THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9 1913 EVENING EDITION. 3 ; 1 FIRST ADDITION TO MARSHFIELD Where Things Happen There's oxi inordinary activity on the ftouthsule those days. (Iradhu? and planking and paving being pushed at Full speed on South fourth, Hall Avenue, Johnson Ave nue and South Tenth Street. Telephone, electric lighting and water service being adjusted; all in a preparation for the Further growth in population and development of this Southside district. South Tenth Street; will offer a continuous planked thorough fare into lMrst Addition when the work now under way is com pleted this Kali. City phone service will be installed. 'Also in stallation of a water system to serve all this growing district has .i been arranged for and actual laving will soon commence. 1 The Place to Buy Whether for a home-silo or for investment, First Addition is the place For you to buy a lot. "No addition on Coos Bay has progressed so rapidly as this one, and no other addition has such groat possibilities of development during the next two years. Largo lots at low prices on easy terms of. purchase. Spe cial proposition to builders. Reynolds Development Co. 178 CENTRAL AVENUE PHONE 160 BUY THE VERY BEST Creamery BUTTER .MA III- rxiihi: SANITARY CONDITIONS IX A CLEAN AXI MODERN rAcrouv. STERILIZER MILK AND CREAM. PURE ICE ICC del vt-rv. H ii. in. mill " ii. in. Phono 7:1 Walk one block nnd snvo ono dol lar on each pair of men's and boyB' shoes. Wo do first dims shoo re pairing nt tho lowest prlcos In tho city. Yours for a squaro deal. Aug. Olson. mr South H roadway. STADDEN Mil KINDS of PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK, llroniido Enlarging and Kodak Finishing. Just Received another shipment of the famous Mysost and Primost Cheese Stauff Grocery Co. Phone 102 You Auto Call Poote IIO.VK 14I..T VinilT ivn nv UHI ,ront HlHiuo Hilllunl Parlor. f., ,VIUKK X1W CAKS ,V M Phoo 255 M . leslfiico lMiono 28-J. ' "rlveis Oo Anywhere tow That Roof Fixed NOW CORTHELL - PHONltlTl. Gas water heat- Vi to til. j xv v xxx j price but brine " . w much comfort to the average home THE BATHERS to the present generation bathing the body is as much a necessity as i'ood and sleep. it was not always so your grandi'a til er can "remember when." comfort in the bath demands warm water. GAS WATl'Jlt JIHATEJtS SUPPLY ' THIS DEM AND EFFICIENTLY AND ECONOMICALLY. if von want information about them, telephone ITS. Oregon Power Co. Second and Central. THERE'S SATISFACTION IN EVERY SLICE cut from the loaf that comos from this bakery. You'll find the last just as moist and toothsome as the first. Wo don't know how long our bread will stay moist. For It is so good that it never lasts long enough to get a chance to dry out. Try a loaf as a test. Coos Bay Bakery The place for go04 gooiles. Market Aye. Phone Xll-L WE WILL CONTRACT n dn nil vnur niiinililiiir work, from mending a little leak to supplying all tho labor ami materia hu wu niiinihini' nt an entire building. Those who have omployed our ser vices or bought piumumg supplies from us are our best references. 'iMmi.. toatimmiv will hIiow that we give everybody the squarest of square neais. WIUey& Schroeder 898 North Froat Street. PHONE 77-J All Kinds of Job Printing Done at The Times Office SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court or tho Stato of Oregon, for tho County of Coos. Lucy M. Ilorton, Plaintiff, vs. Wil liam Starblrd and Edna L. Starblrd. huKband and wife, IT. II. Pachett and .Mrs. Sarnh Pachett, J. N. Rah Hhopf, l.eou Amadou and Mlnnlo VS. Amadou, 10. 10. Rhodes and Mrs. 10. 10. Rliodos, IOvva L. Swank, C. Ilurton and Ethel C. Unrton, 10. V. .Mnrininu sometimes known as 10. V. .Malrman. and Mrs. 10. V. Maiiman, It. II. Voso and .Mrs. R. 11. Voso, John J. Small and Mrs. John J. Small, Frank Tumor and Mrs. Frank Turner, J. A. McKreol and Flora McKreol, husnnd nud wife Nass, John Doe nud Jano l)oo, Richard Roo and Mary Roc, Defendants. To William Starblrd and IOdna L. Starblrd, Defendants above nam ed: In tho name 'of tho Stato of Ore gon, you nro hereby notified that you aro required to appear In tho aliovo entitled Court nnd answer tho Complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit- within six weeks from tho 2(ith day of July, 1913, tho dato of the first publl cation of this Summons, nnd If you shall fall to appear and answer said Complaint on or before tlio fith day of September, 1913, tho last day of the time prescribed In t no order for tho publication of this Summons, for want thereof tho Plaintiff will apply to tho Court for the rollof demanded therein, a succinct statement of which is ns follows, to-wit: Thnt the Plaintiff havo Judgmont ngalnst you for tho sum ot Ono Thousand Dollnrs ($1000.00) and interest thereon nt tho rate of eight (8) per cout per annum from the 27th day of June. 1912, tho sum of Two Hundred Dollnrs ($200.00) attorney fees, and for her costs and disbursements in this suit; nlso for a decree that Plaintiff's mortgage is a first and prior lion upon tho premises hereinafter described; al so a decree foreclosing all the right, claim, Intorest, title and equity of you, tho snld William Starblrd and Edna L. Starblrd, In cluding equity of redemption, and o'f all tho Defendants nbovo named, and each and all persons claiming by, through or under you or them in or to the said mortgaged prop erty described as follows, to-wit: East half of southeast quarter of Section Seventeen, tho northeast quarter of northeast quarter of Section Twenty, and the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section Twenty-one, all in Town ship Twenty-five South, of Range Twelve west of Willamette Meri dian, in Coos County, Oregon; And that the court make an or der of sale directing that said real property and all the rights of said Defendants therein be sold in man ner provided for by law for the sale of real property upon execu tion, and that Plaintiff or any of tho parties to the suit may be- como purchasers, and also for such other and further relief as to the Court shall seem meet and equitable Service of this Summons is made by publication in pursuance of an order of sale made by tho Honor able John S. Coke, Judge of tho abovo entitled Court, on this 25th day of July, 191S, directing the publication therein in tho Coos Ray Times, a newspaper published at Marshfleld, Coos County, Oregon, for once a week for tho period of six consecutive weeks. W. U. DOUGLAS, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication July 26. Lait publication September 6. 1918. (Continued from Pcgo Two.) at a called meeting at her homo on North Front street'. Tho only Friday, August 1".. Supper 'was , business up was the acceptance of spread under the trees, which were Invitation from Mrs. Morton intertwined with numerous Japanese 1 Tower to picnic next Tuesday at tho lanterns. Two large bonfires help- Towwr summer home on South Coos ed to make the scene a most pleas ant one. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Anderson, Mrs. M. Ogren, .Mrs. Gardiner, tho Misses Florence Reynolds, Helen McLaugh lin, Elizabeth Fox, Marie Vasey, Resale Flanagan, Alpha Mnuzey, Alice Tickell, Alice Richardson, Adrlane Gardiner nnd the Messrs. Will Richardson, O. W. Leslie, Rev. 10. Gardiner, Charles Smith nnd Masters Richard Haxtcr, Florcnt and Ralph Richardson, Charles McMa hon nnd Eugene and Howard Kelley. I HONORS MOTHER I River. A special launch will bo chartered for the trip. Those pres ent at the meeting at Mrs. Noble's were Mrs. Ollvin Edtnnu, Mrs. Fan nie Hazard, Mrs. Mary McKnlght, Mrs. M. C. Maloney, Mrs. Clms. Stauff, Mrs. W. F. Squire, Mrs. Geo. F. Mureh, Mrs. M. R. Smith, Mrs. G. A. Uonnett and Mrs. J. T. Hall. e . CARD PARTIES. Mrs. W. S. Tupren wns hostess nt two delightful bridge parties com plimentary to her mother, Mrs. 10. Pollexfen of San Francisco, who Is spending the summer on tho Ray. Saturday afternoon Mrs. 10. O. Por hnm won tho prlzo nnd Wednesday Mrs, S. D. Magnus captured tho hon ors. Mrs. Turpen was assisted In serving by Mrs. Porhnm. Those pres ent Saturday were: Mrs. G. W. Kaufman, Mrs. Cyrus Happy. Mrs. Henry Sengstacken. Mrs. A. II. Pow ers, Mrs, F. A. Powers, Mrs. Talty, .Mrs. J. W. Uonnett. Mrs. C. W. Tow er, Mrs. W. S. Nicholson, Mrs, Con verse, Mrs, Pollexfen and Mrs. Por hnm. Those present Wednesday wore: Mrs. Wm. Horsfnll. Mrs. Claude Nasburg, Mrs. 10. G. Porhnm. Mrs. H. M. RIchnrdson, Mrs. F. M. Parsons, Mrs. S. D. Magnus, Mrs. Warren Painter, Miss Genevieve .Sengstacken, Mrs. D. Y. Stafford. Mrs. J. S. Coke, Mrs. Herbert Lock- hart, .Mrs. G. A.. Uonnett, Mrs. R.I Mrs. II. W. Stevens IC. Hootb, Mrs. 10. Mlngus, Mrs. En- Invocation Mrs. Robt. McCann gene Crosthwalt nnd .Mrs. Pollexfen. I Tllu election of olllcers resulted ns ... ... ... follows: Mrs. Geo. Razor reelected - ! President; Vice-President, Mrs. F. Mrs. F. M. Parsons Tuesday af ternoon was hostess at another of a delightful series of card parties that she Is giving. The home was prettily decorated, a variety of flow ers being used to add to tho at tractiveness of It. Mrs. Parsons was assisted In serving refreshments by Mrs. W. F. Miller. Mrs. 10. O. Porhnm won first prlzo and Mrs. S. D. Magnus received the consola tion. Among those present were: Mrs. Claude Nasburg. Mrs. A. 10. Adelsperger, Mrs. 10. G. Perhaiu, Mrs. W. P. Murphy. Mrs. A. T. Lngerstrom, Mrs. Wm. Horsfnll, Mia. S. D. Magnus, .Mrs. A. 10. Pollexfen, Mrs. W. S. Turpln, Mrs. A. 11. Powers, .Mrs. F. A. Powers, Mrs. Talty, Mrs. Henry Sengstacken, Mrs. S. C. Small. .Mrs. W. F. Miller and Mrs. 10. Mlngus. v .NORTH I1E.ND W. T. V. 1 Tho W. C. T. F. held their regular meeting at tho Presbyterian Church Tuesday, when ofllcorn wero elected for the ensuing year. The following was the program of tho afternoon: Song, "How Gentle God Com mands." Pianist Mrs. Geo. Inzer Scripture reading A. N. W. CLUIl. I The A. N. W. Club wns entertain ed this week by Mrs. L. M. Noblo. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. vntin iu wi... .i. i-., Cnnii, Wm. NIolson, Marshall . . .. , t ov.ui:,, MlBH Leomi chappell it it 111 1 . s-v ann. !... 1 1 ll. . 4- I " W. Stevens; Treasurer, Mrs. Fred Lyster; Secretary, Mrs. Win. Niel- ,8011. Those present were: Mea dnines Geo. Hnzcr, W. Chappell, P. iW. Stevens, Fred Lystor, Robt. Mc- und DINNER PARTY bids will bo rece ved l by tho Com-1 A miniber ()f tho meillb , mou Council of the City of Marsh-' to nlten(, thc (.onvcntlon nt Myrtlo field. Coos County. Oregon, until Polnt septombor 12. The delegates eight o clock p. in.. Monday, tho from Norttl ,,,, w b(J Mc8,lumc8 18th day of August-, 1913, for tho w.R ,,nir,uo v fivn,, .i construction of a sewor extending Lyster. I nlong tho center lino' of Fourth ' Hireei souin irom a point lift foot southerly or tho south lino of John-: .MINNIE-WIS CLUIl. son avonuo West to. tho center line v J . ; Of KrilSO nvonnn Wnst nn.l nlniK. Hio I. 1 1,0 Mllllllo-Wls Club, Which linS or Kiusc nonuo est nnd along tho 1)L,UI1 tnkl(, u va(.ut0I1 w, mout center lino of Kruso avenuo West again August 21 with Mrs. Chan, from tho center lino of Fourth street . LaChappolle on South Uroadway. South to innnholo In sewor on Fifth street South, pursuant to Ordlnnnco No. 581, according to tho plans and specifications on fllo In tho offlco of tho City Recordor and open to tho Inspection of nil persons Inter ested therein. All bids must be In accordance with tho requirements accompany ing said specifications, nnd upon blnnks which will bo supplied upon request at tho office of tho City En gineer. A certified check of flvo per cent of tho amount bid must nccompnny tho bid to bo forfeited to said City of Marshflold in caso tho contract is awarded tho contractor and ho falls to enter In n contrnct with said city within flvo days. Tho Common Council reserves tho right to reject any and nil bids. JOHN W. DUTLER, Recordor. I Mr. and .Mrs. A. 11. GIdley Tues day evenlii'; a fow friends at their homo In South Marshllold, those Invited being mombore of tho outing parly at "Do Drop Inn" camp at Sunset Hay a fow weeks ago. It was informal. Those present woro Mr. and Mrs. F. 10. Allen, Miss Ruth Allen, Donald Allen, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Grannls, Miss Mablo Wilson, Mrs. Oscar llaldwln, M. D. GIdley and Mrs. GIdley, Sr. . mitTHDAV PARTY NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notleo Is horoby given that sealed bids will bo received by tho Com mon Council of tho City of Marsh field, Coos County, Oregon, until eight o'clock p. m., Monday, tho ISth day of August, 1913, for the con struction of a sewer extending along the center lino of Fourth street South from n point 25 feet north of the north lino of Johnson avonuo Wrest to tho sewor in Golden ave nue West pursuant to Ordinance No. 580, according to tho plans nnd spec ifications on file In the office of the City Recordor nnd open to tho Inspection of all persons Interested therein. All bids must be In accordance with tho requirements accompanying snld specifications, nnd upon blanks which will bo supplied upon request at tho office of the City Engineer. A certified check of five per cent of tho amount; bid must accompany tho bid, to bo forfeited to said City of Marshflold In case the contract Is awarded the contractor and he falls to enter in a contrnct with said city within flvo days. The Common Council reserves tho right to roject any and all bids. Dated this 7th day of August, 1913, JOHN W. BUTLER. Recorder. I Miss Louise Alberta Gldloy this afternoon was hostess nt tho homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. GIdley, to a number of hor llttlo friends in honor of hor elevonth birthday. A fehort program was fol lowed by games nnd refreshments. Those Invited woro, Emma Lou Doug Ins, Lucllo Douglas. Hnzol Coftln, Margnrot Powers. Marlon Horsfnll, Ruth Raldvln, Wilma Honsiland. Mary Loul3o Mr-Arthur, Donnld Al len, Thomas Crosthwalt, Eugono Crosthwnlt, Fredorlck Hoagland, Reglnnld Heudrlx, ChnB. McGeorgo nnd Selmn Wilson. I COLLEGE WOMEN I Tho College Women's Club was en tertained Wednesday evening by Mrs. A. H. GIdley at her homo in South .Marshfleld. Dr. Gardlnor, acting pas tor of the Marshfleld Daptlst church, delivered an Interesting nnd Instruct ive talk on Venice. At tho business meeting, the program for tho ensuing year was brought up for discussion nnd it is expected thnt It will bo adopted at tho next mooting. No BpjicjjUHjiorw f Continued on raeo Elcht.) ' Irregular Kidney Action i Just ns soon ns kidney and bladder Irregularities occur, whether the urlno Is too fro- quent, too scanty, Is burning, or leaves a full feeling In tho bladder, then you have a warn- Ing that should start you at onto to taking Foley Pills. You need them, and thoy aro a strong and pure medieino that will belli you at onco. Try them. Owl Prescription Pharmacy, Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phono 74. i