.) iJl'ltllfoctr THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1913 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES M.a MAI.ONKV Killlor mill Pub lAX K. MAI.OXHY Svws Killlor Official Paper of Coot County. . '.1TICIAI. PAPI.lt OP Till! CITV OK MAItSHPIKIiD. IMVA mahi: FIST Tllll' TO t ' H S HAY ffl GOV W I Sl'HSCHIPTION HATKS. DAILY. One year IC.00 For month r0 WKHKLY. Ono yenr 1.50 When pnld strictly in advanco the subscription prlco of tho Cooa Bay Tltnoa Is $G.O0 per year or $2.50 for Iz months. Entered at tho postofflco at Marsh Hold, Oregon, (or transmission through the malls as second clasi tnnll mattor. Address nil communications to COOS HAY DAIIiY TIMKS. Mnrshflcld :: ;: ;; ; Progo. Dedlcatod to tho service ot the people, that no Rood cause sliall lack champion, and that ovll shall urts thrlvo unopposed. Thi steamer l.ifjitn arrived here from S.m l'rnnelsro yes terday nnd It Is stated that sho ninth' tho run In the rec ord hrcnkliiK time of twenty seven hours. She brought n cargo of oil. She will sail from here tomorrow with pas sengers mid freight. She lias Jimt heen remodeled nnd hna passenger nrcominodntlons for about ninety and la a very nt tractlu craft. W S HOW PROBE More Than Two Score Exhib itors and Sixty Displays of Beautiful Flowers. (Continued from Page 1 ACT I'Olt Tllll KUTUKK. THU action of President Wilson In refusal to rccognlzo tho Hticrta administration In Mex ico Is ono that will meet tho ap proval of every citizen who hna given tho Mexican situation any thought. Tho ono thing plain la that It would bo cowardly for tho United States to recognize tho present ad ministration In that unhappy coun try. Not only does Ifncrln wear n bloody crown, but pacification under him means everything tho liberal uprising was to overcome, every thing tho United States should stand ready to protest against when occaalou nrlscs. To what end did tills country drlvo Spain out of Culm If Weylor Ism la to bo sustained In a nenrerby neighbor by our friendly recogni tion! A few million dollars of American property might bo temporarily con served, but, In tho long run, what will Amerlcnn Investment In- Mux- Many Drunk. Andrew llerg wna fined $10; Win. Hurbeok $3 nnd Wnlter Armln $r for drunkenness today. Ernest Felix anil Kara Peter son were (Uncharged. SI Avery was arrested today for drunkkenncss. Hedgepath played with Contiitte nnd Is credited with four errors. tin part of Marshlleld offlrlala to take . 1 1 c 1 1 action subjects them to removal from office. I "Leaders of the mob ore untitles I tloiinhly open to nrrest and pros ' ocutloii and any fnlluri' on the part f of local officials to net also will ' subject them to removal from office. I "I wish It to be distinctly under stood that property rights In this ! state are going to ho respected, nnd nny r. W. W. who attempts to start ' ' any of his 'direct actfon' movements ' OOS HAVrt first flowi.r alinw will have bad luck. On the other! ivr . f . ... were roo Dusyuo wnce an ad today See Tuesday's Paper, LANDO'S I'UO.MPT IH-JlilVKHII'-S. xiHWJi fhoxt sthkkt. (GOOD GOODS) PIIOXU YOPlt I pui.i: wix.vkhs 1 I No. LM. Mrs. H. S. Uargett, I flraf prize, sweet peas. I Xo. 3D. Mrs. .las. ltolandson, I first prize, rosea. I Xo. 23. Mrs. Xorls Jensen, J first prize, dahlias. I Xo. 17. Mrs. W. I). Curtis, I first prize, hoqtict. Oltnin. in t,H ""WE to, I T II M ffi IS BACK ON BAY ASK II' tiiky ahi: I. v. w. Iiidge (hilltmity Will .Make Members or Thnt Orgtiiimitli.ii (Jive ia- Ini Sti'img Proof. AM1ANY, Or.. Aug. !. Appll cants for citizenship In the Third Ju dicial District of this state will be asked hereafter If they are members of the Industrial Workers of the World and whllo an answer In the af lirmutlve will not always bar admis sion It will cause very sonrchlng In vestigation of tho applicant's record nnd habits. Tills policy was announced by Judge William Galloway during tho hearing of tho petition for naturali zation of Pnnngls Nick Pnlumls, a Oroek. of Mill City. The Court ask ed him If ho were a member of tho Industrial Workers of the World and he answered negatively. "I do not mean by this tiuostiou which will hereafter be asked of all applicants," said Judge 1 Calloway, "that membership In thnt organiza tion absolutely bars a man from clti- Zcnshlp In this court, but If a mem ber does apply he must furnish very Irn Itlfimi timlm tfmirfiiV Justns wo should have saved time V , , ' . , ' , by inking advantage of the first " '""r!" C" ?"'" '""'" m,m " opportunity to notify Mexico or the'"'", . """ ' '" "' .i Ton.oiiBll.IHty this country feels for " '" ""T VT '"" ,np , pvl' ?T tho maintenance of law and order. I1""1 a '""" Ih """t f,,r "''"""P-" so now wo shall save time by Insist-1 lug that readjustment when It comes' must bo such as thla country can j frankly nnd honorably recognize. 1110 iiuerinB or tuo whole West- -rt firn Continent should bo tnught n ' J lUBKoii, mow mat it la up tn the Unit cd Slates to do Honiothlng. C every way a success In unnu, me i rowers niiisi iokc ihj was a splendid success In fee thnt the rich mob rs not going attendance, Interest nnd the to rule In this state. If ho expects number and benuty of the ex- protection for his property from lilblts. It was a surprise not only this offlcu he must come hero with to Btrangers, but to local residents, clean hands nnd show some regard In the variety nnd beauty of tho roi" tbe lnw ho Invokes, displays. "The wholo mntter Is being roforr- "I didn't know there were so oil" to the Attorney Conoral with In mnny beautiful flowers growir structfoiiB to present tho sumo to the here," was a frequent remark from Circuit Court of Hint district, with ninny who had resided here for view of having the Sheriff removed many years. A Portland trnvellhg1 from office man, who was attracted by tho ex- One Justification for Mob. I hlblt, said ho would like to send ; "The only tiling which could Justt- Rnmn lit (tin ilnlilln ivlkllllfto tn .!. ft llln mnli imil,1 lu. tint fntliirn nf II0.0 Cfty Just to show them what local officials to enforce tho law. If ''J"1'11' "" " "" real dahlias were. .such was tho case, then those who ",onK. "I,e ' l,ow B'H. ..'hl'p " Tho showing wns so much larger took part in tho deportation move than expected that Mr. Parsons nl- ment undoubtedly will be willing to tered the lirovlsloi.a 11 ml mlilinl mi rami' fnrivnnl nmT linln inn if n qnrli . additional prize and the Hrndloy a showing to tho court In order that ' Mr JaniUM IIU on,y l,m,, l,,"""v" Cnndy Company also gave n prize tlio delinquent officials may ho rP. .arrangements for work here. Itogor Of n bov of chniolnlm in nn..l. nf inm-nif. jSllCrHIHIl. Willi W08 formerly with the exhibitors. The prizes offered "If no showing can bo made ns to lllm nB UBUIlt for Uu' AI,1"H, ,ll,'. by the I.ockhnrt-Parsou's Company tho fnlluro of Marshlleld officials to "f s R,vt'n "'' r,,a I"IHU" '" a Sa wore mntlo for tlio best exhibit 111 oiiforco the lnw ns to tho r. W. W.'k ,,'ri,m',Ht( 1,1,lllc a,"l will probably bo sweet pons, roses, dahlias and also and' Dr. Leach, then It wouhr be evl- M0,',n,,-'1l with .Mr. James horn for tllO I.eSt hOnUI't. With till. r.. llnnf thnt thnvn wna nn IliDllftnntf,,.. 1I'I' Former Well-known Resident Returns to Locate Here ' Rnnor Qlinrmnn in Rptlirn Tom .Inmes. formerly of Nortlr Ucnd nnd Mnrolillehl. returned to tho Hay on the Hronkwiilor todny from Portland whero he baa been employ ed on the Hull Run water supply tlio past two years. He was accompanied by Mrs. James nnd family mid they will mnko their home bore. Mr. Jumes suys thnt Coos Hay Ih (he only place and ho would bnvo bon back long ngo had .Mrs. James SUNDAY SCI FOB m IRfiv. Fred W. Davis u. Di ..,.., . . J'ul iu.uain:uy Henryvl wn ounuay, K.v . Kred W DnrMb,, iu 1 1.0 riiciui' Coast lowi-..?,' rnllil ('Mini. ...I....1 ,!1 -.... ....,. .,..nrlnnrr ww. ti it'iiiKiiuizeil fri ir, ' lay School nnd moved ,T! Tho now u..i...ii ..".wl bershlp of llftv ,( 1. , "i thnfthlH wlllm.re "J Impel, now iinik.Pmv,,Wft, Ui'v. Davis don re'd a ifcij months old sou nnd little daughter are going to bo brought up on Coo. Day, Tom says. oxiiY om: way to thkat 1. w. 111: siiori.i) stay tiikih:. (Prom ABtorla Astorlan.) IIKHK Ik but ono way In which 10 iiauille tho I. W. Declare them anarchlHts, outright and upon this hnsls, hold every man and woman operating upon their standards to a rigid accountability under ev ery statute and ordinance violated. The country Is fast com ing to this alternative; overv con- ftow ir was. "Is your wife ruing away RUiiiiiiM!!" "No: Pin sending her." thij ( From Tho Dalles Observer.) Ilr. I.nrw'lt. rfuiuitli litn.luli.i.i r..... Tllllllll.il lli illl7,illu nt II...I ..II-.. ,. ! StltlltlolUll rlllht Wll IIOHHI'HH Is In. cimed of Insulting tho flag and' be- ,",K ,,1IK,,I by this group of Holers Ing a generally undesirable ci-' V .!m) "''Hnjl slogan Is ono of re sell, Is In Salem and says he likes "r " ""'. ""'""'trinl ruin. Their uio piace. well, there Isn't any-1 ,'""" ,u l"u inuusinni title Is a lie; 'i"'e, .Mrs, j. .Morrlssey, Miss Doris thing pecullnr about that. Mnnyj 'eyre stealing tho tliundec of Sengstacken. K. II llurkcnseo MIk people seem to like Salem. H111. ( th Sot-lnllat. niiil IIvIiik rr tlu iK T. Larson Mrs lie w 1. 11 mJ . does tho doctor mean that ho Sttt ,almr of "lu '""f ' nro ' ., , ' ,, '" l,l0WIU'"' Mm. W. TIiiiIh coiiKenlul HiilrltH In .! rnnitni bit parasites of lnw iimi!n,.r i " ,",rtou, Horiunn Stone. .riinie T city? I suits as given above. for tho mnl. nn.I t slwiMl.r i.nvn i.i- ura of additional sleamer ser- The Judges were Prof. R A. Tied'- nil means boon suppressed. A show- WfC U) thl' ,ft,' ,mvo tK-M'" ,ltlkl,l "" gen, Mrs. 1. S. Kaufmnii and' Mrs. Dig to tho court tnat no effort wns rth 'Mr- 3luav' ruturn. but the !nt .r. C. Mnloney. mnilo bv Incnl nrrri'luiu i ..-,wr ''1 thi'rhaj not IiIob to bIum.uI.- --..... ..j, ...., III II1IM 'F(Il'l- The IMilhltoiw. tills mob could result In nothing but ' J,r """ M'' J"nit'B Wtfre warmly Thero were two score exhibitors finding Hint the law wns not enfon--! wclt""1"1 8o,,ay ''' ,,K',r "'""y " and nearly three score of dlsplnys. ed. Tills would call for n remonir'""11' rrleM'x"n l,1L' "y Among tho exhibitors were the lol- of the delinquent ofrielhfs." lowing: Jensen'. VVTm;,.MS.,,I,M,KXmMX T,IIH. TtlO H. Drews, Mrs. It. K. Plnegor, Plank Willie Paw, wlint Is. tlio measlng- Pugsley. Mrs. Hubert Krueger. Mrs. of l"'? t , IC. A. Klckworlh Mrs Pirn.i m- Haw Sport Is nny kind or hnnf ' -., i.iimiiiviii r kiiiii,uii, niy Him 1 nana rounoll, Mrs. John Hear. Mrs. o. Hansen, Mrs. D. n. itooa, Mrs. W. j, Curtis. Mrs. A. .r. Sav age, .Mrs. S. II. Cathcart, Martin Hveen, Mrs. K, S. Hargelt, Mrs. Horsey Kreltzer. I'rnnk Sncchl. J. II. Clark. Mrs. Prank Denning, Mlns Stella ChrlHtenson. Mis. H. A. Cop- pie. .hiss nioeim Smith, Mrs. W. It nionMind iirraiKi ttnSat to ho hold eauli SunJayfi4 " '' Willi ocntUoniita. Mm. T. II. William wiJ friiitoiident; .Mrs. d c. jjJ HlBtnnt nnd .Mrs. tfarbon J niul Treasurrir, fin. ..... ..1 .. ... . ...u nuw ijnuiiifl! Will tJUjjI nn urn lumber niulrcd nJ uy-AJ u. ifowursof the ScttJ urM.i.iigifjiitr co in way. Ilt'Hhli'H' tho Slmdjy Rfkjj Hcv. I.Wh arr:i. fomJ llbrnry Hvrvlcu. under tbtOrl brniy Intension work, iok- Mimifyv Sellout and tbt cmii.4i. r.VKl 01' TIMM3 Wi. wish to vxnrm on llllltli fif t K-m. L.I...1.. .. 1 w. .r nlliuiii; nnaruj Hlmwii uu by all and n.'l jrif iiieniDtfrs of tho Oil fl I nmlKu. und thu llantlit Cku Have vour lob ..rlr.th.ir ,, Vl'M C 0Ur f"-,l'. W. C bl The Tfrucs oU. I I MISS TOIULml u .MISS AN.VAirsI ny -nioTiiiK'H Want Ads. I lKKUKIUCItUXl purposo and since thov hav i.i.mk. Dyers. Xell Hunks, m. in i,.i nl,11.!V!.,u'':'' .,ll,'lr. I10'!'"'- I" be oih.'koii. Mrs. Pluella Turner. .M. w I WITH THE TOAST I AND THE TEA I rr I Till: (.M'lirroitSKHVHH SAYS; I I I 1 After llhteuiug to the chin I music of sumo "promolers" who j 1 conio to Coos Hay, one can't I help wonderliiK what's becoiuo I of tho guy who put the hum I lu humbug. 1 of devastation thi.v Hiinni.i 1,.. . ...... . tho benefit of even inoro thuii tie written lnw provides; they an. rrv olullonlsts or the most rnhhl urt mid tho men and women who arc unready for revolution n .. .1... "reign of terror" In I'rinc... will lillOW llOW lO rcii.Il-, nn.I ...I these Itinerant spoilers and Indus- ma"y ''" tilul 1 obauc.Pi-s. a ii,.ii........ I 111 ttee should meet them at overv iulle.pt.st on their "road to ruin." l hey bear no burdens to which all nro not subject. W. Onrdliier Itenschauseii, Mrs. c i:nil Mrs. Kruse. ivory exhibitor must feel mom than repaid In the fno showing made nnd It was one of the best and "ihkcm nooHts ror Coos linv SI.IT SKIHT Itl'M "Doclors tell us then. Is llttln nr no pain iitlendlng the aniiiiitatlon of I1'"11 ''"-l- to He Mine IMreme n leg." says the Helena Independent, and yet some Coos Hay men who nave their leg pulled net ht.uiethlng was coming off. -K-M- The average man Is a guy who be hews he is better than his neighbors In o-der to show his nbllltv na n swimmer, Samuel Plnkleman or Xew ork 9wum twelve miles, pulling "flop him 11 L'OO.pound boat In which four friends rode. The boat was at Inched to him by n harness over his fchoulders. it ll)0ic j,.,.. .. ,...,. nll. I ill 1 11 11 ted. The Wild 1 win liver. MOW YOUK. July ;ll. , I .... " "IMVII iis if "" woing 10 wear silt skirts Mil- fmi niso itonio chiffon and lace nn.I ribbon .i mr. nut chlelly silts. The gold en rule Mr the customer Is: when 111 ll,,,"'t. slit. The woman who Is "c.. up to .into v.Hl hao no .urn. AllV Old run. mi' enn 1... n .,. i... it lakes patlemo to train a sea 'linn. vuUy In i"i'ntlnB ,0 highest street- The reason some woni.,n in,i,;"i!T'.::::vi,,f1'i,y''a.i ;,', ""v """"in i lie auie to ;it ar step If there are plenty r niin. don't ,111011 present to restrnln the rrow.li ' Until Many f ,hL, (.8tlllm. ... , , ;; U'lid the Mothers' meetings tvt the I"1"1 w,,l,pp fasll'(" "bow. now belnit riil" I held III tlin fin i ........ .. . R , "I'liu. i emrai ralnre, , The world Is 8H0.00A.000 year J 2' m?, Urf,lw"' H"r chorus old. but lots or men believe that If I H,!0 n (,,lurc1' slll. they blew their Jobs today the blaiuJ Tll k',fl nro slit to a point aim 'l universe would quit revolving'" Hie knees, nnd .1,,, ,' ",. "" "b"U I'MIl II II 11,1 f,n 11. L " . " ' "u- lm r.i to he f'"d bothnttherroni ami the back The rowagon or evoiilnK KowB ar, muro transparencies and evol, " ""' worn precnr ouslv -ii-tt Tim ..1.1... . ..! .,1k,,ib ro supposed to bo wt Ini! It.imer. but the roomers start wing Just as early in the mo I Ing , ... -?l-- uiiuiu wno like to talk- .1 i NEVER COIE SlILcl Tl,",".r ,m.a Plenty of it "'. !' ",u-n0Wpr. Protecting neither the mwuB during tho past week. I0lallh nor modesty. saSS -&?wr; Inn- .... . "" UP- '.1.1101110111. " t.iu lUlt'fH, -lt-11- A gink Interested In anihinn. Jf" know ir hammer toes hut vaiiM. knock knees. , .'...'niKV SAY. hll'SS 1 II Ufli.L- i XtB,a "!!! J- m into"8 Z ZTJT1 orr on.- combing ' "' "i'ur. ; "" ,ll?r walked a bit faster " "'.uiii.K season. .,...!.. . . .. '"" luo silt ex- HKHPICIDP. A.M. HHArnFlT IIAIH. Having a head ,r nice hair ls a "losing within Hi, reau, or a ono ui... ,,i'i .... . ' ' ""' 'Ida before thu tlandiaff Kenn i L 'omuled the scalp and left , '""Ion of chronic baldness, . "7'W .imparts lhnt ,nB ani 4U iu nair w'.ii.! IllU.IUllVt1 are so igranee Her- persons nf It has been sold for tin hj it. i . . .'uuij iiiin nnn.ii .j Another gown glv8 l0 m H. luera , ," "J""'" ny stl8fled e slon-possibb- nn ,rrnn.... .. ....,.,.."."" aU otl,r hair dresslncs "tuiueu. Xewlirn'u u.,...!.!!. . - - iv.iMiu.i' is recommend od and used by the best barbers a , Xo woman eu lets him Try Tho Times In Site nn.I fastening, balr dressers. .ewi.ro8 Heri.lcl.lw 1.00 slz i .'".".' "vv '" m ic .:..'. """retu t0 Jo all not sat-1 refunded rpiii r ,. . Special An.. & Pny, H In 1 i m m m 2 I West i i ! 'H n I At I ;.!:,,V '''i",nK OP OM) TI.MKS P n a wn. i. in.' uiKni'i I.II..T i 1 ivi ........ " u'-v HHO.VCI AM. HMTS in,, ixiiiu.... ' i i w"Wii.,;,r;:,7s-n;K,"" I I Fre.esJreet I I Unter IB 1 I Friday and A 1 I Saturday, Huff. I I S,-,-;;--, m i a.d oi'ivni,, .;."" "",,UM "A'K m wifiKS WI1J. PAUTR 'I ill I Show Marshfield tamment liAIX.S.MH.V.S SPOUT IOKS, WILD STHKHS VKIt SKK.V IIKHK- Daily 22 and 23 HAYS AM) WIW. IX S ix winrir i.of.11, IPATH. Wl Pey wl by tin on it. CM).S patinasi Myrtlt Align Curr N. and nddn lied tin Jfflco. MIU.i fo Coos F. Is i) "Joatji Co u n Bred frt F" to n Ing nai Coqulii EA fSHC f,9' I3.C0 pes m , ren's W ws at . . nilsse. ups nnd fK'k Bkln (Jet a lectric J0 Soi stCIa IVoiim diner's R, Wnuu nv. "Ih wntl 174.