A THEORY IS ANYTHING THAT IS EASIER TO PREACH THAN TO PRACTICE LOST ARTICLES are licit found through Times ant ndi. Haul Hicinl LVe thcitil Tlic-y get rr.stiltn. mKmammmmmmmmmmtmmmmm fflflOS Say Ottawa MEMBER OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS .VOW IS VQltu TIME. A xmiill ad In The Times want column limy bring yon results no-iiHMllnt-I.y. Try one. ni yyVVIJ l'stlilMicd In 1H7 The Const Mall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1913 EVENING EDITION-SIX PAGES. NOTED HIE SLAVE CASE OPENS IN SAN FRANCISCO Maury I. Diggs, Former State Architect of California, in Court Today. CHANGE OF VENUE IS DENIED ACCUSED MAN! F. Drew Caminatti Also Involv ed in Notorious Trip to Reno Last Winter. Illy Aino htM 1'rrn lo Coon tlr Timet J SAN KHAN-CISCO, Aug. r. The iTlnl of Mnury I. Dlggs, former Stnto LArchltcet of California, charged vltli violation of the federal white Blitvc net, begnn here todny In Fed eral Court heforo Judge Van Fleet. IA inoiloii for n change of venue to S.tcrnmcnlo wns denied on the ground that IIh only purpose whh to tlelny. Chief Special Prosecutor Sul livan told the veniremen that the jovcrittui'iit would show that Maury Dlggs and F. Drew Cnnilnettl bought rniiHporlatlon for Marsha llnning- lou and Loin Nnrrln from Sacratnon-1 io io iceno, wnero tin ronr wero line sled later, for Iminoral purposes, and that these fni'tn when proved K-nuItl oHtiilillnli a violation of the Federal stntute. c m IIS k OoMolldatlon of Times, Const Mall nd Coos liny Advertiser. No. 14 LET US TALK IT OVER "UlRhtly to he Blent Is not to stir without great argument lint greatly to find quarrel in n straw Wlien honor's at the stnke." Hamlet. J N OF MNNESGTA 10 GEniNG y Executive Instructs Attorney General to Act and Invites Leach to Return. c , ,(s.l.1Pt'1"1 l0 T,1 Times.) SALL.M, Or., Aug. ii.(Jov. West hns Invited Dr. Ilalley K. I.eaeh and the other denoitiM f. w w. n..i. (inioiH to return to Coos County and Instructed Attorney General Crawford to act. This follows up his stnlement condemning the de portation nB being Illegal. STATE PRINTER S 1 IS AGAINST BILL ebraska Senator Condemns 'roposcd Currency Legisla tion ai i nis session. rll'r A' n. Mini I'rrtt Io Coo liar Timet ,WSIIINGTON, I). C, Aug. f..-- cnator llltchcoclt of Nobrnnln. cinocratlc ineinher of tlio bniiklng inunlllee, openly opposed currency Situation at this hcssIoii of Con fess ami especially tho ndmlnlstrn- pn Mil Introduced by Sonntor pen In a speech today In tho Inate, "I am stronirlv nnnnnml said, "to nu attempt to pass any Iniprelieiislve eurroncy Iculslntlon the expiring tlayH of tho extra Sloil. I aill certnlnlv nnnnaml Inking up n revolutionary hill to tho Senator from Oklahoma has roduced." Senator Owen roso to ronlv to uiicock, lint wns forced off tho lor by Senator Hoko Smith's point Lorcier timt tho tariff hill nml not rrency legislation was hoforo tho l"to. Ho served notlco ho would pew his speech nt tho first oppor-Mty. Willis S. Duniway Suddenly Succumbs in Portland Prominent Politician. Illy AMo.latr.1 I'rrtt lo i'imm nr Timet) PORTLAND. Or., Aug. Ti. Wil lis Scott nuiilway, Stnto I'rlnler of Oregon, a well-known Republican politician, son of Abigail Scott Dun iway and nephew of Harvey W. Scott, died today, aged 58 years. OVHRNOR WEST, like some public officials not so far away, has . some admirable finalities anil some qualities that aro well not so admirable. One of tho weaknesses of the Htnto executive Is that which Is fatcefully, If not elegantly, described as "going off half cocked." In tho written statement given out by the Governor and published In The Times last evening, he has committed that unpardonable error In nn executive official of giving an opinion before he litis reliably Informed himself on tho basic facts on which good Judgment should be founded. The Gavernor prates much of law and order and mobs without knowledge of tho local conditions, except as he states by newspaper re ports, which well Informed peoplo know were neither fair nor accurate. Hack of every law on tho Htiitute books must bo tho 1'oiihcIciico of an educated nnd enlightened electorate. The peoplo mnko the lnws and public opinion enforces them. ' Th6 conditions existing In Coos County, and with which Governor West Is doubtless not familiar, are responsible for any and all actions that have transpired. There Is n law on our statute hooks ngalnst arson. If Governor West wore to go to his homo nnd find a man sotting flro to tho building, would he retire and go In search of nn officer of the law and whllo ho was away penult his home to bo destroyod, or would he, Inspired by Indignation and good red blood, seize the scoundrel by the bnek of tho neck and with n swift kick In the rear throw him out and put out tho lire. Tho editor of Tho Times has met Governor West nnd from whnt he knows of the man he hns no doubt as to the Governor's course of action. When the Governor seized nn 1. W. W. orator In Portland and dragged him from n soap-box, he exhibited minus of tho tempor nnd tem perament t lint would Impel him under similar circumstances. Tho I. W. W. agitators In Coos County prenched the doctrine of their organization; the doctrine of deviltry, dynamite mid destruction. They would apply the torch to the prosperity of the community ami leave It In tho ashes of ruin and desolation. They would duplicate what has followed wherever they linvo been tolerated riot, ruin nnd bloodshed. Tlio California hop Holds furnishes tho most iccent example of I. W. W. teachings, nreaelilngs nnd methods. A trnll of bloodshed, violence and wreckage follows them. Cocs County has no place or purpose for them. They are niiunlilHl., criminals and law Wolatora. They nro un dohlrablo and will not bo tolerated. If Governor West thinks ho cnu choke crhnliinls down tho thronts of the law abiding citizens of Coos County or compel this community to furnish a harbor and a homo for anarchists nnd dynamiters, he will bo kept bus for 11 longer period than the peoplo of Oregon will over honor him with thu office that If ho attempts this thing, he will dis honor ami disgrace. MEXICAN STUATOK CURRENCY BILL TO RE OP SOON Democratic Leaders Arrange 10 uive 11 mgnt or way There Next Friday. til Attoclttod Prett lo Coot Iljr Timet.) WASHINGTON, I). C, Aug. C Democratic lenders In tho Houso to day smoothed n way for opening tho currency fight thero Friday. Pro vision wns mndo by Lender Under wood that tho currency bill shnll hnve the right of way over all business, If It Is ready. President Wilson Selects For mer Governor to Determine Course of U. S. WILL BE APPOINTED AMBASSADOR LATER President Huerta Will be Forc ed to Retire to Get Govern ment Legally Established- CASTRO GAINS IN VENEZUELA U OF AVIATORS Aim KILLED. "Man Army Men Victims of DU- aster Today. "' AtsocUteJ prr , Co(, ,. Tim,. , PT. PETERSBURG. Aug. r..Two min military aviators, Llouten- ioiiKnrpoff and his mcchanlc wero killed at Krnsnoyo Solo fV today. Sockeye Salmon Pour by Van couver so Fast that Fisher men Can't Resist. nr AnHlteJ I'rc.i lo Coot lit? Times.) VANCOUVER, Aug. C A heavy run of sockeyo snlmon last night cnused a collapse) of tho fishermen's strlko, which yesterday made C000 portions Idlo. Tho men woro unnblo to resist tho Invitation of the vast number of fish running nnd wont out to fill their boats, making onor moiis wages, In splto of tho reduc tion of pay to fifteen conts for ench fish. TELLS WHY ENGLAND QUIT FRISCO WILL KM) STRIKE. Allien Will Vlclorv uf Allmivr Docks In Sunerlor. 17 Atiocl.lea r(i , Coo, D,7 Tmei.J "-nuiuic, wis., Aug. 5. ers nt tho Allouoz oro dnekn nt Brlor havo been conceded a vlc 1 and a settlement Is near. MnB tho strlkors' domand win bo Fle'l. These Incllldn nn ln.rnon "teen cents In tho wages. CI WILL Foreign Minister Grey Says That Canal Toll Controversy Had Nothing to do With De cision About the Panama Exposition. (17 AhocI.IM rim to Coot n7 Tlmra. LONDON, Aug. r.. The ciuestlon of tho Hrltish participation In tho Panama Canal Exposition nt San Francisco In 1915 was tho subject of debate today In tho llouso of Commons. Sir Edwnrd Groy, For olgu Minister, In n long statement, explained tho olllclal attitude of tho Krltlsh government ngalnst partici pation, stoutly maintained that tho decision of tho cnhlnct not to par ticipate was entirely duo to com morclnl considerations and hnd noth ing to do with tho canal tolls con troversy. Sir Edward Gray 8ald:"Tho Hrltish govornmont came to the conclusion, that undor tho present circumstances it would not ho just ified In asking tho country to Incur the heavy expense reijulred for par ticipation In the exhibition. This expenditure wns estimated nt more than u million nml n quarter dollars and Btich a sum would ho quite out of proportion with any commer cial advantage likely to result from It. Inquiries In commercial centers of tho United Kingdom had not shown thero wns nny active desire to participate. The conditions for the participants Intel down by the exhibition authoiltles prescrlbo that tho exhibits shall bo distributed among a series of International pa vilions, thereby rendering it Im possible to secure an effective nat ional display. Tho question was consldorcd and dealt with on these grounds without nny roferonco to tho question of tho Panama Canal tolls. Tho Drltlsli govornmont has done nothing to dlscourngo par ticipation In tho exhibition by self governing Hrltish dominions." Revolution in South American Republic is Reported to be Spreading Now. Wr AnocUlcJ hni lo Coot llajr Tlinrt. WILLEMSTEI), Aug. C. Tho Venozuolnn revolution Is snld to no spreading strongly In tho atntes of Soulln nnd Morldn, whoro tho telegraph linos linvo fallen Into tho hnnds of Castro's adheronts. LIKENS TARIFF TO SOCIA Si ItEIXSCH IS NAMED. ""In .Man to Become U. S. Minister to Chliin. Auocltte, prMi lo Po. ,. T1. ASHINGTON, Aug. 6 Dr. Paul "V "inscn, of tho University ""vuiinui, was nominated as ier to china today. FIGRI WELCH Lightweight Champion Wires That He Will Meet Britisher at Vancouver, B. C. 0 AitocUttd Prni to Coot D7 Timet. SAN FRANCISCO, Col., Aug. 5. Wllllo RIchIo, lightweight cham pion, telegraphed to Vancouvor, B. C, today that his next match will bo a 20-rotind bout there against Fred Welch, tho British lightweight champion. NINE OOUGLAS COUNTY PEOPLE INJURED IN AUTO ACCIDENT Senator Saulsbury Says Pro tection "is Twin Evil With Reform Wants Haste. III7 AttocltteJ Prm to coot u7 Tlmri. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. C Senator Saulsbury, of Dolawnre, dis cussed tho tariff hill brlofly In tho Sennto todny for tho Doiuocrnts, nnd warned ngnlust a wnsto of tlmo In long dobnteB, nHsortlng that "pro tection nnd Soclnllsm nro twin ovlls and lll-omonod birds." Scnntor Saulsbury declared protection had renched Its end. Iflr AttoclMul Prtu to Coot nr Tlmmi.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. C. io announcement of the policy or further steps Mint will bo tako will be ntndu by President Wllso In the Mexican situation until foi mor Governor John Llnd, of Mlt nesotn, perhonnl reprosontntlvo c the President, nrrlvcs In SDrtlcra City nnd fnmlllnrlzes himself will! conditions there. This was mndo? flenr at the Whlto Ilmisn tmifn- Llnd cnrrles Instructions to tnllc fn formnlly with prominent Mexlcanir. Administration officials Indicated Hint no steps toward a modfatfora policy would be ntlciniptcd until af ter Llnd had sounded out tho senti ment in Mexico nnd dotermlnccS whether tho nsslstnnre of tho United: Hlntes In adjusting tho dlspulo? would bo lecolved. Llnd will la form Inquirers, on nnthority or President Wilson, thnt only a Gov erninent constitutionally sot up wlir be recognized by the United Staton. I'IiIh will Involve the resignation of Provisional President Huerta In fa vor of a provisional president se lected by n .Mexican faction, a no president, tho Minister of rorelgT. Rolntlons, to be appointed, In con formity with the lnw of succession In Mexico, it wns pointed out Ire administration circles Hint wlillw Llnd's position now Is thnt of ad visor to the American embassy, he will net In reality as unofficial Am bassador, to ho named Ambassador when tho Btnblo govornmont la or ganized and recognition oxtendod by tho United States. FORAKER TELLS ABOUT MULHALL BO PARTIES (JAIUUSOX KEPT IIUSY. In Rush AUTOS mnrcrm SnURQ In SV, hourn flftv. NG with NOON train to riiUD. Tickets "Tho Owl, op- uanaier Hotel. RAT nAV820 PRn imv Am rpg, .. Iou have anythlni? tn mi -..f L W" helP- fy Want Ad Secretary of AVur Continues speetlon Tour. Or AuoclttM rren to Coot lit 7 Timet. SEATTLE, Aug. 5. Secretary of War Garrison and party, who nrrlv ed at Fort Worden, near Port Town send, Into Inst night, woro up early today and Inspected Fort Wordon, Fort Miller nnd Fort Casey. Thoy will nrrlvo In Scattlo at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Machine of Jas. Hilderburn Crashes Though Fence and Injures Occupants During Night Ride. WOMAN DIISI) TODAV. (Spoclnl to The Times.) ROSEBURG, Or., Aug. 6. Mrs. Wllbanks died about 3 o'clock this afternoon from In juries sustained In last night's auto accident, Through AUTOS DIRKOT to ROSEnUHG In 8 hours, CON NEQTING with NOON train to PORTLAND. Tickets "The Owl, op posite Chandler Hotel. Try The Times Want Ado. , (Special to Tho Times) ROSEBURG, Or., 'Aug. 5. Eight persons were Injured, one fatally, when an auto owned and driven by James Illldoburn, a Roseburg cap italist, darted from tho road at a point about two miles north of this city, crashed through a fenco and halted In an orchard about 30 feet from the right of way. As the car swerved and left the road the occu pants wero thrown from their seats and to the ground. Qortrude Hlldeburn, daughter of tho owner of the machine, sustain ed a fractured nose, concussion of tho brain and numerous bruises nnd cuts of tho face and body. Herman Marks, a young capitalist, sustained a deep cut on tho nose, an Injured back and numerous bruises. Ferndle Siuhorlln, In whoso fath er's honor tho town of Sutherlln was named, sustained a fractured collar bono, a broken Jaw and a sprained anklo. Others who sustained slight In juries wero Maud Wilson. Roy Rhoadman and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brand. Miss Hlldeburn, Mrs. Wll banks, Mr. Marks and Fondle Suth- orlln wore hastened to a hospital whoro they received tho attention of physicians. When picked up Miss Hlldeburn and Mr. Marks wore un conscious and not for nearly a half hour aftor tho accident did thoy regain their senses. Mr. Illldoburn and party had been spending tho evening at Suth erlln and Oakland and were return ing homo when the accident occur red. Mr. Hlldeburn says Ferndlo Sutherlln, who sat on the front HELP WILSON Republicans Assure Him of Support in Mexican Pro gramNo Politics. JDr AitocUttd IVttt to Coot Dt 'Timet.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. C President Wilson has boon unoffi cially Informed of the support of tho Republicans of tho House In his Mexican program so long as a non partisan attitude Is maintained. As surances to tho President woro con veyor from Republican Leador Mann. At both ends of tho capltol thero havo been Informal agreements to keep tho Mexican question out of politics, seat, grasped tho steeling wheel and as a result, the machine Bworved and loft tho road. This statement Is denied by Mr. Sutherlln, howovor, who contends that tho machine run over Hlldeburn'a dog Just prior to the accident. Tho machlno la badly damaged. Owing to tho prominence of the people In tho car, tho affair caused qulto a sensation. 1117 At.olir.l rrr.t in tvnt Ht7 Timet J WASHINGTON, Aug. G. Former United Slntc's Senator Josoph ic Fornkor, was the prlnclpnl witness) hoforo the Sonnto lobby committee todny. Ho oxplnlned his connection with the snlo of Union Pacific to tho reorganization commltteo Ire 1897, which was brought Into tho lobby Investigation by David Lamar. Fornkor said ho had known Mur ium Blnco 1883 when Fornkor wa a candldnto for Govornor of Ohio. Ho did not know how nctlvo MulhalS wns In his behalf in that campaign. "I did not think Mulhnll was am grent a man as ho thought ho wns nnd I did not think ho hnd as great Influonco na ho thought ho had. I did not take hlm so sorlously as ha did hlmsolf," said Fornkor. In contrast to thoso who linvo de nounced Mulhnll as a liar, Forakor amused his hearers by tho calm way ho talked of MulhaH's deslro to ap pear with prominent men, talk wltfa them and report what ho thought thoy thought to his employers. LANE IN MONTANA. Secretary Hub Not Yet Flvecl Oregon nnd Wellington Dates. IDj AuocUttd TrtJt to Coot Djr Timet.) GREAT FALLS, Mont., Aug. C -Secretary of tho Interior Lano lort hero this morning for an Inspection trip over tho Sun Rlvor Reclamation project. He will return tonight. Uo has not yet fixed his Oregon ancS Washington dates. . Through AUTOS DIRECT1 to ROSEBURG In 8 hours, CON NEOTING with NOON train to PORTLAND, Tlcketa "The Owl, op posite Chandler Hotel. J. HOMER FRITCH of San Francisco who has been conferring wltlfc flarshflold capitalists about build ing a now steamer for tho Cooa Ban San Francisco run loft toda-y for Portland, Through AUTOS DIRECT' X& ROSEBURG In. 8 hours, CO?T NEOTING with NOON train ' to PORTLAND. Tickets "The- 0vl, opr poslte Chandler Hotel..