I B'ffl !!v5.44Jfr?:uJJ!! xuH-Jtart zM&MsmumiiLM mms BROTHERS IE AFTER 31 MS ;. L. Clll'HCII SfltPKISKD nv VISIT OF HIS DltOTllI.U AF i TKIt A SEPARATION XEARIiV ' third OK CENTURY. Tho E. L. Church home on Isth- -jjius Inlet was the scene of nn un- UBiinl reunion this week when Mr. jind Mrs. Chnrlcs Whitney, or I'ori Jnncl, nrrlved there. Mr. Whitney nd Mr. Church nre half brothers ,nnu this wns their first meeting In lhlrty-ono years. They hnd not pcen each other since they left tho old homo In NubraBkn when .Mr. Church came West and Mr. Whlt- jiey went Kant to complete his edu cation. Tho brothers drifted apart and not having written they lost knowledge of their locations. A year .or two iiko Mr. Whitney came to tho Pacific Coast as traveling rep resentative of the Hess & Clarko fetock Food Company and slnco then Jias been BcnrchltiB for his brother. Learning of his location In tho Coos Bay ('aunty he runic to Marshfield. Jlr. Wl.ltnoy'H arrival was a com plete surprise and the brothers have upent a most enjoyablo week re counting their varied experiences filnce the parting nearly n third of A century ago. IMPROVE CONDITIONS OF AMERICAN FARMER this is pirpose of Tin: American- commission- which is .vow sTfivix Tin: siitatiox i.v ei-rope a fourth of J fii v cixereatiox. (Spc.-lal to The Times.) PARIS, August 1. On July 4th the American Commission took part In tho nnnual pilgrimage mnde by the American colony In Paris every 4h of July to the tomb of Lnfny ette, on which It placed a wreath, after addresses by the Director Gen eral, Dr. Clarence J. Owens, nnd Col. Ousley, of Texas. Several members of the Commls ed this lesson of ro-oporntlon. I hnvo spoken of the farmer as the sane con servative of tho nation. That Is true nnd will always be true In the broad- .... .- .. II... ...tin ,,w,n tlln tftllt. er hl'iiou ui iiiu in.,.. "i'" ... . . So today within our democracy wo have the rodlcal elements of the ur ban population lapldiy gaining in strength through organization while our conservative rural forces remain yoked to the hollow form of an niirlent Individualism, that Is not The Parisian New Store of Ladies' Children's Ready-to-Wear Garments PROFESSIONAL This now WH , . I Ulll'll'llk lllllHIUIIHMO.il, ....... .o ...... slon were afterwards entertained at ldvdun8nl ,f ,.ou measure by In- .. thi: oak meter. Old Ananias did his best, and lied with fluency and case; he lied along nnd took no rest till ho was wobbly Jn tho knees. Ho did his utmost, but nlns! his best was but a thing to mock; tho smnll machine that measures gas could heat tlo old man by n block. Munchausen lied with grnre nnd skill, ronsldrrlng his linndlrnps; he started out tho truth to kill, and mangled It a bit, pcr tiaps; hut ho Is dead nnd gone to graBS, his Tamo's n thing of mk nnd rents; tho small mnrliliic thnt mrasurcH gas has made li I tit look llko twenty rents. And all our human liars fade, and to tho wall tnclr faceH turn, contrasted with the trnp that's made to measltro gas tno peopio num. it linn no con ftclonro nnd no soul, It Iooh not fear a Judgment day, no hell or henven Is Its goal, ho recklessly It lies away. It lies when mortal liars sleep, worn out by lying In tho mart: It lies when human llnrs weep because they've no moro IIoh by honrt. All other llnrs tell the truth onco In a whllo Just for change; but such a weakness Is forsooth, outside, be yond tho meter's range. Tho human Jlnr somo times sighs hccniiso he's wenry of the game, but tirelessly the meter lies, exulting In Its deeds Of slinmo, Walt .Mason. f woman is hand leader. Miss Seller Is a young Swedish woman who Ih leading a baud In Philadelphia. Slio Is the daughter luncheon by Mr. Dop, Vice President of the International Institute of Agri culture In Home, and Mrs. Dop. Mr. David litibln, delegate of the United States to the International Institute of Agriculture, spoko and toasts were responded to byCongressmnn Moss, Col. Jordnn, of Georgia, and others. In the afternoon Director General Owens was presented by the Com mission with a very handsome sil ver token. In recognition of his emi nent services. In the evening the members of the Commission attended the 4th of July dinner given by tho American Cham ber of Commerro In Paris, nt which Dr. Owens made tho following address: "Mr. President, Fellow Amerlrnns: "We, the members of the Amerl; ran Commission on agricultural co operation come among you tonight ns the representatives of the threo great forces for democracy. You, gentlemen of the Chamber of Com merro, represent n second force, cap ital. The third Is labor. "Wo celebrate today tho winning of our national Independence. Hut it Ih not less n day of consecration of Americans to the great task of preserving that liberty which wns de clared to be our Inalienable right by our forefathers. The experiment of democracy has been carried far enough to establish those facts, that for the development of strength, self reliance, and resourcefiillncss within tho Individual tlicro Is no other form of government comparable to our own. Hut, secondly, that democracy demands not only a high stnndnrd of citizenship, but polso and balance among tno social forces or tho re public. "It Is with tho mnlntcnnucQ of this Imlnnro that this commission Is concerned nnd I hold that this day of celebration of tho foundation of our democracy Is n fitting occasion. to demand your attention to n prob tern unit nen ai mo roots or our nntlonnl life. Tho Imlnnro to ho mnlntalned within our republic Is pf Vladimir Soller. one of tun lead- between tho radical and tho consovn Ing bnndinnsters of Kurope, hut sho ,i..n i a..ni, , , ,. , Insists on not telling her own first l ' ' H,0n, ,0"lKl,t '" ,avor "f nnmo. She has only men In her ' BIU,U rnili,o,'vn'lvo, tho bnekbono Jinnd nnd Is a said to bo a splendid or the nntlon, tho American farmer. !!,,,'l..,,,,ri,L,"',,,.l., ''S"'"1' t.,,)on th0 "Tho movemont In which this ..wi ..., tiiiu nufn linn mm never iinii n loy, wiilrli slio would have loved as other little girls, but slio Has been playing before the public elllCO Slio WHS flvo Venr llf nun nn Jienrlng nt thnt time before tho kin Of Sweden. Tin: coffee oitstiox. Somebody nsked Herman Slolrken, the greatest roffeo expert In tho country, what kind or toffee was best, and IiIm reply was: "All kinds of coffee are good. If you will use enough of th.in." Perhaps (IiIh ,- juiiiun wr mo popularity of coffees from so many different lauds. o,.M. crnl Grant upo.l to say ho thought Mexico produced tho finest coffee In tho world. Experts nlwnyn have sung tho praises of Irrnzlltau corfee. ami tho ravorllo sign or tho restaurant people Is -HoHt Fien.h Cofr'' During the Cuban war many or mir nrmy orflrers were loud In praise or l.?u ,0 ,u'1'" cat- Perhaps as a re el It of tho popularity it thus obtain 1, our Imports or Porto lt, ,.ff,,(( Jinve been Increasing coiiHtantlv. The bean is small and ltH aroma very pronounced. Ainerlcims ro .i, greatest correo drinkers In the world mm with all these sources o V.'. w upon, for n llmltlesH supply, there Is no rear that their demand,, will not fllwnyB ho met, thinks Leslie's. notice! Tho water win bo shut orr In Mnrshnold from tho Cold Storago florth, from 9 to u o'clock Sunday morning on account or changes In tho plpo lino. C008 HAY WATER CO. Kfr HILL 3ai MILITARY ACADEMY A Stlctt Non.Sf (Uiitn Bonding and D.y School ht Bo;.. Milit.,, Diidplinej Small Cla.i; M Jetcheu, Laiclul lunmiiion ttcuin ,..,li. .1... 410 not attained el.ewhcie. 3nd for calalw PORTLAND, OREGON Coinnilsslon Is engaged seoka lidded strength ror our fanners. You will say t lint they aro strong. Thnt Is true, but there luivo come changes In the organization or rlvlllznllnn today which hnvo strengthened labor, but which our fannors hao not ndoptod. It Is the principal or co-operation. "Among capitalists It Is railed combination. Among Inborers union. ism. ! or the farmers wo speak of It as ro-oporntlon. It Is the same thing In principal the welding to gether of weaker units for tho cre ation or a stronger whole. You know that the wheelwright and the weaver have been eliminated rorevor by tho stronger force of romblned capital. You no longer think of the laboilng man iih nil Individual. I do not mean that the laboring man has lost his Individualism, l think that he has Increased It ns ho has bettered his economic situation. Hut houses the force of that Individualism Itlntlvo but which Is only a dlsorgan Irntlon. Obviously our democracy cannot mnlntnln thnt balance essen tial to Its existence If our rural forces continue In this state or dis organization ns opposed to the astounding organization of the forces of capital and Inbor. The strength which ottr fnrmcrs have Is largely n strength or the pnst. Wo have been always an agricultural nation nnd we hnvo today stilllclent strength within our rurnl population to bal ance tho nation. Hut no social rorce can stand still. It must progrcsB or, retrogress. And In comparison with the radical urban forceg the rurnl forces of America nre losing ground. It Is well upon this, Independence Day, to weigh this iiuestlon. Per haps a consideration of the history of pnst republics, of the Roman re public, that fell rrom the overweight or urban power nnd military glory will help us. Kiornal vigilance for tho preservation of our domocrncy Is demnnded of us and In this vigll nuco not the lenst attention should be given to the mnlnteunncc of thnt balance of social forces that will make our progress a sane and safe progress. "So you see, gentlemen, that the problem with which this Commission Is dcnllng Is a social one. In Its detnllH It seems only n study or dry forms; it seeks social nnd commer cial means to hotter tho farmer. It seeks first to better tho tlnnnclnl standing or our farmers. It seeks to Increase tho control or the producers over the marketing or their products. It seeks to strengthen tho position or tho farmers as buyors. All of these matters, however, aro but tho means to nn end. That end Is to wold tho farmers of our country Into n coalesced forced. The plan to strengthen them llnnnclally and com mercially Is bnBod upon co-operntlon, combination, conleslon, and their consolidation then must Increnso their power ns n social force within tho democracy. You cannot live without your nntlon, nnd your nntlon needs this Incrensod strength within its rurnl forces or It will need It sorely hoforo ninny years have pnss ed. Whothor or not you boo it now, this problem Is or direct and vital Importance) to you, to every Ameri can." Just opened In tho O'Connell building, Market avenue, will be our temporary quarters, as wo will nmvo in our ... i.. ii ., riintnilnr tilock about September 1st. AHB SHOWING A DIG VA1UKTY OF I.ADIKS' AND MISSUS' TAIUMIKI) SUITS, COATS, STKKI3T AND PARTY GOWNS, nt prices MSSS THAN COST TO MANUFACTUHU. All street nnd party gowns nre Individual In style, no two nllko, iiiudo especially Tor THE PARISIAN. Extra Special While They Last One lot Lndlcs WAISTS Ono lot Children's IMtFSSF.S. I.ndles' I,l.i:.V SUITS .jjil.irt, values up to ? -l.tio .ijs ,I5, values up to ? .85 .7."r, values up to $1-1.75 OlRFr.Tr i.. . . vv. KOF. IIAiiuv Pin. , .. ' ""i lint annuo, I.T7 jj "HrpLW" 'ony ' Sccnl Bin- Aiclil((.t(i vr nj Phono lOJI-fi Mai-,1,1 T M. WIlMliT. J coNTiiArroii AVn ITllHlllnlnn . " umiiimra llirillRlln.l - Pinna nnd specification i ir,"l If doBlrod. An lionci? JJI teed. Phono 124-11 Jb TOKL OSTIjIM)' 41b S. Sixth Btreiil !! Lenro orders tW.n.UX;i.J pKItli niLHvliTZuJJSgp I'lunlNL nn.l . . uetidonco-Studlo. 277 o. Ico9 Visit the store, ns we hnvo ninny other good bargains to show you; get our prices. .You nre welcome at nil times whether you purchase or not. The P. OVimiii'll lliilldiug. ansian .MAItSIIFIFXI), OltKC'O.Y. 'bono 18-L. ?' So. b,,iV ..,,. W" O. OIIANDLkii, Archlt, Itooiim aoi and : hi I and oa, Cok, ni I rrshflel,. OrcKo rn. w. mohuow . Dcntlm. 171 Grimes Uulldli,K, ... . I Theater. O.llcc V2?H YM. S. TU1IPKN. W AltClllTKOT Marshfield, Oregon. Jfesl Til F.IUJ'S SATISIWCTIO.V I.V KVKIIY shKJi: cut from tho loaf that comes from this bakery. You'll find tho Inst just as moist nnd toothsome ns tho Ilrst. Wo don't knov how long our bread will stay moist. For It Is so good thnt It never lasts long enough to get a chnnco to dry out. Try n loaf ns a test. Coos Bay Bakery Tho placo for goild goodies. Market Ave. Phono II 1-L Mark Twain was onco nsked, "Of nil your books, which best?" IIo promptly replied, ".My bank book." do you consider tho Tho mnn or woman, boy or girl, who earns some, spends less, nnd 1ms n savings pass book on this bank, Is on tho road to success. r, A. j. HiCNrntY's -f Modern Denial Vutt, Wvj aro onulnnnd in .i- .. a work on short notice at th, Li lowest nrlenn. i.'..i'.. V?l Lady nttondnnt. Coko Dldr n?l Ohnndlnr Hotel. Chone H?p WIJAICKSTIhhsiIIiMvn Corona Blend Cot a Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice IIob wutiAMCM, IILDO. ini miii-kvi Ave., Jlnn.liflrfj.J II1IIII- .HIl-,1, Tl'XXKI, XFAIIhY FIXISIIKI) buttress his organisation. u0 hna met your combination with hi union. Ism and God knows whnt would hnvo become of Mm if b0 imj not. '.Vow the farmers hnvo not learn- :t(ll) I'cet to Co Hefoie Daylight Cnn llj Seen, The Kugono Gunrd says: The Wlllnmetto Pacific tunnel nt Notl Is gradually nenrhiK completion. Tho boro Is now J 1 17 feet Into the moun tain nt the oust end mid .11 feet nt tho other. There Is yet .100 foot to bescoopod out by Twohy llros., tho riniiriiriurs nopo to complete tho Job In about 110 dn. Work on tho wost ond Is still dllll cult. Yesterday n slldo or U.000 square ynrds almost burled tho big shovel nnd shoved it back :'0 root. It wns necessary to dig nnd pull It out by liaiul, but tho tnsk wns accom plished and It Ih hard nt work ngnln. Tho contractors are now ruunlm? to three eight hour shlfte of mnn. nt FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP COOS BAY Just Received another shipment of the fan! Mysost and Primost Cheese Stauff Grocery Co Phone 102 tho west end, so mat work never ceases in tho lg bole. FBEE TO YOU MY SISTER Goodrum's, Garage home of tho CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars 317 Ceutiul Av. IMiuiiv iW.Uh Jwxlf'- Tlu k,nd vou avo AIiWAVS I'SKi). Phono 72. Pacific ,n linn irniiBier romnnny. J ta woman. J knovir woiuan'i toffertnci. ....Wi'atfyoff?, woman' tbU em te??yTOr'oto7.iI?"V. out thohulp of d"t0?. "m.T,?."? hoia w'l- Kiiltim. wu i know bett.r JV wolu,a knowlroS kiuiu. ti.'.i .... . .i.. ""tt-r limn buv ii.i,.tn, i 1 ..wiuu uunintr, Rti....... i. ..'.. " t cum roriiutonhn.i ., i.,..;r:'" " ? PLANA6AN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST IIA.NIC IX COOS COUXTY. Kstnbllsheil JH80. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $110,000 Interest paid on Time Deposits. Officers: J. W. J. 11. D. V. Ceo. l- Dennett, President. ,:.IJ,K'"'. Vice-President. llliams, Cashier. Winchester, Assistant Cnshler. $10 A PRONT FflO! Wlioro property nil nround It soiling for $LT to HO. TU nu exceptional bargain ve r offering In Wust Marihfltli f don't uso tho term "barI"I udvlsodly. Wu cannot afford t Wo can show you. InrtitK boforo this opportunity li P I. S. KAIT.MAX & Ca City Auto Service Oood Cars, Csroful Drlftnjj roasonnblo ehnreos. Our 2 "Will ko anywhore t MX 11 atnnd Illnnro cigar oiore. ' phono, 78. Night phone 1" TOM fiOODAI.K. PwpfWiJ charifB tr. ..., . i ... ...J . ".71'0,'UII nomen lmnl your I una Burn plicimtnl or ftllui i k, i.-i. .",,,,,, "'. 0' --- aU Olllf Rllliaa A Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. "IWItv SKSQSTATOK.V, Ma.,Kcr jti.UthHKIIXD OFI-'ICK, IMIOVP i I t COQWM.B CITY 0PF6H PHOXK io'J: Wnllc ono block and w cm J lar on each pnlr of men's uv shoes. Wo do first clan Mr pulrlng nt tho lowest pricei city. Youra for n square ae- Aug. Olson, Sin Soutli liroaoiw- Ncw and Second Hand Fun sola on tlio installment lJ nARRINGTOX, DOYhB finz 1ont fit. Phono O40-Ii ManWl tiiiikn..,,. .;ni,..;!.i?.,.l,""''i ii emu I" '""" wwv M', ift.tt... ...: li till coil tail fiflihin ti-w ;- J tvftn M aahHh A ik -jii wllTnollnuV ,rovltS " oSrU?2 0n,jr 8bon' MU w i ffffii "J" I'" ". l'VO II. -lid l.rn r, .kli; "1 " . ."U.1 "" r"y rurt-IllullstlTi TBiion." you m i d.Ll .;.' ; :.T' '.' ."".'. ' '"". ". n tho tluctor ...t :utruatfm la Tomii.. l li .uJ'V(V?"r. ,AUC""o, . trVi Blc knJlSS . """ui'ul'"iiittUliMtty1,riuUffoin inemtflvtM win. ...:.V ' KKJ'w L"'t. Ihu book Vrli.. Lvi.. MRS. M. SUMMERS TOU tollvllMOf rnnrnm. l...t,4.. t . ni iniiBjilrt'al y cum Ml wo mmi iilA " "uo fno" 'nd n 111 glndl vnn n,.u.. . z i 'j "-'vvuiriiiiJTUF ru t ....( .- y uo(SvojiU alTerBirln. A l.i ' .'"""""""yours.WSu I UOXH - - t Notro Dnmo, lnd.f u.s.a. ANDON BY THE SEA mb CITY OF THEJFUTURE COlVlHOAii ?S WS?." M"'K SOUTH OX LOAM, liKVlirf lIExfli " u-i, M IAX,CS' VlSli SAXDV Buy One-It Will Make You Money ILPonald MacKintosh UKAL ESTATE , INSURANCE. nnd Pictures &Frami Walker Studio Singer Sewms Ma Wo havo them tor rent or Machines "e.PB,,;o: si) HuppaoB ana !."- W. J. " tlf 80-X. 131 Park Ave. rhono ' Have That Roof Fu NOW See COltTIlM1 rnONS 3171.