The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, August 02, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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j ' .y-w-w.-1u ,fvT-;,'WiiJtri,
tiiiicarl fu-l&'flOTBft-i .miior ftwttfirTE
M. 0.MAI.ONKY Editor and l'ub.
OAN E. MALOXW hdltor
Official Paper of Coon County. .
i after a short stay on the Tiny. Mrs.
Jacobs' mother, Mrs. .1. i. rerrj,
will nccompany them to spend a few
months there to recuperate from her
recent illness.
.;. 4.
Hans Asnlund ami .Miss Uilnn As-
1, ,i,n,,i t,.f this week for I'ortlaiiil
1 irn tliov Will VISIT lor a wuiui
..... , 1. - r'nni a arrived' 011 the Inst llronkwatcr, uur-
Pl ah '"huVmp, a U &ise; firhlnK lh who won,
;reISS-?i.t5?n,,A.,on. .not -peeUng horn ,,,..11 thu next
'steamer arrived.
has heel, .Misses Nora
1'ower anil May
An iiitliii nnrtv consisting of Dr.
. ' ..".! r..- 1 t ir 1..11
and Airs. is. rc. airuw, n. .1. .in.-mn.-n
and Frank Denning expect to leave
this evening for Curry County 011
an outing, hunting and fishing trip.
Win. Schrooder and family w m.
Thoy will spend some time nt one
Work never hilled any man. Hut
worry has killed many a big tall
follow. Cut out worry and your
ship will coniu In. nil right.
1 . I.n I. nun IttUAtlf fill tllflt
in m nnvZlv" Then It III bclMcCullough and family and J. II.
will fit ai,yl)0(l. 1 lien 11 win ' ,, ... ,..,n ...1 i i..,. Mntwlnv fnr
hard to keep. That Is what is Un8lon,iorf8 beach where they v.ill
wrong with umbrellas, tliey lit nn-
When a homely woman meets an
other woman who Is homelier thnii
slio Is, sho lieglns to primp up and
uotico that tho sun Is shining.
.1, minims near Portland in
hopes of benefitting Mr. Asplund's
Miss I.oln Montgomery came down
fmni Daniels Creek yesterday to
spend Sunday with Miss Alpha r.Tnu-J
Mrs. .John Dnsh.icy, who has spent
the past month Waiting In Montreal
mid other cities returned thin week
by auto from Uoseburg. Mrs. Dnsh
ncy and the children left Friday for
Remote to join .Mr. uasnnoy mm en-
flllM I.
Kiiendliig bin vacation with relatives hoiiss win leave num.. up 1.
In San Diego writes Dan Kculllig. to resume tholr courses ut the ImiI
," the Woolen Mill Store, that hu Is. versity of California ill "(rhu1ny.
having a flnu ImII. He will return Air. mid Mrs. I'. M. Wilbur nro
nin'IMi'ii 11 101 I AI1C1 hi i v , OMicciru mum1 niun iimu ii,-ii.iu
t.l Sll'l I'M
mid to Coos Dry about August Ifi
11. Scott nti.l wife left tills week
visit ut the Marsh home licit
MIhh (Jortrudo"7mTlo. of Ashland,
rnr (heir new home at llnmlon, Mr. 1 forineiiv a teacher In the Mifrshlleld
Scott giving up his position with tilts ) Ht'IinutH. In 11 letter to .Mrs. Knnttlo
ma m-
, outing nt the ranch of Mr. and Mrs.
1 Clms. stauff In the Sand inns. Among
'those in th party were, Mr. and Mrs.
Ill l li.itln tiint r.litlilfnn HttaP4
! l.ctltln and Amy Pratt and Messrs.
Kveiiv. Hryant and Dates of Myrtle
-- 'Point, Misses Clarn and May Myren.
n j .i nn,i,lni i ,.' Ks'her mid Inez Johnson, and Klvlra
Goodroads Goocirum Leaves i..rizeen mi() Messrs. .ioei ostimd.
IMnyt WPPk ffir Detroit I Arthur Johnson and John Kltulad,
on Business.
Goodroads Oooilrum leaves next
Mondny on an extended tilp to Do- Judge J. S. Coke and family and
trolt to Investigate the automobile Herbert I.ockhnrt and family left to-
business and get a line on the ,9.4 ffJ.
models. In addition to getting the ton
very latest Information as to cars "
and equipment from the mnniifnc-1 Tho Houck. Samuels, Montgomery.
1...... i.n .,,ni i ,iinr.... mil, Saiuion and Haxter families and
Hirers, ho expects to enlarge and , Mrs FIlBn Tlrncr w c()M8tttltt.
licrfect his plans for n still further mrtJ. w)0 wm 8)em, Sulltln. nt
Improvement In his service depart- Charleston and the beach.
nient. '
In discussing the purpose of his
visit, Mr. Ooodriim said: "I pro- I IH.V.VKIt PART IKS.
poso to get right at the heart of NV. ,,, Mlk,. ,, wlfu ,,,
the nuto business by visiting tho tulnud Dr. and Mrs. AlrCorinnc
fnc.orles whoro they are made. He- mid Dr. mid .Mrs. K. Mlngiis at din-
sides visiting the places where they ,u,r Thursday oviMilng.
inako Fords and Cadillacs. I also M,.fl Wnn M ', onlert(l,0(l
will seo tho other factories and If Mrs. K, .Mlngiis. Mrs. J. T. MeCor-
thcro Is nny better car made I am " mid Mrs. M. C. Maloney Infor-
Rolng to know It mid I am also ro- lllnll" nt rnri1 ,,,n' nrtoriioon.
Ing to hnvo It. It will 8so rnnble io
to learn all the now Improvements , ; ;
and latest Ideas In tho auto business. ', CM II.
I am not going lo wait until those tttt. :
are sent west next sprli g and mini- , M'-8- llf'fcJ w" hostess
mor by tho factory representatives. ,tllt' I';?.Ht.Hiao ,SownK cllll '-'8-but
I an, going to see them and got Xin i tSmitoSi 'and
them and bring them buck to Coos following the pleasant afternoon, re
Hay as soon or soonur than thoy freslmieiitH were served. Mrs. Will-
will hnvo them in tho other Const ra,,, """'"""B "'V '"wtH. Those
-.,, presiit woro Mesdniuos J. C. Steck-
... ' . ..,, ,,,, ,. , , els. J. A. Swnnson. Wnlrnth, J.
sncctlS of , I ,, nVZ?,IRh ." M,,Cn'- rjl,l,ort- Thurston. II. Hrlnk-
.,mv mn,i l ,.' P,f, ' '' , ""J U''' W- VoMcr W- Stwklo. lloltOU.
proements in tho Fourth Kpoch of ,.' viiiovnrd It KIIrou M ii.
mitomobllo development as shown nKRn,, (liiior t
In tlin new 1 1 1 CnillllocH." WM" uiiiitn.
.hi. iiiiiiuiiiMi win go i'jIihi oy way
mi Inv n ten ilnvs oiltlii:,'. They will be
Joined Tuesday by tho J. 0. Hllden
brnnd and J. (?. Kinney families.
T. S. Harvey and family and Mrs.
Il.inii nn.t Afl-a nivrltl flf flrntltd P.18S I .. n.iii.iiln.r niwl filltlm, trill
,u..ii ...... ... -- --" - -- ju; 11 iiiiiiiiii mi" I.K.....O i....
and K. P. LeMleux and family will
leave Monday for the Sarchl ranch ir. ninl Mrs. P. X. Flung hnve
on the coast for a short outing. christened their littlo dmightur.
... Winifred Joyce Flngg. in honor of
Last Sundny. a crowd of Marshlleld ,ir, Flagg's mother,
mid Myrtle Point folks enjoyed a fine
Mrs. h. W. Traver win leave
Tuesday for a short islt in Port
laud mid other Northern points.
.j. .;. 4.
Mrs. Pearl Hodby left Thursday
for San Francisco to Join Jlr. Roil
by nrter a short visit with her par
ents, .Mr. and Mrs. Hlggs on Catch
ing Inlet.
C. A. Smith Company to engage In
business for himself In the rny-ny
Itirard, stutes that hIiu will hnvo
to postpone her visit 011 Coos Hay
until next season. She has been ut-
iiiinlliiir thu Hummer school ut Her- ...
. i;.- ".'.; ........ .1 .... t
(ii:y Keiuiail anil in iiio nrrtveii nero ueiey mm wem uuin uu-n- m oun
Air. unit tn.. . ..
oiignged as nil,.' . ..Ntli
era tfu, HHIllJ " iprf
" 11 I'Olllilii ... n" K
I'Mlth lia5i
of Mr. ami ,"a,m.
today for San (W. K
will enter the Cf,i
. ... A
Chas. Stauff mid family. Will Stauff. .irs. -. A. Tovn enteitnliied a
Mrs. Peter Jolinson mid Miss Ldna fn... fl.(111ia inronnMih- m ii.n- iiinn..
"e09- , 1'iidny nfternoon complimentary to
v . . .. . some out nf imvn vuliim.
Mrs. K. I.. c. Fnriin retiirnod to
her home in Portland this week af
ter n short visit with her parents.
Mr. mid .Mrs. D. I.. Rood.
Mrs. C. B. Nicholson left this
week for n visit with relatives mid
friends In Portland ami other
Northern points.
.Mrs. (1. A. Dennett, Mrs. It. K.
Hooth, Miss Madge Harry mid Miss
Mildred Wnlto are spending the
week end nt the Fred Dennett
ranch In the Sand Hills.
Mrs. Fred Baiiiiimn, Miss Ma
mie Mtihouey and Mnlr D11110
spent a tew days last- week nt Ten
Mile, returning Tuesday.
.uIph I. a ma Kruse. of North
Heii'l, who hns been visiting friends
in California, writes that she has
Just returned from a delightful out
ing in the Voseinlto Valley with 0
party of friends and will go from
Crockett to Oaklnnd to visit there
for a time before going to San Pedro
from where she will return to
North Hend.
Vornon Smith nod bride who were
expected hero this week, did nor
arrive and It Is now uncertain Just
when thoy will bo on the Hay, Mr.
Smith hnviiiK been delayed.
... ... .
Miss May Dennett, who Is now en
gaged as a nurse nt I.ane Hospital
111 hnn irancisco, writes relatives
WediieEilnv from Spokane and will
be temporarily located in the J. C.
Kendall home In West Mnrshllotd,
while Mr. mid Mrs. John Kendall en
Joy a vacation outing on Coos Rler.
J 4
W. 11. T.owry mid wife will ariivo
rere August II from llrooklyn. Midi.,
to visit at tho home of their sun, C.
H. I.o.ry. They have been vlolting
at th'J homo ol mother ton In Pa
louse. Washington. C. II. I.owry will
lake lis vacation from his duties at
the C. A. Smith Company's o'flcoj
while I hey me here and he and his
v.lfe niul parents will enjoy 11 camp
ing trip at one of the pleiisttre spots
of Coos County
of the Cnnndlan Pacific Rnllway and
expects to make a brief vacation
visit at Ilanf mid other lake resorts M, u?-v" u ",,,l "! Uttlo
mi tiw u.v Rn" will iavo 011 the Hreakwnter
"" wn' Tuesday for their home In Spoknne
that sho will spend the Christinas
"Can You Beat It?"
Commencing business July -1. 1910, our leo Cremn trado was
lfii, gallons. For the corresponding mouth Just ondod It amount
ed to :iiii! gallons.
omUi"'110 80rUM ll''r'1 ,CI"U"8 '" 0llr s,ore ,,,ir,,,B tIu ll,n,,,Il
Has Certainly Won Out
vacation with her parents, Mr. mid
mis. (i. .. iienuett mid other rela
tives, hhe will be nccoinpanled bv
a friend, Miss Hrnwu.
Mrs. Kendnll, of Handon, came
over tills week to welcome her son.
Huy. mid his bride on their arrival
from Spoknne.
Judgo mid Mrs. Cyrus Ifapiiy. who
have been visiting at tho home of
their daughter. Mrs. (i. W. Kaufman.
In West Marshlleld. will leave next
week for their homo nt Spoknne.
Mrs. V. Moffntt. 'onuerlj
Mls. Anne Pliiiinvnn who wnH oximi-t.
?! here tc spend unit of the summer
vltli her sister, Mrs. C. K. .McColliiiu,
nnd other relatives, writes tlir.t sho
will 111.0 to postpone hor trip. Sho
has gfiim on mi outing In California
wltli h-.iuii friends there which will
have 10 Milllco for tho Hummer.
" !
Mi T. R. Sheridan nnd her
elinrmluR dnughlora who wore ex
nectod to visit her relatives, mem
beiB of the Flmiogan family, will
nrobal.'y not bo alilo to come from
an Francisco this siimmor as hIiu
fad plaiiiicd, according to word re
(elvod here.
... ... ...
Miss M. F. Mullln. of San Finn
ctco, who Is spending tho summer
1 ere. plnus to extend her stny on thu
1 ny 11 couple of mouths longer.
j. .j j.
Mrs. J. L. Knoniz nmi i,ii,i....
"ho luu been snendliiL' tho siimmor
Mis! Mnry .McChcsney. of Poil
Imnl, who won many friends on the
Hay during her visit here last rail.
Is the guest of Mr and Mrs. C. It.
1 eck at their summer cottage. "The
Nook," on South Coos River.
Miss Shonkwller, of Port laud, who
has been the guest of Mr. nmi Mrs.
C K. McKnlght. left the lirst of
i.'ie week for her home.
... .j.
Dr. J. T. .McCormac and wife and
ron, Fred, who have heel, spending
the siimmor with relatives and friends
on the Hay, loft today for their home
in Berkeley. Fred will resume his
tudlcs In Herkelev next week.
.;. .;. ...
Mrs. W. F. .McKldowney nnd duui'.h-
ter are expected liome Monday from
a visit with relatives In Wisconsin.
Mr. MeKldowney went to Port land
to meet them.
Airs. Selma Thomas nnd clilldren.
Andrew nnd Ktlltli. mid Mrs. A. K.
(Hossop and sons returned this week
Mom Berkeley. Cal., where thoy have
iipent the summer.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Murr. who
hnve been readouts of North Bend
for tho past nine years, plan to leave
In a couple of weekH for New Jersey
via tho Canadian Pacific. Thoy will
"pond pome time visiting friends In
Portland and Sea Me rul then will
to direct lu tholr old home in Vine
land. Now Jersey. Tlwy have a
lunch there which they wish to Im
prove nnd dispone or. returning In
n few yenrs to the I hi v.
Miss Oladys Tower leH this week
Tor her home nt Kurckn after 11 few
weeks" visit with hoc irrmnlmiritniH.
Major and .Mrs. Morion Tower, of
It. F. Wllllnms nnd wife mid
daughters. Misses (Jrace and Frnuces.
mid Master (ieorge. left this week
ror Caliromla for a month's siav.
Allss FrnncoH will enter the Califor
nia I'ulveislty nt Herkelev.
Diego nnd will return to Ashland
the first or the week mid will (lien
nccompany her mother to Newport,
Oregon, to spend the balance of the
vacation. Sho Is now principal or
the Ashland schools.
II. S. Tower mid wife nnd daugh
ter, .Miss Nora, nnd Air. Tower's
mother, .who Is here from Lincoln.
iNehriiskn, for the Hiinuuer, returned
Thursday from the Alerehunt rutin 1 1
where they hnve enjoyed u month's
outing by the seasnore.
Mr nnd Mrs. Conway, who re
cently moved from here to Ash
land, hnve laken the F. M. Frled
herg home on Central avenue West
for the hulnnco of the summer. The
place was originally leased by W. S.
Chaniiler for one or his sons, but
as the latter nro spending the sum
mer on Coos River, Air. Chandler
gave It up.
Mrs. F. AI. Kiiedberg. who Is now
with Air. Kiiedberg ut Long Bench,
Cal., writes that Air. Frledberg's
health Is somewhat Improved.
Mrs. Carl W. Kvertsen mid Air.
mid Airs. J. 0. ICendull nnd sou,
Jack, left this week for John I).
Moss' ranch near "The Nook," Tor
a couplo or weeks' outing.
Allss Ruth Smith, daughter ofl
.. . .
mi. 1111(1 .Mrs Tnll.
Allnn.. urrlved Jr?." ,"
""'""'K. Mini . ,0 VJiS
at the homo iff,1
iii.iiunK u tour (,r t,7'H
"' J' V KCX oil nf t V-
ins iiniigi,.,.,. Mr,7iHi
1 "in iioitnutt. mi.. n,; frl
... ; "orHti
Miss Madge ItarrJTJ1
Inn Tlturailiiv ,.. . "?torM li
ty at the now nmmSS
Air. and .M- "" ilT '"ort
1 in....- - n
111 uooh River, woro v!!'
last uvuiiIuk In mi,... lM,
lo the- Sand mils Y u(l
'"olo.i Klook ofiiil
Mr, Wiggins d fV:,-..
11 sister of Mm ,,'.. 'm
era Ciiltrornla. are Z,
S. How homo, Airab
j roi.MOTK WOMliVs 1
...IVU W!"
...tvi h iiiiuTiiay cvenlnr I
homo of Airs a 11 ?5.l
Mardlncr will speak ioff
Venice. "U-
i.i-niiual.. f l(. ,,
that lie will ,',:u" 'fift
Mnirlloii I., Plccoln ' ,fk
m , . ,l""e. 1
Make nppolninietilg u A
lihone n. i.i I
Residence. '.':i7 Smith BmnJ
From Marshfield to Portland in 1 6 Hours
.Mrs. C. D. Pnrker mid hii''tr.
Mln Miu.v. nrrlvoi here Mils week
from Amherst. Nont Siotla. to pen.!
the summor nt tho home or her
children. Jack Parker unit .Mrs. .las.
R. all. of West .Marshlleld. Kn
route weni. they vlslied the prlncl
inl points of Interest but found
none moie nlluriug thin, Cooh Biiv.
I ( A
.Mrs. ('. J. AIIIIIk In m l.iiinr i
friends heie miuoiinceH Mint thov
nave recently moved Into their new
niinrtiuents nt 1 1 a it Mreenwlcl, Court.
S:m Krnnclsco. Air. MIIIIh and aomu
rrlonds Imv.iiK IiiiIIi n lieaiitlful
npnrtmont house, she expects to
leave soon for '"v j. rsev t visit
her daughter. ,M-t. i....v x shires
for n time nnd then Mrs. Slilres ami
littlo sou will return with her to
nun crauciBco.nir n short Btav.
Allss .Mildred Coko rotunied this
week vln Bmidou from n few nioutliH
visit ut tho homo of hor uncle R
J. Coko, In I.os Angolos.
(1. A. Brown camo over from his
uiinip iiiiuvu .Myrtle point to pond
n few dnys with friends on tho Bav.
v AilHH. IooIi,k ,) ,inrly r
North Bend youim folks nro enjov-
Bay moping nt Sunset
Miss Alnble Wilson, who hns been
spondu tho summor ut the I, ,n"
of her sister, Airs. K. (. (iraunls
Will loilVO next u-,.,,1, f.... J" ."'"'
where she will visit at tho homo of
icr uncle. President llolma i f
' ","?it, ''"'vorslty forn,in,fUw
If you wish your clothes made to order, iniule to fit mailm.
and made to satisfy, have your next suit mndo by the
avi: f.'tArt..Ti:i: tiik.m
1'iri:V Wll.l. iti.! Artiir' tvn ni.'f ii-i.iiit... ..
WAXTT "'""" WA "" V l
We have Just mxived n line or pattern weaves of tho uiti
boii'h styles. Come In nnd seo tlictu. '"'
Sute $1 6.00 to $35.00
Auto oniierxsliould sr. iiurNpeclnl nuto cloth for miI.woiiwJ
weeks boforo proceeding to Seattle
sa 8vem-;vm ,onoh """&
mid Airs
Ip OR the two-fold purpose of stiowlng visitors mnj. tlracnl
in other sections the biilllnney and beauty of lh rosci t:"l
of Coos Hay nnd to eneoiirngo nmi develop their culturj J
lesinoniH nt Home, wo have determined to offer as prlzei Itrtd
miiiio vnses ror tnu three best displays of insert or flonert rJ
to -iho Busy Corner" boforo t o'clock p. in.,
This contest Is not to bo bumpered by any hard and fu:
or regulations. It roipilreB no ontriuiCQ. ftwf It Is not tctb
our customers or patrons, hut Is open to uny wirson In Ccoifr
Arrnugo your flowers or roses Into, displays and bring theat
i.ocKiinri iz Parson's Drug Storo lieforo.' a, o'clock, SaturJif "
Hero tho tinine of each Indlvliliiul will' he entered in abooku!:
n number. Tho number only will Du. attached to tho d!ip!t
tho Judges will not know to whom tho flowers belong until lit
iiocision. All flowers will )u displayed In our window Si!
prizes nwnrdod Saturday evening. Tho prizes mo as folium
First prize, a ? 1 7. f.0 linnd-pahiled vase.
Second prize, u ? 10.00 hand painted vase.
Third prize, n ?r..C0 Atisttlan vnso.
Thoso three prizes may now bo neon In our window.
iirniB on your flowers.
s. c.
Small, who
at 5 A. M. on Steamer Rainbow and
Phone 298.
every morning there
Tickets on Sale at Busy Corner
mo nut'll rnn i Mm. I.. .1... ..
5hlrh .C O. Rogel, tf0
North Second street and will re
. no a iiuilio.
A J.
Jl:a!l?llL wm arrive
hi, ' i, , ' ""1 seatt 0. whero
A J.
. ci,ire'i- '; .JS": f . Ill
the DreilBo senttlo horo t,"0'1? ot'
tken the PommnS ,1?' 1ho hnve
Six White
Cups and Saucers
For 50c
of Oregon Cll-riZ a,ld threo s"3
SroBf0,norC,st?stear0A.Irlst'8c3 ft "le
Knight, in South mXA. T .
Sumner Hardware Co.
Home of Guaranteed Coods
86 Market Avenue Marshfield, Or
ti&u.t .