The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, August 30, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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social happenings, intended for
publication In the society
none of The Times, must bo sub
muted to the editor not later
i 'iint ii in.. i?riuu Ui
each week. deceptions will bo
allowed only In cases where the
.n-v-vj P,i the Hlka toast was lveu
l,v W. II. Kennedy. In serving. J.
W. Hlldenbrand was asslB od by A.
H. Powers and T. n. .lames. Kngcne
Croathwaite. the othor committee
man being in charge of the dancing.
ni')!Si: t..osu present were: Mr. am.
? ,t ixnvors, Mis' Lu"v I'ow
ers, Miss Myrtle Cowan, Mr. and
' . . ....... tit ii i 1 1 l rri.
allowed only in canes v , u. 1. omw.. " n
events occurred later tnan tue I w. H. Kennedy. Mr. a d Mr. A.O.
fimo mentioned.) ' , Kogers. Mr. and Mm. .b. 1 u Pi ,
tr'. fV. W. hangford, Mr. and -Mrs.
SICK IT THROl'till. 3, c vaiighan, Mr. and Mrs. I), (..
When tho cards were dealt and his jPoeili Mr. nnd Mrs .1. . 'e-
ncn u.u tama j :1t , enbrand, Mr.
hand was had T in W. X Kkblad. Mlfli Alma
There was never a sign on his Kkuintl. Air. and Mrs. C. K. Perry,
face to show I tr, nnd Mrs. .loan .Jones, .Mrs.
That he couldn't win with the j ''."'iMrs'K! iHowatt.' Mn'and
truml 110 l?d.., ,., 'MM"Frel Baehmati. Mr. and Mrs. C.
And ho never kickcu ..--.. -Ml.KntBi,t, Mrs. I., h.
score was low.
Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Van Duyn, Mr.
i n ii. k. Jiaioney. .hi. mm
When luck wasn't coming his $Z
at all, I wnv Mg8 Conway, Mr. and Mrs.
Ho stuck to tho game and he saw Howard, Miss Paige, .Miss Ruth Al
it through. I len, Miss Helen Rush. Miss Brute
. i . i llnuvnn All.
And many a tlmo wnon nis ciiuiii-u Keiiy. . .miss. ".. " "V-, .Y
I Rosenthal, Mr. Bowhuy. Mr. Kelly.
i i Tniinv. Painter. I-rod
PERSONAL notices of visitors
in the city, or of Coos Bay pcoplo
who visit in other cities, together
with notices of social affairs, aro
gladly received In tho social de
partment. Tclephono 133. No
tices of club meetings will be
published nnd secretaries are
klndlv requested to furnish same.
35 to 50 per cent off on men's Negli.
gee and Golf Shirts.
Tin- I'loshur summer season leaves us with a number of odd sizes in w.
fwoiVlit shirts.
Chapter had planned to put on has
been called off, ninny of tho mem
bers of the team being teachers,
who will not be able to get nway
at the later date owing to school,
being then In session. However, i
the ollkers of Doric Chapter will '
probablv give a drill. At the meet-
lug of Doric Clapter Tuesday eve-;
nlng. Mrs. R. K. Browning. Mrs.,
Bane and .Miss Klslo Hall were in
itiated. ;
A . ...
NY have no desire io carry these over to the next season, so have made
sweeping reduction ol iroiu o iu v pui m tm. ..u.o vum.iu m 01
How many times have yon regretted not having bought when you lind the
NOW is the time
On Wednesday evening. Septem
ber 3, at S o'clock, will be held
the formnl opening of Loggles' Hall,
since It has been enlarged and im
proved, In the form of a recital. The
1 . . ...1(1 l. MAinlntinil
musical numners win o icuuci
. ii
sconicu simni, . - F , painteri v
Itn ii-nlkoil I1WI1V Willi a iriCU Ol . , v Tvnru Kllirelin
two. Icrosthwalte," H. E. Bultmann, Clare' by the North Bend and Marslilield
I e - Kreltzer and Walter Range. be a solo by K H. Hood.
Last Sunday evening Krederlcl: :
Wlttor I'aviio was host to a little
dinner party nt The Chandler, thei
t.ifn dn.ilit tho cards In tho self'
game way I ' Krelticr
And often the trumps that we
draw aro fow,
lint wo cannot win It wo do not
nlay. I Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Qulst enter
And our only chnncc Is to seo tnlned Informally at dinner Wednes-
It through.
WHY millions or American men
do not marry Is a subject
that K. K. Rlttenhousf. cti"- I KUChtB wero Mr. and Mrs. Lager- .Nellie Tower and Messrs. Freeman,
m-rviitlvo commissioner of tho Koult- ,,, n,, m tun Mnrchant. Miss' Parry and Heath and Dr. Lorlng
able I.lfo Assurance Society, has had 'Mur(.1!U)t 0ft today for her home '(-'ott ,)n-v
under Investigation recently. jn 12s Augeles.
"Why," asked Mr. Rlttenhouso, ...
"aro thlrty-nluo out of every 100
dav evening complimentary to .miss; quests or nonor neing nieinueiB u.
''-la Marchant, of Los Angeles the bridal party at the .Jg.
who has been tho guest of her sis- K, M, ' Anim ii,-ownlnK.
tor. Mrs. A. T. I.ngerstrom. Their ,m chm-ch. Genevlovo Sengstackeii.
males without wives? Why should
wo havo 17,000,000 unmarried por-
Tho moonlight excursion to Job-
Quite a number of Mnrshflold peo
ple nre planning to attend tho Por
tola which will be held In San Fran-
Bons in uiu tniuu.i ou.aD1 ... ,i:n's Cove, given by tlio cnristinn i " qc.0 ;or A,6ni' tli3se who'
matclcss millions nearly equal In Kudeavor and Mlzpah Blblo V i,3 1 huvo sI'Milflcd tiielr Intention of at-1
number th.' population of the King- of the Presbyterian Church of "- totullnn tlio IIk annual fete of the
ilom of Spain, or that or .Mexico ana "" "; :,; :. , honor ol 1 "olden Clate are .Mrs. i
Canada combined. They aro dlv- ISLTJL
Wed as follows: S.l 02,000 unmar- ,oavo M,)mlnv for pulltnaiu I J. nnnle Hazard.
rled men twenty years old or over; Washington.
0,000,000 unmarried women over These comprising the party wero:
tlfteen year .Id; 7.HM00 of these Mrs. --;:l;-(;M;
men aro between twenty nnd fort- ...mierson. of Oregon City, Mr. and
four years old; some 500,000 of iM Harvey RiiphcII, Mr. and Mrs.
them aro botween tho ages of for- W. A. Wltiner. Misses Alice Wat-
tv flvo ami flflv-four Never In ,rH- UoB0 I'""0 Young,
tj rivo nn.l i m lour, .nonoi m jun j,01,( Naom, ,, ,(0roim
tho history of tho world has a na- anlh (inu.e Fulton Frt.(la
Uon been so proiporous nor within Holm. lessrs. Molvln .lacobsen, Paul
nuch ensv rango of the comforts '-ckley. I.ylo Chniuii'Il. Rantloll
and luxuries of IRo as the Amerl- :'"'"'"-a,Ah'n 'J"1' Vi'L0':
. . . , .. , loin Storn, Horace Holm and Roy
c;ns of today. There Is something j.'nHm,.
wrong. What Is It?
".Making duo allowance for tho ' t
fmpcruuloiis, tho aged and tho men
tally nnd physically unfit, It Is safe
in ii,t r. nivalin ,.r n.... I Tho oxf-nrslon Thurstliiv to fio
Miss Maude
Noble and Mrs.
cijUiis iiksoii:.
A number of tho clubs nre plan
ning to resume soon after having
taken a vacation Tar tho summer:
months. !
The Royal Auction Bridge Club will
resume about tho third week In Sop-
ti'inbor when Mrs. F. K. Gnttlns will
be hostess. I
Tho A. N. W. Club will resumo
next Thursday, September -I, when,
.Mrs. Hans Reud will be hostess.
The Brldgo Club will resumo early
next month, but tho place of the
f list meeting has not been decided.
Twenty-Four Tons
THE GOLDEN RULE has received, during the last two weeks, more than twenty
four tons of freight, consisting of Dry Goods, Furnishings, Suits, Shoes, etc, We ex
pect another big shipment tomorrow, This is more freight than any similar con
cern in Coos County will receive in six months. Yet this is no new tiling with the
GOLDEN RULE. It goes right on month after month, There is a reason,
We are now showing a superb line of Dress Goods in both woolens and wash
materials, Crepes, Ratines, Whipcords and Bedford-cords continue strong, Broad
cloths are good, There are many new and exceedingly pretty things in wash
goods and silks,
If you wish to buy the new things and pay the right price there is but one place,
La Vogue Suits and Coats, Warner's Rust-Proof Corsets, Queen Quality Shoes,
Buster Brown School Shoes, Wright's Underwear, Colgate's Toilet Articles.
The Golden Rule
First National Bank Building.
if........ ..r Mu 1.1 I.... Limlili
. . .i 1 lilfllllT ill .(IIP. I.. vii'ir. oiiiitii, mi
men nre capable of assumlm; the re-..., r(.H .... , .,,.. r
Hponslbllltios of married life. TIip tho Presbyterian Church of North
majority of these men have a whole-1 Bond ami
Homo respect anil reverence for tho , llKutiui
. , .i I trip on
mm... ...i,.,., ... ....... h)(1 ,U)l. h()U10 (le(.()nlt,.(1 ln t!V01.
will outer It, nut there are an enor- KrL.t.,,tt anil sweet peas. A delicious
moils number of men who lack the dinner was served anil enjoyed by
'moral fiber and couniKo to marry , !" present, who were: Mrs. .1.
mil tnko a limu'M imrl In limimn 1 Gentle. Mrs. C. II. Worrell, Mrs.
nnu Mho a mans pail in Human,... Smsnl, i,.H. (,. n,,.,,,..
nffalrs. Mi-h. W. Wntson. .Mrs. (Jen. llart-
!rloUlrThu",,mt;;!le S U,tl nrnleo Ks,!,ll",fr wns
. " -piiM.ii ii'u tiiiiitii I hostess Wednesday at a birthday
o"Srat,i Tin . .! J'2.. ' V:
Smith, In honor of her fourth birth
day. The color scheme cnrrled out
was blue and whlto, making overy
thlii'i very nitractlvo. The llttlo
quests onjoyed a pleasant afternoon
and dainty refreshments. .mIss Her-
"While an army of sIiikIc men are man". Mrs. C. Il.'llolin. Mrs. Robt. ,"I1,0'B llul" Kut'8t wpre: Mlses Louise
.iiiiiii...-,. , D.niihi'. -
I no Stump. Mabel and Anna Duckett,
Theotlosla anil Benson -luily.
InvlHhhiK their earnluus and their 1 ,,,f',,n'll. M'H- ll"lst.('.'"'
arrecllons upo,, themselves and many J",. Um".? Tr?" . w!
ol them are dovolopini; extravasant
nnd often vicious habits an exist-
Anderson, of Oregon City. Mr. and
Mrs. II. O'Mnra. Mrs. Win. Mor-
Is ii pretty (total Hnio to paint? The walls are tlry, t.'iey
lht paint well, hold It well, mill cousc(iiently look better
last longer than If painted nt it time when coiitlllions lire
favorable. In addition to pure white lead, oils, colors,
m carry In stock a f-ootl assort incut of
I IH..i:r. I'ARTV.
once which thov prefer to an or- " -MnV ;!: s,ul,,, 1,11,1 -IlH- ('-
II. Fan- ss. Ruth Waiters.
Meny. economical marneii iiionu- .,. vlll. ,, ,.,., Mi-h. Annie Blaiifbdol.l will nn
other Kieat army of youiiK women Simpson." Doi-Ib Anderson. hula I citatn at dinner Sunday evening
nre forced to toll In our factories Moody and Masters Bernard llnzer'lier Kiiests belnt; Mr. nntl Mrs. C.
nnd business houses for the necos-.and Raymond O'Mnra.
hiikm of lire. :
mo in in, i , u i .1 1 1 1. , uv . t- iii. a un
natural stale of affairs. Moreover
from the ranks tif the unmarried
MKirr wi:i).i:si).v,
Scjonbei-K. Mr. and Mis. K. N. Mc-
Daunell, Mr. and .Mrs. 1. Dolnu and
Mrs. Bnssott.
NORTH lli:XI (it'11,1).
Tho North Bend Uplscopal Altar
(Julld was entertained last Thurs
day by Mrs. .T. CI. Horn. SowIiik nnd
conversation wero followed by re
freshments, Miss Ollle Phillip's n3-
sIstliiK Mrs. Horn In sorvlim'. Tho
The Ladles' Auxiliary of the
omen humanity's harvest contiibu- I'resbyterlan Church will hold their
lion to lnunoralltv an.! crime I m,xl 'KHlur meeting Wednesday,
",m. . , ' ' , I September a. nt tho homo of Mrs.
I lime Is a demand, more or less jj. Klyo on South Klftli street,
popular, to place restrictions around
marriage, to prevent Immorality, ' 77" :
viiino and iltKoneracy which fol-' ' MHI-rr W HUNKS DAY.
llUVa 'Mm ri.liniliiilli..i f 11. i. i i ii.
' ' -M..J w m ...i ...i..- .
fit.1 But what of tho decline In , ' . mw"n w" " w" Mn- J01
tho niodiicllon of n... m- vi,v '"""' v ' ur ""ie m lcihioii iwo weous irom inst Tliurs
i nun in ui i in. i iij iiiii.i;..i. inn iw.vt '...i...,0.i.. .... . ... .
uu). ii.tiBo presoui mis weoit woro
Mrs. Chapman, Mrs, .1. (J. Lonnon,
Mrs. Seltlen Lennon, Mrs. Pnul 1)1 m
mlck, Mrs. Archie Phillips and Miss
Ollle Phillips.
i si'XD.w orrixti. i
Hhould not our ...Kh.y developed civ- ",,,,k,,r I,m ' Wednesday.
(Ilviill... .i.T.iniT PIJH.I I. It'. I HE. Hi IU1- .
couraKo our ten million fit but un-' '
tnnrrled persons to mnrrv and as-
Bumn their natural and proper place 'Ml's' St'llua Thonian Tiicstlny en
nnd part in the reat schemo of ir 1
numanit? South Tenth street, at sowIiik. a
"What civilization needs Is not delicious luncheon was served. Miss
necessarily laruer families, but 'lsu' '"oiuas assisting her mother
III i:iu'tti tr 'I'll i.i.,.,.,.., i
more and bettor families.'
" ' - - -
1-JIjKS partv
In serving. Those nresent were:
"Mrs. .1. C. Swlnford. Mrs. (Jeorpo
Ayre, Mrs. Del Rhodes. Mrs. .1. C.
Swanson, Mrs, I). .1, Roes nnd Mrs,
.1. rliiminnii Vi.vt 'rliM..j,in..
I 1 ...A. . 11 l Oil,.,.
Mrs. .1. C. Swlnford will bo hostess
Tho Marslilield Lide of Klks Rave' to tho club,
their monthly party and dance iui t
tho Masonic Temple Wednesday evo-'
umK. uniy i;iks ami tnoir ladles, ,
were Invited. It was informal. At 1 .
XI o'clock Iklit refresbinents were' It Is expected that a largo dele
gation or .Marsniieltl and North Bend
may ho obtained In MarshfleUl from
Mrs, Annie Holland,
tl2 Bo. 6th 8L Phon 9(10Y
members of the Kastorn Star will
r,o to Bandon next Thursday to at
tond the Kastern Star Natal Day
'cremonles which will bo held Fri
day. Somo will ko Thursday and
soinu Friday morning. Owlns 'to tho
celebration having boon postponed
a week, tho special drill which Doric
On Sunday a Jolly party, consist-
(Continued on PnKe Three.)
I V V. (' T I () X K R V OX, THK
I V A C I V 1 V V O A S T
K I e o t r I c M I v o r
Klectrlc Hot Water Heater
K I e c t r I c Cui-boniitor
Klectrlc Ice Cream
K 1 e c t r I c Candy Cooler
Klectrlc Cash llt-jjlster
Our Service Will Please Yob.
S T A F F O 11 1) s
this celebrated line of proparcil paliitK absolutely iure. Ask
for color card.
Marshfie'd gJ
IX .
.mi.' fi
. VI. 1
HI !
Free del very. H . m. J!(
Phono :'
All Kinds of Job Printing Done at The Times Office
mum w
Zj u i
. iww or
Plnt "Vol
370 North FfO1