THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1913 EVENING EDITION. Ono reason why the men In this town look so prosperous Is that most of them uro wearing Hart Schaffnor & Mnrx clothes. At least that Is what tliey say at Tin-: woolen mill stow:. Appnrcl Specialists for Men nnd Roys. Card of Acknowledgment "Wo desire to publicly acknowledge our gratitude and thanks to the people who by their generoiiB assistance and displays of flowers made the flrst floral exhibit on Coos Hay such a glor ious success. Next year wo expect to start earlier and with a larger number of prizes nmko another showing of which wo may all bo proud. Again we thank you nil. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER." THE REXALL STORE MAIN 298 AUlST TIDKS. Uolow Is given the time and height of high nnd low wator at Mnrshflcld. Tho tides nro placed In tho order of occurrence, with, their times on th first line nnd heights on the second lino of each day; a compar ison on con ecutlvo heights will iudlcato whether It Is high or low wator. For high wator on tho bar , 3.31 9.53 4.35 10.07 0.7 10.35 0.1 11.15 0.0 11.58 0.0 Inches In circumference. A sprig containing threo berries this size Is on exhibit In tho Busy Corner window. Who can beat It? Miuiy Deer. A. O. KJolland of Kontuek Inlet was a Mnrshflcld visi tor Saturdny. Ho reports that there nro (ltilto a few deer In tho hills near Kentuck Inlet. Ill's. Ft.., Hrs. Ft.., lira. Ft.., lira. Ft.., 0.G 4.21 0.4 5.13 9.9 0.10 5.3 5.S 5. 10 0.0 5.5S 5.3 0.11 CO 1.1 10.59 0.9 11.51 0.8 0.0 0.0 v , I WEATHER FORECAST. I tlljr Auoclalcil 1'rrn to Cool Ilir Tlmei. I OREGON Fair, northwester- ly winds. PHONE US LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 2 1 hours ending at 1:13 n. m., August 4, by BonJ. Ostllnd. speclnl Government tnc terologlst. Mnxlmuni G7 Minimum 58 At 4:43 a. m 58 Precipitation 01 I Prccluttatlon slnco Sept. 1. l'Jiz 04.85 Proclpltntlon snmo porlod last year G1.23 Wind: Northwest, cloudy. Return to liny. Amo Merccn nnd Vernon Smith returned horo. yestor day on tho Adellno Smith. Mr. Smith wus not accompanied by his bride. Will Build. Hubo Lyons, of North Inlet, has purchnBed n halt block In Fcmdnle, near the T. H. Bnrry residence, from Henry Songs tacken and will erect a homo there. He plans to move to town so that his children can attend school here. Plan Dunce. Iho North Inlet peoplo are arranging to give a dnuco at the North Inlet pavilion next Sat urday night nnd will have tho launch Cooston make a special trip from Marshllold and North Bend to nccom odnte tho peoplo from the Bay who wjsh to attend. Plan Picnics. Rev. Father A. Munro has arranged for n picnic of tho congregation of tho Mnrsh ileld Catholic Church at Chnrlston Bay next Sunday. A number of boats have been chartored for the trip. Tho Socialists aro planning a big picnic a week from Stindny which will probably bo held at North Bend. M W .Ships Lumber. D. D. Pierce, of tho Coqulllo Mill and Mercantile Company, returned to Coqulllo Sat urday after having supervised the loading of a big shipment of lum ber from his mill on tho stenmer Hardy. Although tho lumber mnr kot Is not good, hoiiio contracts nnd the local demand at Coqulllo Is giv ing them a good business. Imvhc Blackberries. Mrs. Funnlo Hazard has some champion black berries growing In her gnrden thnt measures two Inches long and threo 'HEN YOUJCOME FOR YOUR MEXT SUIT ASK SPECIALLV TO SEE Till: Underfill Values Wc Offer at $18, $20 and $22 If you me extraordinarily particular about jour iIivm ami wish to M'cui rich ami exclusive murics or foreign muiiiirneture, you will lie greatly Mii-prlscd to m' what you can buy for (lie moderate price of -" to J?:I5. TODD, The Tailor and Dress Expert U7H FRONT STREET UPSTAIRS. WANT ADS. FOR SALE Clean thoroughly dried wild duck feathers, 50c. per pound; lenvo ticks to be tilled nt Palace Meat Morkot. FOR RENT Sunny furnish ed npnrtmeut. Call Nasburg'u Groc ery. l'Olt RENT A plensr.nt front room nt 219 South Broadway. Chimney .Sweep Hack. Ccorgo Stough, tho well-known old man chimney sweep who has boon com ing to Coos Bay for many years, but has not been here for n couple of years, writes Tho Times from Myrtle Point that he will be In .Mnrshflcld In a fow dnys. Since his litHt visit It was roportcd that ho was dead, hut his lottcr proves ho Is very much nllve. ORPHEUM TONIGHT LOVED BY MAORI CHIEFTESS A two-reel special font uro, giv ing a story of tho savago people of New Zealand, which fllnw shows love nnd war In their fiercest moments. IISS ADA MILLER will sing "HAVANA." IOSKS OF YESTERDAY Sollg. A song of Love and Sweet Mem- morlcs. CITID THBOl'OII TIIK KEY HOLE Vltngrnph, featuring Kate Price and William Shcn. ADMISSION TEN CENTS. ItlIZ KfAIP fiiMMl clothes In our own bhop. lYYL IVIrtllL You can watch us make theiu. Wo have the latest patterns In Imported and domestic woolens. ILATI'ST STYLES. REASONABLE PRICES. k Take Orders for Suits lade By ed. v. price & CO. They hnvo a splendid lino of woolons to soleft from. SI' ITS FROM $18.00 TO $10.00. Tailor-made, tallor-iueasureil, and your money' worth guaranteed by NORIS JENSEN, S l'Olt SALE oil TRADE 11)1:! In dian Motorcycle, I li. p., for launch. P. O. Box 517, City. WANT HI) (Jlrl for general house work. Apply Mrs. W. N. Ekblad. CRANBERRY MAItSH FOR SALIC One-half inllo from North Slough boat landing and quartor-mllo from It. It. dopnt; 1G0 acres, 40 ncres nvnllablo for crnnborry marsh, 0 acres planted, 2 ncres producing cranborrlos, I acres will bo benrlng by nnnthor yonr. Crop this year will bring 700. Tho mnrsh Is planted with tho finest Jumbo varlotles from Wis consin. Address or call on It. Lyon, North Bend, Or. .Meets Old Friends. .las. Watt Saturdny met an old-tlmo friend from Salem, Oregon. Ho wns Win. Solgmund, who, with his family and his hrnthor-ln-lnw, Mr. Barzce, nnd tho hitter's family, drove to North Bend In covered wagons. They have disposed of tholr bust-' ucbs In Salem and plan to locate Mere. It has been ten years slnco Mr. Watt nnd Mr. Solgmund met. Combs Escapes Itablcs. C. N. Combs, operator at tho Capo Blanco wireless station, was In Coqulllo Tuesday on his way homo from Portlnnd whither ho wont to con sult tho Stato Board of Health. Mr. Combs was bitten on tho hnud by n dog, nnd fenrlng rabies hurried to tho Oregon metropolis for med ical trentment, which wns, howovor, found unnecessary. Coqulllo Senti- nol. Steamer in From Portland Ear ly Today Brings Railway Material Next Trip. Tho Breakwater arrived In from Portland this morning with a good cargo and a large passenger list. Sho did not bring tho railroad construc tion matorlal owing to the S. P. Brldgo In Portland being out of com mission and not permitting them to get tho stuff to tho Breakwater dock. Sho will bring It next trip. Tho following Is a list of passen gers arriving today on the Break water: Daley Wardlo. Mrs. Del Valle, C. C. Miller, T. B. James, Mrs. James, Laura James, J. M. Hoff, Mrs. Bel gium, W. 12. McClellan, Mrs. Son fuse, W. F. Van Oaston, Mary Burke, F. Burke, Miss McNnry, Miss Dyer, Miss Illnton, Miss Follrlck, H. Brltt, Q. E. Robinson, H. Lyon, Mrs. Bubworth, Mrs. Brltt, Jno. Groncuopudns, Mrs. Luther, N. J. Bnlley, A. E. Datln, W. H. William son, Ernest Williamson, II. Bovlll, I. Bovlll, Miss Howell, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Bryant, C. M. Bryant, C. F. Passlg, Mrs. Knight, Fred Knight, Mnry Buergel, Annie Gibson, King Cole, Wm. Mlllor, E. Miller, P. Smith, Ivan Smith, Dr. D. T. Jay, Ernest Watson, C. W. Knight, Mr. McDanlels, L. Jorey, Mrs. Joroy, Miss Flucklngor, Mrs. Olson, Mrs. FrendonP, Fnyoo Frandono, Mrs. A. Dletz, Lula Goodman, Mrs. W. It. Miller, Mrs. Goodman, Mr. Flynn, Mr. McAllister, Mi's. Clonahuo, Mrs. Barrett, W. L. Barrott, E. A. Meyor, W. Carey, A. II. Cravor, F. T. Lond, L. W. Eldormnn, Mrs. Grimes, Mrs. Boggs, Evolyn Hoggs, Mrs. Brodt, N. A. Leach, T. RubboII, J. I.'onla8, W. Herhor, P. II. StovchciiB; A. Lothnian; W. Lyons, H. Wnllln, Mrs. G. Johnson, II. E. Gamhlo, J. W. Lelghton, Carl Bloomqulsr, M. I'cter. ditlon nnd dancing wns about tho only diversion nfforded. Tho crowd and ho in u of tho members of the Suoml Society woro very wroth ovor the 'largo number who Insisted (in "ragging" and they could not stop them. PERSONAL NOTES AL NICHOLS nnd family, of Empire, were Marshfleld visitors todny. FltED KRUSE and wlfo havo rc turned from a short stay at his ranch near Bridge. MRS. PLANK, of Washington, 19 spending the summer at tho homo of l.or daughter, Mrs. D. A. Curry. NEIL H. M'MILLAN, of tho Union Meat Company left yesterday fof a trip to Coqulllo Valley points and will nlso make Langlols, Port Orford nnd other Curry County points. A. N. SUMNER, ono of .tho pioneers of Bnndon, and father of Mllo D. and Assistant Postmaster Frank Sumnor arrived In the city today for a few days visit at the home of his sons. MRS. J. E. WALLING and sod, John, will lenvo this week for Portland to visit relatives. Mr. Walling will accompany them and look after matters connected with his proposed brickyard on Isth mus Inlet. . MISS LILLIAN McNAItY, for ten years superintendent of tho Salem Hospital, and her niece, Miss Eliza both Dyer, arrived hero today from Salem to visit at tho homo of Sen ator I. S. Smith. Miss McNary Is a sister of Mrs. Smith. ARCHIE JOHNSTON, representative of the Pnclflc Hnrdwnro Company, hns had Eugene, Rosoburg and Modford and Intervening torrltory ndded to his present torrltory and will soon lcavo on his first trip over tho new district. 505 Front street. Mnrshftold, Orogon. Good work in everything pertaining to tailoring. WANTED.-llbrary. An apprentice at tho FOB KENT House, thirteen rooms and bath. 230 Market street W. I. S. Kaufmnn & Co. STHAVED from my place on Coos Ulvor, n black yearling Holstoln bull. Notify T. A. Freeso. FOUND Skiff adrift. Owner can locato samo by calling nt Times offlco and paying for this nd. WANTED Positions us cooks In logging camp, by man nnd wlfo. Phono 110-J. WANTED Competent girl for gen oral housework. Call with rofor ences. 320 South Second streot. FOB SALE Thoroughbred Bed Unv eil Alrdalo Terriers. Best varmint and watch dog on earth. Fomales $15, males $20, or $35 for a pair. Inqulro of W. F. Town, In Old Town, North Bond, Or. ie ivoyai TONIGHT OVERLAND KOMKDV CO. (class Vnudevlllo Entertainers. IJack and j)Mo Vnllmore. i ciassy show for any class, 'repertoire of musical rnmoHv. Pbiglug, trick piano playing aud burlesque acts, ot fall to f,e Jack mid Dixie, couple that put the laughs In laughter. Teat mimic and a clever girl. LESLIE 1)13 LEON, the flexible gymnast. of the best contortionists on E the stage, No feet of all new pictures. Admission: floor, 15c. Balcony, 10c. Old Man Chimney Sweep will bo In Marshfleld In a fow days. All chimneys cleaned and examined for defects. Kindly leave orders at Blanco Cigar Store at once. GEORGE STOUGH PHONE 158-R i TEN-CENT Messenger Service MARSHFIELD OVOLERY. Havo your Job printing done at The Times office. FOR KENT Furnished 7-room hoiiBo on S, 5th st. Phono 282-J. WANTED Second-hand tent, not smaller than 12x14 ft. Phono 133. WANTED ALL kinds of hauling. Phono 3151. FOB SALE 2.hurner "IiiMiranco" gasoline stove; good condition. Inquire Times office. Enjoy Outing. A. Hansen took a merry party of South Marshllold people to Shore Acres In his auto truck yestordny. They had a do llghtful tlmo, visiting tho beach points nnd tho llghtnouso. Among those In the pnrty wero Mr. and Mrs. Pctor Dolnn, Mrs. A. Blanchflold, Ed Mitchell, A. E. Glossop and fam ily, A. O. Unas and family, Mrs. Win. Escott, Jeanetto nnd Sarah Escott. Much Ragging. The Suoml So ciety's nnnunl picnic nt Enogron's Grovo yestordny did not draw as large an attondanco as InBt year. Owing to tho wet weather, tho grounds woro not in very good con- FOH RENT In West Marshfleld ; 4-room furnished houso. Phono 174-X. FOB SALE Thoroughbred Spitz pups. Phone 1453, North Bond. FOR RENT Six-room modem house on Central avonuo. In quire E, A, Anderson. Phone 252-L. BUSINESS CHANCES If you are looking for. a business of any kind It will pay you to seo Mc Millan. Coos Bay Realty Co., 150 Front street. FOR RENT OR SALE Two houses, 7 rooms and 4 rooms on Eastslde. Apply Henry Black, Phone 150-J. Men, Don't Overlook a Good Thing Wo can actually savo you 81.00 to on a hat. Wo will contlnuo our HAT SALE for a fow days longer, offering Your Choice of Any Hat in the Store Regularly selling for $2.50 and $:i.SO for only $1.50 This embraces our famous THOROUGHBRED and STETSON HATS. THE BAZAR Phone 32. House of Quality. Buys IaiIn. Pctor Mlrrasoul has purchased a lot and n half on the Commercial avonuo hill, Just east or his home, from Mr. Humphreys, for whom I. S. Smith wns tho locnl agent. Tho property hns sixty feet of froutnge on Commercial and la 120 foot dcop nnd tho prlco was $1."00. Mr. Mlrrasoul Is clearing It and will ndd It to tho fino flower nnd vogotnblo garden ho has nround his homo. Ho Is nlso arranging tn terraco the frontage of his property on Commercial nnd Fourteenth nnd will hnvo ono of tho most sightly homes In West Mnrshflcld. MILTON SCHULTZ, Editor of tho Enterprise, Myrtle Point, C. E. Mills of Coqulllo and Mr. Mills of Bnndon constituted n delegation from tho Coqulllo Vnlloy to In spect tho lnrgo now sign that has boen erected li) tho Vnlloy towns across tho Bay. FRED WEAVER nnd wlfo nnd hnbj Miss Mllllo Mcintosh nnd Vivian Carlson, loft today for tho Alfred Storn rnnch nbovo Allegany, whore thoy will enjoy n two weoks' outing. Fred was nil pre pared to take tho deer thnt Mr. Stora had staked out for him. Make Big Success. F. L. lions ley nnd E. W. Smith, two formor woll-known Coos Bny young men, hnvo won now honors In tho lum ber business. Mr. Smith Is tho son of Lovl Smith nnd Is woll known on tho Bny. They nro now with tho Lnrsen Lumbor Company, which operates tho big Blodol Don ovan mills In Washington. Mr. llnusloy has been advanced to log ging superintendent of tho company and E. W. Smith hns succeeded him ns foromnu of tho Alger enmp, ono of tho most up-to-dnto and, modern' logging camps In tho country. Tho American Lumbormnn, of Chicago, devotes sovornl pnges to n wrltoup of tho company nnd Its men, with pictures of tho offlcors, Including tho two formor Coos Day men, nnd the plants, "KINO COLE" IN TOWN. "Merry Old Soul" Arrives mi Coos Bay on ."Mission of Merriment. "King Colo Is n morry old soul; A morry old soul Is ho; Ho called for cigars and ho called for n bowl, And ho called for Integrldads threo." Modom Vorslon. "King" Colo, of Portland, arrived on Coos Bay on a combined mission of morrlment and business. Ho Is also an old friend of J. W. Hllden brnnd, but It Is hard to believe tnat "Hlldo" Is his frlond accord ing to somo of tho stories ho tells. "Hlldo" says he has known King Colo for twenty years and novor know him to tell tho .truth. Colo says "luiao" woman t Know tno truth If ho heard It. "Hllde" says ho Isn't a king at all, but that's Just his name. Colo wears an Elks' tooth that Is tho largest tooth ever taken from a bull Elk In or out of captivity. He represents La Integ- rldad cigars but that's only a sldo line. Ills main line Is fun, fast and' furious, and ho always has his sam ples with him. S. P. KELLER, wlfo and baby, pass ed through hero on routo to Port land aftor spondlng tho summer nt Marshfleld. At tho latter city Mr. Kollor played third baso on tho hall team. Mr. Kollor Is said to bo thcro when It comes to playing ball, and his doparturo for Portland Is rogrottcd by tho Coos County Fans. Rosoburg News. L. W. ELLMAN arrived horo today from Portlnnd. Ho recently enmo north from Panama "whore ho was omployod for G yonrs on tho Pana ma Canal work. About 20,000 em ployees woro rolcascd Juno 1 and 10,000 moro on tho llrst of July, tho cnnnl work bolng nearly com pleted. Mr. Ellmnn had hoard much of Coos Bay and wants to locnto hero nnd says thnt If condi tions nro favorablo, he will bring sovernl others to tho Bay from Pa-nnnin. AVIATOR IS BURNED. Oil Tank Exploded by Sudden Landing. Or AiiocltUJ rrni to Cooa nr Tlmfi.) BERLIN. Aug. 4. An nvlatlon pupil, named Brokes, died horo to day of buniB received yesterday when the fuol tank of his aeroplane exploded aftor an abrupt landing at tho Johannlsthal nrcodrome. If you havo anything to sell, rent, trado, or want help, try a Want Ad In Tho Times. Try Tho Times Want Ads. Our Name Our Guarantee When our namo Is placed upon any bottlo ot medlclno, It repre sents our guaranteo of purity, strength, quality and efficiency. On prescriptions, It ropresonts 'tho purest, highest and full strength lugrodlouts compounded with skill, accurracy nnd des patch. On ready-mado modlclnes, It ropresonts all of tho nbovo and a guaranteo that you aro getting tho benefit ot tho latest scientific discoveries, and tho nowost com binations of drugs that will se en ro results. Bring your doctor's prescrip tions to us or let us fill your special receipts. ngrinMTMirireii nncn SHM