THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, QREdON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9-r19 13 EVENING EDITION. JFESSIONAL DIRECTORY WOM'RAM KCHMEDDIXG, (irailuiitc of (lie Liipsic Con servatory iif .Music, niiniNiiircs lie Hill receive' pupils fur tu ition hi licciilo mill Concert Flute. appointments liy mall or phone No. IS-Ii. ildcnco. 1137 South Broadway. 31'. HARRY K. LEPPEHT. I'lano mill Harmony Mlo, 137 X. Second St root. KJ.1MIX OSTI.IXD, limstilting Engineer' and Architect. Murshflcld, Ore. fl. WRIGHT, CONTRACTOR .AXD BUILDER IHmates furnished on request and spec mentions furnished (Ired. An honest job gunran- Phono 124-R. OSTLIXI), Piano Tuner and Repairer. I". Sixth Street. Phnna 10J.1 i orders at V. R. Haines Music fh IULEY 1SALLIXGER l'iunlst mill Tparhar lence-Studlo. 237 So. Broad wt) Phono 18-L. 1 0. CHANDLER, Architect. ' "Jl and aoa, Coke Bulldlai -n sun cm, viregon. W. MORROW Dentist. DM RlllllUlli. nvaa ter. Oilico Phone 820. 8. TURPKN, ARCHITECT Marahtleld, Oregon. I A. J. HENrmva I Motfom 1 1 ...... 1 n . L Lfhort Eot,ce t.the yerj Prices. Examination trml i'uuue u.-j, rn Brifi ....... Bteam tinn. . m aw, T,th isra n?EL OOOg 0. A. r,.i... - ..u, i-rop. . -nrfnt ' d Second Hand furniture OA i. - Bl. ' "I lllrAll.ll The Wild West Show At Marshfield EVERY I'KATUKU OF OLD TIMES PLAINSMEN'S SPORT WILL UK SHOWN'. DUCKING HROXC1IOES, WILD STEERS AND FEATS OF HORSEMANSHIP NEVER SKKX HERE ABOUTS Wllili 1SK PROVIDED. FfCC EntertainmentDy HKfi Aug. 22 and 23 TIIK HVKXT WILL LAST TWO Fl'LL DAYS AXI) WILL IN CLUDE RUNNING AXD HARNESS HACKS IX WHICH LOCAL AXI) OUTSIDK IIOHSKS WILL PARTICIPATE. XKW ALTO LIXK Marsbfield-Drain Auto Stage Line VIA ALLEGANY AXD SCOTTSRURQ PASSING (SOLD AXI) SILVER FALLS From Marshfield to Portland in 1 6 Hours LKAVKS MAHSHFIELI) KVKHY MORNING. AT A. 31. OX STKA.MKll HAIXIIOW. FAIR TO DICAIX, .1111. Phono STEAMER IAQ.UA Sails from San Francisco for Coos Bay Friday, August 8, Thursday, August 14, and Wednesday, August 20 AXD WILL THKX MAINTAIN' A SKVKX-DAY SCHEDULE. FAST HO AT; GOOD PASSENGER ACCOMMODATION'S AXD GOOD SERVICE. A. E. DIMEXT, Agent, Ocean Dock, Mnrshlleld. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS OX TIME. RAILING FROM I'ORTLAXD AUGUST 51, 8, 13, 18, 2il AXD 28, AT 8 A. M. SAILIXG FROM COOS HAY AUGUST 5, 13:510 P. M.; Aug. 10, 1 1. M.; AUG. ir. 12:510 I. M.; AUG. 20, 1 I'. M.; AUG. 25, 1 I. M.; AUG. 510, 10.510 A. M. Tickets on sale to all Eastern points ami information us to routes 1 and ratts cheerfully furnished. Phone Main il.VL. STERLING, Agent. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FliOM MARSHFIELD FOR PORTLAND TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, AT 6 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 CONNECTING WITH &Jl?Afi$T PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phone. 44 W O. P. McGEORGB, Age.t. Roseburs-Coos Bay Stage Line Dally service, leaving Marshfield In morning and connecting with all Southern Pacific trains at Rose burg. ' FARE. SO.OO. OTTO SCHETTER, Agent, 120 Mar ket avenue. Phone 11. HERMAN HILLYER, Corner Cen tral aid Froat, TO PORTLAND. Tickets mi Mile nt llusy Corner 21)8. Protect your homes before the fire breaks out, by Insuring them in a good, reliable Fire Insurance Com pany. Oregon Fire Relief Associa tion's policies are the strongest, cheapest and best. See Wm, J. Leaton, agent, room 15, Eldorado btdg., or phone 243-L. PREPARE-FOR UNION SERVICE REV. II. C. CODLEV WILL DELI VER SERMON' AT RAPT I ST CHURCH SUNDAY EVENING SPECIAL MUSICAL SERVICES. The ttnlon Sunday services will be held tomorrow evening In tho Baptist Church, tho remaining Sun day evenings of August, the Ma sonic Opera House will ho the nlaco of mooting as before. Owing to tho change of place, the instrumcntm music flute, Mr. Schmoddlng; violin, Mr. Keyzer and piano, Mrs. Halllnger will have to bo doferred. Thoro will be, how ever, plenty of good vocal music. MomborB of all tho choirs arc re quested to meet nt the Baptist Church this evening, 7:!!0 to 8:30 only. Tho services tomorrow eve ning will ho presided over by tho Rev. Mr. Gardiner nnd the sermon given by tho Rev. Mr. Cooloy. SUSPEND SUMMER SERVICES Tho Young Peoples' Society of Christian Endeavor of the Presby terian Church will suspend services until tho llrst Sunday In September, because of a number of members being away camping nnd on summer vacations. At the Churches (Ministers and others are request id to hand In tho Sunday church no tices not later than Friday evening to insure insertion Saturday.) . FIRS1" BAPTIST CHURCH. Row Gardiner, of McMlnnvllle, will preach Sunday. Bible school at 10, with graded classes and competent teachers. Junior Society moots In tho ciurch at 2:30. All children are invited. Young People's service at 7 for DOfo'TS on Rheumatism , Rheumatism Is stubborn as a mule. Hangs on like a leech, wears you out, worries you with palp, drags your vl- tallty, depresses your mind nnd health. DON'T give up to It. DON'T lot It hang on. DON'T overlook Foley Kidney Pills. They nro n natural on- 4 omy to tho conditions that 4 cause rheumatism, which they will promptly remove. Owl Prescription Pharmacy, Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phone 71. S. S. NANN SMITH SAILS FROM SMITH MILL DOCK FOR SAN FRANCISCO T UBS DA Y, AUGUST 12, AT 4 P. M. Snn Francisco office, 805 Fife Hldg., or Lombard St. Pier Xo. 27 Intcr-Occanlc Transportation Co., C. F. Mi-George, Agt. Phono 44. THE RECORD PHOTOGRAPHING Hare photographic copies of abstracts of titles, present owners, to real estate furnished on short BUSINESS OFFICE: 117 North BAMDOM BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A FEW TEX ACRE TRACTS FOUR MILES SOUTH OX COUXTY ROAD $:15 PER ACRE; $100 CASH, BALANCE TWO YEARS, XO INTEREST, XO TAXES, FIXE SAXDY LOAM, LEVEL BENCH LAXD. Buy One It Will Make You Money Dosnaldl MacKunntosln REAL ESTATE and Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY 6EXGSTACKEX, Manager FARM, COAL, TIMBER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EASTSIDE MARSHFIELD OFFICE, PHONE 14-J. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PHONE 101. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOORS. ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT TBS FUEL BILL IN TWO BY USING OUR WOOD. PHONK IN. 1M SOUTH BROADWAY mo hour. A special Invitation Is extended to all young men and women. Special music by a largo chorus choir under Professor Qoorgo Ayre. A cdrdlal welcome Is extended to all. Come with us nnd wo will do you good. 4 I PRESRYTERIAX CHURCH. .1. E. Ilurkhnrt, Pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Young f People s meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer I meeting on Thursday evening at 8. I You will find a cordial welcome at nil of thoso services. Splendid mu sic by choir. On account of tho union services nt tho Masonic Opera House this church will hold no Sunday evening services during July nnd August. This service begins at S o'clock. SWEDISH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. Rev. J. V. Benson, Pastor. .Residence 337 Commercial nve- nuo West. Phone 193-J. Sunday School at 9:30 a. in. Morning service nf 10:45. Evening service (English) nt S. Wo extend n cordial Invitation to all worship with us and especial ly to thoso of tho Lutheran faith. Tho Swedish language Is used nt the morning service, unless other wise specified. At all our Sundny evening services tho English Inn gtingo Is used. Wo Invito tho chil dren who have not Identified them selves with any Sunday School to come to ours. Tho English lan guage Is tho medium of Instruction In all classes. I XORWEGIAX LUTHERAN". I R. O. Thorpe, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. No Sunday School. In North Bend, there will bo Sun day School nt 10 a. m., and services at 7.4o p. m. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 4th and Market. Row Robt. E. Browning, Rector. 8 n. m., Holy Communion. 9:30 a. m., Sunday School. 11a. m., Morn ing Prayer and Sermon. Service nnd sermon nt 8 p. m. every Sunday oven Ing In North Bond and nt Empire on Sundny afternoon. I SEVENTH DAY ADVEN'TISTS. I E. R. Henderson, Elder. Seventh Day Advontlst services nro conducted every Saturday as follows: Snbhath school at 10 a. m. Biblo study at 11 a. in. Conic nnd spend nn hour with us; wo will do you good. A room for mothers Is open each Sunday evening In tho Methodist Church. CHURCH OF CHRIST. Z. O. Doward. Minister. 10:00 a. m. Bible school. Preaching and communion at 11 o'clock a. m. A cordial invention Is extended to all. CATHOLIC CHURCH. Marshfield. Rev. A. R- Munro. Mass will be celebrated at G ABSTRACT COMPANY all records Coos County to date, or any other Information relating notice. Front St., Marshfield. Phono 151J W. J. RUST, Manager IXSURAXCE. DEPARTMENT and S o'clock tomorrow morning nt St. Monica's Catholic Church. Row Father Smith, Paullst, of St. Phillips', Portland, who Is con ducting tho Retreat at Mercy Hos pital, will deliver the Bcrtnon at 10 o'clock Mass. I METHODIST EPISCOPAL I Rev. II. C. Cooloy, Pastor. Rev. M. 13. Anderson, of tho Swed ish Missionary Society of tho Pacific Northwest, who Is on a tour of this country In behalf of the society will hold services In Swedish at the Meth odist Church nt 3 p. in. 'and 8 p. m. tomorrow. Sundny school at 10 a. m. Morning services nt 11 o'clock. Epworth League nt 7. Junior League sorvlca Thursday afternoon at 2.3u. Prayer meeting Thursdny ovonlng at S o'clock. You nro cordially Invited to attend theso services. I CATHOLIC CHURCH f North Bend. Rev. Father Springer, Rector. Mass will be celebrated at 8 o'clock Sundny morning by tho Rer. Father Springer. CHRISTIAN' SCIENCE. Chrlstlnn Sclenco hall, 237 Third street north. Subject, "Spirit." Service Sunday nt 11 n. m. Sunday school 12 m., Wednesday 8 p. m. Reading room open every day ex cept Sunday from 1 to 4 p. m. I PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH I North Bend Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Christian Endeavor at 7. Preaching services at S p. m. by Rev. D. A. McLeod. METHODIST CHURCH I North Bend. Tho services Sunday will be as fol lows: Sunday school 10 a. ni. Vesper Circle and Epworth League 7 p. m. Sermons by the pastor 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. I UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH I North Bend. Mrs. R. N. Lewis, Pastor. Sabbath school, 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Preaching 11 n. m. and 8 p. m. Prayer meeting WQdnesday even ing at 8 o'clock. SEA MONSTER KILLED. Crauls Up Rocks nt Hecetn After Woman and Child. Mrs. C. L. Hansen, wlfo of the llghtkcopcr nt Hccota lighthouse, a short distance above Florence, had an exciting experience with a 16 foot squid. Mrs, Hansen was down on the rocks at low tido when her little daughter exclaimed, "Oh! mamma, look at tho man!" Turning, Mrs. Hanson discovered tho squid half on the rock but a few yards away. Soveral of tho long tontncles wore reaching further, while tho ugly head with tho parrot-llko honk was well out of tho water. Tho huge gogglo eyes wore fixed upon the two people. Mrs, Hanson screamed to her husband and the squid slip ped bnck Into tho water as ho ap proached. It could bo plainly scon, however, nlong tho rock. Mrs. Hansen then called Fred Deroy, tho assistant keeper, and with a long gaff hook and grappling rakes tho two men succeeded In lauding and killing the monster. Tho tontncles woro sovon feot long nnd tho body 2S Inches, mak ing It ovor lti feot from tip to tip. Tho body proper was over six feet long nnd of mottlod brown color. It had a diamond shaped tall about 27 Inches ncross. A squid Is much like tho more common octopus or dovil fish, ox copt for tho long body nnd honvy beak. This ono could easily have overpowered tho two men nnd they hnd to use extreme caro to keep out of roach of tho tontncles. Even when It was nearly dead tho ad h6slvo power In tho tontncles was strong onough to hold n man'B arm down. Tho Coos Bay Ico & Cold Sto rage Company will handle Chi nook Salmon and will pay 3 t cents por pound at tholr dock for all bright flfh. Giving Service In thoso Uttlo talks on adver tising It Is our main purpose to point out to our rendors tho ben efits to bo gained from tho care ful reading of THE TIMES ad vertising columns. Wo have callod attention to tho economy of well-planned nnd Intelligent shopping and also to tho surprising fund of useful In formation and education contain ed In advertisements. In presenting this subject to our readers, our aim Is to be of service to help evoryono to got the most possible good from his newspaper. Llkowlso, from an Intimate knowledge of tho lntorests nnd purposes of our advertisers, this Iden of sorvlng tholr patrons Is a controlling ono with thorn. Tho most prominent advertis ers of tho day manago tholr busi nesses and plan tholr advortisng from tho standpoint of helping tholr patrons. Comfort, convenience nnd In telligent storo arrangement go hand In hand and nro odvertlsod together with fashions and val ues. THE TIMES advertisers grve service as well as values. Alt