THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1913 EVENING EDITION. News f Nearby Town; r X i:vs of coquille. ii i 'Hm TIlllCB.) MQUILLB, Or., Aug. 4. II. L. . .... unrimimv ii ii 1 1. uuowuj n limb from n trco lie wna fnll- ' nt AHBOn'H Cttllll) near v.u- He but Is Blowly Improving. Dr. liniond Is attending him timl tlio dnesH of tho many menus is atly iiiuircclotud by Mr. Qroff I, HaBkltiB tins n now Ilupinobllo la ready to laKO imonuiiKUtn iu Snarls ot tliu country. J. Stinnett mm iiu, in v... Wuro vlBltorH to Coiiulllo over urday. tedlng, a buckor, or AnBcn'H mint . unritlllMil lllH nilklo lllBt ik but 1b nblo to movo nround crutches. Rov. Clarke and who are leaving t'llllllBylVallia. muy imvu iimr i .n i rif ulelniimn HlllCO flMIIIMIUI luiii." r arrival In Conditio. Mr. Clark bo greatly missou uy mo mom- 0f tbo MotnouiBC vjiinrcii. UI,LlNGS OF COOWLLE. County Kent News as Told by 'Flio Sentinel. r. H. Coloman, wlio mnkes IiIh ,, witli Jolm Yoiikum, Ih recov- j from Injuries received wlillo kinir Hob In Conloguo Hrotnors immii on tbo rlvor. Wlillo using itcel wedge a splinter from tbo Lenient Btriick him In tbo loft id. bne McCorinlck, upon n roijiioHt Mrs. McCorinlck, of icivorton, iluiilcd Couullle booze, and all it saloons woro ordered to tie tried ttiat he hud been placed the Mack llHt. 'hero will bo a big pnskot picnic noinilll.i on Thursday. August M. fen several bfmdred farmerH nnd Br families will colobrnto tbo an- brny of tho Farmers' Union or- clullon in Coon County. Tho nr- Ih In chnrgo of Messrs. W. C. foe, O. A. Mlntoyno, Frank Ilurk- Ber, Felix Hull and II. Martlet. RANDON IIOV SCOUTS. Hike from Clly-by-thc-Sen lo Ii Rosi'Mirc. Ih the plan of tho Hoy ScoutB lllandon to Htart next .Monday rnliiK on their cross country lilko toseburg. Tbo troop will leave tilon on tbo DlHpatch, nnd will from Coqiilllo to Myrtle Point. Myrtle Point Monday evening a of the Hoy Scouts will be In the Interests ot tbo Myrtle fit Scouts. At this meeting Scout yinlufllouer Steele and Scout Man- Hartraiift of Ilnndnn, will mnko fCKBCS. lie troop will loavo llnndon fully Ippcd for their long hike. They wear tho Hcout uniforms nnd scout will carry his own enmp It. Camp will bo made on tho iqua near lloBoburg. rlct discipline will bo maintained on route nnd In camp though Iclont opportunity will bo nf- Dd tho scoutB to liavo a Jolly (icy will como bnck much oniieh- by their two weekB' outing. Ion Recorder. CLOSE- HARE OFFICE. bntniastor II. 11. Stownrt Informs Myrtlo Point Entorprlao that AugiiBt 15 tho Potsofflco nt Curry County, will bo dlscon- M. and that nfter that dato all addrcsBcd to Haro will bo lied through tbo Myrtlo I'olnt sfflco. fMILLEH'K COURTSHIP. le Coos County historian, Orvll le, Is preparing an nrtlclo on- ".loaciiilii Miller's Courtship In County." H is from data Bred from ploneors. nnd It Is n to a true historical and lu ting narratlvo and very anuis- Coqiilllo Sontlnol. EEAN "EM UP" iSHOE SALE! ps' ?3.C0 white duck, welt Pe3 at $2.n) fren's whlto duck button Pes t ?i,oo misses' and children s Jps and oxfords at cost. Elk skins, all sizes at cost. I1 Get a bargain now nt lectric Shoe Store 180 South Rroadwav. st ClassWeaving Pronmtlv dono nt f diner's Rag Carpet. Factory r-Miiau nvemio between Callfor- i mm Connecticut. l'. North Ilend, Or, MYHTliK I'OIXT I'OIXTIIHS. Xew.s or UpiHT CMiillle as Told by 'I'll ICuterpt'lsi', II. It. Starrett, who sells flour for a Portland concern, was In tho city tin- latter part of last week, accompanied by Walter S. Smith, or North Ilend, Arrangements hnvo been completed for Mr. Smith to look nfter Mr. Stnrrett'H trade In this county, llov. C. II. ltryan bns received n request Troni tb0 district superin tendent or the Mothodlst Church to take charge or tho church at Coqiilllo In connection with his work here. Tho change Is only tempor ary, duo to the IIIiiobb or Hev. Lo ltoy Clark, the Coqiilllo jmstor. While driving to his homo near Hckloy Thursday morning, H. C. Hamilton wnn thrown rrom tho wag on when his team run nwny. Tho wheels passed over his loft arm, breaking It JiiBt below the shoulder. The Salmon Mountain Coarse dnld Mining Conipnny held Its nnnunl meeting of stockholders nt Its office in this city Inst Monday and elected C. 0. Cnrtor, president; K. A. Dodgo, treasurer, and Orvll Dodge, secre tary and manager. Mrs. II. I. Wod boo nnd Percy Peel were elected vice-presidents. Victor Abo, who had ono or IiIb legs amputated at Whlto Cross hos pital a Tew weeks ago, following an accident at the railroad tunnel, Ih able to bo out again with the aid or crutches. Cooloy & Knrlolgh last weok sold the Myrtlo Point Grocery to Albert llnrklow. Tho store was closed sev eral days for Invoice, but was open ed for business again Saturday. A new mercantile concorn, the Myrtle Point Merchandise Company, has been Incorporated. Tbo Incor porators aro W. E. Pike, James Ar rington nnd 11. C. Shall. The new concern, It Is understood, will absorb the old firm known as W. E. Pike & Co. A lease bus been secured on tbo hiindy building, corner of Sixth and Spruco streets, now oc cupied by the Hub Clothing & Shoo Company. ACCIDENT AT I1AMIO.V. Deb Scott, 'IVniiiMci', 0;""' .Serious ly Crtislifil by Piling. (Special to Tlio Times.) 1IANIJ0X, Or., Aug. I. Deb Scott, n teamster engaged In haul ing piling for tbo Estnbrook Com pany, met with quite a serious ac cident here. Ho was standing on IiIh load while a Inrge piling wnB being sawed In two, when It rolled, canning him to lose his balance. Ho foil to tho wharf and tho fall lug piling caught him about six Inches nbove the knee. The flesh was terribly bruised and It was a miracle that tho bone wns not broken. He was taken to tho Eiuor genc) Hospital where Dr. Loop, attended him. KISIIEIt.MEX ATTENTION. Tbo Coos liny Ico & Cold Sto rage Conipnny will handle Chi nook Salmon nnd will pay .1 cents per pound nt their dock for nil brlg'.it tltli. MVHTI.E I'OIXT CAXXEUV. K. A. Turner, or CopnllB, Wash,, has been In this section tor sovernl weeks past and utter sizing up tho situation and talking with n largo number nt tbo vegotnblo ami fruit growers of the Mrytlo Point section has opened negotiations with the directors of tho Myrtlo Point Can ning Company, subject to the ap proval of tho stockholders, whereby bo will take over tho plant which has not been In operation this sen son, for a period o.r llvo years. A meeting or tho stockholders hns been called for August 1G to con sider Mr. Tumor's proposition. Myrtlo Point Enterprise. Just Received another shipment of the Famous Mysost and Primost Cheese Stauff Grocery Co. Phone 102 Auto Line Marshficld & North Bend Cars leavo ovcry 20 minutes from 7 n. in., to 7 p. m.; rrom 7 p. m. to 12 o'clock ovory half. Faro 10 cents ono way, round trip 25 cents. Commutation books, 20 rides, $2.00. Cars leavo Chandler Hotel, Marsh flohl and North Uend Nowb Co., In North Uend. G0RST& KING, Props. K modorn Una . uiidtng, BloctrP Light, Btoam Heat. Elegantly Furnlshod Rooms with Hot and Cold Wator. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Mctlln, Trop. Rates: SO cents a day anil upward Oor. Ilroadway anil Market New and Second Hand Furniture sold on tlio Installment plan. UAUHINGTON, DOYLE & CO., 302 Front St. Phono JtlO-L Moraliricld. Or. MERCHANTS' CARNIVAL Masonic Opera House, Marshfield Under Ihc auspices of the leudiiiy and progressive husiiiess houses of Marshfield, presenting The Manion-Claman Players IN SIX STAAWAIfl) PLAYS, WITH A DIFFERENT PLAY EACH NIGHT August 4, 5, 6,7, 8 and 9 Merchants whose names appear on this sheet, be ing thankful for the patronage of their friends in tlte past, and to show their appreciation thereof, have arranged with tlte Manion-Clanian Players to giro SIX NIGHTS of high-class entertainment at the Masonic Opera House, from Monday, August 4" to 9, presenting a different play each night, and they are giving, ABSOLUTELY FREE, an admission ticket, good for any performance, with every pur chase you make from them. By so doing, they are giving to tlio public good entertainment at free cost an entertainment that would otherwise cost you from 75 cents up. jislc for FliEE TICKETS given onlg hg the fol lowing Merchants: ' Lochhart-P arsons The Bazar Warner Grocery Go. Fourier Bros, Pioneer Grocery Go. Huh Dry Goods Go. The Toggery Safford's Gooli's Grocery Union Meat Market II. S. Tower G. W. Wolcolt S. Lando Gwl Pharmacy Goos Bay Bakery Perry & Nicholson Sumner Hardware Go. Admission without Merchant's Free Ticket 75c One Hundred and Fifty Free Seats Each Night Merchant's Ticket and 25c Secures Reserve Seat The Parisian New Store of Ladies' Children's Ready-to-Wear Garments Just opened in tho O'Conncll building, Market avenue. This will bo our temporary quarters, as wo will movo In our now storo In the now Chandler Mock about September 1st. WIS AUIO SHOWING A Ilia VAHIBTY OF LAWNS' AND MISSES' TAILOKHD SUITS, COATS, STREET AND PARTY GOWNS, at prices LESS THAN COST TO MANUFACTURE. All street nnd party kowiis are Individual In style, no two nllko, mndo especially ror THE PARISIAN. Extra Special While They Last Ono lot Ladies WAISTS $1.45, values up tn $ 4.00 Ono lot Children's DRESSES $ .(15, values up to .85 Ladles' LINEN SUITS 7.7r, values up to f 14.75 Visit tho store, as we have many other good bargains to show you; get our prices. You are welcome at all times whether you purchase or not. The Parisian O'Conncll ltnlldlng. MARSIIKIELI), OREGON. BARGAINS AND SNAPS IN Real Estate, Rentals and Insurance Korty-ncro ranch, all Improved with lino buildings, 9 good cows, good span work horses, and nil tho farming Implements, In good location on Coos River. $8G00 on easy terms. Lot 70x90 on Second street, $44dO. Mnrshtlold. Five-room house and lot, 75x100 loot, good basement, house Just built. $G25. Look this up. Ilulldlng lots In Eastsldo. $G0 and up, on easy payments. Houses to rent In Marslillcld, Eastsldo nnd Hunker Hill, at tho right prlccB. For particulars, seo WM. J. LEATON KOOM IH, KLDORADO 1ILDG., Oil PHONE SI.1-L. EANDON BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THEJFUTURE A PEW TEN ACRE TRACTS FOUR MILKS SOUTH ON COUNTY ItOAD f!W5 PER ACHE; $100 CASH, HALANCE TWO YEARS, NO INTERIM, NO TAXES, FINE SANDY LOAM, LEVEL HENCH LAND. Buy One It Will Make You Money Domialdl MacKiimtosh HEAL ESTATE and INSURANCE. Mark Twain was onco asked, "Of all your books, which do you consider tho best?" Ho promptly replied, "My bank book." Tbo mnn or woman, boy or girl, who earns somo, spends leas, nnd has a savings pass book on this bank, Is on tho road to success. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTY. Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $110,000 Interest paid on Tlino Deposits, Officers: J. W. Dennett, President. J, 11. Fluiinguu, Vice-President. It. F. WIUIuiiin, Cashier. Geo. F. Winchester, Assistant Cashier. TJIE HECORD PHOTOGRAPHING AHSTRAOT COMPANY Hate photographic copies of all records Coos County to date, abstracts of titles, present owners, or any other Information relating to real estate furnished on short notice, UU8INES8 OFFICE: 117 North Front St., Mnrshfield. Phono IBIS W. J. RUST, Manager PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY KJTR. WOLFRAM SCIIMEDDLVG, AVI (Irailiiatc of the l-lpslc Con servatory of .Music, announces that be will receive pupils for in Ntructloii In Plrcolo ami Concert Flute. Make appointments by mall or phono No. 18.-L. Residence, 237 South Hrondwny. pROF. IIARRV E. LEPPERT. Plnno nnd Harmony Studio, 137 N. Second Street. B ENJAMIN OSTLIND, Consulting Engineer nnd Architect. Phono 10.1-L Mnrshfield, Ore. JM. WRIGHT, CONTRACTOR AND UUIIilMWl TToilmntnn fiirnlfllincl on re fill UBt. Plans and specifications furnished if ilnslrcd. An lionc-Bl'Job guaran teed. Phono 124-R. JOEL OSTLIND, Plnno Tuner and Repairer. 41b S. Sixth Btreet. Phono 101-L Leavo orders ut W. H. Haines mubio Co. PERL HILEt HALIjINUHII PlunlNt and Teacher Reftldonce-Studlo, 237 So. Broadway Phono 18-L. W. G. CHANDLER, Architect, Rooms 801 and H02, Coke Hnlldlaa Marshfield, Oregon. DR. W. MORROW. Dentist. 171 Grimes nulldlng, over Graa-I Theater. Ofllco Phone 820. W M. S. TURPEN, ARCHITECT Mnrshfield, Oregon. DR. A. J. HENDTtVa Modern Dental Parlor. W aro equipped to do high clan work on short notlco at tho Tory lowest prices. Examination fro. Lady attendant. Coko Dldg., Opj Chnndlnr Hool. nhono 111-J. WE ARE STILL SELLING Corona Blend Coffee Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House O'CONNELL I1LDG. 181 Market Ave., Marshfield, Or. Phono UIM-T. WANTED watches that won't keop tlino. Dirty nnd rancid oil aro tho rulnutlon ot your watch. Let mo handle It and preHorvo It perfectly for years to come. . C. BARKER 22C Front st. Marsha Id. Or. You Auto Call Foote PHONE 1II-.T NIGHT AND DAY. Stand front of Illunco Illlllanl Parlor. THREE NEW CARS After 11 P. M. Phono 253 Residence Phono 8J. Careful Drivers Go Anywhere Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYERS. CLEANERS, PHESSERS and HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Edward II. Straus M Co., Fine Tailoring. Let u make your next suit. SS5 CENTRAL. Phone 350-X $10 A FRONT TOOT Whoro proporty all around It Is soiling for $2D to $40. This Is an exceptional bargain wo aro orforing in Wast Multifield. Wo don't use tbo term "bargain" III advisedly. Wo cannot afford to, Wo enn show you. Invest now, boforo this opportunity Is gono. I. 8. KAUFMAN & CO. Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunks between any points In MarsliIIold tor the follow ing rates, dollvory to bo mado In tho first stories of bulldlngB; Ono trunk , , $ .25 Threo trunks SO Twolvo trunks 1.50 Star Transfer and Storage Co. Levi Ilelsncr, Prop. Phones, 120-J: 49-L: 98-R. Gray Auto Service Fisher & Tucker, Proprietors. Phono orders to Blanco Hotel, 46. After 12, 2C0L, Right Cafe. Marshfield, Oregon. T. JT. SOAIFB. w. s. nnowN $j a. n. noDGiNfl Marshfield MKLiffi. ULIUKAIINU LU. Estimates Furnished. Phone 187-L MursMJeld. Orn. FASHLY PINNERS In our new location, wo are es pecially prepared to cater to family trade. Regular meals or short orders. Open day and night, MERCHANT'S CAFE, II roadway and Commercial Mfld.