THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1913 EVENING EDIT I0H7 i the Churches .4 to Ur nnlTMay evening to TTnt 10, with graded Ile 80 10 oti.a teachers. J" All clillrtr. - Wyo..n6 l'c,f L' Aal invltatln women for 1 IH 1111(1 WO",w" . w -rsnVTKitiA CHURCH. I TI' S sbytorlnn Church jmiHMl "'. ,, morning, tlio Ihih- on V? iik rot"'wl Sv(m ,I,B V,M'11" nil -- ,on' i.i wlmol nt 10 n. in. "Wiling Sunday ' ., 7 ., ,. prayer mectlllB . V itnl ,.-p1..(1Iiii. lit lr 'rrmi .'t' f H' 'lllml orvlf:;H On nr"'" ...i. Noiihu this at , will hold no Htin.ltiy evening cll,,r,cll ir us Jy an'1 August. P't"'fanHjtt8 o'clock. t-TvnTT)AV AUVKNTIBTS. I ftW 'i llPtioii, Hldor. i mv Advontlnt services I1H I.' It. I' iirinuii. .... Sovenl i ;y ; sa .inl.iy Rre (milllli:'" - '"Si, nf i " A loiiiii 1111 . i at Sunilny evening - Clmrcii. UNI SERIES CLOSE SUNDAY LAST OK HUH I ICS OK SUNDAY EVENING .ME1. TINGS AT MA SON 10 OPERA IIOI'SE TOMOR KOW NKillT. The last of tlio union Sunday eve ning HorvlcoH at tho Mnsonln Opera llonso will occur next Sunday eve ning nt S o'clock. These services have been successful beyond tho expectations or tho mont sanguine. Tho attendance hns boon excellent, and tho liiHplratlon received by those nttondlng cannot bo ineaHiired. It is hoped that, tho people of Mursliilold will rally to thlH clos ing service and niuke It the best of nil. Special music will bo rendered by a Indies' quartet compoHcd of Mm. A. 1) Oldley, Mrs. 10. L. Robinson, MrB. TIiob. Hall and Miss Edith Troften. Tho Bervico will bo ap propriate to Labor Day, and the Biibjoct of the Borinon will bo llrothorhood and HiihIiiphs. A cor dial Invitation l extended to nil to attend. ;hxiAiT'ii:iAX. tt. O. Thorpe, Pastor. Service at It a. in. Vii Siiiulav School. in North Mend, there will bo Sun day Whool at 10 a. m., mid service! at 7:15 " SWI-IIISII EVANGELICAL utiikiun ciiritfii. ltcv. .1. v. neiison. rumor. j .Itesld.Mico I!!!" Commercial nvo- a. mio West. I'honn lit.l-.J. T o in.. Clinnl ni !i::!0 a. in. .Morning wrv ro nc !'. livening service ( ICiikIIhIi ) nt S. Young I'eopIo'H Society will meet Friday evening at S l. in. Cllt'ltCII OK CHRIST. I all. 10:00 n. in. illDio school A cordial Invitation Ib extended to I catholic cnuitcii. Marshflold. llnv. A. It Mimro. JIcrs will bo celebrated nt 8 anil 10 o'clock tomorrow niornliiK at St. Monica's Catholic Church. I MKTHOIHST KIMSCOI'ATj ltcv. II. C. C'ooli'y, I'astor. -Sunday school nt 10 a. m. MnrnliiK Korvlces nt 1 1 o'clock. Kuwortli I.cauuo nt 7. Junior Kchkiio Korvlcj Thuradny aftormion at U.ItO. I'rnyer inrotlni; Thursday evening at 8 o clock. Ynu nro cordially invited to nttend theso services. III'ISCOIWIi CIIUIU'll. lib and Mnrkel. llov. Itobt. nrownliiK. Rector. 8 a. m., Holy Communion. !)::t0 n m.. Hutu av ?c boo . 1 1 a. m.. Morn Ini; Prayer n ml Sermon. Service and sermon at 2 p. m. In No' tu IVeti'l. I CATIIOMO CIIUHCII North rtend. llov. Tntlier Springer, Rector. Mass will tin cnlntirntnil nt o'clock Sunday mornlni; by tho Ro rauior Hiirinuer. 4 MAItSIII'IKliO CllltlSTIAN I kicii'.vri'. Clirlfitlnn Rcioncn bull. 237 Third siroei nortn. Subject. Christ .Iobiis." News From Near by Towns SCIIOKIKI.I) NKWS. r SIIOI'S TO ItUllil) liATMIt Soiillicni I'nclllc Will Delay Work nt SpiiiiKllelil. PORTLAND. Auk. !(0. A spcclnl to tho Oreuonlnn from Snn Kranclsco snys that 10. 13. Calvin, Vice Presi dent of tho Southern Pacific wnB nsked to explain tho recent purchases of hind by the rallrond nt SpriiiK Meld, Ore., mill tlio purpose for which tho land Is to bo used. Ileyond saylnu that the land is In tendod for yard purposes, Mr. Calvin would not comment. It Is under stood that (he railroad intends to cBtnbllnh laiKe cur nnd repair Bhopf hero. Krom nnotbor sourco coiiioh the Inforniallon thnt the company de sired to liuvo tho realty purehnscB nindo In secret, nnd that it Intends moving Its Bliops from I3nst Portlnnd to SprliiKllold nH soon hb It con veniently do bo. Tho nenulrement of the property was the only obstacle to block Its plnns, It Ib suld. This ob staclo has boon removed. W. Younuer, Superintendent of niotlvo power of tlio northern dlvis Ion snld yesterday that plans for the SprliiKllold shopB nro ntlll Indoilnlte (Special to Tho Times.) SCHOKJ10LD, Or., Auk. 28. Geo. Treniblay, bookkeeper for Copenbn koii Hrothors, nnd later for Porter Hrothers at tho tunnel camp, has resigned and Btnrted for his ranch slxty-flvo miles south of nuenoa Ayres, S. A. Mr. Tremblny hruj been hero prnctlcnlly u year nnd leaves with the best wishes of many rrlonds In this part of Oregon. C. D. Crlchtou Is the new office man here and Is well equipped for tho task, having superintended tho shipment of supplies and equip ment hero from Yaqulna, Floronco and Coos Hay. Ho was with Por ter Hrothers also, on their North Hank nnd Deschutes contracts. Jack Adams, of linker, has ta ken tho contract for furnishing log ging for the tunnel, nnd has cord ed about fifteen cords In tho first flvo days with one assistant. Only cedar nnd red fir Is used, which must be free from sap and rot, nnd must be Just four feet long nnd nearly uniform In slzo. Mr. Adams Is staying nt the tunnol camp. Last Sunday afternoon residents of Scholleld had n rare treat when Rev. Mr. Hishop, of Qardlnor, con dueled divine services nt the Bchool house. At tho conclusion of the services another wnB announced for two wepkB later at tho sumo time mid place. As there Is no church between Onrdlner and tho Lakes it Is hoped that tho regulnr services niny resoult from this beginning. Miss 1311a Spruguo loft Monday for Little Rock, Wash., where alio Ib engaged ,to teach for tho next school year. Joseph Henderson, of Onrdlner, wns an over-Sunday visitor nt the homo of his son, A. C. Henderson. Sorvlco Suncny nt 11 n. m. Sundny school 12 in., Wcdnesdny 8 p. m. Rending room open every day ex copt Sundny from 1 to 4 p. m. PHICSIIVTICKIAN CIIUItCH I North Rend Sundny school nt 10 o'clock. Christian Kndcavor nt 7. Preaching services nt S p. in. by Rev. D. A. McLeod. I A. Tlio sorvlces Sundny will uo as roi Iowb: Sundny school 10 n. ru. Vesper Clrclo nnd Bp worth League 7 p. in. Sermons by tho pastor 11 a. m nnd 8 p. m. MI3T1IOIHST CHURCH North Hond. i nvi'i'i.'ii nmvnntr.v church I North Rend. Mrs. R. N. Lowis, Pnsror. Sabbnth school, 10 n. m. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Preaching 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday even Inrr nt S o'clock. . EQHT TfJ Vnil UV CICTCD Free to You and Every Sister tut I liCC IU TUU WT Ololtn .ring from Woman's Ailment I am a woman. I know woman's suffering 1 bavo found tho euro. J will mall, froo of any charge, tny iMtbMt suit with full instruction to any sufferer from Woman's ullmuiita. I want to tell ill women about thU cure ro. my rtmiir, for yourself, your dnuuhti-r, your mother, oryourslater. I want to tell jou how to euro yourselves at borne with out tho holp of a doctor. Men cibmI underhand women's Bufferings. Wliatwu women knowhw ipkImm, wu know better than any doctor. 1 liuow tlint iny'hoino trt atment Ih nufo and sura euro for liucoithou et Whitish ditchsrci. VktitVm. Ms. bIiciimiiI or Filliof el th Wont, rrsfstt. ttlilf sr fslsM Ptrioat. Ulitlni (l Omlin Hmou, m Covta; (Ih HlM is tiU, tick and bonis, ttitiof oir IoiIImi. rsMul criiplnt titlinc up tho ipini, sitliiuMy. mm iif, m lliimi, wmlaiit, Himi. (id tltddit liouolu iton ttsMi it sukaoitll poculni to our Hex. I want to send you conploti tin dii'i Imtaosl entirety frta to provo to you that you can euro yourself at Wuo. ol y. " o k ly nd surely. Keraember, that. ! will cost jrou ;jM bIto the treatment a completo trial : and if you . j" . ln tutu ni,nf U a ilnV. Itm Mir. 4i .""i""' "i.v"1 cossyononlyaboullzconMaweoK or h-m " "'""" i Si1",Vnturf7? with vour work or ocoupatlon. Just nod ne rour mi d iddrete. te 1 me bowyoa suffer It you wi-ili, and I will send vou thii treatment for your cmn. entirely plain wrap- illuim. iv """""" jiiuwinR way women suner. ami i nr. j.y r. -m, ATtrr wo''nsliouid Imvo it, nnd learn to tklak for kim l, Then when tho .dMtoi says tt S "ini fe' .nn i,or"Uon" ?0l cn a"Wo for yonrnel Thousands of ,.0",n1. fflffS s8uXi,r,nw,ih my homo ri'mody. It ourea all eld er teent, Te.Molhire of Diutk ere, I wl I'alnfiirr,; i.. " ,""1? wjncti fpemuy and cneciuauy cures lA'uuuri m;-. -;rr. i Insular Menstruation In young Iadlea, Plum)nes and health always results from MlMTnffTJ0?,11!01 can wfer you to ladles of your own locality who know and will gladly lhuboiiCvw'-i4 4 ; ii was ue rour snraii. anu iuu ireu i,cuuj - lino ""'"uto-ttay, na you may not aoo this sffer BRttin. Address RM.suMMEHti, BbrH - Notre Dame, Ind.. u. .V TJIKRK'S SATISPACTIOX IX EVERY SlilCE cut from tho loaf that comes from this bakery. You'll find tho last just as molBt nnd toothsome as tho first. Wo don't Unov how long our broad will stay moist. For It is so good that it novor lasts long enough to got a chance to dry out. Try a loaf as a test. Coos Bay Bakery The place for good goodies. lUritet Ave. Phone 111-L xoktii ixurr. (Special to Tho Times.) Mrs. It. A. Church Is entortnlnlng Miss Mnhaffey of Coos ltiver. Spencer Small wns In N'orth Hond Inst Friday, attending Teachers' In stitute nnd Directors' Convention. Mrs. W. G. llnrnes, of North Hend nnd Mrs. .losoph Lapp of Marsh Held spent pnrt of last week at tho .1. II. Pinkerton ranch, whore Mr. Humes and Mr. happ aro engaged In logging. Irwin Pinkerton, of Larson Inlot, wns a recent guest of hlB parents. Mrs. I)r. Howard, who has boon quite ill is reported iib improving. Tho following North Inlot peoplo nindo up a party who spent Sun day at Charleston Hay: Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Hamilton, Mr. nnd Mrs. P. II. Pinkerton, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Pinkerton, Cnrml Shaw, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hamilton, Mr. nnd Mrs. Rny It. Plnkorton, Frank Ham ilton nnd Porcy Glbbs. Frank Ham ilton took tho party in his launch, tlio Signal, which Ib tho now bont recently Installed on tho Marshflold North Bend-North Inlot run, which additional oxcollont servlco Is wel comed by our residents ns woll nn those trnyeling to and from Lake side. Tho North Inlet-Lakeside- nutomo bllo service hns been rather Irreg ular of Into on nccount of tho ma chines being broken down, but both nro now in commission. Cranberry picking will start soon. Somo of tho early varieties nro nl roady being marketed. lloubon Lyon Is working on his lota In Ferndnlo, preparatory to building, ns booh ns crnnborry har vest Ib ovor. Hamilton Hrothers hnvo disposed of four hundred white cednr ties, which aro to bo Blilpped out on tho Hrenkwator. Mrs. Henry Carlson, of Honne vlllo, Oregon, Is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson. c ''"'"..', '''.'::- eV evBsW 'ear" Oregon Kid, Champion Motor (Boat of the Pacific Coast Lubricated With ZEROLEME The Standard Oil for Motor Boats AT Astoria, Oregon, July 4th, Oregon Kid won the 30-milc free-for-all in the record time of 46 minutes, 49 seconds, defeating the speedy Oregon Wolf, which had been undisputed champion for years. Again at the Potlatch Races, Lake Washington, Seattle. July 17th, 18th and 19th, Oregon Kid defeated every competitor, casily retaining her supremacy as Free-for-all Champion of the West. Faultless lubrication was a big factor in the winning of all these races. MILTON SMITH, owner of the Oregon Kid, write utt "Your Zerolene hat giuen us firtt-clasi lubrication in every way and we are well tatiified with ifs performance." Dealers Everywhere and at All Agencies of the Standard Oil Company (CALIFORNIA) San Francisco r OREGON KID USED RED CROWN The CasoUnt ofQualllu Hnvo your Job printing dono at Thp Times office. HILL & MILITARY ACADEMY A Cle MAt.CMtitan RAArriinc and DaV School lorBoyi. Military Diadphnr, Small Clssace; Mee Tetcbeit. larelul supetruioa secures issuiu insi ate not atuinsd ebewhere. Send for csUlog POWTtAND. omOON A Special "Don't." DON'T use a cough medicine 4 that, contains opium or mor- 4 phlne. It may stiflo tlie cough, but It will constipate the bow- 4 els, keep tho poison In the system, and NOT euro the cold. Take Foley's Honey and Tar 4 Compound. It contains no opl- atcs, Is soothing and healing, mildly laxative. It Is a safe and curative medicine. owl Prescription Pharmacy, Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phono 74. FIFTY-SECOND ANNUAL Oregon State Fair Salem, Sept. 29-Oct. 4, 1913 WHOLE WEEK OP PLEASUUE AND $20,000 OlTKUEIt IX PItKMIU.MS PROFIT OS AOKICririlt.lL, LIVKSTOCK, POULTRY, TEXTILE A.M) OTHER EXIIIIIITS. Horso Races Shooting Tournnmont Fireworks nand Con certsEugenics Exposition Children's Playground nnd other Free Attractions, Including lloyd & Oglos One Ring Circus Freo Camp Grounds You nro Invited. Send for Premium List nnd Entry llluiiUs. Hoduml Unit's on nil Riiili-onds. Fop piirtlrulitrs address FRANK MEREDITH, Secretary, Salem, Oregon. Just Received another shipment of the Famws Mysost and Primost Cheese Stauff Grocery Co. I Phone 1C2 BAMDON BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A PEW TEN ACRE TRACTS FOUR MILES BOUT1T ON COUNTY ROAD S5 PER ACRE; 8100 CASH, HALANCE TWO YEARS, NO INTEREST, NO TAXES, FINE HANDY LOAM, LEVEL DENCU LAND. Buy One It Will Make You Money Donald MacKintosh REAL ESTATE ad INSURANCE. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg, Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOORS, ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT THE FUEL BILL IN TWO BY USING OUR WOOD. PHONE 1W. 1Ha SOUTH BROADWAY The Youngster's Bath will bo one good big frolic both for him and his mother If it is taken In tho right kind of n hath room. And besides being fun It will bo far more healthful too. Let us show you how easily nnd rea sonably you can mnko your batn room a Joy room. Willey & Schroeder 303 North Front Street. PHONE 77-.T THE RECORD PHOTOGRAPHING ABSTRACT COMPANY Hate photographic copies ot all recorda Coon County to date, abstracts of titles, present owners, or any other Information relating to real estate furnished on. short notice. BUSINESS OFFICES 117 North Front St., Marshfleld. Phone 151J W. J. RUST, Manager Low In price, high la qeallty, Electric Irons We have a few seco'ad-haad Irons in good working conditio at 1.70. New Irons, $3.00 Bp. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 2 3 7-J ICS N. Brodway; WANTED watches that won't keep time. Pr and rancid oil aro the ruination your watch. Let me handle It ai preserve It perfectly for years come. : E. C. BARKER. 22 C Front st. Marohtl 'd, Gray Auto ServM Claude Tucker, Proprietor. H Phono oVdors to Blanco Hotel, j After 12, 2C0L, Right Cafe.. Marshfleld. Oregon. Unique Pantatorii THE MODERN DYERS. CLEAN PRESSERS and HAT RMNOVA1 Agent lor lMmard H. Straaes Co., Flae Tailoring. tm make your Best salt, 55 CENTRAL. Pboae I Box of Coos Champion Cigars FOR THE HIGHEST SCORE T II E BOWLING A L Between NOW ami SEITE4U1 Watch this Ktaco for record . Hhjli Scores s-K 3 75 Kfaii Front Str First ClassWeai Promptly done at Gardiner's Rag Cartel Fa On Sherman avenue between Ci nla and Connecticut. Phone 174. North Bene! !