications furnished If desired. An honest job guaran teed. Phone 124-R. TOKL OSTLIND, ) Piano Tuner and Repairer. 41b S. Sixth Street. Phone 101-L Leave orders at W. R. Hnlues Music Co. PERL RILEY BALLINGER PlfaBlst and Teacher Knldence-Studlo, 237 So. U roadway Phone 18-L. W. G. CHANDLER, Architect. Rooms 801 and 802, Coke Balldiaj Marsbfleld, Oregon. DR. W. MORROW. Death. 171 Grlmea Building, over Graa4 Theater. Office Phone 890. W M. 8. TURPEN, ARCHITECT Marsbfleld, Oregon. DR. A. J. IIENBRYU Modern Dental Parian. Ww are equipped to do high claw wore on short notice at the terj lowest prices. Examination free Lady attendant. Coke llldg., Op unanaier how. pnon u.-j. Low Rates for m mmm am. m I Handling I r unks I We haul trunks between any points In Mnrshtlold for tho follow ing rates, delivery to be made In the first stories of buildings: One trunk $ ,2a Three trunks 50 Twelve trunks 1.B0 Star Transfer and Storage Co. T...l It..... ( Phnnna in.r.. oor City Auto Service Good Cars. Careful Drivera and k roasonaDie charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhere at any time." Htanu Hlnnro Cigar Store. Day yuone, vs. Night pliono 139-X. TOM GOODALE. Proprietor. HOTEL HOME Board uud room, nor week. 'Meals 25 cents and lodging 25 cents. Formerly knonn us Archambenu House. 345 South Fourth ht Murwliueld. Electric Shoe Store NFAV KHOF.S. The Place to buy shoes tor the I wliolo family. I 1HO SOUTH IIROAhWAY. Wulk one block and save, mm .int. lar on unch nnlr nf 111 nil 'a Mltil lwwti IbuUB. Wn (hi t rut jiI.iu ..I..... Miring at tho lowest prlcoB lu the uy. lours ror a Bijuaro deal. Aug. Olson. 215 South llrondwuy. inger Sewine Machines re huve them tor rent or for sale junciunes Kepalrod, Buppllvu and Netulles for Halo. W. J. HIT'. it Park Ave. Murnhflold. troone uw..t. and Second Hand Furniture eld on tho InNtulliiit'iit plan. iiwijujto.-v, iioylk CO 8011 Front St. 84CL MHrthfleld. Or. T. JT. SCAIFK. H. DROWN $ A. II. HODGINS brchfiolrf PAINT I AND EatiutateN Furulnhed. tee 1N7-L ManOifield. Or. CONDENSED STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF The First National Bank ofjjCoos Bay At Marsbfleld, In the Stnto or Oregon, at the close of business, August 9, 1913. Resource. Loans and Bonds $ 13fi.isri.7fi U. S. Honda to secure circulation 100,000.00 Heat Estate, Furnlturo and Fixtures 80,000.00 Cash and Sight Exchango 378,878.98 Total ?yyri,o i.73 Liabilities. Capital Stock paid In $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits lf!,3fiO.G2 Circulation, outstanding 97,r,00.00 DepPBltB 782,214.11 Total $995,004.73 Sails for San Francisco From Coos Bay Saturday, August 29th, at 9:30 A. M. San Francisco office, 805 Fife Hldg., or Lombard St. Pier No. 27 Intcr-Ocennlc Transportation Co., C. F. McGcorge, Agt. Phone STEAMER IAQUA SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR SAW FRANCISCO SATURDAY, AUGUST 30. WILL SAIL FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. FAST ROAT; GOOD PASSENGER ACCOMMODATIONS AND GOOD SERVICE. A. E. DIMENT, Agent, Ocean Dock, Marsbfleld. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater AfAV.ivs nv uim. SAILING FROM PORTLAND AUGUST !i, "ii, l.t, 18, 2:1 AND 28, SAILING FROM : COOS AVAUniW fl," 18t0 P. !.; Aug. 10, 1 P. 1 P. M.r AlffJ. !in turn, i m ' Tickets on mile to till EuMerii iH.lntH an'd iiiroriiiatlon s to routos ami fnti.u jl,j.ri.n.. t Phono Main 35-L. i. L'sTuiinvfi. .1 S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR PORTLAND MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, AT 11 A. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFM ILTKtMUUlM r ivv lUlUHA.MJ I - W,-B X W4 tun) acni. NEW AUTO LINE TO PORTLAND. Marsbfield-Drain Auto Stage Line VIA ALLEGANV AND SCOTTSIU'HG PASSING GOLD AND SILVER FALLS From Marshfield to Portland in 16 Hours LEAVES MARSHFIELD EVEUV MORNING, AT 5 A. M. ON STEAMER RAINUOW. FAIR TO DRAIN, $11. TUkets ., sl, , n..... n Phono 208. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BEGINS Its forty-fifth school year SEPTEMOEB 19, t013. DEGREE COURSES In nwnyphnscsof aoniculture, enqineerinq, home economics, mining, forestry, com merce. PHARMACY. TWO-YEAR COURSES In agricul ture, HOME tconomnio, mti.nni.i ARTS. FORESTRY, COMMERCE. PHARMACY TEACHER'S COURSES In uinniml tr.iitiing, nriculturc, domestic science ....1 n.t nuit w. MUSIC, includiiiR piano, string, bnml liistrutnciits nml voice culture. A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled "Tint Knkiciimknt oi' Rukai. Lii'K" nnd n Catai.oO.UU will be mailed free on npplicntion. Address II. M, TitNNANT, Registrar, (tw-7.15 to 8-9) Corvallis, Oregon. THE WIFE IN ART "LEARN ONE jTHING EVERY DAY" S. S. NANN SMITH For Ten Mile and Northnlet I.nmirli UNION will loavo Mnrsh- llold, Coininerclal avunuo dock, ev ery morning at sorvlco of tide, con necting with auto for Lakeside. Re turn same day, arriving at Marsh field In evening. NORTH STAR will lonvo Marsh- lluld as usual In afternoon nnd re turn In morning. . NED GALLOWAY Roseburg-Coos Bay Stage Line Daily service, icnvlnc Mnrslillold lu morning and connecting with nil Southern Pacific trains at Itoso- burg. FARE, $0.00. OTTO SCIIETTKR, Agent, 120 Mnr- kot avenuo. Phono 11. HERMAN IIILLY12R, Corner Cen tral and Front. V modern Uric. . uildlng, isiectri: L,igut, Btoam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and uold water. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Motrin. Trail. Rates: 80 cents a day and upwards ior. Hroadwar and Market , l.M .17 A lll.l'll I.M.I.AVlllt Ullklltl. t .Ml. . .,1,1-......... y (,,,( r'niivflirlit m1!l. In- Tim M.n.J..- a .. "MHoeintion, illR SK dav when Hussottl was lialntlng In his studio, 13ov oroll, a fellow aitist, rushed 1ft 0 in and exclaimed that he had round tho Idenl woinnn. Shu was work ing In n in II 1 1 tier's shop, ho said, hut alio was a wondorliil girl of statoly dignity, with hliie-green oyes and eopiiury tinted nair. this gin was Elizabeth Slddal. and from Hint time on she was tho model for Uos- ncttl's mystical dreams In color. Shu later became his wife. "- I'roniDhaolItu 11, tIio.-t , UMlu (i ti . '"It i. .... urgunizallnn n,n( , - IflAl. SUMMONS. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Inc. 1IF.NRV BFNGSTACKF.N, .M.uiager In the Circuit Court of tho Stnto of Oregon, for tho County of Coos I.uey M. Ilorton, I'lalntlff. vs. Wll Ham Starblrd nnd Kdna L. Starblrd, iiiiHiiniid nnd wife, 11. 11. I'acliett nnd .Mrs. sarali l'neliott, .1. X. Itah shopf, I.eon Amadou and Minnie n. Aiiuuion, i;. uiioiies and .Airs. 13. 13. Rhodes, 13vvn h. Swank, C. Ij. Hlll'toil nnd Kdl.'l (!. Ilnrlmi V. V. Marlman Hoiiiotiines known as i-4. v. .Miiirmnn, nnd Mrs. 13. V. Marlman, R. H. Voso nnd Mrs. R. II. VOSO. .lollll .1. Slinill nml Mi-u John .1. Small, Frank Turner and .Mrs. Frank Turner, J. A. McKreol aim j-iora .Mewreel, liusand nnd WlfO N'nRS. .Tnlm linn n.wl .Inno Doe, Richard Roo and Mnry uoe, ueioiKiants. 'Jo William Starblrd and 13d mi L. Starblrd, llerendants abovo nani- cii: 111 tho liailll) of tho Hlnln nf l"l,-.. gon, you nrn horcby notified that you are required to appear in tho niiovo oniiiied court nnd answer thO Comillnlllt I' 1 1 ml mmli tho nhovo entitled suit within six weeks, from tho Ufith dav of .Mily, lU 13, tbo datu or tho Ilrst publ'l catlon of this Siiiniiions, and If you shall fall to appear and answer said Complaint on or beforo tbo oui uay or Septomber, 1013, tho last day of tho tlmo prescribed in too order fur llm .u,l.ll,....i,,., i,. . Siiiniiions, for want thereof tho riniiHirr win apply to tbo Court for tho roliof demanded therein, n succinct statement of which Is ns mi lows. lo-wit: Hint tho Plaintiff have Judgment against you for tbo sum of Ono Ihoiisand Hollars ($1000.00) nnd Intorest thereon at tho rate of olght (S) per cent per nnniim from tho nay or Juno, i!U2, th0 sum "i i wo iiiiniireii Dollars ($200.00) nttOI'HUV fp(R nml fni. lm.. , ,,,,, nun disbursements In this suit; nlso for a deerno tlinl niniiiHrr1 ....... la a first and prior lien upon tho iMuuiiNi-H iiereinanor described; nl- " (iccreo lorecioslng nil tho right, claim, interest, title and eliilty of you, tho snld William .-uiir mm and Kdiia u. Starblrd, in- ('Hid tic emiltv or mil fill. lt( (.A. n.i., of all tho Dofondants above named, i.i tocii nuu nu persons claiming by, through or under you or thorn Hi or to the said mortgaged prop erty described as follows, to-wlt: hast half of southeast quarter of Miiiui ouvunieen, tno northeast flUnrtor of nnrHionnt r,..o..i.. hectlon Twenty, and tho northwest limner or tno northwest quarter 111 oet'iiiin u'niiii'.nnn nil 1.. rin ship I wonty-fivo South, of Rnnge welve west of Wltlninette Merl- iiiiin, 111 uoos county, Oregon; Alld tlllll tlm PiliiKf ...r1. .... -- ...... . i..,,u iiu iji- (ler or sale (llrpnthif ili(,t cfii.i - . . ....0 ..... nu,., property nnd nil tho rights of said Defendants thoroln bo sold in man ner provided for by law for the Sale of ron I lirnnnplv " ... i.t'.III v.euu- on, and that I'lalntlff or nny 0f nu imniuH (o uio suit may be come mit'plinani'u nn.l olo v.. . other and further relief as to tho able SC0IU " n,ul e'llllt Servloo of this Siiiniiions i8 nindo by publication In pmsiiance of nn order of salo mado by tho Honor- .u Juan t. l;oko, judgo of tho IlllOVO Ontillml Pnnvt nn M.l nr,i. nv f , -Inly. 101S. directing tho i'"i ilium iiierein in tbo Coos nay limes, a newspaper published at Marsbfloiii pn. r,,,.... . ... ,. uuiiih), uruKOU, for onro a week for tho period of vuiiDviilinu WUl'KS, W. 11. nniTP.T.s Attorney for Plalnt'iff First llllb cntlnn Tnlv oi! Lust pitbllcatlon Soptnmher C, 1913. Dante Gabriel Rossottl was born in Knglaiid In 1S2S, tho sou of an Italian refugee. Ills liarents lived simply, almost In poverty, but with refinement suited to tho fostcrlnu of nrt and poetry In tbolr children. Tho mother believed that 0110 good picture on a plain wall was moro beautiful than many worthless dec orations. Rossottl used this sim plicity in his palutinus. I In nml a number of other artists formed tho.Meiitor Assoelntlou Plnn. 1,.... .. ..!... .. . ''"l oved in UHi,1K M, 'olJtl cry thing. 1 "MtJ In CT, Hesidos being au .. K0.1I..H, Hossettl was u pi ,greit Ills sister Christina - . '.'0id In tbo Proraphaellto ,, , aJw Poetry. Uufoiu 1. J .C"1011' la wrote -Tho Hiessed Dn Zj? h Poum that expressed bis UA 1 nnuihood. 13lZabeth Hid. ,i to bo his Ideal L 1,11 '!ro HPoko of her as a mh0i ""' croaturo." Later Hi , ' &ot 'M'to o g, win, ,iu;:r was Kllzabeth .Slilih'i When Rossoltl first. ,,L .T l",H0 for hi,,, tll0 ;. 1 n to thought that bo wanted h w 3 l'tH. Sho little tluniKl, t ; a,l wh to bo .,, , ,iie ,,l J groat nrtlsts's llfowork. Hor death pIuiil'o.i llfo-lonir mlsorv. i.. lnt0 , .. '"- "inanity. r lo tho niomont r ,IH own .loan, 1? 1SS2 ho never cease,! .".'" "Hor oyes wore deeper than th, depth Of waters stilled at oven." Kvery day a different bmnan In tcrest story will appear Th, You can got a beautiful In tagllo reproduction of this ,icturp with ilvo others, equally attractive' 7 by O'j Inches In size, with thli week's "Mentor." i ..Tll0 Men(or, a woll-known nutborllv subject of tho pictures and stories 01 1110 woeif. Readers of The Times nnd "Tho Mentor" will know Art Literature, History, Science, and' Travel, and own exquisite i.ffti,r. On salo at Tho Times office. Price fifteen cents. Wrlto today to Tho Times for booklet explaining The XOTICI3 TO CONTRACTORS. Notico Is lioroby given that seal ed bids will bi received by tho City Kiiglnccr of the City of Marshllold at his ofllco In tho City Hnll until 2 o'clock p. 111., Tuesdny tho 2nd day of September. 1913. for tho construction of that portion of tho proposed Sovontli street sower sys tem which Is necessary to bo plac ed under the hard surfaco pavement nt tbo Intersection of Seventh streot South nnd Johnson avenue, nlBo for tbo construction of two catch- haslns togothor with necessary pipo and connections to tho ninnholo nt tho Intersection of Fifth streot South and Johnson avenuo In tho City of Mnrshllold, Coos County. Oregon, nil according to plans and specifications on fllo In tho ofllco of tho City Recorder and thoro onon to tho Inspection of nil porsons In terested therein. All bids must bo In nccordanco with tho requirements of tho speci fications and upon blnnks furnished for that purpose by tho City EiikIii- ecr upon roquest nt his offlco. A certified check for $20.00 must nccompany each bid to bo forfolted to tho City of Mnrshflold In caso mo contract Is nwnrded tho con tractor and ho falls to enter Into contract within five dnvs. Tho City Engineer resorvos tho right to reject any nnd all bids. Dated this 10th day of Aueusr. 1913. D. L. BUCKINGHAM, City Knglneor. NOTK.'IJ TO CONTRACTORS. Irregular Kidney Action A Just as soon as kidney nnd bladder Irregularities occur, wneinor tno urlno Is too fre- Xotleo is horcby ulven that Ronio.i hlds will bo recolved by tbo Com mon council of tho City of Mnrsh- "oki, loos County. Orecon. until olght o'clock p, m Tuesday, tho -nu nay or Soptoinbor, 1913, for tho Improvement of that 1101H Ninth street North from tho South lino of Date avonuo to tho south lino of Fir avenuo, In tho City of Mnrsh llold, Coos County, Oregon, accord ing to tho plans nnd specifications Oil fllO In tllO Offlco Of tbo llennnlnr and thoro opon to tbo Inspection of nu porsons interested therein. All bids must ho In nppnrilnnnfi with tho requirements nccompnnylng said specifications, and upon blanks for that purpose which will i,n 0,,. Piled upon request nt tho offlco of me uiy Knmneer. A certified check for flvn not nnrtt of tho amount hid must nccompany u.u 10 uo lorieiied to tho said City of Marshfield. In ensn tlm tract Is awarded tho contractor and lima 10 emor in a contract with tho said city within five days. The Common Council voco,... i. rlght to reject any and all bids. uaie,, nils 22nd day of August. JOHN W. niJTLER. Itecordor. quent, too scanty, Is burning, or loaves n full feeling In tho bladder, then you hnvo a warn- lug that should stnrt you at onco to taking Foley Pills. You need them, nnd they arc a strong nnd puro medicine tliat will help you at once. Try them. 4 Owl Proscription Pharmacy, Frank I). Cohan. Opposite Chnndlor Ilotol. Phone 71. NOTICIJ TO CONTRAtTOIIS. Notico Is horoby given that scaled bids will bo received by tho Com mon Council of tho City of Marsh llold, Coos County, Oregon, until eight o'clock p. 111., Tuesday, the 2nd day of September, 1913, for tho Improvement of that portion of Fir nvonuo from tho east lino of Eighth street North to tho west lino of Ninth streot North, In the City of Marshllold, Coos County, Oregon, according to tho plans anil specifications on fllo lu tbo offlco of tho City Itecordor nml tlioro open to tho inspection of nil persons In terested thoroln. All bids must bo In accordance with tho roqiilromonts accompanying snld specifications, mid upon blanks for tho purposo, which will bo sup plied upon request at the office of tho City Engineer. A certified cnock for flvn tier cent of tho amount bid must accompany tho bid to bo forfeited to tbo saw City of Marshflold In caso tho con tract is awarded tlio contractor u ho falls to ontor In a contract with tho snld city within flvo days. Tho Common Council reserves tho right to rojoct nny nnd all bids. Hated this 22nd day of Aiifiun. 1913. JOHN W. m'TIiKU. Recorder. SBftS Auto Line Cnrs lenvo overy 20 minutes from 7 a. m., to 7 p. m.; from 7 p. to 1! n'olnnlf nvnrv lmlf. F.irO 1 cents one way, round trli 25 cent. Commutation hooks, 20 rides, Cars leavo Chnndlor Hotel, Marsn' flold and North Bond Nows Co., m North Rend. G0RST & KING, Props. Prnfnnf vnnw l.nmnn linfnrn tQ t& - wh'v, J Will J I J 1 1 1 V UVw breaks out. bv lnsurlnc thorn hi good, rollnblo FIro Insurance Com pany. Oregon FIro Roliof Associ tion's policies nro tho strongest, cheapest and best. Seo Win. Loaton, agent, room 15, Eldora"" hldg., or phono 243-h. 1