BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, 'AUGUST 9-1913-EVENIHG EDITION. THE COOS this season. It was arranged to hnvo the meeting tho first Wednecdtiy ev ening In each month, the sessions to bo held at the homes of tho mem bers. The next meeting place was not designated. Those present Wed nesday evening were: Rev. Onrdln er, Mrs. Kelly. Mrs. .1. Wrlzht Wil son, Miss Dresser, Miss Kdna Lar son, Miss Topping, Mrs. Clnndc Nas burg and Mrs. Henry Songstncketi, the latter beliis a guest. - I PICNICS I the Social Sewing Club nt her home In West Mnrshlleld last Thursday nftcrnoon. Needlework was followed by refreshments. Those present were: Mrs. C-eo. Ayro, Mrs. D. J. Hees, Mrs. J. C. Swlnford, Mrs. De Khodes and Mrs. It. N. Fenton and Mrs. Selma Thomas and Miss Under bill wore special guests. The Ciuu will meet a week from next Thurs day with Mrs. Thomas.. fr I PLAN l'AKTV. The congregation of the Marshlleld Catholic Church will unite In a big picnic nt Charleston Hay tomorrow, Speclnl Inunches have been chartered for tho outing. f 4, I l. K. PICNIC I Misses Inez and Ksthcr Johnson will entertain u few friends at their home Monday evening as a sort of farewell for Miss May rreuss. wno 'will leave Tuesday for Berkeley. j. .;. I The picnic given by tho Ladles Aid of the Methodist Church to Sun set Hay Wednesday proved n very enjoynhlo affair for all participating. Tho crowd was taken down In Rus sell's nuto trucks. The day was spent In excursions to Shore Acres nnd tho Light Mouse, while many enjoyed a dip In tho surf. Those composing the imrty were: Mrs. O. S. Torrey, Mrs. F. L. Sum ner, Mrs. C. II. Curtis, Mr. and .Mrs. W. 11. Curtis, Mrs. John McM.inaulon nnd children, Mr. and Mm. Ceo, N. Holt, Ilov. nnd Mrs. 11. C. Cooley and children, .Mr. and Mrc. Marvey Smith, Mrs. Howard Savage, Mrs. M. It. Drown, Mrs. Chas. Soafune, Mrs. Ivy Condron, Mrs. August Frlzocn and children, Mrs. C. I. Itelgard, Mrs. L. K. llnlllngor nnd children, Mrs. Cool ey, Mrs. Wlldor, Mrs. M. It. Smith, Mrs. A. M. Hosii, Miss (llsch, Mrs. Kmlly MeFnrlln. Mrs. W. J. liltz, Mrs. 10. A. Harris and son, Master Johnnie Noidruni, Mrs. J. Lee Brown, Mrs. Ilosa Promts, Mrs. Woodruff nnd children, Mrs. Win. Nuson and children, Miss Fox. Mrs. F. C. Hlrch, Mrs. Dennett. .;. .. .j. 4 4 Aitiirrrs vixn mkktino. miu m p. Hurrows entertained the Arbutus Club nt her homo In South Mnrshlleld Friday afternoon. After tho business meeting a dainty lunch was served to Anna Downs, Clara Able, Leonn Hoffman, Lorcni Hoffman, tllndys and Alice Hur rows, Willie Woodrlng. Augustus Hoffman, Ferdlnnnd Lecoco., Ernest nnd Raymond Hurrows. Tho next meeting will bo August in. Mrs. M. C. Hoffman will entertain. mttTIIDAV l'AKTV. Thursday night about seventy In vited guests met at tho Landrlth home on North Coos River nnd par ticipated In n bonfire party, given in honor of Philip Landrlth's tweuty Iirst birthday. Tho evening was passed In playing out-door games. A hot supper was served at mid night and a very plenBant time en joyed. j. .. 4 MIPAH CLASS. J PAItTIKS. Mrs. Klllu Fnrrlnger entertained a few friends luiormnlly at cards at her homo in West Marshlleld Tues day evening. Among those present were Dr. and Mrs. Vaughau, Horsey 'Kreltzor, Dr. Housoworth, Lew Koy zor, Mrs. C. W. .Montgomery and Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnrren Painter, of North Rend. t r 4 WKU'OMK PASTOR The congregation of the Marshlleld Swedish Lutheran church this even ing will tender a reception In honor of tho new pastor, Rev. J. V. Reason nnd his wife. It will be Informal nnd will ho given in the church par lors. All members of the congre gation nnd their friends will parti cipate. --- 4 I LUNCH i:o.v I - Mrs. F. L. (Jruiiuls entertained a few friends Informally nt a luncheon nnd sewing Wednesday at her I io In South Marshlleld. complimentary to her sister. Miss Mable Wilson, who will leave tomorrow for Salem. Those present were, Mrs. L, Lnngdon, Mrs. R. W. Morrow, .Miss Wilson anil Miss Ruth Allen, v Miss Alice Walters this week en tertained the Mlzpnh HIblo Class and the Christian Kndonvor Society, nt tho homo of her parents In North llend. Tho gathering was tho so- clal and business meeting of tho society. Those present were: Mr and Mrs. 1 Inzer, Mr. and Mrs. Whlt ner. Mr. and Mrs. Covey, Misses Helen nnd Catherine Monde, Mil dred Rood, Hess Immel, Grace Ful ton, Alice Carlson, Naomi Smith, Juno Young, Rose Pulley, Messrs. Paul Harclay, Lylo Chappell, Mel vln .lacobson, Leslie Pullen. Her man Meude, Horace Holm and Mar lon Reynolds. . Louise nnd Amelia nt tho homo pfMr.slgsJn, '!'u,, Cora nnd Alice Ia,tfii Mrs. FS." Dow' .ssro. i. dhrts ''Peterson, v ' othv Johnson Llllebo, MaUol ( a.' mi1 Messrs Magnus Thorue,, Andrew Aiijlirsoi , Alfred Jn'rcjj Ajudrew.Kln. fJAnilP Clnbrlolson, Mellon," Palmer Nelson, Olnf Klrkrlght and Oliver Iffrson. lXFOHMAIi CHATS Mrs. J. S. Jones, n pioneer of Coos Hnv, who has been residing In Sputh eni California for a number of years, has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Coleman tho pnst week. She will leave soon to visit her son, Cnpt. Robert Jones, on tho Sluslnw. Dr. and Mrs. 10. 10. Straw, Mrs. F. K. dettlns nnd Mrs. Sheridan icturn ed this week from an nuto tour of Curry County. T. H. James and wife and children returned to the Bay this week to make their homo after an absence of three years, spent nt Toledo and In a suburb of Portland. Tlioy were warmly welcomed by their many friends on the Hay. Dorsey Kreltzor and wife nnd son. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Warwick ana dnughtcr, Miss Nellie, Mr. mid Mrs. Wm. Grimes nnd Mrs. A. L. House worth constituted a Marshlleld party who enjoyed an outing at Ten Mile this week. Mrs. C. 10. Nicholson, who lias been visiting nt the home of her stater In Portland, will proceed shortly to Puget Sound points whore oho will visit with her mother nnd other sis ters. She will probably not return to tho Hay for a month or six weeks yet. : W. U. Douglas nnd family are camping nt Hnstendorf's Reach for n few weeks. Miss Thorpe, of Portland, Is ex pected hero next week for a short visit with Miss lOnimn lOrlckson. .j. Mrs. Oscnr Baldwin, of Whlttler, California, Is a guest nt the homo of her brother, A. H. Gldley, In South Mnrshlleld. PLAN PICNIC. I - SOCIAL SllWIXti CLl'll .Mrs. J. C. Swanson entertained Tho anuuni picnic of tho Ladles' Art Club will be enjoyed tomorrow by the husbands, families nnd n few friends of tho members. It will be held nt Charleston Bay. 4 1 MHIvT XKXT WKKK. I St. Mary's Guild of North Bend will he entertnlned next Friday uf ternoon by Mrs. I. B. Hurtle at her home. K.V.IOV SOCIAL. The Norweglnn Lutheran young people enjoyed n social at tho church last evening. Various diversions were enjoyed, followed by refresh ments, served by Miss Jennie John son nnd Palmer Nelson. It was de cided not to hold nny more socials until the last Friday In August. Among thoso present last evening were Rev. nnd Mrs. Thorpe. Misses lOlslo Larson. Jennie Johnson, Dor- Frank Pugsley will leave shortly for a month's trip to Chlc.igo, St. Louis, Lincoln, Nob., nnd '.;Is old home in Snglnnw. Mich, lie soys it i n vocation trip and not n honeymoon trip, despite the minora to the con trary. Mr. nnd Mrs. Pnul Sterling. Mr., nnd Mrs. F. 10. Westerburg nnd Mr. Sterling's brother, left by nuto yes terday for a short outing at Rock Creek. . A A Mrs. Tower, who has been spend ing n few weeks nt the home of her son, II. S. Tower, lett this week for Lincoln, Nebraska, and Chnrleo City, Iown. A A Mrs. Lloyd W. Jacobs and little son nnd mother, Mrs. Jus. Ferrey, and uncle, Georgo Ferrey nnd niece Gladys Ferrey, left Thursday morn ing by unto for Rosoburg, where they took tho train for Mrs. Jacobs' home In Spokutie, the latter planning to spend several weeks there. Judge nr.d Mrs. Cyrus Happy left this week for their homo nt Spokane nfter n pleasant visit with their daughter. Mrs. G. W. Kaufman, In West Mnrshlleld. Mrs. L. W. Trover left this week for a short visit with friends nnd rel nHves at Portland nnd other Willam ette Valley points. Mrs. R. H. Dement Is oxpected nere ror u weok u visit at tho home of her aunt, Mrs. W. P. Murphy. 11 L. Coleman Is expected hero next week to Join Mrs. Co Ionian and little son who huvo been vlsltlni: at me nonio or nor parents, .Mr. and .Mrs. A. J. Savage. Mr. and Mrs. V. u simmer, -w . nnd Mrs. F. p. Birch and Mrs. Mn rvmnn. will leave the Ilrst of next week for the Merchant ranch near Milliard's, where they will camp out for a few weeks. V V i Miss May Preuss and Miss Helen , Merchant will leave Tiiosuny "'"; Speedwell for San Francisco. Miss Preuss will resume her studies at the University of California, while Miss Merchant will Join her moth er. Mrs. W. T. Mercnlmt, who has taken apartments I" the city. Miss Norn Tower will leave Tues dnv 6n the Nnnn Smith to resume her course nt tho University of California at Berkeley. 4 2' Mrs. Lee Fuller will leave tomor row on the Breakwater for her homo In Weiintohec, Wash., after a delightful visit at the home of hpr mother, Mrs. M. C. Chapman In South Marshlleld and with other relatives and friends on the Bay. Miss Whin Stenholm, who hns been attending silininer school nt Monmouth will go to Portland Mon dav to spend a few weeks there and Is ' expected to return here about August SO. Mrs. Harrv Brodlleld will leave tomorrow for Spokane In response to n message announcing the ser ious Illness of her mother. j. Mr. nnd Mrs. 10. S. Bnrgelt. Miss Grace Kruse and Mrs. J. Albert Mntson nnd son. Julius, nrrlvcd homo Thursday evening from a long nuto trip. They Ilrst motored to Medford. via Rosoburg. where they visited nt tho home of Mrs. Mnt son's sister. Mrs. Vundeenr. and later proceeded to Crater Lake an:l roturncd vln Crescent City, Gold Beach nnd Port Orford. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. D. Magnes, who have been spending a few weeks on the Bay, will leave soon for their home In San Francisco. 1 Mrs. Wulter Richardson and child ren will leuve soon for McMlnnvlllo. whore the older children will entvr the Bnptlst College. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. It. Peck hnve been entertaining n number of i Heads Informally nt their summer home, "The Nook." on South Coos River, this week. Among their vis itors hnvo been Mrs. C. A. Shel brede, .Mrs. W. A. Held. Mrs. A. It. O'niien nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. T. C. Russell, of Beaver Hill will lc their guests over Sunday. JUST ARRIVED Early Shipment of Ladies' Fall Suits and Coats Direct from New York, comprising the latest fab rics and designs. Your inspection cordially invited "MONEY TALKS" HUB DRY GOODS CO. "SMART WEAR FOR WOMEN" 0'Comiell Building. Phone 361, I FREE!; Willi every purchase of a $10 watch or over, we give a Gold Fled Watch Chain We are doing (his to reduce our immense stock and the offer will not last long, Red Cro Red Cross Jewelry Dept. Drag Store Phono Motorcycle Deliver Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Small have taken apartments at Couullle where inoy win spend a row weehs while .Air. Small Is engnged In Kiinorvlslni: some of his contracts there. : .Mrs. .lory, formerly Miss Kiln Hod- son or Coos Hay. arrived hero this weeK rroni Seattle to visit her sister, Mrs. J. K. Kdnionds, nnd other rela tives and friends In ililH section. : .1. S, Coke nud family plnn to leave tomorrow for u short outlnir trln. They had (list planned to spend It at the Merchant rnnch near Billiards, but the cottngo they had planned to get was taken. . Robert Marsden nnd wife nnd foii left this week to visit Wlllumotto Valley points nnd Portland. Mrs. Cluis. K, Senfuso returned this week f-oni a short visit with her parents in Portland. Mrs. Kd Moohler nnd baby spent the first of tho week nt the home of her mother, Mrs. Wlekhnui, in Co qullle. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Weaver and bnby. Miss Millie Mclntooh nnd Viv ian Cnrlson are camping at ihe Stora ranch above Allecanv weeks. Miss Lillian Mi'Niirv tnr mn. head of tho Salem hospital, nnd her nleiv. Miss Elizabeth Oyer, arrived hero this week fro-u Portland for u oiion isu hi uie iiome or Mlsj Mc .Nnry'a sister, Mn, I. s. Smith. Mr. anil Mrs. C v. Wh.,.i el-.Ildren left this veek for their home nt San Diego nfter n pleasant auto n 10 cno uny and a short visit BETTER THAN SPANKING S)nklo lw not curf clilUrrn of IwJ. wfltln. Tbrr 1 a runilltultoDtl rtux tot tilt (rublf. Uti. It, Sanimrn, Ibt W, Ktflrt D4mf, toj., will .rod frrt la or aotbrr hfr (urcrMful boatt Irnlmmt, with fgll InilrurtlaDt. htai 00 woof;, tat writ ttr loJr If jour rblMrra Irunbl jo u ihli 7 tNw'l tUmt Ibr chllJ. ik. ,h.- . ... .1. V. Illldenbrand nnd family are enjoying u short outing with friends nt 1. 0011 Luke. Mr. nnd .Mrs. Otto Sehotter and sou Frederick, will leave next week Tor a short outing on Cons River. .;. .;. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hurry I'ohoni have been spending the week with friends In tho C01111III0 Vnlloy. Mr. Fol som has taken his annual vacation from the Bradley Candy Company. Mrs. Carl Ilattesou and daughter, Florence, and Miss (iinliani, of Gar diner, who huvo been spending the winter In San Francisco, nre ex pected here today en route to (!nr- dlner. They will visit n few dnys nt the home of Mrs. .1. T. Hall. Mrs. Hatteson was formerly .Miss Krlckson nnd formerly lived nt Um pire nnd (in nil tier, her father being dipt. Krlckson, a well-known navigator. Mrs. Kd llorsch arrived Ikmo from Portland today to Join Mr. llorsch, who cnino here a few weeks ago to inuke their home. Until thoy get settled, sho will bo tho guest of Mrs. W. S. Brown on South Broadway. Mrs. .1. W. Davis, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Vincent, nt Central Point. Is plnnnlng an auto trip to Crater Lake, the latter part of the month. Mr. Davis may Join her fr this trip and to accompany her nud the children homo, : Mr. nnd Mrs. A. B. Caiupholl left In their ear this afternoon for Bastendorff's Bench, whoro they will camp for some time. They will Join tho Wm. Schroeder, V. H. Cox. Wm. Sleop and C. W. Mc Cullooli camping party who hnvo been locuted nt the bench for somo time. Mr. Campbell will make tho trip hack and forth In his car dur ing the week to attend to business. : K. It. Fleming, of Fresno. Cal ifornia, arrived on tho Nairn Smith to visit for a few weeks nt the home of his cousin, Mm. Dan Kent lug. Mr. Fleming Is the head of the bookkeeping depart iiient of the t'nlon Oil Company nnd is spend ing his vacation here on the Buy. lie was very much Impressed by our cool nnd pleasant climate. 4 M. I). dnv from Portland to visit at the hoine of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. F. Miller and other friends on the Bay. Dr. R. II. Walter and family. Cordon Smith and family nud Misses Beatrice Smith nnd Kiiiinu Hear, returned today by auto from n week's outing nt lliistendorff's Beach. .5. .j. Mrs. A. II. Powers and Miss Ha zel, loft overland todny for Berkeley, California, where Miss Powers will enter the 1'nlvorslty of Culirornla. After n couple of weeks' visit with friends In Berkeley nnd San Fran cisco, Mrs. Powers will return to the Buy. A A V V V Mrs. Kugeno Crosthwnlto will leave Tuesday for Oklahoma, where she will visit with relatives for a couplo of weoks. a .j. Mrs. Chas. VaiiDuyu hns been the guest of .Mrs. A. T. I Indies nt tho tatter's summer cottngo at Sun set Bay. NOTES FROM sen (Speclnl to The Times.) SCIIOFIKLI'.. August 9.-?j Poyntz mill wife nrrlved to- " " :; : ., h " spoko well for Miss Schilling, lonelier, who had charge. The la soclul following netted over eljtj dollurs, which will he used In host lug tho school library In n ncatnV 1..... ........ , .1 hum. I'lini;. jtnniim uiiiKn hhptmim rM..... n .11.., .1.. t.i ' . ...... . ... sen iinir. u siei'M or iih itr i Byler of North Bend, who vui guest nt the home of Knglneor t:i Mrs. F. I). Browne, Miss Jennie TO Iter from Smith River nnd MIm At- lies npraguo irom 'icnipicion. in patrotiH of tho school greatly pp elate the good Matured lidding!) the eoiitrnetors nnd tho young na from the Knglueers en inn. Tho following Hues outline toa thing that really happened at Tt nel Camp No. 7, as nearly as rial j ascertained by tho Times correipoii- cut, from the Mexican chore mm. "Over tho hills and far nway, Joe. tho Mexican, dark nnd cr. Went for somo sheep tlmt had pa nstrny. At stern command from Sir TreisV luy. Quoth tho wild chef, Charles Elmprt ah 110 wnoiieu ins mime an" uu'ni'ie "Mutton's tho bill today ns of pn' And tlio tunnel crew gasped, "w more." nut It so hnppoued that blessed dv. Tlmt n bold cougar, lean, and t That huiln't IiIh (ill slnco the u Wiih prowHng round for timid pW Twnn piist high noon when Joe fowl tho Hlicop. s-t..n nil III n llflD. And Joo soon knew they were t nsloop. , . , For tho bold old cougar had hls" So back to tho camp tho chore mil iiow, , , n ..... ...... ...1,1. Ill, ii mnnv n Slei And by six o'clock all of Pwtm men know ..... That for siippor they'd hae w steak to chow. ., o t ihn whittle ou iuiik mm , wiiii .MKKTI.(J I'OUC'K WITH I'OIM'K If forco has been used In (luolllng tho I. W. W. disturbances In Port land and elsewhere In the stute, there should ho llttlo cause for complaint from tho I. W. Wh. thomselves. Forco Is tho cornerstone of tho I. W. W. creed. The inonibeiH of this organi zation have llttlo uso for tho gentler wnys of tho bnllot; thoy prefer to preach direct action, which Is 11 mild er nnino for plain force. The 1. W. W. seeks tho overthrow of the present system, nnd the foun dation of u now one. Ho would hnvo tho machinery of production plnccd directly In tho hands of tho workers, eliminating tho omploylng clnss al together. This ho would accomplish by so crippling tho employing clnss that it will bo compelled to give up In despair. IIo frniikly iivowh tlmt ho will stop nt no menus Hint will help to bring about tho end ho Hooks. Kugeno Register. Try Tho Times Want Ads. a o a o The Ladies of Cobs Ba 1 TO (JOT ACQl'AI.TKI WITH TUB PARISIAN. WIIILK WR AUK NOT IN OUIt I'KItMAHpS 1IOMK VK ARK SIIOVI.(j A Mt'K LINK OF TIIK LATEST STYLES IN API'AHKIj FOn ami UULMtKX AXI) AS AX IXDUCRMKNT ARK OFFKIUNG THE FOLIX)W1NO: Specials for Next Week Knit Underwear, a fine quality sold re&ulartf at low figure, but next IFnilfflt week prices will be cut 6Hi UUIU' Ladles white dress Bklrta,, aeatly made m1 well worth $1.50 to $1.76 WH bo B0,d QRfi next week at neat and stylish One-Third Children's school dresses, Kurmeuis lor tlio llttlo 71- An An misses. On sale now at ( $Q to $0)1)1) Chlldrcirs white dresses, dainty gnrnients for suminer wear, will bo sold at a reduction of uins .Middy mouses, smart-, dainty rt models of these popular summer garments JuC Muslin Underwear, woinon'a high grade gar ments will be sold at a a r . ,e 11 ,,o f Une-rourth Waists, all our waists not specially marked, embracing some charmingly mado and prof- ! uiiiiiiieu ones, will lio sold loss next week at Ladles' Linen Skirts, regularly soiling- ffl U up to $3, next week will' be sold tar iibrw'' One-Third go at a reduction of O'CONNKLL lll'IMHXO One-Third THE PARISIAN Cotton Klmonas and Bath Robes eB many neat and pretty pat terns, next week less , , All I o.ll.. V.l. ... .n.l...nlni fl lllf Hortment of pretty atyles will f TflHYl . , r , II tu'l blip It. ni lititntot ilw n,tt )ll ai tfri Mrl (fOT,UJ lik ktl.. 4iltlw b; i, t ,1