HEN OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS AT THE DOOR IT IS ALMOST HK LITTLE CASH Ctaa Sag WxmtB LOST ARTICLES to lictl fiiiinil through Times unit! ,!, liinil IIumii! . l'-c llu'iii! They ;,. I CMlllS. VOW IS V()l It TIME. A small nil In Tin Times wnnt column limy lirlmf ynu re ill Is mi mediately. Try cine. iCTKV MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS VVYWII Established In 1878 AAAVIU TJl0 Congt Mh(1 MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1913 EVENING EDITIONSIX PAGES. ft. Ootuolldntlon of Times, Coast Mall (n 1 q nil Coos Bay Advertiser. yu' lo IV. WEST ORDERS PROBE OF DR. LEAGH DEPORTATION FXPRESS RATES ORDERED REDUCED PRESIDENT WILSON SAYS D wets Attorney General Crawford to Investigate Actions of Officers. IRES AL POWERS AS BEING "KING PIN" i Executive Threatens Re- jval of Officers for Not Taking Action Here. (Spoelnl to Tho Times.) U.EM, Or., Aug. I. Doelnrlng tin' failure' of tlii nutliorltlcH imscruto tin) loaders of tho tlint deported Dr. Dalloy K. Socialist editor, from Dan- 'will subject tlicni to removal office, Governor West, In u en statement scored the radical Dili of tho I. V. W. and leading Il'sh men of Baudot). (Iiverniir wild lio had roforr- 10 case to the Attorney General, CAUSES TALK IN MARSHFIELD Gov. West's Statement About I. W. W. Matter A. H. Powers Says Gov. Wrong. A. II. Powers, when shown n tele gram from Portland stilting 'thnt Governor West had Issdod a stntc innt excoriating lilm In connection with the I. W. W. deportation, said that It needed little comment from him. "(lovornor West Is evidently tak ing his ciio from newspaper misrep resentations, especially thoso made hy Fred Lockley, who was hero for n view to having tho Shorlff tho Portland .lotirniil," said Mr. on County removed from office Powers. "Mr. Lockloy not only mls- Interstate Commerce Commis sion Brings Them Down to Below Parcel Post Charges ' on Same Classes. inj AiioclaM Prrss to Coon llnjr Tlmci, WASHINGTON, I). C. Aug. I. Reductions In express rates which will cost tho companies fully $20, 000,000 a year, approximately six teen per cent of their gross rovenuo, were ordered hy tho Interstate Com merce Commission today, to take effect on or heforo Octoher 15. Not nlile reforms In practices also wore ordered, the most Important change holng a mollification of tho pres ent graduated Hcale of parcel rates. Hundred pound rates for short dis tances olther havo heon left un changed or slightly reduced. For longer distances they havo heeu low ered and for fifty pounds or less I time. all rates have been reduced. For packages of more than four pounds going more than 200 miles and loss than 2000 miles, tho new ex press rates are generally lower than the parcel post rates. For more than .1000 miles tho rates arc practically tho same. Tho findings wero prepared hy Franklin K. Lane, now Secretary of tho Interior. Uy prescribing n block system and div iding tho United States Into 000 blocks averaging 2500 Bqtiare miles, tho 000.000,000 different rates now published by tho express companies will bo reduced to less than C50, 000, and tho interstate Commerce Commission believes tho system points tho wny to a solution of the existing problem of freight rates. Tho question of npplylng tho block system to freight rates may be taken up by the Commission at any ARMED INTERVENTION IN MEXICO WS IS PARCEL POST not having done his duty In fcsylng tho "mob." Governor criticises Al Pow- of tho Smith-Powers Lumber fcnn.v. declaring If ho wns tlio rntlon of tho "mob," ns ro- , "he has proved himself an of six Ictj and an outlaw. Ho placed himself on as uusafo Ming as any of tho I. W. WVs lr. I.each. While ho Ignores nw and rosortH to mob rulo f K nulls his convenience ho ho tho llrst to appeal to this for tho protection of tho law f.ncck was about lo bo Hi retch his mill or limber threatened jTIru by I ho mob." lice OucstloiK lo Consider. Governor's statement follows: fere aro three distinct proposl- Ko consider In connection with ikp, to-wlt: The activities of tho I. W. tand (heir deportation from iflcld. Tho publication of certain b hy Dr. Loach and bin ilepor- ! from Haudnn, Moh Rule. lo acta of the radical element I. W. WVs nro Indefensible, men have sworn they aro t regard for law nnd ordor would therefore bo dealt with it gloves. In henrly ovory In itio troublo they brow Is duo failure of weak-kneed offl- lo place Ihem promptly under and tho courts to glvo them long sentoneo nt hnrd labor of tho usual ton days or $10 If tho I. W. WVs, Edgoworth rorolt, wero of this typo and llatlnn of law or Intorforonco (glllninto business mndo thom iohaoxlous to tho people V lolil, they should hnvo boon In hand nnd prosecuted to tho extent of tho law. Nothing iu, nowovor, Justified tho mob. well Hi-Id Not Deservlmr. P" Or. Ilalloy K. Lonch por- lin Is not dosorving of much ". Ills Intomporato articles itico.' particularly his attack rgo Washington, aro, in my vicious, harmful. Evon Bwover, would not Justify tho quoted me, but went on to 'edi torialize about things that weren't true. "I did not see the deportation or tho I. V. W. or Dr. I.each and wasn't oven In tho crowd. As to my ousting tho I. V. from my camps, I did so, and I don't rare who knows It. As to tho other, it would seem to mo that Governor West should bo a Ilttlo bit careful himself In making such nu attack." Tho roport or (lovornor West's stateinont caused qulto a Ilttlo talk around town. Just whnt will dovolop remains to bo seen. So far as could bo learned today, no advance appeal was made io olthor Sheriff Oago or Doputy Prosecuting Attorney Llljoqvlst in tho matter. Neither Mr. Gngonor Mr. I.IIJeqvlst witnessed any of tho I.each activities, although It Is un 'derstood that both of them wero In Mnrslillold the day that Edgoworth and his companlouH wero started on tho way. W S.P. FACTORY TODAY BADLY HDRT BY L I Bmpor roports credit Mr. of tho Smith-Powers Lum- jnipnny, as bolng tho 'klng- tho Inspiration of tho mob. fact Powers has shown him- enemy of soeioty and an out- Io has placed hlmBolf upon Mo footing as any of tho rnd- W.'s or Dr. Loach. Whilo ?res tho law and resorts to !o when It suits his convon- be would bo tho first to np ItWs office for tho nrotectlnn law If his nock was about Irctched or his mill or timber ed with flro bv the mob. I"P I. W. W. mnmlmr. vln- "y law of this state. -ld have been arrested and M. nnd tho failure of tho em orriclals to take such nct Jefts them to removal under leers May bo Removed. r. Leach, through tho pub- ,i his -Justice,' violatod any jO'ioiua navo been arrested Mecuted and any failure on pntlnued on Pago Two.) H. D. Putnam, of North Bend, Victim of Accident Mrs. R. A. Wcrnich Overcome. II. D. Putunm, a woll-known North Iloud young man, wns badly Injured last Saturday afternoon whilo hauling lumber to M. E. Ever ett's now hoiiBo. In going down n stoop turn from tho strcot to tho slto, tho front of his wagon dropped nnd caused somo shingles to slip off. Ho was sitting on tho shingles and was thrown with thorn. Tho team kept on going and tho front whcols of tho wagon passed over his loft log and over his chest. Tho loft leg was bndly broken, n com pound fracturo. Threo ribs wero broken and his chest badly crushed. Although ho Iibb boon suffering In tensely nnd for n timo his condition was vory critical, Dr. Bnrtlo, who attondod him, stated today that ho was getting along vory well. Putnam was hauling lumber for Contractor Conway, getting tho load at tho Smith yard In Marshflold. Ho was making his first trip and E. W. Sullivan, who was a short dls tanco behind him with another load, was soon ablo to glvo him assltance Postmaster General Burleson Announces Reduction Effec tive August 15. Illr Aoil.itt Titii to Coon njr Tlmn.J WASHINOTON, D. C, Aug. I. Further to populnrlzo tho pnrcol post system with the public, Post master (icnora! Burleson announced todny that nfter August lfi, tho weight limit on packages would bo placed at twenty pounds, instead or eleven ns now, and n sharp ro ductlou of charges for transporta tion of tho pnekagea would bo mndo. Ho announced also thnt on tho samo dnto banking by mall would bo In troduced Into tho postal savings system. I Announcement was mndo this af Tho reduction on tho charges for tornoon tlmt lh) Soutnorn Pnclflc local doll very Is from tho present 1 , , , ,, ,, , ., ..,.(.. . m.. . i r .i. i i ,lnl C"fod negot nt bus for tho rato of five cents for tho llrst pound ' nnd ono cent for ench nddltlonnl l'hnBo of tho North Ilonil box two pounds or fraction thereof. For ta('i0' fro ' W. Kern for $80,- dellvery In tho llrst zouo tho rale 00, will bo reduced from flvo cents for1 Tlll on,,B '10 ,0" controversy, t'ho llrst nnd threo for each nddl- wlllch ,,n 1,ccn especially anlmntcd tlonal pound to llvo eonts nnd ono ,l10 1,,8t r,,,lr or flvo ''"'8' ovor tho rigni or wny ror tlio railroad along tho watorrront. Tho closing of this deal means thnt tho Southern Pacific can now go nhoad with dredging. It takes tho fnctory as well as tho site. Closes Deal This Afternoon for F. W. Kern's Plant and Site at North Bend. DIIEDO'E IS COMLN'C. I It. E. Miller, In charge of tho l'ugct Sound Ilrldgo and Drcdgo j Company's work hero today ro- j eclved a telegram stating that j a barge with their ptpo lino j loft yesterday for Coos Day nnd that tho drcdgo Scattlo would start today. They hopo to s tart tho work j hero about August lii nnd will j Btnrt nenr North llend. Secretary Bryan Says Ambas sador Was Out of Harmony With Administration. WASHINOTON, Aug. A. Socre tnry of Stnto Hryan mndo the follow ing statement. "Ambassador Wil son's resignation has been accepted, to take effect October fourteenth. Tho part which ho felt It his duty to tnke In tho earlier stages o.' tho re cent revolution In Mexico would mnko It dllllcult for him to represent tho views of tho present administra tion In viow of tho sltuntlon which now exists." An Ambassador In or dinary practlco Is entitled to sixty days leave, exclusive of Sundays, which accountH rpr fixing tho dato October llth in "the announcement. The Embnssy will reinnln In chnrgo of Secretary O'Shuughnosoy. Announces That More Peace able Solution of Problem is Now Being Worked Out. AMBASSADOR WILSON'S RESIGNATION ACCEPTED Will Announce. New Policy La ter Refuses to Recognize Huerta Government. AMIIASSAIIOIt WILSON I (5IVKS L'P HIS JOH, - I I Illr AwMtr. Prow lo Coon llajr Time, WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. I. Secretary of State llryan to- j day announced tho nccoptanco j of tho resignation of Honry Lane Wilson as Ambassador to Mexico. Jr LADOD RIOTS IN CALIFORNIA cent for each nddltlonnl pound. W I VICTIMS.AFTER Wm. Laimbers, Banker, Dying, and S. Osgood Pell, Mil lionaire, Dead. tllf AmocII4 IVcM to Cooi lUjr 'iimei. IIEM.MSTEAD, h. I., August 4. Wm. Lnlmbor, a bnnkor, who wns Injured last night In an auto acci dent near horo In which S. Osgood Poll, n millionaire real cstato deal er, and his chauffeur, Charles Gam- boau, mot death, wns baroly allvo G Deputy District Attorney Mere dith Has J. L. Reynolds Ar rested for Offense. (Written for Tho Times) GOLD DEACII, Or., Aug. 4. W. II. Morodlth, recontly appointed Dop WATSON W NOT TESTIFY DATHEIl IS OVERCOME. .Mrs. R. A. Wt'Nilcli, of North Rend, Suffers Chill in Water. Mrs. R. A. Wornlch, whilo bath ing nt Sunsot Day, remained In tho water too long and was chilled and ovorcomo. Sho had swam out quite a dlstanco and then back and was frolicking In tho surf when sho fainted. Dr. Bartlo was called from North Bend and after administering oxygon for an hour or so revived her. Sho was getting along very nicely today. Havo your jou priming uono in J Tho Times office. nt tho hospital today and tho phys-'uty Prosecuting Attorney for Curry Iclnns gnvo only slight hopo of his. County by District Attorney Gcorgo recovery. Mrs. Lnlmber's condition M. Brown, Is mnklng It hot for tho Is critical, but sho has a chanco bootleggors in Curry. Ho had two for llfo. search warrants Issued and had Shor- rlff Bally search a soft drink Joint In Gold Bench run by J, h. Reynolds. Tho Sheriff failed to find anything but somo oinpty barrels. As Rey nolds had just moved part of his sup plies to Harbor on tho Schooner Rogue River Queen, Attorney Moro dlth demanded tlio shipping book of Captain Dave Colvln, which showed that about a dozon barrels of soft drinks had been shipped, whereupon tho Prosecuting Attorney called up Justlco Ronham and Constablo Roy Gardner by phono, and requested them to search Reynold's place at Harbor, This was dono nnd eight or ten barrels of whiskey and beer wero found. Reynolds was arrested on threo different charges, on one of which ho was bound over to the Grand Jury under $500 bonds. Tho now Prosecuting Attorney has said ho would put an end to bootlegging and violations of tho liquor laws which havo beon flagrant in Curry County, and it looks as If ho will make his word good. District Attorney and Deputy Sheriff Killed at Wheatland Troops on Guard: Wr Auoclttal rrrti lo Coot nr Tlnifi. WHEATLAND, Cal., Aug. 1 With six companies of tho Nntlonnl Gunrd of California In control, Wheatland, which yestorday was tho scono or tho killing or District Attorney F. T. Manwoll or Yuba County, T. Rlordn, Doputy Shorirr, n negro mid an Englishman, uniden tified, and tho wounding or rour othora In n battle between tho Sher iff's posbo nnd COO fronzlod hop plckors, Is quiet nnd ordorly today. Flvo hundred of tho 1700 hop plck ors on Durst Brothers' hop ranch, tho scono of tho affray yestordny nfternoon, left during tho night. Four suspects, giving their names ns .1. Quliin, Henry Pagon, Charles B. and John McConnoll, woro nrrcBtod today and held In tho county Jail. All tho Injured will rocovor. It is bollovod thnt tho militia will bo withdrawn today. Tho troublo grow out of a .demand for hlghor wages and better working conditions. IS SUPPRESSED tllr AMorlilnl Prin lo Coot lr TlmM.J WASHINGTON D. C, Aug. 1. Armed Intervention In Mexico la neither n possibility or n probability, because a peaceful solution Is becom ing more practicable. This Is tho view that President Wilton took to day or tho situation. He lot It bo known too that boforo tho ond or tho day ho would mako a brlof an nouncement of tho first stop In tho policy of tho United Slntes "townrd Mexico. While no inkling or whnt It would be enmo from tho Whlto House, It wiih expected that tho President would formally nnnounco his decision not to recognize tho Hu erta government. When AmbnBsador Wilson wns leaving tho White Houso today on his way to tho Stato Department, ho gavo out n copy or n lottor received from former President Tnft Juno 20, 1913, approving his courso In .Mexico. Tho letter follows: "You wns Ambassador of tho United Stntes to Mexico during the most trying times thnt tho pcoplo of Mexico havo passed throiign, nnd during thnt porlod when tho rela tions botween tho United States and A.oxicn woro constantly bolng sub ject ml to serious strnln, I hnvo great pleasuro In expressing my high np proval or your zealous and courag eous offorts In tho protection of Amorlcaii Interests and, Indeed, tho Interests or foreign govornmont gen erally during, tho critical porlod or tho Moxlcnn disorders. No ono can undorKtand tho dllllcultles of your po sition, nnd tho exceptional excellonco of tho work you did, who Is not familiar with tho constnntly chang ing clrciimslnnces of tho situation nnd tho varloty or oxlgonclcs which you hnd to moot. You havo my mil pormlsBlon to publish this lottor." W L W 00 BUSINESS Declines to Appear Before Lob by Investigating Committee Because of Prejudice. D Associated Trrts to Cool Day Times. WASHINGTON, Aug. 4. Former Representative James E. Watson to day declined to appear boforo tho Sonnto Lobby Committeo, saying it would bo useless, as tho Domocrats of tho Committeo havo prcdjuced tho case made out against him by Martin Mulhnll, Chairman Overman and Sen ator Reed declared there was noth ing in published interviews with thorn and Senator Walsh which could be taken as an indication they had pre judged tho case. Ml I HAT HAY, $20 PER TON AT HAINES1. Rebellion of Southern Prov inces Ended Today Loot er Now Bother. nr Associate. Tress to Coos Da? Times. HONG KONG. Aug. 4. Tho Southern Chlneso robolllon has boon practically suppressed and tho dec laration of Independenco or revolu tionary provinces abrogated. In Canton tho populace today is cele brating tho ending or tho uprising with the public rejoicing and ox plosion of flro-crackors. Tho fight ing continues along tho West Rlvor, whero tho rebels havo captured a gunboat. The chief problem of tho authorities Is the suppression of tho looters. THREE DAYS' PARLEY. Balkan Ariulstlco is Extended for Threo Days. Or Associated Press to Coos Bar Times, BUCHAREST, Aug. 4. A threo days' extension of tho armlstlco bo tween tho Balkan states was agreed to today. AVIIH.VT HAY, $20 PER TON AT HAINES'. Senator Meyers, of Montana, O . . TI 1. L days mat u is useless to Coddle It Longer. tBr Associated Press lo Coos liar Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 4. Senator Moyors, a Democrat of Mon tana, told tho Sennto today that tho West did not fear tho tariff bill. Tho wool-growing business, ho said, attor nearly a hundred years of protection, "nearly n century of coddling and nursing, Is a dying business. Not only does not hold Its own, but it Is positively on tho decline. Aro wo to longer stlmulato it at tho exponso of rifling tho poc kets of tho hard working masses In order to keep it up?" Will Build. It Is stated that Mrs. A. Hutcheson will orect n ono-story brick voneor block on Front street, whore tho old building formorly oc cupied by Bradflold's barber shop and tho Union saloon stands, tho work to begin nt onco. Sprains Ankle. Chas. Rohfold, who has been hunting deer at tho Geo. A. Gould ranch nbovo Alle gany, is bolng brought homo today on account of a sprained nnklo. Mr. Barker says that ho heard Charley got so near a deer that tho animal kicked him. 4 . V1 ,v. . .