awsawpfrttflito' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1913- EVENING EDITION KIW DEAL STRAIGHT FORWARD FACTS ABOUT THIS NINTH SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SAIf R '' - i I kSu. t nif"i f r .. BANDON WINS MSI LEPt BOTH HIES BASE8ALUSC0RE Defeats Marshfield Twelve to Four and Coquille Nine to Five North Bend Beaten. Twulve to four tells the story of Mnralillold'H kiuiio with Uniitlon yes terday afternoon, Hedllllon'H pennnnt wlnnero hnvltiK the long end of the score. It wob nrsi reported mni uio Bcorc woo nine to four but dipt. Frcumun of Marshfleld Btnted today thnt It wnii twelve to four. Mnrahlluld simply had nn off dny, ragged plnylnj; resulting In the Mb gcorc. Uniidun scored one In the second, four In tho fifth nnd tho bnl nnrc In tho eighth. I'erkiiiB had nn off day and Mlku Ilurke the worst he has had this season. It was really n comedy of errors. Bnndon nlso defeated Cotiulllo nine to Jive. Collier twirled live In- nlngs nnd Harry OerdliiK llnlshed. Coiillle also did some ragged work. Mello pitched both games for llnn don and was hit pretty liberally but lie was given good support. xoimi fiKxi) iu:.ti:x Myrtle Point Takes (I'linic by Score of Knur to Olio Sunday. Myrtle Point defeated North Ilend nt Myrtle Point Yesterday by n score of four to one. Myrtle Point scored three In the llrst limine and one In the second, having landed on Os borne pretty freely. After that ho tightened up and they didn't have a how to scoro. Cooper pitched n good game for Myrtlu Point. There wis n small crowd out, tho gate re ceipts being only about $25. l-'INISllllV A'MAK B. P. to Opciutc Coin Hay I.luo us I'm1 as Acme Then. The ICugene Heglster says: "TrnliiB from Kugene to tidewater over tho Wlllomottc-Puclllc. by ChrlstmaH Ik not only possible but probable, ac cording to the present expectations of tho cent meters nnd engineers. Passenger tralllc to Acme will prob ably not be opened until after the llrst of the year, hut freight service for carload lots H expected during 1013. This prediction by tho engi neers, however, lH based upon ordl- linry conditions, without unforseen delay, '"It In not safe to make de'llnlle predictions, because of the uncer tainty of railroad building." stated Assistant Knglneer It. Fountnlno, but It Is unite piobuble that we can bo operating trains to tidewater to '"Twoby Mi-others will complete handle carload freight by Christmas, their contract sometime n October. The grade Is complete as far as the tunnel, and we hIiiiII be ready lo lay the rails Into tho tunnel tho moment it Is completed. Porter Druthers lmve virtually completed the grade to Acme, but rails will bo laid short ly. "'Of Kiurse we ciinnot operate trnlns until the rails are Imlunted. but uiiiiiHiuiK win 1,,'nin within a few Gt .519 r8 .517 uG .508 03 .1S8 CI .4S0 00 .403 Portland Breaks Even in Double-Header at Los Angeles Sunday Other Games; I COAST I.K.MJl'i: STA.VIMNOS. Won Lost P.C. ! Portland 02 I.os Angeles ... .02 Sacramento S i Venice CO Oakland 51) I Sail Kranclsco . . .57 (llr AhckUIcI I'mi to Coat IUr Tlme.) PORTLAND, Or., Aug. 4. Port land won one and lost one In the double-header nt I.os Angeles yes terday. San Francisco and Oak land played rather a remnrknblo game In the morning, Onkland mak ing neither n hit, error or run. The scores. At San Francisco It. II. K. Oakland 0 0 0 San Francisco l 0 1 (Second Onmo.) Oakland San Francisco At Sacrnniento Sacramento Venice (Second Game.) Sacramento Venice At I.oh Angeles i I.os Angeles Portland (Second finnie.) I.os Angeles Bin 2 Portland m 17 0 Satiiiihiy's (iiuni's. At Sap Francisco It. 1 1. K, Oakland 2 fi 1 San Francisco 111 1 At Sacramento It. II. K, Sacramento ;i s 0 Venice r, 10 1 At I.os Angeles it. n. k. I.os Angeles Portland , . . 1 I S 2 2 r. 1 It. II. K. I 11 3 3 0 1 3 0 0 2 Ii 1 It. II. K. 3 r 0 2 S 1 1 Judge Watters Confers With, J Judge Harris Waite As signs to English Company. Judge V. K. Watters. of North Dcnd. who was recently appointed receiver for Major I. 13. Kinney nnd his companions, has gone to Kugene, to confer with Judge L. T. Harris about the matter before Inking up his new duties. He will probably return the Inst of the week. Major Kinney, who wob In Marsh field today on business, stated that he had not yet received any word from Judge llronniigh as to what the latter had accomplished on his London trip. He nnd not been ap prised authoritatively iib to whether Judge Uroiinugh lind reached Port land yet. Yesterday he received word that Frank 11. Walte had assigned all his notes nnd claims to the Ualfour Outlirlu Company. Tho latter Is an English concern which operates In shipping, real estate and other big properties, handling Fngllsh nnd Scottish capital. Just what the new move menus, Major Kinney is not certain, except thnt he suys they have been trying to harass him about It. Some time ngo Mr. Walte wanted to tnko over all of tho Kinney prop erties ntul whether the Wllscy denl wiib to permit Mr. Wnlto to do so. Mr. Kinney Is pondering. However, no snys tho Wllscy deal Is nil off. He has replied to propositions from Portland thnt ho will consider any now offer thnt Judge llronniigh or tho syndicate hns to make, pro viding they como hero to ninko It. lie said ho understood that Frank Wnite nnd Judge llronniigh nnd pos sibly others would bu here some time this week. lie Bays ho will not consider any thing Ichb thnn $000,000 for the property now. Ho snys it Ib renlly worth a million nnd thnt In another year It can ho sold for thnt enslly. He Htntcd further that his appli cation for thn appointment of n re ceiver for his properties wob to clear up thu old inlxup about the John K. Kollock trusteeship. Kol lock wnB nctlng ns trusteo for tho defunct Title Ounrnnteo &. Trust Company of Portland ami could not retire, hut now will bo nblo to turn 0 .it over to Judgo Walters iib receiver. 3 Every claim made about it, from tho outset, is more than substantiated in tho merchandise, the assortments, the values, , ,,,,,. f ,. i There is nothing about any of tins clothing that wo would not tell about, in print, or over the counter, Comparison is the sure tost of value, It always emphas izes genuineness, Combine, our regular saving to you plus discounts we give you at this Clearance Sale, Then compare, "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing and Shoe Myrle Point -Three Stores:-MARSHFIELD Co, Bandon ' ! MB IIKIih I.OAXF.D .AIOXKV. Former Coos Uny Man Accused of Furnishing Funds I'm- I'riiuil. A Portlnnd paper sayB: "All the testimony In the ense of the (inveru iiient against tho Hewitt Laud Com pany was presented before Steve Hrodlo, exninlner for tho Federal District Court yesterday. The tes timony now will go to thu Court for consideration. "This suit was Instituted by the Government to gain title to 20 tim ber clnlniB in linker County, which, the (loverninent conteiidB, came In to possession of tho defendant cor poration through fraudulent' menus. "The (loverninent holds thnt the 20 entrynieu were loaned thu money with which to prove up by Seymour II. Doll, who, In turn, had procured tho money from the Hewitt Laud Company." mvhtm: point wfddixcs. Mis Doris (1. Lehiiherr, daughter o .Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lehnherr, was united In marriage at high noon Wednesday nt her homo on Florin Creek, to W. II. Tregown. Itov. Thonins llnrklow offlclntlug. Mr. 1 Tregown Is ono of Smith-Powers' ' foremen. The young couple will make their homo In Myrtle Point. I). X. Me.Valr has received an ap pointment from the (loverninent nH a fire patrolman In the t'iiipinu forest reserve above Allegany. lie, left for his new field of Inborn thin morning, via Couulllo. lie wiih ac companied by Miss .Myrtle h'ndlcott and the young couple will ho mar ried at Coquille today. They will reside during the balance of the summer on Mr. .Mc.ViiIi-'h homestead, oIiihhoh at the 1'iilvcrnlty, Jiu' which Is near the forest no ih to .is a rootimll mar of wliom tin1 guard. Mrytlo Point enterprise. Ih Jiwtly proud u0 won a. J proniiiition contest lield ji city in 1011 and won hlriij nt the Htnto Intcr-ralleglittcl held In tlilH city In March fl present year." noir wox ins WAl Tho Salem Statesman ,. tho following concerning t, known Mnrslilleld High Schoolr linti'u uinrb nt UMIi ' """ iiiiiincut u- BlIJ 1 "Krle Holt, f Mnrshfleld, J wiiiuiiiuuoH nest oratori, I(.. who payH his own exneniH H Holt worked In Ilnrncs' CnSf iiibi winter ntul also attwJdj POUT LA XI) ItATIIKIt HOI .Meicury at lH ill I P. M. W111111 All livening. POUTLA.NI). Or., Aug L Only seven tluu'H since tin, local weather bureau records have been kept, dnt-. lug back to 1ST I. hns lr been hot ter than last Friday. The tempera ture wiib OS degrees lit -I p. in., nnd remained about 00 well into tho night. Frlday'H maximum wiih hut four degrees under the extreme high , record, which Ib 102, only July 23, 1S91. Try The Times Want AiIh. SFXH.W SCHOOL l'lCMcl The Presbyterian Sundy I will lnivo ItH Annual l'lmlcal. dny, August 7th, at Cliarlti!' Steamer Alert will leave it I) All ineinberH nnd their frlendir vlted. lloiiud trip foradultil C0MMITTH Ilnvo your Job prlntlnj bl Tho TlinoH offlco. SO.MI-: IIOOSTKItS. The Coipillln'SimFlliel. Mr. Wels tor, offlclnl photographer for the Southern Pacific, .Mr. .Motley, sec retary of tho Marshlleld Clininber of Commerce, and M. J. Hartson. of this city, while In tho Full-view Valley 011 Wednesday, made a find thnt wnB not only pleasing to thei (iiuii.. ....,, 1..., ... .1. f 1 BUILDNG i 15 B photo urtlst. hut to the nppetlte of the trio. Xear James HntcherV place a party of younK Indies hud a plcnle dinner spread '"In n grove on the river bank, and when the nulo reached this point It suddenly bucked. The result wns that the parly or the firm pnrt wns photo-Ki-nplied, while the pnrty of the second part enjoyed Imiiiiiirnl supply of kooiIIoh. Mr. Welster saH that pliture beats nny of the twenty other h0 took In the vnl-ley.--Coiiillle Hernld. AT TIIK .MASONIC. :: ..' .i' -""- w ..uxr,na,sri,f "Z month to IIuIhIi after the liiylnK of me steel. "The most uncertain factor to op onlng tho lino to tldewutei by t,H lime Is the construction of the bridg es. There are twenty-four steel bridges to be erected between heie nnd Acme. All of these are from 100 to -tOO feet long. We are innk. Ing every effort to rush the wfeel won; 011 these structures, nnd hnv running falsework on all tho brl 1....... 1. ...1 1.. .....- t- mm in .uarsuiieiii ror many a day will open at the Mnsonlc ('pern House this evening for a week's eiiKiigeineul. Tim nttrac Mon Is the Manlou-Clanian Plavers a compaii) of ten people, paid to he one of the stroiiKest htock com pnules on the road today. This company 1ms been In California for mi' ,nBi junr. The opening play will he the four art comedy drama. "The False Con- hnve A'sslou," with special scenerv. olali ilvr.ii f it' costumes and an excellent m, this side of tho tuniie', nnd Inrue! ,','ll,"riu'lV,l'.fl,1 Kvlx n,K,,t W,r fore. f , lmvo m.nll. XSrL" on the brldgoB lioyoml. f Juilkllitf frnni thu immha. t .... "The new railroad contains nn nn-' ''"is cumlint In for reserved .-"eats usual number of bridge between Fe gene nnd Acme, it creeses the Slus Inw six times, and Wildcat civck fcoven tliueo. The list of brldgos lu order rroni Kubciio is: one over Coyote Cioek, lour ovei Long Toni the Masonic Opera House will t,J tilled to Its capacity at the opening pet roriiunce tonljht. The California ppvs nnd niblle l.'ive been loud in tholr praise, iioth as to the excellence of their plays int. 1 .... t. tin. .- . :;.;: PM.:.'iwoo4or!fMi-iM'! ? w m win. .. 8CV0" vor 1 ' Play Is presented. " v,v"'h- B'x over the SluMnw. niut fvM 1 ..1.,. ,1. - ; Vl ""ft vreeic, lour over the 'ong 10111, on,. s ,i,e drawb.ldKe " ""line win nut li The Manloii-Claiunu Plavere nro Prosontlim their perforiuances in n novel and unique nmnni.r. Thei Permits for Construction Is sued Duriiui July Total About 320,000. The building ponnltB Issued dur ing the month of July In .Marshlleld show that the building operations started during the mouth totalled In com something over $20,000. nc- rordliiK to the monthly report of IlullilliiK Inspector Trlbbey. Tho following Is the report, most or which were Issued In the iinino of the contractor during the work: J. F. Telander. Cnstlcwood snloon at 371 Front street Xorth, for Chas. Thorn. City of Mnrshfleld to erect- wnre. house 011 Fourth streot South. C O. (losney to erect building on lots 12 nnd 13, block 20. It. n Addition. Lee Ilackninn to erect bulldlnu on lot 3, block I). Western Addition. iiiiiTis a: i.niiii to eroct two bull.1- mgs on lot S, block 51, Clemoiit riatt. for A. O. Uogors C. O. Gosney to erect building on lot 10. block It. Western Addition. J. F. Telander to erect store building on lot S. block 12, halls Piatt. John Johnson to erect warehouse nt fi.",2 Xorth First street. J. F. Telnndei- miiiitinnni . ,. on High School, estimate $3200. Other permits for minor repairs """S" i"u louu estliunto to $20,000 W.Ut IX VK.VK.i'Kfa. Great Furniture Values! That is always the object and aim of the Going & Harvty store. Our prices are always made with the desire to give tk customer the greatest possible value whether the article 15 marked $L50 or $50.00. You have but to look through this store to realize this fully. Everyone is invited to look and examine Going & Harvey goods, and no one is urged to buy. Just Now It Is Summer Goods PORCH FUR.NITURE, TENTS, HAMMOCKS, CAMP COOKING UTENSILS Aiiny or VeteiMiih Heglu Campaign Again t CnMi-o. Wr Xwoi-UIM Trtu (o Coo. u,y Tlraw.) CAHACAS. Aug 3..n rmy of voternns nnd some thousands of t' ruiUMiitt i :ir n-nfLim. ttt.i. i... ... fuuntu well along ,oa,dsp, mg. the loading local rt , '" be'"B moblllzi''l "t the "Twohy i,rot,lm l,ri,,,or1,0. Lc .JVk. to the r m,u "" f MnrRl,n,' f,f,y ,uIIe8 8a'"- tween Bge0 nMd 0 Xo ,uno, or, tlel. P . cl a. wm l' f h - Their forces ex- h.tlUcirorK.llib.ntoh.d the,, 111?, " Cr Bnd t1'1 t Ju October, under the nre.,,,, ...,i. .. ..... ."" ,l1 hMt -stro. Thoy will r0nnn,i n,- tlOII8, aud nro now Tho head. n ,, ;;.;-:?': . "." "u"8" ma uo Vtwnnd. " r" "" -"'v-uioi uno miiu ivd and flfK- f .i, "now :z: ,!!!!rt wrnv .d-uw-ix each other The mi uZT Tk' f' Meh "' ' ,, inouitu through solid, mhwluii without ineicliants tlrfcots Is 76 cants. ineicants tlckota 111 tivn illflclfiiK i... i.. . . , ' o, uy uiim niui sen. Anothor nrmy is behm nssombled "t HarquHiiwto. to cut off Castro's Mttipo Into tho Interior. President Oumm will ueisonnlly coniinaiul the troops attacking Coro. Anything m this line for a camping oartv or a suH home you will find here, and remember "We Sell It for Less" GOING , HARVEY CO COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS WORTH FRONT STREET, MARSHFIELD At A8I le iter Moii jni rixi ci IRA fESV